SML Movie: Jeffy's Nightmare!

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Alright Jeffy, It's time to go to bed. Okay daddy, goodnight ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Good night, Jeffy. Oh wait daddy, can you leave the light on? Leave the light on? Why? Yeah, I've been hearing scary noises daddy. Like loud banging noises. Loud banging noises? Yeah. I haven't heard any noises. Well I have daddy! So will you just leave the light on?! Fine Jeffy, I'll leave the light on. Good night daddy. *Mario Sighs* Okay Jeffy's in bed, now I can relax. *Loud hammer bangs in the backround* What's that noise? Jeffy, what was that noise?! Oh you heard it too, daddy?! Yeah Jeffy it was a loud banging noi- *gasp* JEFFY! What? What happened to your crib?! Ohhhh, Lemme show you daddy. show me what? did you bite it or something?? Jeffy stop it!! Wha- What are you doing?!?! I'm hitting my crib with a hammer, daddy. Why would you do that Jeffy!? You're the one making the loud banging noise! Ohh, I guess your right daddy. Mario: Jeffy why did you make me leave the light on if you're just gonna hit your crib with a hammer So I can see what I'm hitting, daddy. Jeffy that's stupid! you better not hit your crib anymore ever again, give me it. Jeffy, stop it. Jef- . If you hit it one more time you're grounded. If you hit it one more time, i'm taking all your toys. If you hit it one more time, I'm kicking you out of the house. If you hit it one more time, I'm gonna adopt you. If you hit it one more time Jeffy. I'm gonna take you out of school and you'll never go back to school ever again. *continues hammering* Mario: STOP IT JEFFY! gi-gimme the hammer. Just to bed I can't believe Jeffy he was destroying his own crib *fear* DADDY! *Jeffy bursts in screaming with fear* What Jeffy? I had a scary dream daddy! Wh- a scary dream? About what? The scary bunny rabbit was trying to eat me! A bunny rabbit was trying to eat you? Yeah! Oh Jeffy your dressed as a bunny rabbit. Do you think you were just trying to bite yourself in your dream? No Well Jeffy you look it was just a dream! Go back to bed. No daddy, can I please sleep on the couch No you got sleeping on the couch Jeffy, I'm on the couch PLEASE LET ME SLEEP ON THE COUCH DADDY! Fine Jeffy you go to sleep. It was just a dream and just for the night * Screams again* What jeffy? The scary bunny rabbit was trying to eat me again daddy Jeffy was just a bad dream. It's not real YES IT IS DADDY! HE WAS LIKE OMNOMNOMNOM! AND I WAS LIKE NO BUNNY RABBIT STOP IT AND HE SAID NO! daddy please You know I'm gonna call a doctor if you're really having this bad of a dream, and maybe he can stop it Let me call a doctor Hey there. I'm the problem. What's the doctor? Oh? My god, I can't believe I did that I I am all over the place today line. No I I got it I'm the doctor. What's the problem only the problem is doctor is a my son had a bad dream He had a bad dream. Yeah. What do you want me to do about it? Do you even hear yourself you called the doctor because your son had a bad dream who else am I supposed to call? nobody? You're supposed to tell him to grow a pair, and then you send it back to bed well He said it was a really scary dream. Oh, it was a really scary dream. Yeah Oh, did you give him some milky and try rubbing his tummy, but no. Oh, maybe that would have helped me Maybe you should have done that before you called the doctor about a bad dream. Well. Can you do all that for me? No, no I'm not gonna do that what what you want me to tie your shoes too and put out put out his clothes for tomorrow for? School I'll go talk to his school bully and then maybe after that we can go play catch in the yard We're really? no! I think you just want to pay me to beat his father because you don't want to be a parent Well look you just said he was having a bad dream Jeffy you tell about the bad dream IT had a really scary bunny and the bunny was trying to eat me bunnies are not even scary! Well look is there a way we can like stop the bad dreams like like like any way we could do that How how you tell me one good way that we can do that um? Well, can we like go inside his dream and like and kill the bunny in his dream? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, we're gonna do that yep. I was actually thinking that and then you said it I can't believe you did that but yes, that's exactly what we're gonna do, but really yeah, really really I even got the machine It's out in the car. Yeah. I brought it just in case just in case something like this was gonna happen We're doing this what really oh? Yeah, we're doing it. I'm pumped. I'm ready to go hi I am doing this, but um first. I got to change my shirt this this doesn't really show up on green screen Okay, yep there. She is the dream machine 3000 she is a beauty did you write that on with Sharpie? I'm sorry, where is your dream machine 3000 Huh let me see it. Where's it at how does it work? Well you see that hilarious tinfoil hat that I made for Jeffy yeah, that doesn't do anything but that cable right there connects up to this machine so whenever he falls asleep and starts dreaming a Portal will appear right here, and then we can just jump straight into his dream is it works Yeah, all right Jeffy. I go to sleep So we just jump in yeah, just move over here, okay, all right now What before we go in real quick if we die in the dream? We die in real life, so let's be careful in there Okay, okay, all right, so we jump in on three one two three jump Where are we We're in Jeffy's dream. You remember the dream machine know that we're not in France. Oh, I'm sorry I just it just looks so weird you know yeah, people's dreams get pretty weird sometimes. They're even way Is that flying cheerio box? Uh? Yeah looks like it. This is so so weird. What do you think Jeffy is hmm? I don't know the jab B I'll start looking for it gently Jeffy Jaffe, where is he is that him the dinosaur Jeffy daddy? Oh my gosh? Wow that's great Jeff bi is he a dinosaur because in dreams you can be whatever you want Oh Jeff me where's the scary bunny rabbit ad oh? Well Jeffy we came inside your dream to get rid of that scary bunny rabbit now. Where is he act? Oh die you already see me turn into a gear? Oh oh oh? Hey, oh dear Jeffy how're we supposed to help if we can't find. Do you see the scary bunny rabbit anywhere um? No, well, maybe Jeff. He was lying, and he just made all this stuff up look Let's just go home, but really yeah, Oh what I mean. I just thought maybe we would spend a little more time here Oh, yeah, we just got here so but but we don't see the scary bunny rabbit Which is the only reason that we're here, and you said we died here, then we're stuck in here So I'm like that risk don. Well. I mean yeah, that's true. It's just this there's a lot of the stuff here We haven't explored, but we're coming here to explore. We came here to kill the bunny rabbit so if we don't see you Let's go, okay All right, there's the portal let's leave. Yeah, are you sure you want to leave already oh? Yeah, I just feel like this has been kind of lame well I don't want to risk dying like I said, I don't want to die here, so let's go. Yeah, all right. Let's go Jemmy wake up wake up Jeffy there was no scary bunny in your dream So you're just making it up Well it's not there anymore Jeffy so go to bed you wasted this nice man's time, yeah I'm sorry for wasting your time, but uh you know he always makes up stuff. Yeah well I guess I got the dream machine 3000 out for no reason help me It's still a nice machine though, but thanks for all your help all right Oh *Scarier than FNaF* Guh-huh! *Hysteria mode activated* Guh-huh! Where ya goin'? Yeah, I like this. This is nice You know just two dudes sitting back having some roofies root beers you know like the soda, but this is nice This is I like this how long do you plan on staying? Don't make me go back home to my wife You're ever that your son said he had a bad dream. Yeah. Well. I had a bad dream once I dreamt I was in my late 40s in a failing marriage with a truckload of debt, then I woke up And it wasn't a dream. Well. I'm sorry to hear that me, too *Horrified scream* █▀▀▄ █▀▀█ █▀▀▄ █▀▀▄ █░░█ █ █ █ █░░█ █▄▄█ █░░█ █░░█ █▄▄█ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀░ ▀░░▀ ▀▀▀░ ▀▀▀░ ▄▄▄█ ▄ ▄ ▄ Buddy Jeff me stop lying. He wasn't in your dream, and he's also not in your room. Wait a minute Mario What wait wait Mario yeah what Mario? I think that's the first time I've ever called you by your name what yeah, I think so Yeah, Mario you yeah? I don't like that what what Mario Mario it's just so loud. It's like my Mario is that what the L on your head stands for yeah, well. What are you saying before the Mario thing oh? Oh, yeah, remember how we had a portal that let us go inside to Jeffy's dreams. Yeah well I forgot to mention that things inside of his dreams can escape through that same portal so you're telling me that Bunny rabbit could be in the real world right now. Yeah, maybe well. I think Jeff is lying I don't I think you should be making it up. Well. We should still go check it out come on We're getting a rabbit huh, okay all right Jeffrey? Where's that rabbit at? I don't know Daddy! (Goofy laughs) AAAAAH! HE'S RIGHT THERE DADDY! Wha... What do we do? Grab him! He's TOO Quick! Yeah I feel like a tortoise right now (Reference to the classic 40s Looney Tune, Tortoise Beats Hare) How are we going to catch him? I see in a lot of cartoons, and I think I got an idea okay? O-OK! Th-This is stupid. It's gonna work. How? Okay, look I've seen a lot of cartoons and I know that bunny rabbits likes carrots. And those are some nice, juicy carrots in that box. When he comes up, I'm gonna pull the string and he'll be trapped and then we Amazon Prime him to like Antarctica or something. Okay, are you sure it's gonna work? Yeah, it's gonna work. Oh, here it comes. (Wow. Who likes cartoons about Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd from Looney Tunes?) That's right, that's right you get those carrots... get those carrots... GET THOSE CARROTS! *you missed* OH DANG IT! What happened? I get too excited, and I pulled out too soon. He was right there! Yeah, I know. I was excited and I get selfish. I just wanted it so bad! He was right there... *groans* What are we gonna do now? Don't yell at me okay? We'll think of something! Let's just let's just set the box back up. He's not gonna fall for that twice! Let's try it. *sighs* *Attempt #2* Alright, it's definitely gonna work. This time. Well. What are the odds of coming back a second time look bunny rabbits like carrots, okay? He wants those hairy the juicy carrots What did I get him? NO you messed up again! REALLY? Yeah, he was about to eat them And then you freaked out again oh I'm sorry. Okay, just just set the box back up. It's not gonna work at third times. Do it again I promise! It'll work this time! *sighs* *Attempt #3* Okay third time's the charm. No. No there's no three times a charm I think somebody else you pull the string why because you messed up twice already so give it a Jeffy look I don't understand why I can't just pull the string! Because you messed up twice already. I don't want you messing up again I said third time's the charm didn't I there's no third time's a charm because you pulled out too early the first two time well Okay, you know what you said just like my wife! She's always nagging me saying my pullout game sucks because it does sucks. Because it does suck, u pulled up too early two times already well Okay, you know what man that's a low blow What are you gonna make fun of my ID next? I'm just saying you missed the shot, okay? You know what you sound just like my high school basketball coach, okay? Yeah, I missed the game-winning shot, OK? And yeah, I lost the entire game and I got made fun of but you know what I tried! Well you tried the first two times and guess what you messed up. Okay? Yeah, but at least I'm trying okay I'm doing the best I can over here I don't see you... (screams) What, Jeffy did you get him? YEAH! He's in the box, daddy! He got him! Let's go check! Alright let's see that Wabbit! JEFFY! WHERE'S THE RABBIT?! AND WHERE THE CARROTS?! Oh, the bunny rabbit took the carrots! You're supposed to capture him with the box! Oh, I was scared daddy! (Nigger!) WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO.? Sett the box backup no no no more, box. I'm tired of the box It's dumb, so we're gonna do that all right. I got another idea All right is this your kid. No that's Boswer's kid awesome. Okay. Here's what I'm gonna Do I'm gonna plug the machine into him and then whenever his dream portal shows up I'm gonna take a carrot and then I'm gonna wait for the rabbit to show up And then I'm gonna throw the carrot through the portal. Oh, and then the rabbit will get stuck in his dream. Yep He's not your kid so who cares yeah. I don't care all right. That's awesome Yeah, let's just plug this into you know see this the dream portal And I'll just get the carrot and then we gotta wait for that rip, okay What what areas all right? You who missed the bunny rabbit come get this juicy carrot go Okay, I think he's buying it. All right you want it? *poof* Go get it! *poof* YEAH! WE DID IT! *punch* Yeah! Yeah! Hit in the face! But we did it though! What we do now? Uh-oh. Run! The kids waking up! Oh my god! *groans* AHHHHHHHH!!! SCARY BUNNY RABBIT!!! AHHHHHHH! ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Captions by DerekLittenAnimations Clock! UH UH UH UH UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH!
Channel: SML Plush Show
Views: 41,750,656
Rating: 4.7553988 out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, puppet, dream, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, toys, 'plush, nintendo, super mario, mario, video game, bowser jr, bowser junior, brooklyn guy, fun, entertainment, hilarious, nightmare, random
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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