SML Movie: The Thanksgiving Stain [2024]

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baby thank you so much for making Thanksgiving dinner for us you're welcome Marvin I hope you boys enjoy oh the turkey looks so good Jeffy bu don't throw dart at the turkey Jeff Jeffy stop throwing dart at the turkey I wanted to make sure it was dead of course it's dead Jeffy it's cooked look we got to focus on the dinner so eat can I have pie no you can't have pie yet you have to have real dinner first what Thanksgiving I thought I could eat all your food Jeffy dinner first pie last who put diarrhea in this Bowl that's gravy Jeffy and why did Mommy put her period all in this bowl Jeffy prolapsed anus Jeffy manners please prolapse Anish Jeffy listen bow your head we got to thank God for all this food dear God thank you so much for the food thank you God Hey bow your head keep praying oh uh thank you so much for uh turkeys and thank you God for mashed potatoes thank you for the mashed potatoes uh thank you for uh so much just thank you so much for food thank you for pilgrims what um thank you for the month of November to have Thanksgiving on okay I'm going to leave this needs salt but you keep praying uh thank you so much for Walmart so we can buy turkeys oh man I love Thanksgiving I get to go around and eat people's food while they bow their head and thank me and thank you God for cranberry sauce whoever eats that and thank you God for Thursday Night Football on Thanksgiving uh thank you God for Tom Brady uh thank you God for salt and pepper Marvin uh amen so that chy turkeys can't fly Miss busted why' you th the turkey chy quick 10c roll wait what 10c roll why grab the turkey said you were grounded okay Marvin we picked up the turkey within 10 seconds it's fine there's dust all over it just blow the dust off Marvin I'm not in the mood for turkey you could always eat mommy's period Jeffy why did you throw the turkey because I wanted to see if turkeys could fly look just eat your dinner I'm not hungry unless it's dessert then go to your room okay what no no Jeffy leave the pie oh that is it Jeffy super go to your room oh my God I think he broke the lamp I hate this day let me see what that is hello hey there Happy Thanksgiving uh thank you officer but why are you here oh well your name is filed a noise complaint cuz they said they heard shouting and today supposed to be a day of thanks not a day of shouting it's not shouts giving that'd be me and my wife at home right you know cuz cuz the [ __ ] doesn't listen oh well we'll try to keep it down yeah you better cuz I don't want to have to come back here well why are you working on Thanksgiving well well my boss said he'd offer triple pay if we work through the holidays and I can't afford to pass that up but God I do miss Thanksgiving dinner though well you can come inside and have some of our food no no no I I really can't my boss said he'd fire us if he caught us eating Thanksgiving dinner on the job yeah he said we have to protect and ser serve not protect and serve ourselves a plate of food that's why I have to wear this body cam it sees everything I do to make sure I don't eat Thanksgiving dinner Marvin the mash potatoes are getting cold I'm coming baby uh I'll see you later yeah actually mash potatoes I I think I should come in and make sure no no violence is happening in there what violence yeah yeah cuz because of the shouting I I should just come in make sure everything's okay okay okay look Marvin I fixed the lamp thank you baby see officer no violence in here what' you say to me boy what I just turned off my body cam I'm allowed to do that but only if I say that first it malfunctioned why'd you turn your body cam off cuz I want to eat these mashed potatoes and drown them in gravy Jesus what the hell happened to your turkey what you hunt for it yourself is that why there's darts in it well no my son was throwing stuff and why is it so dusty what is it last year's turkey that you just pulled out of the attic what no we dropped it on the ground when the hell's the last time you swept your floors listen we try our best well you mind if I have these mashed potatoes have as many as you want oh you [ __ ] up saying that I'm going to have the whole damn Bowl oh yeah I'm going to drown them and Gra gravy oh yeah whole boat full of gravy the gravy drain all over it hell yes ooh ooh big spoon big big big spoon anybody want this big spoon no all right more for me oh big spoon full oh my God that was amazing I ate every last drop yummy yummy mashed potatoes in my belly uh ma'am thank you this was delicious you're welcome okay I guess I'm done here which means I can turn this back on okay boy I don't want to catch you yelling at your wife anymore got it it okay okay I'm going to leave now well wait a minute you have a stain on your shirt a stain no no no no not a stain oh God oh God that's a gravy stain I know a gravy stain when I see one and that's a gravy stain now my boss is going to know I was eating mashed potatoes and gravy and I'm going to get fired now hold on why don't you just tell him that you fell down outside and that's dirt no you don't understand they have gravy sniffing dogs that can smell gravy from a mile away they're going to know this is gravy well why can't you just change your shirt this is my only uniform okay how about you tell them that you showed up to a house and there was a fight and someone threw gravy on your shirt but I turned my body C off I don't have any proof of that they're never going to believe me uh you just turned your body cam back on oh [ __ ] you're right oh my God now my boss is going to know I was eating mashed potatoes and gravy he's going to hear me say it oh no that means he also heard me say yummy yummy mashed potatoes in my belly that was some pretty cringy [ __ ] oh God I really have to destroy this body Cam and clean the stain well actually no you turn on your body cam after you said the yummy yummy thing oh thank God oh no but now he knows I said it cuz I just said it again damn it we got to take care of this oh how about we just throw your shirt in the washing machine yes and and then the stain will be washed out and then maybe the water destroy the body cam yes yes that's a great idea I love that let's do it okay come on let's go okay throw your shirt in there okay um could you please tell your wife to leave I'm kind of a grower not a shower and I don't want her to laugh at me baby can you leave oh yeah sure oh that's much better thank you don't uncover it oh come on we're both boys it's nothing you haven't seen before I don't want to see it check this out see how fast it goes that's disgusting oh come on you've done this before right no tag don't don't hit me with it come on that's disgusting look let's wash your stupid shirt okay fine just turn it off on