SML Movie: Nightmare On Jeffy Street [2024]

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Marvin are we still watching a scary movie tonight yes baby jeffy's put on his pajamas then he's going to bed and then we're going to watch a scary movie oh I'm so excited hey Daddy check the fit I got my bunny shoes on got my carrots on I'm ready for bed oh you are ready for bed Jeffy so how about you hop on over to your bed and go to sleep no what do you mean no before I depart off to bed I have just the teensiest request what's your Teensy request I would like one pepperoni pizza Jeffy you're not getting a pepperoni pizza before bed why I want pizza Jeffy say please my balls itch okay first off even if he says please he's not getting a pizza before bed and also Jeffy what about your balls stop it Jeffy listen pizza before bed will uh give you nightmares Pizza these nuts what I'll give you a pizza something Jeffy you you can't you said the the the punch line before the pizza these nuts look you're not getting pizza before bed Danny I assure you your night will go a lot smoother if you get me pizza is that a threat no Danny it's not a threat I'm just saying the back of my bunny suit opens up and it exposes my butt cheeks and I had one of those watery poops today and I didn't wipe my turd tunnel so I have plans on rubbing it across your couch like riding happy birthday on a birthday cake but instead of icing it's going to be [ __ ] from my poophole Marvin I kind of want to pizza now how'd that make you hungry I'm going to wipe my poop hole the dirty poophole across your couch like smearing cray and crayons okay Jeffy I'll get you a d Pizza great all right Jeffy here's your pepper pepperoni pizza e what's wrong why are those red things on it those are pepperonis well I don't like pepperonis take them off you said you wanted a pepperoni pizza where's the cheese under the pepperonis well I want the pepperonis taking off okay fine I'll take the pepperonis off all right Jeffy I took all the pepperonis off the pizza so you can eat it I don't want it anymore I want hot dogs father you're scaring me Jeffy you're going to eat this damn pizza come on Marvin the sooner he eats the sooner we can can watch our movie baby you're not going to actually play his game he wants hot dogs now you want hot dogs Jeffy yeah Mommy but you're going to want to write this down because I like my hot dogs a certain way okay yeah so check it this is what I want I want two hot dogs boiled then when they're done cooking I want you to put them on a plate Loosely no bun or anything cuz I like to watch them roll around then on the center of the plate I want you to put ketchup and mustard on there but it's up to you to balance the plate so that the hot dogs don't touch the ketchup and mustard because if they do you're going to have to start all over and then to drink I want show me the water that the hot dogs were cooked in with milk then once you got all that together go ahead and put that in the trash cuz I'm not going to want that either Jeffy oh that's it Jeffy you're going to bed hold on I got one more request go to bed Jeffy but Daddy you didn't hear my request I want grapes with the skin peeled off and I want bananas but I only want the stringy part good night Jeffy oh Jeffy frustrates me so much calm down Marvin let's just watch the movie and look we have a cheese pizza we can eat yeah you're right and I guess if you want to add some sausage to that pizza say it's right here you picked it off and put it in the corner what those are pepperoni not sausage pepperoni is a type of sausage no it's not okay well let's just sit here you be wrong and watch a movie okay a there you CAU me but Jeffy go back to bed but I heard movie and I want to watch a movie you're not going to watch this movie Jeffy it's scary Jeffy it's really scary you can't watch it well how scary is it scary or scary it's scary well I can watch you I'm a big boy no jeffy's going to give you nightmares it's a really scary movie I don't care G cuz I want to watch it oh you know what fine then we'll watch it but when you get nightmares you don't come crying to me okay I won't go cry Daddy it's called Nightmare on poopy street [Music] [Applause] right wait why am I jogging at night suck my ball get over here run B run Jeffy run no please what damn cat I'm tired of you scratching me while I sleep go get out of here Sho man the damn cat ruined my favorite white sleeping shirt what's wrong honey come back to bed the cat scratched me while I was sleeping I told you we should get that thing CL I know I know it's just it's like cutting off their fingertips I just don't feel comfortable doing it it's just a cat okay I I'm not going to argue right now okay I'm tired wait hold on do that again oh yeah a little lower right here oh yeah that's it that's the spot that's good okay all right you can kill me now Daddy it's movie scary well Jeffy we told you it was a scary movie so he killed you in your dreams and then killed you in in real life yeah that's the point of the movie I'm not going to sleep it's not real Jeffy so I'm not going to dream about him well I mean you just watch the movie so you might Marvin well I'm just being honest like he's not going to kill you cuz he's not real but you might have a nightmare about him Marvin I'm just telling him the truth baby I'm never going to sleep ever again what are you doing Jeffy I'm trying to keep my eyes open so I don't go to sleep at some point you're going to have to close your eyes Jeffy no I don't you're going to have to go to sleep at some point no not all right Jeffy how about this what if I have this special little thing that will stop him from coming in your dreams special little thing yeah look look come to your bed come on okay okay Jeffy come in the bed but then my seats will be all sticky get in the bed Jeffy okay all right Jeffy if you just go to sleep Freddy won't come in your dream okay well how are we going to stop Freddy from blowing a load in my dreams he's not going to come in your he's not going to go in your dreams because you have I have this special little tool and this tool will stop Freddy from coming going into your dream you won't dream about Freddy if you have the special tool okay the tool right here it's this chapstick