Scoring A Touchdown With Christian McCaffrey In EVERY Madden!

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this is Christian mcaffrey the best running back in the entire NFL today and today we'll be scoring one impossible touchdown with CMC in every Madden that he's been in and we begin with rookie 81 overall Christian mcaffrey and now we spin the wheel of amazing touchdowns from mcaffer to score we have seven for seven Madden games and we're starting off with a 99 yard touchdown but I have two on the wheel receiving and rushing we got to score a receiving so we got the stopwatch ready mcaffrey is lined up all the way to the left and he's starting with a receiving touchdown for 99 yards and mcaffrey trying to make a grab he can't do it right now I see mcaffrey maybe getting pressed he's trying to beat his man cam though taken down and I feel like any 90 plus overall mcaffrey the receiving might be a little bit easier but since he's only an 81 as a rookie it might be tough for the 99 y receiving but we will see we're 35 seconds in Caffrey if he caught that he was gone the way the Ravens Defender was trying to make a play on that mcaffrey would have had the angle instead he dropped a wide open pass might have to switch the playoff I'm just trying to go one-on-one balls I feel like they're the best way for him to score in this game but may have to change it up he grabs this one which he does but again he can't stay on his feet after the grab I'm going to line him up a wide receiver at this position I'm going to hope the double post over the top he can maybe get it done he was open there but I couldn't get it to him with Cam Newton come on let that middle of the field be open let it be open go mcaffrey he's got it don't get caught Sho string tackle that middle of the Field's going to get open it's going to get open ah but we pass let it too far he CAU it oh what the heck was that oh my goodness he was running with the ball but like he didn't even catch it I thought we were going to have something insane there and this time he's well guarded so I'm not expecting anything and no he's flying pass his Defender cam no mcaffrey why'd you catch it like that but Terrell Suggs is guarding him for some reason and maccaffrey even jumping for the ball and not rat catching it still gets into the end zone in about 7 minutes 40 seconds and in year two Christian mcaffrey is an 87 overall in Madden 19 and let's see what kind of touchdown we're going to score with mcaffrey in Madden 19 another receiving touchdown this time a Hail Mary okay we got mcaffrey for the Hail Mary here and I'm putting him on the left by himself that way if there's one-on-one coverage maybe it's easier for maccaffrey to catch a hail Mar touchdown I am upset that was not in the end zone cuz he did come down with the football but it's not a touchdown so we can't count it this time he's one-onone again and mcaffrey just overthrown by Cam Newton putting him one-on-one is going to be huge he's actually getting open oneon-one on the hell Mar but he still has to go up and he doesn't make the grab there on Eli Apple I thought mcaffrey was going to have it he had a step but the ball got there a little bit too slow and now one-on one with apple and mcaffrey I think he caught it right yes he did Christian maccaffrey Hilary touchdown only 43 seconds and I'm just taking a quick look at this replay here to make sure he caught in honestly I don't know what they would call this he obviously has his hand on the ball both feet are down I think he has possession since it's in the end zone and right here you see the ball is inside the ground but that's just Madden for you he never actually loses possession of the ball once he caught it so I think even though it did touch the ground he had possess of it and it should be a touchdown and in Madden 20 McCaffrey is now in his prime years up to a 91 overall and for Madden 20 Christian mcaffrey we will be attempting to score a kick return touchdown all right this time it is returnable mcaffrey this could be not so challenging a m 20 with the stop and go if I can remember how to do it and with an X Factor ability of maccaffrey that was a terrible first attempt though so let's see what we got here on attempt number two can we return the kick oh my goodness Maher's kicking it out of the The End Zone every time I don't think mcaffry has jukebox in this game cuz the Jukes aren't coming out that fast here what if we can get to the left here maybe something why did he cut back inside not that I think we would have had it anyway but I thought we're going to have a better attempt than that it looked pretty promising if we got that corner we're going to get back toback chances here yes we are come on mcaffry show me something show me something show me something nothing see some good blocking by the team here let's see some good blocking I'm going left all the way we're going left all the way MAF threee go no Sho string tackle that was it our best attempt by far it was there one extra step and we're in the end zone right now in about 3 minutes I'm going to try the left again I mean it just worked but this time it is blown up a few moments later problem is there's never any good blocking on these kick returns like how am I in front of DJ Moore he's blocking for me maccaffrey if you somehow do this though if you somehow do