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wao is that a barn oh my goodness I just started up this Minecraft world and there's a random Barn here I bet there's so many awesome animals inside I want to go say hi to them and I want to pet them hello hello animals where are you nope nothing in here animals come on where's the jeta rafts at our elephant it's so stupid there's no animals oh my God oh my God what the heck oh my goodness these animals do not look fun get away from me Mr animals meow meow wait a minute Daisy is that you yeah it's me what the heck are you guys doing we're pranking you we got you this is a terrible prank you guys look really ugly especially you Daddy what do you mean I look I look great I'm really big and jacked okay well I'm the Su keep e these are all my animals guys you have the scariest faces ever in Minecraft daddy look at your teeth yeah I can bite you I Can Eat You Alive well why are you guys dressed up in these animals anyways well see um you actually have to collect all the buckets of animals in this map and we're going to try to stop you what yep and you have to bring them all the way upstairs and there's a little section where you can put all the buckets but you're not going to be able to do it because we're going to defeat you oh no is it a zunal speed run oh yeah yeah we're going to stop you and you'll never be able to win oh sure Gooby that's definitely going to happen yes guess what I'm way faster than all of you go go have 30 seconds go go yes I have 30 seconds bye guys see you never I'm going to get you go go go go go go go this is actually so scary hey Daddy what happened to my 30 seconds wait you get 30 seconds who said that Daisy did Daddy go back oh come on yep go back there daddy Daddy's trying to cheat how dare you try to cheat I got 30 seconds I'm just going to take my sweet time ah this is nice there we go just collect some wood o I got to try to get a sword oh my God if I can get a stone sword right now that would be crazy okay I need to run run run run run run run run I think my daddy said something about collecting buckets of animals like what does that even mean I guess we're going to find out very soon ooh Piggies wait a minute wait a minute there's Stone right here let me get the stone let me get the stone go go go go go go yes yes oh no I placed Stone no I'm freaking out I'm scared and I'm nervous cuz un anomal creatures are going to try to kill me okay let me kill the piggies come here Mr Piggy I need you you need a sacrifice for the speedrun all right well if they're not going to come attack me yet I'm just going to keep collecting more Stone so I can get a stone pickaxe I can get some iron or even diamond armor this speedrun is going to be a breeze oh my gosh oh my gosh how Dy get away from me oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Daddy get away get away no you get away Daddy it's is not fair I need another 30 seconds you're not collecting all the animals daddy you do know that I have a stone sword come here like that bye see you later he killed Marty yep and guess what I'm going to kill your ugly thing too my animals come here bye oh the Zookeeper yeah guess what you a zookeeper in Hell take that ow ow ow ow stop that ouch ouch ouch bye Gooby see you later yes let's go I just instantly killed them they're actually so bad at this game I'm so much better at everyone in this game game oh my goodness that was awesome okay now what I need to do is make some sticks and then oh come on then I got to make another pickaxe there we go now we can start getting some iron they are going to be chasing me so hard right now so I need to run I need to run run run run run ooh also if I look at my map it looks like there's four different question marks around so I need to go to each one of these and collect the animal that's at that place and it looks like we're getting close to this one so this is where we're going to go first go go go go go this should be pretty easy as long is my friends and my daddy don't get any crazy weapons then I should be able just to constantly kill them any caves around I'm looking for some iron Johnny I see you what hey where are you Daddy are you in the trees I'm in the trees I'm a monkey oh gosh you're in the trees oh gosh oh gosh dadd leave me alone leave me alone daddy I'm just trying to find some uh you know some animals so I could win what do you mean animals I got to find the animals in the buckets daddy like you said you're right I'm I'm going to kill you right now come here Daddy what the the heck come here stupid zunal character like that yeah you freaking suck no you killed my monkey I'm the ball get away from me Gooby come here hey hey that's it I'm going to hit you for wheel I'm going to kill you hey hey stop it Gooby stop it oh my gosh oh my gosh two hearts two hearts this is not good this is not good Gooby is going to kill me oh my goodness Gooby literally almost just killed me and this old challenge would have