SML Movie: Jeffy's Birthday Wish [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] hey daddy why can't i see anything am i blind no jeff you're not blind i put a blindfold on you because i got you a birthday surprise thank you yeah birthday surprise all right jeffy i'm gonna open your eyes happy birthday holy horse testicles day you got me a bouncy house yep jeffy i got you a bounce house are you kidding me daddy no no go jump in it jeffy go jump in it yeah oh more so happy yeah i knew he'd love it it just took forever to get this thing inside the house where'd you get it from i got it from toys r us oh well you know what else is today mario what the solar eclipse a solar eclipse yeah it's when the moon blocks out the sun i don't know jeffy i guess it's just cheap but don't worry i got you another surprise i know you're right yeah come on jeffy follow me all right jeffy it's time for your second surprise hang on daddy why can't i see anything again and why am i holding him back because jeffy you're gonna hit a pinata with that bat what's your pinata uh it's a it's a horsey full of candy a horsey full of candy i always see a horsey falling canyon well you can't see it jeffy you have to have your blindfold on why because you're supposed to hit the horse with your bad why are you doing it because you're supposed to beat the horse until all the candy comes out okay danny but how am i gonna hit the horseshoe if i can't see it well that's the part of the game you're not supposed to see it just run up there just swing your bat and hope you hit it and i won't get in trouble nope you won't get in trouble just swing at it all right danny it stop that jeffy did i get the horsey guy no you you messed the completely jeffy oh my god what have you told the world mario you can't get mad at him he just did what you told him to do i know i know just just take her to the kitchen i'm gonna i'm gonna ask chef pee pee how's birthday cakes doing give me that back come on jeffy after so many hours this cake is finally done hey chef are you doing jeffy's birthday cake yet yeah mario it's right here but wow that looks just like a cheerio box thank you but one question why did you have me make a cheerio box cake well because jeffy really likes cheerios so he wanted a cheerio cake oh well get your stupid cake i gotta clean up the kitchen all right thank you so much chef pee pee he's gonna love this all right jeffy here's your birthday cake my birthday cakey cheerio box daddy yeah it's a cheerio box can i stick my poopy in it no jeffy it's a birthday cake here's to your peepee in it oh wait wait where's rosalina i don't even know oh hold on jeffy i'll be right back she has a chance to be here for this what baby what are you doing the solar eclipse is about to happen mario well jeffy's a blogger's birthday candles oh well let's hurry i don't want to miss this oh don't worry we're hurry oh all right let's say happy birthday to jeffy jeffy what are you doing how are you doing your cheerio box mom pete pee oh jeffy now we can't eat cake because your pee pee was in it hurry and make a wish jeffy the solar eclipse is happening right now oh wish what do i wish for well jeffy it's your birthday you can wish for whatever you want so blow out the candles and wish for whatever you want whatever i want [Music] the solar eclipse is happening right now jackie heard it make a wish oh i wish today one last forever yay jeffy you made your wish happy birthday happy birthday you want a piece of your cake jeffy jeffy what johnny come on maria let's go outside and watch the solar eclipse before it's over okay come on jeffy i'll yell at you later whoa it's a total solar eclipse mario it looks so amazing it looks like a butthole daddy well how long does usually last about a minute oh so let's enjoy this minute uh i thought you said this only lasts a minute it does but it's been like 10 minutes what's going on um danny what would happen if that butthole started pooping that'd be some big poops um i think we should go turn on the news and find out what's going on [Music] breaking news the solar eclipse just won't stop nasa is holding an emergency press conference let's go to that uh hello there i am space cadet brooklyn tea guy i'm with nasa we called this emergency press conference here today because the solar eclipse that was supposed to happen today is still going on uh it was only supposed to last a minute it uh it has now lasted 15 minutes and the moon has not moved so we're a little scared but uh we're gonna wait another five minutes before we before we really start freaking out oh no mario the moon isn't moving wait why is it doing that what's happening are we gonna die we're gonna die calm down everything will probably be okay we should just wait the five minutes like the astronaut said oh okay we'll just we'll just wait the five minutes i guess daddy did your butthole in the sky do something bad we don't know yet jeffy bad bro you better stop what you're doing right now before i come up there and lick it yeah yeah so so the moon has still not moved it's it's still blocking the sun uh it would be really nice if the moon would please move please please move uh sunlight is crucial for uh humans and plant life on earth and uh without sunlight we could all die but uh we are working on a solution to this problem to try to fix this situation but uh we could all die we're gonna die we're gonna die oh stop freaking out you're gonna scare jeffy on his birthday he doesn't even understand what's going on listen here mr butthole you're scaring my daddy you are stopping right now hey daddy um how do you wipe