SML Movie: Junior's Rock Band [2024]

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so guys what do you want to do today I don't know dude I'm bored yeah you guys want to start a rock band oh yeah yeah dude I always wanted to be a rock star yeah we'll get so many chicks yeah and dudes no no no not that dude yeah we'll get chicks yeah yeah and also dudes no no not that all right guys look let's just dress up like rock stars like emo punk rock stars and get instruments and we'll make a lot of money yeah let's get Edy oh yeah we're ready to be rock stars hell yeah dude I'm going to beat these drolls until they get fire Joseph why are you talking like that cuz we're rock stars dude yeah rock stars talk like this oh okay actually I think behind the scenes we should talk normal but in front of the ladies we talk like this yeah okay all right so Joseph you're going to be the drummer hell yeah dude and I'll be the lead singer and bass guitar o I'll be lead guitar and then Ken can be second bass guitar dude he's a doll he can't play an instrument he's not at all guys guys don't argue cuz arguing will lead to the band breaking up and no one likes it when the band breaks up like One Direction yeah you're right dude yeah nobody's better than anyone else no matter how big and famous we get no matter how many people love me more than you guys you can't get upset what okay all right so now we need a band name oh dude three dirty grandpas oh three dirty grandpas sounds sick yeah wait but guys we're not old well that's what's awesome we'll go out on the stage and people expect three grandpas to come out and then it's us that like oh you look good for your age yeah we surprise the crowd wait but why are we dirty dude because Grandpa's don't bathe yeah you know have you ever seen an old person shower there's a chair in there they just there they don't even taking a show they're just sitting there yeah hold on we can't be three dirty grandpas there's four of us dude he's a doll guys we said no arguing look okay we're not doing 3 dirty Grandpa anyone else have a better name I think we need a meaner sounding band name like like lizard guts lizard guts lizard guts is actually nice dude yeah lizard guts with a z that's sick okay yeah we're going to be lizard guts and then our logo will be like a a lizard being stepped on his gut spraying everywhere oh I like that dude all right so our band name is officially lizard Goods lizard Goods all right so what's our first song going to be well I actually have a song I got one I got one all right guys on the count of three 3 2 1 go je p p e I want mac and cheese mac and cheese mac and cheese mac and cheese I want it please mac and cheese mac and cheese mac and cheese I want it please mac and cheese mac and cheese mac and cheese I want it pleasee Junior what's all that noise I hear why do you like it no it sounds like a cat getting ran over well it's actually a lizard cuz we're lizard Gus well you need to tell lizard Gus it's time to go out of business it sounds horrible but but but but did you hear the lyrics about how I want mac and cheese I'm not making you mac and cheese just shut up with all the noise guys I think he likes it I think we got our first fan dude I wouldn't say he liked it you'd say he loves it no dude stop being a negative nasty yeah Cody no one likes negative people if you're going to be sad like that girls aren't going to give you their muff muff yeah that tough muff dude yeah that muff cabbage I I don't want muff cabbage all right guys let's do my song from the top a one a two a one can we do my song come on dude yeah Cody no one wants to hear your song about wieners it's not about wieners at least this one's not dude do we have to yeah guys we said we were all going to be equal in this band okay fine Cody we'll do your song but I have to be lead singer what no no I'm the lead singer the lead singer gets all the Muff Junior it's not all about muff what are you going to do with the Muff you don't even use it I'll give you my Muth ooh secondhand muff I'll take it okay a one a two a 1 2 3 lonely summer it's summer and I'm lonely lonely summer it's summer and I'm lonely summer lonely it's a lonely summer lonely summer it's summer and I'm lonely summer days I'm so lonely lonely no friends try to phone me no bread just baloney baloney wish someone would try a bone me these days are so damn [Music] lonely it's a lonely summer these days are so God damn lonely well guys what do you think pretty bitching right I actually like it dude thanks Joseph I thought it was crap BR Capital C crap bruh why it doesn't make any sense what doesn't make sense about it it's summer and I'm lonely that's the part that doesn't make sense Cody it's December 2 weeks before Christmas it should be called Lonely winter yeah he has a point dude it is out of season but I wrote it years ago during the summer when I was lonely then we will release that song during the summer but no I want to release it now then change it to lonely winter but no it's not going to sound the same it'll sound perfect everyone will be like oh lonely winter that's a favorite Christmas song well it's not a Christmas song see I don't want to have to play it once a year like Mariah Carey but then it'll sell every year around Christmas we will be millionaires around Christmas to buy Christmas gifts no it's a Summer Jam it's going to be song of the summer Cody how about this listen please just re-record it with lonely winter just to see how it sounds just to see okay fine we'll try it a one a two a 1 2 3 lonely winter it's winter and I'm lonely lonely winter it's winter and I'm lonely winter lonely it's a lonely winter winter Lon I can't do this it sounds like crap Junior well why' you stop Cody it just doesn't flow the same dude I was vibing yeah it sounded great it almost sounds like it was supposed to be winter the