SML Movie: Jeffy's Penny [2024]

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so guys what do you want to do today ooh I know we should go to the arcade and play games that sounds like so much fun yeah dude does anyone have any quarters no dude I'm poor I swallowed one a week ago and I've been digging in my poop trying to find it and I haven't found it yet I think I have some let me see uh I have four quarters two nickels and a penny why do you have a penny I don't know who even uses pennies anymore hey dude you know if you throw a penny from the top of the Empire State Building you could kill someone nuh-uh yeah dude no it's true the momentum from the penny is like a bullet let's try it oh yeah yeah that' be so cool we should try it yeah but guys we'd have to go to New York City why do you have to go to New York City cuz that's where the Empire State Building is I didn't know that you didn't know that I don't know my structures and geography and stuff look look look how about we just use this money to buy our plane tickets to go to New York City what Junior this isn't 1950 you can't buy plane tickets for 25 cents well let's ask Chef Pee to buy his plane tickets in New York City I highly doubt Chef PE is going to be willing to pay for all of us to go to New York City well we might as well go ask him man oh man I'm so excited Hawaii here I come hey shf peee no not right now Junior I'm packing my bags for Hawaii how can you afford to go to Hawaii check this out I sold one of my kidneys for $5,000 why would you sell one of your kidneys you have two kidneys Jor and I don't need this one so I sold it but for $5,000 yep so I'mma pack my bags for Hawaii this is going to be a blast now all I need is my money wait where's my money I need my money it was right here where is it see Cody I told you she peipi was going to pay for us to go to New York City we stole his money I would say we borrowed it well do you intend giving it back no then we stole it listen Cody when Chef peipi finds out why we're going to New York City he's going to know it's for a good cause it's not for a good cause we might kill somebody in the name of science it's a science experiment Cody yeah I want to go to the top of the Empire State Building and throw a penny off and see what happen yeah it's going to be really cool Junior uh hey shf what's up have you seen my money oh oh the money that was on the kitchen counter yes uh no I haven't seen it well I I mean my money I'm trying to go on a trip to Hawaii oh well listen I I just I don't know where your money is wait wait why are you laying down like that uh because my back hurts man I'm tired well get up uh I I can't get up because uh because me and Junior were about to make out wa what yeah yeah we were and I haven't brushed my teeth in over a week I'm not getting up well then you might as well stand up then yeah yeah Cody kiss me you gross e Cody why would you do that Junior I'm not going to miss an opportunity to smooch you all right listen let's take this money let's go to New York city so we can go to the Empire State Building do it Jeffy do it all right ow what hey uhoh hey did you just throw a penny off this it was him it was him you're going to jail Marvin have you heard from Jeffy no he's probably in his room who's texting me Jeffy just said he threw a penny off the top of the Empire State Building and hit someone what hey there officer what's going on well your son just threw a penny off the top of the Empire State Building and hit someone Jeffy why would you do that cuz I wanted to see if you would kill someone don't say that in front of the officer too late I already heard it your son's being charged with involuntary attempted manslaughter is he going to jail probably but the guy didn't die although he is suing Jeffy for the boo boo he sustained Marvin we have to get a lawyer we can't hire a good lawyer we don't have the money how about a bad one what I'm a lawyer not a very good one but I'm cheap how much do you charge what do you got uh we don't really have anything hm okay I tell you what if I win you take me out to Applebees and you let me buy whatever I want Applebees yep uh okay deal yes suckers come on Jeffy let's go to court order order order order order I am George poer and today we will be hearing the case of Jeffy Jeffy versus poy no relation to me whatsoever Jeffy Jeffy is accused of involuntary attempted manslaughter and poy is suing him for one minute million dollar in personal harm prosecution preed the prosecution exam your honor my client looking good po back at you judge yes continue mhm your honor my client poy was innocently walking down a New York City street when all of a sudden bam Abraham Lincoln in coin form fell from the sky and clocked my client right in the Noggin right there is where he got hit now poy tell me what were your thoughts when that happened I know it might be hard to remember considering that the coin has caused memory loss well I was really just wondering who threw that Penny did you get a good look at him I did not they were on top of the Empire State Building do you mind pointing to the people who may have done this to you point over there to them uh aha guilty I'm sorry I didn't hear a single word you said I was too too distracted by that ghastly wound on his head could you cover it up with a bandage or something can someone pass me some damn Band-Aids please Jeffy pass him some Band-Aids okay ow you see that he has a throwing problem guilty but no your client just needs to learn how to catch there you go booby can you kiss it and make it better sure thank you such a beautiful sight to see continue your honor my client is suffering from severe headaches and migraines ever since the penny struck him in the head he is now blind in his left eye close your left eye because the penny hit him right here so hard that he lost the vision in his left eye also women won't even go on dates with him because of that hideous scar in his head I tell him that I got in a fight with a bear but they don't believe me we think Jeffy intentionally threw the penny at my client to cause these damages very persuasive prosecutor defense attorney you better have a very good reason why I should not bang my gavel and call your client guilty this very instance no your honor my client is just a curious little 17-year-old child who heard a rumor that if you throw a penny off the top of the Empire State Building it'll kill someone now what child you know that wouldn't jump at the chance to commit manslaughter in the name of science I know my daughter certainly would