SML Movie: The Time Machine [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] so guys what do you want to do today well today's my i don't know dude what do you want to do i don't know i'm bored you want to play board games oh no that's boring dude today's my birthday we should do something fun yeah you want to ask cody what he wants to do yeah let's do that it's my birthday though all right let's ask cody okay today's my birthday cody what do you want to do today i want to celebrate my birthday oh cool when is it it's today today's your birthday yeah that's what i've been saying you should have just said something i did several times you did yeah well how old are you turning i'm 12. f12 after police after pitch yeah oh well what do you want to do for your birthday i don't know what to do junior we should do something really fun okay like way let's watch tv oh how exciting are you cool then you need to come to the coolest party ever chuck e cheese after dark you can turn up with the one and only charles entertainment cheese and experience an all-new type of ball pit come now must be 10 years or older to enter bring your id whoa we should totally go to that oh yeah dude it looks so awesome yeah that's the perfect place to go yeah we should go tomorrow oh yeah dude we're today why do we go today because today is saturday we don't have school tomorrow oh yeah dude we can stay there all night you can stay there all night yeah but today is also my birthday oh yeah you did just tell us that dude i totally forgot yeah we could celebrate you turning 12. man f12 he's probably wearing a wire snitch all right joseph you're acting absolutely ridiculous one more outburst like that you're going home dude i'm sorry maybe i'm overreacting maybe i'm overreacting yeah yeah so anyway we can go celebrate your birthday cody cause you're turning you're turning that age yeah yeah i mean you have to be 10 years and up right and i'm 11 and joseph 11 and you're 12. man f all right all right i'm gonna calm down i'm gonna calm down all right so everyone grab your id and let's go to chuck e cheese right okay oh man guys i can't wait for this party hey hey ids i got to see your id's to make sure your ten or older oh guys you got your id's yeah oh hey roy what's up my man go on in what you did id roy come on dude it's roy get hard he doesn't need an id he'd get to the super bowl without a ticket if he needed to but he had a ticket but he didn't pay for it i'll tell you that much okay well um here's my id let's see here uh you're 11 years old all right go on in awesome here's my id let's take a look yeah you're 11. go on in here's mine uh let's see oh no sorry kid it says right here you're three years old but no i'm not i'm 12. well what's the problem he says i can't get in because i'm three years old well how's he three years old well he was born on february 29th and there's only been three of those since 2008 so he's three years old you're three years old cody no i'm 12. i'm sorry kid you can't get in yeah that sucks cody we'll see you back at my house but but guys sorry kid you're gonna have to get off the property they wouldn't let me in i'm not three years old i just want to go to chuck e cheese man joseph that was the coolest party ever dude i know look at all these tickets i know and look at my squishy chucky cheese head oh dude look at my laser gun whoa oh dude it's awesome what guys you went without me cody why didn't you go well i tried but they wouldn't let me in why would they let you in because they thought i was three years old junior you were standing right next to me when it happened well are you three years old no i'm 12. man f12 i swear to god if i see 12 i'm gonna bust a cap in their butt like that go home what yeah go home you're kicked out of the video i gave you i gave you one last one and get out can i get a ticket yeah take the ticket you're gone that's it unacceptable unacceptable i'm sorry about that cody yeah he needed to go yeah he did so what you're three years old or something but no i'm not three years old junior i'm 12. okay then why'd they think you were three years old okay junior look i was born on february 29th now that day has only happened three times since i've been born so technically i've only ever had three birthdays okay so you're three years old that makes sense no junior i'm 12. then why haven't you had 12 birthdays junior look the important thing is that i don't want to be born on february 29th well the only thing you can do is go back in time and stop yourself from being born on that day well i guess i could get a cardboard box and write time machine on it and make it into a time machine well let's do that all right i'll be right back i'm going to the ups store okay behold junior that's a time machine time machine time machine to do patent pending whoa a time machine what's it do well it's a time machine junior lets you travel forward and backward in time okay so this is what i was thinking i think we should go back in