SML Movie: Cody's Lawsuit!

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uh i hate school me too dude come on guys cheer up school's great you get to be around your friends and learn new things these are the best years of our lives jeffy hit him the bus is coming hopefully it runs you over yeah darn it didn't hit you cody maybe next time dude let's get on the bus oh look a quarter hey i get a quarter out oh hey my arm's got the door open the door open the door all right is everyone on the bus uh yeah i don't think we're missing anybody where's cody i think he's sick all right let's go to school you guys hear that screaming you here too oh i always hear a voice in my head screaming kill everybody i thought it was just me well i think it's coming from outside what cody what are you doing outside the bus you're supposed to ride inside here tell him to stop the bar okay i'll tell him to stop hey stop the bus i'm not stopping the bus we got to go to school you're dragging cody i'm not dragging anything go back to your seat i think i just hit dinner ring rings gonna be happy she doesn't have to cook tonight hold on crash let me go pick up my dinner is it cat is it dog i hope it's cat oh no i am so fired man kid you're lucky to be alive you get hit by a bus most people don't survive that but you did and i i think that's just neat hey cody hey dude thanks for coming guys ow never mind it was a fly they wanted to bite you yeah that fly was really gonna hurt me how you feeling cody oh i feel just peachy junior you know i feel like i got run over by your boss oh i know what you're talking about when i have the flu i feel just like that right but i actually did get run over by your eyes we know cody stop bragging about it stop being dramatic yeah you're making your whole identity oh i always think i got ran over by a bus we know guys my life sucks no it doesn't yes it does junior i got hit by a bus what would you rather got hit by a train or a bus ooh tricky question well i guess if i get hit by a train i would have died so i'll take the bus see look you got hit by what you wanted what i didn't choose this yes you did i set a bus or a train you chose a bus junior if i could move i'd hit you cody tell your friends to leave it's time to insert your catheter no i want them to watch what's a catheter it's a needle that goes in your pee hole ew hell yeah it is and i want the man to do it it's hot um you know what actually on second thought you don't even need a catheter you're you're ready to be discharged you can go home now i can't believe you were hit by that bus you know if you were to sue the school you'd make a lot of money but yeah yeah that's a good idea i'm going to sue this school ow junior why but there's a fly what's how many flies are there in this goddamn hospital you said you're going to sue the school yes i'm going to sue this school because they own the school bus now i'm going to sue them okay uh do you want us to pick you up and take your home yes just drag me home he flies just put me down gentle ow so cody how much money gonna sue the school for i was thinking five million dollars five million dollars you're asking for a lot dude that's a lot of gravy yeah well my insides are mashed potatoes from where the bus ran me over and besides i need that money for my pain and suffering and i didn't even get my catheter so what's the point are you just happy to be alive no i want money cody let's play basketball i bet you'll feel better after that i can't why cause i'll beat you huh go ahead and say it no a minute it's because i'm in a full body cast and i can't move well you guys if you need me i'm gonna be on the basketball court duncan i think you're just scared cody junior there's someone at the door can you go get it junior i'm in a full body cast but i have an ingrown toenail and it hurts junior okay fine i'll get it hello is cody here yeah his tracker isn't working we put a tracker in his booty and it went offline a few hours ago and we paid good money for that tracker so tell me where our sun is if he took that tracker out i'm gonna be one mad mama beer you know what i think it's pretty racist that they call black bears black bears because the color they fur and they call white best polar bears we should sign a petition to be called polar bears cracker barrels i think there's a restaurant called that no that's cracker barrel baby oh and that's pretty racist too i think we need a black bear well cody's upstairs well we're coming in yeah here's cody oh my god cody my baby what happened to you you better ain't got beat up by no girl cause if you did i'mma laugh at you no i got run over by your bus oh my god cody i told you those cartoons were dangerous that miss frizzle and her magic school bus are a bad influence why didn't you look both ways before crossing the street you know you're supposed to be like the chicken that crossed the road i did look both ways i just got caught in the door of the bus then it dragged me around for a while before running me over excuses excuses cody said he's gonna sue the school for five million dollars you what now baby i didn't know you gave birth to a cow a cash cow well i mean she's a big fat cow so obviously she'd give birth to a cow cody we're gonna sue the school and then we're gonna take this to the news and you're gonna buy mommy some new cans and i'm gonna get on snip you gonna have a little brother hey come on cody let's go get you the best lawyer we can so i reviewed your case so what do you think what do i think i'll tell you you mind holding this for me for a second oh yeah sure thank you i think it's gonna be a slam dunk you guys are about to get paid i'm gonna win no matter what i can go into the courtroom with my wiener in my hand and i'd still win please do you know what i think i might order order order order order i am the honorable george boober and today we will be hearing the case of cody nutskis versus the oiu dumb elementary school cody is suing the school for five million dollars for running him over with a school bus plaintiff proceed with your proceedings thank you your honor ladies and gentlemen of the court imagine this your son just got done eating breakfast and he waves goodbye bye mom bye dad i'm on my way to school he walks out the door and walks to the bus stop he finally gets there and he's waiting for the bus to arrive and out of nowhere bam he gets hit by a bus and he's left on the side of the road to die look he looks like a mummy and he was left on the side of the road crying for his mummy ladies and gentlemen of the court i'm done with my proceedings a very sad story indeed defendant how do you defend your actions oh it's my turn okay man don't worry i'm gonna win this case in my opening statement ladies and gentlemen of the court my client is clearly chinese a simple eye test will show that and being chinese he's you know unfamiliar with american traffic laws but you know chinese japanese dirty knees look at these we're all human we all make mistakes you know so what if he does make joke and pee pee in your coke i think he