SML Parody: Junior's Glowberry Prime!

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all right guys today we're going to be debating which prime flavor is the best and I think that orange is the best one what dude it's clearly lemon lime no it's not you're crazy actually both of you are crazy because blue raspberry is clearly the best flavor but no it's not what are you talking about you kidding me wait what about red or purple nah n get those out of here those suck yeah they suck but I think that orange is the best one no it's not better shut Cody no it's not you know what I got a good idea what is it how about we make power points to prove which one is the best flavor I mean sounds like a little bit of fun actually yeah I mean that definitely doesn't sound like scor all right everyone you got an hour We're to make a power point let's go 1 hour later all right guys so we're going to start with the blue Prime is best slideshow okay well you're already wrong but I'm going to let you cook I guess whatever all right blue raspberry is one of the healthiest berries and has strong fibers that make you nice and strong wait what I don't even think that's true wait do you those exist yeah they exist I thought they were just make belief you know what whatever okay blue raspberry has a great aftertaste the cold feeling of them stays minutes after enjoying them Cody what are you even talking about D yeah this is stupid all right and the last but not least blue is the best color blue is a bright color makes people super happy I mean look at my shirt I'm you ever honestly there's red berries there's blackberries but there's not okay there is blueberries but not those kind yeah exactly you know what I got an idea I'm going to do mine next all right let me get mine up all right guys and now I'm going to tell you why orange Prime is lit why am I already more conven than Cody slideshow what how he spelled orange wrong but no I didn't look at it wait that's fine Cody what are you talking about no there's an e at the end of it no there's not it's orange yes it's not orange e okay you shut up guys okay Junior just do it okay all right here is why okay he's cooking he's cooking cuz it is it's the best flavor and look it's so so awesome look at it that was stupid junior is that it yeah okay I'm going next let's go all right okay guys let's go W green Prime slaps okay this looks pretty good all right we'll do a Joseph his friend from school presentation all right let's let him cook all right let's hear this green Prime is green that's all you need to say really but that's the reason I use for the blue Prime but Cody there's more you got to wait there's more sure all right let's see but you really need another reion we do if you do we do okay it has the most calories yay fat people wow I I honestly don't even know what to say to this one you got to get nice and big like that you know what I I don't know what to say anymore we're just going to shut this okay okay all right guys well I think we can all be in agreement that blue is the best flavor no dude orange is the best one lemon no orange is the best one no I swear blue is the best one no I have the best presentation oh my God look it's the new why do you do that all the time bro on Cody breaking news okay the red rash that's on my shaft has finally cleared up in other news guys globber Prime is taking the World by stormm that's right Logan Paul and KSI has brought out a new flavor of prime that makes it glow in the dark after you drink it it is absolutely insane guys the only place you can get him is Target so if you want it you better go right now okay oh my God guys we need to get our hands on that glow bberry Prime I know right but wait hold on a second there's absolutely no way that that glowry Prime makes it glowin the dark I know that we're not stupid but it's another Prime flavor and we're trying to find out which one's the best flavor and it could probably be the tastiest one dude you're right might be the best flavor of all time yeah we got to give every Prime flavor a chance all right guys well let's just go get some glowry prime then okay let's go guys I'm so excited me too I can't wait to get some glueberry prime guys what is it look ahead ah no oh yeah I'm so excited for this Prime yeah that glowry waiting forever hey boys you want to let me cat cuz I got that pretty girl privilege uh no cuz I got that rich guy privilege looks fade the bag is forever what oh that's true bro a guys there's a line dude it doesn't matter guys we can just wait in the line right I mean I guess we could it is a new Prime it's going to be worth it exactly all right brosies let's go please never say that again yeah sure Cody come on guys let's go yeah whatever oh man we're waiting for Prime oh man I can't wait for the prime guys you're your turn now all right let's go all right everyone calm down the police is here because y'all are acting way too crazy over this Prime I get it I want the prime too but they ran out of prime and you guys are going too crazy so we are shutting down Target for the next 2 days while they get a ton more Prime okay everyone leave now what the heck wait wa come on don't shut down the store wait a second this doesn't make any sense why are you shutting down the entire store all cuz you ran out of prime because we don't want this to turn into Walmart where everyone rides it starts right in the store all right targets way better than Walmart all right everyone go home see you in two days