SML Movie: Jeffy's Parents [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] all right jeffy it's time to eat your green beans green beans day oh like green beans i know you don't like green beans jeffy but you gotta eat them just open your mouth jeffy open your mouth oh no how open my mouth daddy you're opening it right now jeffy jeffy open your mouth baby can you help me out jeffy please eat your green beans okay mommy oh really open your mouth hold on daddy real quick where'd he go i don't know what's he doing read it die no jeffy where'd you get that i don't even know jeffy you're gonna eat your green beans and you're gonna like it here oh no mario look what breaking news world-renowned painter jacques pierre francois has died he reportedly shot himself in the head making a painting called the suicide he leads behind his million-dollar fortune to his only child who is unknown at this time oh no mario that's so sad i don't know who he is what do you do well he got famous for putting paint in his nose and sneezing it on the canvas what he got famous for sneezing on a canvas yeah it's genius i finished all my green beans you finished all your green beans yup are you sure they're not behind the couch jeffy nope i'm gonna go check all right want me online daddy's gonna be mad oh jeffy jeffy they're behind the couch those aren't mine daddy then whose green beans are those jeffy i don't even know tell the truth jeffy oh okay mommy oh my i brought my pee pee all over that remote that's it jeffy you're gonna go stand in the corner is it my phone hold on it's my phone and then you can go stand in the corner what the hell is a corner hello oh hi is this mario the guy that chainsaw a couch at my apartment complex yeah this is mario i'm still pissed off about that is that really why you called me oh kinda yeah i'm still kind of pissed off about that yeah um but i actually call him because i have a woman here in the office and uh she's saying that she dropped a child off here about a year ago and now she's wanting him back she says that uh his name's like jimmy or jeffy his name is jeffy his name is jeffy his name is jimmy i have him i have him send her this address send her to this address okay great no i'll send her there right now thank you oh my god thank you thank you oh my god oh my god all right jeffy when mario gets back you're going to say you're sorry for dumping green beans behind the couch oh okay mommy oh my god baby catch one because we're going wait before you say anything else there's something jeffy needs to tell you what is it jeffy um die you know something on your pee pee oh your balls what that's what you're gonna tell me no jeffy say the other thing two two [ __ ] [ __ ] jack i don't really care i don't really care because guess what jeffy's real mom is coming to get him what yeah the apartment complex just called me and they said that some woman is looking for a kid that she dropped off a year ago so it has to be jeffy's mom so we're gonna be free so no more jeffy nope no more jeffy no more jeffy you hear about jeffy you're gonna be gone you're not gonna deal with us anymore no more mommy and daddy wait no no no more mommy and daddy oh not again mario what is she gonna get here in like 10 minutes so get jeffy all prepared because we're never gonna have to see him again i'm free i'm free all right jeffy any minute now your real mom's coming to get you i never see you again mommy i don't want to go i don't want you to go either she's not your mommy don't call her mommy anymore your real mommy's coming to get you oh my god she's here she's here come on come on guys come here hi jeffy look good come on come on all right guys the moment we've all been waiting for hello jeffy is that my baby come to mommy sweetie you're jeffy's mom yes i am oh thank you so much for watching him i miss him so much i'm nancy by the way oh sorry i'm a little sick and also maybe a little pregnant oh can i come in i want to meet the people who've been watching my baby no oh thank god my jeffy's safe poor baby yeah yeah jeffy's jeffy's all doing fine hey do you have any coffee or something with alcohol in it alcohol aren't you pregnant i i don't even know hey i'll spit on you for a dollar what no ew no i don't i don't want you just i said i didn't say yes i didn't say that oh take me to the hospital okay fine look look i don't care i don't care just i have one question before you take jeffy okay why did you drop him off a year ago at my apartment and made me go through this hill oh i needed somebody to babysit him while i went to the grocery store it took you a year to go to the grocery store it was it was very hard to find well i don't care i don't care about this jeffy go with your mom and leave come on jeffy come to mommy no dying that's not what happened jeffy don't don't stop talking crazy just close your mouth before i smack it jeffy go with your mom wait jeffy what did happen all right mommy this is what happened all right we're here where are we out mommy see i don't want to be your mommy no more so you're gonna find a new mommy and daddy a new mommy and guy yeah you're gonna go over to those apartments and you're gonna knock on every door until somebody answers and then whoever answers is to be your new mommy and daddy no but i don't want a new mommy and daddy i want to live with you i love