turn on there okay it should be on all right let's go do something to pass the time all right so what do you want to do I don't know what you have your Christmas tree up already yeah it's Thanksgiving man just do one holiday at a time but I like to have the tree up it makes me happy you should have waited till December 1st you know I could write you a ticket for this what hold on my phone's ringing oh oh no it's the Chief look just shut up uh H hello God where the hell are you I I am at a house uh investigating a crime well I tracked your squad C and it says you've been there for 30 minutes well yeah yeah see there's there's a domestic violence situation going on and cuz the the wife burned the turkey and the husband got mad so so he hit her and when I saw how burned the turkey was I I threw in a few swings too cuz like how do you screw up a turkey that bad you just put it in the oven well guy as long as you're not eating Thanksgiving dinner oh no no sir I I would never I I know I know better than to do that I I know the rules okay guy well when you get done there I want you to come by the office for an emergency uniform gravy inspection uh yeah yes sir I I I I will do that right away [ __ ] [ __ ] I say [ __ ] what's wrong my boss wants me to do a uniform inspection right after I leave here I think he knows something's wrong okay well the washing machine just finished let's go get it let's get it oh goody is the stain gone no dude look the stain's still here oh that stain is deep in there I can't go back to my boss with the stain I'm going to get fired oh I have an idea what if we take a knife and we cut like the stain out of the shirt like we cut a hole in the shirt and then your boss would just think that like someone tried to attack you with a knife and cut your shirt yeah yeah I like that you could dress up like the nipple snipper Bandit nipple snipper Bandit yeah he's like a crazy guy that runs around and tries to snip people's nipples off with scissors you could dress up like him and then attack me and then cut my shirt right there and then the body camera would show you doing that and then my boss would believe me but the body can got destroyed in the washing machine oh yeah you're right well that's okay I can just record it on my phone yeah yeah yeah you record it on your phone and then your boss will say it happen and then you'll be fine okay yeah so just dress up like whatever you think a nipple snipper would wear oh I'll just put on like a ski mask and stuff sure that works okay how do I look uh you don't really look like a nipple snipper Bandit you look like a regular Bandit well how would I look like a nipple snipper Bandit I don't know you just don't look like you want nipples you look like you want money how do I look like I want nipples um maybe like say that you want nipples okay uh give me nipples no no that that's like a request for nipples you have you have to demand nipples demand nipples okay U I want nipples no no you sound like a fussy baby no that's that's not going to work okay give me nipples now you're just throwing a tantrum for nipples this isn't I can't take this seriously look if I'm going to be intimidated by you they're going to fire me anyway I'm supposed to be a cop okay okay I'll go as I can give me them nipples no that's that's too horny okay listen just record me and I'll make it realistic okay all right it's going uh here I am in this house responding to a potential nipple snipper emergency hey give me them nipples give me give me give me give me no no that's that's just silly you sound like a boss in a video game what am I supposed to do right then I don't know just be more intimidating be scary okay hold on okay second try here I am in this house responding to a potential nipple snipper give me them nipples oh I need them nipples give me don't Don't snip my nipples oh no you snipped my shirt I have to run away now okay well that video looked okay I guess but it'll probably save my job and at least my boss won't know I ate gravy yeah I mean there is an actual hole in your shirt so it'll look like the nipple snipper actually cut it yeah yeah it's pretty believable well all right Happy Thanksgiving yeah you too yeah um so do we like Kiss now or just leave okay Hey sir I'm here for my uni inspection guy what the hell happened to your uniform oh see see I got uh snipped by a nipple snipper yeah the nipple snipper Bandit he he tried to snip my nipple and he just he missed and he caught the uniform well guy let me see your body camera footage yeah you see that's the thing he he snipped the body cam too it just it just fell right off but I managed to record the whole thing on my phone though well it's a good thing you're safe guy why don't you just go home you deserve all the mashed potatoes you can eat no thanks I'm full of Terror from from the from the nipple snipper I'm just I'm I'm going to go home hey baby oh Jesus Christ Marvin is that you yes it's me why are you dressed like a bandit I'm not dressed like a bandit I'm dressed like a nipple snipping Bandit what I snip nipples with scissors stay away from me I don't really do that listen the cop had the stain on his shirt and we had this idea where we come up with the nipple snipping Bandit and he Snips people's nipples so we could cut a hole in his shirt and cut the stain out so his boss doesn't see the gravy and doesn't fire him what listen I'm just tired I'm going to lay down well they say turkey makes you tired Marvin I don't okay guys are you ready to play with my new Robo rage toy oh cool Bish versus Bosch oh dude I want to be Chris BOS and I want to be [ __ ] cuz I'm 100% that bit I want to play with the new robot toy so let's open it and play with it I go first no dude I want to go first no I want to go first guys it's my toy so I get to go first okay guys listen we need to buy two more of these robots so we all can play oh let's buy two more but this is a $100 toy Jeffy we you don't have $100 well maybe we could raise money like we could do a car wash or something like I could take my shirt off and wash cars well honestly I just want an excuse to take my shirt off yeah guys we could wash cars and raise the money and then we can all play with the robots so look let's go wash some cars guys all okay [Music] okay time to get Marvin's house payment all right Donnie can I go out GI wash cars with my friends no why why why I don't get it why come on let Jeffy go outside and do a job but baby he's going to be touching other people's cars and he might damage them and then it'll be my problem but Marvin you're not going to give him money so let him go work for it yeah Daddy I'm a working man okay fine Jeffy you can go wash cars but if you damage anyone's car it's your responsibility I don't know what responsibility means but I got it Daddy oh this is a bad