time to the day before your parents point and make them boink on that day so you're born a day before oh that's a good idea i didn't even think of that okay so how do we do it uh well you got to put a quarter in it uh a quarter yeah well i figured if i was gonna make a time machine i might as well make a little bit of money off of it well now we have to pay a quarter i don't even have a quarter well i have one quarter but we have to get this right on the first try okay we'll put it in okay okay so what day do we have to go like nine months before you were born uh so that would be may 28th 2007. yeah so nine months and one day before you were born yeah okay uh so may 28 2007 um well junior those buttons don't work they're just bits of paper oh yeah oh okay well we just get in it yeah yeah just discover okay all right cody we're here at your parents house on may 28 2007. we have to make your parents do it today instead of tomorrow but junior how are we going to make my parents do it just leave that with me cody good night tyrone i really hope robbers don't break in and kill us in our sleep hold up baby the good lord wouldn't let that happen plus my cousin already locked up hey hey baby you want to fool around a little bit oh not tonight tyrone i have diarrhea ah come on baby so now i know you're lying because that hasn't stopped us before no means no tyrone don't make me write a me too tweet all right all right you right i gotta respect your wishes as a woman your body your choice oh tyrone you're so sexy and hot uh have me right now oh baby you changed your mind no tyrone i said no and that's final come on baby you must be bipolar something cause i heard something totally different tyrone don't make me call the police all right all right god oh tyrone i changed my mind i want to do it right now oh baby you can have me get off of me tyrone i'm calling the cops that's it david we're married all right you're coming with me and you're going to jail for a long time yeah that's right lock em up but baby i'm sorry no means no tyrone now you have fun riding in jail oh god junior you got my dad arrested i was just trying to make him do it but my mom had diarrhea oh she's not gonna have diarrhea tomorrow when they do it well no i guess not and now they're not gonna do it tomorrow because my dad's in jail and now i'll never even be born okay okay how about we go to may 29th the day they did it and we stopped them from doing it yeah i guess that would be easier all right let's get the time machine go to may 29th okay we need a quarter ah dang it um is there a quarter around here oh oh look good look look what's behind your ear wow okay we're here on may 29th let's stop your parents from doing it okay but try not to get anyone arrested this time no one's gonna get arrested so tyrone my diarrhea's all cleared up and i'm ready to go ho-ho-ho baby you know how to keep me down when we ran out of toilet paper too oh don't tease me now don't tease me oh tyrone i'm here you sent me a picture of your sausage and you told me to come taste it tyrone who is this woman baby i have never seen this woman in my entire life well that's what you said about the last few women who walked into our room okay okay oh god i've cheated on you three times three different women she ain't one of them what are you talking about tyrone we've been seeing each other for years now you said you love me oh i think i see what's going on here you want a menage a trois okay what would that mean well that means me and her together oh okay yeah yeah that's what i want i want that come on join us no no no no he said he said he just wanted me by myself just me and him not his ugly wife he called you ugly what no i said that baby or i wanted the uh thing you asked for the menage to eggs oh okay well come on hop in yeah come on come on no no he didn't want a manager twig he wanted one twig he wanted me he wanted me to have his he just wants me by myself tyrone i don't understand how about we just start and then she can join if she wants to whoa no baby no no no don't do it don't do it wrong baby sorry cody i couldn't stop him junior you could have just taken one for the team you know what give me the wig i'll do it cody's not worth it junior i don't want my birthday to be on february 29th i want to go to chuck e cheese cody it's not worth getting with your parents to go to chuck e cheese yes it is i want to go look i got a better idea how do we go to the day you were born and we stop your mom from giving birth until march 1st what how are we supposed to stop her junior i don't know distract her distract her from childbirth well tell her to hold it in like holding in a poop i'm not a poop junior i'm a baby i know you're a baby you're three years old yeah i like it all the time okay fine junior we'll try your idea yes let's go to february 29th 2008 and stop your mom from giving birth until march 1st okay fine we need another quarter uh hold on look there's probably one in the couch cushions oh yeah