whole time no no no no no it's going to be lonely summer and nothing you know what then fine we're not going to do your dumb song we're going to do my song about mac and cheese no that song sucks what well yeah it sucks because it's about Chef peeee and nobody knows who that is that's it Cody you're out of the band what what you talk crap about Chef peee no one talks crap about my personal chef well I I I was telling the truth nobody does know who he is no one knew who Stacy's mom was but now everyone knows she's got it going on true Junior you can't just threaten to kick me out of the band for that I didn't threaten to kick you out of the band you are out of the band okay you know what fine maybe I'll be more successful on my own like Harry Styles well you know we're going to be like the other people in One Direction wait wait who uh zann who the [ __ ] is Zay I don't know but that's who I am now yeah well Harry Styles wrote a song about strawberries or some [ __ ] so whatever it was actually about water and sugar and spice and everything nice okay who cares Junior come on Ken we're going to do lizard guts on our own no you can't take the lizard guts name that's our name I came up with the name well then fine take your stupid dumb lizard butt's name we're going to have our own different band name yeah two dirty grandpas yeah two dirty grandpas super dirty and stinky yeah filthy yeah don't we don't bathe or wipe at all yeah all right Joseph let's focus on our song cuz it's better than a stupid lonely summer winter spring song yeah it's going to be way better dude come on a one a two a one the news breaking news okay the band lizard guts has released a new song called Lonely summer and it has gone triple platinum if you haven't heard this song you have to listen to it right now dude Cody's song is amazing it's number one everywhere well look Cody just got lucky cuz even though it's winter time global warming is making it hot outside so people are confused they think it's summer I guess what's up [ __ ] what oh not you I was talking to them what are you doing here Cody I just wanted to see if you saw my song it's number one on the charts and it's triple platinum it's the fastest song to ever do that well you know your song's cute and all but you know enjoy being number one okay because our song's going to be number one right Joseph wait wait what song dude the song I just wrote right now so get ready to listen to it Cody a one a two a one two three Cody's mom is a fat pig Cody's mom is a fat cow Cody's mom is a fat whale Cody's mom is a fat hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo what' you think about that Cody well I like that you didn't know what a hippo sounded like so you just said hippo well do you know what a hippo sounds like Cody no well go go talk to your mom that's what it sounds like oh damn okay Junior you have fun with your little song well that wasn't the real song that's going to make us famous we have a different number one song and it's going to blow your mind so play it Joseph dude what song are you talking about just play his Lon summer beat okay dude all right a one a two a one two three Cody's mother is so fat and ugly Cody's mother is so fat and ugly fat and ugly that is Cody's mother Cody's mother is so fat and ugly Cody's mother is fat and ugly ugly her stomach is fat and pudy pudy from eating so much balone baloney so fat she will crush me so fat that is Cody's mother she's so fat and ugly she so God damn fat and and ugly so Cody what did you think about my song I think you just stole my song no your song's about lonely summer M's about your mom being fat and ugly it has the same music you just changed the words I sampled your beat and I didn't give you permission to do that we're all a part of lizard gut so I've have every right to use that beat Cody we're not anymore well that I want to talk to you about that I think we should get the band back together oh now that I have a hit number one song now you want to get the band back together no it has nothing to do with you having a number one song and a bunch of money and a bunch of muff it was about I think we should get the band back together why do you think I called you over here was to get the band back together you didn't call me I came over on my own oh well well before you came over I was just about to call Cody right Joseph yeah you had phone in hand yeah I was about to call you and beg you to come over to get the band back together cuz I'm sorry and I love your song really you like lonely summer yeah I love lonely summer I think it makes a lot of sense that we released it in the winter time and not summer at all huh okay well in that case then yeah I guess we can get the band back together and you have to share all the royalties with your number one song because I mean we were all together when you thought of that song right well yeah I mean I guess so yeah yeah so we're all back together it's lizard guts forever yeah lizard guts yeah so you also have to share your mou with us oh yeah of course why do you think I brought it yeah okay so now we need another hit song cuz we're l g and you just released a hit so we have to follow it up with another hit oh I have an idea no no no I got a song all right guys from the top one two one two [Music] three uh I saw a lizard on the ground and I [Music] stepped sorry if I scared you I like to sleep with my eyes open because if I close my eyes I'm afraid that someone will come in and steal all my money hi my name is Mr Goodman and welcome to a day in the life of me I wake up every morning at 6:00 a.m. not because I want to but because the sun is beaming through that window Clos the curtain very well sir chives I made a stinky I'm going to need you to change me very well sir see I don't get up to go to the bathroom because that's for poor people I just lay here and defecate