so you're saying he did it thinking he would kill someone that's premeditated I not want to up the charges to premeditated attempted manslaughter instead of involuntary manslaughter no no no no no your honor my client was simply trying to bust the myth that a penny could kill someone if thrown from the top of the Empire State Building which he obviously did bust it because the penny hit that man and he didn't die so Jeffy just busted the myth that makes him a myth buster now should MythBusters go to jail no they should get their own show called MythBusters H yes I do like that show prosecutor how do you feel about the television show MythBusters isn't it quite entertaining it's it's okay your honor I have proof that Jeffy was not trying to bust a myth he was intentionally trying to hit someone with a penny right here is a screenshot that I have taken from jeffy's phone it is a conversation between him and his friend Junior I will now read the conversation Jeffy says I can't wait to throw the penny off the Empire State Building Junior then says yeah it's going to be so cool eggplant Emoji Jeffy then says I hope we nail some fool with it my client being that fool then Junior says yeah he will be in so much pain black Santa Claus claw Jeffy then says bumping Noggin two moneybag emojis your honor I think my client deserves two moneybag emojis for his pain and suffering defense attorney what I am seeing is very troubling to your gaze you'd better defend your little ass off okay I'm I'm not going to lie this doesn't look good but I have this this is a picture of the Empire State Building now I have a question how many people visit the Empire State Building every day hundreds thousands hundreds of thousands well probably not that many but a lot of people do and how many of those people throw Pennies from the top of the Empire State Building at least a few so how do we know that penny that hit your client belonged to Jeffy and not Steve or Bob or someone we don't know I happen to know Bob and Steve and they would never do such a thing but many people will so prove to me that that Penny was thrown by Jeffy H that is true I have thrown many a penny in my day prosecutor cute the process your honor I have just the evidence we need to close this case I've taken more screenshots from jeffy's phone these are text messages between Jeffy and his dad Jeffy says hey Daddy I threw a penny off the Empire State Building and hit someone admitting that he hit someone jeffy's dad then says no you didn't Jeffy were you trying to hit the guy then Jeffy says will I be grounded if I say yes then jeffy's Dad replies yes and then Jeffy says yes with a skull emoji defense attorney it looks like you've been backed into a corner how will you get out well I think maybe my client needs to stop sending text messages what what are you doing I'm trying to take a picture of the guy so I can send it to my Daddy and tell him this is the guy I was trying to hit with the penny give me that your honor my my client would like to uh plead Insanity that's it he's insane didn't know what he was doing uh insane in the membrane you heard that song uh no I I got it um we haven't heard from the penny in all of this Jeffy threw the penny but how do we know that the penny didn't choose to hit that man it could have hit anybody so why didn't pick him huh I think we should be talking to the penny let's call the penny in here M yes good point where is the penny that was used in the assault it's right here your honor you see that my client scared of pennies and [ __ ] but I don't know why you want to talk to the penny the Penny doesn't talk it's sitting here not doing anything doesn't have a mind of its own can't make decisions but who's on the penny Honest Abe he can't tell a lie and he's under oath that's double the truth telling your honor I want to question that Penny your honor this is ridiculous you're not actually going to entertain this are you H I want to see where this goes prosecutor hand him the penny here all right ladies and gentlemen I'm going to ask this Penny if a few questions now Penny did Jeffy throw you from the top of the Empire State Building to try to hit that guy yeah shut the hell up Abe we just lie I can't not what I'm holding the penny the power of ape compels me all right I've seen enough of this nonsense Jeffy is guilty yes we won we won we're going to be able to fix your head and your vision W uh think fast run kill them Marvin how do you think the court case is going well hopefully that lawyer's doing his job heyy we wion the case so let's go to Applebee's come on hurry up let's go right now we won yeah we did they dropped all the charges so get your ass in the car let's go to Applebee's well I I have questions okay we can talk about it at Applebee's let's go ooh I want the chicken won tacos yep me too so let's go let's go to Applebee's right now but I have so many questions yeah that's okay we can talk about it over a plate of mozzarella sticks at Applebee's so come on Marin we can turn on the news real quick no we don't need to do that because Applebee's has TVs so come on let's go right now why you in to rush to go to Applebee's because I want to get there before they close it's only 6:00 at night yeah but this is this is Applebees they got the dinner rush I I want to make sure I get a good table I I have a special spot so come on let's go let's go right now come on Chop Chop let's go okay oh man I am eating good in the neighborhood thanks for the Applebees man I mean you deserve it for winning the case what are you talking about I lost oh oh oh the case yes I I did win that I hey hey cheers for me winning the case and and waitress could you refill my cup please this is empty I thought we lost but shut the hell up and eat your chicken fingers ooh I can't wait to eat my chicken won tacos just slow down there fatty maybe eat your salad instead I might want some tacos later you can't eat all this food oh yes I can a good lawyer is a hungry lawyer that's what my mom always said look the news is on oh don't don't pay attention to that hey hey look at this artichoke dip huh it's they are really being sheap hey can we refill the goddamn Bowl please you know wait the news is on no no no no don't worry about that just look at my steak what's up with this steak huh it's like a hockey puck it's so overcooked breaking news I want a court case where a man got hit in the head by a penny that was thrown from the top of the Empire State Building we have an exclusive interview with the man now so sir now that you've won your lawsuit what are you