FNAF SHARKS vs The Most Secure House In Minecraft!

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wee this trampoline so awesome daddy look how high up we are guys be careful I still don't think putting the trampoline on the roof is a really good idea no it's so much fun I'm bouncing so high this is awesome yeah I'm having so much fun right now daddy why don't you join us I am not joining you okay I got I got bad legs oo I'm pretty sure I'm going so high that I can see the edge of the o wait what how would you see the end of the Earth from up here Gooby look at no Gooby no you do know that the Earth is a Big C C it's like a sphere um I'm pretty sure the Earth is flat Johnny come on what the Earth is not flat wait daddy is the earth flat no it's it's circular see see Gooby it's circular it's like a soccer ball no no no like look look at the driveway for here pretty much that okay guys maybe we should ask Daisy since she's the smartest one here Daisy is the Earth's flat no the Earth isn't flat just look you can see the curve yep I see the curve what I'm going to prove it to you I'm just going to jump in now wait what where are you going Gooby I'm going into the ocean no you're not you're saying Gooby if you swim all the way out there you're just going to fall off the Earth yes that's that's not how it works right guys that's not how it works that's impossible you're just going to keep going until you show right back up here nope I'm going to go to the edge and probably like fall down into like Pennsylvania no it's not it talking about do want go whoa scoby are you really just going to swim yes Scooby don't you think it' be easy if we just like took a boat maybe all right oh my goodness let's just take take a boat and I'll we're all going to prove to you that the Earth is not flat all right whoa look at this whale right here okay that's kind of scary okay let's back up from the whale he's going to destroy our boat I wonder why your whale body all right guys everyone in the boat in the boat come on I'm coming I'm coming to leave without me come on Daddy hurry up come in wait Gooby before we go and prove to you that the Earth is not flat um how would the whale still be in the ocean if the Earth was flat wouldn't he just fall off no the ocean still big old in a whale okay I just wanted to make sure okay so just keep going to the edge all right we're going to go all the way to the edge and see what we find how far are we going to have to go um very far because we need to prove to Gooby that is a big sphere yeah probably like 100 million jillion miles yep so everyone get to rowing I'm rowing I'm rowing Gooby we've been rowing for a really long time I think this proves that you know the Earth is not flat Yep this proves it no you just have to keep going oh my goodness how far are we going to go got to keep rowing until you get to the edge of the O guys I'm surprised we haven't seen any sharks around here I think we're deep enough where there could actually be some sharks oh that would be scary there's nothing out of here are you sure daddy yeah I'm really sure all right Daddy Let's see if there's any sharks around here oh gosh daddy what's that behind us I knew it I called it it's a shark Wait guys hold on is that shark wearing a top hat why does it got barriers oh my goodness that kind of looks like Freddy from FNAF are you saying this is a FNAF shark yes that's a FNAF shark guys that's a FNAF shark quick there's Islands here hurry go thank God they can't go on land oh God we're going in hot we're coming in hot everyone out I'm out I'm out I'm out oh my goodness he's eating our boat hey leave our boat alone stop it you stupid oh my God it's burning it's burning stop that get off of there stop it Mr shark I don't think there's much we could do guys it's literally FNAF that is Freddy right there what where's he going hey come back here you just broke our boat now we going to leave oh my goodness guys what are we going to do oh no I'm pretty sure he's from the end of the Earth no he's not from the end of the Earth Gooby yes we have bigger issues okay I'm not going to debate over the Earth is a sphere or flat anymore with you we have FNAF sharks that want to eat our butts and guys if there's a Freddy shark then there's got to be a chica shark and a Bonnie shark I'm scared Daddy what I just want to say to the group that this is actually goobie's fault because if Gooby didn't have the stupid idea that the Earth was flat we wouldn't be out of here no if you guys just believe me that we'd still be bouncing on a trampoline right now well we had to prove that you were wrong well you still didn't even prove it oh my goodness oh now our boat's all broken oh there it goes look what you did you literally broke the boat it was on fire anyways okay well I guess we got to make Camp here ooh we should make some secure houses you know put up some defenses just in case the Sharks come come back that's really smart we like put some big Twee next to us I mean I I guess I guess you could do that Gooby there's already one big tree I claim this island this is mine okay well I want the Middle