idea who's at the door hello hey Marvin I'm here for your house payment oh Goodman uh well you see I don't have my house payment this month you know what this is Marvin a banana mhm why why why are you peeling a banana because this banana represents your wiener and if you don't have your house payment by the end of the day today this is what I'm going to do to your wiener what I'm going to cut it off Marvin I'm going to cut off your wiener okay okay look I will get the house pay by the end of the day well now I'm going to come inside and use your bathroom and clog your toilet what oh guys look a Lamborghini let's wash this car but Junior this guy didn't ask us to clean his car I know Cody but if we wash it and do a really good job the guy will come out and go damn you clean my car really good here's 1,000 bucks Junior I don't think forcing people to pay us for stuff they didn't ask for is a really great business model Cody just shut up and wash the car and look sexy okay that I can do junior I don't have a sponge um go find one okay I think they grow in the grass or something now where can I find a sponge at oh that looks like a sponge don't forget to wash the grill Cody okay I'm going check on Jeffy and see how he's doing Jeffy what are you doing I'm doing great Junior I'm Wasing it so good that the pain coming off look waky clean that's a brick house you know like the song she's a brick house Jeffy you can't wash it with a brick stomach Cody come here what's wrong Junior look whoa that that is a problem how'd that even happen this the only Spong in I could find you used the brick house and we damaged the car Cody Junior the guy's not going to pay us $1,000 for this so what do we do okay I have an idea I say we get out here Cody come back do I keep washing it or not no Jeffy we have to go come on oh Marvin I clogged your toilet bad here smell my fingers oh god oh why does it smell like that cuz when I was wiping my finger broke through the toilet paper and went my ass cracked so that's what you just smelled oh why did you wash your hands cuz you don't have any soap so maybe tonight after you give me your house payment you invest in some soap okay just I know just come back later all right I'll be back tonight and if you don't have your house payment you know what will happen to your banana what about bananas listen baby you don't want to know what the hell why is there soap on my car did someone try washing my car and they didn't even finish what the [ __ ] did someone try washing my car with a brick Marvin daddy washing cars is hard why what happened cuz there's so many different types of sponges I don't know which one to use I get confused what are you talking about hold on hello you pull your pants down it's coming off well you said I head to the end of the day not anymore not after what you did to my car what I do to your car come here this I didn't do that I know you didn't do it but your son did how do you know he did it cuz he left me a Bill Car Wash Bill $11,000 owed to Jeffy well I I it wasn't me who did it it was I don't give a [ __ ] you got to get me your house payment and the money to fix my car by the end of the day or you know what happened to the banana okay I'll try Jeffy Jeffy you Dam it G's car by washing it mhm well why would you do that Jeffy a what no Jeffy why did you do that Dad I told you sponges are hard no they're not hard Jeffy they're supposed to be soft and Squishy and and they wash things well how was I supposed to know that Jeffy you owe me $5,000 by tonight or get out of the house Marvin that's not a realistic amount of money Jeffy can get to you by tonight oh Mommy I understand I screwed up big time yes you did Mr D you go get me that money now all right Daddy I'll get you that money even if I have to swing leg go well washing cars was a bad idea I can't believe Jeffy used a brick wait Jeffy used a brick wait Joseph why weren't you outside washing cars with us cuz I don't do manual labor dude my people suffered enough I'm enjoying my freedom so Cody how are we going to get $100 to buy more robots Junior I don't think we should try to raise any more money we've done enough damage hey guys my daddy said I need to raise $5,000 by tonight or he's going to kick me out of the house but that's not even possible Cody did you not hear what Jeffy just said if he doesn't get $5,000 by tonight he's going to be homeless well Junior that's not possible and also he damaged that car I mean it's not our problem we were trying to wash it but Cody friends stick together we got to help our friends yeah so we have to help Jeffy get the $5,000 well how are we going to do that Junior um hold on let me think let me be like Jimmy Neutron think think think who's at the door ruining my brain blast come on Cody let's answer the door hello hi Junior do you want to buy some Girl Scout cookies we have SM and mint cookie no Penelope we don't want to buy stupid dumb girl scout cookies we need money ourselves we're not going to waste it on cookies damn Junior you could have just said no well actually I I will take some of those mint cookies a thanks Cody here your mint cookies think breath bye okay that was rude Cody why would you buy cookies well I'm sorry but now my feelings are hurt Cody if you have money for cookies why don't you give it for Jeffrey he needs $5,000 it was only $10 Junior Cody oh my God we need money and wait a minute buying those cookies just gave me an idea oh yeah we should proba we should beat up those girls for the money no I thought you were going to say we should sell cookies what no selling cookies is hard beating up girls is easy Chris Brown does it what Chris Brown doesn't beat people up for money he doesn't no then why does he do it cuz he's an [ __ ] oh so you're saying we should sell Girl Scout cookies yes that would be much easier all right let's go tell the other guys guys guys guys me and Cody found the fastest way to make $5,000 well I wouldn't say it's the fastest way to make $5,000 me and Cody found the best way to make $5,000 I definitely wouldn't say it's the best way either we found a way to make $5,000 overtime yes all right guys so we were at the door and these Girl Scouts showed up and said you want to buy some cookies and Cody gave him $10 for no reason well I did get cook cookies so guys I was thinking we could sell cookies and we can make $5,000 that's a good idea Junior yeah that's a dope idea dude Junior we're not going to make $5,000 just from selling cookies and we have to do it today well Cody we're going to sell this one box of cookies for $5,000 Junior that's insane no one's going to pay $5,000 for a box of cookies yes they will if we tell them that there's a possibility that there's $10,000 inside it they'll pay $5,000 for it that's a pretty big gamble Junior I don't think anyone's going to