🔴LIVE: Family Frenzy | 1 HOUR+ | Bluey

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my favorite thing was at morning tea Bingo was trying to eat cherry tomatoes with her B this is Tri difficult she said Tri difficult it was so funny a bingo you must have been trying to say tricky and difficult at the same time oh Bingo honey it's okay it's funny no it isn't bingo what did I say wrong nothing honey just eat your dinner I didn't mean to upset her I know I think she's just embarrassed she said the word wrong but it was funny well yeah but I guess you thought you were laughing at her but I wasn't I know look she'll be right just eat your dinner I'm sorry bingo I didn't mean to embarrass you that's okay are you still upset with me no a you are come on let's keep playing the favorite things game whose turn is it um actually I think I was wrong with what my favorite thing was ah okay what's your new one well it wasn't a morning tea it was an afternoon tea look kids all I ask is that you eat some Alfalfa it'll stop you getting sick okay dude and stop calling me dude sorry dude BL can it sure thing dude BL I'm serious what's up with these dudes that was a fun 3 hours Bingo do you want to have your turn now well I'll have a turn wait mom can you make sure that your favorite thing is something where Bingo does something really funny in it okay sweetheart proceed this is toothpaste do I eat it no it makes your teeth clean what do this button do kill it kill it it's that's it you get the [Music] horse maybe self-improvement just isn't for you listen unicor no one wants to eat broccol except me you just have to do it but why do I have to because you want to marry mom and she loves broccoli eaters okay let's do [Music] this okay you're ready go and talk to Mom okay a quick tick for the road wo wo wo you cannot eat a tick in front of Mom you got that okay yep got it you got that Dad what's it got to do with me yeah what's it got to do with him hi sorry to I mean love I didn't mean to scare you that's okay I've just stepped out of the shower and brush my teeth and I'm wondering would you like to join me for some broccoli broccoli I mean broccoli well I must say you really have cleaned yourself up and I love your little bow tied okay yes I'd love oh my gosh wait no come back well that could have gone a bit better dad what oh I'm sorry kids I couldn't help it it's not your fault unic course yeah it's his me him I don't understand I'm the one who ate the tick unic course you're a puppet he controls you that's a good one ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring hello oh hello I'd like to order some food andad you don't phone call the restaurant what you just order on the app but I haven't got a menu it's on the app all right oh yeah here we go hang on what type of restaurant are you what do you mean are you Chinese or Italian where everything yeah you can order a pizza or a burrito a burino burrito you can have anything you want oh okay anything I want eh that makes it harder for some reason oh sorry guys better pay for that do you need help choosing Grandad no no I'm all right ah I know carried sausages carried sausages why do you want carried sausages I love curried sausages what you said I could have anything okay curried [Music] sausages evening ladies I'm here to pick up me sausages Grandad you don't pick them up Bingo delivers them to you all right okay hey there you going nice night eh uh you don't really chat to the scooter person oh okay [Music] sorry did I do it right yeah good one Grandad no worries let's have some food oh that's good so do I just eat here alone you can watch TV on your phone if you like yeah there's a TV app okay this way this way keep on eye for M Bingo she just wants a smoochie kiss no more Smoochy kisses for her yeah you belong to us all right so am I still married we'll figure that out later but now we have to get you somewhere safe yeah come with ew your arm pitch is leaking ew so is this one yeah I've just been for a run okay well just keep your arms down please all right come on check for Mom Bingo she could be hiding okay ew Dad what's that huh oh looks like gravy ew yep gravy she's not here I looked everywhere me as well yes okay I just want a SM smoochi kiss come on hey kids I actually need the toilet what no way it's too risky oh well your mom lets me go to the toilet okay it's clear okay do your business and do it quickly yes boss and peeing only deal I'll stay here Bingo you got outside okay oh that's it keep your eye out for Mom she'll do anything for a Smoochy kid God are blame her are you almost finished almost ow a duck cake what happened nothing why are you hopping I pee on my foot why did you pee on your foot I wasn't paying attention why not I was trying to pull a nose hair out you got hairs in your nose that's disgusting welcome to middle age kid what are you doing now what's it look like I'm washing the pee off for foot but that's the mundry tub so it's not the Lo thing pay off your foot well it is now get off hey Tina I've got her I've got her hold her down hey I got Tina get it leg I'm trying she kicks like a m use your toilet hand toilet hand get out of here little crab why does Tina stink so bad quick let's get her outside she was a she's a lot of woman get her in the [Music] G