Smothered Hamburgers Recipe

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[Music] hi everybody everybody i'm back everybody genie young is back and i'm back with yet another amazing recipe i am so excited today because today at the young's house gina young is going to share with you all how easy it is to make smothered hamburgers this recipe right here it's amazing it's so easy to make it doesn't require a lot of ingredients and you know nicotine young style is going to be so tasty y'all never had my smother hamburgers before you better make you some here are the lovely ingredients you will need you're going to need some ground beef now the ground beef that i'll be using today is the 80 20. feel free to use ground turkey if you wanted to use ground chicken or ground lamb absolutely that's fine you're going to need a couple of veggies and right here we have two vidalia onions we have a beautiful green bell pepper and we're going to be using one large egg and right here we have just a tad bit of whole milk let's make our way back over this way you're going to need some flour for our gravy we're also going to be using some beef better than boy on seasoning you're going to need some beef broth and right here we have some marinade this is steak and chopped marinade you never had it before give it a try when i make smothered hamburgers here at the young's house we always like to have some rice on the side you're going to need a couple of spices so we can spice everything up here's what you'll need over this way you will be needing some salt some pepper garlic and onion powder we're going to use a little bit of sazon and some parsley flakes make sure your hands are impeccably clean let's get started with this really quick and simple yet so tasty recipe okay everyone before we get started i wanted to bring prince and polo in to say hello we have prince there that's waving his tail 120 miles an hour and polo right there on the left if they're good boys during this video and they listen uh when they're done they get a nice snack okay so one of the first things that i want to start off doing is cutting some of the veggies and get that done and out the way okay now you have an option when you are going to use your veggies whether you just use onions alone or if you're going to do onions and bell peppers like i am you have the option of cooking the bell pepper and onions with your hamburgers if you'd like but what i'm going to do is i want to do mine's in a separate pan eventually we'll transfer the sauteed uh bell peppers and onions into the same pan as the burger so they can let off some amazing flavor so let's chop down our bell peppers just like so i hope you all are having an amazing day today okay i don't think i'm gonna leave them like that i'm gonna go ahead and do a number like that okay just like that let me know in the comment section below if you've ever had smothered hamburger smothered hamburger is definitely a staple here at the young's house we love it and it's great for leftovers absolutely it is okay so now that we have our bell pepper chopped up i'm gonna get started on this onion when i come back i'll show you what to do next okay everyone so what i've done is i decided to go ahead and use a red bell pepper that i had in my refrigerator just so we could use it now any kind of bell peppers you wanted to use would be just fine and like i said if you just want to use onions you want to use onions and mushrooms that's delicious as well let me show you what i'm going to season this meat with listen when you're making hamburgers regular hamburgers smothered hamburgers meatloaf make sure you get some seasoning down into that burger you don't want to have a burger that's just plain with salt and pepper on it season don't be afraid i i know you're out there you're afraid to season and then you wonder why your food is flavorless it's because you need more seasoning garlic powder going in onion powder as well we're gonna put some parsley flakes just to make it nice and beautiful it doesn't give much of a flavor we're gonna put some salt in don't be afraid not too much we're also going to use some sazon sazon's going to give this amazing flavor and a gorgeous color not too much okay so now i know you all are wondering what is the milk for gina well the milk is to make this burger nice and tender i don't know about you all but when i have meatloaf i have a burger i have smothered burgers i want it to be nice and soft milk is gonna do the trick okay just like so and then we're going to incorporate that large egg it's going to help to tenderize it it's going to help to bind together our ingredients as well okay now i'm looking for my pepper and here it is there you are we're gonna put a nice amount of pepper on there just like so beautiful and then also that steak and chopped marinade it's beautiful use it on your steaks use it on your pork chops heck use it on your burger and your meatloaf put some flavor in there so now it'll probably take me forever to open this after i open it i'll be right back so now we're going to put our steak and chop marinade right on in okay you put as much as you like that's how much i'm gonna use that's all you need you don't