do that yes they will because if we tell them that there's $10,000 in that box they're going to say hm I could double my money if I give him $5,000 okay Junior I want you to think about this first we have to find somebody who has $5,000 in cash on them which is pretty rare in this economy and they also have to be dumb enough to pay $5,000 for a box of cookies Cody anything's possible we landed on the moon we're humans we have thumbs if caterpillars were trying to do this I would say it's impossible but we can make it happen I I will agree with you that caterpillars couldn't do this all right so guys we have to find some Girl Scout outfits oh I actually have some from role playing with Ken okay so you go get those outfit someone's going to believe there's $10,000 in that box wait there's $10,000 in that box dude see Cody someone will believe it let's go guys okay okay guys this is the first house and I feel like we're going to get the $5,000 hello hey we're trying to sell Girl Scout cookies but you guys aren't girls oh I forgot anybody can be a girl these days yeah I love some Girl Scout cookies well all we have is the mint cookie flavor oh that's great that's my favorite kind uh what's it like 10 bucks hold on do you have change for 100 uh yeah we have change for 100 okay take this and run where is he going with my money oh he's going to get change from the car I don't see a car oh it's parked way down the street oh okay yeah but while we while we wait I have an amazing opportunity for you sir okay I'd like to hear it what if I told you that there's $10,000 in this box of cookies I wouldn't believe you well if you give us $5,000 you'll have a chance to open up this box to see if there's $10,000 in it yeah I'm not going to do that that sounds like a terrible deal well do you have 5 ,000 anywhere in the house no no I don't think I do oh is that is that kid going to come back with my money run hey hey you bastards get back here [ __ ] honey [ __ ] what's wrong boy well these kids came to the door dressed like Girl Scouts and they scammed me out of $100 I should have known something was fishy when they weren't girls a Bo you know kids will be kids no honey they committed a felony well did you at least get the cookies no God I'm so so pissed well guys we got $100 yeah we just need $4,900 to go well we only have to go to 49 more houses Cody well yeah and we have to hope that everybody gives us $100 and asks for change and then we run off every time stop being a Negative Nancy Cody that's my momy's name wait wait dude you got 100 bucks sick wait Joseph why weren't you trying to sell cookies with us cuz I told you I'm not doing manual labor dude well technically guys we did get the $100 we needed to buy more robots I mean yeah that's true we could just buy more robots I mean it's up to you Jeffy do you want to buy the robots or go to 49 more houses h okay guys let's fight with our robots yeah we're too bad bites but you no match for my BOS all right guys let's fight go oh oh oh my God we're kicking your ass my B is beating up your boss nuh my boss is kicking your [ __ ] ass no it isn't my bit is bit in your BS Marvin why are you biting your nails because I'm worried that jeffy's not going to get the money in time so you don't have the money oh Goodman good thing I brought the scissors What are the scissors for oh he didn't tell you oh pooby banana me hey what's up do you mind peeling that banana for me pooy oh yeah sure what's the banana for oh you'll see the banana represents Marvin's wiener oh it's not that big and since he doesn't have my house payment graphic I know hey you going to finish this banana no poy you can have it oh thank you so you guys watching the video just know every time you are watching a video poy is behind the couch eating a banana so go ahead and like the video for every like that you give us that's another banana for poy so morvin since you don't have my money whip it out Jeffy might have the money let me go check his hey Jeffy where's my money oh I gave up on now we're playing with robots oh Jeffy you owe me $5,000 come on okay Goodman look it's jeffy's fault he's the one that destroyed your car so if anyone should get their banana snipped it's him morvin baby my my my wiener it's not like we use it well Marvin I have a special punishment for Jeffy come with me is this your car yep is this the brick that you use to wash my car watch like it well I'm going to wash your car don't you ever touch my car again oh Marvin what do you think he's doing to Jeffy I don't know baby but I'm worried about my wiener I don't want it to get snipped off his scissors baby hide his scissors okay all right Marvin I just punished Jeffy I threw a brick at his car now we're even now for you young man you didn't pay your house payment so now I'm going to snip off your wiener wait a minute where where are my wiener snipping scissors I left them right here uh I I don't I don't know I haven't seen them well I can't snip wieners without my wiener snipping scissors and I can't just use a regular pair of scissors darn Marvin I guess it's your lucky day I guess I'm just going to have to punch you in the dick instead oh my God and you bet your dick I'm going to order me a new pair of wiener snipping scissors and then next month when you don't have your house payment I'm going to snip your wiener clean off your body you know what better yet I'm going to snip it long way so it looks like a snake tongue today is student awards so I'll be handing out trophies to students who have excelled excellently at being a student oh oh I a trophy the first Trophy goes to the student with the highest GPA in the class it's going to be me you know like that inyc song you know it's going to be me cuz I'm going to win this Trophy goes to Cody oh yeah that's right I knew it out of my way guy with a big peen coming through all right Cody here's your trophy oh yeah give it to me Daddy first I'd like to thank me for being so smart then I'd also like to thank my boyfriend Ken for getting me through those rough nights and I'd also like to thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster shout out to all my pastafarians all right that's enough Cody go sit down check that out Junior it's all me I got a big brain I can give good brain man I got a lot of brain a I want a trophy all right the next Trophy goes to the coolest kid in school well well well I wonder who that could be PJ PJ PJ hey calm down let's not get cocky this trophy obviously goes to PJ cring Shaw per Jam cring Jimmy Jam cring PJ you're so cool well damn who could have seen that coming here your trophy PJ oh another one I guess I'll just put it with the others here ladies fight over it love it this last trophy is the biggest trophy and it goes to the quickest kid that leaves the class when school ends there's a