in my pants that is one poopy butthole son well then pressure wash my ass chives how about a bath sounds fantastic you know how I like it chives very well sir come with me to the bathroom your bath is ready sir thank you chives every day I start my morning off in a bath of $15 million all $100 bills and I even take the bath with my suit on so it saves on laundry all right sir let's wash that tush you get down there chives and don't forget your snorkel very well sir oh and chives can you turn on Tom and Jerry s it's 6:00 a.m. Tom and Jerry isn't on are you serious CH there isn't a Tom and Jerry streaming service by now no sir my bath has been ruined go ahead and pull the drain plug very well sir and Shives go ahead and make my breakfast very well sir your breakfast is ready sir loaded mashed potatoes and a fillet cooked medium thank you chives uh chives is there an issue sir where are my peppercorns we were out of peppercorn spanking very well sir thank you sir every morning I start my breakfast with a filet minan cooked medium and loaded mashed potatoes are you ready for your wine sir what type of question is that chives pour it very well sir thank you chives you're welcome sir H uh chives is there a problem sir there is a speck of dirt on my wine glass I can assure you I just washed the glass well there's dirt on [Music] it was that absolutely necessary yes chives because there was dirt on the glass now go to the store and get me new wine glasses but plenty of clean glasses here I don't believe you because that one had dirt on it now go to the store and get me new wine glasses very well sir now where is my maid Ken Siera uh Mr Goodman my name Patricia whatever paprika I spilled my drink and I need you to clean it up see Mr Gman I'll get right on it are you wearing underwear no Mr Gman you told me not to good this is my maid enchilada and I've gotten her pregnant seven times because we don't believe in Plan B only C cuz the C stands for cash we have the kids I claim them on my taxes and then we ship them off to Cancun or some [ __ ] uh Mr Goodman who are you talking to I'm talking to the camera because I'm making a documentary of my life now bend over and clean up that mess see I'm planning on having an eth child I wanted a nice view with my meal speaking of kids where's my son Richard Richard get in here and eat your breakfast what do you want Dad I was playing fortnite I was paying everyone to lose so I could win f y again I wanted Lobster if you want a lobster you get your ass out there in that water and you catch one yourself I hate you dad I hate you too son uh Dad I see the maid's tush why you looking you go eat somewhere else okay Dad I'll eat in my room ungrateful piece of [ __ ] sir I've returned with your new wine glasses I'm not thirsty anymore chives I would like to play golf fetch me my clubs very well sir oh all right sir I have your balls in your Club chives ew there is a worm on my ping green a worm chives I'm so sorry sir I'll remove him at once no chives I want you to eat him must I absolutely positively have to sir yes chives I want you to eat them like a bird like the white eyebr I have a painting of in my kitchen very well sir how's it taste chives it's chewy sir yeah I bet now watch me get this hole in one [ __ ] look you made it sir yeah thought so you're so good at golf sir are you being a smartass chives no absolutely not sir you know what CH now go get it in the water no in outer space yes in the water cuz that's where it went but sir there are sharks in the water I don't give a rat's [ __ ] you get your old geriatric wrinkly ass in that water and you get my ball that was my favorite ball well maybe you shouldn't have hit it in the water spanking yes sir now you get your ass in that water and you get my ball very well sir sir I have got a b ball now spit it in the hole chives very well sir hole in one now boat time but boat time sir chives call the police my boat has been stolen sir you sent your boat out to be painted yesterday well then go to the neighbor's house and tell them I want to buy their boat but sir your boats would be back in 4 hours spanking why am I being punished sir because during my bath this morning you didn't remind me that I didn't have boat time today very well sir thank you sir now I'm going to go sunbathed by the pool very well sir shall I undress you for your swim sir e CHS what is that at the bottom of my pool it appears to be a leaf sir probably from the tree directly above your pool well I want you to jump in there and get it out but that's the pool boy job sir well now it's your job so shall I call the poor boy then and let him know he's fired since I'm assuming his responsibilities no I want him to show up and I want him to see you doing his job that's how he'll know he's fired very well sir that leaf has ruined my swim time I want you to drain the pool and clean it I'm going to go take a drive in my Lamborghini very well sir this is my Lamborghini I buy a new one every week when the odometer hits 100 miles because then it's just too used for me oh chives what do you need sir call up the airport and have my private jet ready and where are we going this time sir I will be flying around for a few hours so I can think are you sure you don't want me going with you in case you need some help sir no but what I do want you to do is is fetch me chimmy chonga or whatever the hell her name is I believe you mean Patricia the maid don't correct me chives spanking very well h chives you go to your room and you stay there yes sir chives lives in a little room under my stairs like Harry Potter I had to put him back in his room because he's been Snappy today Mr Gman why you need my help the car already clean I don't need you to clean the car quesadilla I need you to clean something else [Music] oh this is my private jet it's f as [ __ ] let me give you a tour