I Opened a 7-11 in Minecraft

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I'm opening a 7-Eleven in Minecraft from selling food managing my car wash and sabotaging my competition will I be able to grow so big that the other convenience stores go out of business well Guido here we are the site of my very first Steven 11 are you really calling it Steven 11 for copyright reasons yes Guido now I want this store to be the most popular convenience store on this entire street but we've got a lot of competition so first and foremost we need to buy this plot of land which is going to be 10 emeralds that's more than half of our money but we won't be making any money unless we do this so let's go ahead with the purchase and I hereby declare the multibus is first Steven 11 open let's go see what we've got oh oh that that's suddenly something man this place smells bad yeah you know a place smells bad when you can smell it Guido someone that doesn't even have a nose what's even the source of that stench oh it's all this rotten food what even is this stuff we've got a oh wait what is that dog food we can't sell that to customers I mean technically we could quo seriously this is so disgusting wait do you see that on my head the official Steven 11 cap I've got a duty to repair this place and make it just right for our customers we can't give up yeah plus we've only got five emeralds so we better get selling stuff now just to make this place a little bit more homely we'll buy some torches for one Emerald we can't really afford Windows just yet so we'll get some iron bars I guess we'll grab ourselves some shelves and no store is complete without a cash register all right now I can get decorating and I guess I'll start selling food to the customers well it's not perfect but this place is definitely getting better uh wait why am I getting emeralds who's selling stuff there'll be four emeralds oh no no no Guido what are you doing the food is still moldy oh my gosh a come on what's the problem he seems to be enjoying it gu I know you want to make money but we shouldn't wait why is there a queue there oh they're just waiting for the bathroom obviously okay well it looks like everyone seems to be wa hey no what's wrong you got to tell me if something is wrong in there did someone forget to flush the toilet or something or oh dude what the heck is that a hobo yeah and he's just living in our bathroom oh just when I got rid of the stink I guess we've got to spend more emeralds to get rid of this guy actually Guido I've got another idea he's clearly comfortable with Steven 11 as his home and we do need sta so here you are going to be my first staff member Steve but you are going to have to clean yourself up Ah that's bad H you know what feel free to train this guy but I'm just going to go clean up oh come on Guido don't be like that but Guido is right if I do want you to work here you are going to have to be trained wait I've got an idea follow me excuse me thank you now the first place I want to take you is to the food and drink store just across the road oh and uh watch out for the cars we don't really have good traffic in this city apparently be careful so first we need to hey hey don't go in there don't go in there we can't just walk inside that's one of our competitors the first part of our training just involves watching the competitors just sit back and watch notice how the staff deal with the customers such friendliness such politeness such Grace oh they're so kind one day our Steven 11 will be just like that that's it absorb all that knowledge wa heck yeah dude check you out you're ready to serve the customers of the Minecraft Dimension now that your training's complete go back to the store I've got some business to tend to didn't want to say this in front of my very first staff member but I need a few more supplies to clean up my Steven 11 and right at the back of this store it's a Janitor's Closet there's got to be supplies in there okay well I guess I'll just walk straight in just an average customer come to buy some supplies where's the hey hey what the heck the customer always comes first what is this oh wait it's my Steven 11 head they know I'm the competition so I'm guessing you're just not going to let me inside H what if I just oh yeah no they're definitely definitely not going to allow that without those cleaning supplies my store will never be on this level a there's got to be another way in oh okay it looks like we got some stuff over here we've got like an air vent although it looks a little too small for me to get inside there's also a ladder but that only looks like it goes to the roof h if I can't sneak in and get past the staff then I just have to get the staff out of there then I can just walk inside all right so this is what I'm going to do I'm going to check this dumpster here hopefully there'll be some decent stuff inside side fish bones wait yeah know this is perfect because as you can see this attracts a lot of attention from the local feral cats oh and that guy apparently just like no one wanted to come in my store when it was stinky no one is going to want to stay in this one when the stinky cats are inside sounds like it worked oh look at him run not so tough now eh I guess it's not service with a smile anymore now where are those cleaning supplies again the Janet closet was just back this way