need too much don't get don't get crazy with it now all right so now i put some gloves on because i'm gonna go in with my hands sometimes our god-giving tools which is our hands is better to just mix things up you know and kind of get in there and feel it but listen here whether you're making a burger you're making meatloaf listen here i'm gonna tell you guys a trick it's very important that you don't handle the meat too much handling the meat too much will cause your meat to get tough and we're not making any tough burgers in this house so i'm just about done mixing it when i come back i'm going to start to patty these up and i'll show you what to do next so now that we have everything nice and mixed up we have okay everyone sorry about that take two we were trying to figure out a lighting situation okay so this is what we have with our peppers and our onions and they're looking amazing we do want to get a little bit of golden brown color onto our onions we don't just want to sweat them but when it comes to the peppers we don't want to cook them too long because cooking them too long they'll become mushy and number two they will lose its vibrant color okay everyone so now let's get our patties made up all right i'm going in with my hands taken off my jewelry and i've washed my hands my hands are impeccably clean keep it in mind that i don't want to handle the burger too much handling the burger too much is going to create a burger that is going to be you know kind of dry and not as moist as it could be so now that we have our burger what i like to do is i'm going to put a dimple in the middle it will prevent your burger from getting this big there's nothing i i don't like a burger that you cook and it gets this big it just doesn't taste right to me so put a little dimple in the middle we're going to go ahead and set it in our pan just like so we're going to make up a couple of burgers i'm really interested to know if this is a recipe that you and your loved ones make at your home if not this is definitely a meal that's going to stretch you're going to be able to feed the kids and you know they're going to be able to go back for seconds and it's not going to cost a lot of money to make this recipe it's delicious everyone's going to love it i think that the sun is playing tricks with our lighting today so the sun is really bright today but when it goes behind the clouds we were getting dark and light and dark and light so we had to close a couple of the curtains bring some more lights in and hopefully everything will be just fine so let me show you these beautiful veggies that we have perfect consistency nice and vibrant that's what you're looking for i'm just going to set those aside and i also want to show you the rice i've stirred in some butter we're going to put some parsley on there just to make it nice and beautiful that's done so now right here in this pan i have four of the burgers we can only fit four so the other three are over on the other stove and they're cooking as well they will be incorporated in the pan after we make our gravy up so what we're going to do we're going to cook these burgers on a medium a medium to medium-high heat until they get nice beautiful and golden brown and i don't want you to freak out about the inside being done because once we get that golden brown consistency on the outside we're going to take the burgers out of the pan we're going to set them on this cookie sheet right here we're going to start on our gravy and then we'll take the burgers you know off of this pan we'll incorporate them into the gravy and they're just going to smother in that gravy for at least 40 minutes when i come back okay everyone so over here at the bigger stove let's go ahead oh yeah flip some of these bad boys over just like so look at that golden brown crust that's what we're looking for and then we'll take a peek in over at this other pan that i have beautiful now what you're going to notice is that my pan does not have a lot of oil in it well what i did was i took some of this oil out and i'm going to be using the oil that came from these burgers to make a nice beautiful gravy just like so okay our burgers are almost done they let off amazing oil so we can make this great gravy here's the oil that we pulled off of our pan right here and that's what we're going to use for our gravy it has a nice remnants in the bottom and all of that lovely it's called fond that was in the bottom of the pan i've scraped some of that up so it can be incorporated into our gravy so now when you're making a gravy you're going to do equal parts flour equal parts fat whether it's butter or oil it's really up to you why am i not measuring it well because i'm so used to just throwing it together i know exactly how much i'm gonna need okay so when you do this part you do not want for this mixture right here to look like plaster it never should okay you want it to get a little bit darker and you want this flower to cook for just about three minutes and what's going to happen is that raw flour taste will cook off and your gravy will taste much better okay so let me show you the consistency that you're going to be looking for this is it right here now we're going to