SML Movie - Jeffy's Speeding Ticket! 2023- Full Episode

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all right craft today we're going to be learning anatomy of the eye so first off we have the squa it's the white part of your eye and then we have the poop the poop is the black part of the eye and then we have the iris the iris is the coral part of the eye my iris is brown it might be really hard to see cuz I saw Asian and my eyes are so slamed any questions class oh teacher I got a question yes you dumb what's your question what would happen if someone took a fork and shoved it in their eye a yes if you were to take fork and shove it in your eye it would hurt really really bad but you have two eyes for a reason all right CR now let's move on to how we can use our eyes as a coin slot wait what color are my eyes Cody uh black racist no Junior your eyes are just black you don't Cody I'm tired of you being racist all the time wait Cody what color are your eyes uh hold on let me take off my glasses boom Eyes Of An Angel Cody you don't have an eye color yeah I know what color is Ken's eyes uh blue which is also what he did to me last night he blew you yeah yeah he did and uh speaking of blowing me I'm having a sleepover tonight you want to come a sleepover yeah at your house yeah I don't like your parents Cody they're weird well that's the thing Junior my parents aren't even going to be there it's just going to be me and Ken all alone we need a third wheel for our Tri so we can get rolling I don't know Cody I I don't really like sleepovers at your house okay picture this junior me up to my neck and whipped cream and you have to find the Cherry I do like cherries yeah why don't you invite Jeffy to sleepover sleepover I want to have a sleepover sorry Jeffy I was hoping it would just be me Junior and Ken you know four is a crowd three is loud just have a manaja I guess I'll go Cody really oh my God I I didn't think you would say yes we have to get ready Ken come on hey Daddy hey Jeffy how was school it was gay I'd rather staple my boss AC to my leg and go back to school don't say that Jeffy Daddy can have a sleepover a sleepover yeah with what friends I have friends name one um oh you I'm not your friend Jeffy F fine Jeffy fine Jeffy fine Jeffy Jeffy fine f Jeffy we're friends we're friends we're friends Jeffy but look look I'm your dad so it doesn't really count like I'm talking about a real friend look if you could get one friend to come over and have a sleepover with you tonight then I'll let you have a sleepover okay all right d I just need one friend to have a sleepover with me where am I going to find a friend oh I know I know somebody who will always answer 911 what's your emergency girl I thought I told you to get dinner ready help me help me girl shut up before I go and beat you with the Bell help me help me help me oh my God that sounds like a crime I'll be right over there ma'am hello hey there I'm responding to a domestic disturbance call I got a little while ago and uh I'm here to join in you know throw some punches I I'm kidding I'm actually just here to arrest some people oh well that was just me that was you yeah wow that's pretty impressive actually I I thought somebody was really beating their wife Dar all right so yeah that domestic disturbance call we got was a false alarm over sorry about the walkie-talkie they make me carry this thing everywhere to let them know what's going on but no more prank calls okay okay I just really wanted to have a sleepover so can you o a sleepover huh that sounds like fun but sorry kid I can't crime never sleeps all units all units please respond we got to shoot at a gas station over we need all units oh my God shots fired at a gas station hold on kid all right I'll be right over and I'm bringing backup okay all right so how about that sleepover huh okay all right hey Daddy I find a friend for the sleepover oh you did who is it hey there your kid said you've been beating on him you think that's funny huh what if I started beating on you what's going on I'm just kidding I'm just here for a sleepover Jeffy you cannot invite a cop to a sleepover why daddy he's my friend he's not your friend Jeffy well W wo wo wo wo are you saying cops aren't friendly are you saying I'm a dirty cop cuz I'm not a dirty cop I took a shower this morning no I'm not saying you're a dirty cop I'm just saying Jeffy you can't invite a cop to a sleepover cuz he's busy he has a job like like don't you have duty uh no I already went and I I went peepy too that's that's a that's a cop poop joke you should appreciate that Jeffy look look he's a really busy man and he has like donuts to eat or something oh oh don't you have ravioli or something to eat fat fine Jeffy if you want to have a sleepover with him y'all can have a sleepover but what are you going to do in your stupid sleepover pillow fight pillow hell stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop have you had enough look look look you guys are only hitting me how about you hit each other okay yeah bring it on tough guy officer Guy where the hell are you we're getting massacred out here please respond Officer Down ouch I'm the Bellow fight champion of the world all right Jeffy had your stupid pillow fight now what are you want to do during your sleepover tell scary stories scary stories I don't know any scary stories do you know any scary stories oh yeah I got a really good one okay so this one time I was buying cheit from a vending machine right so I walk up to the machine I put my $1 bill in and I push B2 cuz that's the button for cheit and I love cheit and I'm thinking it's it's going to be a good day I'm going to enjoy this bag of cheit and then the machine starts moving it starts making noise this is going to be amazing right and then the machine it's pushing those cheit toward me and I'm like yes come to Papa Come to Papa and right as it's about to drop it gets stuck it gets stuck it gets stuck the cheit gets stuck right between the glass and the shelf and they're not dropping they're not moving and my mouth goes cuz I just can't believe this so I start pounding on the machine and I start shaking the machine and then I remember but if the machine falls on you you can die so I yeah it'll it'll Crush you yeah it will so I stop shaking the machine and then I go and I ask my buddy Joe for some money right and I've already asked him for money tons of times and he says guy I can't give you any more money I you already owe me like 300 bucks I say Joe it's just a bag of cheit you know what I'm talking about right just a bag of cheit it's like a dollar right yeah exactly it's just a dollar so he says fine and he gives me a dollar and quar okay and I'm thinking yes this is perfect I needed exactly a dollar I'm going to go back to that machine so I walk up to the machine and I put each of those quarters into the machine and I'm thinking this is going to be amazing and then how much to my surprise the coins just drop and they fall right into the change return slot I'm thinking what's going on and then I notice I noticed the machine is broken it doesn't even have an out of order sign on it the the the change is just dropping right down it's not even accepting coins no it's just accepting bills that's right so I don't have any more bills and I can't ask Joe for any more money it's not going to work so I'm ready to give up right and I'm just walking away and then all of a sudden I see behind me this kid comes up to the machine and then he puts his Dollar in and he gets two bags of Cheez itss what he hit B2 he hit B2 and he gets two bags of Cheez itss his bag of cheese-its and my bag of cheit that I paid for well what did the kid do uh the kid I walk back over to the kid right and I say hey kid that's my bag of cheit and he says no no it's not I paid for this and I said no I I don't think you want understand you see you paid for your bag of cheit and you got my bag of cheit free because I already put my money in and it didn't give it to me and he's not buying it he doesn't care right and he's saying you're just a grumpy old man go away so I lose my temper a little bit and I start putting my hands on the kid you know I I think you understand where I'm coming from right I'm just like I'm grabbing the kid and I I'm strangling him just a little bit to be honest and then his mom comes around the corner and she sees this right and she freaks out she thinks I'm just some crazy cop abusing my power so then I have to explain to this woman listen you stupid Punk kid stole my bag of cheeses well it's not his they were yours exactly exactly and I'm trying to tell her that but she's not buying it she's just thinking I'm crazy and she's not listening to anything I'm saying right so she decides she decides to call my boss well your boss my boss and so she's talking she's like one of your officers here is harassing my son and trying to steal steal cheit from him and so I snatched the phone away from her and I say Chief you know me you know how much I love my cheit please tell this crazy and her kid that I'm just trying to get my cheit and he says guy just leave it alone guy just just forget it and I say no I say no Chief I can't forget it it's not even about the goddamn cheit anymore it's about the principle of the matter it's about the fact that this kid owes me something and he's not giving it to me and he says guy just leave right now or you fir so I hang up on him and then I start to smell just a little just a little whiff of weed on the mom just just a little bit and then and then and then I start arresting the mom and so then the kid goes into foster care and guess who gets two bags of cheit who me I get two bags of Chee itss two delicious bags of cheit and it's it's delicious right so I go back to my car and I go back in and I I I I sit in there and I turn on some Bon Joi and I'm I'm singing while I meet eating the cheit I'm singing oh we're halfway there living on a prayer I'm I'm chugging these cheit right I'm just Downing them I'm pouring them right down my throat just a like a dinosaur I'm getting crumbs in my mustache and the seat and I don't even care and then in under a minute I've eaten the entire bag of cheit the entire bag the entire bag and I start getting sad and then I remember I don't have to be sad you know why why because I got another bag of cheit so I SC squeeze it I squeeze it as hard as I can until that bag pops open and then I just I just pour them right down my mouth I just start chugging those cheesy chips and it's delicious and I'm loving it and to that day to this day that was the best bag of cheit I have ever had and I always keep an extra dollar on me just in case so yeah that's the scariest story I know and I know what you're thinking I mean how is the story about cheese it's scary but yeah you never know what life's going to give you one minute you get no bags of Chee itss next minute you get two bags of cheit you're in foster care and your mom's in jail you just never know you never want to get between a cop and his cheit you know what I mean wow what a crappy sleepover what am I going to do tonight let's see you guys still there guys well I guess I'm off duty whatever I feel so sick hey Dad I'm ready for you to take me to school oh Jeffy I feel so sick I don't think I can drive you to school today can you walk walk school starts in 4 minutes Daddy and it'll take me over an hour to walk to school well Jeffy I feel really sick I just can't take you today well can I stay home no Jeffy if you miss another day of school you're going get suspended great then I get to miss even more school no Jeffy just just run okay well Danny I'm 16 now so can I drive no a well it looks like I'll just get suspended then well I mean you are 16 okay fine you can drive really D well hold up you you can't you can't get in a wreck and you can't speed all right Daddy I promise I won't speed oh man I can't wait to pull somebody over I can't wait to write him a ticket oh look at this Joker here wao he's going 115 mph all right I'm pulling him over Wee Woo a oh oh the police what did I do wrong I don't have time for this these stupid pigs excuse me sir you know how fast you were going I'm sorry officer I'm just really late for school so can I go I smell burned rubber oh well it's either my tires from me speeding or I just dropped off a hot date yeah well I already wrote you a ticket for the first one because you were speeding a ticket can I take it to Chuck-E-Cheese and get a prize no it's not a chuck cheese ticket it's a speeding ticket you have to pay it how much is it it's $500 I don't have $500 well you got 30 days to pay it my dad's going to be mad yeah as well he should be all right I don't want to catch you speeding again got it all right I won't yeah that's right I'm a cop you got to listen to me I own these streets he won't be speeding again I'll tell you that much yeah Jesus Christ pull him over again he's pulling me over again for what what now all right I told you not to speed and then you took off speeding well I had to get to school so if I'm late for school it's your fault all right well here's another speeding ticket oh yay 498 more of these I give me a Chucky basketball no no it's still a speeding ticket well how fast do you want me to go not fast at all I want you to go slow fine all right [Music] now I got to pull him over for going too slow hey hey stop stop stop stop driving hey hey would you stop the car what now now you're going too slow and I have to give you a slow ticket you say I'm going too fast you say I'm going too slow what do you want me to do I just want you to drive the speed limit all right well how about you drive me to school then all right fine oh man I'm so nervous I wonder if jeffy's okay what up dingling Addie Jeffy how's the car did you scratch it did you wreck it Daddy the car is fine I'm the safest driver ever so nothing bad happened well I got pulled over for what because the police officer wanted to tell me I was just the safest driver ever so nothing bad happened mm-m you didn't re mm- you didn't hit anybody mm- you didn't run anybody over mm- you didn't get a speeding ticket wait Jeffy why are you making that face Jeffy did you get a speeding ticket Jeffy did you get a speeding ticket did you yes or no say yes or no yes or no yes or no yes or no say yes if you did or no if you didn't yes if you did no if you didn't Jeffy did you get a speeding ticket or not I did not you promise I promise why' you put your hand behind your back because I'm sticking my fingers in my butt see you don't smell it no I thought you were crossing your fingers who's at the door uh don't answer it why cuz it's a game I like to play called don't answer the door when you're showing at the door well I'm answering it well you just lost the game daddy uh hello hey there the cops what are you doing here well I just wanted to check and see if your son told you what happened today what happened today well he got a bunch of traffic violations and speeding tickets he did yeah he didn't tell you no well let me come in and I'll show you you all of them yeah come inside that is it Jeffy you are so grounded grounded what did I do what' you do what' you do officer what you do well he's got about 45 speeding tickets and traffic violations 45 tickets yeah Daddy I'm trying to get the Chuck-E-Cheese basketball what yeah you see he's under the impression that he can cash these in for prizes at Chuck-E-Cheese he can't oh I know I tried to tell him that but he didn't listen what he do to get these tickets oh well let's see we got a speeding ticket uh a speeding ticket uh another speeding ticket yet another speeding ticket a traffic violation for running a red light uh let's see indecent exposure for whipping his peeee out in a school zone uh let's see here we got uh traffic violation for a hit and run of an old lady a traffic violation for driving backwards uh traffic violation for driving on the wrong side of the road uh indecent exposure because he showed me his ball and then uh jaywalking cuz he actually got out of the car and just jaywalked for no reason jay walking yeah Daddy I call it jay walking because I'm doing it and my name is Jeffy so it's Jeffy walking yeah yeah he tried to explain that when I gave him the ticket how much are all these tickets like how much to pay you have to pay the tickets uh about $10,000 $110,000 JY yeah $10,000 we don't have that money well it's not even the worst part because since he gets so many tickets they want me to actually arrest him arrest him like to not like go to jail yeah yeah jail Jeffy you're going to jail Daddy I ain't going back that police officer can tongue punch my fart box I'm going to go get in my car and go on a highs speeed Chase wow Jeffy well I can't believe your life has gotten this bad wow wow you know that was a really touching moment okay I'll tell you what if you guys can come up with the money by tonight I will not arrest him $10,000 by tonight yeah if you can do it I won't arrest Jeffy how supposed to come up with $10,000 tonight well you better I'll be back later for the money Jeffy how are we going to get that much money by the end of tonight tonight well we could rob a store daddy Jeffy I'm not going to go to jail too well Daddy they got cash registers and a safe Easy Money Daddy okay fine Jeffy we'll rob a store but we're going to do it the right way okay I'm want to wear gloves we're not going to leave behind any evidence cuz I don't want to get caught we're going to spray paint the cameras we're going shut off the alarms we're not getting caught okay all right daddy let's go rob a store all right Jeffy we're going to break in and the alarm's going to go off your job is to find the alarm and shut it off I'm going to spray paint the camera so they don't have any evidence all right Daddy I don't know what could possibly go wrong with this idea nothing's going to go wrong all right Jeffy turn off the alarm where do I go check in the back all right I have to spray paint this [Music] camera H which one shuts off the alarm um I'm going to try this one no not that one no not that one either I'm going to try this one Jeffy hurry I'm trying um maybe this one no this one this one this one this one all right Dy off all right Jeff spray paint the cameras and the alarm's off so let's hit up the registers first before we hit up the safe all right Daddy watch these hands go to work oh Jeffy look at all that money yeah who would have thought daddy look at us Jeffy and Mario stealing money out of cash register who I I would have thought that either it's just grab all the money oh look at all that money oh it's just piling up 120 what is this we're going to we're going to pay off your speeding tickets and have more money left over yes grab grab the coins grab the coins all right all let's go let's go to the safe all right let's go oh Jeffy look how big this safe is how much money do you think is in there 10,000 no 20,000 no 40 50 D in open go open it we $20 that's it I think they must have taken all the money to the bank Daddy what that's a what a ripoff me grab it $20 let's get out of here Jeffy all right I go to jail for this all right let's see what this alarm's about wait is that the car I pulled over earlier that's probably nothing all right let's see here what okay the door's unlocked that's not good this is definitely a break in or maybe the last person just forgot to lock their door after they got off the shift well that makes sense let's take a look all right Jeffy let's get out of here all right Daddy get get who is that Daddy it's the cut Daddy I really have to go right now what okay what was that please shut up don't make another noise but Danny I had to go you do not have to do that okay I definitely heard somebody in here no there's not anybody in here shut up okay well if there is somebody in here I'm coming around the counter I'll be coming around the G when I come I'll be coming around the when I come he's coming to me go hide in the back hold bu I just came around the counter right now there's no money in the register oh no okay let's see here all the bills are missing but there's a lot of change left so one of two things happen either people have only been paying in coins all day or somebody stole all the cash out of the register I'm going to go with the second one I'm going to go check the safe right now Jeffy he's coming oh where we going to hide oh we can hide in the freezer Daddy okay open open open it all right Daddy go go go good okay okay Jeffy we're safe in here um Daddy what I think we're stuck in here stuck in here I think it locked Jeffy it's locked hey dadd look at my big Wier we J We're lock in here we're we're going to freeze today well Danny we can call for help who's going to help us the police officer that out joh well when he opens up the door he's going to see that we're robbers is going to arrest us well we can take our masks off yeah we can take our mask off and say that we got stuck in here and that we were customers looking for food and good think let's take our mask off all right Daddy all right Jeffy call for help okay all righty help help my big wiener Jeffy stop it help my wiener Daddy help help well that's not good the safe is open we have a confirmed robbery but where are the robbers what is that oh my god there somebody locked in the freezer oh my God what if the robbers forced the hostages into the freezer and locked him in I got to save him help help oh thank God we're saved you shaved my wiener stop it oh my God how long were you guys in there we were in there for like months well really cuz the robbery just happened we weren't in there for months we were in there for like 5 minutes and then you saved us well yeah what happened I'll tell you what happened a father and a son was just trying to pay their speeding ticket Jeff shut up and and they said that they had nothing to live for and definitely wasn't us and they put us in the freezer and said give us all your money you're going to freeze to death wow what they look like uh it looked like uh Santa Claus Santa Claus yeah it was Santa Claus he said the North Pole is melting from the ozone layer he said he lost all his money and all his elves wow wow that's horrible well did he have any accomplices Reindeer reindeer yeah it it was Dasher and Dancer and Donald and Nixon really what about Comet cubert uh George what about Rudolph yeah Rudolph was on the roof he was the getaway driver yep it was Rudolph it was all the aeer he he already left so so we got to get going let's go Jeffy wait wait wait wait wait what's in that bag uh it's uh ornaments ornaments yeah ornaments Santa Claus turned into the Grinch he was trying to take all the lights in the ornaments but we we saved we saved the ornaments oh good thinking yeah so we're going to go thanks officer yeah you two stay safe all right Jeffy let's count all our money Daddy tell them bring me my money all right Jeffy do you think that's $10,000 Danny that doesn't even look like 200 bucks Jeffy how are we get $9,800 by the end of the night well we can always Rob some more stores not so fair what are you doing here well once you two left the store I decided to check the freezer and I found masks mask those aren't our mask oh yeah well you two were in the freezer and then I remembered you two have to come up with $10,000 by the end of the night so I think you broke into the store to steal that money no we said Santa Claus broke in well