SML Movie: The New House [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] [Music] daddy what are we doing jeffy shut up stop jumping on the bed why because you're gonna fall and hurt yourself no i'm not dead i got a helmet on jeffy just stop it mario where are we gonna live we can't live in a hotel for the rest of our lives i know but i just blew my last money book in this hotel room yeah mario what are you gonna do why don't we all just stay at your house for a while [Music] chef pee pee are we in a hotel room because we're going to disney world junior why would we go to disney world well because last time we were in a hotel room we were going to disney world no junior we were not going to disney world we just got evicted from our apartment we're homeless what so no disney world no disney world we're homeless what should that mean we have to eat out of a garbage can probably well what's gonna be better than you're cooking [Music] oh my gosh mario uh bowser sheppard he's beating your son mario quit trying to change the subject tell me where we're gonna live jeffy stop it go get him that was a little too much i told him he was gonna hurt himself he was just being annoying and just i don't know i just i really wish someone would come knock on the door and give us a free place to live who's that i don't know uh hello yeah i'm looking for mario and or bowser oh well i'm mario and bowser's here too oh okay cool uh can i come in oh yeah sure why why are you wearing a tuxedo i i just get back from a funeral oh i'm so sorry who died my dignity i'm not wearing pants can i come in sure come on in uh bowser this guy needs to speak to us whoa this guy i have a name my name is brooklyn guy this guy is my brother what guy no what guy is my other brother i got this guy what guy the guy a guy i also got a chicago guy manhattan guy this just goes on san francisco yeah san francisco guy miami guy yeah miami guy in the frank what frank frank guy no just frank he's just his name's just friends anyway what do you want oh uh well you remember like a year and a half ago when your house burned down i said yeah yeah i said i was gonna build you a new one yeah yeah did you did you finally build it no no no we didn't even try wait why where we're gonna live well i mean don't worry i mean your insurance was gonna you know cover rebuilding a house and all that but uh instead we just found you a new one that was recently foreclosed on wait really yeah but but i don't i want my original house i don't want a new one yeah we want the old one well no really i mean you should at least look at the new house okay it's really nice it's ten times better right well why don't you just look at it bowser yeah i guess we could look at it all right let's look at it uh chef pee pee can you watch the kids and russia pee pee please rosalina god come with us okay come on okay everybody look at your new house oh my goodness oh my god [Applause] just real quick before we go and i got a funny story for you i'm actually required by law to tell you this but uh it's what 25 people were murdered in this house what 25 people were murdered i mean just slaughtered really i mean decapitated entrails hanging from the ceiling i mean it was there's blood on every surface are we even allowed to live here yeah oh yeah yeah it's fine i mean we cleaned it all up it's nice now i mean you know is it haunted no but probably not i mean i haven't seen any ghosts so i mean 25 performers what exactly oh how about that that's 26. how do we miss that one well my goodness 26 people yes it's a hey hey buddy that's that's me waiting for a loyal chick right right oh i get it because i think you can't find one yeah okay let's go ahead let's go okay uh all right let's take a look inside oh my goodness this is amazing i love it it looks so cool i love the colors you see that painting over here i love that painting oh my god it's so nice it looks great right yeah yeah yeah it looks really nice yes so let's see the dining room oh oh okay let's go so this is the dining room whoa oh my goodness i love it yeah so this is where you're gonna have all your dinners and your thanksgiving and all that man i like chandeliers yeah okay we're gonna fix that that that's just some that's just some faulty wire yeah why why do you think it did that it's just faulty wiring oh that happens a lot in these houses so how many people died in this room yeah oh uh a bunch quite a few actually yeah so like one one for every chair probably a little more than that but i mean it's a nice room right i mean i do ready who wants to go see the kitchen kitchen okay so this is the kitchen whoa this is really nice i really love it yeah he's gonna love this i'm gonna make him cook so much food yeah he's gonna love this all right now let's go look at the living room oh okay okay so this is your living room whoa this is really not i really like this oh man i mean so much spaghetti on these couches yeah yeah you really shouldn't do that wait why because you might stain them with the with the spaghetti not worried look how tall the ceilings are is this house two stories yeah did did you not see it when you came in yeah mario you looked at it outside you didn't notice i mean you you walked past the stairs on the way in here you cannot see it i mean look up see that oh yeah second story oh i didn't even i didn't know that yeah i just thought yeah okay so just for the idiot here we're gonna go look at the second floor okay so these are what we call stairs can you say that with me stairs stairs very good okay so these go up to the second floor okay you're climbing real slow one foot at a time i know what stairs are i don't think you do okay let's go up okay so we are now upstairs oh oh my god i like this look at the balcony looking down at the living room oh slow down there chief that that's not a whole new living room that's downstairs you were just in there okay we are now on the second floor i know how a two-story house works yeah you haven't proved to me that you do so let's