you didn't see anything Tina use your karate you're on your own ah Tina come on let's just talk about this Get It Tina hey easy easy tapping out tapping out okay okay we give up you win hey five E Bingo oh Tina I'm sorry but you stink yeah when was the last time she had a bath Tina's never had a bath and we're not having a bath either hey whoa wait whose tooth is this it's huge is this tinis yeah it is and look there's another one why did her teeth fall out well when was the last time she brushed them Kina doesn't brush her teeth well that's why your teeth are falling out oh kids when we tell you you have to have a bath or brush your teeth or wash your hands it's because there's a good reason to do all those things but when we ask Dad why he just says because I said so yeah he says we have to because he's bigger than us oh really maybe I should just give him three 3 seconds oh yeah look we'll probably still say those things cuz we're busy but now you know what we really mean okay Mom bring it in toilet hands okay mini BL let's learn about me H H I like to say serial instead of serious oh and I'll show you how I dance I like to do this sort of thing sometimes this yep that's it and I sort of just talk all the time it doesn't even need to make sense just noises are fine and I like to sing singing things a bit louder singing things yeah that's great I like to just leave my toys on the ground isn't it better to hiding them away yeah it doesn't make much difference where is it four four I like to ask a lot of questions mom what are you doing you know what I'm doing blue but I don't really listen to the whole answer oh and if I see a buom I give it a little boom get boom hey get out of it hey BL I need you to pick up these grass clippings and put them in the wheelbarrow yes Father whoo whoo wo where do you think you're going help Dad I like wheelbarrows Bingo likes wheelbarrows Bingo helps dad you're mini blue now oh yeah and blue does not like grass clippings I'll tell you that for free but Dad said we have to do it let's find out if he seral excuse me big fella here we go these glass clippings you're talking about why do we have to put them in the wheelbarrow they don't belong to us well you know all that food in the fridge that's doesn't belong to you either but if you want to keep eating it I suggest you get to work okay he's [Music] [Applause] zorrow mini Bluey that's quite loud yeah mini Bluey I don't really sing when I'm doing chores I usually win and do the job a lot slower than what you doing watch it's [Music] dead okay listen up whenever I walk into a room everyone has to clap and go woo yeah it's Dad all right that guy's awesome got it got it okay let's try that again it's Dad pick up your game that looks great blue I can't draw tickling very perfect yeah it looks more like he's throwing you oh I can draw throwing oh you can draw no ticket and he built his house out of straw H bad move Pig ticket oh yes here you go P chunk ticket oh yes of course what did I do with it it's here somewhere ticket oh here it is chunk quicker next time ticket oh uh I don't have [Music] one no ticket beautiful Bluey I think Dad will like that dad's games are always too rough H I'm not very perfect to drawing big couches it looks great yeah it doesn't look like our couch it looks more like a chair oh you can do D playing chair oh yeah oh man my legs are tired from all this child rearing surely sitting down on a comfy chair will do the trick oh look I have my choice of any chair I want where to sit here we do a sitting in this chair was definitely the right decision so relaxing get off chair looks like a chair good to go but you're not really in it yeah it's supposed to be a picture of Dad and me Louie it's fine it doesn't have to be perfect dad will love anything you do so if I gave him this he'd love it um yes I don't understand what's happening no time to explain we have to get to safety but what about Bandit forget him he's done what do we do why Bingo got Barrel onesies made Bingo crazy she sort of becomes one with the onesie what where'd she go I don't know did you get it the onesie I didn't know I'm sorry help don't worry we can live in the car yes there's plenty of food under into the seats yeah and we've got music oh yeah Brandy what was it you wanted to say earlier oh um get out let's hide behind the [Applause] shed I think we lost her phew Auntie Brandy was there a mediumsized cheetah onesie at the shop um I'm not sure BL can you ring them and ask BL what sorry BL the last time I I saw you zebras were your favorite animal they used to be but I changed to cheaters 4 years ago look I have to go this was a mistake no Brandy I'm sorry don't go say goodbye to run save yourself I think we're just going to have to have a no onesie policy from now on mom why did Auntie Brandy want to leave is she sad and why have we only we seen her once in our lives you know how you really want Bingo's cheetah onesie yeah more than anything but it doesn't fit you so you can't have it and there's not really anything anyone can do to make it fit yeah well there's something Auntie Brandy wants more than anything as well but she can't have it and there's not really anything anyone can do why can't don't she just have the thing she wants because it's not meant to be Lou