let this cook for like i said three to four minutes possibly let that raw flavor cook out when i come back i'll show you what we'll do next gina young stout okay so let me show you the consistency and the color of our roux that we have here you see how it's turned a light golden brown color that's what you're wanting cook the flour off i can't stress it enough so this right here is a little tiny bit of the beef based better than bouillon flavoring it's going to really bump up the flavor of your gravy now listen here if for some reason you don't have it it's okay don't freak out if you have some soy sauce you can use it or even if you have a ramen noodle seasoning packet use it it's great for gravies okay so now that we've mixed that in here's what we have let's start to put our beef broth in now when you're putting your beef broth in you're using chicken broth vegetable broth or water you want to continue to stir stir stir and don't you stop okay just like this this is going to prevent any lumps that may occur but if you keep on stirring you'll have a nice smooth consistency that we all love i'm going to continue to do this when i come back i'll show you what we'll do next okay everyone so now what we're going to do let's go ahead and take our burgers and put them here rewind come on gina slow down a little bit first i want you all to see the consistency of our gravy we use the whole 32 ounce of the beef broth and then i used a cup and a half of water okay so i've tasted my gravy but i feel like it needs a little bit more seasoning so going in with some garlic powder we're going to put some black pepper just like so oh yeah and then a little bit of salt keeping in mind that you did use the beef bouillon flavoring all right here we go now let's darken it up a little bit if you want to this right here is kitchen bouquet okay kind of looks like soy sauce but what it is it's flavorless some people like to say gina it does have flavor it's flavorless but what it will do is it'll make your gravy nice and dark put you some in there okay now all depending on the amount that you put in that's going to depend on how dark you want it okay so as we mix it you'll see that you'll get a darker gravy i don't want my gravy to be extremely dark okay and i think i'm actually gonna put just a little another dash just like so and i'm happy with the color okay so now we're going to start to put these lovely burgers in oh yeah these burgers are going to be delicious you hear me we're going to let them simmer for just let's just say let them simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes after they simmer we're gonna then take our lovely onions and bell peppers or your onions and mushrooms or just mushrooms put them in there let them simmer for maybe 10 more minutes and your dish is done when i come back i'm going to say an amazing prayer you all are going to get that first bite okay everyone i want you all to take a look at our hamburgers that have been simmering in this amazing gravy look at that and i like to make a lot of gravy you know you don't have to make this much gravy but when i say i'm going to smother something listen we're going to cover it in gravy okay so now take those peppers and onions oh yeah dog garnet you better make some just put them right on top mix them in do whatever you like now we're going to let this sit and simmer and get those gorgeous flavors in there for another 15 minutes listen here if you all enjoyed this here video give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on that notification bell so you can be notified every time gina young uploads one of these awesome recipes tell your family and friends and everyone you know tell the whole world about gina young and what i'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis when i come back i'm going to say an amazing prayer you all are going to get that first bite heavenly father we want to thank you for a beautiful day today lord we thank you for your love time your mercy and your understanding please forgive us for our sins come into our hearts we make you our lord and savior send your angels down to surround us day and night your holy spirit to help us make good decisions give us peace over our minds in the name of jesus we pray that no weapons formed against us shall prosper we bind that devil away from us in the name of jesus devil you have no authority over this household in jesus name heavenly father we thank you for the roof over our head the food the love peace and the joy that you bring us every day amen take a look at it everybody smothered hamburgers gina young style make you some i'm not gonna take a bite guys but as soon as this cools down oh definitely i'm gonna go ham on this take a look yes make you some make you soon for your family and friends and as always god bless good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 56,189
Rating: 4.9380226 out of 5
Keywords: Smothered Hamburgers Recipe, How to make Smothered Hamburgers, Gina Young Smothered Hamburgers, Smothered Hamburger, Smothered Hamburgers, How to cook Smothered Hamburgers
Id: zR1VEcr_MII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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