SML Movie: Bowser's House Fire [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] thank you I can't miss doofy the dragon it's my favorite show ever oh my God I can't wait for it to come on I can't wait for it to come on alrighty kids it's time for goofy the Dragon [Applause] oh goofy the dragon and today it's my birthday and I'm gonna turn myself into a human birthday candle also the IRS hates me because they're trying to come after me for tax evasion kids go ahead and ask your parents what that means so let's get this cell on the road Jesus now I'm gonna light The Mask oh yes time to get the Soul on the road I'm dying so funny goofy oh man that looks really cool I wonder if we have any matches that I can play with oh I'm going to Chef peepee now it's time to make these stupid mac and cheese for junior [ __ ] baby [ __ ] baby junior what do you want I'm trying to make your Mac and Cheese well that's gonna be really yummy yep I'm a chef but uh do we have any matches oh yeah it's right over wait why do you need the matches well I was watching doofy the dragon he was playing with the magic no no I'ma stop you right there playing with matches is stupid so this idea that's going to come out of your stupid brain I'm just gonna shoot it down now no but what Chef Phoebe doobie made a fire and the fire looks really cool well making fires doesn't necessarily mean that it's fun and it's safe well I want to make a birthday cake with the fire it was really it looks really cool where's the cake you you want to make a birthday cake where's the cake I don't see any cakes I want to make a birthday cake without the cake but with the candles because the fire oh he's oh he's so stupid you know what I'll light it for you okay here's your stupid candle and here's your matches oh cool okay um hey how do you light it just like this I'm gonna light it for you okay okay Chef peepee oh that's totally cool Chef Phoebe you must burn myself for a second but here's your stupid candle wow it looks so beautiful what oh man smells like apples though yes very nice or wrong this is really cool will it burn me probably because it's a fire oh man I can look at this all day can I take it in my room I guess so just have a blast suppose you're not in the kitchen all right thank you Chef BB what the worst can happen oh man this candle looks so cool it's so beautiful that's hot that's really hot oh man I I love this candle come on macaroni ah damn it oh stupid ass macaroni I think I got a demon in my stomach but wait what the hell is this mess this mess uh Julius spa and what do you mean about a demon in your stomach I don't know I just keep hearing voices and voices telling me I want McDonald's so you should take me to McDonald's so I can get like a good happy meal or something maybe a Big Mac a Big Mac come on Bowser you know you don't need that come on look you're not the most skinniest person or fit person in the world you you have a woman's weight so I can get my food oh idiot okay go go go I'm going Bowser down wait wait Julia might want something let me go and ask him Junior do you want anything from McDonald's something from McDonald's yes I do [Music] all right guys we're at McDonald's now let's make this order simple cause I do not want to look like a food okay oh shut up people I can order myself I'm a grown man that's right Dad you're a grown man yup I'm a big boy oh okay so be quiet Jimmy I'm trying to make my order okay excuse me you ready um hi I would like a a Big Mac the biggest maciest Big Mac back there the biggest Mac of them all and I want a Happy Meal dad Julia shut the hell up for beat the eyebrows off your ass okay oh I'm trying to order my own food I want a Happy Meal stop interrupting me have manners a chicken nugget Happy Meal and a chicken nugget Happy Meal and um what else do I want that's enough guys get back I'm sorry for that the milkshake okay I have a milkshake too please just a milkshake a small milkshake uh all of them no no just chocolate please chocolate you're not getting all of them the chicken nugget one yes chicken nugget please I'm sorry about this little brat he's an [ __ ] it's all right you want appetizers with that um yes he he needs apple slices he's kind of fat I hate average life shut the hell up I want my toy they better give me two points no no or just a sandwich uh please uh just put it all together that that'll be it'd be rude well I can't do nothing about it I'm just ready for my food thank you thank you sir I better have a toy yeah I got my food ah the food now drop us back home God you guys are ungrateful oh [ __ ] baby when we get home can we play with toys no we're not playing with toys what's wrong with that house wait what's that noise all about I'm trying to sleep wait my house is on fire oh my God oh my God oh my God yeah take that you fiery bastard our house is on fire what's going on how did it happen I don't know I gotta put the fire out first all right you don't mind just give me a minute it's getting me out here okay I don't even have a Dalmatian I don't have a team no I don't I don't even have a fire truck you see that car over there that's my car I had to drive here only people get out of the way for that no it doesn't even have Sirens right the Hawks they cut off funding last month so this is what I have to work with you see this this is your garden hose I don't have anything else this is it well what happened to the fire truck hose well look I don't have a truck right so I don't have a hose you see a problem but what about everything inside of the house is it okay oh hell no it's gone I gotta get Thomas I'm kidding hey okay okay do not go in there I have the same Thomas where are you Thomas let's get out of here buddy nah take down your fire I save Thomas everybody oh great oh that's fantastic oh oh don't worry everybody he saved Thomas yep I guess we can all go home now oh wait we can't because the house is still on fire oh well but put it out Mr put it out that is what I am doing just please wait with your parents or whatever on the curb over there please okay oh God Chef PP why did our house catch on fire Junior we'll find out in a minute Just Hold On Shut Up um did we piss off Poseidon Poseidon Junior Poseidon yes yes we pissed off the water God that's why our house is on fire we pissed off a water God he sprayed a bunch of fire on our house because we pissed them off even though he's a water god well I'm sorry Chef Phoebe all right everybody I got some good news and some bad news well tell us what is it oh oh sorry I just uh yeah the bad news is that your house is done it's it's gone what that was obvious I knew it was on fire still no more house I guess not no it's it's it's pretty cooked but what's the good news oh the good news is that it smells like apples what yeah see this candle here this candle was