a all right this is stupid come on where are we going to get glowry Prime now over here over here oh my God there's a stranger telling us to go into a weird Corner oh that's not suspicious at all let's go let's go hey you boys looking for some prime cuz as you could see I got you fam oh my God oh my God oh my God I just Jed myself you guys are weird relax relax children there's enough Prime for all of you you that is if you pay $16.90 per bottle what the hell that's a ridiculous price are you kidding me dude all I got a $19 Burger King gift card who wants it oh me me me I want the $19 Burger King gift card ow okay anyway you can have this one right here got that one take it n I'm going to take this one cuz it wasn't on the ground kids these days all right guys I got the Prime oh boy let's go let's go I would to drink it right now no no no yeah we can't drink it here Joseph people going to see oh you're right someone will snatch it up yeah let's go guys I can't believe it we got the glow Berry Prime I know this is going to taste so good dude I can't wait to see what it tastes like but guys this is not going to make us glow in the dark we know that dude we understand we're just trying to see if it tastes good yeah all right well we're just going to take one sip at a time and share it like good human beings J oh my God come on Junior we wanted some of that slurp the whole thing down it tasted amazing guys well I wish I could have had some Jun yeah well I mean I paid for the whole thing so it's kind of okay dude I we don't know what the best flavor yeah we want to know good it it was amazing like I said but you know what I want to see if I glow in the dark Junior you're not going to glow in the dark are you stupid no I I would just kind of want to see you know I I thought we were agreeing on this you're not going to glow in the dark you know what I just kind of want see though all right just give me a second this is not going to work yeah what the freak oh my God it's so dark see anything now guys this is insane wait what are you talking about yeah get in here fix your eyes on me oh what in the world what happened to you I'm glowing guys it worked I would have not believed it I can't believe it actually worked lighting everything up you're lighting us up look at this dude I mean look at his shes insane I'm I'm glowing everywhere I wonder if my penis is glowing I'd like to check that out you know what never mind okay we got to think of what we can do with this I don't know we can do so much with this awesomeness guys I actually got an idea yeah what is it doing the night cleaning doing the Night Cleaning wait what the hell why am I excited about this it's night time I should be going to bed right now not clean what the power go out no I can't even finish my work what is that oo oh my God what is hey Chef jior Junior flowing like that because Chef peee I died and now I'm a ghost to and for how you've treated me I will haunt you forever Bo oh my God that was so funny oh my God so that's so funny hilarious so what do you guys think about that that was hilarious bro 20 out of oh yeah exactly is there anyone else that we can prank ooh there's one another person oh Charlie oh Charlie oh Char what come on where's the lights I can't see Charlie in full 4K high definition come on what's a stupid noise can you shut the hell up boo a God help me I need my dy I need her now I want to die I'm so I want my mom my Tedy bear help help you're so disappointing 911 911 guys that was not nearly as fun as the chef peee one no it was not come on oh yeah we should probably get out of here before he actually calls my grandma oh oh yeah let's get out of here I don't want to see her oh my God guys being able to Glow is the coolest thing ever oh my know this isane oh my God Joseph we need to go back to Target tomorrow and get glow bberry primes of ourselves yeah we can all glow yeah exactly it's going to be so awesome guys we should totally all be glowing oh my God guys it's a news again sorry breaking news MK there's a lot of glowry prime scams going on around and these fake glowry primes have special ingredient called radiation in them that's what's making you glow inth darkar if you get a fake globber Prime and if you get a fake one you have radiation poisoning and you're going to die within the next few hours so if you got your glowry Prime from a shady place that's not directly from Target you going to die rip homie uh junior I think we got it from a really shady Place yeah I definitely dude but but there's no way I have radiation poisoning right you definitely have radiation poisoning and a lot of it considering you had that entire bottle I don't want to die guys I don't want to die going to die guys we can fix this we can fix this but how we just have to get that radiation out of his body how do we do that how to do that Cody H I got an idea we just have to flush it out of the system with a lot of water a lot of water not a toilet dude well if he drinks enough it'll flush out I mean that's true I can pee it all out how much water are we talking all right guys I got 24 water bottles here for you oh my God that's a lot of water do I really need this much water Cody Junior you going to drink every last sip of this water like your life depends on it it kind of does depend on it well then get to drinking oh okay later oh my God I don't feel good junor you need to go pee right now yeah before you flood the couch with your pit okay I'll go I'll go I hope this works