going to do with all that money well I'm terrified of pennies now but I melted that Penny down and turned it into the lenses on these sunglasses H and with the leftover copper I turned that [ __ ] into a car you turned into a car yep suck it pennies ow curse you pennies what you lost no come on that's that that's fake news somebody somebody should report them for reporting fake news oh man I do have to use the bathroom though oh man my stomach has just been hurting me all day long and you know I had that whole drink earlier so and by the way can I get a refill for that please thank you you know so I I think I'm just going to use the B bathroom just real quick hey are you going to eat that burger yes no you're not I'm going to take that just thank you and then uh you know I'll be back in hey Daddy want to have a tickle fight no Jeffy I don't want to have a tickle fight jeffy's stop Marvin did you just poot I hate that word it's not poop Mommy it's fart yes I farted Jeffy was tickling me and it slipped out Marvin that's gross hey Daddy I bet I can fart Lotter than you can nobody wants to hear that Jeffy but Jeffy that was gross ew man get off me what the Marvin did the couch just talk oh I got a mouth of course I could talk he farted in my face what the what Jeffy is this a prank are you controlling the couch how would I be able to do that Daddy I'm not even touching the couch Marvin how is this happening I I don't know uh Mr couch hey stop poking me man wait how long can you talk for I could talk this whole time until you started farting in my face pissing me off oh okay that is it I'm calling a handyman or the cops or someone that can like get an exorcism on the couch an exorcist yeah I'm calling that oh man where's that handyman at I just called [Music] him oh hey but you just walk into my house yeah I I didn't know we were doing a door scene usually I just come right up to the couch and say hey there somebody call a you know whatever job I'm doing that day so can can you just kind of go back up there so I can do my thing you're kind of throwing me off yep sorry okay hey there somebody call a handyman yes I need you to fix our couch okay what's wrong with it our couch keeps talking to us yeah it yelled at me but your couch is yelling you yeah I farted on it and it yelled at me are you on something cuz you guys sound like you're tripping balls no no no it really happened didn't it baby yes it happened yeah I farted and the couch got really mad can I have some of whatever you're on cuz it seems pretty good no no no no look look I talk to the couch I promise he'll talk back uh hey Mr couch what's your name talk back Marvin maybe if you fart on it again oh yeah yeah yeah okay let's all fart on the couch it'll get mad uh if you guys start fart and I'm going to leave well no no no that's how you make the couch mad you fart on it yeah that's how you make me mad too no no just one little fart I promise to the couch will start screaming at me all right go for [Music] it yeah I'm really glad I could be here for that all right I'm leaving what don't leave come on by time he left turn the TV on D hey the couch is yelling hey the couch is back freaking weirdos hey hey hey hey I soon as you left the couch just talked like the couch just talked again like he asked for the TV like you have to come up there and see really are you just going to fart on the couch again and make me watch no no no seriously he's talking come on come on come on look look look see see right here yeah that's a couch no the couch just talked wanted to watch TV the couch wanted to watch TV he just talked yeah he said turn the TV on you know I'm really starting to get worried about you guys now oh no I'm not making this up look maybe the couch just doesn't want to talk around you oh it's me the couch just doesn't like me well I I don't know if I should be offended or not maybe you should pretend to leave yeah if you pretend to leave the couch will think you're gone and it'll start talking again okay uh I'm leaving now but but but but don't actually leave the couch can feel you yeah yeah the couch can feel you so maybe he can feel the weight and maybe you should stand over there okay that's it I know you guys are on something and I'm actually leaving now you hear that couch I'm really leaving bye please don't leave Marvin maybe we are crazy well no we heard the couch talk man why are you trying to get me in trouble I hate a snitch the couch the couch hat snitches I'm getting the hell out of here hey don't go don't go the couch is talking again he called me a snitch your couch called you a snitch yeah yeah yeah yeah the couch does not want you to know he's talking and I'm trying to tell you that he's talking so he called me a snitch he doesn't like snitches okay man I didn't want to say this in front of your kid but you and your wife need some serious help okay I I'm a cop I could arrest you for what you're doing but if I arrest you then your son goes into foster care and I don't want to put him through that okay so I just need you and your wife to clean yourself up get off of whatever you're taking I'm not taking anything I promise you the couch is talking he just doesn't want you to hear I'm talking look if you come up there right now I promise like let's just stand by the stairs you hear I'm talk okay okay man I I I need you to get your life together okay can you do that for me my life is together couch I'm leaving now the guy left Marvin what are we going to do wait why are you standing up we can't sit on the couch he talks you can sit on me sweet cheeks wait wait couch why do you keep talking to us but you won't talk in for the handyman I'm shy you know how long it took for me to talk to you but but like you know if you talk you could become famous really yeah yeah the whole world would go crazy a talking couch wait they'll actually like my song wait you wrote a song yeah I wrote a song it's kind of good you want to listen to it yeah yeah sure we'll listen to a song All right but don't laugh drop that beat ha you know who it is it's Sofa King AKA king of cakes he hey girl I like that booty come over here you need a place to sit I got the perfect place there was this girl trying to get lit she said that she had nowhere to sit I said don't worry girl I got a place come over here and sit on my face pop a squat till you rock girl never get up I don't want to see anything except for your butt don't be afraid girl use my face as a cushion everybody wants to sit just don't get them pushing sit on my face sit on my face sit on my face know your place sit