of my jet it's the most expensive jet in the world all of the seats are made out of elephant [ __ ] skin this is where chives flies the plane his old ass wherever I touch on the screen my private jet will take me snacks out the dick the bottles of water come straight from Fiji so I'm going to go fly around for a few hours I'll see you guys when I get back [Music] ches I'm back for my flight oh no he's home oh no oh ches you can come out of your closet now oh yes sir all right now let's walk around and do a house inspection and make sure you stayed in your closet the whole time no we don't have to do that oh we absolutely have to do it come on come on yes lives did you touch my pool balls no sir you must have hit them before you went on your private jet no I would have remembered that when I left they were perfectly racked right here no how strange shall we move on no you Bing your old ass over this Brunswick label very well sir oh more than one sir yes how old are you again you old [ __ ] 67s uh 67 spankings it is you stay in your room yes sir old crusty man ass cheeks all right let's check my bank account to see if there's still four commas in there like there should be ah yes $1 trillion just like it should be oh chives yes sir has Marvin paid his house payment this month I don't believe so sir ah let's pay him a visit shall we now I'm at Marvin's house to get his house payment he never has his house payment come on let me show you hello good man what are you doing here I came to get your house payment why is there a camera crew here because I'm filming a documentary about my life now do you have your house payment or not uh I I I don't have it this month all right well you're coming with me come on come on all right Marvin since you didn't pay your house payment you're going to live under my stairs for a few days no please don't make me do that get in there but no I don't want it smells so bad in there because that's chai's little room and he has a little pot in there that he has to pee and poop in and then every day he's supposed to clean it out and by the smell of it he hasn't cleaned it out today so get in there please don't make me go in there get in there okay now you sit in there and you think about what you did CH you called for me sir I did chives tonight you will have a roommate but but sir there's not enough room you will make his life hell like you make my life hell but I help you sir do you chives because I don't see a mimosa in my hand and it's mimosa a time and you should know that without me having to remind you here is your Mimosa sir is the glass clean chives of course sir I checked it twice dare I look go right on chives there is a fingerprint on my glass a fingerprint chives well I can assure you it's not mine sir I'm wearing gloves did you finger [ __ ] my mimosa chives no sir maybe it's your fingerprint H maybe it is I'm sorry chives don't worry worry about it sir I'm tired chives and I no longer want this Mimosa so I want you to stick it up your ass and come tuck me into bed stick it where sir ass up it very well sir after a long stressful day I like to have chives come tuck me into bed chives come tuck me into bed very well sir thank you chives you're welcome sir is there anything you need before going to sleep maybe a bedtime story oh yes yes a bedtime story chives and make it scary all right sir once upon a time you were Bor too scary chives show me money show me that I have money look a $100 St oh good oh that was so scary chives never tell me a scary story like that ever again understood sir is there anything else you need before bed maybe a lady for the night oh yes chives a lady friend for the night because I'm lonely and what is the budget sir $30,000 ah going cheap tonight I see no ches actually this is what I want I want you to find a girl have her shave her head and wear a monocle like the Monopoly guy then I want you to take her to the hospital and have her legs amputated cuz I want to know what that's like ah sparing no expense I see yeah uh so go go fetch well H how about I just bring you the lady from last night Sir fine I guess that'll do understood sir hi that was fast she never left well well she smells too nice you know what I want you to do I want you to go outside and run 3 miles but I want you to do it barefit because I like the little black asphalt feet okay lock the door chives but but sir how will she get back in she won't I don't want dirty asphalt feet all over my 100% goose down sheets ew but you're the one that told her to go run sir I know CH but you know what cancel it lock the door but I want you to cuddle come here how about I just go get the lady sir big big spoon me little spoon you chives I want to smell guys Christmas is only a few days away oh dude I can't wait to open present well guys it's time for me to light my candles Cody your birthday is not till February yeah dude it's notop being greedy it's about Christmas it's not for my birthday so what's it for dude Hanukkah don't say that what is that for Hanukkah dude I'm about to beat him up right now you hear him Joseph don't do it what are you so mad about dude out of all things you could have said hey Joseph say that again or I couldn't hear you did you repeat yourself but you chose to say huh no no no no no no no no that's not what I said I I said Hanukkah bro I'm about to beat him up homie back hold me back Cody can you stop saying that no it's a holiday okay fine you know what we're not going to we're not going to do Hanukkah today I I'll just celebrate Christmas yeah you better yeah it's jesus' birthday not your birthday Cody what that's not God you guys are stupid there's someone at the door Cody answer answer the door with me Cody okay I'll stay here I guess all right Cody you really need to calm down with those slurs against Joseph it's not a slur it's a holiday just please calm