Island which middle one this one right here this is mine Gooby that means you're going to probably get the last one all right okay closest to where the shark was last seen yep so You' be the first one to you know get taken underneath the water to the other side of the world well I'm also the closest to the edge of the world so I can just kick him off okay all right guys everyone start making some secure houses I think I'm going to start by knocking down these big trees H I might use my big tree you're going to use your big tree Daddy are you going to make a tree house maybe well Daddy you know what I'm going to do the exact opposite I'm going to go into the floor you're going to go into the floor yep yep yep it's going to be insane it's kind of it's kind of a little scary that's what I was going to do no mine's going to be even better than yours Daisy trust me also daddy this has taking too long so I think I'm just going to use some Dynamite you're going to do what there we go just going to blow up all these why daddy cuz it's working look oh my gosh well you know what I think being in the air will actually save me oops oops stop oopsy oops hey hey stop that sorry guys oops just thr Dynamite at me it's slipping I'm sorry I'm I'm I'm really sorry it just keeps slipping I'll throw Dynamite at you if you don't stop okay okay okay okay I'll stop I'll stop I'll stop I'll stop I'm sorry those are fighting words okay now I'm going to use glass and and I need to make a big circle but it's going to go into the floor so let's see how big do I want my circle to be ooh I know exactly what I'm going to make it's going to be so good Gooby what are you making nope it's going to be a sequence um are you going to make something really flat maybe I knew it I knew it you're going to make something like the edge of the Earth or something I don't know what you're going to do but it's going to be stupid it's going to be really good all right well we'll see what you make but I'm pretty sure my base is going to be the best one here guys based on what you're actually making right now now I don't see that even being a possibility Daddy what are you making you're making you're making a stupid Treehouse what are we in like second grade W this is not stupid this is not stupid at all this is actually really uh a great idea oh yeah well my idea is just going to be Simply Better simply not it's coming out so good it's coming out perfect actually perfect is is it's a very strong word why are you using glass Daddy can you stop act are you talking to me right now I'm I'm talking to you why would you use glass they can just bite through that no they can't Daddy okay it's bulletproof glass how about that there's no no there's no such thing yes there is yeah Daddy no there's not have you heard of a cyber truck before what is that oh my goodness my daddy is literally so old is a cyber pooper truck that's what I heard what what cyber pooper truck okay Daddy check this out look it's done isn't that sick man what if I threw like dynamite at it you think it'll blow up yes don't do that but daddy look ready for the cool part boom no water no water no water ooh that is cool too bad you missed a few spots daddy hold on I'm not done yet that's why oh my goodness wait this is actually the smartest thing I've ever came up with in my life you coming up with smart stuff I don't know that usually doesn't go hand in hand stop making fun of me Daddy oh Gooby laughed I heard him laugh what was so funny over there Gooby I thought it was pretty funny you know what's funny you're stupid base no it's Goods mine is literally going to be the best base in the world and also it's going to be the biggest base and bigger equals better mine might be the biggest wait guys did we even realize that the sharks are literally FNAF does that mean that the animatronics are sharks now oh my gosh I think you're right they figured out how to how to take over the ocean you're right they were walking on land but now they're sharks and they swim in the ocean that's scarier oh no I saw that anatonic can't even go in water yeah me too well I guess they figure out a way I thought FNAF was pretty scary but now I think it's even scarier cuz they're sharks guys let's just relax and keep building our secure houses because guess what FNAF won't be able to get us then o You're right daddy I'm going to do that or instead daddy we could just like sit around in a circle and like cry until we die and get killed by FNAF sharks I'm okay with doing that why would we do such a thing wait you want to join me on doing that yeah it seems pretty easy I will not be a loser like the rest of you come on guys let's all just start crying shut up can you shut up oh the fap dogs are going to eat us what's wrong with you guys crying like a bunch of idiots ooh one of my defenses I'm going to add to my base is going to be a big cage and I'm going to stick you in it Daddy and then it's you're going to be bait oh am I well guess what I'm going to use my teleportation powers and then I'm going to switch you into that cage and then you're going to be the one that's bait W