where'd you get all this money from well is it illegal to have money because if it is you better arrest Jeff Bezos all right well I also have this just before the cameras were spray painted black they got this picture recognize the Hat hey Dad look that's your hat no everyone wears that hat well okay how about this the cameras also got this audio after they were spray painted black Who would thought ddy look at us Jeffy and Mario stealing money out of cash register I would have thought that either let's just grab all the money how about that that that that that is not us really nope Danny I think he knows it Josh I do okay fine it was us look here it is we we were just trying to steal the $10,000 because I don't want Jeffy to go to jail and I would do anything for my son I would do anything for him not to go to jail oh oh man oh you know this situation is really touching my heart it really reminds me of the time that my dad robbed a store to pay off my 45 speeding tickets I miss you Daddy really yeah just forget about all the speeding tickets I just don't want him to drive ever again got it he oh trust me he will never drive ever again you bad Jeffy never drive ever again bad all right fine well as long as you two learned your lesson you Jeffy did you learn your lesson you're not allowed to drive ever again yeah Daddy I don't even like driving anyway there's too many rules like can't go too fast can't go too slow you know what I just like being chauffeured around anyway daddy so hey Daddy can I go outside and throw my Boomerang no Jeffy it's dark outside well can I throw it inside the house no Jeffy I said do not throw it well don't worry Daddy it's supposed to come back Jeffy boomerangs never work they never come back oh well Daddy I'm bored well then just watch TV with me Jeffy all right Daddy hey you tired of wearing these clunky old virtual reality headsets me too that's why I switched to the virtual reality sunglasses yeah now I can play video games anytime anywhere and look cool doing it no more getting made fun of in these babies yeah check this out now I'm in my living room now I'm in space now I'm in my living room now I'm in space and it has a camera on the front so it can track your hand motions you don't even need a controller check this out I'm driving a car in space yeah get your pair right now 5 hundo cash only my garage this Tuesday Oh Daddy give me that I want that jimy that cost $500 I don't have $500 well Daddy I got $500 right here but Jeffy where'd you get $500 the guy across the street paid me $500 to eat cheese and crackers from between his toes e Jeffy and you ate it like I was starving Daddy I was like that was his toe coming out of my mouth Jeffy that's disgusting why would you do that who's paid daddy me and whose toes are clean his and whose Bell's full of cheese and crackers mine and who doesn't have $500 you and who needs to go get me the VR headset you so run along peasant okay fine that is so disgusting Jeffy all right Jeffy here's your $500 VR glasses thanks Daddy I'm getting kind of hungry I'm going to go get me some more cheese and crackers well no Jeffy you're going to stay away from that guy but daddy peid with paper stop it look you just play your stupid game look all right daddy there oh this is a cool game daddy there's a cool car over there I'm going to go get in it all right Jeffy well you keep playing your game I'm going get your bath ready all right all right all right jeffy's bath is all ready let me go get him all right Jeffy your bath is ready all right Daddy I'm just cruising down the highway checking my text messages these people need to get out of my way they're on the wrong side of the road well Jeffy it's time for your bath so come on all right Daddy all right Jeffy your bath is ready so get in well Danny I'm already underwater dadd there's a shark there's no shark Daddy's going to eat me no get away from my leg daddy he's fighting me get him away Jeff Jeffy Jeff you don't have you don't have to take a bath you don't have to take a bath come on let's go leave all right Jeffy since you didn't want to take a bath you have to eat green beans for dinner well Daddy I don't like my green beans I just want to play my game well you can play your game after you eat your green beans but I don't like green beans daddy well you're going to eat them don't you push me well Jeffy I didn't push you it must be your stupid game why did you hit H me Daddy I didn't hit you oh well take this [Music] daddy Jeffy you're not you're not doing anything oh you like that Daddy well how about my rocket launcher Jeffy you don't have a rocket launcher boom you just got blown the smin daddy well Jeffy I'm going to take away your stupid glasses until you can learn to behave oh no Daddy I don't want my green beans and you give me my glasses back right now no I'm not giving them back until you eat all your green beans you better eat them all right Daddy give me back my glasses did you eat all your green beans yeah you promise yeah you pinky promise well I only got four fingers which finger am I missing I I think you're missing your middle finger good cuz if I had one I'd be giving it to you every single day Jeffy did you eat your green beans or not I did I'm going to go check not did not I'm just going to play with these while he's gone Gucci Jeffy Jeffy not now daddy a mod roller coaster Jeffy give me those glasses father what the heck Jeffy you said you ate your green beans but you lied I didn't lie Daddy I said I did not Jeffy you cannot do that you have to say not right after did well Dad you didn't tell me how fast I needed to talk I just said I did not all right Jeffy well you can get your glasses back after school okay not oh d doesn't even make any sense Jeffy go to bed and get your glasses after school tomorrow all right daddy I'm going to bed not I am not going to bed I have to hide these from Jeffy I can hide them in the dishwasher yeah he wouldn't check in there my daddy wants to take my glasses from me well I'm going to teach him a lesson I'm going to throw plates all night long my glasses my daddy probably put them in the dishwasher to keep me from getting them I'm going take Dy school tomorrow all right CL today we're going to be running the vowels the vowels are a e i o u and sometimes y why sometimes y I have no idea I don't think anybody know why sometimes why but I have a song that going to help you remember your vowels it's called Old McDonald Old McDonald Had A F E I E I O you and sometimes with oink oink here and oink oink there here oink there oink everywhere oink oink on McDonald Had A Farm a e i o u and sometimes why you got a cross what Jeffy why are you standing on top of your desk I'm standing on top of a building whoa there's the new virtual reality sunlasses yep what game are you playing Grand Theft Auto and right now I'm standing on top of a building I'm about to jump off well do you have a parachute nope well don't do that all right crass I know what you're wondering if these letters are vowels then what are the other letters called not vowels and I also have a song to help you remember these as well b c d f g h j k l m n p QR s t v w x and z and sometimes y you got a problem Jeffy are you okay ow Jeffy no creaming and crafts you cream right in my ear when you cream I cream there ain't no room for the cream in the craft you can cream outside the craft but no creaming in crft when you cream I cream we are cream for I cream okay have a good day crco home see you tomorrow hey Daddy hey Jeffy how was school great Jeffy what where'd you get the glasses at uh in the dishwasher daddy which is really weird because glasses don't belong in the dishwasher or else it'd be called a glasses washer Jeffy I took them away from you and I was trying to hide them from you well you didn't do a good job J daddy cuz I found him who's that Jeffy just stay right here all right daddy uh hello hey there I heard that you bought some the cops yeah yeah that that was kind of a delayed reaction there sorry I that's fine I'll I'll just start over Okay so the reason I'm here is because I heard that you bought some virtual reality sunglasses oh yeah I did I bought them from some guy in his garage right yeah those are illegal what illegal but how do he have them then well see he stole those from the CIA they're the top secret virtual reality training glasses and he stole them oh well my son actually bought them he gave me the money and I went and bought them how did your son get $500 oh the guy across the street paid him $500 wow what did he do he wanted him to eat cheese and crackers from between his toes I'm sorry what from where he wanted him to eat cheese and crackers between his toes off of them from between his okay well I'm going to have a word with that guy after I leave here okay cuz I might want some cheese and crackers and I need the money what all right I'm coming in Jeffy the cops are here not now Daddy I'm driving a tank boom car take that car he he's driving a tank yeah I can see that looks like he's having fun uh so those glasses are really illegal oh yeah I'm going to need those back okay well he's driving a tank so the guy that sold him to me he stole him from the CIA oh yeah yeah that's why you need him so then how do you make a commercial selling them oh see that's how we found him we saw his commercial so we found out who he was and we found them oh oh Jeffy you're going to have to get those glasses back but dang I bought these well Jeffy did buy them for $500 so do you give him back the $500 no no that's evidence I need those well he did spend $500 so like he needs his $500 back go talk to cheese and cracker to across the street I don't care he'll give you more money well you know what Jeffy did to get that money yes exactly what I'm going to do when I leave here after he gives me those glasses well I mean it would be fair if Jeffy got a refund you know no no we'll work that out later just give me the glasses Jeffy give the glasses back to the cop I didn't have to yes yes you do have to you legally have to n oh oh okay I'm sure that'll hold open court uh your honor he pleads n so I guess he doesn't have to give him back oh yeah okay that's fine just let him go then well Jeffy just give the glasses back to the nice cop no Daddy I pay for these $50000 I'm not giving them back they mind just give them back to the dirty Pig okay well I I can hear you you know I was just hoping that look jff give him back the glasses no I don't I don't know what to do okay if you don't give me back the glasses I'm going to tase you but you don't you don't have to tase them that that that's that seems like excessive force well it's going to work I promise well how about take my rocket launcher all right Mario grab the glasses give me those thank you now if you excuse me I have a date with some toes well Jeffy calm down I know you're sad the cop had to take your glasses but I got you a new gift you did yeah I got you the new virtual reality glasses that are not illegal Danny you are so PE yes I am Jeffy yes I am oh look Daddy's My Boomerang see it did come back Daddy hey Daddy I'm going to ask you a question and you better not say the nword what Daddy there's this new toy I want and it cost $500 and I want you to buy it for me no see Daddy there you go screaming the N word like it's nothing Jeffy I'm not going to spend $500 on a toy well Daddy you haven't even seen the commercial yeah see look watch moving robot bang moving robot bang go by the hottest toy of the year for $500 or you're a little whippy kid see Daddy ain't that the coolest toy you've ever seen it's PP Jeffy yes it's a really cool toy but I'm not going to spend $500 on that toy Jeffy why Dad I really want to toy Jeffy look look look you already have a bunch of toys look if you want that toy why don't you have a yard sale and sell all your old toys and using the money from your old toys use to buy the new one what's wrong why you crying Jeffy you said I need to sell all my toys I didn't say you you had to sell them yes you did Dan you said Jeffy go get all your toys and sell them right now you're a bad kid and you don't deserve toys well no I didn't say that Jeffy I said sell all your old toys so you can use the money to buy a new to Jeffy you're being ridiculous Jeffy Jeffy Jeff Jeffy look look look Jeffy look you'll make a lot of money selling your old toys cuz there's a lot of kids who who would like those toys so just sell them fine Daddy but when I become a millionaire don't you come asking for money yard sale I need to make money cuz my daddy hates me and he's making me live on the street oo a yard sale I do love a good deal hello sir Welcome to The Jeffy shop if you have any any questions just let me know wait is that $15 per crayon yep sure is these babies come in all different colors red blue green you name it but but it's a box of 120 crayons I'll tell you what if you buy right now I'll s you the whole box of crayons for 1,000 bucks but no I'm not spending $11,000 on crayons and what what is this $25 per cup of Play-Doh yeah but that's because this Play-Doh is dying out if you want the good stuff 50 bucks per cup down there that's only slightly dried out what these prices are ridiculous no one's going to pay $50 for a cup of Play-Doh all of these prices are way too expensive just look at Mr Potato head over there he's $150 and his tongue is 30 well that's because his tongue game is strong just ask Mrs Potato Head there's a reason they've been married for 50 years what and what about Patrick he's $75 look the look in his face says that he knows how expensive he is well that was a look on my face when you decline my $1,000 offer huh this lightsaber is pretty cool though yeah that's 100 bucks yeah I'm not paying 100 bucks for a plastic lightsaber whose toothbrush is this oh that's mine it's only slightly used ew I'm not buying any of the wait wait a minute is is that Lego Darth Mall yep 100 bucks W my God I I I really really want that um will will you take will you take $5 for him no what come on well I was really hoping you'd go down to $5 well why don't you hope in one hand and poop in the other and see which one fills up faster well what can I get for $5 um well I can take one of these crayons and break it into three pieces and give you one into pieces yeah yeah that I want that all right what color you want uh blue all right all right pick which piece you want sir but they're all different sizes all right well then pick the smallest piece of here and complain about it all right fine I guess I'll just take the drawing part all right thank you for your business sir come back soon oh yeah I'm going to come back hey Jeffy how's the yard sale going great daddy my sales are up and my syndrome is down Jeffy look at these prizes they're ridiculous well these are my toys Daddy I didn't want to sell them so I just marked them at a price I'd be willing to let them go for Jeffy no one's going to pay these prices watch's this in my hand Daddy just didn't grow on trees well Jeffy okay there's nothing here for $5 what did they buy well they bought one3 of a crayon daddy well you found a sucker then Jeffy look no one's going to pay these prices and look if you don't want to sell these toys then sell stuff that you don't care about oh okay D then I'll sell stuff I don't care about yeah do that sell stuff you don't care about and sell it at a cheap price a cheap price to make quick money all right Daddy Daddy what is up d a d y what Jeffy where'd you get all this money from Daddy I've been getting cash and taking names but I'm not taking names cuz I'm too busy getting cash well know seriously where'd you get all this money from Daddy ask me if I'm poor are you poor straight inward Daddy I'm talking no look at all this Pape Pape yeah I'm talking paper like peep but with cash daddy well no Jeffy seriously how' you get all this money there's no way people paid that much money for toys well I sold all the stuff I didn't want Daddy what' you sell everything in the house what yeah come take a look at these sales Dany what chain see Danny look at all these Sal down Jeffy I don't see any of your toys missing what' you sell I sold the couch what the couch Jeffy what happened to my couch I sold it for five bucks five bucks yeah Daddy and this one's for sale too if you want to buy it Jeffy you cannot sell our furniture five bucks is way too cheap for a couch and this table is $3 $4 for these chairs Jeffy you cannot sell our furniture is that a clown oh yeah Daddy he bought the couch give me my couch back no give it back no dad he already bought the couch it's his couch now Jeffy you cannot sell our stuff hey found this iron in a closet how much do you want for it um two bucks o okay all right thank you that's my iron no it's not that's her iron now daddy Jeffy you're supposed to sell your toys not my stuff well Daddy you told me to sell the stuff I don't care about and I didn't care about the couch um I found this razor how much do you want for it um five bucks oh okay there you go all right that's that's my Razor Jeffy she can't keep buying my stuff get all these people out of my house no Dad it's the sales we're trying to make sales Daddy hey I need you some help help me oh hold on Daddy a customer needs me I'll be right back what what's the problem sir oh yeah I was wondering is it $4 for each knife or for the whole set oh it's for the whole set oh okay cool cool Jeffy why is a used roll of paper towels more expensive than our couch supply and demand daddy people need those paper towels it's kind of like Bitcoin getting while it's hot you're selling everything way too cheap the toaster OV $5 the blender two the stove 10 the microwave three Jeffy why are you selling this drawer for $2 nobody's going to buy a drawer I just sold one for $2 what Tyrone look I bought a drawer for $2 oh baby that's a snat it's my drawer give it back no I paid for this get your own drawer why that is mine hey boss man boss man yeah watch out I think I'mma get these knives right here and I'mma to get this toaster OV too okay that'll be n bucks ooh ooh um come down to eight okay so all right bet that's the Jewish negotiation in it come on baby get this to Jeffy you can't just keep selling my stuff oh come on D another customer's calling what hey hey hey get out of here you scram go D Dad don't talk to my customers like that how may I help you sir oh yeah uh how much are these cheese balls um two bucks mm no no can I get a free sample sure no he's a homeless guy he doesn't want a free sample he's just going to steal it Daddy we do not discriminate you can have a free sample sir yeah free he's just going to eat all of them Jeffy oh D hold I think you're showing at the table all right what are you interested in sure well I saved up a whole bunch of my tooth fairy money and now I want to buy a cool toy oh you want to buy a toy yeah yeah Jeffy sell one of your toys okay um which toy do you want I don't know there's so many oh my God he said a Batman and a lightsaber it's a Power Ranger toy I don't know this is so many toys well we got scissors scissors my mommy doesn't let me play with scissors well 200 bucks and it's yours okay you got a deal I'm going to run down the stairs with these yeah it sucks having to sell your toys doesn't it Jeffy well he bought the scissors so I don't really care about those Jeffy stop selling my stuff Daddy stop yelling in front of my customers Jeffy can I speak to you upstairs in fine Danny come on let's go all right Jeffy here's the deal hold on Dany let me stop you right there the deals are downstairs making us all this cash Jeffy the only reason why you're selling stuff is cuz you're selling it extremely cheap it's like they're stealing it no dad they're buying it because I'm a good salesman wait I didn't know y'all had an upstairs area uh what is toilet paper going for um four bucks oh well I got $2 I WIP my butt with two bucks how about $3 oh okay okay all right Jeffy look look here's here's what's going to happen you either get me all my stuff back or I'm putting you up for adoption daddy why are you hating on the Paper Chasing wait wait wait what the boom box going for what it do it plays music and it's not for sale um six bucks six Buck $6 oh this nice boom box that's my boom box Jeffy you're selling all my stuff get all my stuff back by the end of tonight or I'm gra I'm putting you up for adoption never seeing you again well whose cell phone to S that's my cell phone oh what what is going for Boss Man uh 10 bucks 10 bucks this an iPhone I you cannot sell my iPhone Jeffy get all my stuff back right now no Daddy I'm selling it we're making cash wait wait I found these hot dogs in the refrigerator yeah because it's my food and you're just taking stuff out of my refrigerator you ain't going to eat it what is going for boss man six bucks $6 that's kind of expensive but I can do that wait wait wait wait what you going to sayell this remote no we need we need this remote to watch TV man got the way I'm going to eat this remote eat it you have hot dogs Jeffy you know I'm going to show you how you like it okay I'm going to show you how you like it oh I'm going teach Jeffy a lesson Len everybody in the house all these toys are now a dollar all these toys a dollar that's a steal he told me to poop in my hand and I did it but now I get Darth Maul I'm going to get a lot of kids with these toys yeah yeah buying Everything's a Dollar you see you see this Jeffy you see it they're buying it oh that's how he wants to play it excuse me everybody in the house everything is now a dollar Everything's a Dollar grab everything Jeffy well Jeffy we sold the for a dollar how's that feel well Daddy at least I still got my toy what Jeffy that stupid toy is not worth selling the house and everything in it that's a stupid toy Jeffy but Danny it can shoot balls but it can't shoot balls s Jeffy we sold the house for a dollar for that stupid toy well Dad you shouldn't never said the NW what did you just say sold you can't sell this house why not because you still owe me money on it you cannot sell a house that you still owe money on oh well well see my my son Jeffy he wanted this toy so he sold everything in the house in the house and we were just selling everything so we got out of hand you know this toy yeah that toy this toy belongs to y'all well well now yeah we Ed the money from the house to buy it oh not anymore this is my toy now what what you you broke it yeah cuz it's my toy and who did you sell this house to a a a homeless guy oh you are so done Mario you are so done hello you and everyone else in this house get out but we bought this house for a dollar I don't care if this house was given to you for free you're going to get out of my house you like that Mario if you ever try to sell your house again you're getting a spanking Now where's your son at cuz he needs a spanking hey Junior hey Cody what's up Nathan hey guys guess what I found in the dumpster o a dead dog no guess again a dead cat no guess again uh a raccoon that's dead nope you're getting closer though uh is the thing you found dead yeah uh a hippopotamus that that's dead and it's it's dead oh dude that is the closest guess but no it's a dart board what how are any of those guesses close dude it's not a lie but it's an object you're mobed an object damn so why was there a dart board in the dumpster do you know anybody that plays darts dude um no exactly well some people play darts shut up Cody