down hello Merry Christmas Santa Claus what are you doing here I have a problem boys Rudolph ran away Rudolph ran away but who's going to guide your sleigh on Christmas night that's the issue I can't ride my sleigh without Rudolph's red nose lighting up the sky I could run into a building and that'd be really bad in New York City exactly so I need you boys to go find them and I'll give you anything you want for Christmas if you do anything we want anything come on Cody we have to go find Rudolph hurry boys hurry Jose Jose Santa Claus at the door Santa Santa oh did he bring presents no he didn't bring presents Santa Claus came to tell us that Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeeer ran away wait why would he run away maybe he got tired of people laughing and calling him names why don't you run away when we laugh and call you names I've thought about it all right Joseph Santa Claus said if we find Rudolph he'll give us anything we want anything oh family Junior don't you think it's weird that of all the billions of people in the world he chose us to help him Santa Claus knows we're the smartest kids in the world Cody Junior we're definitely not not the smartest kids in the world then why else would he choose us he can see us when we're sleeping he knows when we're awake he obviously knows we're smart enough to find Rudolph if he can see us he knows we're dumb come on Joseph you know we can find Rudolph right of course dude yes we can okay where should we start looking for Rudolph outside oh no it's cold outside it's freezing outside dude well then we're not going to find him then Rudolph could be in my house Junior he's not in your house you know that for a fact yes okay well if you have a Rudolph tracker then tell us where he's at Junior if you had a giant reindeer with a glowing red nose in your house you'd know okay okay well if you know where Rudolph isn't then where is he I don't know but he's not here then shut up if you don't know where he's at we're trying to think yeah you useless dude okay you know what it's actually going to be really hard to find Rudolph cuz the world is like what a billion miles long so the best option for us to do is to go to an animal shelter adopt the dog put a red nose on him and antlers and then give it to Santa and say that's Rudolph oh dude that's a nice plan Junior I I think he wants the real Rudolph that can fly no no no he just wants it for show so as long as we give him something that looks like Rudolph we'll get anything we want and we save Christmas but Junior we'd be lying to Santa I lie to everyone Cody Santa doesn't make an exception I can lie to him too yeah it seems wrong okay well you know what's wrong you trying to celebrate your birthday on jesus' birthday yeah and then throw a isle at me well no it's okay fine let's do your stupid plan all right let's go to the dog shelter oh man Santa Claus is going to love the new Rudolph well at the pound his name was Gizmo and he was about to be put down for old age oh a cute little mut look on me mut right now oh you must not know Michael fig my uncle Joseph calm down oh he's asking for it dude listen he's just an old sick dog but did he just cough I've never even heard a dog do that before well listen I need you to smell his butd what why I need you to smell a stink hole to see if it's stinky Junior it's called a stinkhole I'm pretty sure it's stinky listen I you have to make sure it's not stinky because he's going to be in front of all the other reindeer and no reindeer wants to smell a reindeer's butt that's dirty what Junior this this old sick dog is not going to lead a sleigh smell it yep that's a dog's ass well that's how they say hello mhm okay hello Gizmo Junior this dog is going to die listen listen listen Santa Claus is going to be super happy that he's going to lead his sleigh now we just have to tell Santa Claus that we found Rudolph how we going to do that he didn't leave us his number or anything the only way you can get a hold of Santa Claus Is Sing Santa Claus songs Santa Claus is Coming to Town what [ __ ] Santa Claus is Coming to Town what [ __ ] Santa Claus is coming to town to Town come your west of Town what but he's at the door that's how you get him I can't believe that worked hello have you boys found Rudolph yet yeah Rudolph's right here Rudolph come here boy don't you ever do that again so Santa are you going to grant us our Christmas wishes well once I deliver everyone else's pres I'll come right back here and Grant all your wishes you promise yeah sure all right guys let's go wait for him to deliver all the presents okay dude guys I can't believe Santa's going to give us whatever we want why did he run away like that because he's in a rush Cody yeah he has to deliver presents dude well not for a few days well he has to go all the way back to the North Pole we in Florida it's a long drive yeah he's trying to get ahead of [Music] schedule the news is on breaking news the real Santa Claus has died in a freak sleigh crash because Rudolph was just a dog with a red nose painted on him and the slle could not fly truly tragic yeah Junior we killed Santa Claus what do you mean we well he was looking for Rudolph and instead we gave him a sick dog that couldn't fly so he crashed well well a plane can still fly with one engine okay so so his sleigh has nine reindeer so if one reindeer goes missing it should still be able to fly I think George Bush did it mhm inside job dude well either way Santa's dead and Christmas is ruined what no Christmas no family no family Joseph I'm out of here dude I can't handle there what are we going to do Cody since Christmas is ruined well I still have my manora we're not going to celebrate your birthday Cody it's not a birthday thing then why are there candles well it's fine fine we won't do this DN it hey who are you I think that's an elf Junior