on my face sit on my face sit on my face know your place sit on my face you got friends I can take up the three three different cushions one for each booty even if I had eyes I could not see cuz my vision's getting blocked from all this booty sniff sniff girl wait what is that smell don't tell me you just ate Taco Bell get off me girl you gross as hell is there a boo St is is hard to tell sit on my face sit on my face sit on my face your place sit on my face sit on my face sit my face your place my face I'm so but just call me love when you sit on me I sweep you off your feet in my face gets a snack I screaming trick or treat hop up and down girl bounce to the be drop it down fool around go to town booty round I won't break girl you know that I'm built safe and sound that's a fact booty back Make It Clap I won't snap it's a trap it's the end of my couch rap hey girl where you going look if you ever need a place to sit my face is right here so how was it it's a little inappropriate don't you think I'm a couch what else am I supposed to rap about tittis yeah baby all he sees every day is booty okay I get it I liked it thanks little pencil man hold up does my ears deceive me or did I hear a hard ass rap song coming from this house well who are you how'd you get my house well I was walking around your neighborhood making sure all your cars was locked and I heard a hard ass rap song coming from this house who's singing that song it was the couch it was me wait wait your couch can talk yeah the couch can talk and rap oh my God we going to be billionaires a rapping couch the world going to go crazy for it oh I'm I'm going to get a record deal I'm going sign them to a record deal right now wait you are really oh yeah let me get the pen and paper wait a record deal all right I got the contract right here all you got to do is sign and you'll be an official rapper wait how is he going to sign he's a couch he doesn't have hands you're right I I never had a couch sign a contract before put a pen in my mouth yeah put the pen in his mouth that's easy okay we can do it like that yeah put your John handc right there right there oh man what a nice signature now you're an official rapper congratulations yay what a ho at oh the hoes are coming my boy and they coming to sit all on your face I'm going to go tell the news I can't believe our couch is a rapper breaking news okay there is a couch that's good at rapping Yes you heard heard that right an inanimate object something you can sit on has the number one song in the world right now the song is called Sit on My Face by Sofa King I personally listen to the song while my Cleaners clean my house naked woohoo everybody love me they love my music Marvin our couch is famous I know it's so weird oh my God you're so rich and famous yeah I know baby and I sit on my face Marvin who is that woman I'm not sure that is a woman it sounds like a man get her out of here uh uh listen sir or Madam uh you have to go no she don't that's my woman she got some good couches it listen couch it's my house and my rules and my wife doesn't want that thing in my house so she has to leave wow you don't want to support me or my rock career fine come on ho let's do okay okay then then leave start walking go I'm a couch I can't leave by myself I'm heavy as hell look hire a movie company to help me move okay I'll hire a movie company so you can leave you'll never hear from me ever again and once I'm a billionaire i w give you a single dollar come on couch we can work this out no we can't all you do is lose change and remor in me look and I had to sniff your ass for years I have F too [ __ ] okay fine just just leave then I don't want to see you anymore either a Marvin I don't want to sit on the floor well our couch ran away to be a rapper we literally have couches downstairs why don't we use those Marvin can we order a new couch yeah we could order a red couch like our old one and hopefully it doesn't want to wrap yeah let's do that okay I guess we just won't use the couches we already have wait when did we get a air hockey table okay we got our brand new red couch it looks the same Marvin yes but hopefully it doesn't start wrapping and leave us so no one fart cuz we fart that might make the couch angry okay it's nice and comfy Marvin yeah it's really nice all right so let's watch TV and try to forget about this day breaking news Okay Sofa King the couch that knows how to rrap was shot outside of rooms to go earlier today in a game related shooting the gang members are thought to be from Ashley Furniture when will this couch on couch Crime Stop oh my God Marvin poor Couch's the rapper I mean he kind of deserved it morvin well no he was a mean couch we were so nice to him for all those years he just abandons us like that actually I would wipe my boogers on the back of the couch Jeffy I would also pee in the cushions and poop so he didn't have a good life wellist we have a new couch now so that old couch it's just in the past so look we have our new couch he doesn't wrap he doesn't bring women into the house all he does is just sit here he doesn't even talk hey there I'm couchy the couch I like to sing everybody sing along with me oh I'm happy couch happy couch all right guys are you ready to play Nerf guns oh yeah dude I'm so ready you guys should probably wear some eye protection come on Cody you're ugly but not that ugly yeah we're kind of used to you now buddy no I mean so you don't shoot your eye out with a Nerf gun we're not going to do that Cody we're not going to aim for each other's eyes yeah we're not stupid okay well I'm going to keep my glasses on no if we're not to wear glasses you have to take yours off well why don't you just put glasses on because it's two people that have to go find glasses and put them on when all you have to do is take yours off well I'm not taking my glasses off you're a stupid dumb idiot whimp I don't care what you call me I'm not taking my glasses off no balls take your glasses off okay well that's ridiculous obviously I have balls like a two big hairy balls someone even say too hairy okay there you go I took my glasses off you are so ugly Cody dude you look like a puffer fish you look like your name's Ted and you sit outside a school in a white van did your mom drink while she was pregnant with you I'll have you know my mom didn't even know she was pregnant for the first 5 months so yeah she drunk and partied a little bit and then she stopped after she found out after she celebrated a little more but look can we just play now is your phone going off yeah my mom has a