so they say if you have a Chapstick on your bed then Freddy will stay dead okay I'll let you know when that makes sense so look you can sleep and have all the dreams you want cuz this chapstick will stop Freddy from going into your dreams so good night Jeffy okay good night Daddy all right my daddy said that as long as I have my Chapstick then I'll be safe all right time to go to [Music] sleep wait a minute oh my in the same straight as that movie that means get back here Jeffy I'm just trying to check on you what Jeffy where'd you go Jeffy Jeffy how you floating like that Jeffy D to get back in b Oh Daddy that Freddy guy came in my dream no he didn't Jeffy you were just having a nightmare no Daddy he really did he picked me up and he was shaking me we got to call the cops well I mean you were just being shaken in the air like you were just floating there so so he actually probably was in your dream and and picked you up he is real yeah we have to call the cops come on jimy baby baby baby we just called the cops what why because Freddy's and jeffy's dream trying to kill them what hey there somebody called the cops yes oh I can see why why not just order a cheese pizza who orders a pepperoni pizza and then picks the pepperonis off that should be a felony officer I have a question is pepperoni a sausage everything was a sausage to my ex-wife especially the next door neighbor while I was at work did he pepperoni that's not funny my wife cheated on me with my neighbor it was heartbreaking but I'm glad you get to make your little pepperoni joke anyway what do you find people need you need my help eating this pizza huh huh you need my help opening this garlic sauce you need my help dipping the pizza in the garlic sauce you might help eating the G Pizza no listen have you seen the movie Nightmare on Elm Street which one there's like nine well whichever one has Freddy Krueger in it that would be all of them so yes well listen Freddy Krueger's in jeffy's dream trying to kill him Marvin that's ridiculous oh no I believe him Freddy is very real and he kills people all the time as a matter of fact whenever we can't solve a case we just chalk it up to Freddy well well Freddy's in jeffy's dream trying to kill him how do we stop Freddy well I have good news and bad news uh the good news is stopping him is pretty easy I know a guy who does that all the time what you do what's his name maybe you heard of Jason Vorhees he's my cousin he is oh yeah he kicks Freddy's ass all the time so that's the good news oh with the Callum well see that's the bad news the bad news is he lives on the bottom of a lake and he only comes out on Friday the 13th and today is Saturday the 29th not even [ __ ] close well well maybe you can like maybe he can do you a favor and come out today instead of the 13th I mean he lives on the bottom of a lake so I can't really call them but I guess I could send an email yeah do whatever you have to do uh hey Cuzo it's me you know that thing you usually do on Friday the 13th uh need you to do that on Saturday the 29th please thank you very much okay well let's see if he [Music] answers oh hey look everybody he showed up I I know Jason I'm sorry I know it's not your day we just really need your help yeah so so Mr Vorhees Jason Mister um my son Jeffy he's been having a lot of bad dreams about this Freddy guy that's trying to kill him and we want to know how to stop [Music] him yeah oh okay yeah okay so uh Jason says that Jeffy needs to go back to sleep and when he dreams about Freddy he needs to steal Freddy's hat because Freddy hates that and that'll bring Freddy into the real world and then Jason k kick his ass mm okay all right Jeffy let's go to sleep and so you can take Freddy's hat all right okay uh uh uh Jason also wants to know if you're going to finish that garlic sauce in the pizza cuz we're hungry you guys can have it yes all right Jeffy go to sleep and when you see Freddy you grab his hat okay all right Daddy all right I'm back on the street now where is he h got your hat hey give it back no dadd I got the Hat oh give it to Jason give it to Jason that's not fair that's my head give it back do this every time you H myle you like it let's get out of here hey he did it yeah he killed Freddy yeah he does that but uh don't let him catch you on Friday the 13th he's not going to be so friendly that's when he kills everybody so Jeffy I hope you learned your lesson not to watch scary movies I sure did Dany so what are we going to do for the rest of the night do you want to watch the sequel yeah [Music] okay [Music] honey what are you still attracted to me yes of course it's just we never spend time together anymore it's just i' I've been really busy recently and I'm working a lot of hours and I'm just I'm tired okay you're never even hold my hand you are my hand just go back to sleep okay honey I told you I'm not in the mood right now all right Mommy I made you a crap happy Patty ooh it looks delicious Jeffy thank you eat it okay no actually put it in your mouth and chew and but Jeffy it's Play-Doh you eat it okay uh Jeffy look that way delicious good I'll make you three more baby you don't actually have to eat it I know Marvin but I don't want to hurt his feelings what's wrong Jeffy nothing look Marvin the news is on breaking news okay Tom Brady seven time Super Bowl champion is getting divorced by his wife I have an exclusive interview with him now let's go to that okay I'm here with Tom Brady wow you're tall you want to be one of my offensive lineman no Tom I don't want to be part of your football team but how are you taking the divorce divorce I'm getting divorced yes your wife filed for divorce this morning oh that sucks I guess well do I still get to play football yes oh good that's all I care about well how are your kids taking the divorce kids I have kids yes Tom you have three oh well the only three things I know is I lost three Super Bowls it makes me sad well do you even remember the names of your three kids oh I'm no good with names let's see one of them's got to be Tom Brady Jr and then I think one of them's grank and then Patrick sounds familiar oh look a football football I like football uh Tom Tom we're in the middle of an interview here pass me football Tom come on stop stop it Tom hey we're