do you want cereal yeah you want cereal cereal heavy huh I said cereal [Music] heavy what's going on this is some heavy cereal must have a lot of fiber forget this [Music] what's going [Music] on that's weird it's heavy mom do I definitely have to clean my teeth [Music] yes Louie what did you do with the party invitation I need the address up oh there it is I'll just pick it up what can't pick it up oh well just have to ride it on my hand now this pan is heavy okay 26 N Jee rad what's wrong Bandit you used to be a able to lift spoons what are you doing nothing eat your floor cereal okay this is the best morning ever something weird is going on yeah tell me about that it's B just got a feather W get him [Music] help she's trying to stop us from getting to Chloe's party hey [Music] arriving the next stop is mother duck daycare thank you Train's leaving oh hello poppy you're just in time for a story story time story time I'll pick her up after work now sweetie give Mommy a hug and this mouse lived in a very special house stoping one day Train's leaving walking are you hungry Mr Polar Bear next stop is the Vets thank you TR morning morning Dr glender we have a very busy day today one sick tiger and Six Sick skunks that's hard to say oh and one cranky polar bear oh you just need to tickle him here watch tickle tickle see what would we do without you glender train arriving what what look see you tomorrow bye Glenda Train's leaving next up dayare thanks poppy your Mom's here she had a great day today oh that's my big girl train arriving thank you train leaving sleep sleep sleep morning puppy time to get to work goodbye husband train skipping the station hey wait I'm coming train stopping up go um excuse me no food or drinks no feed on seats and that cat needs to be on your lap uh just drive the train mate what you cheeky little hang on show me your ticket oh yeah here you are H this looks fine oh no she's following us quick [Music] hide where are those Jiggy dogs no one knows this scrub better than me oh that's true this is where she grew up I will find you Grandad I've got a [Music] plan I didn't hear any of that they're over here she's gone nice work blowy where should we go to theise oh good idea Bingo come on we'll follow the creep come on Grandad yeah yeah just guarding ouria from a sneak attack I'll show you a trick I learned in the jungle she can't find but she can't see Grandad you sure you're okay Grandad yeah yeah I'm fine is it much longer to the can I'm hungry yeah too have you got any food do I have food follow [Music] me Grandad why did you bury a backpack in case you need some [Music] food come on do you want me to do it Granddad okay my thumbs f up a bit these days is that why mom wants you to rest so your thumbs get better yeah probably then why don't you well it should be up to me they're my thumbs yes it should here bluee have some pumpkin seeds no thanks you got to eat your pumpkin seeds kid I'll make you big and strong that's what Mom say well your mom's right but shouldn't it be up to me I'll eat my pumpkin seeds I want to be big strong so I can paddle the canoe yes my queen oopsie oh let me get that your majesty the Green is having some trouble Splendid now go away yes my queen come here yes you're my excuse me you may not stand on the Royal rainbow thing oh I'm terribly sorry your majesty tricky butter is this okay your majesty yes how can I serve you my queen I'm going to sing a song you will write it down okay I am so beautiful I am so lovely wo and sparkly Now sing it back to me I am so beautiful louder I am louder sparkly very good Oh Our Queen is so lovely and sparkly bring me the Royal carrage hello more more that's too much that must be very interesting this is so frog dog he's half frck a that must be very [Music] interesting hey bingo Can I have a return of being Queen [Music] okay here comes the queen oh a new Queen We love you your majesty yes how can I serve you you my pH done thanks Dad hey Bingo you moved your bed to where mine was yeah is that okay sure that's fine I did it so we can still watch Malcolm oh yeah good one what's he doing not much come on Malcolm do something oh he h us okay these teddies are all mine and these are all mine yes now what about Gloria yes what about Gloria she was a Christmas present to me from granddad but you didn't get a Christmas present from Granddad cuz he forgot I was born yes he forgot you were born so you said it's okay Bingo she can be both of us yes that's right so whose room should she go in h she can go to yours thanks Bluey but how about she sleeps over at yours tonight oh [Music] okay Lou who keeps lampy oh um you can keep her no it's okay you take lampy thanks but can we play asleep awake oh okay uh sleep awake asleep wait asleep [Music] waep okay kids into bed come on Big D's ready for knockoff hey he yeah where are you going oh yeah I forgot night Lou night bingo sleep tight you too don't let the bed bugs bite take care of Gloria and lampy yes I will all right come on come on you all set Louie yep exciting night night oh tell Bingo to say good night to now come for me okay there's the kickoff dad is there any food uh I got some beef jerky and this pizza's coming at half time and bucko is hit I can't see Mom chy if your dad is on the purple team but your mom