been over I need to get some space from him he's way too powerful go go go go go go go that was a close one okay I think I'm going to need some more overpowered weapons to fight the zoomy characters oh my goodness it's going to take forever to get a really good sword wait a minute I just still have an idea hold on let me get on top of this mountain hey you watching this video I need everyone's help right now you need to like this video in 3 seconds and if you do I'm going to get an overpowered tunal killer sword please please please I need it I need I need it like this video in three 2 1 wo what is this oh my God I got the zoo naly sword it says no in it oh my goodness it looks so awesome wait let me test out on this cow waa I just destroyed that cow I literally just destroyed it with lightning come here Mr Cow give me your food finally Oh Daddy did you just climb up this mountain yeah it took me a while to get back here now it's time for me to kill you oh you're going to kill me Daddy well guess what look what's in my hand what is that well Daddy some of the subscribers like this video and they gave me the zoo naly sword look behind you because you got some competition wo w w no no no I'm not cheater I'm not cheat take that oh my gosh you just one that Daisy daddy if I were you I would run no come here take that Daddy yeah wait the zoo nomal sword's overpowered it's actually overpowered nothing could actually kill me oh my goodness wao and look up there it looks like this is where the first animal is hiding oh gosh it looks like I'm going to need a lot of blocks to get up there ooh or I could swim up that water yeah that's going to be a better idea so I killed my daddy I killed Daisy but I don't know where Gooby is I have a feeling Gooby is going to be nearby all right let me just hurry up and get some wood and try to collect some resources before going up on top of this big Big Sky Island go go go go go collect more wood collect more wood need to hurry up this is a speedrun okay I have an issue I can't use the zom sword on any animals cuz it burns the food ooh I could get watermelons though yes I like watermelons all right I'm going to get a bunch of food this is really good this is going to make sure my health is always regening cuz I need full food all right now we just got to get by this water over here and then we need to swim all the way up this going to be so awesome literally nothing could stop me with this awesome sword but I can fall and die and take a lot of fall damage so let me just make sure not to do that all right now we just got to swim up here oh yeah I'm coming Mr animal stay right there do not move do I see any zooom creatures nope no zooom creatures here wow this probably the easiest speedrun ever I'm definitely going to win this speedrun no way I lose this oh come on oh no yes I did it I did it oh my gosh I did it what are you doing hey hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my God oh my God Daisy stop stop this is not funny no I want to win yeah you're not winning nothing you're not winning nothing you're not winning nothing oh there goes Daisy that was easy oh my goodness you just scared the actual poop out of me is there any other zunal creatures here that I need to kill Gooby daddy Gooby I hear you laughing Gooby I see you you're an idiot Gooby I literally see you stuck in the water no what I'm just TR to get over there okay Gooby I'm going to go on top of this Tower and I'm going to go collect an animal yes a chest oh my God I got it bucket of tropical fish I got the first animal oh my goodness that's one out of the four animals that I need to collect ooh maybe there's some loot in some of those other Towers over there and that house I need to go check those you'll never find that time to go down oh my gosh oh my gosh Gooby stop it Gooby get away from me I'll kill you I'm going to get you give me that SW that looks really cool get away from me oh no gosh oh my goodness Gooby literally just died how did he miss the water what an idiot he's so bad at this game okay time to go check these towers all right let me just find the entrance here and then we're just going to take this staircase going all the way up come on come on please have good loot on it o it's a ladder yes yes yes hey hey what are you doing up here get away from me just get back here take that I'm going burn this whole place down I'mma to burn it all down that is just way too easy they're going to have to get some swords and armor if they want to even have a chance of killing me wa I got a bow I got a bow I actually got a bow and it has a bunch of enchants on it flame infinity and punch four oh two never mind let's go this is sick this is actually sick oh my goodness it's going to be even easier to kill all the zun anomaly creatures okay let me check my map again so I'm all the way in the bottom right I should probably go up to this top one it is in this direction H but how am I going to get down here ooh I think