no one plays darts yeah loser okay all right so you want to play yeah let's go let's hang it up in there dude it's all set up so how do we play you got to throw a dart and try to hit a bullseye that doesn't seem too hard all right I'm going to go first watch me get this Bullseye guys dang it wow Joseph you suck I'd like to see you try Four Eyes well I can do better than that okay that's a bet if you actually hit the Bull's Eye I'll give you my hat okay deal but if you don't you have to give me K oh um I don't know about that are you scared Cody yeah you scared huh no no I can do it I actually did it screw you Joseph no way dude I got to see this no way no way no way oh yeah Joseph it's in the red dang it he cheated somehow give me that hat Joseph yeah Deal's a deal oh man oh man guys I never thought I'd look so good in a hat go die Cody you look like your name's Caleb huh Caleb hey guys I'm Caleb yeah I like that everybody call me Caleb from now on go die Caleb Caleb how did you possibly get a bullseye on the first try well to be honest I actually hustled you guys I knew it how did you hustle us well I've actually been taking lessons from Gary Anderson maybe you've heard of him who's Gary Anderson you guys have never heard of Gary the World Champ Anderson he's only the world champion at dart throwing he's a world champion yeah they don't just hand out that giant trophy to losers Junior you know him know him he's basically my father he and my mom are friends from high school whenever he comes over he tutors me on how to throw darts that's lame yeah well most people might think that but that's going to be me one day I'm going to be holding up that giant Trophy and all the middle-aged women are going to want me they're not going to be able to keep their Mena paws off me I mean I'm gay so it doesn't really matter but it's more of a status thing no women are going to want you from playing darts oh yeah tell that to Gary The Poon gobler Anderson look at that face he's probably in bed with your mom right now hell mine most likely I mean how do you think I got those dart lessons e Cody well if you're good at something you don't do it for free there's no way you know Gary Anderson I know it's kind of hard to believe that I'd be friends with an aess celebrity like Gary Anderson but I'll go call him he always answers my calls all right guys it's ringing now whenever Gary answers try not to scream he gets enough of that whenever he wins and he always wins Bullseye hey you've reached the voicemail boox of Gary Anderson sorry I couldn't answer the phone I'm too busy slinging it leave your message after the bullseye hey Gary it's me box is full and cannot accept any messages his voicemail box is full but that's because he's Gary Anderson and everyone wants to talk to him I didn't know you were so lame Caleb yeah well whenever you become friends with a sports Superstar you come talk to me I don't think throwing darts is a sport well D maybe I don't know dude I miss my hat my head is so cold Caleb is there any way that Joseph can get his hat back well maybe if he beats me at darts but that'll never happen not unless he gets lessons from Gary Anderson and judging by how he didn't answer my call there's no way you're getting lessons maybe you could get in touch with John low who even is that well Joseph can't you just buy another hat that looks just like it no dude it was one of a kind they don't make it anymore well maybe you can find a new hat I guess I got a rumage in the moner and see what I can find yeah and while you're in there why don't you find some dart throwing skills it's not my best J hola chicos in country the somero what hey guys I found this hat oh wow I really like that hat do you like it Caleb uh it's okay I guess but I like this hat better do you like it Joseph yeah I can get used to this hat dude it's pretty spiffy hey can I use your bathroom oh nice green hat by the way uh sorry for busting in here I know I normally need a warrant but a judge isn't going to give me a warrant just a piss oh Ola Amigo where you from huh but where you from I'm from here really cuz your Hat's making me think you're from Mexico I'm American dude okay I I just you know do you have like any idea like a card or like a like a green card are you trying to profile me sir no no God no nothing like that it's just your Hat's kind of making me wonder I think you need to leave sir yeah yeah you're right I just I just kind of want to now okay yeah yeah yeah uh I think it would be safe Joseph if you found a different hat yeah you're probably right dude all right guys what do you think of this hat I mean it's not really a hat it's a football helmet yeah it'll protect your head though well you know what I think I'm going to keep it wait is that a football tackled nice tackle oh that hurts so bad well don't dress like a football player if you don't want to get tackled you know what I I think I'm going to change my head I don't want to get hurt all me mate te how do you like me hat okay that Hat's sick you know what I'll trade you your old hat back for that one really okay let's do it yeah right do you have me hat wait this is your hat I found it in a dumpster no you stole that hat from no leg Pete and stealing a pirates hat is punish Able by walking the plank oh Joseph just give it back no I'm not giving up this hat dude Caleb was going to trade me my hat back if you don't give me back me hat I'll put the curse of Davey Jones upon you Joseph just give it back no I'm not giving up this hat dude give it back stop it stop it dude here's your hat back no it be too late and now I'm going to give you a gruesome death how did you lose your hand oh that' be a sad tale I was sailing across the open ocean and I ran into Gary the Goon Anderson he challenged me to a dart throwing match for all me gold and I lost and Gary took me hand as a trophy that sick bastard oh actually we we know Gary oh no no don't tell Gary about this please oh he took the hat with him oh man sorry Joseph you were about to get your hat back I wanted that hat too I guess I'll get a new hat well Che we boy Fellers how you like this dundere hat right here wow Joseph I like that hat yes sir re Bob I'm from the white trashes part of Alabama where everything's bigger isn't that Texas no have you seen our women they're wider than a double wi trailer what do you think about it Caleb well I don't really understand the Personality yeah Joseph you could just talk normal no dude if I'm going to wear this hat I'm going to wear it it's going to be my personality okay okay do you guys want to hear it song not really oh I SL with my sister and I sure do miss her she's prettier than my mama's yell her teeth okay I think we're done I hate this yeah yeah Joseph just please go wear a different hat are you sure yeah I don't I don't like it you should wear a different hat okay God look at that I found a hat does it make me look fat oh look it's Dr Seuss's hat no it's not Dr Seuss's hat it's the cat's hat from Cat in the Hat his name is Dr Seuss no the cat's name is not Dr Seuss yes it is no it's not then what's the cat's name well he doesn't have a name it's just cat you're telling me this guy wrote thousands of books and he couldn't think of a name for the cat no he's just the cat and the hat no his name is Dr Seuss oh okay then who wrote Green Eggs and Ham the cat named Dr Seuss shut up Junior so Joseph are you going to keep the hat if I keep this hat it may be a bad time because everything I say must end in a rhyme well I don't think everything has to end in a rhyme you can talk normal I have to rhyme even if it's a waste of time well then rhyme with the word wolf uh uh uh uh do you see that wolf how about we go and play golf no no no no that's yeah that's not take off the hat you didn't Rhyme now take it off take I'll take off the damn hat shut up all right guys what do you think of this hat is that Chef pee's hat no oh are you good at cooking yeah cooking road kill bucks well I guess we found your new hat then Joseph Joseph give me my hat back uh Chef peip you need to wash your hair it's like really dirty Juni you don't tell me what to do okay and no I'm not going to wash my hair washing your hair is bad for you what Joseph give me my hat back right now no I'm wearing it give me my hat ho ho ho guys how do you like this hat I mean it's kind of loud it's not loud I love the jingles jingle bell jingle bell he you get back to the shop no days off wait what what shop you're one of my elves I own you a man not this again I didn't know this was the South Pole I thought we were free up north no no you're an elf you make toys for me well he's not really an elf well he's wearing the official elf hat take take it off stop D have it back he's not really an elf find a new hat God I can't have any fun I don't want to make Santa Claus mad uh make sure you get my Christmas list okay yeah okay whatever hey guys what about this hat that's jeffy's helmet no it's not it's my hat m- Joseph you can't just go around stealing people's hats dude this is my hat okay shut up hey Joseph give me my helmet back what Jeffy come on it's my hat Joseph you have to find a hat that's original to you dude I have an original hat but Caleb's wearing it right now well go find a new hat god spider Joseph spider Joseph does whatever a spider Joseph does Joseph you can't just wear Spider-Man's mask now hold on Caleb I really like Spider-Man it'd be really cool if Joseph wore a Spider-Man mask all the time I know right dude we meet again Spider-Man oh no it's the Green Goblin what is he doing here did you really think I wouldn't find you Spider-Man I want my revenge what are you going to do to me this is a tortilla chip and I'm making a mess on your cow oh no he's got crumbs all over the couch Joseph hit him okay dude oh here Joseph you have to take that mask off I don't want him to keep making crumbs on our couch oh you're right dude that's fair oh it's a big mess meow meow meow meow meow meow oh Jesus Joseph so you're a cat now meow meow meow e don't lick me meow meow meow I think I kind of like this one I don't want to be friend of the furry oh come on Junior let's give him a chance good K ow ow ow ow never mind Bad Kitty Bad Kitty get off him look look you were already a cat earlier today you were Dr Seuss his name is not Dr Seuss yes it is no it's not Joseph look take the cat ears off go do something else okay yeah I want a different hat but yeah his name is Dr Seuss no it's not yes it is it is not Dr Seuss it is thy King has arrived bow down to me peasants but Junior don't bow just because he's wearing a crown doesn't mean he's a king off with thy Court just his head I mean he could be the Burger King you hear thy nobleman I am thy Burger King and the crown looks really good on him well not if he's going to call us peasants all the time bringeth me my sweet sister so I can make sweet sweet love to her oh God not this again wait I thought that was only the cowboy hat no Kings did that too all right Joseph you're going to do that sister stuff you got to take that off just go a but the sister go find a different hat what are you screaming at Caleb turn around okay guys what do you think about this hat that's not a hat that's a mask Jesus Joseph I don't want to get scared every time I look at you I mean you have to look at your Mom's big fat ugly scary face every day well is Caleb's mom fat and scary I thought it was just Cody's Mom oh I think Caleb's mom is even fatter than Cody's mom I mean there's not a scale big enough to measure them CU they're both fat not at all yeah but Joseph I definitely think you should change your mask because that is really scary a this is a good mask though all right guys what about this one oh my God that hat is so cool it's a shark and has teeth on it that's so sick wait you really like it dude oh I love it what do you think about it Caleb that hat is badass I want that no you can't have it you have to stick with a stupid little green one H okay you know what how about we play darts for it and whoever wins gets both hats you know what that's not a bad idea let's do it why would you accept that Joseph he was he was trained by Gary The Poon gobler Anderson andersonanderson you bite your tongue nobody Slanders Gary Anderson like that I guess you could call Joseph Gary Sanderson yeah I bring that fire all right let's go play yeah let's play all right guys the rules are you only get one Dart whoever gets the best throw wins who wants to go first let me go first this will be over before it even starts ladies first okay let me just get in the zone think of Gary Anderson Gary Gary Gary Gary Gary no not you not John low H you didn't even hit the board I was too low damn you John low all right Joseph all you have to do is hit the board and you win okay I got this dude think of Gary Gary Gary Gary Gary Gary yes yes yes yes yes yes I get my hat back oh dude I'm so happy I got my hat back oh I got two hats now I can't believe JN low made me lose thanks a lot John no thanks Gary Anderson he's a true king yeah well we all knew that well Cody I like you more with a hat without a hat anyway well look what I I bought a hat you did I sure did who do I look like now uh it looks like your name is Joshua Joshua I don't like it it doesn't fit me how about a Billy hm Billy okay yeah I'm Billy now call me Billy go die Billy yeah die Billy can't yeah I don't want to be Billy all right Joseph are you ready to watch TV oh yeah dude hey which one one of you poor kids wants to make 20 bucks and help me look for something oh me dude me me me I need it I'm so poor I don't have a penny to my name yeah Joseph's really poor okay well then he can help me wait what are you looking for my airpods I've lost them in the street outside why don't you just buy some new ones because my stupid dumb greedy dad grounded me and now he's only giv me $1,000 a day for my allowance and I used to get $50,000 a day but he grounded me cuz he caught me peeing in the water fountain outside our mansion and I was like well if the statue can do it why can't I do it and he grounded me and now I only get $1,000 a day and I've already spent my $1,000 well why don't you just wait for tomorrow to get your other $1,000 ew waiting is for poor people ew poor yeah I guess that is kind of poor all right Joseph go help him look okay dude come on Joey wait wait my name's Joseph ew it's whatever I tell you your name is okay oh where are my airpods at hey Joey have you seen my airpods uh no I don't see them dude well keep looking okay oh where are my airpods I know I'm driving but I need to check my stocks apples made me $10 million today ew poor Richard look out there's a car oh Joseph you you saved my life wait really how will I ever repay you uh money what's up dude what's up Joseph oh nothing much I just saved Richard's life I'm a hero he sure is how will I ever repay you oh you know what I want I want money I'm talking fat stash of cash Guapo I need that bag I'm trying to run it up like a ATM on payday well I don't have any money at least not until tomorrow what tomorrow oh wow I guess I shouldn't have SA saved your life then dude oh it's not like you were in the middle of the road not paying attention to that car when it was coming well the only thing I have are my airpods you can have those ew airpods what is that worth $200 oh I should have saved Jeff bezos's life he probably would have gave me an Amazon truck or something I guess I'll just try it on and see if they work wow I can't even hear the music These airpods suck you don't even have any ears well I have eyes I could see that car before it was about to flatten you like a pancake do you remember that rich Richard yeah yes that's what I thought well is there anything else I can do for you um grapes I want grapes feed me grapes Richard grapes yes grapes Richard did I stutter well you did just then it was for the joke Richard I wanted you to know what a stutter was okay I'll go see if I can find some grapes thank you idiot what Joseph you're being really mean well I could have been way meaner and not saved his life look you know what I'm actually being pretty nice okay all right here's your grapes wow rich Richard are you stupid dumb or stupid those are not grapes those are obviously blue tomatoes those are blueberries those are blue tomatoes I'm sorry I just don't know the difference oh like how you didn't know the difference between a sidewalk in the road when that car was about to steam roll over you yeah I saved your life Richard remember that I'm sorry I'll try to do better next time oh yeah you better do better well what else can I get for you hm how about some a sombrero and a some roller skates yeah why why are you asking why did I asked why you were in the middle of the road Richard when I saved your life huh huh no that's what I thought now get my somero and roller skage yes sir I'm having fun Richard I'm rolling kind of like that car would have rolled over you if I would have saved your life remember that yeah have I paid back my debts uh no record scratch you thought you were going to pay back your debt by getting me roller skates a sombrero airpods and some blue tomatoes oh come on come on respect yourself Richard is your life worth that no exactly now go and put on a dress and uh give me a burger king crown I want to feel like a king yes sir are you happy now Joseph I'm the king of tacos wait don't call me Joseph anymore that was my poor name call me josu Christ since I almost die for the stupid decisions you made okay Joseph Christ nah call me God since I'm the reason you're living I gave you life well at this point I would have almost rather the car just hit me I mean you can go back in the road I I will be there to save your life I am Joseph Christ well I thought you were God I can be whatever I want to be you know what I want to be a pharaoh go and make me a pyramid well how about I just go get cash out of my dad's safe even better all right well how much cash do you want uh I don't know uh can you put a price on your life think about that when you're getting the cash okay Joseph you need to calm down calm down the driver didn't calm down when he had his foot on the pedal you're right H what is the code to my dad's safe oh yeah it's money 66639 I'm only going to take $5,000 he won't notice $5,000 here you go Joseph here's your $5,000 oh man $5,000 this is a lot of money I can buy anything I want wait wait where's your dress I thought I didn't have to wear it anymore since I paid you $5,000 well I thought the driver would have saw you in the middle of the road just standing there but no I had to save your life Joseph Jose look calm down look you got a bunch of money a lot of cool stuff like just leave Richard alone he paid you back okay I guess let's let's go spend your money let's go put it in the bank well put it in the bank no I'm about to blow all of this oh then let's go leave Richard alone okay all right it's time for me to go count the money in my decoy safe my real safe is underneath the house in my bunker it has billions of dollars my decoy safe only has $5,000 my safe someone broke out of my safe and they stole my $5,000 you got to be kidding me I'm going to call the police and when they find out who stole my money I'm going to make sure they get a license they are so done did somebody call officer top and bottom hey hey someone stole $5,000 from my safe oh no looks like somebody broke in the safe and left It Wide Open Out wide open earlier H oh now you're just begging I don't have to beg hey can you guys please stop and figure out who took the money from my safe look that someone came in your back door I came in the back door earlier hey guys there was $5,000 in the safe and now it's not there and I need you to find it let's start looking for some hard evidence ding ding ding I found some hair that ain't my hair I'm all flicked up and shaved down you know I like my Runway clear ready for take off to guys Focus there was $5,000 in the safe now it's not there someone stole it and I need you to figure out who did it oh looks like there's some handprints on this shaft look like we got Thum in common hey all right we're going to take this evidence and we're going to go try to find out who did it hi there young fella we're doing an investigation we're going to give you a cavity search we're going to search you top and bottom and inside and out hey an investigation for what someone done sold a bunch of your daddy's money wait who's his daddy I know who my daddy is hey I didn't steal any money well we found some hair not from that down there it looks like it came from the top of your head which head the one we can see hey I wasn't even at my dad's house you don't have any proof well we found some handprints and not where we like them M looks like we have some new handprints add that to the collection hey okay fine I did it is that what you wanted me to say looks like we finally broke him down want me to break you down later M hey all right I'll grab the handcuffs and we didn't have to take him to dinner Mr Goo you mean Mr Goodman I'm Mr Gman yes you are hey did you guys figure out who stole my money yes we did hey come in here Little Richard you don't have a little Richard hey Richard I can't believe with my own two eyes that my own son would steal from me I'm sorry Dad I just had to pay someone was $1,000 a day not good enough for you I miss my $50,000 a day well all you had to do was wait three more days and you would have been ungrounded can't believe you now you're going to go down to $500 a day $500 a day ew poor I don't want to hear it mister now you get to your arcade and you think about what you did okay Dad well thank you guys for solving the case this case is closed we're going to go open another one hey oh I don't know what arcade game to play oh I guess I'll just learn to be patient and wait for my money every day so guys what do you want to do today I don't know Junior whatever you want to do I don't know dude I think I just want to go home why I don't feel too good well you can go lay in my room no I think I just want to go and lay in the grass get bit by ants Cody that was weird what like he's homeless like why would he want to go home like he has no home to go to well we went to his house at one time yeah and would you want to go there no no I never want to go there again yeah like that's just really weird that Joseph wants to go home like he loves staying here this air condition and food like that's just really weird that he wanted to go home like really bad yeah it's a good point he has nowhere to go I I think I'm going to go follow him okay yeah you want to come with me no no Junior that's weird I I think I'll just stay here in your house while you're not here okay I'm going to go follow him I'll let you know what happens [Music] okay what what's in [Music] [Applause] [Music] here where am I T where's my towel here's your towel sir oh it took so long wait this towel isn't even heated all right sir I'm sorry I'll fetch you another don't even worry about it t I'll just air dry like a poor person God Joseph wait Junior what are you doing here dude I followed you and I went inside the bush and I came out that slide what what J J what is this place uh it's all an imagination dude you're dreaming wake up I'm not dreaming Joseph I followed you I jumped in the same Bush you did and I showed up here in this pool what is this place wait why did you follow me dude I want to know where