talking about your kids here oh yeah my kids wait who got custody it's split between you and your wife 50/50 oh well as long as as I don't have to see him on Mondays Thursdays or Sundays or days when I have practice actually she should probably just hold on to him for a while well now that you're divorced Tom how much longer are you going to play football well I don't have a reason to quit now so I'm just going to keep playing till I'm dead oh is that a football well you heard it here first folks Tom Brady is distraught after the divorce Tom Brady's getting a divorce that's so sad I guess it goes to show that money can't buy you happiness you know what money can buy you a big inflatable Pony with light up nipples Jeffy talking old disco tits hey guys have you seen my spatula right here scrambling up some eggs oh God now I can't use it shfp did you hear that Tom Brady got a divorce what Tom Brady Mr goat himself Mr B yeah he got a divorce that means it's finally my chance your chance for what my chance to marry him stupid and be his number one wide receiver no he would marry me instead of you but Marvin you're already married to me yeah you're taken he's not going to choose you well no no I want to be married to Tom Brady instead of you he's the goat he has seven rings and I want to be one more ring on his finger Marvin ball he's not going to choose you Marvin he's going to choose me cuz I got a huge Caboose and I can throw it in a circle yeah let let me throw that ass in a circle I can throw mine in a circle better nuh look at my ass clap stupid he wants to hear mine clap nuh look at my ass clap no mine claps louder like the 70,000 people that clap for his ass in the Super Bowl no no it doesn't look at mine out both of you baby does mine clap no Marvin you look ridiculous look like Tom br's going to choose me to be his wife instead of you no he's not he's going to choose me watch this guys all right Junior you want to see me lift this weight you can't lift that weight yeah I can Junior I can lift it like 10 times see I'm lifting it okay what you dropped it no I didn't drop it I I uni my pants and my giant Wang fell out and hit the table that's what you heard no you dropped the weight no it's my monster Wang junor Jun Junior serious question how hot am I scale of 1 through 10 well you're hotter as a guy thank you but I need a rating as a woman Chef peee why you dress like a girl no I'm not Chef peee I'm Serena the hot Latina goddess with a huge dumpy beep beep beep okay but why you really dress like a girl oh because Tom Brady's single and I got to go snatch that up before some other ho does H wait Tom Brady single oh I got to get in on this but Cody you can't date Tom Brady you're a kid hey I've seen the video okay he kisses his son on the mouth and we're about the same age so I have just as good of a chance as anyone else but Cody mommy where's Daddy I don't know Jeffy okay guys how do I look Marvin what is going on with you I shaved off my mustache and put a wig on Daddy did you tuck your wiener in your butt I sure did Jeffy Jesus Marvin what is happening well did you hear that Tom Brady's going on the show The Bachelor and he's going to choose one lucky woman to be his wife Marvin I don't know how to tell you this but you're not hot enough sure I am if looks could kill it would kill a boner I'm calling a doctor so he can mentally check you out and to get your Wier removed yeah baby I need that to happen hey there somebody call a doctor yes doctor fix my husband he's broken my Daddy's got his Wier in his butt hey there beautiful what's your name oh dear God well I haven't chose my woman name yet wait what that's Marvin my husband he's dress like a woman hey don't judge that's normal now well I was thinking my name could be Margie ew no or Maggie no I don't like that either or Marissa I guess it's kind of hot can you just tell me what's wrong with him why you Dr like a woman well Tom BR is getting a divorce and he's going on The Bachelor to find a new wife now wait a minute you're telling me the goat is getting divorced and he's looking for a new wife and that could be me oh dear God not you two hey I always told my wife if I could be with another man it would be with Tom Brady and now I finally have my chance well you better back off cuz he doesn't want to be with you he wants to be with me you really think he's going to be with you instead of me he doesn't want to be with either one of you guys he wants to be with a supermodel girlfriend yeah well look Howell that worked out she's divorcing him yeah Tom Brady should just lower his standards a little bit like maybe like a middle-aged Man In A Wig you know men know what Tom Brady wants and that's to play football I'll say him with the kids I don't give a [ __ ] I mean he can just play until he's 80 I don't care just never come home just keep winning you know telling the goat not to play football is like telling a plane not to fly or telling a boat not to swim or not swim boats don't swim what the hell boat to like float telling a boat not to float now I want to root be a float I'm getting distracted look Tom Brady's going to be mine no he's not going to be yours he's going to be mine he's going to pick me over you okay well I'll show you I'll show all of you yeah we'll see about that I look hot you're watching The Bachelor hello and welcome to the bachelor today's Bachelor is Buccaneers quarterback Tom Brady hi I'm Tom Brady I've won seven Super Bowls he sure has so now let's meet the eligible Bachelorette first up we have Marissa hi Tom I love you next we have Brook oh my God is that Tom Brady is it the goat look how close I am to the goat I'm in the same room as the goat then we have Carly hey Tom your ass looks real nice in them pants our final Bachelorette is Serena hey Tom oh let me deflate them balls baby oh yeah come on I'll do it you're not a cheater not in my eyes okay Tom Tom you're going to go on a date with each of these four women well look at there there's four of them just like the four quarters of a football game oh okay Tom I'm going to need you to focus you're going to take all these women on a date and then you're going to decide which one of them you want to marry okay let the dates begin I'm a little nervous so uh tell me about yourself oh me