can't do that yep I I said that I said that you literally can't do that I can do that cuz I have the power wa um Daisy why are you kind of stealing my design it doesn't look anything like yours it's a circle though so the thing is I now own all the circles in the world since I built mine first mine's literally more done than yours is no it's what no it is not yes it is well mine's going to be even more done well mine's going to be even more better um Gooby what are you making over there cuz you're kind of stealing my design too making a giant Flat Earth base a flat Earth base yep well Gooby come up here for a second you look at this it kind of looks like a circle uh yeah just like more like a rounded Square no I can't talk to dumb people anymore but it is it's a rounded Square that's not even a thing you're just making it up you I'm missing it good okay I kind of need some help over here can someone help me nope nope sorry I don't help losers but Daddy I got to break all these blocks oh that man that stinks man if only someone could help you out Daddy come on please can you come help me no I'm not helping you get away from me Daisy can you please help me are you going to help me on my base no then no Gooby please please I need your help no you made fun of my flat old Bas guys come on that's what you get this is like 1,000 blocks right here if I do the math well don't do the math all right you know what fine guys I got an idea I'll just use the subscribers watching this video to help me no you can't do that it's not allow cheating Che I'm going to cheat I'm going to cheat if you do it we got to do it too no only I get to do it if everyone watching this likes this video in the next 3 seconds all these blocks are going to be broken and my base is going to look super awesome quick everyone like this video in three two one guys check it out oh yeah did is actually awesome you're such a cheater eater no actually a bunch of people just really like me and they all commented that Johnny's amazing and then also they like the videos you see what happens such a lie no one likes you hey what what are you screaming hate for it's true I think people hate you the most I'm just saying no they don't they love me I get I love Marty comments all day long I think you get I hate Marty comments probably more than that no no no the people that say that just don't understand me and they actually love me the most they think that Marty smells Marty bald Marty's fat Marty's stupid Marty's stupid and Marty's also stupid wait that's really weird because that's what they comment about you hey no they don't they do they say that all day long well guys guess what now my base is going to be better than all of yours combined because it took me so fast to break all these blocks have you seen mine um yes it looks so good M I don't I don't know about that one hey I'm just saying like the opposite like it doesn't look so good it does too all right just got to fill in all the these poopy blocks with this iron block this actually coming out insane hey hey hey I'm using iron wait this is actually coming out insane what if I did a ring of iron going around the top so I could like walk around it hey hey hey what you copier daddy your shape is not even like Mine mine's a big circle so I'm not copying do you not see what I built no turn around and look looks terrible Daddy what do you mean it looks terrible looks it looks tabulous what is this ooh electric fence I could do some of that hey hey hey that's a no no wait I still have another really good idea oh no what is it it's going to be my idea no I'm just going to extend this and put some more glass here M another one of my ideas all right now we're just going to go over here and break all this dirt yes check that out that is sick boom now I can see underwater and above water oh yeah well I'm going to make a volcano on mine what a volcano yeah there's actually no way you're making a volcano right now yeah they have those at end of R that's against the rules what do you mean Dad it's not against any rules can't make volcanoes there's no rules what are you talking about there is rules no there's not we're just trying to survive they're called the Marty rules those aren't real yep no they're 100% real oh no I don't want to break those exactly otherwise I'm going to get really mad ubby don't worry about it you could break all of his rules they he's not going to do anything I'll come over there and I'll blow it up oh no they want to make a volcano so bad Mar rule number one no volcanoes really Daddy what do you mean really you can't enforce these rules I got a couple rules myself that I want to add in then oh yeah what are those rule number one Marty's fat rule number two Marty is not fat he's actually really really buff oh that goes against my rules sorry Daddy nope it's actually against my rules cannot exist nope it can't exist and it does exist indeed we shouldn't lie okay lying is bad yeah Johnny dadd I think she was talking to you what do you mean you talking to me what am I lying about oh nothing yeah exactly cuz if there was something you would have said