okay here's one all right put it all right let's go all right cody we're here february 29th 2008. now you've got to stop your mom from giving birth well how are you going to do that junior just watch and learn cody watch and learn oh push baby puss hold on i think i see the head yeah it's definitely a girl we having to make a girl oh what the baby oh i have no idea doctor doctor it's an emergency we need you the emergency room stat someone has coronavirus what what is that oh i forgot it's 2008. uh some kid was running down the stairs with scissors oh no yeah he had two pairs of scissors oh both eyes both eyes oh man you hate to see it so they need you in there to operate sad but but i'm delivering this baby well what's it here fish breath we need you right now in the emergency rooms look i'll take over okay but have fun all right ma'am i need you to listen to me oh i i know i'm already pushing well no no i need to do the opposite don't push suck it back in what yeah did you know that today it's illegal to have babies why it's a new law whatever baby's born today with the senate in the space the nasa puts on a spaceship and send it to pluto oh no can you believe this the government don't want us having mixed babies yeah yeah that's what it is so if you have a baby today they're gonna send it to pluto so you better just keep it sucked up but but i'm in so much pain come on baby you can hold it you can hold it for one more day yeah your baby's gonna be in a lot of pain when they send them to pluto yeah yeah we don't want that yeah so just hold it till march 1st okay i'll try for the baby yeah just keep it hold it in hold it in yeah just keep doing that oh i can't hold it anymore come on baby just hold it a little bit longer a couple more hours you just hold it for a few more hours oh i can't come on baby all right i'm back a doctor i can't hold it anymore all right let me take a look um now hold on all right there's something fishy going on here what that's a balloon a balloon yeah help me get this balloon out what is that a balloon in her shirt you're not even pregnant you're just faking what's going on here oh tyrone i have a confession to make i can't really get pregnant wait what you can't get pregnant i told you i wanted to have a baby i know but i thought you'd be mad so i just hit a balloon in my shirt for the last nine months so how we gonna have a kid that can hopefully get successful so we can live off of this money well you guys could just adopt stop yeah you know just adopt a kid i guess we could adopt a kid i mean i wouldn't have to pay child support since he's not mine right i don't know what do i look adopted i have no idea but yeah you should adopt the kid oh tyrone let's adopt a kid an exotic one okay we can do that baby come on let's go get exotic she wasn't pregnant cody your mom wasn't actually pregnant junior that's impossible this is my birthday maybe we got the date wrong or something or no no cody what if you're adopted junior i'm not adopted i look just like my parents what you do well yeah i mean well i look like my mom you know i i have heard you know like her her um well like i look like my dad you know how he has that and i kind of look junior i'm adopted i yeah i'm adopted that actually explains a lot now that i'm thinking about it so who's your real parents junior i have no idea but my whole life has been a lie you're adopted well we should go back to my house because i want to play with my squishy chucky cheese head oh okay yeah but um i'm out of change oh i found a quarter in my pocket oh great yeah so um let's go okay make the noises cody oh pew pew pew people oh yeah my squishy chucky cheese head look how squishy cody it's pretty squishy junior what's wrong cody you're acting like you found out you're adopted or something i did find out i was adopted no kidding junior you were the one who told me is that right junior you have the memory of a goldfish cody who cares if you're adopted or even born in the first place all that matters you're here now thanks a lot junior that really helps you know i wish my parents had told me that i was adopted it's just that they hid it so well where's my adopted orphan son at hi dad look i've been looking for your orphan butt everywhere dad am i adopted i'll adopt it is a strong word son okay but dad who are my real parents i am your real father and i will whoop you like your real father if you don't get back to the house and blow out the candles on your adoption day cake yes sir well cody where are we gonna find out who your real parents are well we'll find out someday junior like next episode on dragon ball z all right cool you can just go home okay happy 12th birthday man l12 i swear to god if i see the pens [Music] again [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 318,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, the, time, machine
Id: 4eGBbvMvgM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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