uh well uh Tom I'm be I'll be honest with you I'm a dude I'm just like a whole ass dude you see the mustache but I mean I'll be honest I wasn't going to win this competition anyway I mean have you seen the other women they are smoking hot no I didn't stand a chance but uh I mean while I have you here I I I I've always wanted to meet you so like could you please sign my jersey I mean I know you don't play for them anymore but it's the only one I got so I'd really appreciate it if you could just just sign that uh to to my biggest fan no U my my my my best friend Brooklyn te guy from the MF and goat but like actually write out the words [ __ ] goat Tom Brady and then uh just write your phone number cuz I mean I might not win this competition but I still want to like hang out and be friends and I want to show my friends at the bar like hey I I hang out with Tom Brady we're friends so if you could just do that for me that would be great thank you so much Tom this means a lot to me hey don't ever retire okay just keep playing football till you die all right just just promise me that okay oh man I I mean hey if you still want to marry me after this I I'll do it I mean no homo but like I'll do whatever you want okay so just keep that in mind okay thank you thank you so much Tom how do I think the date went I'd say it went pretty [ __ ] good who do you know that has a personalized sign Tom Brady Jersey yeah no I think the date went pretty pretty well how do I think the date went well I think it went pretty good you know Brooke is pretty interesting she was fangirling a lot had me sign a few autographs she had a mustache but you know I I think it's pretty nice to have a woman who supports my football career haven't had that in a while hey Tom get in the hot tub it's nice and warm I peed in it for you yeah that's right hey Tom you want to see how long I can hold my breath underwater take your pants [Music] off how would I say the date went well I went snorkeling for Cho came up empty so I'd say that's a thumbs down Carly's weird this is a lovely dinner Serena thanks Tom I made it just for you your favorite Avocado Burger oh look at there there is an avocado mhm I read it in your book the tb12 method oh my God look at you on the cover you sexy [ __ ] you oh I fondle myself to it every day thank you would you like some confetti with your burger you know winners love confetti I do love confetti and I've won seven Super Bowls yes you did you deserve to celebrate woo there you go you know what Tom I want to show you what a real woman can do can I show you huh huh that's a candle it is a candle imagine it as your candle I don't have any candles my wife took him in the divorce damn it Tom love me okay I don't think I'm hungry anymore oh playing hard to get who you sexy bastard how do I think the date went oh he digs me I made the man dinner okay you know what they say a way to a man's heart is through his stomach I'm going through the penis Serena came off as a little desperate but I like that she read my book and she knows I like avocados and she's got a fat dumpy wait wait wait what did he say about my dumpy yeah yeah that's right that's right everybody can get a piece it's super fat everybody want this dpy okay Tom I thought the best date for us to go on is go to the movies so I just sit here yeah you just sit there and watch the movie and relax well I don't know what relax means it means you just sit there and do nothing and watch the movie but when do I play football you don't play football oh well I haven't been to a movie in years the only movies I've ever seen are The Blind Side and Remember the Titans and the longest yard and the remake of The Longest Yard with Adam Sandler and the water boy with Adam Sandler and airbud but the football one well this movie has nothing to do with football oh it doesn't what you going how do I think the date went well um I don't think he likes sitting down for too long or relaxing I think he just wants to play football is Marissa a man cuz she kind of looks like a man in a wig well Tom you just went on four wonderful dates so now it's time for you to choose one of these women to give one of your Super Bowl rings to no pick me please Tom pick me Brady please pick me please so Tom who's it going to be uh please Tom please pick me pick me Tom pick me please Daddy please pick me uh I choose football I love you Football let's run away together huh I didn't know that could happen sorry ladies better luck next time yeah choosing football that's the goat yeah that's why he's the goat what you choose football over this dumper come on you're lost Tom well I tried well don't I look like a fool I shave my mustache for no reason well how do you feel now that you embarrass your entire family on National Television Marvin it was on TV yes Marvin the whole world saw you dress up like a woman to try to marry Tom Brady and where did it get you back at home with your wife Why didn't you know Daddy did your winter come untucked from your butt I'm sorry everyone I guess I just have to realize that I'm stuck with my normal stupid life gee thanks Marvin I hate school what Cody what happened to your glasses dude you look like a freak oh yeah I got lasic so I don't need glasses anymore what's lasic well it's when they shoot lasers in your eyes to correct your vision but I don't need glasses now so now you guys can't call me four eyes well we can still call you a bugy freak yeah googly eyes well yeah I guess you could call me that but you guys are just jealous of my 2020 Vision you could only afford 2020 Vision you're so poor you bought 2-year-old Vision why didn't you buy 2022 Vision yeah get with the times dude but no it's not the year it's how good the vision is 2020 was a bad year Cody that's when the pandemic started you have sick eyes yeah get away from me dude yeah I don't want to catch your sick eyes okay whatever you guys see how dark it is cuz Daylight Savings Time ended yeah I hate when it's dark wao dude watch your mouth what's wrong with you yeah Cody what's wrong with dark well I just meant I hate when it gets dark outside what you got a problem with dark people is that what it is huh well no I didn't say that wow Cody you got those new eyes but you're still racist let's not do this again I thought