SML Movie: Jeffy's Bowling Ball!

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you know Marvin we have the house to ourselves since jeffy's out playing Bowl the ball with his friends you mean bowling oh that's a clever name for It Marvin they should call it that they do well they will now since you said it well Marvin you should go downstairs and lock the front door ooh are you thinking what I'm thinking yeah we don't want just anybody walking in because who knows where we'll end up okay I'll go lock it let me just lock the door Marvin hurry ooh freaky time all right Jeffy I have a 115 that means you have to get a nine to tie or 10 points to win I'm going to get a struck oh yeah yeah you no you're [Music] not it's going it's going ha Jeffy you got a seven that means you have to get two to tie and all of them to win well I'm going to get all of them yeah right you can't get all them you're going to lose no I'm not I'm going to win yeah we'll see about that guys right all Jeffy you got this all you got to do is get three little pins and you win he didn't get a single P you suck at bowling Jeffy you lose I don't suck at bowling I hate losing at bowling and I hate locked doors more let's try that again [Music] that's one way again Sean oh baby that was amazing Marvin you didn't even make it to five Mississippi I made a four Mississippi and that's a new record how many Mississippi do you need mama needs a lot of Mississippi then you can name all 50 states and start on countries all right baby let's watch a movie what do you want to watch um let's watch came in 60 seconds I mean Gone in 60 Seconds okay Marvin you should go unlock the door downstairs in case Jeffy comes home good idea baby [Applause] what that bu B who who would do this let is up let is up jimy Jeffy oh pine cone dick what Acorn balls Jeffy I'm being shared you need to listen to me right now Old Cherry stem dick curves to the side Jeffy listen to me did you throw a bowling ball through the front door no but you seem mad I am mad J because someone threw a bowling ball through the front door and you went bowling with your friends I didn't go bowling with my friends I've been here all night I don't even like bowling bowling's gay so you're telling me you didn't go bowling with your friends nope well someone threw a bowling ball through the front door I know and I heard it too and whoever did it they did it twice cuz the first time the bowling ball didn't break the glass how do you know I don't know I heard it well Jeffy if you're telling me the truth did you throw a bowling ball through the front door no I did not okay well I'm going to call the cops and find out who did it yeah and I think you should too because there's a bowling ball abandoned on the loose going around throwing bowling balls at people's front doors cuz it's locked okay well I'm how' you know the door was locked lucky guess all right well I'm calling the cops if I find out it was you you're so grounded you're going to military school you're going to be kicked out on the streets I'm going make sure you never step foot in this house again old bowling pin dick Jeffy stop s ow okay I'll see you then please hurry Marvin what was all that shouting someone threw a bowling ball through our front door what yeah there's glass everywhere I just called the cops and they're on their way what who would do that I have no idea someone who wanted to cause our life a lot of problems that must be the cops I'm coming I'm coming hey you don't even have to open the door I'm right here oh hey what's up brother what was that I don't know just a thing people are saying this is serious this broken glass all on my door yeah I was just going to say who did you piss off the Incredible Hulk no yeah I I Can Do Better uh who who knocked on your front door last The Incredible Hulk yeah it's not really working is it okay how about this knock knock who's there not the glass in your front door cuz I'm the Incredible Hulk and when I knocked it broke the glass stop with the Incredible Hulk jokes they're not funny yeah yeah you're right no no that's working who did you piss off a rock thrower you know cuz they say don't throw rocks at glass houses in glass glass houses who did you piss off the rock painted green so he looks like the Incredible Hulk take this seriously listen a crime was committed someone broke into my house with a bowling ball oh okay well I guess I'll come in but um do I open the door or just crawl in through the hole just crawl in this is silly see look there's a bowling ball right here and someone threw this through my door and look at all this glass did they steal anything no they just threw the bowling ball in left my God I can only think of one man who would leave a bowling ball as a calling card who Bobby bowling hands Bobby bowling hands who's that yeah let's come upstairs and I'll tell you let's get away from all this glass okay oh good Marvin the cops are here what's he saying I have a story about who I think the per is Bobby bowling hands Bobby bowling hands yeah sit back let me tell you about them so you remember the story about my Nemesis in high school Billy bowling hands Who Lost His Hands in a train accident replaced them with bowling balls he was really good at bowling I challenged him to a swimming race he drowned you know the story well Billy had a younger brother named Bobby bowling hands I had a wood shop class with him and he was so sad about his brother Billy dying that while we were cutting wood for a wooden race car project he cut his hands off and replaced them with bowling balls