tracker on my glasses that tells her when I take them off but why I don't know I just have to answer this okay guys I'm answering the phone now shut up I don't want my mom to know we're playing with Nerf guns hey Mom Cody why did you take your glasses off I I I I just took them off for a second to clean them Cody you've had your glasses off for several seconds what there's a timer on the tracker yes Cody now put your glasses back on I will Mom and how are your hemorrhoids doing fine Mom just shut up hey Joseph we should make moaning noises into the phone to make his mom think he's doing something weird oh yeah dude let's totally do it oh Cody oh oh yeah oh oh no Uncle get out of my room no you can't come in here please no I no no no no stop it stop it no not my pants please look I don't care how many fun toys you get me no me no Cody what was that I I don't know but it made me sad Cody put your glasses back on okay Mom damn look guys we got to hurry up and play my mom's going to call me back let's play Let's ow Jesus Christ godamn son of a big haired in my eye Junior why did you do that where did I shoot you at right in the eye call a doctor I'll call a doctor can I use your phone yes fine use the phone why is it sticky I I explain it just it's I'm using my phone okay hey there somebody call a doctor Jesus could you get that camera out of my face thank you did somebody call a doctor yes doctor I accidentally shot my friend in the eye with a Nerf gun Jesus what did you shoot him in both eyes but buddy how many times do I have to tell you to back up my God amateurs did you shoot him in both eyes multiple times why are his eyes so swollen he always looks like that oh you poor bastard am I going to be okay well I think you're going to have a hard time finding dates but can you see yeah I think you're going to be just fine but you kids really should have been using eye protection that's what I said but then they said no balls oh yeah I've been there I know how that goes one time I was doing a surgery and the nurse said no balls you won't do the the surgery blindfolded so I did and the guy died but I mean it was a tonsilectomy so he's pretty much going to die anyway right like a life without tonsils what kind of life is that I mean don't talk to me if you don't have tonsils right oh man I bully people who don't have tonsils don't let me catch you without your tonsils I'm going to throw a party and then it's going to be a tonsils only party and there's going to be a bouncer outside when you walk up he's going to say say ah and if you don't have your tonsils you're getting thrown out of the party tonsils rule okay guys let's play for real this time and do not shoot me in the eye again how can we not dude your eyes cover majority of your face just don't shoot me in the face that's too many rules let's play God mother right mying eye son of hey guys what are you doing oh we're playing with Nerf guns can I play well we only have three so you should ask your dad to buy you a Nerf gun okay I will oh my I hey Daddy O Daddy chiy stop talking to me like that Daddy can you buy me some Nerf guns but no Jeffy I've bought you plenty of Nerf guns in the past well those are old and I lost on the bullets well I'm sorry that's not my problem but Daddy I need a new Nerf gun right now cuz all my friends are playing Nerf guns okay look I don't have a reason to go to the store I'm not going to the store just to buy you a Nerf gun well I think you need headache medicine why ow Jeffy why why would you do that because I want Nerf guns okay fine now I'm going to go to the store by headache medicine and your dumb Nerf gun thanks Daddy all right Jeffy there's your dumb Nerf gun now leave me alone what the hell is that Daddy it's the Nerf gun you wanted me to go to the store to get you that's not a Nerf gun that's a zuru xshot what even is that it was cheaper and there all the same Jeffy they're not the same Daddy I need to have the nerf gun the official Nerf gun no Jeffy look this one's called a zuru xshot doesn't that sound a lot cooler like xshot no I'm going to get made fun of for having this daddy no look at the kid on the box he looks like he's going to grow up and be a cool kid and and look look the bullets are black and look the gun it has a a skull on it o that's that's pretty badass if you ask me and and your your friends they're going to say you're one cool Bean one cool Bean yep that's that's what they're going to call you so look go play with it all right Daddy they better say I'm one cool Bean that's exactly what they're going to say that's what all the kids are saying all right guys The Bean Is Here the bean yeah I like flicking the bean and eating vine all right wao Jeffy what kind of gun is that it's a zuru xshot wait it's not a Nerf gun no my daddy couldn't afford a Nerf gun cuz he hates me so he bought me this piece of [ __ ] oh dude it look so cool and green can we trade sure yeah be careful she's loaded oh dude this is awesome I wonder how fast this shoes that sound brings back good memories what Jeffy are you okay he shot that Nerf bullet down my throat okay guys I don't think we should play Nerf guns anymore it's too dangerous let's all just get into bed and cuddle actually you still might get something shot in your eye what Jeffy you should go tell your dad that you swallowed a Nerf bullet okay Junior um daddy Jeffy what do you want um don't get mad but I was playing Nerf guns with my friends spit it out and and Joseph accidentally shot me in the mouth with a Nerf gun and I swow SW the bullet you swallowed a Nerf bullet Jeffy on accident well now we have to call a doctor why do you think I'm going to die well no I just don't want the Nerf bullet like turn sideways and clog your intestines and you get constipate to death or I'm going to call the doctor hey there somebody call a doctor yes doctor so my son swallowed hold on back back up back back back up what okay that's it that's it you come on you need to get your [ __ ] together man you don't know what you're doing I'm just trying to do my job well do it better okay pick up that camera pick pick it up pick it okay okay now back up you see right there right there you don't get any closer than that okay okay Jesus I'm sorry man that guy's been pissing me off all day so so what do you need uh so my son he he swallowed a Nerf bullet oh that's fine that happens wait so like you don't have to do surgery to get it out or anything oh no he should poop it out in a couple days as long as it was just a normal Nerf bullet well that's all it was no Daddy tell him what you did tell