something you're lying about having hail hey that was a good one that was a good one Gooby how did you even know I was wearing fake hair it's pretty obvious Mo it looks terrible what do you mean it looks terrible this is like what I used to look like when I was like in high school daddy why is my Bas kind of looking like yours a little bit hey what the heck I'm just really inspired Daddy yeah you're inspired to copy you big copycat I'm not trying to I'm trying to just do my own thing with it though Johnny you just got to stop copying me come on wait daddy why is my Bas kind of looking cool though yeah but what happens when a shark comes in like a hey stop it that's what's going to happen I'm I'm just foreshadowing what's going to happen later hey you want to see what's going to happen in your base what's going to happen in my base o daddy you just added these fences wait hold on let me just take these real quick stop copying it's a good idea though no it's not it's not a good idea it's a really bad idea you should not use it I'm going to add it all around my base guys we got a copycat it's against the the the Marty rules Marty rules aren't real yeah we don't care about the multi rules multi rules are poop yeah they suck what is is this what is now this is poop you want to see poop everyone come to Gooby base no it's good I already know that Gooby is probably making something really bad so I don't need to go over there oh it's horrible I want to throw up now it's good ooh Daisy I like this little Tower you made I think I'm going to take some inspiration from that next that's okay no it's not okay Daddy it is okay okay let me just make an awesome little tower now well guess what I'm going to copy you making a tower because I'm copying you now wouldn't that be copying me still no cuz I'm copying it off of Johnny's yeah ooh my Tower's coming out pretty good I'm going have the best Tower here well technically I kind of do already have a tower cuz I'm in a tree trees aren't Towers no but it's called a tree Tower see I mean a tree house no tree Tower house oh my goodness this is looking nuts thank you I've been working really hard on this base wasn't talking about you Daddy mean you weren talking about me talking about my base obviously the best one here do you want to connect bases no I'm not connecting nothing with you Daddy get away from me you hater why not we basically have the same base already you're a freaking hater what if I just like connected with like a little pathway nope not connecting with your base Daddy all right fine whatever you say little dinkleberry oh yeah this is coming out really good it's kind of looking like a big muffin though right now I kind of need to fix it oh you're making a muffin base no I'm not I'm not trying to make a muffin base just that's just what it's looking like wait a second are you the muffin man no I'm not a muffin man guys what the really I think he's the muffin man everybody what kind of muffins no no muffins there's no muffins over here if you want muffins you can go somewhere else Johnny don't be mad but I kind of did something hey Daddy what is this this is a little panway now we're connected I don't want to be connected with you though that's the difference look how cool this looks this is so cool come on it's kind of cool but I don't like it well it's why why don't you like it well Daddy do you like my muffin man uh base yeah it looks like the bakery you going to put a bunch of furnaces in here and start cooking oh I was thinking actually about it you guys are getting me hungry say muffin a lot oh I love muffins I love eating them and putting butter on top of them and then dipping them in chocolate and then putting sprinkles all over the top and then putting peanut butter and maple syrup daddy daddy daddy I'm getting fatter just listening to this do not put maple syrup on that why not cuz Maple Sy is scary no it's not what's scary about it it's gets all sticky on your hands forever and you can't take your hands in PS well I like licking my hands after that I put syrup on it and then you know you you eat it with the waffles and pancakes and uh yeah they're so good Marty this is gross what do you mean I'm going to throw up you guys don't do that you guys like sometimes like like it's much that you take a shower in it noo are you kidding me Daddy are you done are you done with your base I'm done well can you help me with mine no what why it's not a part of my base yes it is daddy we're connected so you need a help no we're only connected through the bridge so like watch this you see this real quick yeah all right we're just going to do that real quick connected now that means I can't help you guys I think these sharks are getting pretty hungry and they're going to come want to eat us again so everyone make sure that you have a bunch of weapons and maybe some like guns to protect yourself yes I'm I'm going to need some of that okay so I got some armor already but I know Daisy's like really good at getting guns so Daisy I'm going to wait until you make guns he's not like cheating or something no it's not I just know you put