ah Bingo let's see what we've got going on here because my current store definitely could use an improvement okay we got soap bars nice wet floor signs oh wow there's actually a lot of stuff here towels sponges buckets mops okay yeah give me giveme giveme and now let's see what we've got underneath this disgusting floor hey check it out sparkling clean hey check that power Steven 11 is now po I mean I mean I guess it was better than what it was before but the reason why it sucks so much is because of all this rotten food no one wants to eat this but we'll worry about that in a second because I've got some upgrades to make it looks like weo made a few more emeralds while I was away so now I can afford an actual door which is very important for security a few paintings just to liven the aesthetic up a little more and we can finally change those counters ew oh check it out guys we've got actual customers now look at them just walking around a LLY not buying anything I really need to upgrade my food and drink hey what did the Multiverse was that that better not be oh you stupid kids what is this oh yeah you better get out of here a don't be mad Ste they're probably just bored and hungry you're right Guido the sooner I get my food situation upgraded the sooner people will start treating my store with respect look let's just go over to the food and drinks area and I guess I'll upgrade my food make it a lot nicer for the kids and oh actually on second thought Guido maybe maybe we shouldn't be here Steve what did you do I I'll explain later but right now we cannot go in that building that was a close one you know Steve there is another way we could get some more food and drink the black market the black market hey hey hey keep your voice down it may be the only way to great our start to the next level but it's dangerous Guido I'm the bravest Adventurer in the Multiverse I can totally do this then follow me W hold on pass the police car dude are you crazy Guido this is really risky dude come on we can't be far right quit you're whining I thought you were Brave come on it's down this way Steve welcome to the black mark yeah oh uh seems like a nice place Guido yep I brought last year's Christmas gifts from here oh uh delightful listen we're just going to grab the food and get out okay he hey I didn't I didn't mean anything by it I'm sorry sir don't mess with anyone and they won't mess with you okay no T oh where the heck is this food you were talking about Guido Hey kid want to buy some bread oh I don't like the look of this guy Guido uh we're okay thank you sir we'll just be on our way oh come on you clearly need it else why would you be down here um uh well you really have bread uh looks like Mr hobo is still making money up in the Steven 11 so we're probably good for it that'll be 20 Emeral oh oh hold on uh hey have I got something in my stair nah n n scratch that I'll take that robot what uh thank you but no thank you sir my Guido is not for sale guess you're not getting that bread then your poor Steven 11 customers will starve oh guo he's right what are we going to do there's only one thing that can be done Steve go get that bread wait guo no please I got the bread but now Guido is gone forever now come along you little punk I'm I'm going to hook you up to my speaker system oh there's got to be something I can do uh wait that outfit it's exactly the same as his clearly the cops don't know about this black market and the people in it so if I can use this outfit to get their attention I can get Guido back oh hey it's me the illegal bread vendor come chase me okay just got to get back inside the black market and now we just wait for the raid to [Music] begin You'll Never Take Me Alive coers hey is that gunshu that's got to be Guido hey this way come on let's get out of here what the heck is going on I got the bread and I got you and that's all that matters oh man where am I going to get Christmas presents from now oh looks like we just got here in the nick of time should we call an ambulance uh no I don't think we should what the heck happened here hobo you know what it's fine we've got some fresh new supplies right here and just as you predicted Guido more food equals more happiness for our customers that's right come on in see what we've got we got bread we got bread we've got bread uh yeah this is going to get pretty old pretty fast we just can't compete with what they've got going on over there if only we could see their menu wait if only we could see their menu Guido telescope mode now let's see what we can see oh what the heck they've got Burgers they've got pancakes they've got eggs where are they getting all this stuff from hold on Steve that letter from earlier oh you're right we didn't explore up there that's where the ingredients are from dude you've got to be kidding me they've got fresh produce up here animals they're tramped in this little pen and then brought across this conveyor belt into that oven ah this is so unfair how am I supposed to compete with this unless let me see how much money I've got holy moly the hobo has been putting in work okay then we can definitely scroll down here and find conveyor belt now I can rroo their conveyor belt and bring it back over to Steven 11 Steve you genius oh just you wait quido this plan isn't over just yet you see the conveyor belt is going to take them all the way