you mommy i don't love you you're ugly and you're stupid and you waste my time so go get out of here can i show him my pain yeah sure whatever you want just go my mommy what if i forget my name no jesus christ all right all right ugh let me write it and there you go your name's on your shirt says jeffy jeffy yeah so if you forget your name just look at your shirt okay now get out of here well what if they don't want to be my new mommy and dad uh um all right all right putting this note on your shirt there you go why is it no shame on uh it says you're a good boy now get out of here yeah no go go bye mommy leave god glad to be rid of him [Music] hi mommy [Music] i love that drink who's at the door they ruined my dream hello hey you want to see my banjo [Music] who are you what are you doing here my name is jeffy see you changing on my shirt get feet jeffy yeah what are you doing what is that sticky note saying oh he said i'm a good boy please babysit and that's what happened guys jeffy you have to go with your real mom now don't come with mommy now daddy please don't make me going old mommy she hates me and she calls me bad names but uh jeffy that's your real mom i don't think she takes care of him but that's a real legal mom oh yeah it's going oh that wonder what that smells like oh oh that's two months and no showering right there oh yeah oh come on jeffy we got to go yeah jeffy good go with your mom yeah please don't make me go oh mommy come on jeffy jeffy we gotta go get some money i i mean take you home jeffy jeffy go with your anymore well he's gone now mario i can't believe you let that terrible woman take jeffy away well he's not our responsibility anymore that's his real mom and i don't care about it mario she beats him good well i'm leaving good great fine bye see you later bye come here jeff are you coming home with mommy i don't want to go with you old mommy i don't like you how dare you say that to your own mother i gave birth to you in a porn party now listen here you little [ __ ] your mommy's lottery ticket now okay see your dad he was a famous painter and he died and he left you millions of dollars so now whenever you're 18 that money's gonna be mine and you can live with whoever the hell you want i don't wanna live with you mommy i don't like you you're gonna live with mommy and you're gonna like it okay all right now now shut up this is a stolen car and i don't want to attract any more attention jeffy's gone now that's all that matters no more jeffy just me myself and i it's quiet i get to relax my life gets to go back to normal i get to relax no more jeffy oh man what are you doing melvin what are you doing just go that way just go that way no no cat piano stupid cat piano jeffy always played with this crap thing it always annoyed me just get to relax now i'm hungry what did you just say i'm hungry what did i tell you about being hungry you wait till next week when the check comes in you've been a bad boy you don't get to eat this week yeah it's kind of fun just a bunch of noises but no noises just quiet time quiet mario time get to relax just in the quiet it is really quiet but that's what i want i want quiet no noise no jeffy no nobody oh great now it's raining [Music] jeffy oh my baby jeffy jeffy get back here maybe watch some tv no not quite just just just quiet by myself but who's that it's probably rosalina hello hey dan can i please know what to do jeffy what are you doing here how'd you get here i jumped out of mommy's car because she was hitting me and she said i couldn't eat for a weekday well good don't die please please let me live with you no remember that time you locked me out of my house jeffy yeah well look locking you out payback i'm so hungry i haven't eaten anything and whose fault is that i tried to feed you green baby put it behind the couch please let me live with you please no go back to your mom i'll be really good i promise i won't go hungry please i just wouldn't be with you i don't want to be with mommy she hates me it's cold out here all right jeffy i'll let you in for a few minutes until your mom comes back really daddy yeah just only for like five minutes until your mom comes back awesome all right jeff you're gonna sit right there until your mom comes and gets you oh you found my cap here daddy yeah like don't you ain't it well i did but i threw it up because it was gross were you playing my cat piano daddy no why would i play that it's annoying and childish and stupid and i like the quiet well i think you're playing my cat piano i wasn't playing it it's stupid i would never play i like peace and quiet just like quiet you're you're not gonna try to play it no diamond i don't want to annoy you yeah we're good because i hate it it's annoying it is really quiet in here so i mean i guess if you wanted to play it you could just as well i could play my copy of that just once just because it's really quiet here so you can play this one time thanks daddy just this one who's that what jeffy i think your mom's here oh no daddy please don't tell her i'm here oh my god oh my god hello hey is jeffy here please tell me he's here uh what's going on i was at mcdonald's getting jeffy a happy meal and he said he had to go to the bathroom and then he ran away oh that that that's what happened yeah yeah yo please please find him is he here um is jeffy here