there's water underneath me all right I'm going to jump here we go but I'm going to do it in style backflip go oh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh yes I made it let's go H maybe I can make a boat to get up to the next part really quick o I could take a boat around here okay we definitely need to make a boat I should probably try to get some iron as well so I can get some iron armor that would help me a ton uhoh Daddy I hear the monkey where are you daddy I swear I just heard something oh no he's getting me scared okay okay I'm in my boat I'm gone bye daddy a see you later loser go go go go go go go okay I need to go around here I need to just take this River all the way up I'm pretty sure I'm headed north yep I'm headed north easy peasy that was a close one my daddy literally almost caught me and killed me nice this is awesome I could just go all the way up using this boat all right I'm actually starting to get close go go go go go they probably have no clue how I'm traveling so fast right now I'm pretty sure all of them have trackers on me so they know exactly where I'm at this entire time but I'm too fast for them they're slow what is that thing I see something oh I definitely see something up there what is that ew it looks like a pink house okay we got to get off our boat there we go break that anyone around me nope I don't hear anyone is there any caves around me cuz then if I could just go into a cave that would make this so much easier ooh there's a lot of stone over there no I'm not seeing any iron though come on I need some iron give me the iron ooh look at this flower field Daisy would actually love this flower field since you know she likes girly things and likes the color pink wait this Tower's pink oh God this is probably Daisy's Tower oh my goodness I got to get up here and get this animal while no one's chasing me I'm going to use this new bow too this going to be so freaking cool all right almost to the top here we go oh gosh hey hey oh my God oh my God go fire we're going to oh my gosh no you're not no you're not go go go go go go go you're not getting the oxel yes I am daddy I'm going up right now see you later come on I can't fit cuz you're too you're too fat here look I'll help you fit I'll help you fit ow there you go now I'm bloody and on fire wait Daisy is this your Tower because it's pink of course this is my tower well I don't like it take that take that oh yeah I'm coming in here too oh yeah you're going to come in here wow my head a little suck though I'll see you later no no come back here there's chest here there's a book lapis Louie nope don't need that don't need that come on I got to keep going I got to keep going no the staircase is too small come on I got to check all these chests no no no go go go go go this is my chance this is my chance no nothing here dang it there's actually millions of chests I could check here this could take forever to find this nope don't see anything dang it this is too hard wait right here right here yes I got the Axel axol got it I got the Axel guys but you also have a big problem coming from the roof oh my gosh how'd you get on the roof h take that come here you're on fire now you're on fire OU ouch ouch ouch no I'll punch you in the face no you're not you're not going be able to punch me take that no no no oh my gosh I'm only on a heart heart and a half that is the lowest I've been oh my gosh oh my gosh I got to get out of here no it looks like there's no water I could jump off of there's literally nothing there's actually nothing I got to go down the the loser way I guess I'll be a loser and I got to climb down all these ladders again oh my goodness go go go go go go go go go I got to hurry up I have two two out of the four animals that I need to collect I'm doing really good right now you need two more oh my god daddy get away get away come here I'm spamming it I'm spamming it you have armor on there's no way he has armor my Daddy has armor on that took way too many hits to kill them okay they're getting more overpowered I don't like this I do not like this every time I collect a new animal the zamal creatures get more crazier I have a feeling at the end there's going to be an army of zunal creatures that want to kill me oh no this isn't good I seriously need to find iron that's going to be my new Mission before I find the next animal if I was iron where would I hide oh probably in a cave that makes a lot of sense I got to find a cave ooh this is the barn oh my gosh I made it back all the way to the barn maybe there's a cave somewhere near the barn that would make sense it's like a little mini cave it's a mini Ravine I'm looking for a big Ravine though this one's stupid and small and stupid you're small and stupid okay really Daisy that was mean well I just want to win so will you give up give up what who do you think I am I'm not giving up on anything but I want to win this time yeah you're not going to win so I'm going to try all right