SML Movie: Jeffy's Bad Christmas [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] all right jeffy open up your present one present day yeah you only got one why i i don't know that's all santa brought well that better be something good elephant poop i wanted this last year jeffy that's not elephant poop that's coal and you got cold cause you're a bad boy you said jeffy's a bad boy yeah jeffy you were a bad boy all year long so santa got you cold because you got our videos age restricted take that santa claus chubby you did a christmas tree jimmy yeah because santa claus gave me elephant poop jeffy you didn't get toys because you were bad and bad kids don't get toys for christmas did today [Applause] oh oh mario happy free stuff day where my presents say oh yeah i did get you a present black yoshi hold on let me get it merry christmas black yoshi ooh what'd you get me i hope it's money let me see purple is kool-aid oh you know me all too well folks yeah i i know i got you kool-aid i always came for you folk a package came for me mm-hmm it's from youtube where'd you get this oh i stole it off our front doorstep see how i was going around stealing packages on people's front doors and i stole this one from my house oh what if it's from youtube what would youtube want to send us i don't know but this present has been age restricted yeah yeah that's what they've been doing to us well anyway merry christmas black yoshi merry christmas whoa look at all this stuff i got for christmas this is the best christmas ever stupid santa claus jeffy what's wrong i didn't get anything for christmas what you didn't get anything for christmas well i got elephant poop elephant poop yeah well santa gave me all this cool stuff like he gave me this robot and he gave me a thomas the dank engine he's so dank you got all this stuff for christmas from santa claus yeah from santa claus what's wrong jeffy why did junior get presents from santa claus and i only got elephant poop well because jeffy i already explained this to you you were bad all year long and santa claus doesn't give toys to kids that were bad well how did he know i was bad daddy because jeffy santa claus is always watching you he always knows if you're bad or not and you were bad all year long so he didn't give you any toys so santa claus is watching right now yep santa claus is watching you right now oh i got a message for santa claus hey santa claus f.u that smells fun and i'm not having fun right now because you didn't give me any new toys to play with well jeffy you're being bad right now and he's not listening to you well how do i get toys right now daddy well jeffy if i got santa claus to come visit you right now would you apologize to him and promise you'd be good forever yeah but you would so if i could get santa claus you apologize to him all right jeffy let me go get santa claus but you got to be on your best behavior you got to apologize and promise you'll always be good okay guy all right jeffy santa claus will be here any second now okay daddy what's that sound jeffy could it be i think it's santa claus ho ho ho and i'm not talking about my ex-wife santa claus yep that's me i'm santa and i brought rudolph the red-nosed reindeer people used to laugh and call them names and they still do your red nose freak all right jeffy clown oh yeah i'm sorry i'm done all right jeffy wiggly we get it all right all right jeffy what were you gonna say to santa claus hey mr santa claus f-u whoa oh it smells fun yeah and i'm not having fun this year because you didn't bring me any new toys well you've been a really bad boy this year you've been yelling and cussing and breaking stuff and kids like that don't get toys yeah jeffy and he's been watching you all year yeah i've been watching all the kids just millions of kids 24 7 365 watching all the kids i see i see everything they do i uh i should be investigated i have a problem i have a problem making all these toys for all the kids is what i meant to say but it's kind of messed up if you think about it like like i got thousands of midgets working for me for no pay to make toys and then i break into people's houses to deliver those toys and then and then i fly in my sleigh over no-fly zones and and just to go back home so i can watch more kids well mr santa claus i'm sorry and i promise you'll be good give me toys well i'm sorry but i'm sorry you are so ugly is that glitter on your nose yes did you even try on your costume what is this did you shave your stomach did you get spayed it's homemade hateless focusing on this oh yeah sorry uh you're not getting any toys this year because you were bad you have to wait till next year next year take this that's not the real santa claus he's right i'm a fraud and this isn't rudolph either it's my co-worker jerry the the real santa claus dad oh the the real santa claus jeffy he's in uh north carolina what north carolina don't you mean the north pole oh yeah the north the north pole yeah santa claus likes to go to north carolina on weekends so we can look at lighthouses at cape hatteras oh he's at the north pole jeffy i i couldn't get him he was really busy so i got this santa claus so yeah well i'm gonna find the real santa claus well thanks for trying so cody gets you rockets and missiles and also can blow up an entire planet he can do all that stuff yeah santa claus gave him to me he's pretty cool junior i need your help with what i need to go to north carolina what why do you see santa claus don't you mean the north pole and why you got to see santa claus anyway because he didn't give me no toys for christmas and i gotta ask him why well cody uh can you take us to north pole like one of your machines no junior there's no way well do you think you can bring santa claus to us with like a teleportation machine huh i might have something for that hold on really let me just get the old uke here you this ukulele can open up portals in space and time just with music really yeah so if we play