him how poor you are okay it wasn't a Nerf bullet it was an off-brand like zuru xshot bullet what it it was offbrand yeah I mean it wasn't a Nerf bullet but they're all the same thing right no no no no no no this is very bad hold on okay answer this very carefully did the Nerf bullet look like this because this is a normal Nerf bullet or did it look like this um can I see the other one again okay was it this a normal Nerf bullet or was it this it was that one oh no that's bad that's very very bad why is this one bad because it's black wh why is it being black bad but is it not black is beautiful it's my favorite color actually but but no this one's black because it has lead in it see it was made in a cheap Chinese Factory where they make the brand Nerf bullets so it has lead in it so he's going to get lead poisoning if he eats it he swallowed one that's not good we need him to throw that up because if it hits his digestive system the lead's going to get into his bloodstream then it's going to get into his heart then he's going to have lead heart and he's going to die oh no Jeffy Jeffy you have to throw up right now you have to throw up or you're going to die just please Jeffy just just try to throw up for me just just please just just throw up I don't know how to throw up Daddy okay just open your mouth and make noises like no no Jeffy try harder try to throw up harder oh he doesn't know how to throw up can you help him okay I I have a trick that models use sometimes just stick your finger down your throat to try to make yourself throw up you want me to choke on your fingers Daddy okay that's gross I don't really want to do it now just no no just tell them how to do it just just just try to throw up throw up yeah thin is beautiful you little piggy yeah that's it throw it up throw up all that nasty food and get thin it's not working yeah it works when models do it okay I I have an idea hold on okay this will definitely make Jeffy throw up it's just an empty jar ah it may look empty but there's something in there what my fart my big loud stinky fart what what are you five no look I grabbed an empty jar I sat on it I blew ass in there and I slapped the lid on real quick before I could Escape hey there little fart I got you you little rascal you're my fart there's no way this is going to work it's going to work I did it all the time in college look all Jeffy has to do is take the lid off and then sniff my fart really hard it'll make him throw up all right Jeffy take the lid off and smell his fart all right what e why why are you drinking my fart cuz it smells good smells like beef and cheese oh okay now I feel like I'm going to throw up oh look your stupid fart thing didn't work Jeff let go with the fart stop drinking the fart okay okay I have another idea that'll definitely make him throw up Jeffy stop the smelling that boom got him Burger King that'll make him throw up Burger King yep it's disgusting I mean I used to love it as a kid but now as an adult I get food poisoning every time I like Burger King hints the crown My Le wait Jeffy you like Burger King yeah that's not going to make him throw up oh man we got to think of something come on Doctor the lead poison is going to kill him we make him throw up hold on I just got to dig in my ass and think for a second wait what you're digging in your butt it helps me think oh I have an idea Jeffy smell this yummy here you want to smell mine no I'm good does it really smell good no it's not good Marvin you want to whip everyone stops smelling their butts listen we got to find a way to make Jeffrey throw up because if he gets if he dies with Le poison it's going to be my fault listen because I bought him this stupid toy oh we got to think we got to think we got to think well I mean you're his dad so what usually makes him throw up um green beans you hate green beans right Jeffy yeah okay we got to get green beans oh do you have any green beans no and we didn't think of the ending before we started filming and it's midnight so nothing's open we can't buy any green beans right now H well I I mean I have this I don't know if it helps a printed out picture of green beans you just have this yeah I just keep it on me in case of emergencies Jeffy look look at that picture I hate green me dad I think it's working I think he's going to throw hey he threw it up yeah he threw it up we de no poisoning tonight no lead poisoning tonight no lead poisoning tonight we are a d all right Jeffy shut up all right so we we threw it up all right Jeffy so you learn not to eat Nerf bullets right yeah but you got to stop buying all the poor brand yeah I mean he can eat Nerf bullets just not those hey don't don't really eat Nerf bullets that's hey back it up back it up trying to tell them don't eat don't eat Nerf bullets yeah don't eat them this is a joke but anyway Jeffy okay fine I won't buy you the offbrand anymore I'll actually buy you Nerf brand from now on good hey uh Hey guys do you guys have your tonsils I have mine well I got mine removed when I was 13 loser tonsil list loser what a loser all right I'm going to take off hello is Cody here uh Cody your mom's here uh hey hey Danny can I borrow 100 bucks for what just to have it no well then can I have a dollar Jeffy shut up we're trying to watch Shark Tank oh I want to go watch sharks do they eat people no Daddy if a shark bit off your Wier right now what would you do how would a shark B my wi off right now I'm on a couch and and I guess I'd have no wiener oh did it grow back like a lizard's tail no well then how would you pee would you have to pee out your butt like a girl girls don't pee out their butt Jeffy Mommy tell them no Jeffy we don't do that yeah why do you sit down when you pee uh I'll explain it to you when you're older there's nothing to explain you sit down to pee you pee out your butt fine Jeffy we pee out our butts told you daddy mommy pees out her butt no the girls don't pee out their butt Jeffy yes they do why don't guys pee out their butt Jeffy no one pees out their butt please just mommy just said she pees out her butt Jeffy we want to watch Shark Tank please I want seey sharks daddy four sharks who are all billionaires are looking to invest their money into the next million dooll product hello sharks I am Dr frederck finger sheets and today I am here to present my amazing new invention now how many times were you late for an important doctor's appointment or late for work because your alarm clock did not wake you up well I am here with a brilliant solution to that problem behold this shock clock all you do is attach