come try to get me oh a big cave I found a big cave look at all that iron that you're not going to get oh there's actually a ton of iron in here and I'm going to get it all no see you later just come back here where's the iron at come on come on come on come on I need to find iron yes yes yes I did it I found a piece of iron this is insane I got to start cooking this up so I can make a bunch of awesome armor with it oh hey hey come here hey you can't leave Daisy was trying to sneak attack me I cannot allow it I also need to collect a bunch of coal this is very important to get coal this is what I'm going to use to cook up all this iron so I can make stuff with it ooh it looks like there's more iron up here let's go oh my God I'm actually insane at this game wait how many pieces of iron do I even need I think I need like 20 pieces that would be good ow ow these spikes hurt ow yes I'm going to eat it this iron is so good ooh I found some more down here and no one's going to stop me I'm just going to collect all this collect these oh this is a big one he's got a lot of iron in it okay I'm going to make a little base right here so I'm going to place on this crafting bench um how much do I need oh I need eight pieces of cobblestone to make a furnace okay easy there we go place that down place that place that and boom we are cooking up iron I need to protect it though cuz if my daddy's nearby he likes to steal the iron from my furnace I cannot allow that to happen okay I'm just going to go right here mind a bunch of this and I'm going to keep an eye out on the furnace Daddy are you nearby okay good I think we're good all right come on just keep collecting keep collecting this is actually insane oh my goodness oh my goodness we actually have an insane amount of iron 24 pieces plus this four okay the first thing I'm going to do is make an iron pickaxe just in case I find some diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds wait wait hold on I'm not going to leave this furnace because I already know what's going to happen I'll get the diamonds after I need to protect this with my life okay I'm just going to start by making some shoes there we go I need to make a chest plate leggings and a hat now easy peasy I am doing so good right now like insanely good okay I don't think I can wait anymore uh uhoh guys what are you doing they can't hear me guys back up away from those diamonds Daddy no no no Daddy stop Daddy stop it Daddy stop those are mine I saw those first no they're mine oh my gosh there's even more behind you yeah I know these are all ours Daddy no back up hey Daddy no back up it's mine it's mine you can't kill him these are ours get away okay okay back up for me yes yes oh my gosh they thought they were going to steal these diamonds I don't think so they're all mine oh my wait a minute hold on this is more than I even thought I might be able to make full diamond armor this would be the first time ever in a speedrun I make full diamond armor okay that's my new goal I need to make full diamond armor ooh more diamonds over here this is actually insane this is insane all right I think I saw some behind this lava as well there was like one or two yep yep there it is I can spot diamonds out from anywhere in the world let's just not die from lava cuz that would be really bad I have 15 pieces of Diamonds okay I feel like there's going to be more down here there's already 15 why is there not like another 15 okay let's just go down this cave nope nothing down there dang it maybe you want to share some of those diamonds with me oh gosh oh gosh okay Gooby back up it's not funny Gooby back up no maybe give me some of those diamonds and I'll leave you alone I have 15 diamonds on me get away from me oo I think there's more diamonds down here come back here come no get away from me don't make me have to kill you gooby well just give me some diamonds all right here I'll give them to you yes hey hey they sitting I'm giving you diamonds I'm giving them to you no no you give me fire Give Me Diamonds Give Me Diamonds it's fiery diamonds it's fire Diamonds oh he's dead all right let's see what I can make with these 15 diamonds I don't think I see anym oh wait a minute oh wait a minute oh wait a minute I see a lot of diamonds I'm making full diamond armor this is crazy it's really happening okay collect those it just keeps going this cave just keeps getting crazy I found the best cave in Minecraft oh my goodness how many diamonds can I actually collect though am I about to have a full stack of diamonds right now it's looking like I might more diamonds over here what else is new 29 diamonds all right let's see what do I have over here there might be even more oh I think there's going to be more oh my God lava oh my God that was close this water was not here I could be dead right now this cave is actually the biggest cave I've ever seen in my life oh gosh oh my goodness there's a bunch of creepers in front of me okay oh my gosh I forgot