SML Parody: Jeffybrine!

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all right guys ready to play minecraft you mean ready to watch you play minecraft junior yeah do we want to just watch you play minecraft yeah i have to beat my hardcore level i don't care for it to beat your hardcore world junior yeah ah there we go almost done wait are you kidding me i've done this whole section of wall and none of it matches but you know it's kind of got like a nice little zen-like feel to it you know hey you are we quiet we're trying to play minecraft would you please shut up i'm trying to paint a wall over here uh jeffy let's just go back to play minecraft ah she's so boring i have an idea hey junior yeah did you know you could sleep in the nether yeah you can for real seriously yeah yeah give it a shot okay no huh we got you junior dude guys why did you do that that's what we get for now let's play multiplayer yeah but that was my hardcore level unfortunate well maybe we could play minecraft now okay let's play multiplayer all right i need to get these freaky kids out of here so i can watch the tv luckily i got the secret weapon come here come here yes it's just yeah check it out fart spray let's go let's go start spraying yeah yeah this can't get them out of here jeffy jeffy it wasn't me it was you wait oh my god oh it's really bad oh we need to go oh we got you out of here oh my god that was really questionable i'm so so gross i just want to play minecraft me too but we can't go back in there yeah i just smell like ass in there oh pure ash dude i just wanna play minecraft man yeah and how we're gonna do it what if we've been minecraft outside wait oh yeah no it's my minecraft sean alright guys first we gotta go to the shed why am i gonna know that shed junior yeah we're trying to play minecraft dude we need our tools we can't play minecraft without tools oh god damn joy yeah do you need some tools all right guys there's our tools no we don't need these tools what are you talking about dude this could actually help us mine and stuff yeah we need actual minecraft tools what the hell is that follow me guys okay then these are the tools that i'm talking about whoa dude is that a bow and arrow and is that a enchanted pickaxe oh no way i called dibs in a bow and arrow dip some pickaxe what am i gonna use uh you can use your fist jeffy yeah you can still mine that way yeah okay it's a bit slower okay then let's go wow guys look at this it's a forest biome yeah it's perfect all right let's go oh look guys looks like minecraft already oh it really does do it yeah yeah all right we need to build a base before we get started oh you're right joseph you go hunt for food i will jeffy you can dig a hole okay and me i'll get some wood all right power and diggers hole ow [Music] ow this may not be an axe but it's a pickaxe and i'll get the job done [Music] wow minecraft in real life is so much more efficient i feel bad for the first animal i see but just know i'm sorry i just gotta find food for us okay [Music] oh my gosh it's a sheep oh i'm sorry little sheepy but we really need that mud and we're starving all right and i can make a bed out of the wall all right here i go [Music] that was a wolf and he's hostile now oh heck yeah an infinite water source i'm gonna fill this baby up ap now we're gonna have water to face well guys our base looks pretty good yeah dude i just sure looks pretty good jeffy what did you do in the middle here yeah jeffy well i got her some water oh okay it's pretty good yeah and i dug a hole pretty cool huh you dug a hole yeah okay uh well we're gonna need a roof oh yeah we need a roof bad we can't have zombies walk in here i know i got some cobblestone for a roof come on jeffy that guy oh crap dude night's coming quick i know i hope he gets back soon i mean too oh my god dude it's a fox wow oh my god dude it's a real [ __ ] joseph do shut up you're gonna scare the [ __ ] away uh i hate to bring this to you but i'll use a real fox yeah they just do it what makes you sit that it's a plush to borrow the plus just be sitting out here in the wild somebody left it dude who relieved it it's so cute it's a real fox okay you're just jealous that i found him first it's not moving dude oh i know why it's a 10 fox oh he's such a good boy who would have tamed it i'm gonna name it foxy all right let's take him back to the base all right hey guess what junior i just found out that foxy is actually a lady so her new name is [ __ ] selena joseph how'd you find that out uh nothing dude nothing hope jeffy gets back soon oh you're right dude we'll get dark out we're gonna be absolutely screwed if he doesn't come back soon you know what i have faith in jeffy you do back in no time you're right 8 01 pm jeffy never came back oh my god dude what are we gonna do i don't know i hope he's okay screw jeffy dude the monsters are gonna be spawning and he's shaking it's all his fault do you still have your crossbow i don't do not even know where it is anymore i think i lost my pickaxe oh no way dude this is so scary do you see that what is that is that two eyes is dead jeffy is that herobrine is that jeffy brian oh my god she's