you always went because why would you want to go home if you're poor but it looks like you're not poor what's going on I guess you found me out look just follow me to one of my rooms and I'll explain okay all right dude this is one of my favorite rooms waa you have a Pac-Man room yeah dude it's not that big of a deal calm down Joseph you said you were poor what's going on yeah remember how I told you my mom won the lottery and abandoned me yeah what she did kind of she won $100 million then bought me a house with a private Butler well then where's your mom I don't know I don't keep up with that woman every time I call her she just sends me money she's probably traveling the world in Fiji or maybe in friends you know show me some love right well Joseph why would you lie to me and say you're poor you could have told us you were Rich because you guys would look at me as the cool friend and then will only like me for my money and then will come to my house and touch my stuff I don't like it when people touch my stuff and I'm pretty humble here's your water sir ew that's Aquafina T oh that's gas station water get me Smart Water I like smart water very well sir come on T you're the fifth one you're Expendable here's your Smart Water sir that's more like it no temperature room temperature but that's how you like it sir that's not what I wanted I wanted boiling water boiling water sir yes but boiling water would burn your mouth sir don't worry about my boiling water don't ask me about what I need very well sir boiling water it is I'm going to call my mom and get you fire ties he's getting old dude well Joseph can I see the rest of your house it's so cool I guess so dude just don't get a hard on all right dude this is my game room and this is my pool table wo you have a pool table yeah no no no no no dang it what's wrong Joseph I had it perfectly aligned and you just had to touch it now it's ruined and I have to sell it you don't have to sell it I do you got your germs on it I'm a germophobe so I didn't want you coming here I'm sorry Joseph oh it's fine but it's not fine but it's fine here's your boiling water sir thank you ties I my mou T I told you it would do that sir you're supposed to stop me for doing that stop I tried sir did you did he do your yeah he tried to stop you just give me a band Den TI I'm sorry sir but what will a Band-Aid do for the inside of your mouth don't question me just give me a Band-Aid it meet me in the operation room you literally just told me to stop you from doing dumb stuff sir just give me a Band-Aid and don't talk back times kill me operation room all right dude this is the operation room I come in here every time I get a boo boo wa this is so cool Joseph yeah all right I'm going to try to get the wishbone out oh man I hate it every time I hit the sh here's your Band-Aid sir it's not open times sh it St it ow sir get it together ties very well sir Joseph you should be nicer to your butler maybe he should be more smart here's your open bandid so thank you CH now try to get the frog out of the guy's throat and if you hit the Sid you're going to get punished do I absolutely have to sir yes you do very [Music] well almost almost there almost suck my butt sir guess who's getting punish that's not fair sir oh it is it's time for bowling chives I hate bowling chives what's bowling chives all right dude every time chives makes me mad I put him in this ball to see if he can knock down the pins I hate my life s you should learn to listen next time what Joseph this is really mean do you want to get in the ball Junior no all right help me push it strike that's so cool we should go check on chives why to make sure he's okay I guess oh are you okay ties I threw up Sir you better clean up my ball very well sir now did you learn your lesson I don't quite understand what I did wrong sir well go and get me some Oreos and think about what you did wrong while we play basketball very well sir all right let's go and play Pig Dude all right dude over there's my basketball court and this is my even bigger pool table wo you have an even bigger pool table yeah no no no no no don't what what I had it perfectly aligned you just had to ruin it now I have to sell it I'm sorry Joseph you don't have to keep selling them don't worry about it dude let's just go and play basketball let's just play basketball okay all right dude we're going to play Pig we're going to play Cody's mom yeah I bet you I can make it you can't make it from back here dude watch me yeah I got you dude try to C be that off the backboard off of my stupid Butler's face and then in but we should check on your butler no dude try to copy it okay wow dude you shuck you got to pee well yeah I guess I got a pee well charge where's my Oreos we knocked charge out with the basketball sleeping on the JW Char pitiful I'm going call my mom I don't think he's doing okay oh dude let's go inside it's getting dark okay all right dude this is my movie theater you have a movie theater yeah I come in here to play video games and watch movies that's so cool I know right I think I have a concussion sir a whose fault is that look who's the butler me or you me sir so deal with it all right is there anything I can get you before I die H how about Donuts very well sir Joseph can we watch a movie no I don't want you touching my chairs dude okay ooh I wanted to show you the world's biggest word shirts come here dude okay boom it's a certificate from the Guinness Book of World Records it's the largest word search puzzle and it has 62,500 letters over 10,000 words the only word that's not on here is poor cuz I'm not it it's so cool j it's so big I know here's your Donuts sir wait I didn't ask for donuts you literally just asked for donuts sir well you must be getting Alzheimer's cuz you're obviously forgetting I asked for a Whopper from Burger King my bad bad my ears must just not work anymore from all the yelling you do at me well get them fit so what do you want to do now Joseph oh you want to see another room dude yeah sure follow me all right dude this is my Monopoly room wa that's so cool you have a monopoly room that's awesome yeah and the gel is over there I throw chives in it whenever he makes me mad here you are sir here's your waa from the king of burgers wow really T really wow what's wrong with you I can't even begin to Fathom what could possibly be wrong now sir I'll give you a hint where's the french fries fries sir yes you can't eat a burger without fries you didn't ask for any fries sir wait wait what was that say it in my good ear cuz it sounds like you're talking bad you didn't ask for any fries sir jail you know what go to jail I'm I'm not going in there oh yes you are for talking back to me T not going to jail for 30 minutes you want to know how I feel about you sir what explain how you feel then show me how you feel oh no you've done it now T now go in jail for an hour I would like to quit sir oh you're going to quit then how are you going to feed your family huh huh at this point I would rather than starve sir go in the jail you're going to starve today oh show me another room jph yeah come on all right dude this is the laser tag room that's so cool you have a laser tag room I know dude I sleep in here sometimes and if I ever get a girl in here we're going to try to do stuff without touching the lasers that's so awesome I'm going try to touch the laser well no don't do it I told you not to touch the lasers dude I I'm sorry I didn't know I want a Fruit by the Foot ch ch where's CH you s him to jail remember oh gosh let's go and get them out cuz I got locked up they won't let me out are you singing Aon again CH yes sir I called your name so many times and you didn't answer because you sent me to jail for an hour sir well get your bald 80y old butt out of there and get me some Fruit by the Foot very well sir all right dude this is my Vegas room I come in here to gamble all my money on me that's so cool I love how red it is oh yeah me too dude here's your fruit by the meter sir I took the liberty of unwrapping it for you now would you like me to eat it for you as well sir no I think you're just trying to be a smart butt no sir I'm just trying to cover all my bases before I wind up in closet prison again give me my candy so good dude I love it I'm choking I'm choking I hope you choke to death you disgusting little tur I was faking it I wasn't really choking I wanted to see if you would save me and you didn't so you're fired I'm free I'm finally free you really just fired chives yeah I can get another one like tomorrow dude I'mma call my mom okay Joseph are you really calling your mom yeah she answers hello Joseph mommy's getting her nose job right now oh hey Mommy I had to fire Char why Joseph because he doesn't listen well you can't keep firing your Butlers Joseph they're very hard to find well maybe if you came home and took care of your son like a real mom I wouldn't have to hire a butler okay Joseph how much money do you want 50,000 okay baby I transfer it to your account okay fine all right Mommy's got to go cuz the ANS just kicking in love you bye whatever what' she say I don't know I hate that woman well I really love your house Joseph yeah but it's not an easy Life to Live dude I think you should go home okay I promise I won't tell Cody I won't tell Shep I won't tell anyone about this oh don't worry about it dude look into this for me [Music] okay so guys what do you want to do today I don't know Junior whatever you want to do you know what guys I am so poor I am the poorest person here and no one would ever be as poor as me we we understand Joseph we understand you're poor yeah we get it stop bragging yeah yeah you're poor we get it I'm just making sure everything's back to normal oh man Joseph I can't believe we're at a skate Paro I know dude skateboarding is so fun and easy really yeah dude they used to call me Joseph Hawk yeah you know cuz Tony Hawk that's my dad he just doesn't come and see me or pay child support but I'm going to go ahead and go down oh man he made it look so easy I'm going to try it wa dude you wiped out shut up Joseph it's my first time oh I can tell but dude look it happens to everybody everybody who sucks dude watch me go and grind on this rail watch me do this grind dude ha Joseph see look you wiped out so you suck too no you don't dude there was a fly in my face and and gum on the rail I don't see gum on the rail look shut up dude I'm the best skater ever my dad's Tony Hawk and I'm going prove it to you by doing the sickest move in the book The Hardest move what's the hardest move the 360 varum MC twist is it hard is it hard is it hard dude look three people tried it and 299 people have died how' that many people die if only three people tried it the dude tried it with a chain Shaw and firing in the AK he was doing too much but look I'm a I'm a stick to Landing watch me dude get my board dude I'm so ready so Joseph how you going to do this trick again okay dude I'mma go down this ramp and then go up that ramp a popping Ali 360 spin and then do two back flips while I stick the landing and steal all the babes Joseph that sounds impossible dude impossible is my middle name that's why they called me Joseph impossible hwk I thought your name was Joseph his friend from school yeah I legally changed it so I can make friends watch me do the trick dude oh oh dude Joseph are you okay oh no my back oh Joseph you broke your shell wait what my shell yeah it's shattered oh no dude take me to the hospital fast do you have health insurance no no dude I'm poor okay I'm going to take you to my house J we're going get you some help we're some help okay dude dude I made so much pain I can see that why aren't you doing something dude you want a Cheeto no I don't want a Cheeto dude I want a doctor you don't have health insurance Joseph a doctor won't see you well maybe he'll do it for free let me FaceTime him and see hurry up please hey there somebody FaceTime a doctor uh Hey doctor um I was calling cuz I have a few questions about my friend okay what's going on well uh he was skateboarding and he did a sick trick and he landed on his shell and he broke it ouch that sounds like it hurts uh Joseph does it hurt dude I'm in so much pain yeah it hurts yeah well I said it sounded like it hurt so I'm not surprised yeah so can you fix him well yeah sure I can just give him a new shell you know make him nice and shiny and uh he'll be good as new you know of course as long as he has health insurance but I mean who doesn't have health insurance right uh he doesn't have health insurance oh but I can pay you in Cheetos yeah yeah sorry that that that's not going to work my I I can't pay my bills with Cheetos wait wait what kind uh they're crunchy yeah see that's not going to work my electric company only takes flaming hot Cheetos of puffy Cheetos not not crunchy oh so you can't help him no but I mean you can find a good doctor on Craigslist there's a ton of good doctors on there well maybe I can find your mom on Craigs List you little BR is talking about my mother put your face near the phone so I can pretend I'm punching you okay dude guess what Joseph I went on Craigslist and I found you doctor wait you did he's right here dude that's a clown screw ball his name's screw ball and unlike the other doctor he will get paid in Cheetos mhm so pay up oh you missed well anyway he can make you a new shell wait really you can make him a new shell right yep I already did it's right here who Joseph look at your new shell wait wait dude it's a balloon look just be grateful and try it on okay do you love it no dude it's a b balloon it doesn't fit I need an actual shell can you make an actual shell mm-m where are my Cheetos here's your payment so you don't like your shell no I don't like my shell well I don't I don't know what to do Joseph you have to accept your balloon shell cuz I don't know anyone El going to give you a shell dude I need an actual shell do I would do anything for a Shelly oh no the devil what are you doing here I heard didn't say he would do anything for a new shell wait wait I didn't say that Joseph don't lie you said it nobody lik Liars okay I said it dude you said it so what would you have to do for a new shell all he would have to do is just give me his soul hey wait my soul that's it Joseph you actually give him your soul yeah I'll give him my soul I'm not using it what do I need it for let's do it okay what type of shell would you like you could get one with spikes on it oo a spiky one or one with built-in speakers speakers I like that wait I can customize it yeah this is Pimp My Shell I like this um how how about a red one oh I like a red one yeah I know it's going to be cool ooh a red one with wings oh yeah with wings yeah o a red one with wings and can I get red shoes to match okay is there anything else you like no that's it this is going to be cool all right here you go BL hey a dude wait Joseph did you say the s word no I said a dude oh okay I thought you said a bad word I was going to have to go tell my mommy no no anyway J that's a cool new shell I know dude it's so red and it has wings yeah wait what it has wings no a what's wrong Joseph I didn't want wings I wanted a plate of wings I'm hungry oh well then you should have specified too bad anyway thanks for the soul see you later literally oh wait are you going to eat this Cheeto no you can have it thanks oh man Joseph your new shell is so cool I know dude and it's so much better than yours wait what yeah dude mine is new red and it has wings look yours is just old green and ugly well yours used to be green yeah used to be and then I got cooler and I got a new shell with wings I can fly Joseph you can't fly the hand that's controlling you is just hovering shut up dude stop hating on my new shell why are you so jealous I'm not jealous of your new shell Jo you're just acting mean I'm not acting mean stop being sensitive well you insulted my shell because you got a new one it's just old and spiky nobody likes spikes anymore well you're just stupid yours has wings what are you in a Red Bull commercial look look I'm just going to go and find some new friends since you're so jealous of my new shell well I'm not jealous of it that that shell changed you oh it changed me n it just changed the friends around me no no you know what Joseph you're stupid you're not even flying you're just you're just doing this and shut up Joseph I'm going to call Cody hey Junior what's up hey Cody Joseph a stupid poopy butt face why is Joseph a stupid poopy butt face because he broke his shell and he got a new one and he thinks he's so cool how'd he break his shell we were at the skate park and he was doing a really cool trick but he landed on the shell and he broke it ouch yeah ouch but then he made a deal with the devil and he sold his soul for a new shell that doesn't sound like a good deal well his new Shell's red and it has wings that does sound pretty cool it's so cool Cody but but Joseph's acting really mean well how mean is he acting what's up dork wait wait are you talking to Cody on the phone are you telling him how dorky you are no we're talking about how you're so stinky stinky really Junior shut up Cody I got this wow your insults are just like your shell bad good one dude yeah y was good thanks guys Joseph who are those people oh they're my new friends this is goons what's your dude and this is my other friend bully Bill up yeah they like me they're not jealous of my shell like you are I'm not jealous of your shell your shell is really stupid no it's not my shell is new Isn't it nice guys yeah I like it yeah it's cool see they like it they're not jealous yours is just old greasy dirty it should it belongs in the dumpster that's what it should be you know what Joseph you need to get punched in the face no uhuh H you can't reach me cuz I got Wings hey guys how about we jump them let's show them some power yeah let's leave guys Cody why don't you have my back what Cody uh sorry Junior I I was in the bathroom but I didn't want to take the phone in there because I didn't want you to be shocked by how big it is well Cody I just got beat up by Joseph and his new friends oh that sucks sorry I missed it well why didn't you get have my back why didn't you fight him back well Junior I couldn't help you anyway I'm on a phone well did you see how mean Jose is being well I didn't really see anything cuz the camera's facing the couch but I heard him and he sounded like a jerk yeah he's acting really mean so so how do I get the old Joseph back I miss Joseph with his old Shell well I think what you have to do is break his new shell break his new shell that that could hurt him what what if I sell my soul to the devil and I get an even cooler shell than his no no Junior that's stupid just break his new shell and then he won't think he's cool anymore and he'll stop being a jerk I guess you're right Cody I'm going to go break Joseph's New Shell okay I just finished my birdhouse now I'm going to tell Joseph that I got him a gift and when he comes and sees it I'm going to hit him in the Shell with his hammer and break it it's perfect dude this is so much fun Hey jph ow I'm playing with your Aus wait what do you want dork what are you guys doing in my playroom playing with your toys what are you going to do about it it's three against one well uh Joseph I came here because I made you and I'm sorry for being jealous gift see guys I knew you was jealous I told you well I'm not je I mean I am really jealous of your new shell so I made you a gift to say I'm sorry so uh come in the kitchen I want to show it to you I guess I could come and see what it is look guys this dork wants to show me something I'll be right back okay all right all right dude what's the stupid gift you made me well since you have wings and you fly around I made you a bird housee wait my own house yeah you know you fly around so I thought why don't you live in a bird house dude I haven't lived in a house years wow you are a best friend wait I'm your best friend yeah dude you're my best friend like who makes a house for someone what about those other friends you have they're not really my friends dude they just like me for my shell oh well I mean I was going to break your shell with this Hammer because you're being really mean but I guess I don't have to do that now dude you're my best friend look you don't have to break my shell look I'll fly you around how about that come on okay oh man Joseph I'm so glad we're best friends again me too dude I was so afraid you weren't going to be my friend anymore because then I'd have to hang out with Cody oh dude that sounds awful I know right yeah jenor you never hung up so guys what do you want to do today we could watch Disney plus they got recess on that mother Schmucker recess yeah I love that show who doesn't Junior ooh ooh do they have Brandy and Mr Whiskers I have no idea oh it's okay if they don't I have the complete DVD box set ooh the complete series uh-huh well then that's what we're doing today fire up the DVD player and get out that lotion yeah that dog was so hot the things I do to her yeah I throw her a bone if you know what I mean and I'm not even into girls guys I'm sad what's wrong Joseph do you not have Disney plus no I'm poor dude but that's not the point there something wrong with my fish I think it's sick you have a pet fish yeah it's something wrong with it though dude well then go get your fish and we'll tell you if there's something wrong with it oh okay I didn't know you had a pet fish yeah I didn't either all right guys this is my pet fish Mr splashy and I think he's sick because normally he'll be swimming around moving doing stuff but he's not doing anything oh something's wrong guys do you know what's wrong Junior that fish is dead yeah I don't know how to tell him well do you want to tell him or should I I guess I'll tell in a nice way okay oh Mr splashy whoa Joseph cool dead fish huh smooth Junior dude he's not dead well then why is he a skeleton dude he say skinny he's on a diet well what are you feeding him his fish food duh Joseph those are sprinkles dude that's what he eat well I'm pretty sure fish aren't supposed to eat rainbow jimmies well Mr Splash he eat rain jimmies see yeah yeah he's really going to town on those sprinkles huh yeah yeah he's not eating them Joseph dude I know that's the problem something's wrong well why is there only like a little bit of water in his bowl dude I didn't want him to drown duh he's a fish yeah he needs water how do you get the name Mr splashy dude he splashes water everywhere that's why I had to take some water out well that was probably because he was too big for the bowl yeah so where'd you get him at he's like a really big fish dude I found him in a leg I captured him with my mouth like a big you know honestly it's a miracle this fish lasted as long as he did yeah yeah this fish is dead Joseph you need you need to bury him dude he's not dead please just call a vet or something okay I guess we'll call a vet so the vet can tell you that he's dead he's not dead hey there somebody call a vet yeah we did wait what's on your shirt oh oh you got me good oh you little turd you little rascal can't believe I fell for that it's embarrassing yeah yeah but seriously what's on your shirt well no I'm not falling for that again but it's cat blood but cat blood yeah you ever tried to neuter a cat while it's still awake yeah well I have and let me just