there's actual mobs in this game still I got to light them on Fire H stupid Creepers die okay now that there's monsters I should probably oh there's more diamonds what I was going to say is I should probably make diamond armor before I actually fight anything just to be safe all right oh Johnny oh gosh no no no no no no no back up I'm not ready to fight yet just come out here and fight me hold on hold on I'm not ready oh my gosh I'm just going to come inside oh okay you can come in here I got a nice little surprise for you oh a surprise yep just for you hey you stole my crafting bench well you can't have it back check it out I got full diamond armor wait what how yeah you don't do anything to me bye let's go this is actually insane this cave just keeps getting bigger okay wait I forgot I was cooking up a bunch of iron before I still need that to make a few items let's start making my way back and hopefully my daddy didn't steal all that iron um how did I get back I think I have to go oh gosh I'm confused I don't know where to get back wait a minute I think it was past this lava yep yep past this lava ow spikes okay there we go and it's over here to the right and then I think we should be close hey Daddy you're stealing those diamonds they're mine hey no they're not give those diamonds give me those diamonds give me those diamonds he thought he could steal diamonds from me I don't think so okay there's a bunch of iron here I'm just going to collect it just in case my daddy stole all of that iron from before there's no way they didn't find my little hidden stash all right there we go bunch of iron let's go all right now we see to head in this direction I think and this is the way out of the cave o yes come on please be here please be here yes they didn't steal it let's go okay what I'm going to do is get some buckets so I can get some water and lava um what else can I make oh I can make a Shield yep let's make a shield there we go and then also I'm going to cook up some of this food now I think I am ready to get the last two animals and win this thing I'm feeling good right now all right let's go let's go let's go we need to start heading to the next animal oh God if I can get out of this cave without dying ow ow these spikes hurt they do a lot of damage to my feet okay I think I'm alive I'm alive all right quick I need to get out of here um which direction do I even go I don't even I don't even know oh let's see so I got to go to these two so let's go up here to the right run run run run run wa look at in this cave oh my goodness that looks actually terrifying I got everything I need from those caves so I could just keep running now no you should go back down there hey Daddy get away from me you know what Johnny I think I'm Finly done fighting you wait you don't want to fight me anymore nah that's kind of boring I'm kind of sick of this I think you should fight my minions wait what oh my God minions daddy chill Daddy no no no no Take that stupid minions oh I'm killing them Daddy I'm killing them yeah your minions suck Daddy okay you know what you fight me now hey come here yeah good job Daddy good job he ow my Shield's down my Shield's down my Shield's down my Shield's down stupid daddy take that take that ah ah no bye daddy yes that was kind of scary though my Daddy has minions I knew it I knew he was going to try to place down a zoo anomaly Army I need to hurry up and get the rest of these animals oh Johnny give me that diamond noro oh gosh oh gosh this isn't good get away from me guys just get back back here no no I'm not going to do that I will do no such thing you're never going to be able to defeat our army though um the thing is I kind of will I just destroyed my daddy's minion so collect this water there we go I need to make sure I have food on me food food food food food what is this it's like a mini castle ooh oh my gosh wait I'm about to be a genius go go go go go I need to collect this hay it's very important for food I'll never have to get food again hey hey get away from me ow come here zunal creature get out of here bye that was easy oh that was easy that was easy that was easy no no no Oh Daddy want some too oh wait what oh my God that's not my daddy that's the minions that's the minions get inside get inside yes more melons as well oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh they want to eat me that is a part of the army that is not real ow ow get away from me get away from me okay I think I'm safe in here F die die die hey stop looking at me for okay they do an insane amount of damage this is not even funny I need to figure out a way to collect this food I got to kill these stupid little llamas ah take my lightning all right there we go we got a bunch more of these watermelons yes but I could literally use these hate barrels get a bunch of Wheat and then I will literally have unlimited amount of food with bread oh God oh God more tunal creatures oh my gosh what is happening this is not good this