into my meat processing facility the bathroom the bathroom and I've still got all of that rotten gross food from earlier so we're going to send it back to them I get the good food and they get the horrible food which means man Guido business is booming now not only are we a average store I'm not sure that's a compliment but things have really come a long way since the beginning we've got much nicer food on our shelves uh sorry uh is that your like kid in that burger or something but the STA are super happy and our profits are going through the roof just look how many emeralds we've got and of course that means I can buy more stuff like how about a vending machine how about two what else have we got we've got a oh a gumball machine this ceiling is still a little boring so let's go ahead and upgrade that as well and how about a oh dude dude what the heck was that sounds like it came from outside oh I know what it is it's these disgusting cars that keep coming up to fuel up at my fueling station oh just look at the Flies coming off that thing and the leaving mud everywhere why don't any night cars come visit us well guidos because they're on the other side of town they'd rather fuel up at the car wash I guess I don't blame them you can get your desk and get your car cleaned that's right dude and look this fueling station is barely making us any money anyway if only we had a car wash of our wait guo that's it we'll just set up our own car wash our competitors across the road went out of business a little while ago since they started serving rotten food it's going to cost me a lot of money but we're going to convert that building into our car wash that's where my car wash is going to be but before I head over there I want to check out the competition what's so great about this place anyway yeah this isn't that good well well well boys what we get here oh uh hey nice to meet you I was just scoping out your car wash here just to see what I have to improve on with my own car wash we've been in this business for a long time and no way your car wash is going to be better than us oh you seem to be a little worried about competition tell I done a little C your car wash versus ours if yours is better I have all my work and that lady can you TR up please okay sounds good and if your car wash is better than mine I will retire from the convenience stop business forever let's do this five looks like the lady is already on the way to the first car wash you even have a car wash technically no that's why we've got to go ahead and build one one this seems like a pretty good spot for it and check it out Guido they've got an offer on the mega jumbo variety pack of blocks just because something's un offered doesn't mean we should buy it yeah but it also means we're not going to run out of blocks anytime soon and with this we'll make the perfect Car Wash hopefully before she's done with theirs wow now we have one key advantage over those losers at the other car wash we know how to have fun so while what I'm building right now may look pretty boring trust me Guido it's going to be awesome but it could be a little more H this isn't going to be any ordinary Car Wash yes you can come here to wash your car but the actual building itself is styled after a theme park slide wait you're going to slide the cars down the car wash that's right buddy told you it was going to be fun a think and last but certainly not least the foam rollers it's ready eight out of 10 what eight that's it work harder next time we're not all better here she comes Steve I heard she gave the other car wash an 8 out of 10 well that's going to be really hard to beat let's hope she prefers Steven 11's super slide car wash oh here she comes Guido let's see what she thought wa my gosh so uh hey what did you think of the car wash experience that was 10 out of 10 thanks for washing town I'm going to tell all my super rich friends about this place wait seriously Guido we did [Music] it oh and check it out Guido my new Workforce has arrived bet that guy is regretting making that deal now and now we're getting all the high paying customers check it out look at our balance now we can finally our fueling station now the fueling station is busier than ever and so is the shop floor that means we're due for another upgrade absolutely nothing can go wrong now disclaimer everything went wrong now my cooks are not preparing the right orders for customers and my cashier is sometimes don't give the customers the right amount of change the fuel attendants put the wrong type of guess in the cars yeah and the car wash employees sometimes may damage the cars a little my convenience store isn't very convenient I already told you we don't have an ATM H steeve I can use a little help oh now what is it Guido oh jeez I forgot to put the wheelchair ramp in oh it's all going horribly I dread to think what the reviews for Steven 11 are like but I am kind of curious so let's take a look a three out of five inconvenience inaccessible oh my gosh I can't believe what I'm reading but surely the other stores are just as bad wait what is this the happy convenience store they must have just opened oh and they've got five star reviews all across the board what are they doing that I'm not oh what am I going to do about this hey what do you want hey did you just did you just quit on the job get back here you