tell you that's what I get for not using anesthesia anyway what's your animal emergency I mean I know you're all animals but which one needs the help well my friend has his pet fish and he thinks it's sick so can you tell us what's wrong with it okay where's the fish it it it's the skeleton oh the bones Oh I thought that was like a spooky Fishbowl decoration or something like maybe bubbles come out of his mouth no no no the fish is the skeleton bones oh I don't really know what to tell you kid he's dead he's not dead well yeah he is no he's not dude he's alive okay he thinks his fish is alive so uh what's another word You' use for dead well I would say he's not alive dude he is alive he's just sick you don't know what you're talking about okay okay Mr vet what what do you think went wrong here well it looks like he doesn't have enough water in the bowl and the bowl is too small and it looks like he's been feeding him cupcake sprinkles so that's three big no no right there yeah yes so what would you suggest him do right now with the fish well I would suggest that he probably buries the fish or flushes it down the toilet and then never bu buys another fish again cuz he sucks at being a pet owner dude I'm not going to bury it he's still alive well you heard him Joseph you need to flush him or bury him cuz he's dead no he's not dead He's Alive dude Joseph he's not alive dude you're just mad because Ken's not alive yes he is Joseph you know what I I don't have to listen to this I'm going well you forgot your your cupcake sprinkles for your fish okay Cody we have to do something cuz that's really weird he's like obsessing over that stupid fish oh what do we do junior I have an idea follow me Cody okay Mr splashy please eat your sprinkles hey Joseph look what we got you what a new fish yeah Joseph look see how he moves around and is alive I don't want a new fish my fish is fine Mr Splash is just a little shck but but Joseph look at this fish look he moves around and and doesn't look like a skeleton look I don't care just leave me and Mr splashy alone okay Joseph your fish is dead look he's not dead He's Just sh Joseph who could tell you that your fish is dead that you'd actually believe them maybe God if if God told me then I have to believe him right okay fine let me go call God what yeah I have God's number how did you get God's number well me and him are are cool we're tight well don't you think that could have come in handy many times in the past I don't like to bother him because you know he's God Joseph stop feeding that fish he's hungry let me call God real quick oh come on Mr splashy come on God please answer what's up Ken hello this is God I'm kind of busy right now what do you want oh hey God it's me Junior yeah great I'm playing fortnite right now oh fortnite yeah I'm in a squad I got like six kills a sniper snip what we got him it's fine what I wasn't talking to you I was talking to the squad oh wait wait wait wait how many squads are left like eight what do you want you want your favorite sports team to win or win the lottery just what spin it out oh okay my friend Joseph has like a pet fish and it died and um he doesn't believe it's dead unless you come down and tell him it's dead yeah okay uh do you want me to do that like like today does it have to be like right now yeah like it'd be good if you do it right now cuz he's kind of upset about it all right fine just just hold on guys hold on I'm going to hide behind this tree real quick just just make sure nothing happens to me okay I'm serious if something happens to me I'm going to delete this whole game from existence all right all right kid come on hurry up we got to go right now hurry hurry okay come on Mr splashy please start splashing all right let's get this over with where's the kid you the kid God is that you yeah it's me hey you want me to sign something you got a pen or let's hurry this up no God God God all you have to do is tell him that his fish is dead which one the the Dead one yeah it's dead it's very dead my fish is dead yeah woohooo it's very sad we done here is she in heaven what the fish would yeah yeah yeah he is in heaven I I actually saw him on the way down he said to tell you hi he said please tell Jack I said hi Joseph Joseph Joseph it was Joseph he he did he did say Joseph yeah oh well you tell tell him I love him uh yeah no he he knows yeah he know he knows he's he's looking down on us right now he's he's smiling down on us with his fish smile are we done or what oh wait one more thing God uh is my mom ever going to come back no uh anyway bye Jack oh bye Cody all right Joseph you just heard from God that your fish is dead so get over it I can't believe he's dead I can't believe God knows my name that's sick I chill with God what do you think his gamertag is it's probably God oh yeah he probably got the first one yeah he can do whatever he wants he's God hey dude do you think he can bring my fish back to life no because the God is extremely busy and he probably doesn't want to bring back your stupid fish and it's probably against his rules to bring back stuff that die but but he's god dude I know but look Joseph look your fish is dead you said if you heard from God you get over it and look we got you a new fish so play with the new fish I don't want to play with that fish I want my fish well if he doesn't want this fish I'll take it yes it's it's a perfectly good fish but Cody Joseph is still upset about that dumb fish we have to help him get over it okay come on what is he doing I don't know he's he's being really weird he's scaring me is is that even English I don't think so Junior this is not normal yeah this is not normal we need to stop him juh oh I'm sorry dude you caught me being weird yeah Joseph you're being really weird you're doing all this over a fish but I love him Jose I don't even think fish have feelings it's not like it's a dog or something I wouldn't even do this over a dog or any animal or I wouldn't even do this if you died well dude I don't know how to let go though dude it's real simple Joseph look what we do is we put him in the toilet and we flush him down it is it really that simple yeah I'll do it right now give it to me I'll do it right now okay dude oh you down you down let's do it come on let's go flush him okay all right Cody do you want to do the honors oh yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Joseph is there anything you want to say to your stupid dead fish before you flush him down the drain he goes in the sewer yeah oh Mr fishy you're the best fish your boy could ever ask for oh we had so many boring no Mr FY please don't go down no Mr fishy [Music] please wa he's too big try again try again try no no stop stop it no Mr FY swim Mr fishy swim he's not going down okay grab a hammer I'm going to break him into pieces no no no break them why don't we just take him to the ocean to the ocean yeah throw him in the ocean okay Joseph we're going to go release him in the ocean I I can't go though why because I sunburn really easily so just go on without me okay come on Joseph grab your fish I pee in there so I don't touch it you grab it and let's go to the ocean all right Joseph throw Mr splashy in the ocean so we can rest in peace cuz that's where he belongs okay Mr splashy are you ready to go back home Goodbye Mr splashy I'mma miss you well Joseph look he's he's he's back where he came from and he's happy now he can rest in peace let's go I hope he's happy so Joseph you feel a lot better now oh yeah dude I feel a lot better thanks for helping me out bro hey guys oh what's up God oh hey I just wanted to apologize for how I acted earlier I was in a rush with fortnite and all that oh did you win oh no we came in third but you know what they say first is the worst second is the best third is the one with the hairy chest and it is it is very hairy oh Why'd You Come In third lag you know you get really bad signal when you actually live in a cloud it's like plain Wi-Fi but even worse oh well U well yeah we understand Joseph's over his uh fish now so everything's fine now oh really well I was actually just coming here to offer to bring your fish back to life wait really yeah yeah I can do it but I do need the body though so if you can get me that I'll go ahead and get started splashy where's he going Mr splashy I'm coming for you so Cody what do you want to do today I don't know I'm hungry for spaghetti ow Junior stop eating my hair it tastes like spaghetti hey guys check out my new girlfriend her name's tequita quesadilla rice and beans cheese dip Hot Plate wao she's so hot I know and her parents own a Mexican restaurant and I get to eat there for free Kiss Me Baby you guys make out yeah we get the kiss all the time why don't you kiss girls huh uh I do kiss girls I just don't have a girlfriend right now I never seen you kiss a girl in your life dude well I've kissed plenty of girls Cody tell them about all the girls I kissed Junior I've never seen you kiss a girl I have kissed a girl dude I've never seen you kissed a girl in your life see I've even seen Cody kissed a girl before yeah my mom but she's like a sex well I've kissed a girl before dude talk to me when you actually kissed a girl come on taquita let's go to your Mexican restaurant I've kissed a girl before Cody I I've kissed girls I promise can you help me kiss another girl Junior I kiss boys I don't know anything about kissing girls but Cody you know how to kiss guys so so maybe it's like the same thing with kissing girls right so so just teach me how to kiss a girl please okay fine let's go to the park that's where girls are okay all right Junior there's a girl so I just run up and kiss her no you have to have consent first so I ask her will you kiss me no you have to have a conversation with her make her like you okay I got this uh hey hi you like ducks no I wish my face was that duck what will you kiss me no ew what' I do wrong Cody well a lot you were being weird how was I being weird I tried to have a conversation with our ask her if she like ducks okay let's just try somebody else um there's a girl over there riding a two can okay go talk to her and don't be weird this time should I ask her on a date yes yes that's good a date could lead to a kiss all right I'm going ask her on a date hey hi you like two cans yeah they're really cool I see two cans I like Junior I mean I wish that twocan was my face Junior shut up I mean would you like to go on a date with me tonight sure meet me at the movies at 8 okay uh we will we we will I mean I will not me and Cody just me wait what movie what theater Junior you have the date let's just go okay all right Junior there she is oh I'm totally going to kiss her tonight oh don't forget your Chapstick I'm not hungry you don't eat chapstick what are you supposed to do with it you put it on your lips so they don't get chapped that sounds like you're eating it you don't eat it just hurry up and use it but don't hold it like that like what that's weird why but the way you're holding it looks weird Junior just don't be lame use it okay I'll put it on real quick you're not supposed to bite it it's going everywhere it's like really gross Junior what are you doing uh uh putting on ChapStick weird seeing you here uh we have a date oh oh yeah that's that's what that was um so do you come to the movies often yeah I have a movie pass that's dope hey Junior if you need more chapstick just bend over and get it I don't need anymore um so you like popcorn yeah it's my favorite yeah I saw you got the large that's a lot of money um why why do you think it's called popcorn it doesn't pop when I eat it it pops when it Cooks oh that's dope that's lit that that's facts um why is it called popcorn though oh cuz it's yellow like corn that makes sense well because it's corn kernels yeah it's made from corn oh yeah that's that's right on that's I'm getting nervous I need more chaps Junior what are you doing I got my mouth um uh you want to make out oh no I don't even know you she said no Cody well yeah you barely talked to her well I know how she'll kiss me I know a guaranteed way I'll pay you $5 if you kiss me okay she kissed me I got my first kiss Junior that doesn't count you paid her well no she kissed me on the first date what a hoe I mean I guess so look we can go tell Joseph that I kissed a girl and you witness it right okay let's go oh these chips are so good baby chips and Sala mhm guess what Joseph I kissed a girl what no way dude yeah I did and Cody saw the whole thing tell him about it Cody yeah he kissed a girl but he had to pay her $5 you had to pay her $5 dude what a loser my girlfriend pays me a Mexican food to kiss her well I still kissed a girl so in your face dude that's probably the last girl that you'll ever kiss well how many girls have you kissed I've kissed five well I bet I can kiss six by the end of the day dude that's impossible even if you paid them well I already kissed one girl today so I just have to kiss five more you know what if you actually pull this off dude uh I guess we'll let you eat at her parents Mexican restaurant for free for a month a month of free Mexican food that's a pretty good deal Junior you're on Joseph I'm going to do it okay that's a deal dude come on baby let's go and get some burritos Cody how am I going to kiss five more girls today I don't know you don't have $30 who says I have to pay them let's be honest Junior you're going to have to pay him you're right where am I going to get the money at H junor I'll give you $5 every time you kiss me ew why would I want to kiss you cuz it's hot and also if you get free Mexican food then I can have some cuz you're going to take me so kiss me Junior okay fine but I'm only doing it for the money yay I like that that was hot see you soon Daddy see you [Music] soon [Music] [Music] n [Music] all right Cody all I have to do is kiss one more girl and then we get free Mexican food for a month so kiss me ew no Junior what's wrong with your mouth what's wrong with my mouth it's a magnet for girls lips that's what's wrong with it no there's like little red bumps all over it but they're probably just pimples hurry up and kiss me no that's gross Junior I think you have a disease I don't have a disease Cody I just have to kiss one more girl come on I think you should see a doctor a doctor no look I'll go ask Chef peipi what they are they're probably just pimples well shef peipe is not a doctor well he still knows more than us so I'm going to go ask him cuz he's an adult oh man I can't wait to eat my cinnamon roll and it's only for me wait Chef peipi do I smell cinnamon rolls you made cinnamon rolls can I have one no oh God well can you cut it in half and we share it no wait Junior what's wrong with your mouth oh I have all these red bumps on my mouth what's wrong with it I don't know you tell me well I've been kissing a bunch of girls you've been kissing a bunch of girls junior you can have a disease what kind of disease a ktd what's a ktd it's a kiss transmitted disease Junior wait what's that is it bad is it serious yes it's from kissing all those girls you should call a doctor Junior a doctor okay I'll call a doctor Chef peipi what Chef peipi say oh he said to call a doctor that's exactly what I said no you didn't say that that's word for word no no that's not what you said that's exactly that's not what you said that's not what you said that's not what you said that's what you okay just leave Junior I'll call you when I figure it out thank you let me call a doctor hey there you call a doctor yes doctor I have these red bumps all over my mouth wa kid what have you been doing I've been with a lot of girls yeah I've been there those were my college days yep I had bumps exactly like that just not on my mouth how'd you get rid of them oh I didn't yeah no they just come back sometimes and some sometimes they go away you just kind of learn to live with it well there's no cure no believe me I've looked why do you think I became a doctor I don't want to have bumpy mouth for the rest of my life huh bumpy mouth that's a new name for it well well I wouldn't have been with those girls if I would have KNN I got bumped on my mouth well how many girls you been with five today my man there you go pimp I wish I could be with five girls in one day well it wasn't easy I had to pay them yeah I'm sorry what yeah I had to pay them they weren't going to do it for free okay that's illegal it's illegal to pay yes it's illegal to do that no you can't you can't do that I didn't know it was illegal they seem so happy when I pay them yeah I I'm sure they were listen kid I'm a cop I could arrest you for that but I'll just let you off with the warning this time I have to do one more girl today so I can get free Mexican food for a month free Mexican food what give me her number that sounds like a great deal oh she's with my friend what yeah so look I just have to I just have to do it with one more girl and then I get free Mexican food so so please let me do it one more time no no no no no kid you can't do that ever again I don't want to catch you doing that again you're going to be in big trouble well how am I supposed to get him to do it if I don't pay him well you can't kid you're just going to have to like talk to him and stuff I tried that and the girl said no I even took one girl to the movies and she said no yeah it'd be like that I just I just really need a girl to do it real quick no no kid you can't do that ever again okay stop it don't pay money for that ever again you're in trouble okay I just have to pay one more girl and I get free Mexican food I'm going to do it all right is my mic working okay we're going to bust this guy oh he's coming be cool be cool hey big boy hey baby hey yeah you looking for something uh yeah I'm looking to exchange money for services okay what are you looking for uh mouth oh okay that'll be 50 bucks 50 bucks I usually only pay $5 $5 what kind of girls have you been seeing that's why you got bumps all over your mouth well look all I got is $5 I'll be quick I won't last long okay I'll take the five but say say what you're doing again I'm paying you $5 for for the mouth okay okay that's good that's good okay so you want to do it right here what out here in public what are you crazy yeah just do it right here thank you no no no no no get back here where was it that I just paid you for a kiss what for for a kiss yeah I paid you $5 for a kiss what do you think I was buying uh uh I I don't I look you're under arrest wait you're a cop yeah yeah you you paid for kisses and that's that's illegal I guess well what about kissing booth well that's I don't know but you're under arrest you coming with me all right kid we're going downtown but first I'm going to read you your Miranda Rights who's Miranda will she kiss me down boy Jesus hey Junior did you kiss the girls yet wait why are you getting arrested dude because I was undercover as a girl and your friend here was trying to pay me to get under covers with him dude all you had to do is Kiss the Girls nothing more well I did get a kiss he just think something else happening well I find it very unlikely that you went through all that trouble for a kiss well I just need one more kiss and I get free Mexican food yeah and you keep saying that and I feel like it's slang for something dirty but Joseph explain it to him look we had a bet that if he kissed six girls in one day he could get free Mexican food for a month oh so this is just like a silly bet between kids yeah and now I have bumps on my mouth wait a minute like I kissed you which means I'm going to get bumps on my mouth oh no Karen get the mouthwash so Joseph technically I kissed six girls cuz he was dressed like a girl so where's my free Mexican food dude she broke up with me what she broke up with you why yeah she said she was going to get with someone better what was it Roy no I wish it was Roy man I would love to see this Loser yeah who is the new guy Ola Muchachos Cody yeah sorry for stealing your girlfriend Joseph I mean I'm ganging all but free Mexican food's free Mexican food but why does she want to be with you what can I say guys Poppy's got a big hug come on baby let's go slam some queso G dip to rice and beans what are we going to do now Joseph well I'm going to go home and cry dude okay wait oh my God he forgot to take the handcuffs off help help I'm in handcuffs help hey there big boy oh no dear God help help I got nothing to do today this is the most insignificant day of the whole year as a matter of fact I got nothing going on this whole week hey Dad oh hey Penelope what do you want so what are you doing today um this do you know what today is uh Wednesday dad oh no no no you're right you're right it's not Wednesday it's Thursday oh my God you forgot it's my birthday but today's not your birthday your birthday's not until April 17th no it's not oh no that was my girlfriend in College's birthday oh she was a freak I wonder what she's up to ew Dad look I I didn't forget your birthday okay I remembered okay so what did you get me um what what did you want oh my God you forgot no I no I didn't forget I just want to make sure you remember what you wanted so let's say it on the count of three okay 3 2 1ox an Xbox you're a girl you don't play video games dad that's sexist hey you shouldn't even know what sex is until you're 40 dad girls can play video games too don't mean you're good at them what well then I got you you stupid Xbox okay don't worry about it okay well can I have it now well you can't have it until your birthday it is my birthday well you can't have it until later tonight it's night time well give me 10 minutes I got to rrap it first a fine oh crap I didn't get her anything for her birthday she's going to be so pissed where am I going to find an Xbox at this time I got to call my brother Jonathan he's a nerd come on answer the phone answer the phone the one time I actually decide to call you hello do I want to know why you're out of breath I you put my sock away ew what I was just doing laundry I just finished a huge load yeah okay look I I just wanted to know if you have one of the new Xboxes the new Xbox this showed out everywhere bro okay cool do you have one I mean I have something that's very similar what what what do you have I may just happen to have a replica Xbox mini fridge what a fridge what does it play video games well it does if you use your imagination well does it look like an Xbox oh yeah it looks exactly the same okay good enough that'll do bring it over nuh uh-uh what's in it for me well I I don't know what do you want I want your wife to tell me she loves me well I can't do that well no you okay fine I'll do it hold on honey can you get in here what do you want Bo I need you to tell my brother that you love him oh okay Jonathan I love you so much guy I just finished another huge load ew just come over don't come downstairs Penelope I got it you're grounded if you come downstairs hello hey I got your package now ask your wife if she wants mine thanks Jonathan bye what you not going to invite me in oh my God it looks perfect as long as she doesn't see the Box she'll never even know all right time to go be the best dad ever there you go Penelope here's your real Xbox that I paid for with my money and it's real oh my god dad you really got it for me I thought you were lying no I would never lie to my little princess Dad this is the most amazing gift ever but where's the controller what