you guys killed Santa no he didn't yes you did you gave Santa a fake Rudolph and he crashed oops no oops now you had to be Santa and deliver all the presents but that's impossible yeah we can't do that no tonight you're going to do a test run and see how fast you can deliver presents to our house it's going to be pretty slow we don't know what we're doing yeah cuz we're not Santa Claus I'll give you Santa's magic now which one wants to do it I do not want to be Santa Claus no Cody you got to be Santa Claus you already have glasses like Santa but you killed Santa so you should be Santa you be Santa Santa you you be Sant there now you have Santa's Powers what Ken Ken can't be Santa Claus he's a doll he's not a doll junor I don't care now deliver this present to this address I'll be watching you Cody Ken Can't Be Santa Claus yes he can Junior he's already a lawyer astronaut doctor scientist for the NBA he can be Santa Claus or should I call him Kenta Claus or St kentus or Ken Kringle that's all I got but Cody we can't deliver this present cuz Ken has all the powers Junior I have an idea they want us to deliver this present to test if we'd be a good Santa right so how about we just do a really bad job delivering this present and then we don't have to be Santa and we don't have to worry about this you're right Cody if we do a really bad job being Santa they'll be like we don't you being in Santa and they'll give the PO to someone else yeah and it shouldn't be hard to screw this up yeah let's go screw up being Santa Claus come on Santa Claus let's go to this house all right Junior this is the house okay so how do we get in do you see a chimney I'm not getting on the roof but we're supposed to be like Santa Claus but we're also supposed to suck remember aren't you good at sucking well yeah but not at this okay let's just go through the front door but Junior we can't just walk into their house but let's see if the door's unlocked well it's not going to be unlocked what it is unlocked wow okay let's go all right Junior deliver the present okay that's good bu bu I hear noises yeah well maybe it's you snoring no bo I hear noises you know what it might be my stomach growling because you burned dinner and I didn't get to eat Bo it's coming from the living room yeah well maybe somebody broke in and they'll kill me wouldn't that be nice Bo you have to get up and go check I'm not getting up until I hear something Cody I really feel like we should make like a huge mess so we can suck at being Santa but we don't want them calling the cops let's just go no no no no no we have to do a really bad job at being Santa and Santa would not make a mess right I mean I guess that's true watch oh oh no oh oh oh oh God Junior what the hell is wrong with you what okay okay I heard that all right I'll get up I'll check see what that noise was what what the hell what happened to my tree but hey hey you goons get the hell out of my house run Cy run yeah you better run I'm so mad what was that noise Bo two goons broke into our house and knocked over our Christmas tree did they steal anything no because I chased them off but I'm pretty sure I know who it was and I'm going to go give him a Stern talking to okay we delivered the present yeah there's no way we get hired of Santa now what the hell was that did you even try that was us trying Santa's supposed to be quiet and go down chimneys listen lady I don't know what to tell you we're just bad at being Santa find somebody else well someone has to be Santa there you are you goons you broke into my house hey you can't just come into our house without asking oh like you did in my house and you knocked over my Christmas tree you you could be Santa oh no no no no I I I don't want to be Tim Allen I I don't have time for those kind of Shenanigans well someone has to be Santa the news breaking news UK the real Santa Claus Is Not Dead the Santa that died earlier today was just a guy dressed up as Santa Claus and rode a sleigh off of his roof with a dog that looked like Rudolph wait Santa Claus isn't dead well I guess I can take these off oh can I have those I'm still pretty pissed off sure here you go you to stick them on there oh I'm so mad you guys broke into my house and knocked over my Christmas tree you you don't look mad at all I don't I I am mad I promise uh can you come fix his eyebrows yes you look like you have a question I need to better convey my anger here hold on yes hold still okay I'm sorry I'm just so mad let me see am I mad now yeah yeah you seem pretty mad I'm really mad you guys knocked over my tree and broke into my house listen we're really sorry we won't do it again we were just trying to be Santa Claus oh yeah you're sorry huh well let me let let me nibble that ear what what let me let me nibble let me nibble that ear okay there that's what you get now never do it again or I'll nible your other ear okay well Junior I guess Santa's not really dead so that that everything worked out well today was a crazy day yeah I have a question Cody okay what happened to your free medium french fries you get from McDonald's every week you haven't been eating them oh I still get them I mean I don't always eat them here but like I get them like I eat them at home like in bed and stuff well everyone's been upset that you haven't been eating them well all right fine you know what here here you go here's my free medium french fries I get from McDonald's every week there you go you happy eat one okay Jeffy come look all the presents are under the Christmas tree are all these presents for me they sure are buddy how many all that um 36 36 well last year I got 37 I want two new presents but Jeffy these presents are already so big I don't care how big they are well listen this is what we'll do when we go out we'll buy you two new presents how's that pumpkin can you guys please stop quoting Harry