you could see better all right CR today we're going to be learning how fast is the speed of light it's this fast see that little tiny red dot it traveled at 186,000 m per second or 11,1 160,000 m per minute or 669 M 6,000 mph that little tiny red dot fast as [ __ ] wa that's so fast Cody that's how fast your mom would run to the buffet if she wasn't so fat oh dude she can still run that fast regardless of her weight yeah your mom's the fastest land elephant what land elephant is there any other kind of elephant well Dumbo could fly he was an air elephant but Dumbo's not real I'm looking at him right now with those big ass [Applause] ears um teacher may I play with your laser device no Jeffy the laser pointer is a very dangerous device if you point it at someone's eye it can make them go blind so no you can't play with it it's not here I want to play with it all right craft this Daylight Saving thing is really screwing me up right now so you guys can go home class is over and I'm going to be putting the laser pointer right here okay right here no one touch it and I'm going to go home and go to bed because it's dark outside so I won't be here to see if anyone touches the laser pointer that's right here okay see the laser point on everyone right here right here it's going to be right here so don't one touch it I'm going to go go home okay it's right here man we really shouldn't touch that laser pointer yeah let's go home yeah dude yeah I'm not going to take that thing so guys what do you want to do today since school let out early well it doesn't feel early in the day since it's so uh say it dude say it I dare you uh nighttime outside H nice hey guys look what I got the teacher said don't touch his laser pointer well I touched it and I took it but the teacher said not to touch it der yeah Cody's right the teacher going to get mad that you touched it well I just want to play with it for tonight yeah I guess we could play with it for a little while but the teacher in shut up Cody we want to play with it for a little bit what are we even going to do with the laser Junior um I got an idea I got it wow Jesus my ey I told Jeffy to do that why would you tell him that because you bought laser Li [ __ ] lasic eye surgery and you liked it so I thought you might want it again well that was a professional laser for fixing Vision yeah so I thought we could fix your vision by shine a laser in your eye again no that's not how OU Jesus my other eye oh God okay now you have 2022 Vision Junior you're damaging my eyes I can't even see now oh you can see how many fingers can I hold up I I can't really tell out Jesus did you see me doing that I felt it hey Jeffy shoot me in the eye let me see how bad oh God oh Jesus okay it does hurt yeah it sus it does actually hurt what's going on dude ow dude okay call a doctor hey there somebody call an optometrist and we got to make this quick because I got to go fly a plane in a few minutes cuz I'm delivering a whole bunch of donor organs to a hospital so today I am a doctor SL pilot so what's going on our friend shined a laser in our eyes and we can't see okay well that's dangerous but I don't really have time to diagnose you with anything so I'm just going to give you all glasses glasses yeah I'll go get them from my bag all all right there's your glasses now I got a plane to fly wow Cody now we all look like you well it's your fault for shining a laser in your eyes nice Cody impression dude thanks Joe I've been working on it you know I was really trying to capture his voice but I think I got it I see you've been practicing uhhuh I'm really good at it now where's Jeffy Jeffy hey guys look what I found with the laser it's a g cat me me I mean a kitty cat guys I'm allergic to cats you Cody don't sneeze on me you're getting all your germs on me I already caught your bad eyes I don't want to catch anything else guys can we just get away from this cat Jeffy can we return the laser pointer back at school because we already hurt ourselves with it okay you guys want to walk with me yeah let's walk with him to school walk it like I talking okay guys let's walk to school and return the laser God it's so night time out here oh what's wrong with it being nighttime you can't see me when it's dark do I blend into to you no no I just think we need a flashlight I got a light that little laser is not going to help us see guys look at a full moon you want to see a full moon I'll pull down my pants Oh there's an airplane oh Jeffy you should see if you can hit the a playe with the laser okay PR are you hitting it I don't know man what a beautiful night for flying just look at that Moon what a big moon I wonder if it's really made of cheese huh ow ow Jesus my eye my eye I can't see M mday I'm going down uh guys is that plane going down maybe it's just Landing yeah it's just Landing they crash crash guys do we make that plane crash no Jeffy made that plane crash by shining a laser at the plane he probably blinded the pilot guys there's no way this laser blinded the pilot it couldn't even reach that far yeah there's no way this cheap little laser could reach that far Cody the plane probably didn't even crash we heard the explosion what if that was a car crash on the interstate that exploded yeah what if a car hit a semi TR carrying gasoline Junior we saw the plane going down well maybe it was a meteor with flashing lights on it no Junior that plane definitely crashed well listen it didn't crash until we have proof what's wrong Cody the news what the news [Music] look breaking news a plane has reportedly crashed after a pilot was blinded by a laser pointer if you have any details on who could have done it call 911 immediately guys we did make the plane crash damn it I spilled my free medium french fries I get from McDonald's every week dude I'm out of here you know they always blame the dark guy no jie get back here guys what are we going to do we we don't have to do anything jeffy's the one that shined the laser and you're the one who told them to do it I didn't have anything to do with any of this Jeffy can I see that what your fingerprints your fingerprints ah Junior why would you do that because we're all in this together from the top We're All in This Together no no High School Musical [ __ ] guys we committed