these straps you see them here you attach them to your body like so just like this oh very sticky and then they stick there and then when you set your alarm clock whenever it goes off it will wake you up with one 100,000 volts of electricity watch I am awake and on time so who is ready to invest H I have a question does it matter where you put the electrodes do they have to go on your chest I mean you can put them anywhere on your body that is safe I'm trying to ask can I put them on my balls yes if that's what you want to do okay I think I've heard everything I needed in them I have a question does it hurt when you get shocked yes it hurts extremely bad but that is why it wakes you up but can you put it on your nipples ooh that's a good question right yeah yes it can go anywhere on your body yeah can we try the product Oh yes yes yes me first no no me my nipples no yes yes yeah look you you can try it here here heck yeah okay so uh when it go off in 3 seconds I want to buy the whole damn company no I want to buy no no I'm buying I'm buy I'm going to buy the I'll take the want I'm taking it no what are the offers I'll give you $15 million for the rights to this product I'll give you $15 million for this if I can take it home right now I'll give you $15 million just to try it again Danny this show is dumb there's no shars on here Marvin I can't believe that man just made millions of dollars off of his invention oh Jeffy why don't you invent something so you can stop asking me for money but why do I invent I don't know Jeffy if I had an idea I would just go invent it can you give me a hint what give you a hint I don't have an idea Jeffy you just told me that if you gave me the idea then you would just go invent it so instead of you inventing it why don't you give me the idea and I'll invent it okay Jeffy look I'll help you um what is something you want every day H Jeffy but no no from the moment you wake up what do you try to get H and paper no Jeffy what is a problem every day like what is something you wish you could stop doing um I pee my pants every day day yeah yeah so so why don't you invent something that will stop you from peeing your pants it's called a diaper Daddy yeah but the diaper doesn't work when it's on the outside of your pants but it so it doesn't get dirty okay so why don't you invent something that stops your pants from being dirty you want me to invent a washing machine those already exist Jeffy no invent something that like stops your pants from ever getting dirty in the first place another hint I'm not giving you hints of I don't know why don't you invent a tape recorder of my voice saying don't pee your pants and you can listen to it every day so you know not to pee your pants m too hard but since you won't tell me what it is daddy I'm going to invent something so everybody everywhere can pee their pants no no not pee your pants stop he'll never learn all right daddy check out my invention the clamp Wier what's it do Jeffy I close pin the tip of my wienner shut so now when I try to pee nothing comes out doesn't that hurt Jeffy mommy I've slammed the toilet LD on my junk so many times I've lost all feeling down there Jeffy you cannot close pin your winter shop sure I can daddy and watch when I try to pee nothing's going to come out see no pee and my pants are clean as a whistle Jeffy your bladder's going to explode my bank account's going to explode from all the cash going in it from all the people buying clamp o Wier no one's going to buy clamp o Wier it's a dumb idea you're just jealous that you didn't think of it first why don't you try your washing machine idea and see how far that get you what Jeffy you're going to hurt yourself with that stupid invention oh and Mommy I'm still trying to work on a girl's version but for now go ahead and shove a golf ball up your butt that will stop the pee Jeffy Jeffy look I'm going to call a doctor so a doctor can tell you that's a bad idea it's going to hurt your wiener all right d hey there you call a doctor yes doctor can you tell my son that his invention is stupid wow what a great father very supportive well no no no want you hear what his invention is you're going to think it's dumb tell him Jeffy so I was trying to make an invention to stop myself from peeing my pants and my daddy got mad at me and he clamped the tip of my Wier shot and he said you're never going to pee again you little pee boy and he peed all over me no no no that's not what happened father of the year well no that's not what happened at all should I get my cop outfit because that's abuse no no he did that to himself no one would do that to themselves well why why would no one do that to themselves cuz it's a bad idea and why is it a bad idea you should know you're the one who did it I just want everyone in the room to know why it's a bad idea so can you explain it to me well you could cause permanent damage to your urethra all right it's like your pee hole tube pee hole tube yeah so you could damage that and you could also cause your bladder to burst from all the pee you hear that Jeffy it's all that bad stuff can happen then why would you do this to me if you knew that would happen I did not do this to you Jeffy thank you Doctor you can leave this has been the weirdest call I've ever gotten Jeffy why would you lie to him like that cuz I know what Jeff listen see why it's a bad idea yeah all right dadd I'll invent something else I hate him all right daddy check out this invention I got a tube in my pee hole and when I pee the Pee goes through the tube and into my backpack I call it the Pea pack Jeffy that's disgusting Jeffy no one's going to want to wear a backpack full of piss on their back what would you would you rather have piss in your pants or piss in your backpack Jeffy no one wants to wear pee anywhere and nobody's going to want to walk around and watch each other pee through tubes sure they will Daddy this is going to be the new fashion trend everyone's going to walk around seeing who can fill up their PE pack the fashist by the end of the day no one's going to do that hey did I leave my car keys here I'm always leaving my keys around I wish somebody would invent something to help me and stop losing my keys wait what the hell is your son wearing it's called a PE pack a what apparently it's a tube that's in his wiener and then he pees into a bag oh so it's kind of like a catheter what is Ja well it's like a tube that goes into your pee hole tube pee hole tube yeah that it goes in there and it's like a bag that collects your pee oh sure it's already been invented