back there [Music] [Applause] no it's just a plush come on okay joseph i think we'll be safe here really hope so dude i think this place is safer dude would you make this place any shifter than the last one [Music] oh hey guys you guys got a a needle i have cardinal cigarettes what oh hey man you got a needle oh fish nipples we need to get the hell out of here joseph yes yeah these woods dude let's go come on joseph we're out of the woods now let's go home hey let's go let's go okay joseph we're safe now i'm out of here dude what seriously but we're safe now mario mario what the hell is it ugh first it still smells like ass in here oh thanks i know that what do you want jeffy he we were in the woods playing minecraft and he would have to go any more cobblestone what the hell are you saying and when he came back his eyes were all white he was possessed jeffy's possessed yes okay he's super scary well it can't be that scary let's go hide down the steps let's go okay oh crap it looks like we're cornered oh no looks like you're right are we gonna die here this can't be how we die i always thought i'm gonna die by choking like glizzy pause oh wait wait what why are we dead yet wait what the hell is he doing is he writing something can't talk mouth glutes shut my food shut this should be a good thing but why is he so scary it is so scary jeffy is your mouth really glued [ __ ] i'm calling it doctor right now let's go come on thank god the doctor's here uh yep dr zinn why did you have me come down here today mario i had a long day of painting you had a long day of painting uh you kind of painted my wall like two different colors and you didn't even finish well i thought it would give off like a real nice zen like vibe with the two different colors but it it smells like the sulphur mines of bulgaria down here you really gotta smell this you okay i know i i know i know the problem right now is jeffy okay holy [ __ ] his eyes are whiter than my sister's ass but his mouth is glued too but you have a sister look yeah but i don't like to talk about that you know vietnam she was a nurse let's just say she came in and didn't come out oh okay well uh yeah i mean his mouth is glued shut so can you fix that yeah i can try a few of my old tricks okay jeffy can you do three curl ups for me buddy let me do it jeffy please do three curl ups why are you having them do this i didn't want to do it but i'm gonna have to do it the hard way mario okay i'm gonna have to hit him with the one two tap the one two tap the one two times the one two tap oh god okay i guess go for it get out of the way okay wow it's not gonna be easy and it's gonna hurt a lot jeffy just i want you to picture a meadow picture a green meadow with a brown picket fence and i want you to start counting sheep jumping over that fence okay yeah get right in there and just i guess the only problem now is his eyes yeah he's got brian brian well you know herobrine yeah from white you know minecraft the hit game purchased in 2016 from microsoft studios yeah minecraft minecraft yeah like mine crap okay forget it jeffy how did this happen to you anyway oh i remember want something like this so we gonna do this or what what are you so nervous about there's nobody around here i don't know it's just you know it's my first kiss all right it's your first kiss oh my god well this is my 201st kiss all right okay we're gonna do this or not we're gonna do it you ready yeah yeah i'm ready uh well kinda i i think i need 30 seconds you know just you hold on hell yeah i'm so deep in this cave time to get some cobblestone and turn some pickaxes [ __ ] your epic boy all right what the hell did you just get hit with a rock oh my what the hell jeffy why did you just throw that rock whoops you just killed my girlfriend and we're about to kiss well i mean too you're gonna pay for this one i don't have any money bowling film this is why i always keep the thing a gorilla glue in my back pocket for situations like this now open wide open wide do it [Music] oh yeah yeah get it in there yeah yeah now your mouth is glued shut you idiot you know what i'm still not finished with you yeah i'm gonna keep going you know what i'm gonna push you with each eye as long as i physically feel like it alright here i go so that's pretty much how it went wow crazy story hey where's junior actually uh junior decided to hit the hay early tonight your story kind of put him to sleep oh well so that's how jeffy got his eyes like that he just got punched in the face a bunch of times it wasn't the stupid herobrine you're talking about well no he still could very well have the brian but okay just forget the brian how do you fix his eyes can you fix them you know i really don't know for real can you fix them yeah actually i i have no idea get it can you stop now please stop with the puns look bad puns are how i roll [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 746,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2021, sml parody jeffybrine, jeffybrine, minecraft, herobrine, minecraft herobrine
Id: T5lucm4AlkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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