like cool enchantments on it you make sure we have a lot of ammo M I think this should be against the Marty rules this is not a Marty rule this is not a Marty rule at all the Marty rules have been discontinued okay I'm going to put my bed right in here wait where you putting your bed inside the volcano you're put it inside the volcano I got to look at this why are you guys even adding beds I'm there's no way I'm going to be able to sleep when there's a FNAF shark trying to eat me that is kind of true isn't it like the whole purpose to like kind of just defeat them and then go back home so I could go to sleep in my own bed yeah I don't want to sleep out here in the middle of the ocean uh yeah but what happens if we can't beat them and we'll suck you forever kind has a good point he's got a good point dang it why you got to be right uh probably cuz I'm the best I'm even going to put my PC in here wait what a PC that's so genius I think my base actually turned out to be the tallest cuz you're in a tree daddy obviously yours going to be tall yeah I don't know why you would dig down on the ground because daddy is smart I'm telling you I I don't know about that it's kind of dumb cuz now they're just going to break through the glass they're going to eat you and you're going to scream well Daddy guess what I'm getting guns right now I'm getting guns and dynamite well how about this you know what I'm so confident in my base I really don't need anything nothing oh my gosh daddy you're going to die no I'm not going to die you're actually dead you're dead to me I might be dead to you but I'm not dead to the the Sharks ooh wait should I get some potions too you think that's a good idea Daddy speed strength yeah I'm going to get those yeah that's that's a pretty good idea wait why is my base actually insane this is probably the best base I've ever made in my life I need to make some armor and weapons right here Daddy I still have a good idea to add to my base what now wait hold on this is the best idea I've ever thought of in my life debatable you're really dumb okay just going to do something like this there we go I'm going to get it so I could build a little room where I could look up and shoot the Sharks above me all right it is done now I could just look up and shoot sharks in the water this is actually kind of a genius idea take that stupid sharks and then I can go back down and then boom I'm safe all right guys before these sharks come I want to come check out everyone's base wa daddy yours is looking pretty terrible hey get out of here then wait let me just go up here and check this out well this is a good Vantage view you know we can shoot everything from up here wait this is actually really good wa can I steal some of these sure it's got a scope on it that's actually sick how'd you get these oh Daisy oh my goodness all right there you can take these poopy guns then I'm going to take the good ones I don't want these I don't want these give them to the Sharks all right I'm going to go check out Daisy's base then Daisy what the heck are you wearing my armor you're invisible I can't see you yeah I think it's an armor effect wow that's so cool my boots are made for water and I can't get out of the water ooh this is a nice house you got here Daisy yeah I didn't really have time to decorate oh this looks very similar to mine oh cheater not a cheater definitely a cheater all right let's go over to goobie's base now Gooby what the heck did you you create this looks like flat earth that is not flat at all and it turned out to just be a volcano causing a bunch of problems that's what this looks like this is actually terrible what no it's really good you just put it down a bunch of random blocks it's like a whole or in the flat plane okay I'm getting out of here because this is horrible this is the worst space yeah this is terrible I can't look at this Gooby no no it's really good hey wao wao there's a lot of lightning guys what's happening w uhoh uhoh uhoh what's that what does that mean I think the FNAF sharks are waking up and they're hungry well I'm going to hide well they should eat some fish not us I see them I see them I see them uh oh they're coming in they're yellow shoot them shoot them shoot them wait what shark is this I think this is chica oh no it's chica oh heck no I fell in the water I actually fell in the water no no no no no no watch out they're coming from behind you I'm going down I'm going down I'm putting my potions on I'm ready to fight oh yeah they can't get past my lava modes wait do they actually look like chica let me see oh my gosh they actually look like chica oh my goodness no I fell in kill him kill him kill him got to reload quick quick quick JY watch out they're coming to your base oh no Guys these look exactly like chica my gosh got like the birthday confetti on their on the top of their shark fins get away from me you're not going to eat me go eat my daddy or something no no no no no no no no I'm on top of my tree bye see you later stupid Chas I mean these aren't that bad I mean could it be worse Daddy I think they're going to get worse remember we