controller I oh no no I I couldn't get a controller it didn't come with with a controller no you're going to have to wait till your next birthday for a controller I have to wait a whole year before I can play with it now that's just ungrateful I already got you this big old Xbox what is this on the side what I don't oh it's a refrigerator oh that that's how special you are cuz cuz it's an Xbox and refrigerator most kids don't have that oh my God I knew you were lying and I knew you forgot I can't believe you didn't get me an Xbox no no no no no um um April fools it's just an April fools joke see cuz I I thought you birthday was in April so I did an April Fool's joke early too I I I got I got you a real Xbox just um give me 10 minutes and I I I need this back no what am I going to do what am I going to do where am I going to find an Xbox at this time of night oh I know I could dress up like a cop and then I could go to random people's houses and then tell them I have a search warrant and search the house until I find a house that has an Xbox and just take it yeah I'll do that oh no the storm's closing I got to build bandage J oh I'm getting shot at oh I died Junior shouldn't we be playing a two-player game yeah dude you guys don't like watching me play fortnite by myself no no it's not P of you I'm sorry what it's not P yeah it's not P of him what P like urine no no no no he's not pushing P dude pushing P why would he have to push P does he have a UTI or like a kidney stone he has to push it out no gross nothing like that look he's not sharing the controller so he's not pushing P dude I don't I don't understand P if you don't understand P then you're not P yourself I I guess I'm not p i mean there's 25 other letters I could be maybe I'm o or q but I'm not P well if you're not pushing P I'm definitely pushing a few letters I'm pushing YX A and B on this controller what who's that uh hello the cops what are you doing here hey kid do you have one of those new Xboxes uh yeah I'm playing it right now well I have a search warrant to search a house then cuz I heard there was all kinds of illegal stuff in here it's uh it's one of those um what what the kids call it oh a trap house that's what this is well it's not a trap house there's no illegal stuff in here that's exactly what a guilty person would say I'm coming in hey dude who was at the door oh it's the cops oh well Cody's in the bathroom okay oh man based on what I'm seeing here there must be a lot of illegal activity going on oh wow just cuz you see a black person you assume illegal activity oh no no no no no no no oh my God no that's not what I meant see I I lied I don't even have a warrant please don't tell my boss what are you doing here then I I just wanted to hang out you know oh this is a really nice Xbox oh yeah I love my Xbox I love playing video games I just wish I had new games because games are so expensive and I can't afford them oh yeah well what if I told you I could get you a hacked Xbox that has all the games on it for free and you get all the new games when they come out for free too really yeah yeah I have it in my car so if you let me take this one I'll get you the hack Xbox I want the Hacked Xbox then we can have two-player games and we all can play together you can take this Xbox as long as you give me the Hacked one okay okay I'll be right back okay yeah there you go there's your hacked Xbox oh my God it's so big well it has to be to fit all those games in there dude he wasn't lying he's totally pushing P yeah he's totally pushing P well I mean I I went before I left but I'm glad you like the Xbox I got to go oh my God it's so big hey guys sorry I was in the bathroom whoa Junior what happened to your Xbox it's so big that's what your mom said last night when she saw my wiener you could have just said that that's what my mom said last night you didn't have to say the wiener part I want to make sure you get the joke dude I I got it so Junior where'd this come from this cop came to my house and he said he could get me a hacked Xbox that comes with nothing but free games and free games for the future as long as I gave him my Xbox wow that's cool how much did you have to pay for it he didn't make me pay anything he did it for free really wait where's the controller controller he didn't give me a controller maybe you don't need a controller dude what oh there's a handle right here maybe maybe the controller's inside ow what wait wh what's this it looks like a refrigerator he gave me an Xbox it's also a refrigerator that's so cool oh that is awesome uh guys I think it's just a refrigerator what just a wa you think he ripped me off I think he stole your Xbox and just gave you a refrigerator that's not P of him that is totally not P yeah that's not P at all you don't even know what p means well I know this isn't p I'm going to go to his house I'm going to get my Xbox back he can't just do that to me here you go Penelope I get you a real Xbox this time are you sure it's not another refrigerator no it's actually a real look it turns on oh my god dad you got me a real Xbox thank you so much yeah look I even got you the controller ooh Why is it sticky um it's that new controller feel Dad this is the best birthday ever you totally rock yeah well I hope you enjoy your birthday my little princess hey Dad uh-huh how old am I you really trying to make this the hardest birthday ever okay look how about we don't talk about that and you just enjoy your Xbox okay Dad thank you you did good Brooklyn guy you did good oh come on who Could That Be hello oh oh it's you kid how's that Xbox treating you you gave me a refrigerator no no I didn't I I gave you a big Xbox full of full of free games no you gave me a refrigerator and I want my Xbox back okay listen kid you're not getting that Xbox back okay so just leave well what if I call the cops that you stole from me you can't call the cops I am the cops if you call the cops my phone's going to ring well what if I call your boss oh yeah who's he going to believe me or a stupid little kid like you I guess we're going have to find out yeah okay yeah let's find out oh no oh no oh no no it's the chief hey chief he's lying Ki I got a call from a kid that said you stole his Xbox I I I did no such thing sir he's a liar liar and his pants are on fire well he recorded the entire conversation and sent it to me oh I guess it's my pants that are on fire yeah so I'll make you a deal if you give him back the Xbox I won't fire you but but but sir I already gave it to my daughter for her birthday well you better give it back and ruin your daughter's birthday okay oh man how am I going to take away an Xbox for my daughter on her birthday die suck it nerds hey there princess how you liking the Xbox dad I love it it's the greatest present ever I don't know what I would do without it really so you sure there's nothing wrong with it no it's fine the controller's a little sticky but I I can send it back I can take the whole thing back just for the controller nah that's okay oh really okay um oh oh what's this I I think I see something wrong with it back here oh oh no it turned off and it fell over oh no something must be broken dad you just unplugged it and knocked it over well it shouldn't have been so easy to unplug so clearly it's broken Dad it's fine what if I get you a pink one instead huh do they have that I don't know but I'd have to take this one back eh no that's okay what if I sent it off to be spray painted pink how about that it would take like a month though ew no dad leave me alone okay so so you really want to keep the stupid broken crappy Xbox huh okay okay you want to keep you okay she leaves me no choice I'm going to have to steal it from her freeze this is a robbery oh my God please don't hurt me I won't hurt you just give me the Xbox Dad Dad Dad hey what's up I heard you screaming what happened to you oh you know I was at the grocery store and me and this old lady reached for the Lucky Charms at the same time and she socked me right in the eye she was a lot stronger than she looked well well you left me home all alone a robber broke in and stole my Xbox oh that that bastard it doesn't he know a cop lives here why why would he even try such a thing so what are you going to do about it oh I I will not rest until I catch the guy that did that sweetie well can you buy me a new Xbox oh honey I I'm sorry but I I spent all my money on the other Xbox but but it's my birthday you promised oh good hey hey how about this how about until I find you another Xbox here's $100 no nuts thanks Dad uhhuh oh thank God okay kid here's your Xbox back Cody's in the bathroom again dude wait what happened to your eye no I got hit God I hate black eyes wow I'm sitting right here I can't believe you would sa something like that oh no no no no no no no that's not what I said I I said I hate black eyes no you said black guys I heard you you said you hate him no no no no no no no I didn't I just what I said no no I'm about to call your boss oh come on don't do that hey Junior ready for school yeah let me just finish my Cookie Crisp Cookie Crisp it's cookies for breakfast that's insane you can't have cookies for breakfast that's a dessert food this is absolute lunacy you can't do anything thanks Junior I get really worked up over Cookie Crisp guys guys guys I was digging in a dumpster looking for my breakfast and guess what I found trash no three tickets to Legoland Legoland oh I've always wanted to go to Legoland love Legos dude we should totally go yeah we should go this weekend no we can't the tickets expire today well today we can't go today we have school Cody Legoland is worth skipping school for I mean that would be cool but our parents are going to ground us Cody why don't you just ask your mom if you can go well my mom's not going to let me skip school maybe if she knows it's for legol land she'll let you go I can't I guess it can't hurt to ask yeah go call your mom and I'll ask cha peipi I don't have parents okay well I'm going to call Chef peee and you ask no one cuz you don't have any parents okay dude well I'mma to eat my burger he looks so delicious don't he that's a fortnite toy he's still good hey shfp no Junior you cannot skip school to go to Dum Leo land how do you know what I was going to ask I overheard you you and your friends are super loud now go to school right now and I better not hear that you skip school or I'mma tell your daddy okay come on Mom answer the phone hey Cody why are you calling did you miss the bus or you just missing mommy bear well I am missing mommy bear but that's not why I'm calling I I just wanted to know if I could skip school and go to Legoland today now Cody you know your education comes first well I I I know but the tickets expired today baby what is that boy asking you he wants to go to egoland or something I guess it's full of waffles what hand me that phone woman now Cody there's no way you're going to become the first black president by skipping school dad there are so many things wrong with what you just said but I I'll take that as a no I won't skip school hey guys CH peipi said no J you you cannot skip school to go to them Legoland wow Junior that was a really good Chef peee impression thanks I've been practicing what did your parents say uh they said a lot of things but it was no oh this sucks yeah let's go to school oh we're not going to school we're going to Legoland we are of course we are but Junior her parents said no Cody this is the only time in our life that we get to go to Legoland for free but how well um oh I know I got an idea how we can go to school and Legoland at the same time Junior that's impossible no we can get Penelope to pretend to be us at school but how is she going to pretend to be all three of us I don't know she smart she I think of something but why would she even help us she hates you I'm going to blackmail her with her deepest darkest secret to get her to do it what's her deepest darkest secret I don't know yet does anyone know her Secrets no I don't know dude what about you Cody uh she did tell me one secret what is it I can't tell you I pinky promised with strawberry shortcake on top that's so gay Cody what is it I can't tell you Cody come okay you know what fine you don't want to tell us then you go to school and me and Joseph will go to Legoland no come on that's not fair I want to go then tell us her secret okay she she still pees the bed sometimes times unless she has a glass of warm milk before [Applause] bed my ear that's so embarrassing oh my God I'm going to make fun of her no come on she told me that in confidence well look I'm going to call her and tell her that if she doesn't pose for as us at school and and help us skip school then I'm going to tell the whole world that she still pees the bit all right guys it's ringing Junior why are you calling me I'm getting ready for school hey hey pee nelopey hey pee the bed nelopey hey pee the bed at night nelope unless you have a a warm what was it glass of warm a glass of warm milk Junior how do you know about that Cody told me tell Cody I hate him a Cody she hates you you made her cry oh man well anyway p nelopey u me Cody and Joseph are going to skip school today and go to Legoland so we want you to help us get school by pretending to be us at school so make sure we don't get caught and if we get caught we're going to tell the whole world you the bed God I hate you Junior so are you going to do it yes just shut up about it okay all right guys it worked I lost a friend today Cody you don't need her as a friend you have us ow we're your best friend ow stupid ID dummy dummy loser oh yeah you guys are the best let's go to Legoland guys legol land my dream come true let's go in dude let's go uh-oh guys Chef BB's here look they made Chef BB out of Lego oh dude we should tottally get a selfie with him come let's go let's go oh I got it I got it oh it can't be sheppy because the pizza's not [Music] burned almost done uh-oh I cut his hair off maybe the teacher won't notice all right CR before we start today I'm going to call Ro so when I say your name you say here oh no what do I do Cody uh here uh Cody did you get a haircut but you look bald uh yeah I let my mom cut my hair and she cut all my hair off what you let your mom cut your hair dude what are you fine shut up Joseph you're bald too at least I'm not dating a doll dude he's not a doll Joseph settle down no arguing Jeffy are you here here and not as your piece of paper shut up Jeffy okay Joseph are you here uh yeah dude I'm here okay Junior are you here yeah I'm here and Cody's mom is a fat pig stop talking about my mom Junior well she is she's fatty fat fat fat CR what did I say about arguing stop it panope are you here yeah I'm here why you at of breath Penelope were you too busy looking at me and I took your breath away shut up Junior no I think that's everyone I can't see it anyway all right so what we're going to do today is we're going to go around the craft and everyone's going to say the ABC's backwards we'll start with you Junior Z YX w v u t Sr Q hey look guys there a camel made out of Legos hello my name is Camille Habib habab Camille has in gam Habib habab as in cor on the cob and I hope you enjoy legol land today did that thing just talk let's get out of here oh no Cody your Mom's here she is I don't want to get caught where is she she's right there a big fat elephant g f e d c b a very good paneri now what I want you guys to do is take out a pencil and a piece of paper because we're going to write a 100w essay and they all have to be different oh my God kill me hey nerd let me borrow a pencil my parents can't afford school supplies hey nerd I'm talking to you okay if you're going to ignore me I'm going to take your doll ha I got your doll what I'm going to throw him what why isn't it bothering you I only bully people to get reactions because I don't get attention for my parents at home all right that's it I'm going to I'm going to beat you up oh oh God oh God oh God I ripped his head off oh God what did I do I killed him police police this kid just ripped the other kid's head off oh God all right all right I'm here what happened I didn't mean to do it I swear I Didn't Know My Own Strength I'm so sorry all right tell it to the judge come on Bucky o guys that's going in this ride oh yeah dude it looks sick uh I don't want to go on it it looks kind of scary what dude you're afraid Junior don't be such a wuss well what if it like flws off the tracks it's not going to fall off the tracks this is legol land they have the best safety yeah come on Cody let's ride it yeah well I'm going to stay right here and just watch come on Joseph let's go ride the great Lego race coaster since Junior's a boy yeah let's do it dude I can't believe Junior didn't want to ride this round yeah dude he so lame Hey look it's it's Joseph Mone hey guys huh what was that just went off the tracks oh that's what that noise was yeah that happens all the time this is Lego Land wait aren't you supposed to be in school hey get back here well your friends broke every bone in their bodies especially Joseph I'm pretty sure he's in a coma oh man and that's a waste of Cookie Crisp you're not going to tell my parents are you that you wasted Cookie Crisp I don't think they'd care no no no that we skipped school oh no no you kids have suffered enough and besides there's no way they can hide these injuries from their parents they're going to have to tell them well can we Sue Legoland for a million bajillion dollars well first of all it's Legoland I'm pretty sure they don't have a million bajillion dollars and also no because you signed a waiver when you came into the park that said they're not responsible for any injuries this sucks yeah well I got to go do an autopsy on a kid to get his head ripped off so Cody how you feeling I feel like I broke every bone in my body hey guys why you out of breath Penelope were you too busy looking at me and I took your breath away shut up Junior no how did school go it was a disaster we got caught everybody Pell pees the bed no the teacher fell for it what then how was the disaster bully ripped Cody's head off what what happened to you guys oh the roller coaster came off the tracks and they broke every bone in their body well at least it was worth it no it wasn't I regret all of it guys at least we didn't get caught you guys posted that you were in Legoland what was the point of me covering for you at school no no we didn't post Cody did you post no why would I do that Joseph said right here ha haa skip school to go to Legoland # parents will never know Joseph you post on Facebook we're going to loo land it's all your fault Joseph but Own It Joseph be a man stop giving me the silent treatment Junior he's in a coma I don't want to hear that excuse you know what go on your phone right now and delete the post delete it what's this passcode I'll just use face ID look look at it look at it Junior his face is in a cast well you know what Junior that's not going to to get rid of the picture well got rid of him and that's the only thing that made me mad so now I feel better Junior can you get me a bottle of water oh wow now you want something go get it yourself Junior I broke every bone in my body is that even an excuse I wish you would have broke your mouth then you wouldn't have been talking and making annoying noises officer Simmons have you called to inform the parents that their boy's head get ripped off yet no not yet sir I'm not really good at giving bad news it's part of the job Simmons all right sir I'll do it right now hello hey this is officer Simmons I was calling to inform you that your son's head got ripped off by another student today at school is he okay no he's dead oh my wait wait what's going on baby Cody's head got ripped off he's dead wait who you know the little one with the glasses oh oh oh okay baby yeah yeah yeah Cory Cory well one less off the feed thanks for letting us know officer yeah no problem I can see that you're taking it hard so if you need someone to talk to call someone else thanks officer how are you feeling Cody honestly I've been better sorry about telling them about your PE secret yeah I'm still mad about that that's fair ow Junior I got him a stupid bottle of water could you open it for me God princess what else you want me to do for you could you pour it in my mouth okay now I know when I'm being taken advantage of I'm not doing that junior he broke every bone in his body that's all I hear when you talk god who's at the door oh no Junior what if it's my parents well why don't you go answer it I'm in a body cat I wish you in a body bag I have to hear your mouth hello hey Cody's friend we came to invite you to Cody's funeral yeah we have aot death bash this going to be hard liquor tickle Bitties andent like s City we're going to party like it's 1995 yeah that's the year Toy Story came out baby damn right mhm well Cody's not dead oh no I know you're just grieving but Cody is dead he got his head ripped off see I told her to do the neck exercises but he don't listen well no he's upstairs that's right he is upstairs with the man upstairs is yeah man upstairs talking about God or he in hell if he ain't been praying well no no he is alive he's still alive he's upstairs in my room wait alive like living oh damn it Tyrone we're going to lose the deposit on the DJ and the strippers no no no baby the strippers are coming either way look look let's just go in here and make sure our son's still alive okay don't cancel the DJ yet who's at the door Junior your parents what damn it there he is still breathing damn it Cody we thought your head got ripped off and stuff uh no I just broke every bone in my body because we went to Lego no no we're having a school play called the paraplegic mummy and he got the lead role as the mummy uh yeah yeah that's it I I I'm a paraplegic mummy ah run for the parabolic mmy a scary I'm going to get you as long as there's ramps oh my little boy is the star of the school play oh he's like a little Leonardo DiCaprio uh-huh wait what is this paper what Cody's death bash what the hell guys it was supposed to be the biggest party of the year and then you want to be all alive and but you were going to celebrate my death well it would have been a celebration but you're still alive so go get your little alive ass back home and pull weeds to pay for the DJ well at least we didn't get caught haha Penelope you still be the bed oh man I can't wait to watch Charlie and friends it's my favorite show ever Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience hi guys I'm Charlie and today I'mma throw a space party but first I got a planet a planet like Earth Earth is a planed and you got to plan the party oh Charlie you killing me you are killing me today hey all you Charlie and friends fans out there do you want to see Charlie live on stage then come to Canada today to see him live on stage oh my God Charlie live on stage oh yeah I got to go to Canada Chef [Music] B Chef B oh what Bowser I need you to take me to Canada right now wait Canada why because Charlie is performing live and I need you to take me there so I can see him right now well I don't even have a passport Bowser I can't go well I'll throw you over the border wait what about Junior well he's a big boy he can watch himself so take me to Canada now [Music] wait what time is it 7:40 I'm I'm going to be late to school wait why didn't sheipi wake me up wait