yeah oh man I guess I'm going to have to invent something else oh thank God I did not want him to go through with that invention it's disgusting so have you seen my car keys no we have not seen your car keys could you empty your pockets you think I stole your car keys I mean maybe I just I want to be sure I don't have pockets can I look get away from it go okay all right daddy check out my invention it's sponges in my pants so when I pee the sponges soak up all the piss I call it SpongeBob piss pants Jeffy you cannot call it SpongeBob that's copyrighted well I'll think of another name later Jeffy you're going to smell disgusting well it's still working progress mommy Jeffy no one's going to want to put sponges in their pants well because they never thought of it they're not smart like me Daddy no Jeffy it's dumb what happens when all the sponges get full of pee well then you just squeeze them out and reuse them they're reusable daddy that's disgusting Jeffy nobody's going to want to touch their own PE Jeffy listen why can't you just learn to go to the bathroom cuz this is a dumb idea you think all my ideas are dumb but this idea is super dumb I like the PE pack more that made more sense no Danny I think this is the one so I'm going to go work on refining the Prototype Jeffy all right Daddy I done it I created the piss pal the piss pal Jeffy yeah Daddy I took all those yellow sponges and I cut them out into yellow smiley faces I made them smiley faces because you get mad at me when I pee my pant pants so when I look at this it makes me happy to pee my pants but anyway what you do is you stick it in your pants and you pee and then when you're done you squish them out and then you get to reuse them a jiffy that's so cute thanks mommy cute there's nothing cute about this piss pal thing oh look Marvin look at the packaging it's so professional oh yeah when I'm walking around Walmart I want to see aisles full of piss Pals you won't see them on your shelves daddy cuz they'll be sold out B well no no you won't see them on the shelves because you don't have the money to get them in the stores cuz nobody want to buy them but no one likes you Daddy well Jeffy look nobody's going to buy a piss pow they'd rather just go use the toilet well I'm going to go on Shark Tank you're going on Shark Tank Jeffy yeah and I'm going to sell all of them and I'm going to show you I'm going to show all of you Jeffy no one's going to invest in your stupid dumb stupid piss pal the sharks are ready to hear the next invention hey guys I'm Jeffy are you tired of pissing your pants I am well I am too so that's why I invented the piss pal put your piss pal in your pants in front of your winter and whenever you have to pee just do it so who wants to invest wait why is he smiling he's getting peed on you don't like getting peed on yeah weirdo well usually my daddy gets mad at me when I pee my pants so now all I have to do is look down and I get happy because I see the smiley face what if I have to poop good question well I'm trying to make a poop pal but sponges don't absorb poop very well but what if you don't have a wiener o good question we make them for girls too ooh mhm and how many times can I piss in it before I have to change out my piss pal like it just becomes you know like leaky um about one good pay and then you got to ring it out and then you get to use it again but I have to touch it I have to ring the piss out with my own hands it's gross but it's your piss how much are you going to sell the piss pal for $29.99 $30 to take a piss in my pants I mean I could always lower the price you know what can can I try it I I have to pee oh thank you I just o ah okay that a little rough kind of hurts going in but how is it we PE though let's find out that's a good piss oh that's a good piss that's a good piss right isn't it great I will give you a million doll for 95% of your company I'm going to make sure that everybody in the world is pissing their pants with the piss B Mr pooby just off for Jeffy $1 million for 95% of the piss pal will Jeffy accept the offer or will he walk away [Music] empty-handed deal yes you are so dumb I got piss pal idiot I was going to offer him more piss pal I'm going to make me a lot of money kid say piss pal piss pal morvin Jeffy just made a million what up Danny all my hoes want back to front I'm talking straight smearing [ __ ] in the playhouse what I got two words for you Danny mucus plug located in the cervix run and tell that homeboy Jeffy speak English I don't need to speak English the only language I need to speak is this paper I'm talking dead trees I'm talking deforestation [ __ ] what I'm talking deforestation [ __ ] I heard you Jeffy I'm talking deforestation B ow okay what Jeffy why'd you sell 95% of your company he basically took your whole company what still got 5% and ddy I get paid every time someone takes a piss you should have sold your whole company Jeffy Marvin why can't you just be happy for him I'm very proud of you Jeffy for making a million dollars thanks D ooh that must be my other wheel B for of cash let me see who that is hello is Jeffy here oh hey you're the guy who invested in jeffy's Piss pal yeah and I'm regretting it believe me so is he here or not oh yeah Jeffy can you come down here what's up Daddy hey bud so you invented this right yeah yeah yeah yeah you came up with the piss pal that's your IDE idea uhhuh yeah you didn't steal it at all no hm well that's really interesting because I got a cease and desist letter we've gotten one of those before uh-huh from The Scrub Daddy you ever see that before no h so you don't see any similarities between the two well it looks like I taped piss pal over the Box H it does look like that doesn't it uh-huh did you do that yeah hm so you stole it no I didn't steal it they scrub dishes with theirs and I piss on mine okay give me my million dollars back right now take this what what Corin White
Channel: بيري علي - abeer berry
Views: 48,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, jefys, supermariologan, smljeffy, jeffymemes, jeffysml, smlmerch, jeffthekiller, jeffreestarcosmetics, jeffreestar, teamloaded, jeff, jeffreystar, lancethirtyacre, juniorphenom, scooter, ttgibson, makeup, basketball, superbowserlogan, jeffyislife, jeffyjeffy, jeffyjeffybadboy, sml movie cody, sml movie jeffy, best sml movie 2023, sml movie 2023, SML Movie: Jeffy's Penny [2024]
Id: xboyR5s1dAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 26sec (2906 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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