is on the blue team then what team are you on mom said I could choose either my mom and dad are all on the purple team so I'm purple even though I'm blue it's confusing I'm gold is there a gold team no it's just purple or blue oh can I help you choose a color yes please gr are about to dance this is my favorite lead what do you think about that Janelle maybe it should be purple there's more dancing hang on a moment the ref wants to check if fogger obstruct the defender on the way through well there you go no try no try what's going on you bunch of cheats You're the [Music] chats long ball out to Zipp I can't see M yet he's gone straight through got CH on yes yes yes intercepted what and the blues Are Over Look mom's dancing a that's nice on the purple hasn't Dan in [Applause] ages you want to go over to my mom yeah come on oh man oh no the Shop's closed well see about that you're going to ram the shop y you can't do that too late we're in the shop quick grab the almond milk okay and make sure you pay for it okay I'll just leave the money on the floor it's the guy who owns the shop and he doesn't look happy yeah cuz you drive your car into his shop cuz I is going to peel my curtains he's coming get in the car get in the car I think you need to have a chat with Agatha when all this is over he's chasing us you have to lose him we've got 1 minute till AG the peas on your curtains put some fast driving music on good [Music] idea robot Nation qu CL Baby J we the up put you're on two wheels lean over Le [Music] he's still following us R some milk in his wi grade but that's for Agatha oh man is she really going to pee on your curtains oh she'll do it all right okay just leaving up for a cup of tea okay he's stopping good work L hey quick you got 30 seconds oh no look a traffic jam don't worry light you've had F this whole time yeah woo hello down there the alarm we're out of time wo hurry un click we're back we W no what she peed all my curtains I told you I would what she wait it's easy muffin first you pick a card but don't let anyone see it okay okay then you look at the picture on it okay got it what's on the card no nothing I need to see it oh oh no sweetie we don't look at it Lou's going to act it out and then I guess what it is oh okay ready ready Eagle no oh it's like Bush turkey i s nope broker chicken what about you socks H duck yeah hooray hooray good one Bingle my turn I want to turn maybe just watch one more sweetie okay Nana go on Bingo pick a card ooh this is a good one you ready yep [Music] Ready Circle donut no the sun squirel uh chicken no um a dancer FL what do you think socks chicken I know ballerina y hoay up l oh never mind socks it's my turn Okay muffin your turn are you sure you know how to do it yes I know pick a card okay now take a look now act it out I don't want a frog card I want the Ballina card oh uh well muffin you have to do the one on the card but I want to do the ballerina oh okay what's stump Fest well we're going to rip up this stump and then that stump oo put on some shoes you kids will play and the ladies watch us get all sweaty right ladies you got it luy's Dad [Applause] y now let's kick this up what should we play oh I know let's set up a nail salon on this stump yay Dad we're just going to use this stump for our nail salon that's fine bluee but you've got until we finish with this stump okay okay cuz then we're going to come and do that one y so you understand that eventually we're going to come and rip up that stump yes I've got it cuz it's stump vest and that's a stump got it stump vest okay let's start the Nail Bar [Music] hoay oh great finish thanks ladies I told you this place was great come back soon we need more customers dad can you be our customer no stom oh you've almost got it you've almost got it yes we'll just do your turnils okay so be not to much no oh that's very interesting hi oh hello are you here to have your nails done well no we're not here to have our nails done we're here for that stump as I'm sure you are aware excuse me is the first I've heard about all this so it [Music] begins [Music] yeah [Music] take something's wrong with this why do you keep losing because Big Brothers always beat little brothers a okay one more point and we win blue make it happen okay just do your best Bingo I'm trying but my controller isn't working properly I don't think it's a controller kid this isn't [Music] over yeah now it's over I didn't even win once big S is all always beat little sisters that's just the way it goes I'm going to the buer oh Bingo let's go again yep just just let me get a drink nice controlling kid Dad can you please let Uncle stri with the next squash what why cuz I don't think Bingo's having any fun a you're such a good big sister so can you nope what why not that's not how grown-ups work kid but it's how kids work then kids are silly what how very dare you kids are silly that is it I'm going to make you lose an X squash what I'm so excited me right you get three dance modes Bingo and then that's it okay braen dog come on Binger music should we put momy dance Mar um yes okay I'll do it dance wa this wild kids she not with us it woo shake it chili morning [Music] Wendy that was so funny you still got it babe you get yours blue the next dance mode is going to be mine to choose