go check out another room huh okay okay all right so this is a pretty nice room uh okay yeah you can use it for just about anything yeah anything yeah but there is one rule okay oh what is it you never go in there never go in there never what's in there it doesn't matter don't go in there but what if i do well don't but what's in there it doesn't matter you just never go in there ever ever whenever you think you're gonna go in there don't but what if i do well you're not going to because you you shouldn't don't don't do it don't go in there ever next room okay okay okay so this is the game room you know your kids can play video games and stuff in here oh this looks nice my kid is going to love this junior is going to have a blast with his friends he's going to have so much baby baby don't bring him up today's a good day oh yeah okay let's check out another room okay okay so we got a red bedroom in here oh my god look this this is nice nice and red it also has a tv okay everybody get out i call this right now oh okay get out i calm down all right all right everybody get out oh jesus christ what's wrong with hit me in the face all right let's just let's just check out another room okay all right so you've seen pretty much the whole house what do you think i mean i love it and i love it and bowser's already up in his room i mean he loves it too it's amazing you can't even tell that 25 people were murdered here 26 and then no you really can't i mean we did a really good job cleaning up the place all those rooms you saw today covered in blood we cleaned them all up yeah i mean besides that room that you won't let me go in right now don't ever go in there ever but what if i do oh don't i'ma get out of your hair okay so i'll just leave you two to it mario now we can go get jeffy and bring him over i forgot jeffy yeah i mean i guess i guess it's a nice house for him and let's go get chef pee pee too okay you know there's another big bed in here right but we like this bed chef pee pee i don't care jeffy we're back finally okay chef pee pee so we looked at the new house oh was it nice it was really nice so you liked it wait wait where's bowser uh he's staying at the house he found a room with a tv and he just slammed the door that sounds like him yeah so you and junior can uh go to the house i'm gonna get jeffy and take him there okay look oh wow god this is so big this can't be our house this is too huge this is what they said they call this your house no no no we need to leave right now we're breaking in junior come on okay let's take a look around the side to be ours show me their stairs they go to another floor yes that's what stairs do junior look at the stairs okay oh my gosh look at all these toys baby the whole room dedicated to the toys oh my god this is so amazing i better have a nice room oh my god what's up here oh look baby look at this room me and my friends can hang out here oh and look at this but we can see the limiter for the balcony i like this balcony now can throw you over and kill you when you make me mad oh look over here baby what's over here something else what else what's in here that must be your dad oh yeah look over here the whole bathroom dedicated to thomas this is my badger stupid [Music] there's my keyboard wrong checking me look at thomas i try to tell you oh my god i love it wait where's my room look i'm fighting oh my god is this really the kitchen oh my god it looks amazing chef pee pee i actually want to cook something in here look at that look at that oh my god these spots are new oh man what am i going to cook now okay jeffy this is your new crib [Music] is he okay mario i'm gonna go get his medicine i gave him his medicine mario oh well he still hasn't calmed down do something else okay let's see [Music] hey guys i hope you enjoyed the move-in video i know it wasn't anything too special it was mostly just the characters walking around saying oh look at this thing but we're going to be uploading a full house tour on super luigi logan there were some rooms that we didn't really cover in this video but it will be uploaded tomorrow on my second account we will also be uploading behind the scenes of the 1 million subscribers celebration and speaking of that thank you again for 1 million subscribers it was amazing we had a little party here we watched the countdown it was amazing it was the best feeling i've ever had in my entire life was hitting a million subscribers i just want to say thank you again because of you guys we were able to accomplish all of this and get this house and make videos for you guys and if you if you notice the upstairs is completely dedicated to videos with junior's room and a bunch of rooms i'll show more of it in the second video on my second account but other than that thank you guys so much for a million subscribers i still can't believe it when i look at my account and see the the the number one million on the subscribers we're at one million eight thousand now you guys are just amazing and i can't wait to see how big this channel gets in the future but also i just wanna let you know that we will continue luigi's mansion in this house and mario luigi stupid avengers and all the series that i promised to finish so we're also working on the super mario logan movie i can't wait to get the golden play button but i'm waiting for the golden play button to end the movie off you'll see why but other than that guys thank you for a million subscribers i'm gonna get this video uploaded and starting sunday there will be better videos other than just a house tour so starting sunday there will be a sml movie with skits and stuff and we're gonna try to get as many videos out we can for you guys so thank you again so much i love all of you and we get this video uploaded you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,698,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, the, new, house
Id: -TxnlkPku2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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