can't do this oh Guido it's a disaster listen let's just go to the Happy convenience store and check out what they're doing come on follow me right behind you Guido it can't be that much better right so this is the happy convenience story well it looks happy but is it happy oh what in the Multiverse is this dude this is a little bit ridiculous even the customers are dancing yeah surely no one is this happy yeah something's up let me talk to the staff uh hello excuse me welcome to the Happy convence Star where everyone ispp Happ happy now it's just doing some candy actually I'm more interested in you I can tell this is one big act no one is this happy Len here you little du I to take a ridiculous amount to just sit here and smile all day you think I care about this people it's just a p okay that was a little weird quo let's get out of here there's no way I can copy what the happy store is doing besides the people inside seem like real jugs no instead I'm going to make it seem less happy wait what do you mean well we've got to wait until Nightfall for that Guido for now let's just deal with our own problems oh and the problems just keep piling up now we've got a strike a guys this is a really bad look just settle down don't do this is here listen I think you'd all feel better if you got back inside and did more work okay okay okay I'm sorry I need to regain my workers trust I put them to the side while I made all these upgrades but that changes now attention everyone hey can you hear me oh quo I could use some help use me thanks buddy oh sorry about that okay guys don't worry I can tell what you want you want better working conditions and that's exactly what I'm going to give you the work is going to be more spread out and you're going to make more money isn't that a little risky we need to get more customers somehow well remember that plan I was talking about the one that could only happen at night fall if it works we're not going to have to worry about that well Guido how do I look like you're about to commit some crimes well that may or may not be true you see the thing is that happy convenience store the reviews always boast about it being a safe happy fun place well we're about to ruin all of that so I take their customers this being able to pay my workers more oh so that's why you needed me to turn into this I'm sorry for introducing you to the world of crime Guido but I just don't see any other way the reviews say the party goes on all night well I guess that makes me a party pooper everyone get down this the robbery oh my gosh that's it stay on the ground everyone I tell you what this would never happen at Steven 11 oh hey remember me he's got a knife not so happy anymore are we oh Guido check out the reviews they're tanking this is great but our reviews are still pretty bad yeah well with the added customer base we can afford a little more why the Cosmic King's beard look at that let's buy those wheelchair ramps and let's put the convenience back in convenience store well Guido this place just oozes class now before it was absolute chaos in here you could barely move but now that everyone's happy the mess has been cleared up this place is spotless we've got a cafe section upstairs a kids play area and check it out even a tank section wo that's awesome but we do have an issue the mayor is coming to town and he wants to visit the best convenience store the only issue is it's not us yeah that place is huge and I'm guessing they have more customers because they just advertise everywhere yeah you can't escape those Billboards maybe we should look into advertising well if it's the only way to bring the supermarket down then I guess we can try let me take a look right so it looks like we can buy our own Billboards that's great and everything but the supermarket already has Bill BS too oh don't worry I'll buy some spray paint too oh and look at this guy a sign spinner wo look at his moves people are going to be able to resist there it's definitely High catching that's for sure see go here you got see this huh this better be good guo oh my gosh it's the mayor hello Mr Mayor can I be of some assistant huh this isn't the supermarket oh hold on you didn't even look at my sign spinner I paid a lot of good money for that guy ah that is so annoying he didn't even look at Steven 11 maybe the mayor is only interested in the supermarket it is the biggest store after all no Guido we are not giving up if the mayor wants to see the best convenience star in the city then Steven 11 is the place to be now come on we're going to prove it wait where are we going oh no the May's got the key to the city and he's about to give it to those workers stop Mr Mayor my store is much nicer than this you've got to give me a chance I mean come on look around there's nothing special about this store just please let me prove it to you H very well and I the mayor declare the first ever star war Star War uh Steve what is he doing what in the multiv is that what the the entire room's been divided what's going on the star is only as good as it's 10 who's team prefers the best will wi the kid of the city oh so it's the Steven 11 workers versus the supermarket workers okay Mr Mayor I'm down excuse me I said Team not the boss of the team wait what who hey that's not very may likee wait where am I I'm I'm on the roof the roof of the supermarket I can