Potter sorry Marvin so you guys got me all these presents yes we did Jeffy so then when Santa Claus comes he's going to bring me even more presents of course Jeffy yay best Christmas ever no Jeffy you're 18 years old it's time for you to know Marvin what but baby we got to rip this Band-Aid off he's to 18 years old no Marvin stop it what are you guys talking about um what he was saying was that we got a letter from Santa and he told us that you're on the night Priceless he did can I see the letter um uh when you when you read the letter the words disappear it has invisible ink on it well then can I see the piece of paper no the paper blows up after you read it huh well well Danny how does Santa Claus know what I want for Christmas because I never went and told him what I wanted oh Santa knows what she want he can hear what you're thinking he knows when you're sleeping you know the song well how does he know that if I didn't tell him I need you to take me so I can tell Santa Claus what I want for Christmas right now no Santa Claus is busy it's Christmas Eve he's getting his sleigh ready and he's yelling at his elves he has a lot to do today well he's at the mall so you can take me there right now and I can tell him no no the mall is so packed on Christmas Eve how about you write a letter and say what you want and we'll ship it to him well if I write a letter it won't get there in time okay how about you just tell us what what you want and we'll tell them we have his phone number no I want you to take me to the mall right now so I can tell s what I want for Christmas A come on Marvin let's just go okay fine we'll go to the mall get in the car hurry up all okay Jeffy we made it hey you here for pictures yes we are here for pictures all right just have a seat say cheese no no no no we want pictures with Santa Claus Santa Claus yeah Santa Claus oh we stopped doing that weeks ago man weeks ago I don't get to see Santa what were we talking about well it's the day before Christmas man all the Santa are at home with their family no no no no no no Jeffy Jeffy hold on on no no no come on get have to call up Santa Claus like you got to have a Santa Claus around here somewhere sorry man all you have is me and this chair and don't make fun of my costume it's a child's large legs isn't that fun I can dance no no listen listen listen I just need you to like call up a Santa Claus please that's something you got to do listen Jeffy really wants to talk to Santa Claus I mean listen man I can unless you unless you have money what money yeah if you pay me maybe I can find you a Santa Claus all I have is 100 okay yeah that'll that'll work uh let me just call my buddy Tim you guys just go hang out at Cinnabon or something oh oh Jeffy come on they're getting Santa Claus we have to wait over here okay you better paay me good yeah I'm sorry Tim I'm sorry it's so last minute I was sitting on my couch eating potato chips yeah I know I know how much you love your chips I'm sorry it'll be real quick I promise yeah they were Las and sorted that sounds great just just put your beard on get ready okay we're ready for the next kid okay Jeffy there's Santa Claus Santa Claus and what's your name young man Jeffy tell them your name well come here boy take a seat okay and what do you want for Christmas I have to whisper it to you okay I want don't don't yell at Santa please Jeff whisper it okay oh no oh Lord how about how about we just give you a candy cake are you going to get it for me Santa will do his best I want your beard no Santa just shaved so he he couldn't get his beard in time Jeff Jeff that's the real Sant he just what did you do with the real Santa Claus you impost Jeffy the real Santa Claus oh what a nightmare Dy what did they do with the real Santa Claus that was a fake Santa Claus that Santa Claus smell like pepto bismo and bad decisions Jeffy listen look that that Santa Claus was a messenger Santa so all the malls Across America they hire messenger Santa to find out what kids want and then they tell the real Santa right well I want you to call Santa Claus cuz you said you had Santa Claus's phone number so call him well he's busy call him call I don't want to call him right now I don't want call him Santa CLA is the real a what are you talking about you [ __ ] je me Santa Claus he's not real you're 18 years old it's time for you to know I want to go break everything in the kitchen how could you tell him that he's 18 years old he's screaming at me I don't know what to say to him anymore s is real oh come on guys F you [ __ ] you lying [ __ ] what Jeffy what's your point being good all year Santa CLA isn't real you w good I tried really hard no you didn't you don't try to be good Jimmy Mar we got to do something I'm going to call someone hey there somebody calling elf yes I need your help because you caused a problem in my life but what did I do well you had that stupid fake Santa Claus at the mall and then when my son pulled his beard off my son freaked out and cried and then I told him Santa wasn't real because I didn't want him to cry anymore well it sounds like it's your fault for telling him Santa's not real no it's your fault for hiring a crappy Santa I'm sorry I didn't have the real Santa at the mall on Christmas Eve well can you call the real Santa no baby cuz Santa's not real Santa's way too busy today what well yes s's very busy it's Christmas Eve he has to load up his sleigh and then deliver presents to the Republic of kir body or some [ __ ] that that's where the day first starts I like your Jingle Bell thank you oh okay so you're telling me that you could actually get a hold of Santa Claus no I'm saying I can't because he's too busy well you have to find a way to get a hold of him you're an elf you can find a way to talk to him you know I'm not really an elf right I just work at the mall and take pictures listen can