car on it because you go so fast I'm always fast when I lead the class I don't want to be here this Trophy goes to Joseph well it makes sense I am closest to the door guys here's your trophy Joseph dude this is so cool I never got a trophy before Oh Cody my trophy is so much bigger than yours Joseph that trophy doesn't even make sense it's a car trophy I think maybe he's just trying to give away old trophies he doesn't want don't be jealous bro this isn't fair I want a trophy all right CR that does it for the student awards you can go home this isn't fair I wanted a [Music] trophy what's wrong Jeffy why are you crying the the teacher was was handing a tropies today and I didn't get a trophy at school what was the trophies for the trophies were for the bestest kids in class and I try every every day to be the best student that I can be and I didn't get a dry well that just means you have to be a better student I'm going to ugly cry and I'm never going to stop crying until I get a tropy Marin why don't you just go to the store and buy him a trophy well go buy him a trophy what's that going to teach him to cry more okay okay I'll go get you a damn trophy I'll get you the biggest trophy they have okay Jeffy I got you a trophy Marvin this thing's huge I wish I heard that every night Daddy you got me the biggest trophy ever yeah cuz you're the world's biggest crybaby sure am Daddy but I got to ask what sport is it for cuz it looks like it's for snowboard ball cuz he's standing on a snowboard and he's holding a ball yeah Jeffy that's the sport all right what place did I get obviously first Jeffy look how big it is Marvin why is it Dusty it it's like some guy's old bowling trophy I don't know it's like $600 dad can I enter the door and the person at the door my big trophy yeah sure Jeffy just take it great hello hey is Marvin here I need a new bowling buddy for my bowling team cuz a third player broke their hand and today is the championship look at my trophy oh my God is that a bowling trophy look at the size of it it's gigantic you must be great at bowling to have a trophy that big well I have the trophy well do you want to be on a bowling team we would definitely win with your help sure come on just starting right now hello and welcome to the 25th Annual DeLuna Lanes Bowling Championship today is going to be a spicy matchup come on Brooklyn Guy where are you the match is about to start you don't have enough people looks like you're going to have to Forfeit yeah losers okay okay I'm here we got a third bowler what Jeffy no way dude we're going to lose no no no listen Jeffy has the biggest bowling trophy I've ever seen the only way he could have a trophy that big is if he's a god at bowling really the biggest trophy the biggest okay I'll trust you you're going to lose the only thing I'm going to lose is my tampon when I sneeze it out yeah and when we win BL guy I'm kissing your wife no you're not okay let's get started I'm up first all right Bowlers on your mark get set oh okay Brooklyn guy you got this you can't lose to your own mom and brother what what is that God come on what is that are you kidding me God this sucks you suck Brookie ew don't spit on me you know what I'm going to pick up this spare bet you won't take this mom [ __ ] oh I suck oh oh my God my third grade math teacher was right I will never amount to anything what the hell was that dude I know okay don't talk to me don't talk to me you suck Brookie yeah well I don't suck as much as you do with the neighbor Tommy well at least Tommy's a real man unlike your father hey bln guy let me show you how a real man handles balls all right ball are you ready to bang into those pins nice and hard don't worry I'll be gentle Tom okay I was robbed there's no way that this name is regulation size mom what the hell was that Jonathan you suck just like Brookie I'm sorry mother I'll get the next one yeah I'd like to see you try okay Mom I won't let you down oh man I'm so grounded I'm sorry mother you suck ass see that Mom he and I suck equally but you still suck more Brookie what how we both get nine pins let me show you trumps how a pro bowls okay pee PE time to stun on them hoes a come on that was supposed to be a strike it's okay it's okay I'm going to get the spare oh no they piss P off see man I got robbed too well I'm might actually get my spare all right pen I'm about to pull up my clock and B B B okay okay that's what I'm talking about P to go P to go y'all see that you guys see that yeah high five No don't touch my hand you probably rub the Bing magic off peasant hey rookie you're about to watch your mom handle balls and trust me these ain't the biggest ones I've ever handled Jesus all right you [ __ ] ass pins you're coming home with Mama yeah screw you pins that's what Mama does you all get suck my ass wrinkles you suck all of you you got a strike M you're so good that's what I do your mama's a pro dud we're so screwed oh no we're not cuz we got the bowl and champ right here you did not see how big this man trophy was are you sure oh I'm sure get out there Jeffy do what you do oh we're going to win are you sure dude oh I am positive you did not see how massive his bowling trophy was how confident are you I'll show you how confident I am hey Ma what do you want rookie I bet you every dollar in my bank account that Jeffy gets a strike you're on rookie are you sure yes I'm sure you did not see how gigantic this bowling trophy was you know what Ma I bet you my entire house we win this bowling tournament Bo you can't better a h dude you're crazy guys don't worry this mulling trophy was gigantic just don't worry watch Jeffy Bowl St moving your [ __ ] out rookie that doesn't count cuz he he didn't hit any pin so I'm just going to go see what the hell is problem is what what the hell are you doing bowling okay well stop bowling and start bowling come on okay I'm assuming your hand got stuck and that's why whatever the hell that was just happening yeah okay I need you to get a strike this time on it what what what the hell is that honestly I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing what why do you have a giant bowling trophy then cuz my daddy bought it for me one time when I cried what are you kidding me no so you don't know how to bowl what's Bowl oh my God I am so screwed hey n oh hey Jeffy where'd you go we were looking everywhere for you we found your trophy downstairs so we brought it back up here I went to lost a bowling tournament what hey hey you hey what's this about huh what's it about what this the trophy the giant trophy what's it about oh well Jeffy school was giving out Awards and he didn't get a trophy and he was crying so I bought him the trophy that that is that is [ __ ] up that is [ __ ] up that you can just do that that should be illegal what are you talking about this