a serious crime you should be singing We all committed a felony yes we did that's what you should be singing Cody now is not the time to be singing a song what well listen there's some serious stuff going on right now okay we have to get rid of that laser pointer I can hide it up my stinky rectal hole yummy okay so look now that we hid the laser no one's going to check up jeffy's butt so look no one's going to come looking for us cuz no one's going to know where that laser came from they're not going to know it came from this house yeah I guess you're right they won't know where it is let's just sit back and eat some of your French fries eat Junior was that the doorbell no that was the smoke detector uh that was that was the neighbor's doorbell Junior eventually you're going to have to answer the door okay look I'm going to go answer it if it's the cops we're going to hide just keep that thing up your butt hello hey did you just hear that explosion that was me I was just in a plane crash oh how'd you get in a plane crash I don't know I was just flying and then all of a sudden a laser came out of nowhere and hit me right in the eye and I got all confused and I got up and down messed up and then like I just crashed right into the ground luckily I parachuted out at the last minute but I still bang my face up pretty bad on some trees well I I'm so sorry about that it wasn't my fault of course not how would it be your fault hey can I come in and use your phone I got to call just just everybody the FAA I got to call Sully and ask him how I got out of it I got to call Tom Hanks and see if he'll make a movie out of this one I mean I didn't land on the Hudson but I mean that explosion was pretty cool well yeah you can use my phone okay okay so where's this phone junior is that the pilot yeah he was the one that was flying the plane that crashed junior he can't be here I'll tell you what happened shut up Jeffy uh sorry sir we just realized that we don't have a phone what you don't have a phone kid this isn't funny I was just in a plane crash I got to call some people yeah sorry but you got to go you got to leave wait wait a minute aren't you the kids from earlier that were shining lasers in your eyes yes Junior but we don't have the laser anymore yeah cuz you T my ass uh we don't know where it's at did did you kids shine a laser in my eyes while I was trying to fly a plane no no no the only thing we shine the laser at was our eyes and maybe a helicopter but not your plane so yeah no it's our teacher has a has a laser pointer on his desk at school school and he pointed at things maybe airplanes huh I think I need to talk to your teacher Junior you're going to get the teacher in trouble better him than us all right guys we have to go back to the school and put the laser pointer on the desk okay Jeffy take the laser pointer out and put it on the desk who wants to go splunking in some cheeks no I do I do I'm a professional okay I don't want to watch this m butt nectar just put on the desk come on let's go okay guys we did it yeah I guess we got off scottt free who's Scott what you just said you got off a guy named Scott for free no no no no Scott free it's a saying what's it mean I don't know who's Scott there is no Scott it's just a thing people say then why are you saying something if you don't know what it means well I I don't know it's just like a common saying what if I just said random words that didn't make sense like ants beehive Bear tree well that that wouldn't make sense yeah then there's no point in saying it so shut up okay fine so why did you call me here well word on the street is you have a laser pointer I do it's right here rookie mistake showing me the evidence you've been shining that laser pointer at any planes no I've been shining it at the board to teach my students how fast the speed of light is well have you been showing them the speed of light by shining that laser pointer at my plane no huh likely story maybe I should just check this out for myself oh god oh why does it smell like dookie I have no idea huh me think about this aha I have an idea I think you shine this laser pointer at my plane and then when the plane crashed you got scared and tried to hide it up your butt but then that got uncomfortable so you took it out of your butt and you put it on your desk no huh liar all right you're coming with me so guys what do you want to do for the rest of the night well I guess I'm just going to go home oh my God the news breaking news Okay an elementary school teacher has been arrested as the person who pointed the laser pointer at a plane causing it to crash he'll be going to jail for a very long time wow Junior the teacher's getting in trouble now because of something we did we have to say something something no Junior this is serious we just ruined his life okay listen Cody if we speak up we have to go to prison you want that well I think I could take it better than anyone else really you know in the butt listen I'm not saying anything I'm going to sit right here okay well I don't want to be a part of this so I'm going home what Jeffy can you believe him he really wants us to go tell the truth and tell the cop that we were the ones that shined the laser pointer and made his plane crash what wow I can't believe what I'm hearing what's going on well I just came here to give you the Triple T the truth tell the trophy because you told the truth about your teacher having the laser poter that shot down my plane but now I don't know if I should give you this trophy it sounds to me like you're a fiber oh no no I'm not a fber I'm I was telling the truth like look I promise I'm not lying well I can't give you the trophy until you tell me the truth okay okay listen okay listen we did take the teacher laser pointer and we shot it at your plan on accident so can I have the trophy H there's another very important question and I need answered so whoever can tell me the truth will get the trophy now the question is if you guys are the oh man I love playing Fall Guys and drinking Sprite ah hey Junior what are you doing looks like he's playing Fall Guys and drinking Sprite AC oh man what a life yeah yeah just living a life wait Junior why didn't you cross the finish line oh well I'm really good at the game so I get