like his brother ironically he wasn't as good at bowling he wanted to avenge his brother's death by getting payback on me so he asked me if he could wash my car to save up cash for his brother's funeral so I felt bad for him and I told him yes but washing a car with bowling ball hands went about as well as you'd expect he dented my car all over and smashed the windshield I was so mad I just knew he did it on purpose then at prom I was with my hot date and I asked Bobby if he would get me a glass of punch so he tried to grab the ladle to pour some punch into the cup but his bowling ball hand smashed the bowl and made the punch spill all over my date and my rented white suit it was so embarrassing I just know Bobby did it on purpose so I just know that bowling ball through your front door was because of Bobby he's always trying to make my life more inconvenient just because his brother died well that would make sense if there was a bowling ball through your front door but the bowling ball went through my front door has nothing to do with you well you see Marvin that's the genius of Bobby he's a born tactician every move is a Pawn off the board he's playing four-dimensional chess Marvin he knows that I'm over here all the time cuz he's probably been following me so he knew that you would have me fix your front door for $500 and of course I'm going to do it because it's $500 I wasn't going to ask you to fix my door I was going to call a company well you see Marvin that's exactly the genius of it he knew you were going to say no and I would want $500 so I'm going to go downstairs and fix your front door and you're going to give me $500 just like Bobby wants us to do because if we go off script he's going to come up with something even worse this way whenever he shows up we'll be ready for him that ought to do it all right Marvin the door's fixed what what is this a fixed door no no no I didn't want wood I wanted glass right here what so bowling ball can come crashing through I don't think so Marvin this is Brazilian mahogany nothing's breaking through that except for maybe the Incredible Hulk but you're not going to see him or piss him off because he's not even real and even if he was I don't know why he would come here he'd be at my house because I have animal crackers I think he'd like that well no I want a whole new door a whole new door you know Marvin like the song from Aladdin don't you dare close your eyes listen listen listen I wanted a brand new door with glass cuz how am I going to see who's at the door if someone comes to the door well that's exactly the point Marvin it'll be a surprise every time it could be a serial killer or it could be an Amazon Prime package you won't know till you open the door go get me a new door okay well you owe me $500 for this I'm not paying $500 for this crappy duct tape job okay well give me $500 and I'll go buy bu you a new door you promise mhm okay here's $500 okay yeah I'll just take this and go to the door store here I go to the door store okay I'll be back sure I will what' you say I said I'll be back and then I said sure I will just reassuring you that I will be back you better come back I will sure I will Marvin did he fix the front door I mean not really he just put wood over where the glass used to be oh no Marvin what are we going to do what if Bobby bowling hands comes back baby I don't think there ever was a Bobby bowling hands I think he just won an excuse to make $500 well what do we do Marvin I don't know I just wish there was a way that we could really see what happened to our front door hey we could always check the nest doorbell camera oh yeah baby check the app see what the footage says let's see oh Marvin it was jimy it was jimy Marvin we should have known oh give me the phone I'm I'm going go beat some ass I'll beat some ass tonight Jeffy jeffy's not here at the moment please leave a message after the Jeffy I can't wait to see you try to get out of this one so earlier I asked you if you threw a voling ball through the front door and you said no exactly now press play on this video and you tell me what you [Music] see that is not me oh that's not you no that's my cousin first name re middle name Tar last name did oh so that's not you that's your cousin y Jeffy I know that you and why did you tell it well someone decided to lock the front door how else was I supposed to get in ring the doorbell too hard oh that's it I'm beating some ass you been over some ass be about to happen you cannot touch me or else I will call Child Protective Services on your ass ow ow ow help help hey hey stop it Jeffy that is it I am going to go in your piggy bank and I'm going to take all the money so I can buy a new door you don't touch my piggy bank you [Applause] me don't touch it oh jeffy's got to get it now morvin what are you doing I'm going to break open jeffy's Piggy and get my money back from my door morvin don't Mommy stop him I don't know what to do you asked for this young man and now you're going to get it no piggy no daddy no you you what penes where all your money go Jeffy money laundering let go him I need money for my door [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 4,986,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, joke, puppet, puppets, jeffys bowling ball, bowling ball, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, marvin, rose, friends, friend, logan, lance, pablo, brooklyn guy, animation, billy bowling hands, laugh
Id: ulS49sPV8Io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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