SML Parody: Junior's Pimple Problem!

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okay the bloody yolk is already I got the ketchup I got the yolk I got the cranberries now just to put it in the pot oh yeah it's sizzling up this is gonna be so good okay I think it's ready let me go spatula okay okay all right now time to put it in there oh yeah what a perfect I love it donuts oh baby what do we have what the is this Chef PeePee sorry that's bloody pancakes but ew that's not a pancake it looks like throw up Chef PeePee why are there little chunks in it Chef PeePee it is throw up oh those are just the Cranberries those are cranberries yeah ew I'm not eating this Chef PeePee what I made it for you though well I am not eating it Chef peep he makes something different whatever I guess I'll starved then see you baby fine star so I just made this for no reason like I said a negative for no reason I know I can't wait to hear what food we're gonna be eating tonight it's gonna be so good all right guys I'm back well what type of food's on the menu today yeah Junior can you even call it food that's about a good start what well it looks like throw up he said it is bloody pancake or something it's something British oh that sounds pretty good but you do we throw up Joseph I mean if it comes down to it ew gross well I'm not eating anything that looks like throw up Junior what are we gonna do I don't know I mean we could order something wait with one money guys we don't have any money especially me oh you're right we're all broke oh well maybe my dad will order us something no way she's not gonna order us anything oh yeah would you rather eat Chef people's cooking I'd rather starve than eat Chef peep he's cooking exactly so it's worth a shot right okay whatever all right I'll be back guys that's not gonna work no rice never gonna work he's gonna come back with a black eye wait why is he coming back with the black guy no no no not black guy black eye like the Black Eyed Peas wait aren't all the Black Eyed Peas black though I give up oh oh come on come on oh my God what are you doing in here almost trying to get these batteries out of this remote oh okay anyway Dad we really need your help with something oh my God what is it okay so do you think that you can get us something no but okay listen Chef even made the worst Food of all time and we need some food so can we order something please no I don't think so please please please please please please please okay bye you can order a pizza really oh my God what type of pizza can we get literally any kind of pizza you want as long as you shut the hell up okay Dad I'll get whatever pizza I want I'll leave you alone all right bye Dad what's he so excited about it's not like there's a pizza that costs more than 15 bucks okay back to whacking it oh dude everyone out of the way everyone out of the way what's going on well my dad said that we can get any pizza that we want oh no way oh my God don't work against pineapple video and television extra sharks no we're not gonna do that I kind of want a pepperoni and cheese pizza I'm gonna go with that sorry Joseph but that's so boring there's nothing special about that well it's gonna be special because my dad said we can get the big daddy wait what she's not like so expensive yeah how do you agree to that well he said I can get any pizza I want as long as I leave the hell out of his room okay to order it right now all right 29 minutes 33 seconds later oh God I'm so hungry listen it's okay guys do you not understand the bright side what's the bright side Junior if we know they're 18 seconds then we get the pizza for free but Junior your dad's paying for it it doesn't matter if we get it for free well actually kind of does because it's like a 35 pizza and I don't want him to beat me when he sees that I mean that's true I would ever come on only five seconds of it it's free come on please I just want the pizza please let's go it's free it's free dude we don't even have a pizza oh that's a doorbell Seth well I guess he's getting the pizza oh my God oh my god daddy here Mike I am pizza delivery day okay that's cool pizza delivery these nuts [Laughter] you're not laughing no it's not a funny dude dude laugh or else I'm throwing this pizza on the ground yeah yeah [Applause] wait yeah there's so much pizza how are we gonna eat all this We're not gonna be able to do it oh I could probably do it single-handedly oh no you're not doing any shum I need some I need all of it no no I just want two or three slices honestly well I want like 15 of them I wish 16 of them no I want them all I want them a few moments later oh God I ate so much yeah Junior you ate 15 of the 21 slices oh is that how much I ate you barely shaped anything for us sorry guys I mean you can have the baby tables if you want no Junior We're not gonna be eating the baby tables I mean do you want these slices of pizza Junior you already took bites out of those I mean Joseph you'll eat them right I guess but I'm not even hungry anymore you know what you know what I want what do you want some sleep I guess they fell asleep and I I guess I'll have some pizza oh my god oh geez okay I feel a lot better now good morning guys good morning ow stupid ow oh God so how do you guys sleep I slept pretty good Junior what are you looking at Joseph yeah what are you looking at what what's up pepperoni fish wait what wait what are you talking about funny face well you can't be calling me that no not you this time Cody wait what's going on yeah what's happening Cody oh my god he has more pepperoni on his face than I do it really does what are you talking about guys Jenny you should look at him here yeah Junior what oh my God that's so funny God what do you mean nipples all over my face oh my God fish be looking like pepperoni mushrooms sausage bacon onion yeah we'll go with that Joseph what happened to me guys I don't know Junior but you look goofy as bro oh my God what a fool can you guys stop making fun of me no but it's so fun why would we do that God this stupid box needs to do this box oh my God it seems to stay ah but anyway connect the dots on his face I know we could line up on the constellations on