one okay not you okay are you going to use your dance mode in here Bingo no I want to save it for somewhere special plus there's no music here oh yeah ah what a shame next please how can I help I just need to change the address on this okay I'll need to see two forms of ID please two oh hang on let me have a look oh music bingo Can I please use dance mode on your dad well it's just pretty please okay yes thank you thank you thank you well I've got my gym card it's sort of got my picture on it uh no I can't use a gym card mate oh no dance [Music] mode uh are you okay I'm fine just ignore this now now um what about my li cut oh I'm sorry we can only accept look if you could just stop dancing for a moment I would if I could mate hey Wile to hurry up that was glorious oh yeah yeah yeah oh some's at the door don't worry Mom will get it hey she's come walk hi how would you like to save $200 a year on your energy bill excuse me uh is there someone else I could talk to I'll go get my mom ah let go weon uh I'll come back another time I know what you're doing you don't want me to see Mom well it's not going to work there where you going now sheepy Mom are you in there yes BL I'm in here I'm sorry for whatever I did to upset you you didn't do anything to upset me sweetheart then why don't you want to see us I do want to see you but it can be hard work looking after kids sometimes moms just need 20 minutes I don't understand you will one day sweetheart no Shey no what is that about dad's trying to stop me from bothering you I see but it won't work what's going on go go go you naughty sheep she be ni drop it drop it drop it you are a very cheeky sheep I'm sorry Wendy he doesn't listen to what anyone says I'm getting chil chil odia that will not happen twice once upon a time there was a village and in the village everyone walked around Barefoot yay you're in a c I can't see the page why should I catch I forgot about the catchphrase if you block the words mom can't read the story and why should I care because stories are nice my story was nice it had a unicorn in it this one has zero unicorns and the ending is boring she just makes don't spoil the ending why not cuz blue hasn't heard it unicor I'm trying to make you a nice unicor okay okay okay please continue Millie I won't spoil the ending where she makes shoes one day the queen decided to get off her litter and have a walk around changed my mind oh wait changed it again actually I will nope not today up down up down up un of course that is bad behavior so is that shall we continue yes Meep so the queen walked a few steps and stood on a prickle ouch unic course that's mean how would you feel if you stood on a prickle I feel good I feel so good at dance you wouldn't dance you'd be crying like the queen well maybe she should wear some shoes unicorn anyway the queen discovered that her whole kingdom was covered in prickles what was she to do make shoes blue I know unicor what's your favorite food children oh just kidding I like chicken bucket oh great look here's some chicken bucket a thank you mighty kind okay we're good to go hi girls hi Aunt Trixie muffles make sure you give socks a go drawing the silly stuff okay but I'm not finished socks get off girls I can't do this right now I've got somewhere I need to be no I can handle it uh are you sure yeah I got it covered kids you better share that thing or I'm switching it off what whoa okay maybe not off but look I'll handle it no I can do it you go do your thing well okay if you're sure right I'm setting the timer on my phone when it goes off it's sock's turn Okay Muffy B I'll take that as a yes I'll just just draw some clouds ooh nice clouds okay Muffy there's the timer Sox's turn now yay I have to finish my cowboy hat a no you don't have to finish your cowboy hat you have to give socks a turn but I want to finish my cowboy hat Muffy muffin healer give your sister a turn now but I want to draw a cowboy hat just give her a turn muffin no muffin cupcake healer cowboy hat if you say cowboy hat one more time you'll be in timeout cow booy okay that's it you're going to time out oh boy by muffin muffin stop dling there now you have a good think about it young lady no I don't want to I'm sorry girls but muffin was hogging so she can't do your Facey call thing anymore I can she needs to learn that other people have what the muffin she's got my phone muffin you get off my phone this instant he's coming muffin muffin running away will only make it [Applause] wor ready Binger ready yeah this is easy there's the car hoay let's skateboard him down the stairs what no do not skateboard me down those stairs okay fine where the bullfrog jumps from oh my goodness ho morning Wendy what's going on are you okay he sto our monies what a that's putting a bit of a slant on it he said he'll only give it back if we carry him all the way to the car is that right just keep walking Wendy this doesn't concern you it does now come on girls hey Wendy watch the hands bossing around young children watch the prickles we'll never lift him into the car seat he's too heavy oh well what you going to do get the door girls I'll show you what 10 years of Pilates can do hey hey Wendy what are you doing pay attention girls ready Engage The Core straight back ready Wendy and look at those quad