Joseph me too here I go here I go here I go oh oh 20 minutes later oh oh my God that's the longest piss of my life okay guys I'm back all right Junior now you need to go cut the light out all right hurry up oh my God guys I think it got worse what how did it get worse guys I think that the PE circulated through my blood but that's not good Junior I don't know what to do I'm going to die going to die no no no there's got to be something else Joseph you got any ideas no wait dude have a great idea we could flush it out with food how are we going to do that just wait here okay I hope this works I hope so too Junior all right d here it is what is this Joseph well it's some Chipotle oh where'd you get this uh it's not important so anyway basically what's going to happen is you're going to eat the rice and the rice you're going to soak up all the bad radiation and then the chicken or that sh immediately dude it's going to be liquid dude okay Junior you better get to eating oh I know I better got down the dumpster by the way oh oh my God that tasted great but I have to poop really badly then go do it Junior okay oh my God he's going to up a storm I know all right here I [Music] go 5 minutes later oh my God that was the longest poop of my life without my phone at least yeah dude a couple little rice pieces left are you kidding me dude it's good anyway guys I'm back I just took the mass ofest I've ever done I destroyed the toilet and my butthole dude you're going to need a new one to do uh new toilet or new butthole yes all right I better go turn out the light all right guys it's just getting worse oh my God what are we going to do I don't know well Joseph yeah I think we should go plan his funeral all right see you dude goodbye Junior no please don't leave me please don't leave me oh my God what am I going to do wait there's the internet I can just Google it there's no way I'm the only one that's dealing with this considering there was a news broadcast about it all right let me go do that let me do that all right let's see let's see okay here it says I need to get the best prime flavor and drink it and then it'll go away okay let me get the boys back in here guys get back in here and I'm going to turn the light on too yeah Junior where is he Junior all right guys I'm here oh dude you made a mess doesn't matter okay I looked up what I need to do and I have to have the best prime flavor and then it'll work wait really yes really okay I'm starting with the orange one because it is the best one oh my God kidding me wasting your time all right let me drink it oh my God oh God that tasted amazing all right Junior we turn out the lights okay see I told you guys it would work Junior you are glowing to all hell right I think your dick is glowing oh no is it not the best flavor so that means it's got to be blue no it's it can't be blue dude I got the lemon lime right here just drink it up okay I guess I'll drink it take that [Applause] Cody did it work oh my no it didn't looks like it has to be blue then no all right Junior let me go get you blue turn the light back on okay all right Junior here's blue are you ready to drink it up I guess so all right Junior drink her up D it up dude come on dude that's like the 10th time I've seen Junior g g a prim B today yeah I'm getting tired of that but you know what turn out the light now good luck Junior all right guys how'd it go it didn't work either wait D that means none of our favorite flavors are the good one what no what did it me I don't want to live on this planet anymore oh no guys what what if it's either red or purple oh no dude die right now think I'm going to have to I think I'm going to have to try red oh my God red I heard it's gross just going to have to try it though let me turn the light back on and go get it guess it's better than dying guys I can't believe it's coming down to this I know drinking red Prime dude I don't know but it's life or death isn't it it I mean you got to risk it for the biscuit remember yeah risk it for the biscuit okay here it goes red Prime I can't watch oh oh my God I gave it the Gluck luck 9000 oh yeah I did but honestly red wasn't that bad wait seriously seriously yeah it was the second best flavor orange is the best shut up Junior I'm me Li anyway you know what I'm going to go turn out the light let's hope this works guys so too she oh oh my God guys I'm not glowing oh my God he's not glowing yeah Junior's not going to die yeah woo I'm going to go turn the light back on okay I can't believe it Junior you're cured I know I'm not going to die die a sh death yeah wait where did this grape one come from what the hell dude oh my God Legend has it grape is the worst Prime flavor wait seriously dude I just think that's common knowledge yeah it's pretty bad well you know tried it man I'm scared guess who's going to try it not me cuz I'm primed out I'm going to do it you're going to do it Cody are you serious I'm going to do it guys you're going to risk it dude I'm going to risk it he's going to risk for going to risk it for the biscuit oh my God I'm going to do it guys oh my God oh my God even his pukes purple dude that's wicked
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 590,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, SML Parody: Junior's Glowberry Prime!, junior's glowberry prime, glowberry prime, prime, logan paul prime, jeffy's prime
Id: 9n5FaVW9bdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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