his face bro what there's no condensation his face isn't wet oh my God all right let's go Daddy I love you ah you could scrub me Daddy I really need your help something really bad happened to me look at me I just woke up like this you don't know what happened I mean Jordan what did you eaten recently hmm well I did have a big daddy pizza with Joseph and Cody and with most of the Big Daddy Pizza uh I had 15 of the 21 slices you can't eat all that pizza not expect to get pizza face why not what's wrong with it it's got like the dairy and all the bad oil that's not good for your skin it freaks you up I thought that like with the meat and stuff it would be good for you oh my god at least you didn't like sleep in it you got him full I did what's your problem I fell asleep it was a food combo okay dude you're looking like a goddamn my target practice I'm gonna take out my BB gun and start shooting you oh then what do I do I don't know I don't deal with that because I have the perfect complexion I wish I was as handsome as you Chef people like handsome Squidward over here all right guys I'm back guys guys where'd you go oh is it no dear Pizza hey this is mean we went home we will see you at school tomorrow Joseph and Cody oh they ditched me am I really that much of a freak oh whatever I'll just go upstairs then oh the next day okay gotta hide behind the desk I don't think anyone will notice but the teacher's gonna make me get up so I might as well just stay up anyway all right well as long as nobody talks about it I think it'll be fine I doubting anyone will talk about it it's been a day who cares that's another day at school Joseph and I know Cody what are we gonna learn oh my God I would have never came to school like that yeah I would have dropped out if I looked like that dude I would have purposely got expelled exactly oh my God if I just show up dude oh God they're making fun of me well at least not everyone in this classroom will make fun of me all right cops today we are going to be talking about mistakes they are oopsies they are accidents that weren't supposed to happen and Junior's big mistake was going to school looking like that what the hell happened to you Junior Pizza fish Pizza I got it oh man now I'm here at the park I can just sit here and relax considering No One's Gonna be here to make fun of me Junior oh hey PJ what's up Junior is that oh my God why do you get so ugly I I didn't I I kind of had a little bit of an incident bro are you trying to win an ugly competition because I think you're winning no no I'm not I just I I'm having a little bit of trouble okay we got in trouble did you drink ugly juice uh no oh my God I better get away from me bro I don't want to start a grease fire if that greasy ass face why are people making fun of me here oh my God is that Junior over there dog okay it looks so ugly poor poor poor no no everyone get away from me please I'm just gonna go home oh my God everyone's just making fun of me this sucks oh what am I gonna do I can't show my face ever again because I'm gonna sit at home for the rest of my life watching TV yeah [Music] kid junior as the ugliest kid in town that's right we have a new ugliest kid in town if you see him out in public everyone point and make fun of them because he's a pizza face screw you TV I hate my life hey Junior what do you guys want well he wanted to come here and apologize to you we've been really mean and we should have helped you out yeah dude we're really sorry for calling you pass your face all right he's gonna say one last time whatever guys listen I've been trying to live my life and it sucked okay well there is a way to fix it now Junior what yeah we can fix your acne right now but what do you mean wait why didn't you tell me any of this because it was funny I've been dealing with this for the last 24 hours looking like a pepperoni pizza and you said nothing you kind of had to like had the fun yeah exactly that's not that long dude I've been having acne for the last three years oh yeah right pepperoni face you have no room to talk in here yeah dude you're literally like 12 hours right what am I supposed to do well we can get you a face mask what's a face mask well basically it's a messy you put on your face it clears your pores and boom acne gone well let's do it let's do it all right let me go get it real quick I hope this works Joseph 20 minutes later all right Junior there you go guys I can barely move my face well yeah it's getting hard on your face right now shut up dude okay what is this gonna do well it's gonna clear up your face Junior it's clearing your pores okay but how long do I need to wear this for 12 hours dude yeah you gotta wear for like 12 hours man what I don't want to wear this for 12 hours but you're gonna have to dinner Junior if you want to get rid of that pepperoni no no I don't want to wear this what's so funny it's just for like 10 minutes yeah oh okay but what if I need to do this because that's what the point of the Mask is I'm sucking clizzies on the mattress whoa all right I guess we're just waiting 10 minutes then okay later all right and there we go Junior what how do I look guys oh my god oh you're cleared up dude you look the handsome Squidward wait seriously yeah dude you're good oh my God he's not lying right Joseph no I can't see any pepperoni and a fish at all oh my God I have to check this yes oh my God I am clear thank you so much Cody I appreciate it no problem Junior happy to help oh my God now people won't make fun of me anymore I I don't know about that one Junior yeah dude I don't know if you're gonna brush off that that quick yeah your acting was really bad they're gonna make fun of you for the next couple days oh that's fine as long as it clears up just like the acne whatever is anyone gonna have the rest of this pizza you're not thinking to happen you're not gonna eat that right junior junior don't [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 109,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, SML Parody: Junior's Pimple Problem!, junior's pimple problem
Id: 00nyfqI9xBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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