promise me you'll work hard to maintain a strong core girls don't get lazy yes Wendy we [Music] w't yeah now we can have ice cream I'm not sure I should be driving in this condition what so we don't get ice cream not unless you can drive drop yourselves in kids I'll drive you to the shops [Music] where the bullog from to with here you go my darlings thanks Wendy thanks Wendy I paid for him oh yes here's your change I don't want to play musical statues neither do I too bad I need someone to do the music stopping can see where Bluey gets it okay ready go and stop you you blinked you blinked you blinked you're all out see you come on do it properly oh don't do it at all okay okay no give me that let's put some real music on all right that's what I'm talking about get that buy moving come on Blue Shake It Out stop no one okay here we go again oh yeah shake it Chell come on BL be my moves yeah that's itop rise the ro ro Bingo you got right in the roof come on kid help me with the music okay go Bingo if this was a dance off who would you say is winning B definitely I agree come on Blue oh Dad I I play I love cereal hold it right there music fans we just had a song request come in from Ringo healer Bingo heila who do you dedicate this song to Ringo it's for my sister blue it's her favorite well all right this one's going out to Ringo's sister Lou [Music] Lou oh look out yeah that did [Music] it a yeah go Blue [Music] ooh this is tough sorry for the hold up folks we just have to check on some musical statues sit tight M hello hello would you like to come to my Cafe why yes I would please look at our menu and let me know what you want H C over please certainly that will be ready in a jiffy hey oh uh excuse me Mo I think he wants to be the shf uh no Dad we don't need you a chef you can go back outside and play the game with the little [Music] men okay fine you can work here I need you to get one piece of pbov pava yeah pav overa from the fridge Pavo no that's a magnet in the fridge see ah Pavlova yes Pao give to [Music] customer sorry about this customer your Pao will be right out our new Chef is just getting it what your Pao hey this isn't pava yeah this isn't paoa just these are Mami beans Ed Mami beans who a disco I was pointing there see pava ah got Pavlova yes beans yes that's beans but we don't want beans we want paoa okay saon so sorry customer he's new that's a [Music] game what's the paa paa that's a crown it's so small who on passport we back and get a piece that's this B see this book family meeting big fish is impossible yeah I don't know about this Margaret character she's a silly a watermelon head yeah I want Karen back what we just refus used to do what she says yeah if we stick together what's she going to do what do you reckon morind door morind door and then they said they weren't going to do anything you say and that they W car back excellent ding [Music] sweetheart that's for being cheeky rfind door did you dob on us it's low it's sure is you just pass Big Fish what okay well she called you a silly old water melon head you what you failed too come here you P Big Fish instead but uh Sharon peak in Marco Polo what I did not I'll just s her over here then well Daven um um I'll just get ready for a squirty um go on you got nothing on me Sharon he he he beat in the Bol it's a victimless crime you twoo pass Big Fish yes you fail you big grub oh Margaret I don't like dobbing on my family if B fails Big Fish then I want to fail [Music] too I'm with morior yeah come on sisis why fine you all fail thanks mendor you're welcome B welcome back to Little Fish I'm so proud of you all why is the water warmer here okay let's decide what sort of granny's will be I'm going to be a can't hear anything granny I'm going to be a kind granny what sort of Granny can I be oh um I'm not sure there are any other types of granny that's not fair I know I wouldn't get to be a granny Ah that's it you can be a grouchy granny oh yeah and make sure that you want to sell us your granny mobile okay let's go Bingo b how much do you want for this oh well what do you think $2 okay that's fine thanks torine that father's worth way more than that oh I don't want to make a f us dorine can we play with your granny mobile please go for it I'm taking the battery out so it won't move oh yes it will buger lugs is going to push it yeah am I buger lugs L yes Hanah and you're going over too many cracks it's a foot path don't talk that to me sunny jeez you are one grouchy granny stop I said stop okay Nana glce I'm selling a granny B are you going to buy it oh well make up your mine how much is it love bugs what number is this uh $300 bucks oh Doran you can get more than that let's say $900 $900 bucks how much money you got Rita Pon hurry up my hips hurt let me count my coins why two oh that's a nice one hurry [Music] up go [Music] Bingo go [Music] glowy go go go off the Rope off the rope and hey have you kids seen my green ball look Dad we set up an obstacle course do you want to have a go right I'll race you where's the Finish Line no one's racing anyone this is just for having fun yeah a I see what are you doing I'm doing chicken why is Dad acting like a chicken he's saying you're scared of chickens no of racing me don't you kids know what chicken means no and and they don't