still deserves a second chance at the american dream i rest my case hmm i see plaintiff how do you respond guilty we're not at that part yet how do you respond to what he said oh well here is a photograph of my client before he was hit by a bus just look at him a normal ugly looking child and now look at him a hideous freaking nature unrecognizable looking like that he will never get married and he'll never have a job but five million dollars will make him very rich because women love money i'm gay men love money too that's all i have to say i agree we all love money defendant defend oh yeah well i can use pictures too uh ladies and gentlemen of the court can you tell me what this is oh those are egg rolls that's right these are egg rolls and this is what my client ate on the day he ran over the kid now ladies and gentlemen can you tell me what ingredients are in egg rolls anybody well neither can i so how do we know that the ingredients of this egg roll did not cause my client to not realize that he was dragging a kid on his school bus for miles while he yelled for help and then run him over we don't know that which is why i think we should be investigating the egg roll company huh how do we know the emerald company doesn't have some kind of chemical in there that causes memory loss that could have caused this to happen actually my wife ring ring made the egg rolls from scratch okay well his wife made the egg rolls but i think we should investigate his wife how do we know this wasn't intentional maybe she took out an insurance policy on him and was hoping he crashed his bus i think we should look into that so suck it suck it ladies and gentlemen hmm very good points plaintiff continue with your plaintiffing your honor my client is suffering from irreversible physical and psychological damage he is afraid of school buses something i like to call school busophobia allow me to demonstrate all right cody just like we practiced see he screamed at the very top of his lungs at the site of a school bus something that is supposed to carry him safely to and from school how is my client supposed to get a quality education if he's afraid of school buses i rest my case your owner that is very troubling to see that will be very hard to defend against defendant but i dare you to try oh man i am sweating bullets i uh i didn't print out any other pictures but uh hey can i borrow that picture of that bus thank you ladies and gentlemen do you see this bus this is not a picture of the bus that ran over the plaintiff this is a stock photo of a bus so why would he scream at a stock photo he should only scream at a picture of the real bus so i think he's faking it i think he doesn't have any injuries i mean obviously he has physical injuries but i think he doesn't have any psychological injuries you know i knew somebody who got run over by a bus and he didn't about it this much i mean he died but your honor i object on the grounds that the plaintiff is being a little about this whole thing he should just be happy he's alive i agree he is lucky to be alive plaintiff it is your gift to plant your honor i would like to call a witness it's one of cody's friends who was there that day and saw the whole thing junior do you mind coming up here please what do i do could you just tell us everything that happened the day that cody was hit by a bus yeah so we were all getting on the bus and cody thought it would be cute to like ride under the bus and hang on to it like a monkey but no i didn't i got stuck in the door well look all i saw is when i looked out the window he was hanging onto the bus screaming wee look at me wouldn't know i'm saying help me stop the bus well he talked about this for weeks before he did it i object to my own witness get the hell out of here why didn't we even call him in here i don't know i thought he was my friend hmm how incriminating defendant do your thing no no no hold on i want his witness i want to talk to you what's up well you said he did all this on purpose i mean he had to why else would it be underneath the bus while it was moving i mean he had plenty of time to get on when we all got on no i was picking up a quarter i found on the ground and my arm got caught in the door aha he was bending over to pick up a quarter off the ground this just shows that he was in it for the money all along who even bends over to pick up a quarter huh who even uses quarters they're worthless this shows he was so desperate for money and that's why he's asking for such an egregious amount i also asked him would you rather get hit by a train or a bus and he chose bus aha he chose this my client was simply doing what he was asked to do this is getting juicy plaintiff i can't wait to hear your response your honor are you really gonna believe this crap no one really wants to be hit by a bus let's look at the facts here my client was hit by a bus and the driver was chinese i would like to call in one more witness to the case the client's mother judy do you mind coming up here please oh the judge is high all right listen to me focus you are coding up kiss's mother correct i think so after he was born and they took him to the nursery all the babies fell over and there was just a big pile of babies and they said take one and go home so i did but i'm pretty sure he's mine okay now as cody's mother is this what you wanted for your child to be brutally struck down in the street by a bus oh no i thought it would always be way cooler if he died in a plane crash then there'd be a whole news article about it see your honor not what the client's mother wanted oh that judge is really hot can i go home with you motion granted yes um daddy wins yes yes i won i got five million dollars i did it i did it oh come on that's not fair i i have a wife you can have her if we can win i'm sorry man i tried oh it's okay you wanna come back to my house my wife's making egg rolls hell yeah so i won your court case you are the best lawyer ever i know well technically my mom won the case because she slept with the judge as she should he's a very beautiful man well the good news is the five million dollars has already cleared my bank account and after removing necessary court fees and my attorney fees this is what you're left with what a corner wait we supposed to get millions well let me break it down for you so my consultation fee is two million dollars my attorney retainer fee is one million dollars and my court fees are another two million dollars so they ate up your five million dollars you should be lucky you're even getting this quarter but i get hit by a bus well you also got hit with court fees hey do you mind holding this up for me again oh hold on swish [Music] you
Channel: SML
Views: 11,694,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, bus, driver, cody, codys lawsuit, lawsuit, puppet, brooklyn guy, lawyer, junior, joseph, entertainment, court, adventure, hilarious, logan, jackie chu, codys parents, show, puppets
Id: Zm8fPbv3ypg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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