a catchy enough jingle maybe we can bring santa here okay let's give it a shot my name is cody and i'm a hunky dude hunky dude hunky dude hunky dude what do you think about that well where's the portal the portal what what what the portal i opened to your heart no no the one that's supposed to bring santa claus to us oh well well this is just a normal ukulele i just i just wanted to know if you liked the song it was okay i liked it okay well i'll work on that but here is the santa portal whoa yeah how does it work well you just crank the old knob and then you turn that dial there but you have to say what you want to bring here okay is that simple yep okay um we want santa claus in this room right now okay [Applause] whoa what's going on here where am i oh hey santa i'll tell you what's going on you're about to catch these hands take that shadow jiffy you knocked out santa claus yeah why'd you do that cause you didn't give me no toys for christmas ho ho oh no why'd you do that cause you didn't give me no toys for christmas what no toys hold on the only reason you will get no toys is if you were on the naughty list let me check so what was your name little boy my name is jeffy see you show my shirt jeffy jeffy yes look your name's right here stop him let me go kids no i'm never letting you go until you give me a toy i can't give toys to kids that are naughty well i'm never gonna let you go shadow listen i'll give you all the toys you want if you let me go all the toys i want okay [Music] there i made the rope extra tight this time listen i will run again i swear if you let me go shut up santa i'm never letting you go after what you just did just let me get my toy back and i'll give you whatever tool you want santa's promise ooh junior shine trust him well he gave you the santa's promise and i don't think he'd run again so yeah i'd let him go all right yeah i don't think he's gonna run again this is my magical toy bag it has every toy you can imagine but but it's empty because i could reach all the toys from the north pole wait wait so that bag takes you to the north pole oh oh oh give me this claws wait jimmy's trying to escape to the north pole get himself i think i'm free let me go i'm sorry we're not falling for that again santa you keep trying to escape yeah santa why is it so hard to give jeffy just one toy because he's naughty who's that i don't know oh oh granite cringle oh hold on hold on guys i'm gonna answer the door just keep him shut up uh hello merry christmas oh cops what are you doing here oh yeah we got a call from the north pole saying that santa had called them and told them that he had been kidnapped kidnapped santa claus got kidnapped yeah yeah we take calls from the north pole pretty seriously so i'm gonna have to come in and look around even though i don't have a warrant uh but santa claus is definitely not here so why would you want to come in yeah but i i still have to search so okay now where is it santa what is that noise uh it's the robot toy that i got for christmas oh that's awesome oh what is that thing oh that's my snow globe oh what what was that uh your mom because she's fat my mom uh-huh really really you're gonna do that you're gonna call my mom fat what does it what does the matter with you just insulting my mother i met your ex-wife hey there you go my man all right if you see santa you just give me a call okay okay we'll do guys what was all that noise we almost got caught sorry junior we were trying to keep him quiet well i saw jeffy trying to keep him quiet by hitting him in the head what were you doing i was hitting him in the head well you were doing a bad job at it mm-hmm i just want toys well yeah what are we gonna do are you gonna give them toys or not listen i'll give you one toy if you give me milk and cookies what milk and cookies i mean i don't know if we should trust him he keeps trying to run off and stuff but all right cody how about you go get the milk and cookies and we'll stay here with them okay these are some good cookies boy thank you am i gonna get a toy or not i'll take damage no santa why are you playing games just give jeffy a toy guys cody not right now jeffy why does santa hate you so much oh no junior guy what cody i think santa's choking he's choking yeah what do we do i don't know junior oh damn stop making that noise jeffy you just saved santa's life yeah jeffy you saved santa claus's life oh correct you you saved my life give me toys maybe you're not so naughty after all give me toys you know what i will give you toys jeffy you're gonna get a toy for saving his life great okay i've decided to give all three of you a toy really yeah so just turn around count to ten and then when you turn it back around you'll have your toy oh yeah yeah that's awesome and go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten where's the toy oh he left well oh yeah he kind of stopped going i wasn't expecting that oh man you're never going to get a toy oh my g there's no point chasing me there you know he's already at the north pole yeah oh oh i'm never gonna get a toy for christmas that sucks jeffy yeah i just really wanted a toy yeah everybody deserves a toy on christmas except for me yeah except for you junior i i mean hey jeffy uh you want to have my my my really cool super cool robot toy for christmas really yeah you can have that oh nice junior thank see you christmas should be about giving yeah i mean that did feel really good yeah but well why didn't we just bring santa back with this thing oh it's all out of juice junior it's not gonna work oh but uh is there something you want to give me um you know like like anything it's just no no is there anything you can give me oh oh yeah there it is you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,558,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, jeffy, jeffy's, bad, christmas
Id: dafAIpqe8Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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