did he come back here or not uh um uh um uh l l let me take a look around uh just give me a second let me let me look around oh okay hurry please just just give me a second please please don't make me go or die please but she's your mom jeffy but i i don't want to go with her she made me just uh get give me a second jeffy all right jeffy i made a phone call so go go sit on the couch you're not going to make me go backwards where are your daddy just go sit on the couch jeffy okay did you find jeffy please tell me you did uh yeah i did thank god oh he he's uh he's on the couch in there oh okay thank you all right uh jeffy's right here oh jeffy my baby please don't hear me please i i would never hit you sweetie oh mommy loves you could you give us a minute alone please i have to give jeffy some kisses oh daddy please don't leave me alone please well i i got i'll be right back jeffy oh no jeffy get your ass over here no jeffy get over it [Music] all right ma'am you're under arrest for child abuse um she also charged me a dollar to spit on me well that sounds like prostitution wait wait i have to go see my jeffy he's gonna make me millions uh i'll be right back okay uh where's million what's she talking about um donnie is old mommy gonna go in jail i i don't know jeffy okay so she's getting arrested for child abuse prostitution and a number of other things yes all right um but uh what's this mean for jeffy oh well see the good news for you is that now that i know jeffy's not your kid uh you don't have to take care of him anymore really yeah i could send him straight to foster care or or if you want you could adopt him well well no i mean foster care i think would be best they'll take care of them right it'll kind of it's not great honestly it's not as good as this oh well i mean i've lived with jeffy for about a year and it really wasn't that great so yeah i think foster care would be best no daddy please let me live with you i promise i'll be the best boy ever daddy um well i mean we had a lot of bad times you don't remember any good times at all that would like help this any good times good times with jeffy no but wow that was really fast yeah no good times at all there was none no wow it was pretty bad okay well foster care is then i guess i mean i mean daddy please don't make me go there i really want to live with you i promise i'll be good it's up to you [Music] i cannot understand what you're saying i guess i'll adopt him you're gonna adopt him okay great great that's great so now that you look his legal guardian uh take a look at this note i found it in that lady's purse while i was going through it does this mean anything to you what he is like rip wait wait wait i think i have the other the other piece of this really yeah i'll give you one second wow i'm on a hot streak today okay uh what does it say uh if lost please contact his father wait why did he go live with his father wait his father is jacques pierre francois who is that these jacques pierre francois who is that he died earlier today it was all over the news there's no way his dad died today no there's no way yeah he was a famous painter and he killed himself and left all of his money just millions of dollars to his kid which i guess would be jeffy i'm rich as [ __ ] yeah he was worth millions of dollars yeah yeah yeah definitely and he left it all the jeffy yeah but see the see the thing is it's in it's in a trust so uh he doesn't actually get the money until he turns 18. well how old is jeffy what's it say here according this it says he is 12. you know just six more years not that bad right maybe if you're a good parent he'll give you some of it worth millions of dollars yeah but but jeffy's not smart enough to be a painter's son jeffy why'd you put why'd you put the paintbrush in your nose why let me see what you painted chubby what you you painted the mona lisa on your egg who's that jeffy you you painted the mona lisa on the egg what i i guess he could be the son of the painter yeah because jeffy's really good at stuff like like certain things so just six more years and and i could possibly get some of it well i adopted jeffy before i knew about the money so i'm a good parent yeah yeah sure yeah oh wow um oh okay so i i guess everything just goes back to normal but you're gonna be a good boy now jeffy right yep and you're my real daddy now daddy i i guess i mean adopted dad but all right um thanks for everything officer yeah see uh i actually didn't leave the ac on in the car so it must be getting pretty hot in there for her so uh i'm gonna just uh skedaddle you know i'm gonna just uh just go i'm gonna just leave i'm just gonna take off you know i'm gonna scram get the old dusty trail you know what i mean just 23 skiddo just i'm gonna go bye bye bye bye you call me if you need anything all right 9-1-1 all right all right jeffy let's let's go have our first day as actual father and son all right mario i think it's great that you decided to adopt jeffy that's so sweet of you yeah aren't you going to intend to quiet down mario not today not right now this one's for me [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 775,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, jeffy, jeffy's, parents
Id: 4bpS6HTlBi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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