the cause of the fire and so everything in there smells like baked apples wait wait wait that candle caused the fire yeah somebody must have left it on a bed or something I don't know so Junior didn't you um put a candle on the bed uh yeah in my room oh oh um hey Junior how about you come and talk to me in the car for a second okay uh see you later fire man get talking Chef peepee ah so what do you want to talk to me about Chef PeePee oh nothing just [Music] here that my house is destroyed oh yeah yeah it's pretty messed up well luckily for you your uh your insurance is going to cover some temporary housing like an apartment you know just just so we can rebuild your house oh man an apartment yeah oh God not too bad oh my house I had so many memories in this house of watching Charlie and friends and laughing at Charlie and friends and oh man Charlie hey do you hit some kid getting beat somewhere Charlie yeah probably just the wind all right whoa whoa forward but uh it's pretty nice that we can build you a new house it smells weird kind of I'll show you around okay so this is the living room yeah it's pretty good you know it looks really cool it doesn't even look half and bad I like it it's pretty nice hold on you got red couches uh yeah couches can I jump on them uh knock yourself up yay [Applause] what is wrong with you uh you guys get really worked up over couches well whoa look at that painting is that a Picasso how you like that yeah yeah well uh I painted that what yeah my uh my wife said it's a piece of [ __ ] but what does she know yeah she didn't go to art school for 13 years only to drop out and become a firefighter you know doesn't really it's kind of weird okay oh uh let's let's go check out the kitchen here okay kitchen all right so this is the kitchen um I don't really care for the kitchen I'm gonna look at the bedrooms this is really cool Mister but this kitchen is kind of small though yeah well uh it's a little small but it's better than the pile of Ashes you'd be working in otherwise you know because your house burned down it looks cool Chef Phoebe I mean look we got a sink over there and you've got a the microwave machine and yeah and stuff stove refrigerator yeah and you get a you got a bunch of jars of like corn and peppers and I mean I wouldn't eat those so it's just me you know oh that's weird but um oh man I can see me making some good meals in here I can see me making big Messes in here what no no you're not gonna be anywhere near this damn kitchen I'm gonna make sure of that oh yeah well well you uh you also get this little island over here it's pretty cool whoa you can look at the living room yeah you can look in there and see people on the couch be like hey yo on the couch over there you want a sandwich or something that's just an example oh do whatever you want it's your house oh that's cool oh show us some more rooms um okay let me show you the bedroom wait wait what's that room oh that oh that's just the dining room no it's just where you eat and you can hang some paintings or something make it look nicer yeah it looks it needs to look a little prettier yeah brighter yeah I want a big painting of uh Chef people's nose right on that wall why my nose you always said something with my nose I hate you little brat can you just show us the room please why are they yelling at me like it's my fault well you're kind of a jerk all right hurry up and show me my room God jeez hold on your kids roam first okay yeah and uh well you said you like Thomas right yeah I love Thomas do you I think again I think I can yeah all that well uh I did you a favor and put you in a special order for a Thomas bed spreader take a look at that [Music] I think I can I think I can I think I can oh my God I love it extra special medicine this is wool how did he get Thomas you know you even got the painting from the fair what oh yeah I found that in the fire it's among the ashes oh that's the only thing that all right well y'all can look at the rest I only care about this oh man I better have a Charlie and friends best said I know that all right it's time for your room all right come on Charlie covers come on Charlie covers yeah they don't they don't make those what there you go whoa this is bad as huge oh I got my own Dead Snow Charlie covers but this will do now turn on Charlie yeah you know I guess I'll get that for you there you go like Charlie like Charlie everybody oh man I missed you Charlie oh you ball I need in my world wait what hold on where is my bed oh um um yeah I could get you in your bathtub no bathtub uh couch got a couch got a big red Comfy Couch oh God a couch are you serious yeah Junior has a Thomas set Bowser has his own bed and I have to sleep on the couch well you can't really blame me I didn't know you lived with them I just thought you'd worked there as a chef you know nobody ever thinks about me yeah oh stupid couch everybody else has a bed but me come on man cheer up okay everybody else is satisfied Junior has a Thomas set Bowser has his own room with a TV but I have to sleep on the couch yeah I see your point it does kind of suck yes it sucks um I'm gonna go do a painting for my grandmother but uh I know how to tell you around come on let's just follow me what all right so what's inside this room might finally make you happy I hope so all right let's take a look okay boom there you go what yeah a closet hey hey it's not just any kind of closet it's a walk-in closet oh come on a walk-in Club yeah a walk-in closet oh my God how could I forget it thanks for reminding me very welcome look at that take a walk step right in take a walk let me walk in my closet oh but look at it it just transformed my world it was amazing you got shelves for splitting stuff and all this room so what's so special about this walk-in closet well you can you can sleep in here all by yourself no nobody to bother you yeah the same thing I could do in a bedroom uh I mean yeah but you don't you don't have shelves like this in a bedroom sure don't have shelves in a bedroom can you just get the hell out of my house because I really feel like killing the [ __ ] out of you right now get out so I hope you guys enjoy the new house it's uh it's only temporary you know what just get the hell out okay get out now now go oh God jeez [ __ ] I gotta say it is a nice kitchen though but I still have memories of the old kitchen ah yeah Chef baby I'm hungry oh my God didn't we just go to McDonald's just a minute ago yeah but I'm still hungry like I'm really hungry stable that's a fat ass oh you fat ass [Music] foreign
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,185,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, bowser, bowser's, house, fire
Id: fXOcsXfYH6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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