this maccaffrey no I didn't think so but the blocking is horrible a few moments later get there let's get there let's get there CMC let's get there CMC let's get there let's get there let's get there oh my goodness the Jukes are going crazy but it's not enough eventually blocking is actually horrible on these kickoff returns there is nothing open good spin move though maccaffrey what a spin move it really came down to that that is what we needed to score this kickoff return touchdown down finally done in about 15 minutes in M 21 mcaffrey is up to a 98 overall and our next TouchDown for CMC is going to be a 99 yd rushing touchdown maccaffrey here we go Madden 21 I'm hoping he has juke box this year let's check out the X factors and the abilities does not have jukebox does have ankle breaker so maybe the Jukes are going to be a little bit better mcaffrey though looks like he's got a lot of speed in this game maccaffrey no way if I stopped juking so much maybe would have been In The End Zone but he seems like very agile and I know Madden 21 is not really a fast Madden but he felt really good on that run I hope I didn't just ruin my chances though at the 99 y by doing that mcaffrey though just getting around these guys and maccaffrey with the Juke but he can't beat all of this Washington football team defense I'm liking what I'm seeing right now the stretch run is the money play the stretch run is the money play mcaffrey keep going maccaffrey he is going to go mcaffrey CMC 55 seconds and in cmc's final year as a panther M 22 is a 96 overall we got to end it off in Carolina with a nice touchdown and it actually could be any touchdown that I want so I decided here in M22 we are going to mix and match McCaffrey's skill set we're going to let him do a full drive here and this might actually be it on the first play on All Pro difficulty I want to have mcaffrey catching the ball out of the back field as well as running it as well cuz obviously like we said the entire video he is a dual threat so we see it on display in an actual game on an actual drive and he's running it and he's catching so far mcaffry in the past game they'll One play 30 yards compared to one rush for four yards and now we get him a screen pass mcaffrey the Jukes are nice and M at 22 when he picks up a first down let's see now if we can punch it in with him on the ground I've not had a good rush so far with maccaffrey this time it could be good cuz it could be six no but it is 12 y s and we're going to give it to him again we're not going to get crazy give it to him on the ground one more time and he doesn't get it last attempt at running the ball here inside Zone and he's tackled from behind ma Cav cannot catch a break rushing the ball we're going to have him catch it for the touchdown I already know it's open CMC CN San Francisco and in M of 23 mcaffrey in San Francisco is a 96 overall and with only two more touchdowns on the wheel mcaffrey will now have to score a fake field goal touchdown so I got mcaffrey as the field goal holder here we're going to start the stop watch and we got a race to the end zone maccaffrey can he get it done first try no Sho string tackle that's like the third time in this video that's happened I'm liking what I saw from the first attempt is that's a sign of things to come we're going to be in good shape that time the defense though able to penetrate the offensive line or I should say like the field goal line I don't even know what you'd really call that it's not really an offensive line but this time time mcaffrey way easier than I thought that would be that is a 29 second touchdown and to finish this video in man 24 mcaffry is up to a 99 overall but the final touchdown is a passing touchdown for mcaffrey so we have to switch him to a quarterback well we got mcaffrey at quarterback the 49ers obviously have a lot of great weapons but it's going to be tough when the ball is coming in like that with no velocity on it mcaffrey has played some quarterback though in the NFC championship game against the Eagles a couple years ago he was forced into playing it 49ers have a lot of weapons can they carry maccaffrey to a touchdown and auk to the end zone and we hope that he can hit one of them no we need more zip on that football maccaffrey I know for a fact mcaffry can throw a football faster than that Debo's wide open nobody under threw him B Debo dropped it after he was hit that was it that was the touchdown come on mcaffrey get it to KD get it to KD KD break a tackle break a tackle George No George KD down to the five he broke one couldn't break the second I just realized I have pery in the back field not I'm going to throw to my running back anyway but forgot I switched their positions here I mean Debo's one-on-one come on Debo come on Debo stay on your feet get in there passing touchdown done for Christian mcaffrey that's going to do it for the video everyone if you enjoyed it do me a favor by hitting the like button and subscribing to the channel and make sure to go check out my other channels that are in the description down below and I'll talk to you all in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: The Sports Gauntlet
Views: 38,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -0fUjuC1LO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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