to the Finish Line before everyone else and I like to laugh at all the slow people and then when there's one person left right before he crossed the Finish Line I cross it and I crush his hopes and dreams that seems like kind of a dick move no that's a Savage move dude yeah I'm a complete Savage oh no it's time for me to cross the finish line oh my my controller's dead Junior you lost I can't believe I lost dude that's what you get for cloting yeah the tortoise in the hair what you know the story about the tortoise in the hair the the the turtle's hairy no no the story with the tortoise and the hair so the turtle shaves and he forgot one hair no not that kind of hair it's hair like a rabbit like hair is another name for rabbit no it's not no one says oh here comes the Easter hair but no it's spelled differently like h a r e what does that to do with Fall Guys well in the story that the rabbit and the Tortoise have a race and the rabbit loses cuz he got cocky like you just did so the turtle beat the rabbit in Fall Guys what yeah yeah sure okay I don't want to hear about your stories anymore Cody can you go downstairs and get me another Sprite uh can you say please go nerd fine I try to be nice to him I try so hard to be nice to him but he just doesn't get it maybe he's de dude I just don't understand I got your stupid Sprite why'd you get me a Diet one it's not diet yes it is look at the bottle it's clear that means diet well it doesn't say diet on it Cody listen green bottles are normal Sprite clear ones are diet well they have the same number of calories listen Cody listen just go downstairs and get me a green bottle Sprite well this is all you had in the fridge there's no way Chef he only bought Diet Sprite I don't think it's Diet Sprite it is Diet Cody show me where you got this Diet Sprite okay fine I guess I'll just wait here then look Junior I got them right here what they're all diet Sprites I don't think they're diet I think they just look like that no Cody they're definitely diet look they're right next to the diet coke okay well don't yell at me yell at whoever bought him do chefi you godamn offbrand Muppet chefi what do you want junior I'm trying to make double fried chicken why'd you buy Diet Sprite I didn't buy Diet Sprite I bought regular Sprite so you can get diabetes and die fast well there's nothing but Diet Sprite in the fridge there's no regular no it's not it's regular Sprite in the refrigerator then go check okay I'll check the stupid refrigerator you're going to see that it's diet here you go stupid read it it's regular Sprite not Diet Sprite duh no it's a clear bottle that means it's diet Chef peee I didn't put it in a clear bottle the company did idiot I want the green bottle Sprite look how about you just pour the liquid in here into a green bottle and call it a day no because it's diet I want regular green bottle Sprite well I don't know what to tell you I don't work for the company I'm not doing this okay let's go get Joseph and go to the store and get green bottle Sprite okay come on Joseph we're going to the store wait why because there's nothing but Diet Sprite downstairs I'm going to buy normal Sprite it's not diet yes it is Cody well maybe you should taste it and see if it is Diet I'm not going to drink Diet Sprite well it's not diet Junior don't you want to taste it to find out are you trying to say I need to go on a diet no because your mom should go on a diet no because she's fat just and overweight just taste it to see if it's diet no I don't need to taste it the clear bottle shows it's diet so let's go to the store okay what's wrong Cody the news breaking news M K Sprite will only be sold in clear plastic bottles from now on sprite's old green bottles have been discontinued because they were harder to recycle and bad for the environment see Junior they're not diet they just look like that now what this is so lame no I don't believe it there's no way this has to be like an April Fool's prank it's November what November fools listen look there's no way this is real let's go to the store and grab all the green bottle Sprites no it can't be true where's the green bottles where's the green bottles Junior you saw the news they got rid of the green bottles to help the environment well what about Mountain Dew they have green bottles do they not care about the environment I guess not I guess they also don't care about your teeth what kidney stones and what about seven up who the hell drinks seven up Cody if seven up can afford green bottles then Sprite can afford green bottles this is [ __ ] Cody I'm sorry Junior you're just going to have to get used to it no I don't have to get used used to it this is Diet Sprite this is [ __ ] this is [ __ ] this is [ __ ] Junior I think we should probably leave the store now no Cody this is a stupid dump Sprite Junior don't cry it's just a soda it's not just a soda Cody it's my entire life I love Sprite and they ruined it by putting in this clear crap well the green bottles are harder to recycle this is better for the Earth screw the Earth well don't say that Junior oh no no no no what has the Earth done for us well it gives us air and life no no no look we change the bottles to help it out but what does Earth do in return give us hurricanes and earthquakes volcanoes tsunamis yeah he has a point dude yeah Earth is bad why do we have to change the bottles to make earth happy Earth doesn't do anything for us look we still have cars outside that pollute the air we have airplanes that pollute the air changing the bottle is not going to do anything Cody well this is at least a start no listen I'm going to go grab a knife but why so I can go stab the grass to let Earth know I'm pissed ji that's not oh I want to help screw you Earth Junior stabbing the grass isn't going to solve anything I want green Sprite bottles back oh dude can I have this back and chibs good think you Joseph littering ha Junior don't Litter I'm going to litter all I want did you just litter yeah screw the Earth well Junior you got a take it for littering I know I guess it's not the Earth's fault that the bottles are clear yeah exactly it's the Sprite company's fault so the Sprite company is who I should stab but no don't stab anyone who do I stab to get the bottles back to green you