SML Movie: Jeffy's Bedtime!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus Christ Jeffy Jeffy stop playing with that toy please please make a lot of noise Chevy I said stop please stop playing with that toy please huh please don't buy him any more toys please okay I'm really up not just boys I just don't like you I just so annoyed Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy stop no I do not finished playing with that you know what happens stop playing with that no I gotta find out watching the bombs there's a monkey in that box no no no more monkey you need to go to bed you need to go put on your PJs but I don't want mine playing Jenga on my diaper all yeah you like your diaper but but you gotta wear your PJs I was only the please go put them on PJ please come on let's go thank God okay is this PJs on yeah he's just diaper too well why was it was it dirty of course that it's on the outside of his pants but someone pulled my pants someone pooped your pants yep are you sure it's not you that pooped your pants no my Chum one day and then they put them back on me I'm getting the poop smeared out my back and mommy had to clean it does everything that no you whatever anyway you're gonna go to bed and me and Rosalie not gonna have a dull time in the living room and so you just stay in bed okay okay I gotta get one more in before mine so Jeffy's in bed I know we have the whole night to ourselves so what do you want to do we could just watch a movie what you see out there yeah Javy jumpy I told you stay in bed line because we could wherever that's adult time and it's past your bedtime my two dog in my room it's too dark it you forgot the nightlight right I'm sorry I did well come on Jeff you ate the nightlight okay come on okay Jesse there's your night like 9:00 yeah it's a light that stays on by your bed so you don't get scared of the dark why don't you donking you well how about this maybe this will help Jeffy stars like Jeffy is that good enough no it's don't do dark in here turn turn the room light on that'd be way too bright Jeffy no I'm wondering dawn fine let me see it okay alright Jeffy is that good no it's bright it's to play Atari off all right Jesse I don't know what I can do for you try this one wander it's a flashlight look that's good enough that's good enough whenever you want it to be bright in here you just pick it back up see Oh super-bright super-bright look at that if you want it to dim you just point it that works okay Jeffy that good no don't turn the room light back on don't worry Mario we still have the whole night together we can do whatever you want whatever I want of course going Jeffy what what now what now what do you want now I didn't get by dawn starring Jeff you're too old for a bedtime story we can read them one story it won't take that long one story with that's not good enough come on Mario if he'll be fine he'll be sleeping in no time I need a bedtime story come on Debbie one story one story okay all right Jeffy we're gonna be reading you green eggs and ham oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yes green eggs and ham what where's the honey door how they do what Jeffy can't be going G Jeffy it's just a book it's just it's just a cartoon book whoa Jeff you can't have green eggs and ham why don't dine in the bowl well yeah I know but that's because it's a book Jeffy it's not met that really happen well I am Mario we can make them green eggs and ham it can't be dad did not make him green eggs and ham it doesn't exist come on my ingesting a bomb because it's a book Mario the sooner he goes to bed the sooner we can have adult alone time oh I don't know we'll figure it out it can't be that hard Jeffy just just sit here and read the book and we're gonna go try to make green eggs and ham okay oh look at all that green all right and green right there okay all right yeah do you imagine that paint that looks good I think we're I think we're gonna do it yeah Oh gross okay Jeffy here's your green eggs and ham mmm that looks good right this guy's a liar what this guy's a liar he shake he likes green eggs and ham that's part of the book Jeffy the whole book he says he doesn't like it and then he finally tries it and he likes it but you guys can even touch the damn yeah ja you know I liked him what are you talking about because right here on this page he hides one egg on his form yeah okay and then he eats it and then makes the statement Danny like green eggs and ham and he hasn't even touched his ham yet you usually on his first day well maybe because it's a picture you're supposed to assume that he tried both things you know it's just a book it's just a picture so maybe he did try the him because right here he's only on secondary hey still making touched his ham and you don't be a rambling on like a green engine held anywhere anywhere is it all capital he's your lawyer I don't want that you don't want this no why Debbie whoo we just made it and we worked really hard making it looking Jalen's perfect I don't want because he's a liar all right Jeff be fine this is your better don't bother us the whole night you have everything you want yep green eggs and ham you have all these lights you have a book and your stupid night lights and everything jumpy you're not they're following me right now adult toy adults hang okay Jeff you just stay right here and Mimi thing just just wait till the morning okay okay Jeffy literally has everything he has green eggs and ham is a book he has a nightlight no more interruptions yeah Mario now we can finally be alone okay Sonny what are you doing out of your room stop [ __ ] me dainties your mind in my bag no there's not there's no month under bed I promise yes they're waiting he told me he was gonna poop in my jammies poop in your jammies no no the monster did not say that you not saying you're gonna poop in your jammies daddy daddy Jake get me I'm gonna poop in your jammies yeah please mr. Monty don't poop on my jammies I ran yanked on my dang chippy there's no month on your bed I promise I can show you there's no monster under your bed no dang now is your mind showing you my brain you've gotta come again mouth fine file it look I'll show you that there's no monster under your bed come on come on come on okay Jeffy where is this monster because me and Rosalie I gonna make this monster go away and never come back he turn into Baghdad make him go away under the bed you do you see any monsters no monsters nope nope there's there's no monsters under your bed so that poop of your jammies gonna be all you buddy boy becomes open trying to poop in my jammies no but that's all you that's gonna be your fault no not ours but there's no there is no monster under the bed well he only comes out when you know he's a war going don't I'm trying to poop in my damming he only comes out when we're not here so I have a solution to that okay Jeffy you not to worry about any more monsters pooping in your jammies because I have this why yeah it's a monster destroy your room entourage spoil yeah yeah whenever it sees monsters it shoots them with a laser June June my light yeah and it uh it's it's right here look right there Oh what are you doing don't well whatever sees a monster it just killed it you know it just it detects monsters so you can go to bed and not have to worry about any monsters getting you okay okay so what county ask I don't bother me anymore okay okay finally what was that thing Mario was that really a monster destroyer no baby look it's just a baby minor so we can keep an eye on Jeffy oh wow that's actually really smart yeah I got it so we could finally watch Jeffy and we can never get making sure he doesn't hurt himself that's a good idea yeah look he's just doing his normal stuff why you know beating his beating his diaper yeah so now that we're alone finally what do you want to do I want to do whatever you want to do baby I mean I had you choose you choose you know um what's he doing Jeffy Joey stop Dougie dougie summit nut Jeffy Jeff it's me is me Mario no I'm not dropping the machine no no no no no I'm not in the machine what why though javi javi just go back to bed machine day young boy chain I'm not sucking machine [Applause] oh my god jumping Chevy why did you not get the monster machine why Oh into lane daddy too late too late for what the monster already booked on my damage the monster already poop in your jammies yeah daddy the monster came right after the machine phone down chubby you buca's your jammies nothing so you did it no I didn't die I promise you the monster pooped on my jammies there is no monster Debbie but by going to engage my diaper snow coin Jesus cross don't wake him I don't want to sleep with him it's just okay [Music]
Channel: SML Plush Show
Views: 35,197,767
Rating: 4.705627 out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, bedtime, mario, mario bros, rosalina, funny, jokes, kids, show, hilarious, funniest, video, youtube, green eggs and ham, baby, monitor, entertainment, puppet, stupid
Id: 7HldQnYQ05E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2016
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