a minute I don't want to go to school today I never want to go to school what if I just pretend to be sick at you at you wait a minute Chef's going to put a thermometer up my butt there's got to be another way uh oh what if I what if I pretend to get my my head stuck between this [Music] yeah okay that'll work shfp my head's stuck in the buck bed I can't go to school shf beepi wait wait my head my head really is stuck shf B help me shf B wake up shf b shf b wake up my head's stuck shabibi shabbi are are you here help help somebody help me help help all right class today we're going to be learning a math lesson but before we get started I'm going to call Ro so the first name on the wrist is junior junior junior are you here you know I cannot see anything so you better estimate what I say your name Junior so I guess there's no Junior there's going to be extra homework for everyone tonight Joseph where's Junior I don't know dude maybe he's sick I'm going to call him and check on him oh okay help help shfp help oh Chef's not here Dad help help Dad is nobody here what what my my phone my phone drinky come on phone I can't reach it Joseph he's not answering well let's go to his house at the school okay a I couldn't reach my phone I'm going to be stuck here forever choppy choppy who's your good boy who's your good boy who's your boo boo dooo do doo okay Chompy here's what I need to do I need I need your help I need you to climb this ladder over here on my buck bed and I need you to come up up here and hand me my phone you think you do that you going do good boy Chompy there you go Chompy there you go good boy Chompy good boy come here boy come here boy good boy Chompy okay what I need you to do I need you to hand me the phone so I can call for help what no choie wait hand me the phone what are you calling 911 thank you for calling the nauy dog hotline have you been a bad boy ooh tell me what you're wearing help help help I'm trapped help o you like being tied up chains that's hot hey Cody I'm getting really worried about Junior dude I think I'm going to skip school and go and check on them Joseph you can't skip school why not school's lame dude and I'm already homeless I don't need an education to be homeless all right fine just text me and let me know if he's okay okay dude what my phone died what CH are you you were supposed to call for help but you too busy calling bimos Choy look look go find my dad or chef peip and tell him to help me I'm going to be stuck here forever oh I hope Junior's okay Junior junor I'm here dude what what wait somebody's at the door what help help help I'm in here help Junior okay something is up my Spidey senses is Def defitely tingling now Junior always answers the door H I got to climb up to his window and see what's up help oh it's no use I bet the person already left Julia are you in there Joseph Julia where are you dude I'm up here oh hey dude wait wait why weren't you at school today dude my head's stuck in the bug bed oh that sucks yeah so can you come inside and help me um well yeah come and open the window dude what I can't open the window my head's stuck in the buck bed oh well well hold on on let me find a rock I'll break the window then no no no no no you have to break the window just just open it with your hand oh okay I I'll do that then yeah it's easier yeah oh I'm so glad you're okay dude Joseph my head's stuck in the bug bed wait how did that happen well I was trying to pretend like my head was stuck so I didn't have to go to school and then my head actually got stuck oh I want to try no no oh dude my head's stuck Joseph why would you do that cuz you look cool dude now both of our heads are stuck help help help help a yeah something has to be wrong Junior and Joseph aren't answering their phones wait Junior Jose help guys help help wait wait wait wait Cody wait Cody sh D Cody we're up here wait Cody help Cody we're up here dude don't worry guys I'm coming I just have to get up to that roof but don't worry I know parkour I'm going to jump from this bush to that pillar up to that roof all right why watch this I don't know parkour help help Cody help Cody Cody help guys I'm right here Cody dude how'd you get inside the house oh well the front door was unlocked so I just came in oh well can you help us our head is stuck in the bunk bed yeah how did that happen I was trying to skip school today by pretending my head was stuck and then it really got stuck it doesn't matter can you get us out yeah okay but how just pull us out look start with Joseph pull him from behind and get him out I can do come on Cody harder Cody harder Cody Cody Cody you might have to spit on him spit on him yeah it'll grease him up and like make him slippery spit on them okay you're trash Joseph all right harder harder come on Cody sorry guys I'm done what that's all I have in me come on Cody one more big po one more big pool one more one more one more one more Junior Joseph's head came off get away from me Junior why does this keep happening why is his neck so flimsy I don't know Cody get me out of here oh do you want me to pull you too no no no no I don't want my head to come off what do you want me to do junior go in the kitchen and grab some like butter or or some chocolate syrup uh or some whipped cream oh yeah and put all over my neck and get me out of here oh yeah yeah okay yeah that that'll work uh do do you want me to get some strawberries too how would that help yeah yeah yeah you're you're right that that wouldn't help you at all uh I I'll go get the staff get me out of here stupid fire hydrant inspection Duty how do I even inspect it yeah it's a fire hydrant it's red there I inspected it what's that boy little Timmy's trapped in the well my wife's been cheating on me again what there's a kid with his head stuck at a bunk bed what I guess I'll follow him okay junor all I could find in the kitchen was whipped cream and maple syrup don't use maple syrup Maple syrup's sticky I'm trying to get unstuck use the whipped cream okay whatever you want junior I just got to get you ready first ow Cody what was that for oh uh I I I was I was trying to push you through one more time and it didn't work well Cody hurry up with the whipped cream okay you ready Junior hurry up it's going to be a little cold o supposed to be on my neck uhhuh my neck Cody yeah hey there your dog led me here he said you were trapped in a bunk bed yeah I'm stuck can you help me who was that oh that was just my friend can you help me yeah wait it's is that another kid's head yeah his head came off look I'm stuck get me out of here huh I don't know how I'm going to get you out of here oh I know I'll go get the jaws of life okay what is that it's the jaws of life get it Jaws like the shark what can it save my life no what no it's just a stuffed animal oh get me out of here I don't know how to get you out kid well break the wood or something what break the wood look I'm a firefighter I know how to put out fires maybe save a cat from a tree but I can't break bunk beds come on it's just made of wood you can break it like karate or something well usually when I'm trying to get rid of wood I just beat it so yeah usually it would have been gone by now oh come on you help me okay okay I have I have one more idea where you going oh well I guess there's nothing more I can do here just going to have to leave what no don't leave get me out of here yep I'm going to have to leave with my blue eyes white dress dragon blue eyes white dragon that's so rare yeah my blue eyes white dragon he's super valuable he's even signed signed who signed it oh I don't know maybe you've heard of blue eyes white dragon blue eyes white dragon signed it yep he signed it himself signed it right on the back show me show me oh I can't show you I'd have to take it out of the case and I don't want it to lose value oh can I can I have it oh I'll give it to you if you get yourself out of that bunk bed I can have it if I get out I'm coming I'm trying oh well I guess you just don't want a blue- eyes white dragon no I want it I I never had one I want it apparently you don't want it bad enough you'd be out of that bunk bed I'll trying oh well I guess I'm just going to have to put this blue- eyes white dragon in a paper shredder give me the blue eyes white dragon no way man this is my blue eyes white dragon but you TR I can have it well I just said that to get you out of the bunk bed and look it worked you're out of the bunk bed congratulations say thank you but but you but you said I could have it and I really want a blue- eyes white dragon well everyone wants a blue- eyes white dragon kid that doesn't mean everybody gets one you can't handle this much power he has an attack of 3,000 you can't handle that that's so cool you bet your sweet Biv it's cool a okay look I'll tell you what I'll give you a black rose Dragon instead he's basically a flower is he powerful no his attack is like 2400 oh okay well I guess I'll accept this one well thank you firefighter you have a nice life kid wow I can't believe you actually need a passport to get into Canada I tried to tell you Bowser sh where' yall go we tried to get into Canada but they wouldn't let us in oh well all day my head was stuck in the bunk bed I almost died oh really you should show me yeah come on Chef I'll show you all right Chef peip look look see see look my head's stuck perfect you look beautiful Junior wa wait wait can you help me get out oh I'm not going to help you get out that's perfect so you going stay right there while I go to sleep no should be help help help help now I can finally get some rest so guys what did you get for Christmas nothing dude I still don't have a family it'd be really hard for Santa's elves to make you a family Joseph what about you Cody well I celebrate Hanukkah so well my dad gave me $100 for Christmas what dude what you going to buy a family calm down Joseph I really wanted to buy toys but there's no toy stores around here yeah I wish there was a store with toys like for us yeah like they had toys that are there for us yeah like Toys are Us you remember you remember guys Toys are Us oh yeah oh yeah that was the fun store yeah but it went out of business cuz they didn't have any money yeah I wonder what happened to Jeffrey I'm right here no no no not you Jeffrey I'm talking about Jeffrey the giraffe I a giraffes no Jeffrey was a giraffe and he was the mascot for Toys are Us yeah I'm not look him up dude yeah Joseph look at what he's doing now oh dude apparently he's homeless he's homeless oh yeah junior he doesn't have a job and there's not that many jobs that a giraffe can do he could be an NBA player yeah I guess he could oh dude he's doing underground fights for money oh he's getting his ass beat I want to watch I want to watch all right guys I want a clean fight winner takes all go yeah fight back fight back fight back fight fight he's done he's done he's not done he's not done he's not done fight over oh poor Jeffrey yeah he ate those punches at least we know he's not starving yeah he ate that six piece with a biscuit godamn I wish there was something we could do to help him what like get him boxing lessons no Cody he's homeless I think we should go find him and offer him to stay at my house Junior I don't think your dad is going to let a giraffe live in your house it's Jeffrey the giraffe the mascot for toys of course he's going to let him stay I don't know Junior it seems like a bad idea to let a homeless giraffe in your house why well he's doing underground street fights he's pretty desperate come on Cody he's a childhood mascot just like Jared from Subway and if Jared from Subway was outside would you let him in no no I wouldn't but what about all the sandwiches I don't think the sandwiches matter anymore $5 no $5 foot long no no none of that matters I think he's getting a lot of Foot Longs in prison he's in prison oh yeah for what uh just shut up Junior don't worry about it all right guys come on look let's go find Jeffrey the giraffe and offer him to stay at my house yeah okay let's go uh guys I think I found him Jeffrey oh dude he's down bad what we'll work for food is there anything we can do Jeffrey oh yeah we'll work for oh oh no Jeffrey you come on oh you have to do all that jeffre Jesus Christ but if you're offering Jeffrey listen um we have a house you can come live with us for a while until you're on your feet I I think he wants to go dude I think he's pretty desperate come on I don't know what he's doing now he's celebrating come come to our house Jeffrey come to our house wa Jeffrey all right Jeffrey welcome to my house go inside guys okay dude watch your head Jeffrey oh guys Jeffrey fell down Jeffrey we told you to be careful come on do you need help come on come on Jeffrey you mess all right Jeffrey welcome to my house Junior he's really tall I mean I know he's a giraffe but damn so what do we do with him now what do you mean Junior this is your idea uh he's homeless so he's probably hungry uh Jeffrey are you hungry I think that's yes dude all right Jeffrey so go downstairs and go in the fridge and grab whatever you want oh oh oh oh no oh no Jeffrey Jeffrey don't don't hit your head look duck if you duck je duck and go that way not go big guy my Habachi looks so good wait what's all that noise is that a giraffe hey what are you doing in my refrigerator wait P my beard back wa you you get back here right now get back here oh get back here you long neck bastard you thought you could get away no you can't you can't take my beer get my beer back [Music] oh uh guys I think I just saw Jeffrey run into the bathroom with a bunch of beer maybe he had to poop dude but but the beer though maybe he's thirsty god let's go check on him Cody uh Jeffrey you in there uh maybe we should just go in okay Jeffrey oh Jeffrey oh buddy Jeffrey are you okay Jeffrey I don't think he's okay uh Jeffrey oh he's trying to get up he's trying to get up care Jeffrey careful buddy oh no Jeffrey Jeffrey okay let's just let him sober up yeah just just stay right there Jeffrey don't hurt yourself need some time oh Cody I don't know what to do well Junior I told you it was a bad idea to bring a homeless giraffe into your house I just wanted to help him out I don't think we can help him we got to give him something to live for but toys are is closed that's all he had to live for junior why is there giraffe stealing beer out of my refrigerator oh that's Jeffrey the giraffe from Toys R Us I don't give a damn who he is look he's stealing that's what he's doing but he's just going through a lot right now yeah going through a lot of stuff in my refrigerator look I call the cops so haha what oh no shefy be called the cops hey there somebody called the cops about euthanizing a giraffe for stealing well we have a giraffe in the house but it's Jeffrey the giraffe from Toys are Us oh no not him again what you get calls about him a lot oh yeah all the time ever since toys are rust closed that guy's been a mess he'll do anything for a buck I mean you name it street fights prostitution smack he had an only fans for a while but nobody wanted to buy hoof picks but no that guy's a mess well we only let him in the house cuz we wanted to help him out why would you do that he's a wild animal we were in the Christmas spirit yeah well Christmas is over and so is his life cuz I'm going to go break his neck but break his neck why well that's how you euthanize a giraffe they got big necks so you got to snap the neck well don't do that we want to give him another chance I'm sorry kid it's for the best I'm putting him out of his misery so where is he he's this way all right Officer he's right here oh oh oh Jeffrey what happened look at you he used to be a childhood hero now look at you you get pissed drunk in a bathtub yeah that's why we're trying to help him officer okay kid I'll tell you what if you can help him get back on his feet by the end of the night and get a job then we won't have to put him down okay you mean it yeah oh okay Jeffrey we're going to find a way to get you a job and bring Toys R Us back and and just just stay right here sober up buddy we're going to help you guys guys guys the cop said that if we get Jeffy the giraffe sobered up and a job by the end of the night he won't break his neck but how is that going to happen he's a drunk yeah dude there's no way he's going to get a job the only thing that makes Jeffrey the giraffe happy is Toys R R Us so let's bring Toys R R Us back but Junior we tried that once before and it didn't work yeah well guys what do most people do when they're washed up and they have no money uh sell their bodies no they do boxing oh yeah but he already tried that and he got his ass kicked remember the six piece combo with a biscuit well what if he got paid $300 million to eat that six piece combo with the biscuit but who's going to pay him that much money well most people fight Floyd Mayweather and they make $300 million in a night and we don't even need that much money we only need like a couple million to open up a toys rest on top of Macy's well I mean yeah I guess I would pay to see Jeffrey get his ass kicked by Floyd Mayweather yeah so let me go find a boxer that'll fight Jeffrey on pay-per-view he'll make a couple million and then he'll get toys us back and then he'll be happy and they won't break his neck okay let me go find one 200 300 uh Mr D money sir what's up you looking to fight uh yeah we want to set up a fight all right 100 million every fight hunting me every night that's the numbers I be putting up well that's the numbers we want to put up all right good who's looking to fight uh Jeffrey the giraffe he used to be the mascot for toys he' like to fight you not interested why not because I only fight people who are well known and who give me lots of views on pay-per-view because I'm pay-per-view well um Jeffrey the giraffe is famous cuz he used to be the mascot to rest people would love to see you beat him up n not interest okay you know what how about I bet you all the money on this table that Jeffrey the giraff could beat you up in my living room tonight oh that is a lot of money okay deal and your living rooms tonight oh okay yeah yeah if if we win you pay us all this money and if if we lose we have to pay you all this money okay you got yourself a deal I'll see you tonight okay okay guys the fight is set up it is yeah with a professional boxer and millions of dollars and everything wow that's great so he just gets knocked out and he gets paid maybe toys RS will come back well Jeffrey has to win what yeah he only gets paid if he wins the fight oh do we screwed jior there's no way that drunk giraffe is going to beat a professional boxer well he has to because if we lose we have to pay them millions of dollars what listen let's listen guys Jeffrey is going to win in the fight's in my living room right now so we have to go get him ready come on we have to go to the fight all right Jeffrey all you have to do is win this boxing match and toys arrest will come back are you ready D money oh I'm ready just rain the Bell ding ding oh oh god oh oh Jesus Christ Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffy Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffy jeyy you won you won Jeffy Mur Jeffrey Jeffrey you won you won Jeffrey Jeffrey you won go get the money go get the money okay wow I can't believe Jeffrey actually won I guess him being gigantic paid off and look at all this money we can open up Toys R Us Again hey there I'm here to snap jeffy's neck oh look at Jeffrey he's got so much money now yeah cuz he got a job oh wow I guess you kids prove me wrong I don't have to break his neck yeah come on Jeffrey let's go open up Toys R rest on top of Macy's yeah it's back Toys R R Us is back I am so happy Toys R Rush is back it's finally back I want all of the toys so I call up the boys and we jump for joy it's finally back Nerf guns Hot Wheels and Legos Jenga and dominoes I'll never let go it's like crack toys or us is back can't believe it Toys are Us is back back back back candles the TX candles I need them all show me their balls take up their clothes Jeffrey Jeffrey the giraffe so glad that you're back we brought you a Big Mac we Needum fry I just I just want one toy but I can't afford it so I'm going to steal it at the police Star Wars that's really cool Blues Clues that's not as cool monster trucks that's really cool Barbies that's not as cool toys are us is back can't believe it Toys are Us is back back back back back back back back back back back back the the toys the the back back back back it's back it's back what it's back oh it's back [Music] yeah Jeffy I'm bored bored I'm b o r e d I'm b o r e d I'm bored you want to play Truth or Dare sure all right Truth or Dare um dare okay let me think of a dare I dare you to uh I throw a glass cup in the air and you have to try to catch it with your foot all right bet let's go do it all right all right Jeffy are you ready hey what are you brat doing in the kitchen shut up Chef peip we're just playing a game well you better not make a mess I promise we won't make a mess I love you mind your own business all right Jeffy are you ready to catch this glass cup with your foot yep what why you bringing glasses in the kitchen a we were just playing through the Dare bring m in the kitchen Jeffy run oh man Chef peipi sounded angry did I win to dare I mean you did try to catch the cup with your foot I wouldn't say try more like minimal effort I just half buted it well you still did the Dare so you get to go to the next round okay my turn all right so Truth or Dare uh dare truth are stupid okay I dare you to call your friend Cody and ask him to to be your boyfriend no I can't do that sure you can what but he's going to think it's real and he's going to think we're dating okay well then do you want to lose the game of Truth or Dare I I don't want to lose all right well then you got to call him okay let me call him hey jeny what's up hey Cody uh I have a question to ask you all right sure ask me will you be my S sorry Junior I couldn't really hear you I think the Call's breaking up I said will you be s sorry Junior I I still can't quite hear you sh it will you be my boyfriend wait wait like wait wait wait like really like you serious yes I'm being serious I I love you oh oh my God Junior I I I love you too I I've always loved you every time I make out with Ken I pretend it's you well that's that's so great I'd love to hear that now that we're dating Okay cool so so like can can I put it on Facebook uh uh yeah yeah put it everywhere let everyone know oh my God this is actually happening Junior this is a dream come true yeah okay I'm gonna go over there and make out all right no no no no no no actually no no we're playing Tru the Dare and I was dare to do this so I'll talk to you later bye wait wait what a okay okay I did the Dare your turn all that doesn't count you weren't supposed to tell him that we were playing TR or Dare well I asked them to be my boyfriend you didn't even catch the cup on your foot so you didn't even do your dare all right I guess you're right all right Truth or Dare um truth e you chose truth yep just trying to spice it up a bit Junior okay uh how many boogers have you eaten um today or in my lifetime both okay well today I've eaten four a strong four and in my lifetime I've eaten somewhere in the neighborhood of 7,500 I'm just ballparking right now that's a lot of boogers oh yeah that's a lot of boogers