need everything turned into a competition that's loser talk come on the hose is a Finish Line Ready Set no they're not racing yeah we're happy just having fun when it gets sherbet sh [Music] go I'm going to frog [Music] you yes Dad wins okay well done thanks now I might go and get my sheret a yeah you do that I think we've had enough dad for one morning okay let's go back to having fun that was fun yeah what I'm on another race can you help me be Dad yeah I want shet okay he won't let you win though that's true there's only one thing you can do cheese yeah yeah wait no I meant practice you kids sure are ke to get whooped again oh yes we are all we can do is try harder this time that's the way see Mom losing doesn't stop these kids hi muffin I'm sorry I can't stop sucking my thumb it's okay muffin I think I have to wear my cone forever well then we're going to think of a game where your cone is okay really yeah thanks buoy H what if we pop it down oh yeah a Trixie didn't say anything about that ooh okay yeah you look like a wedding wife or a traffic cone or a ballerina I know let's play wedding wife traffic cone and ballerina yeah sorry Trix I what happened to the [Music] chips tricks it might be time to take off muffin's cone get married we're getting married we're getting [Music] married please go around the traffic card I said pleas go around the traffic C oh husband thank you so much for taking me to the ballet show no worries [Music] by wonderful I'm real bab Lou the seed is hatching muffin honey you can take off your cor now hoay thank you for hat some beautiful sunflower we love you bye byee see you next thday almost at Bluey and bingo Muffy hooray hey Dad look at me hey this isn't going to end well okay you're pregnant with baby bingo so you have to act pregnant okay if we're going to do this let's do it properly H how to act pregnant I'm just going to get this ready oh my back oh my feet rub my feet L rub my feet pended heel off I'm hungry oh I need to sit down a where's my vitamin E cream something about stretch marks ow how you you have I you how could you I'm a child a slow down blue it's hard to run is she still following us whoops I better clean that up oh cheese and crackers you're heavy Bingo Lou can you clean this up for me mate okay I'm going to sit down watch it big belly sorry oh man I'm hungry okay remember you're eating for two people now sounds good to me oh watch it so we've got cucumbers and rubbishes uh I've actually got cravings for these dim sims dim Sim the baby wants dim sims okay M hey I'll try [Music] again right hey Bingo I'm [Music] hungry come on pregnant people need exercise too oh man this thing is uncomfortable my back forget this I need to sit down how's it going pregnant man oh I yeah oh it's too easy man don't know what all the fuss is about oh good well soon you'll start feeling the baby kicking oh no I'm sure that's not for a little while ow they want a supreme okay one supreme thanks Pizza sisters our mom started this picture shop she worked really hard so we're try to give her a holiday wow we're going to deliver pizza fast now stop I'm just putting the pizza in you can't bring m in a new car what why cuz it's very expensive oh okay well what do we do we have to play something else a what else do you play in it I usually just drive around okay let's do that wash your feet sorry no mine in the car we ready nothing but just don't drive [Music] too w [Music] W hey hey you're getting fingerprints all over do you like a prin H I miss the old one we brought the kids home from hospital in it you know that was fun can I have a turn okay all right here we go H what's going on oh it's out a battery a we have to charge it Dad okay battery's charging kids how long does it take to charge this long oh what should we play where we would I guess we can go back to Pizza Girls yeah so there's one supreme pizza with extra pineapple yep but no mushrooms you hear me got it you put mushrooms on it I'm good to okay bye let's put mushrooms on it yeah let's play pass it on over it big daddy you're sing with me okay ready ready I like pink biscuits for my morning tea especially if I'm riding a horse and the moon because I like the moon in the morning okay grand mom what did I say um good morning I like the moon's biscuits cuz they're better than the moon and it's morning tea no no that wasn't it mom well what did you say uh I like um I forget keep it simple my turn all right everyone's swap mom you stay there okay okay Bingo you know what to do oh man I need the dunny oh man I need the dny oh man I need the dny what did I say yeah what did you say and you have to say it out loud I ran to feed the bunny no so Sam do you feed my tummy no that wasn't it she said oh man I need the dumny squish s okay that's enough squish squ I wish we could say dny oh yeah why is that I just like it it rhes with bunny look I just want us to use nice words so everyone thinks we're a nice family oh is that an okay thing to want yeah that's okay thank you let's play four in the bed okay ready in the b roll over roll [Laughter] over roll roll over okay so he's the Knight no he's a horsey yeah but he's called the Knight no the Knight sits on the horsey well yeah that's true everyone knows that I thought he said smart people played chess well