watch what's going on from up here but it also means you can't interfere with the challenge oh you're right Guido hopefully my team can step up spe happiness Community these are the three elements of every successful store let's begin with speed fill those ERS and do it quickly whoever does the most in the next minute L this round wa Guido just look at them go everyone's looking for the right ingredients okay come on guys you've done this before you've made so many cakes heavy uh I'm not really sure yeah I'm not the the best boss in the world it's milk sugar egg and wheat that should be easy enough looks like the supermarket are making really good progress yeah and they're working as a team whereas my Steven 11 team are fighting over who gets to make the cake oh this is a disaster what are they doing a the supermarket have already filled the order and now they're already on to the next order team haven't even made the first one oh you guys you're ruining everything stop fighting oh the that's another order for the supermarket ah guys time's running out and the winner obviously the supermarket oh that is so annoying just relax Ste remember what happened earlier when the employees quit you remain calm and fix their issues you need to remain calm now I guess you're right there's just nothing I can do to help [Music] you only be happy when you're entir is next free whoever cleans the store fastest will win this challenge okay guys you've got this we've done this so many times before remember the fueling station I mean the Steven 11 even started off like a total mess so put all that training to good work wao just look at the teamwork of the supermarket team yeah they're really efficient it's super impressive I mean just look at their side compared to mine it's nowhere near as good as the blue team at least they're moving around in still putting in some effort they just need a little push there's no way for me to jump down there and help them out but maybe maybe I can delay the blue side a little further ah Guido follow me this fence leads directly into the blue side of the supermarket so I'm thinking we find some trash put it down the shoots and really mess up their star further what do you think gotcha I'll you fight some trash this is going to be so good oh he comes come on quo what have you got for me oh oh my gosh I've never seen this much garbage it stinks hurry up and put it down the vents yes it's looking Messier already but there's no way to tell until until the mayor tells us the results let's see which team side is cleaner oh they did a pretty good job but our sight is cleaner yay but we both won a challenge so we really need to win this final one uh wait what did that just do wait there's customers everywhere now last but certainly not least Community this final challenge is all about customer satisfaction leverage customers are satisfied the most by the end of the time they're both plan okay guys you got this remember service with a smile oh what the heck are they doing just look how good the supermarket side is they're guiding customers their kids even just chatting with them yeah and my team are doing none of them it's almost like they're too busy or something or they don't have enough staff wait Steve I just sped something a homeless person just wandered into the supermarket and the supermarket workers don't want him there dude no way what am I seeing they just took the hobo and dumped him in the Steven 11 side yeah they don't want him that's not a very accepting Community ah well now we've just got a homeless guy walking around in our store uh wait wait this could actually work in our favor right at the start of this adventure my first deatha member was a hobo I've been accepting of the community from the start and now that same hobo is the leader of Steven 11 and he just recruited a new worker now that we've got more sta everyone is being seen to it's super calm on my side or is on the other side well it's just total chaos everyone's running around like headless chickens the police s customers are getting frustrated they're leaving and we have our winner SP 11 woohoo yeah great job guys oh I'm so proud of you all now then is some good service the key to the city it's finally mine that's the place Dave the city is yours you own the most popular store in the Minecraft Dimension yeah I mean I guess it is pretty cool but honestly Mr Mayor I think it's about time that I retire from the convenience store business wait so who's going to be the boss of Steven 11 you you're the boss my first employee you have the responsibility now please take my uniform I don't need it anymore e Steven 11 is all yours PA
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 1,107,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft gameplay, minecraft mods, mincraft, minekraft, minecraf, minecraft survival, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, minecraft mobs, 99 years in minecraft, surviving 99 years, minecraft youtuber, minecraft fast food restaurant, minecraft mcdonalds, minecraft burger king, minecraft subway, minecraft junk food hearts, minecraft junk food, minecraft 7-11, minecraft 7-eleven, minecraft 7/11, minecraft seven eleven, minecraft store, minecraft supermarket, seven eleven
Id: OwvDSveU2aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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