saw Freddy and he was huge no Freddy wasn't that big he was huge Daddy he was actually giant there's more spawning use my rocket launcher boom ah they're on my tree they jumped up they're jumpers they can jump where are these sharks at I'm going to kill them Gooby they're on you gooby there's a lot on you boom Oh yeah oh my goodness I just got a bunch of them oh my God guys there's bunny there's bunny oh my gosh oh my gosh he's coming to eat me you he's got ears and everything that looks just like Pony but in shark version Oh gosh there's a leak in mine there's actually leaks uhoh uhoh uhoh ow guys there's a bunch of leaks in my base no this isn't fair just go to someone else's no you dare come over here I said if that goes down the pooper then you're not allowed uh-oh oh my goodness this is not funny mine is a leak too this is not fair the glass was not strong enough clearly kill him daddy kill him I am I'm lightting them up oh no I'm wanting low on ammo ow ow ow there's in the bottom of my base okay I'm coming I'm coming oh they're inside yours Johnny Johnny we're using yours as a trap no no it's just a big trap I guess now no I need more ammo too oh my God you have an insane amount of ammo I'm taking it all wa the body Shar are taking over okay Daddy okay we're coming we're coming Daddy I got a minigun now Gooby why is there a shark on top of your base don't worry I'm going to kill him get off my base you shark they could jump really high oh my goodness there's so many there's actually so many sharks oh my God the big ones are here oh God it's Freddy it's Freddy wow those are huge shoot them daddy shoot them oh my gosh it takes a full set of rounds to kill these guys I'm using a shotgun ddy it's cuz they have so much health that's why I'm just throwing grenades oh there a bunch of FY Shield there was a bunch of fatties at my base I got to get the Sharks out of my base what are you doing in here you're not invited you're not invited and you're not invited need my walking alsoo on him keep killing them guys I think we're getting close to the end my tree on fire what he's a fire oh my God Freddy's on me Freddy's on me this is actually insane on your base Daisy they're on your base I didn't even notice shotgun to the face take that Minun I'm coming oh my goodness more on this side oh get away from me oh knows there's all different types are coming I'm going in with my sword take this Freddy ah yeah get away from our house we don't like you Johnny watch out take that so rifle oh take that guys how many more are there uh not too many I'm killing the last ones I think over here in this area I guess not reloading cuz got no ammo ow ow ow ow ow okay why is there a thousand sharks out there well as long as they're not over here maybe we we take a boat and we try to go back home ooh that could be good Daddy I think they got scared of us uh-oh Daisy on top of your base Daisy I think we got it guys we did pretty good none of us died once yeah we're cool oh yeah none of us died once guys our bases were too strong wrong guys this is our chance to escape while the sharks are distracted I made these two boats right before we started whoa good job hop it in go go go if there's any sharks just use your assault rifle all right all I got my shotgun behind you guys shoot them daddy shoot them uh I can't shoot them I can't shoot them you have to go you have to go oh I'm shooting him daddy I'm shooting them take that ah take that keep going keep going just guys to keep keep escaping just keep paddling oh jail coming jail coming I don't have a lot of HP where'd you guys go okay okay make sure to stay together ow daddy you're hitting me oh sorry sorry just drive freaking idiot I'm not an idiot go go go they're too fast they're too fast us oh my God oh my gosh this is too scary go go go on three we're going to turn around shoot them all right all right count it down one two wait wait wait we got to get by them guys ready everyone line up line up and three go a take that take that take that take that okay that that was a fail that didn't work it made out more m made him way more mad what happened what happened to your boat they broke my boat oh my gosh I think Gooby is dead okay Daddy we're just going to keep going without them do you guys later you can be bait for us no don't leave bye unfortunate at least we'll go home and we'll we'll have a good nap yeah Daddy we don't need Gooby and Daisy anyways
Channel: Here's Johnny
Views: 364,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FNAF SHARKS vs The Most Secure House In Minecraft!, five nights at freddy's, minecraft five nights at freddy's, fnaf, fnaf sharks, minecraft shark secure house, minecraft, family friendly, cash, no cursing, no cussing, no bad words, nico, cash and nico, minecraft mod, kid friendly, cash minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, maizen, aphmau, skit, Minecraft, here's johnny, heres johnny, johnny, minecraft johnny, johnny minecraft, johnny and marty, minecraft secure house
Id: 2cNRYmlZvMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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