don't have to stab anyone Cody I hate these clear bottles it looks like a water bottle with a Sprite label on it I'm sorry Junior there's nothing you can do well I know I'll just stop drinking Sprite that'll make them change it well they're not going to change it just because one person stops drinking Sprite then I'll get the whole world to stop drinking Sprite you're not going to convince the entire world to stop drinking Sprite yes I am watch Joseph stop drinking Sprite okay dude I'll do it for you thanks buddy Cody stop drinking Sprite I'm still going to drink Sprite what the come on dude who you're a sucky friend wa it tastes the same no it doesn't I'm going to kick you until you stop drinking Sprite No don't kick me what ow ow stop stop kicking me stop it stop drinking Sprite you can't kick people into stop drinking Sprite I'll kick the whole world if I have to everyone stop drinking Sprite till they change the Botts back to green you can't kick everyone in the world stop kicking me yeah that's how you start it yes they start a movement Riot everyone burn down burn down a little Caesar green bottles don't burn down anything Junior this is stupid I need a green bottle Sprite well I mean I have a green can does that work the cans are still green what what but but it's green God it's still Sprite he just doesn't I I don't see the problem it's Sprite it's in a green can what he doesn't just got what I [ __ ] ha him what just talk to me I just Wast of Al what come on guys just tell me what's wrong uh just we what come on it's it's a green K just explain the problem every time he says it I know what I I don't get this what what do you guys Cody what okay it's the bottle I'm mad about not the can there's nothing wrong with the can the can's fine I'm not stop talking about the bottle the the bottle is what I want the bottle is what I want Cody okay but the green bottle the can is fine if the can was clear a green bottle dude yeah if the CL if the can was clear that would be sick wait wait wait wait but then it would be exactly the same as the clear bottle no I've never seen a clear can before Cody stop bringing up the can I want a green bottle Sprite that that's all I want that's all I care about what Junior you haven't even tasted it out of the clear bottle yet I bet you could blindfold me and I could sip uh sprite from the can and Sprite from that bottle and I could tell the difference I bet you couldn't yes I could it's going to taste diet cuz that is a Diet Sprite I bet you couldn't we should try oh Joseph give me a blindfold okay we're trying this okay Junior one of these Cups has sprite from the can and one of these Cups has sprite from the clear bottle I'll be able to tell which one's the clear bottle cuz it's diet okay let me do this first one okay that's Sprite well yeah they're both Sprite hold on hold on that's Sprite too but yeah they're both Sprite they taste the same oh let me let me retry these Sprite uhhuh and Sprite do they taste exactly the same because they are I don't know they're both Sprite okay the one you just drank is from the clear bottle I knew that was diet that diet aftertaste oh my I I knew it that's why I kept trying them guys because I just knew one of them was off and it was that one it was so diet oh I can't get the taste out of my mouth Junior you didn't know until I told you no I knew it that's why I kept trying that one I was like something's weird about that one has some DIY aftertaste it's the clear bottle Cody I know it's the clear bottle but Junior they taste exactly the same no they do not listen I need Sprite in the green bottle I guess the only way I'm going to get that back is I have to go on eBay and buy it from someone that's auctioning one off nobody else cares okay guys I got my laptop oh look this guy's selling a green bottle Sprite for $60 this guy's selling it for $34 Junior this is ridiculous you can't spend $60 every time you want a Sprite Cody I cannot drink that stupid clear bottle Sprite anymore look the green bottle Sprites are right here and these guys are selling it for that much money cuz they know it's valuable because the green bottle Sprite is better Junior this is stupid you can't afford to keep doing this every time I only drink three Sprites a day Cody Junior that's $180 a day well Cody look this clear bottle Sprite tastes like Diet Sprite it's crap and I'm not drinking it's like a water bottle and the Sprite compan needs to stop being cheap okay well you can always just drink the can H what it's a good idea not the can thing again just try it can you shut the [ __ ] up Cody I want the bottle Sprite okay wait wait wait you want the green Sprite right I need the Sprite in a green bottle I won't drink it unless the bottle's green okay okay I have an idea this will make junior shut up about his stupid Sprite oh Junior I found a green Sprite Cody where did you find a green Sprite at oh I don't know oh my God can you get more oh yeah whenever you want one buddy this is so amazing thank you so much Cody Joseph I finally get to take a sip out of a green Sprite it's been years it's been like 9 minutes oh my God that's so amazing oh it's the best thing I've ever tasted thank you Cody I'm going to run around and tell the world I'm so happy wait dude where did you get that green sprite from it's just a clear bottle that I colored green oh you slide devil you but are you going to really color the bottle every time he wants one well yeah because that's what friends are for beep wait what was that dude oh that was my outro you know like a cartoon like the screen goes all black and then like a little
Channel: بيري علي - abeer berry
Views: 95,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, jefys, supermariologan, smljeffy, jeffymemes, jeffysml, smlmerch, jeffthekiller, jeffreestarcosmetics, jeffreestar, teamloaded, jeff, jeffreystar, lancethirtyacre, juniorphenom, scooter, ttgibson, makeup, basketball, superbowserlogan, jeffyislife, jeffyjeffy, jeffyjeffybadboy, sml movie cody, sml movie jeffy, best sml movie 2023, sml movie 2023, SML Movie: Nightmare On Jeffy Street [2024]
Id: 9vibp5qVo4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 36sec (2796 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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