you please help me my son's breaking plates and screaming and crying please get a hold of Santa what do you think we can do huh well the only thing I can think of is we kidnapped the Tooth Fairy what the Tooth Fairy yeah the Tooth Fairy of Santa Claus's daughter not a lot of people know that wait she is oh yeah yeah Santa and Mrs Claus had a daughter and they named a tooth so her name was tooth Claws and that was kind of scary especially cuz she collected teeth and she collected claws like whenever cats got declawed she would collect their claws and give them money but they're cats so they didn't need the money so she stopped doing that but anyway they decided tooth claws was too scary so they named her the Tooth Fairy cuz that's a lot cuter okay so you just created another problem how do we get the Tooth Fairy here oh that's easy we just got to put somebody's tooth under a pillow okay well I don't have any teeth me neither oh I got one in my pocket hold on there you go whose tooth is that I don't know some kid why do you have some kid's tooth in your pocket oh well I work at the mall right as an elf so there's a lot of kids around so this one kid ran up to me and he was like elf boy Elf boy and he kept throwing candy canes at me and I was like listen here you little [ __ ] if you don't knock it off I'm going to punch you in the mouth and knock your teeth out and then he stomped on my foot so I popped him in the mou mouth and knocked his tooth out and he ran away crying and I was like now you're useless and Toothless you little [ __ ] so then I kept the tooth to warn anybody else who wants to mess with me that this used to be in someone's mouth until they met me I'm him I'm himothy him John's oh okay so how do we get the Tooth Fairy here oh that's easy where's your comfiest bed just put it under the pillow and I'll take a nap uh come on okay all right here's the bed okay so let's just take this tooth and then put it under the pillow then I can just tuck myself in do you have any warm milk no okay well I don't know how I'm going to sleep without any warm milk listen we to catch the Tooth Fairy okay then hide bro I'm asleep I sure am sleeping I P for the tooth get him Marvin why only a quarter for that tooth you know what I had to do I had to punch a kid that's not your tooth no and now we're going to kidnap you yeah oh [ __ ] where'd she go I forgot she can poof what she can poof we had to kidnap her yeah hey but look we have a quarter and we still have the tooth so we win Shee dumb haha okay how are we going to get Santa Claus to come here then I don't know let's just go back on on the couch Marvin where's the Tooth Fairy we tried kidnapping her but she poofed away yeah but we got one of a cord us though so we robbed the Tooth Fairy yeah we robbed the Tooth Fairy you did what Santa Claus how long you been standing there long enough how dare you try to kidnap my daughter on the eve of Christmas no no no no no no we weren't trying to kidnap your daughter we were just trying to uh uh take one of her quars yeah yeah yeah cuz she she has the best cord is like this one's 1972 that that's rare I think you can't lie to me Santa Claus all knowing I know when you're sleeping I know when you're awake I know whether you've been bad or good to be good for goodness sake Santa just tried to smash you he did the smash he did the Santa smash he did the smash it was a North Pole bash he did the smash he came in a Flash ho ho not me it was his idea get him fine go back to the nor p i I work at J C penny go okay I'm going set give me please give me work out oh no you're dead you're so dead why what does that even mean come here find out hey Marvin Marvin I I I suck this candy can until it was sharp maybe you can use like as a weapon or something oh throw it to me uh you know what maybe I'll just stab myself I'm I'm sorry what did I do I feel so bad sorry I'm out of here I'm out of here you st s in the neck s are you okay of course I'm not okay I got stabbed in the neck I'm dying this should have been you daddy is this really Santa Claus uh yeah and he's dying Santa Claus is dying can I get you anything Santa Claus boy yes for my wish for my dying wish oh I would like some milk and cookies okay here's your cookie Santa [Applause] Claus what the mil boy oh okay I'm alive it is all thanks to you how can I ever repay you well there is something I want for Christmas name it whatever it is done [Applause] mhm Danny this pole smells like a Captain D's hush puppy Jeffy I can't believe you wasted your wish on a stripper well she's a free stripper cuz I don't have to pay her and daddy guess what there's something wrong with her underwear what's wrong with it they're not in my mouth oh my God you're so funny well Jeffy at least you're having a good Christmas who wants a lap dance right here um Danny I'm going to need you to leave so she can give me the second part of my Christmas gift I'm out of here well I'm just glad I didn't kill Santa oh man I don't think I could have lived with myself you know and I was really worried that I would become Santa like Tim Allen did in that movie I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility that's a lot of work anyway thanks for watching everybody Merry Christmas I hope you get what you wanted and if you didn't that's that's
Channel: بيري علي - abeer berry
Views: 71,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, jefys, supermariologan, smljeffy, jeffymemes, jeffysml, smlmerch, jeffthekiller, jeffreestarcosmetics, jeffreestar, teamloaded, jeff, jeffreystar, lancethirtyacre, juniorphenom, scooter, ttgibson, makeup, basketball, superbowserlogan, jeffyislife, jeffyjeffy, jeffyjeffybadboy, sml movie cody, sml movie jeffy, SML Movie: Junior's Rock Band [2024]
Id: 3N9PoA9cXno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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