mhm all right my turn all right Truth or Dare uh dare I always choose dare dare all right um I dare you to uh breaking newsuk there is a once in a-lifetime Opportunity if you pay $800,000 you can have dinner with six time Super Bowl champion Tom Brady I dare you to buy that I can't buy that you have to I dared you to do it so now you're going to do it but I don't have $800,000 well why don't you pick up a camera and your puppet and get after it because they'll never make that type of money I mean that's what the haters say You're supposed to DARE me stuff that I can actually do I can't do that that's impossible you can do that if you put your mind to it and stop being a baby about it okay I mean I don't want to lose Truth or Dare I've never lost Truth or Dare in my life well you're about to if you don't go buy that $800,000 package okay I'm going to ask Chef peee for the money I think he has it right yeah he looks Rich all right yeah I'm ask chef peipi chef peepi m M I love cooking me some tricks chefi chefi Junior you better clean up that cup you broke well I need to ask you for a favor first what I need to borrow some money well I don't have any money well you don't even know how much I was going to ask you for it doesn't matter cuz I don't have it I need $800,000 what $800,000 for what well me and Jeffy are playing truth or dare and he darare me to donate $800,000 to this charity thing to have dinner with Tom Brady look first you're never going to meet Tom Brady and two you're never going to see that amount of money let alone me giving it to you well well you're old and you have credit can't you take out a loan for me junor my credit score is a six 600's pretty good no no no a six single digit I have people looking for me I shouldn't even be in this country well how am I going to get $800,000 look you better get a job or something well can I work for you no Junior look I barely get paid what makes you think I can pay you well what kind of jobs pay $800,000 who knows maybe you should review toys on YouTube maybe that'll work who's at the door maybe it's that $800,000 job opportunity that you need it's not going to be that's probably the mail man or or something I know it's not an idiot uh hello hey there I'm here for plot convenience oh what's going on well I need someone to watch my baby and I'll pay any amount of money $800,000 yeah sure whatever I was actually going to offer more but since you want $800,000 that's fine but I need someone to watch my baby because my side chick's coming over tonight and she doesn't know I have kids she doesn't like kids she actually hates kids in fact but I already got my other son Richard A Chuck-E-Cheese to play in so he's good for the night I just need someone to watch my baby here so I'm giving him to you so you can watch him and I'll pay you any amount of money okay yeah I'll do it and I'll get paid $800,000 yeah sure whatever here take it I got to go okay oh man I can't believe I'm getting paid $800,000 to babysit this is going to be so easy hey there oh look at the little baby my name is Benjamin Franklin Goodman and I was named after the $100 bill look at I'm trying to speak gibberish you want to hear a song yeah does your diaper hang low does it fall to the floor is it full of cash if it's not then you're poor look you're trying to sing a song about your messy diaper oh I got a messy diaper a messy diaper full of cat Junior who was at the door oh Mr Goodman was at the door and he's paying me $800,000 to babysit his son what that's not fair Junior and you're not responsible you're not mature enough to watch a baby I'm mature I'm I'm responsible no you're not Junior you have ADD you can't pay attention to anything what's that on your arm like it's distracting me Jun that's what I'm talking about right there you're not paying attention but I can pay attention you're just distracting me with the thread on your shirt look look I'm responsible and I'm going to get paid $800,000 and you're just jealous cuz all you are is a chef and I'm I'm a professional baby Watcher what a junior all right so what do you want to do baby uh I think it's time for a nice cry when when when stop crying stop stop crying what what what what do I do to stop stop crying okay well while you cry I'm going to go play video games what's all that cry coming from where wait did Junior leave you alone yeah he left me to go play video games where oh I knew he wasn't responsible I should teach him a lesson how about you come with me come on all right Benjamin just stay in here and try not to make any noise okay this is what my dad's doing to a side chick that or she's giving him these okay whatever ooh I have another idea now I'mma leave the baby's diaper by the leg so Junior can think that he's gone for a little [Laughter] swim all right Benjamin you're done crying Benjamin Benjamin where'd you go Benjamin Benjamin stop playing we're not playing hide-and-seek Benjamin oh no if I lost Benjamin then I lost $800,000 then I lose TR or Dare sh baby oh man I can't wait till Junior sees that the baby's missing sh baby what's wrong Junior you sound scared I am scared I was babysitting Benjamin and now he's missing GP missing oh no what happened to the baby there I see it you weren't paying attention I was paying attention I mean I was until I left him alone for 30 minutes 30 minutes oh no Junior that's a baby you can't leave a baby alone for 30 minutes Anything Could Happen have you seen him oh man the last time I saw him he was crawling by the lake the lake yeah you know the one with water in it oh no water yeah water oh I'm going go save him yeah before he drowns Benjamin Benjamin shfp said that Benjamin came to the lake but shfp could also be pulling a prank on me yeah Babies Can't Swim is that a diaper that's Benjamin's diaper oh no sh was telling the truth oh my God Benjamin went to the lake okay okay how would I get a baby out of a lake with a fishing pole yeah okay I got a fishing pole and I put a banana at the end of it cuz I know babies love bananas they can't resist them all right I'm going to save Benjamin come on Benjamin yeah now all we do is wait for Benjamin to bite it and I reel them in Easy Benjamin Benjamin Junior what are you doing you told me Benjamin went in the lake so I'm fishing for him trying to save him Junior Benjamin's not a fish he's a baby and it looks like he's a goner oh really yep you should have been more responsible now it looks like you're going to be going to jail jail yep yep you're going to go to jail because that's a crime you lost a baby shf baby what do I do do I do I run from the law no they're going to find you the law always finds you so what do I do shf peipi I don't know you better find another baby or buy one from the store or something I don't know wait Chef peipi are you try are you trying to say that we should make a baby no ew gross why would we do that Junior well I thought that's what you were trying to hint at you know the music started playing no no nothing like that Junior you better find a baby on your own okay sh you're right I don't want to go to jail okay I just went to Target and I bought a baby doll does it look like the real baby junior you can't be serious what's wrong it's obviously not the same baby how can you tell what do you mean how can I tell it it it's Don't make me say it say say it it's it's it's a girl oh yeah The Original Baby's a boy yeah who do you think you're tricking Junior you're not going to be able to trick Goodman okay you're not going to be able to meet Tom Brady oh no no no I'm not going to lose Truth or Dare look he I'll probably put it in boy clothes look he's going to believe that this is his son and he's going to believe it so just leave me alone okay whatever whatever Junior let me take it out of the box yeah that looks like Benjamin Goodman won't suspect the thing who's at the door maybe it's Goodman I get my $800,000 hello hey there I'm done with my side chick how was that uh not good found out she was cheating on me broke my heart but that's okay I'll find another yoga instructor but anyway I'm here to pick up my baby oh well he's already for you can I get my $800,000 not until I make sure he's okay well he's okay yeah come come Che cheuck on him all right I will all right here's your baby Benjamin this is not my baby and I'm pretty sure you can look at it and tell why oh yeah because it's a girl yeah yeah it is a girl but but it's not it's not a girl it's your baby I just dressed them in girl clothes this is not my baby when's my birthday uh I don't know July no I was not born in July nor was I born yesterday so you cannot slide this by me cuz this is not my baby what why would I think you were born yesterday you're really old it's a figure of speech it's it's supposed to be that I'm not dumb so if you were born yesterday you'd be dumb no it's just a saying to say that I'm not dumb and you're not going to try to slide this one by me this is not my baby where's my baby it's right there so give me $800,000 I'm not giving you $800,000 because that's not my baby the next person who comes here with my baby gets $800,000 all right sir here's your baby who are you oh I was the guy that was watching your baby because Junior were so distracted shy that's not fair you can't just take the baby and get the money well congratulations you get $800,000 woo I guess I get to go and meet Tom Brady sh baby that's not fair well actually two people get to meet Tom Brady wait wait seriously two people I guess I get to take a friend um um Junior do you want to meet Tom Brady SHP you really take me I guess you learned your lesson you deserve it really yeah come on yay oh my God it's such an honor to meet you Miss Mr bre yeah I like avocados what's your favorite thing to eat oh strawberries no avocados I like avocado toast and avocado ice cream and avocado dip and guacamole because it's mostly avocados and I like the Buccaneers why'd you go to the Buccaneers because I like Pirates and Pirates like avocados I I don't think they like avocados sir this dinner's over with wait Brady oh man I can't believe I just had dinner with Tom Brady you lost Truth or Dare no I didn't I went to dinner with Tom Brady that was the Dare but you didn't buy it Chef peee did so you lost Truth or Dare and that makes me the winner of Truth or Dare and that is show BP so guys what do you want to do today oh I don't know dude and I'm getting really bored yeah I'm bored too I don't know what we could do you oh my God you guys look over there hey I made you look what wait what are you serious right now Cody maor look yeah it was it was a prank wait are we in kindergarten right now yeah what are you f made you look you wasted like 5 Seconds of our time yeah we can all die tomorrow and you're sitting here wasting our time like made you look why would you waste our time like that dude yeah you don't see us wasting your time yeah I just thought it would be funny oh no no it wasn't funny Cody do you see any of us laughing right now Cody yeah yeah Cody look over there look over there Cody yeah look no Junior look Cody look over there there's nothing over there look over show what what am I looking at made you look do you see it now I know you literally made me look yeah yeah you think that was funny oh we're laughing we're laughing yeah anyway guys you want to go you want to go prank Chef peee oh yeah's do it we get inside the microwave right and he goes to open up the microwave and we bust out and we're like made you look that'll work all right let's go let's go I got to hurry up and finish this dinner from Bowser let me get a taste dry okay that was gross oh shf baby can you make us some popcorn no J I'm not right now I'm trying to finish this dinner for your dad but but we really want popcorn well look I don't care what you want I got to finish this dinner by tonight okay but we really want popcorn Chef baby you know what J give me the damn popcorn give me the popcorn give me the popcorn okay you want you want popcorn here here's your popcorn God damn it now get out the get sh B what Bower I'll be right back junior come on guys let's get in the microwave okay come on guys get get get what Bowser is my food ready yet peasant who are you calling a peasant look your food will be ready in 5 minutes just wait 5 minutes bow no I can't wait 5 minutes I can die in 5 minutes look you better have my food ready sooner than that you got me I can't stand Bowser God I always have to cook for him and everything oh yeah the popcorn let me turn it on there we go let me get back to stirring let me get back to stirring junior he turned the microwave on what was that mean we're going to die dude Junior the radiation is going to kill us no I don't want to die man I've been cooking all day I'm getting tired wait oh that must be the popcorn let me get it wa Junior Joseph Cody what are you doing in the microwave what the hell is going on here why are you e my away I told you got to go in death get get out come on go oh Cody I don't feel so good well of course not Junior we just get microwave oh is that bad yes Junior that's very very bad we soaked up so much radiation I'm surprised our heads didn't explode what can radiation do well it can give you cancer or superpowers dude superpowers yeah yeah no no that only happens in comic books oh shut up Cody you're such a nerd yeah yeah stop being stupid Cody I'm not stupid you're stupid come on Cody I'm not stupid you're stupid you could do so much better than that you should have called him a bib wearing baby cuz he wears a bib all the time yeah that would have been so cool and that Joseph would have high-fived me it would have been awesome what Cody you just called me a bid wearing baby what no I didn't Joseph did you hear me did you hear him say that no I didn't hear anything you just called me a bid wearing baby Cody I didn't say anything Junior well yeah you said you said I wish I would have called you a bid wearing baby no I didn't well that's weird how did Junior know I was thinking that he was a bib wearing baby still though I want to play with Junior you're so hard what Cody you just said you want to plow me so hard what what I I I no I didn't I I didn't say that I was thinking it what words D wait you were thinking wait wait how did I hear your thoughts oh my God junior did did you just read my mind what I can read your mind oh my God Junior okay okay let's let's try it out I'm going to think of a number between 1 and 100 and then you read my mind and see what it is okay okay okay go go go go okay Ken's bare naked ass what was it Junior what what number was I thinking about Ken Bear Naked yeah that's not a number code no no it's not uh okay I'm going to read Joseph's mine yeah I'm read Jose's mine man I hope they don't never find the knife I used to cut my mom's throat I could go to jail for a long time what was he thinking about Junior uh uh cereal oh dude how' you know well Junior you can read mine yeah I can read mine I'm going to go read my dad and Chef pee's M okay I'll be right back oh do sh this looks so delicious oh man I can't wait do I try me some oh hey Chef bipi what do you want junior I do not need you in the kitchen making a mess I'm not going to make another mess I'm just I'm really hungry wait wait you're hungry yeah well okay go and get you a bowl and I'll fix you a little bit of this okay okay I want to plow Junior so damn hard what sh what are you thinking about I'm thinking about you going to get a bowl so I can fix you some of this food get naked from me Jo your get naked right now but naked oh I'm not hungry anymore chpi what you don't want any food you sexy bastard oh man Chef needs to hurry up with my food I'm getting hungry hey Dad what do you want junior uh nothing I just came to see what you're doing I'm doing nothing I'm waiting on my food so leave me alone oh man J is so annoying I swear I should have never adopted him I should have adopted a girl what Dad am I adopted no why would you say that you know what just get out of my room right now go silly goose get out okay idiot so Junior what were they thinking about yeah dude what were they thinking about I don't want to talk about it oh well still it's really cool that you have superpowers yeah does that mean we all have superpowers dude yeah we must all have superpowers yeah yeah yeah yall must have them Joseph what do you think your superpower is I don't know dude um oh maybe I can shoot lasers out of my eyes well that' be so cool if you like a laser vision you should try it oh let me try let me try it he turn into a human TCH you think he's okay I mean he seems like he's a lot of pain well let me see what he's really thinking about I want to plow Junior so hard I think we should call 911 I'll call the fire department oh hello yeah I got a call about a fire yeah my friend's on fire oh my god let's help him man I want to plow this kid so hard come on what are you waiting for let's go help him okay sir he's right here oh my God he's burned to a crisp what happened well we were all inside the microwave and it got turned on and then we all got superpowers from the radiation and his superpower was to light himself on fire so he lit himself on fire and now he's like that these kids are knucking futs this is definitely a murder they probably just lit him on fire and then made up the part about the superpowers afterwards so what am I going to do I mean do I call the cops I wait I am a cop I got the uniform out there in the car but no no there's way too much paperwork I'll be here all night no I'm not doing that but man I just want to go home and I want to eat a TV dinner oh God that'd be good oh chicken and dumplings oh yes yes chicken dumplings wait wait do I do I have one in the fridge I think I do I I ate one last week no no there's definitely one in there and if there's not I'll just go by the store afterward oh well that's a whole thing God no no no I I'm pretty sure I have one in there I'm going to eat it I'm going to eat it and and if I don't I'll just order pizza but but I'm the pizza man oh God I have a lot of jobs and I still can't even pay the bills just what what's going on it oh God it it it's been a really long time and I haven't said anything they they they probably think I'm crazy they they know that I want to plow that kid I want to plow all three of them even the Dead one uh I I I I can't help you bye what was that guy thinking about the whole time I don't know something about plowing his TV dinner well that's weird so is Joseph really dead uh yeah I think so Junior I mean what's the point of having a superpower that lets you catch on fire if it still hurts you yeah what a dumb power yeah so what do you think my power is ooh maybe you have a power that can help Joseph come back to life like you can bring people back to life okay it's worth a shot yeah try it yeah wao Junior are you seeing this well there's two of you oh I'm seeing something hunky oh you're not so bad yourself want to make out boss Cody Cody Cody huh what oh stop making up with yourself that's gross what's the matter junior is it too sexy for you oh it's too sexy for him definitely totes Cody Cody if you can duplicate yourself can you duplicate yourself again uh let me try hey guys what's up what there's three cies oh what's cooking good looking Junior I'm about to have a Mina Moa wa wait three Cody's is too many Cody's Junior there's no such thing as too many cod's but uh could you please get Joseph out of here I need room for all these extra codies oh okay I guess I can get Joseph out of here come on Joseph all right Cody I got rid of Joseph thanks Junior Cody yeah sorry Junior I have a problem I just couldn't stop Cody what are you going to name all these people uh this one's Cody and that one over there is Cody and that one is Cody and this one is Cody and that one is Cody and that one is also Cody and that one is I forget his oh Cody his name is Cody up Cody this is too many Cody's no Junior like I already said there's no such thing as too many Cody well what are you going to do with all these Cody we're going to have a big gay party where are they going I I don't know Junior you don't think it's a bad idea well now that you mentioned it Junior I I don't know if the world can handle that much hunkiness you know it might implode what are we going to do yeah we should probably round him up let's go Wrangle some Cody he's mine no he's Cody they have K when nobody touches my boyfriend get off of it get him off of him I can't Junior don't you know how hunky I am there's no way I could pull my fingers off of Ken my mom has tried before well so what are we going to do I don't know Junior hunkiness has no weakness well we have to kill these Cody's yeah I just don't know how okay what if we had like a superpower that we didn't know we had like what Junior like laser vision like like I was like wa Junior you have laser vision I just turned him into popcorn oh my God Junior get that one okay wa Junior that's awesome wait wait wait wait so I when I shoot them they turn into popcorn yeah Junior I wonder if I have laser vision too well take off your glass let's see okay okay Junior I got my glasses off okay do you have laser vision let's find out PE I have laser vision you have laser vision let's go kill some Cody okay let's go Junior there's a Cody on the stairs I got him Nice Shot Junior but don't get cocky all right let's get the other ones okay Cody where's the other ones at well look Junior there's two of them playing with their balls okay I'll get the one on the left and you get the the one on the right okay Junior we got him okay yeah we got them okay I like at the other ones okay okay Cody where's the other Cody oh dear God Junior for what it's banana Cody banana Cody Wast him Junior but he's so cool though Junior that's what he does he gets in your head he makes you think he's cool so you won't want to kill him you got to waste him right now Junior okay all right we got her okay there's one more left okay there's the last Cody he's drinking Dr Pepper Dr P not in front of me I got him no I got him Junior I don't feel good oh well at least we got rid of all the cies yeah but I feel kind of bad I wish we kept at least one so I could you know do stuff to it well why don't you make like one more just one more okay what what's going on it's not working wait wait wait wait wait let me try to read your mind I I don't hear anything Junior I think we lost our powers no we didn't lose our powers hold on what about my what about my laser vision a we lost our powers again well there's only one thing to do now Junior what banana Cody time banana Cody Joseph's dead but he'll be back in the next video banana C yeah banana banana banana Cody banana C I don't get the whole banana C
Channel: Dr. Junior
Views: 381,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, sml reuploaded, sml jeffy, sml marathon, smlytp, sml old videos, sml reaction, sml movie, sml ytp, sml animated, sml archive, sml alien, asml, asml movie, sml bowser jr, sml cody, sml chef pepe, cool cody sml, sml drama, dr junior, sml movie 2023, new sml movie 2023, sml movie jeffy 2023, a new sml movie, every sml movie from 2023, sml new movie 2023, best small movies of 2023, sml movies 2022, jeffy's, all jeffy videos, animation jeffy, a new jeffy
Id: jr1EOvQR6dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 18sec (11358 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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