bowling trophy cost me everything I have how well you see I was in a bowling tournament and we needed a third player and I saw jeffy's giant Trophy and said oh he must be a bowling God they wouldn't give a trophy this big to somebody who sucks at bowling and then it turns out he's never played a goddamn game in his life what's a bowling see see that that is [ __ ] up that is [ __ ] up that someone like him can have Trophy this pig well the trophy doesn't mean he's good at bowling that's exactly what it means that's what trophies are for to show that you're good at something that you actually won wait so you lost everything everything I lost my house I lost my money I lost my wife although I'm not really that worried about that one but I'm still pretty pissed well how did you lose like who'd you bet it against well I bet it against my mom because I said we would win that tournament and guess what we did not win that tournament and I lost everything what would make you think you're going to win that tournament well because of the trophy you know the giant trophy I mean hey if I was walking around with the lightsaber you would think I was a Jedi right yeah no no no this is just this is just a lightsaber I bought at Target it's not real you s silly you thought I was a Jedi ha you're stupid okay listen um what do you want us to do about it I want this I want you to make this right I'm I'm so I'm so mad how can I make it right well I I just I just you should this should this should be gone you should burn this this is [ __ ] this is all [ __ ] will that give you your house back no it won't but it'll make me feel better cuz I'm just so pissed off is this the most pissed you've ever been this is yes this is the most mad I've ever been about bowling actually no this is the second most mad I've ever been about bowling what's what's the first most mad you ever been about bowling Billy bowling hands Billy bowling hands yes I will tell you you why I'm so mad about Billy bowling hands that smug bastard okay so when I was in high school I was in a bowling league right and I was the best bowler I mean I was a god of bowling I was bowling nothing but strikes all the girls were going goooo Gaga over me it was awesome but then Here Comes Billy bowling hands see he lost both his hands in a train accident when he was younger and got him replaced with bowling balls now at first I thought well that's stupid I mean how is he going to like eat and drive and stuff but no it turns out that actually made him extremely good at bowling cuz all he had to do was throw his body down the Lane and Riot his bowling ball hands into the pins so I was thinking that can't be that can't be legal he he can't be allowed to do that so then I look it up into the rule book and yes you can do that as long as your hands are bowling balls so then he becomes the best bowler in the school he's winning tournament after tournament trophy after trophy he's bowling strike after strike all the girls are leaving me and they're going to him because he's also jacked because bowling balls are really heavy they're like 25 lbs each so I just decided to quit bowling cuz I can't compete with Billy bowling hands so then I decide to take up boxing you know that's seems pretty mly I can do that but then he starts boxing too and after one round he punches all my teeth out with his bowling ball hands that's why I don't have teeth anymore and I'm like that can't be allowed he has bowling balls for hands his hands don't even fit inside the gloves so I quit that and then I start doing everything else and everything I join he joins too all the things you'd think you wouldn't be able to do with bowling ball hands he did like Billy bowling volleyball hands and Billy bowling basketball hands and Billy bowling bad mitt hands and Billy bowling Future Farmers of America hands everything everything I joined he joined and did it better with his bowling ball hands so then I decided to join the swim team and then he joined the swim team and I challenged him to a swimming competition and he drowned because his big bowling ball hands weighed him down to the bottom of the pool and nobody could get him out so I'm thinking great I'm finally rid of Billy bowling hands he's dead but no they decided to name the entire school after him Billy bowling hands Memorial High School and they even named the bowling alley after him Billy bowling hands Memorial Bowling Alley Bar in Grill and then all the girls around the school were crying because Billy bowling hands was dead and they were mad at me because they thought I was the reason he died I'm like it's not my fault it's him and his stupid bowling hands but bowling ball hands you get it but ever since then I swore that I would never Bowl again until today and boy was that a mistake because I lost everything oh man that's such a sad story yeah it is and you know what else is sad what me losing everything I have well listen I'm really sorry about the confusion with the bowling trophy that wasn't supposed to happen I feel like we should make it up to you yes you should okay you can stay here as long as you want till you get back on your feet I don't have feet maybe if I replac him with bowling balls everyone would love me Brookie bowling feet that'd be me you don't have to do that they cheated they cheated what yeah they cheated your mother tested positive for steroids yeah and I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you metal and Drug testers wait if they cheated that means we won the bowling tournament and that means I don't lose my house I mean I still lose all my money because I bet that Jeffy would get a strike and he didn't but I don't lose my house hey Lance take my mad eyes off yay I'm happy again and I still have my house which means my wife will come back although I might wait a while before I tell her about that wait so you got everything back yeah I think so oh that's so awesome I'm so happy for you you hey Junior ready to go yeah dude get your Mallet where we going to wacka land duh what's wacka land oh come on Junior you know what wacka land is it's the amusement park where they let thousands of moles loose and then you whack them and eat cheese pizza yeah dude it's the best of both worlds you whack moles and go crazy I've never heard of this place what are you talking about Junior we've been talking about this for months yeah dude get your Mallet it's time to leave I don't have a mallet you don't have a mallet Junior they're going to be sold out by now well I can still get one when I get to the wacka land right well do you even have a ticket for the park I need a ticket yes Junior of course you need a ticket me and Joseph have VIP early waxes passes that lets us get into the park early and whack all the best moles you know the big juicy fat ones yeah the skinny