is not good it's getting way more intense take that take that take that H I need to run I need to run on top of this Castle I need to find this animal right now okay I think I'm safe in here animal anywhere nope no animals crafting table yes all right let me just make so much bread literally 20 pieces of bread this is overpowered but still no animal where could it be hiding oh I found it hey see you later stupid Zoo anomaly creature get out of here I have diamond armor on you can't do anything to me okay it kind of did like all my health but it didn't do anything okay let's go I got a bucket of tadpole hey hey no no no no no no oh my goodness these un anomaly creatures are spawning everywhere now this is not fair ATT oh God that's actually you gooby ow oh my gosh I need to run I need to run run run run run get away from me Gooby get back here no ouch ouch no bye that was a close one I need to be way more careful now I could actually die any second so I need to be super careful okay I just got to collect one more animal now and then I just got to put him in the barn and I am a winner but where do I need to go oh gosh it looks like I need to go into some sort of spaceship this is going to be insane it doesn't help that there's probably a million zoomy creatures trying to kill me right now this is getting very intense and very scary and I didn't OT okay run run run run run I feel like I'm getting close I see it I see it it's starting to come up in the distance oh Johnny no Daisy stop there's two of you there's three of you what are you doing um I'm about to win this speedrun challenge you're never going to win yes I am I'll see you later uhoh I think I'm about to run into an issue doesn't look like there's any water to swim up on this blimp yeah this is going to be an issue oh my gosh oh my gosh back away get away from me bro get away this is not funny there's a bunch of these monkeys in the jungle ow ow shield shield and hit shield and hit yes there's one dead two dead run run run run run they do too much damage it's not fair die die die die yep I killed one I killed one get pumpkins get pumpkins not pumpkins watermelons I'm losing my mind okay but back to the real issue how am I supposed to get up there I'm literally not going to be able to get up there unless I have like a million blocks okay I'm going to have to get a million blocks then there's literally no way up let me just break this right here yep go into the hole and then what I'm going to do is just block off the top so now no Zoo anomaly creature is going to be able to kill me hopefully all right time to collect literally two stacks of stone I'm going to need a lot of stone to get all the way on top of that ship oh my goodness it's taking too long I only have 48 okay wait a minute let me see if I can make a shovel I think by breaking dirt that will go way faster all right let me just build up here real quick oh yes oh yes this has some speed on it yes yes yes yes I'm getting so much more blocks so much faster go go go go break break break break break I'm going like double the speed that I was going with the stone I just got to make sure there's no zunal creatures that want to kill me I should be safe though I'll just mess him up uhoh I heard something something just took damage what was that was nothing my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh again nope this is not funny this is not a good surprise attack I got to break your diamond armor come here see you later no no no hey oh it looks like you're stuck Gooby oh man bye Gooby oh my goodness he's so tall okay I have a bunch of blocks on me almost two stacks of just random junk blocks I think this should be enough to get me on top of that ship okay it's time to try it oh my gosh oh my gosh llamas llamas llamas llamas they want to eat me no no no no no no no no no no no no no no start building I need to start building right now they're coming after me no get away from me you stupid llamas I'm going to have to kill you now see look what happened I see you found my llama Army where are you where are you I'm going to kill you you're never going to get me okay I just got to keep going I just got to keep going go go go go go go go go go da you're not going to stop me I'm going to build all the way to the top and there's nothing you can do I don't even think I can get up there I know because you're stup stupid and you don't have blocks this isn't fair bye yes let's go okay hopefully I'm getting close oh I am getting very very close I still have 54 blocks let's go come on come on keep going yes I made it to the top I made it to the top please do not fall please do not fall this is not the time to fall yes I did it oh my gosh oh my gosh dad stop it Daddy oh man you're on fire daddy that really that really sucks I can't move I'm too big you can't move move ddy no stop it stop it bye oh God who is this oh it looks like it's just a part of the stupid Army hi oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh get inside get inside get inside press the stupid button oh that was a close one there was literally an ambush of zun anomaly creatures but where is this stupid animal at it could legit be anywhere this blimp is so big wait I think I made it to the front ooh this is cool I could actually drive it okay let's see what's in here oh my God hey hey get away from me nothing yet let me check these sides nope nothing oh it's got to be inside somewhere o it's got to be in this one yes yes chest yes I got a bucket puffer fish yes yes oh yeah I'm doing a happy dance Happy dance I just got all four animals and I haven't died once now all I need to do is just get this back all the way to the barn and then I win oh my goodness go back inside oh my my goodness the Army is crazy wait the Army is actually crazy okay that is not going to happen I'm not going through that I have an idea need to dig down come on just get me out oh my God oh my God oh oh my God water clutch water bucket clutch I just clutched up I literally was about to die I just had a mini heart attack okay that actually just scared me okay I need to go I need to run I need to run away oh my goodness there's already monkeys coming after me and zunal characters wait I don't even know what direction I'm going in uh okay to the right I got to go to the right hey hey back away back away from me this is the final stretch if I just get these buckets to the barn I win I am a winner I'm just not going to look back I already know there's like aund of them chasing me I'm Not Looking Back yes yes yes yes I see the barn I see the barn okay there's probably a bunch of zoo nomal characters on the bottom of the barn so I'm going to be a genius right now U give me some of this dirt there we go I'm going to go up the side yes I'm doing it they're going to have no clue that I'm coming from the roof all right looks like there's a little entrance right here hello is anyone in here wow this is just way too easy I'm just too fast for them that's what you think where are you gooby where do I got to put these buckets I don't know oh my gosh I got to find the place where I got to place the buckets I got to get the buckets out too Gooby where are you I heard you uh well Gooby this is not funny oh my gosh there's a bunch of zom characters okay back up back upstairs back upstairs you really thought you could sneak up here oh gosh oh gosh get away from me Daisy get away take that oh ah oh my gosh the Army is actually spreading the Army is spreading Lama minions I need to eat a golden apple it's the only way fight me like a man get away from me Daddy ha I catch you off take this oh yeah I just blocked that take that see you later Gooby there's nice snow in you yes they are on fire burn no we got to stop him you guys are not going to be able to stop me with this poopy Army oh my gosh there's more of them there's actually so many any of them poooo Army get him it's not a poooo army what are you saying yes ow ow ow Golden Apple I got a golden apple all right now the Barn's on fire yes the barn is burning wait that's actually not a good thing no stop eating that Apple come here uhoh hey Daddy he instantly just died wait a minute I see where I got to put the buckets yes yes yes I sto the over Powers it's not fair I got two I got two on no no get away from me get away from me you like this sword yep you like it yes two more buckets and I win two more buckets and I win bye one and two yeah I did it I placed all the buckets come on uhhuh I was like a second too late hold on Daddy I got to do a little emote cuz I got to dance oh yeah oh yeah check it out uh-huh uh-huh no way you completed it already come on obviously guys I'm the best speedrunner of Minecraft how are you so good guys it looks like your stupid Zoo nomal characters couldn't stop me what we lost yeah Gooby yeah Gooby look behind me I placed all the buckets down no too good I'm insane wait wait let's do a rematch let's do a rematch the best at three oh yeah Dad let's do a rematch that's a good idea but first let me just burn down the barn a take that burn down no no no ah oh gosh oh gosh I'm I'm a winner let's go get back here no well if you guys enjoyed watching this awesome video then everyone right now make sure to leave a like and it's subscribe bye
Channel: Johnny Minecraft
Views: 370,338
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Keywords: ZOOMOMALY vs SPEEDRUNNER In Minecraft!, cash, family friendly, no cursing, no bad words, minecraft, nico, nico and cash, cash and nico, kid friendly, aphmau, skit, cash vs nico, Minecraft, sunny, having a family in minecraft, minecraft family, build to survive in minecraft!, minecraft build to survive, omz, minecraft manhunt, slogo, johnny minecraft, johnny, here's johnny, minecraft mod, hacker minecraft, maizen, zoonomaly, minecraft zoonomaly, minecraft zoonomaly speedrun
Id: 1SoBRwnL31E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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