whatever you call him mine's called galop mine's called daughter of Galah hop he moves by jumping oh yes horses love jumping ooh who is K Castle head that's the Rock I'm going to call him Castle head fine Castle head moves straight like this castles can't move this game's confusing yeah it is bingo maybe you just want to do some coloring no she's on my team oh right let's just start there you're go Blue a I want my own chest team well there's only two teams bingo so maybe you just watch a don't worry Bingo look there's two horses see and two Castle head heads and two pom pom elves Bishops and lots of prawns porns so this could be your team and this one's mine thanks blue nice one blue uh look that's not let it go deep blue hang on there's only one Crown lady and one wedding cake head ah now that's the king and that's the queen king queen can I have the queen blue um sure thanks ah you can't just uh fine are you sure you're happy with the King yeah I'm okay don't worry bluee the king's the most important piece on the board is that right yes and how many squares can he move well just one just one square that was a big Square wasn't it oh I better rest by Royal fees they're a little tires meanwhile the queen moves as far as she wants in any direction which is Handy cuz she has to do all the work are you finished hi buy hi Bingo hi muffin what are you playing we're playing Library I'm the library Lady this is my desk I've got a stamp and a computer and this is the book Dole where you get your books out and this is where you return those books oh this is a sign to say no talking loud and that's it oh wait these are the books wow can I play so let's get you a library card okay I'll just take your picture look into this and smile excellent just waiting for it to be ready there you go I want a pink one myot are orange but I want a pink one okay I'll do a pink one feel free to choose some books just remember to keep quiet okay what is here what is here nothing dear we are here for your protection nothing you can't ride the cat Squad figh in the library yes I can love it I'm sorry Library customer here's your library card muffin woo pink yes it's pink now you can borrow any books you want I want Pap you can't have that one but you know Dad yes Muffy blue isn't letting me play Library oh Louie yes Mom can you include muffin in your game please we are but she's not playing properly well everyone has their own way of playing bluee just let muffin play how she wants okay honey I okay here you go all right are you sure it's not just dandruff don't move BL maybe we could um um um I don't actually have a big house um um come on Bing this is an emergency I live with my mom we could oh yeah the shower so now what do I do s on the T um okay uh uh I'll do it nice and warm uh no um it has to be um um it has to be a cold shower yes what it take cold showers but but do it uh well I guess you're the [Music] [Laughter] experts pH okay kids that's it for the nits get the Dron get him there's one there's another all is hey go what are we going to do Bingo let's get the um oh yeah NB be right with you [Applause] [Music] madam it's no use Bingo get the cricket back okay what where are you going she's getting the [Music] cricket yeah I'm so happy you're not talking over Bingo yeah I'm helping her find her voice I know but if you talk for her she won't find it either oh so what should I do you have to find your ears they're on my head Louie okay you're really doing this I think I have to okay at least set the rules what will it take for you to get back to the housew workk just you know one foot in front of the other I don't think that's too much to ask okay H see that looks good Boom come on uh-uh look at her arms they're following her legs really yeah they meant to go the other way the opposite of your legs oh yeah that's crazy that's what I'm saying sheit oh okay that's not even close to her normal walk oh hang on hang on here we go feet okay arms okay I think we're good backwards and there it is this is hard I'll even settle for the same crazy walk from there to there but look one two three different walks in 3 MERS why do they do it cuz they're nuts well your boat down the stream that's not even a walk I'm making a copper we're going to be here a while b b b b [Music] elephant kangaroo what I miss chicken working our way through the animal kingdom that's an emu yeah or maybe an ostrich or a big duck and that's some sort of uh um donkey some of these look really hard to do I know don't they get [Music] tired wao we have a winner holy doly that's impressive how do you even do that you have to like have your feet out like a duck out but then pop them in while spinning
Channel: Bluey - Official Channel
Views: 8,590,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bluey full episodes, bluey disney junior, blue heeler, disney junior, bluey disney jr, bluey clips, bluey australia, bluey and bingo, bluey season 2, ludo studio, bluey livestream, bluey season 1, bluey episodes, bluey episodes ranked, family moments, bluey family moments, bluey family, bluey family frenzy, family frenzy
Id: Pcl_DQEytqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 55sec (4315 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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