ones aren't that fun dude well can I still get a early waack test pass oh no they're definitely sold out by now I mean you might be able to get a general whack Mission pass but then all the best moles have been whacked by then yeah the chubby fluffy ones okay look I'll just get a general whack Mission and I'll meet up with you guys wait do you have your plane ticket why would I need a plane ticket dud because whacka land is in Scotland duh Scotland yeah home with the bad pipes dude okay look I'll get a plane ticket right now let me get my laptop well do you have your passport why would I need a passport come ji you don't have your passport it takes like 6 weeks to get a passport well I'll rush and get another I'll get one 6 weeks is rushing it me and Joseph got ours 6 months ago yeah when we got our Mallet Chef peee took us dude Chef peee took you guys what was I doing you said you were feeling sick and you stayed home you said to get your passport later well okay look well I'll find a way to get one how about this guys how about we just wait a few months and we all go together well then it won't be wack V by then what's wack V Junior wack V is the one weekend out of the year in November when the moles give birth and we get to whack their little babies what so so I can't whack molds any other time of the year no only in wack vember you forgot about wober Fest dude oh yeah but we missed that oh okay okay how about this guys I'll just I'll just hide in your luggage no no Junior there's a no luggage policy they don't want you taking the mol's home or or the cheese pizza so so I can't go guys dude it's time to leave Cody we got to whack some M our plane leaves in an hour sorry Junior what guys I want to go to whacka land shf Baby Woo whack them mes whack them hoes whack them mes whack them hoes whack whack whack whack W I can't wait the wax M at waca land hey shpi are you ready for waca land Junior W it's time to kill some mes wackamo Mo wackamo ho wack I I don't have a ticket oh yeah I forgot you're not going stupid it's not fair all my friends are going I want to go it's not our fault you were busy on your phone playing games or something well there has to be a way I can go Chef can I go please the only way you can go is if you can fake that passport some way somehow and get a plane ticket and get a ticket to waca land oh I'm going to try to get a plane ticket and look I'll try to fake this someway somehow you better figure it out I got a plan to catch no [ __ ] oh I got to wait a I I got to fake a passwort somehow and done I just finished my passport Junior have you seen Cody anywhere uh they left for that whack-a-mole land what they left without me they were supposed to wait what you're going too yeah Junior everyone's going to be there well do you have a passport yeah of course I have a passport Junior well I just finished mine junior that's not a passport oh yeah it's an official passport look it even has my picture on it you clearly just made that and did a really bad self-portrait no I didn't make it it was given to me by the federal government Penelope okay so I'm going to go use it to go to Switzerland or where you're going to get arrested if you try using that at the airport I'm going to get arrested if I try using this yes Junior you need a real passport I didn't know I'd get arrested if I tried to use this obviously Junior you can't use that you're going to get in trouble well how am I supposed to go then you have to get a real passport apparently it's going to take too long oh my gosh well I got to go I don't want to be late well no everyone's going and I'm I'm going to be here by myself God hey buddy what are you doing here well I was just going around fixing people's problems are you going to fix my problems maybe well look I need a passport and tickets to whacka land and a mallet yeah I need all those things so can you give it to me I could what you're not well I could but I want to make it more interesting if you can correctly guess what number these dice land on I'll give you the stuff you need okay um I'll let you know seven is the most common I'm going to go with eight okay no that's uh that's six so can I go again nope bye come on hey Junior we're back from Scotland yeah dude check out my Mallet H mole hair you guys are back already oh yeah Junior we walk so many moles Cody why do you sound like that sound like w oh sorry Junior whenever I go to a place with a different accent I tend to pick it up oh so you guys had a good time oh Junior we had the best time like I cornered this one mole and he looked up at me with his little black eyes and I just whacked the hell out of him but you didn't have a mole beg for his life from you yeah well I exterminated an entire mole family no way yeah their kids kids kids kids were getting whacked that's crazy crazy what did you do while we were gone Junior well actually I did go to wacka land really no you didn't Junior you didn't have a passport I didn't need one cuz I went by boat well you would still need a passport no the captain snuck me into Switzerland it was in Scotland yeah that that's where I went okay well we didn't see you there well because I was part of General whack Mission oh that makes sense that's pretty far from the VIP section yeah and I was whacking moles well how many moles did you whack I bet you didn't whack more than me dude uh 13 you only whacked 13 moles Junior what were you doing sitting there yeah rookie well I had to tie my shoe cuz I didn't want to trip over the moles I'm sorry what shoe yeah my shoe was untied so I had to tie it Junior you did not go to whacka land well yes I did no cuz if you did you would know there's no shoes allowed because they want you to feel the mle gut squish between your toes it's an immersive experience dude well they made an exception for me because I have an ingrown toenail and they didn't want me to get rabies from the moles they don't make exceptions for infections yeah and everybody knows their moles are clean yeah they check them every week dude well they made an exception for me I was there and I was smashing moles huh okay well if you were really there there what size Mo whacking goggles did they give you uh small that was a trick question they don't give you Mo whacking goggles they want you to feel the blood in your eye well there was a guy outside the park selling goggles I thought that's what you were talking about huh okay okay how about this if you really went What food did they start giving out when they ran out of cheese pizza uh wack and cheese no Junior it was chips and wackamole you did not go to wackamole land well you guys were in VIP and then General wack Mission they gave out different food I guess that's possible okay then what was your favorite ride uh favorite ride yeah I'll give you a hint mine's the whack and Moler coaster it's where they launch you at 60 miles per hour and then you whack moles while listening to Aerosmith songs mine was whack Mountain it's something about when those guts hit you in the face Priceless well mine was the Guardians of the wax guardian of the waxy Guardian what Junior there's no such ride as Guardians of the wax or whatever the hell it is you said okay well mine was Tower of whackers you mean whacker of Terror yeah that one Junior that's been closed for years well listen guys I wasn't riding rides I was too busy whacking moles you only whacked 13 because my shoot were untied I told you guys oh okay Junior how about this there's one question you have to know if you really went what do they give you when you leave the park oh dude you got to know this uh uh a picture of you whacking mol no Junior they give you a kilt we're wearing ours because we we we went and you didn't come on dude you see it on us I threw away my kill because it had so much mle guts on it Junior just admit you didn't go okay fine I didn't go because I was doing something way cooler like what what cooler than smashing and whacking moles uh I went to the moon Jor you did not go to the Moon yes I did I went to the moon I I NASA invited me to the Moon I have proof well you didn't have a passport to go to Scotland how the hell did you get to the moon let me let me get the proof I'll show you that I went to the moon hello hey somebody call a cops are you tired yeah sorry I'm a little jet lagged I just flew one from Scotland I went to wacka land oh well I really need your help oh is it an emergency yeah kind of so my friends went to wacka land and they're making fun of me cuz I didn't get to go so I lied to them and told them I went to the moon well that was the stupidest lie you could have thought of well look I need you to dress like an alien and say that you met me on the moon so they believe me I don't know kid I'm really tired like I just flew to Scotland and like I was I have $5 okay yeah I'll do it yeah it's fine I spent way too much money at wack-a-mole land I bought a lot of asai moles well come on justess up like an alien come on okay okay guys I want you to meet my alien friend that I met on the moon uh yeah yeah bleep blur I'm an alien wao dude that's a real alien no way Junior this is obviously not an alien he is an alien Cody his name's officer bleet blur yeah that's me officer bleep Lor why is he a police officer because Cody alien planets have cops too how do you think they sto their crime yeah that makes sense dude you said you met him on the moon I did meet him on the moon he was doing a traffic stop yeah yeah I I was pulling somebody over cuz they were doing 50 light years per hour in a in a school zone he was writing him a ticket Junior this is not an alien I can see his human arms well aliens can morph to look like humans so they fit in on Earth yeah don't you see that alien head Joseph don't tell me you're believing this too look this is clearly a mask no it's not it's not a Mas Cody hey hey Alien weren wen't we hanging out on the moon oh yeah yeah you were you were all over that Moon yeah you you were making Lance Armstrong jealous don't you mean Neil Armstrong yeah yeah him him too see see he was he was riding a bike on the moon and that that's why Lance Armstrong was jealous they were both jealous yeah so while you guys were whacking dumb moles I was hanging out with an alien no no no hold on wack and moles is not dumb you know that that wacka land is pretty fun wait you've been to wacka land oh yeah I just got back okay now I know he's not an alien because wacka land has a very strict no aliens policy [ __ ] yeah I'm sorry kid he's right they're pretty uptight about aliens they don't want them in their park wait wacka land is a stupid alien rule this is [ __ ] guys okay fine I didn't go to the Moon I didn't go to wacko land I sat here I was bored you got it you happy Junior it's okay you didn't have to lie yeah we're still your friends dude wait really yeah Junior it's okay yeah dude here you can play with my Mallet it has hair on it I can really play with it yeah dude come on you guys are still going to be my friends even though I lied yeah Junior of course yeah come here give me some cuddles come come on SO can can I go am I done okay I'm keeping the mask we're best friends forever [Music] yeah God yep hey what's going on what are you doing here well I was just going around fixing people's problems why' you choose me well I saw that you had a lot of problems and nobody else does cuz they're in wacka land oh well um my problems are I can't go to wack-o land cuz I don't have a real passport I also don't have tickets yeah or a mallet yeah I don't have a mallet so could you give me all those things oh yeah sure I could what you can yeah but I want to make it more fun so I'll tell you what if you can guess what number these dice will land on I'll give you all that stuff okay I didn't guess let's let's try again were you thinking for all right guess eight it's it's six sorry no stuff for you that was two doubles bye God hey buddy what are you doing here well I was just going around solving people's problems what so you're going to solve my problems oh yeah nobody else has problems they're in whacka land oh okay well my problems are I need a real passport and tickets to wacka land and yeah and a mallet yeah that too y I can help with that God hey buddy what are you doing here well I was just going around fixing people's problems you're going to fix my problems well maybe God hey buddy what are you doing here well I was just going around fixing people's problems you're going to fix my problems well maybe oh well I I have a lot of problems I know I know you do oh I need a fastb yeah you need a lot of things the Mallet you he me I'm what I need tickets to wagal land yeah and the Mallet and the Mallet can you give them to me I could so can you I could but I want to make it more interesting if you can correctly guess what number these dice land on I will give you the stuff you need okay uh what What's the most common number seven is the most common I'm going to go with eight okay um no
Channel: بيري علي - abeer berry
Views: 43,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, jefys, supermariologan, smljeffy, jeffymemes, jeffysml, smlmerch, jeffthekiller, jeffreestarcosmetics, jeffreestar, teamloaded, jeff, jeffreystar, lancethirtyacre, juniorphenom, scooter, ttgibson, makeup, basketball, superbowserlogan, jeffyislife, jeffyjeffy, jeffyjeffybadboy, sml movie cody, sml movie jeffy, best sml movie 2023, sml movie 2023, SML Movie: The Thanksgiving Stain [2024]
Id: P1URxywvS4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 40sec (2920 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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