your butt if you're scared of butt holes i'm not scared of bubbles jeffy okay so we got some good news uh no before you ask the the moon has not moved out of the way of the sun but we do have some solutions on how we can move the moon out of the way of the sun okay so first we're gonna try scaring the moon so it runs away alright i'll be right back okay i'm gonna sneak up and scare the moon boom did it work are you scared well that didn't work that is one fearless moon but don't panic we got more ideas uh next we're gonna try to wrap a bunch of rope around the moon and tow it away uh i'm gonna need a lot more rope than this about 35 million feet of rope but i i think i know a guy just i'll be right back okay so i got the rope tight around the moon luckily i had a friend that owns a rope store and just had stockpiles of ropes sitting around so yeah let's move this mode no come on you bastard moe all right let me get into maximum overdrive damn it the rope broke that's it the mode is really starting to piss me off all right so we have no other choice we're gonna have to we're gonna have to nuke the moon but i mean i mean come on what has the moon ever done for us right all right let's nuke that move all right nope didn't work i just made more craters on the moon so we've done everything we can to move the moon so it looks like we're just gonna have to accept it uh we've decided to put christmas lights all over the moon to try to lighten it up and get some of that sunlight back i'll be right back ah well that's just tacky oh great one went out now the whole thing went out and now i gotta find which one went out and replace it but there's over seven trillion lights up there it's gonna take forever i'm not doing that all right guys so we've tried everything in our power to fix this moon problem and it's not working so it looks like this is the end of humanity uh if anybody at home knows how we could fix this problem please let us know because we are stumped i don't want to die mario me either baby daddy what jeffy i got puffy balls on my cone hat i wish today would go back to normal i wish i could help daddy but i already used my birthday wish jeffy what you wished for your birthday wish that today would never end right yeah baby what if his wish came true he made that wish during the solar eclipse and then everything like stood still so what if his birthday which came true oh don't be ridiculous mario you wanna know what's ridiculous mommy puffy balls on my cone hat i'm gonna call nasa that has to be it i'm gonna call nasa uh hello hey it's me from nasa i came as soon as you called we really need suggestions for how to move that moon and please tell me your suggestion is not to eat it the moon is not made out of cheese people keep thinking that oh no no it's not that come on it's something important all right all right what's going on here well today's my son's birthday oh clearly look at that puffy bald cone hat thanks well anyway my son made a birthday wish and he wished during the solar eclipse that today would never end oh my god he did what what's wrong everybody knows you get one wish every year on your birthday and it always comes true i didn't know that well yeah usually people use it on like a bike or a new toy or something stupid not not that was it a ball or not what do we do then i don't know this is crazy i don't know how to reverse a wish i don't even know what to do well mario if a person gets one wish on their birthday every year why don't we find someone else whose birthday is today and have them wish everything was back to normal hey i'm the astronaut here i come up with the solutions okay yeah here's the astronaut baby oh i got it i got it how about if we find somebody else whose birthday is today and we make them wish that everything was back to normal what that's genius that's not genius maybe yeah yeah yeah see that's why i'm the astronaut yeah he's the astronaut okay okay so who else has a birthday today well see we gotta find somebody whose birthday is on the same day so i'll go check the database all right i wonder whose birthday is today him yeah he's the only other person we could find that had a birthday today what do we do well you should wake him up well me why me look i'm not good with homeless people okay you wake him up i'll go make him a birthday cake you tell him it's his birthday okay is today your birthday is today your birthday birthday cake i like i like birthday cake but you like birthday cake oh well i have one at my house for you if you want it oh oh god birthday cake man yeah yeah just follow me oh beer alone what beer beer you want beer okay fine i'll get you some beer oh yeah all right i got him you like my moon cake what moon cake yeah it looks just like the moon right it looks like a round cake with white icing on it okay i don't see your cake you try making a cake during the end of the world anyway look i got him what do we need to do now well now all we need him to do is wish for everything to go back to normal oh okay all right i'll get the candle all right get in front of the cake all right so uh we made you a birthday cake okay birthday cake birthday cake's great yeah yeah yeah so we made your birthday cake so what we need to do is we need to blow out this candle and we need to make a wish and we need you to wish for the whole world to go back to normal okay yeah okay so happy birthday to you man yeah so uh make your wish i wish it hasn't beer birthday cake you whispered you're supposed to wait for everything to go back to normal hey hi i guess that's the end of the world oh really the end of the world yeah i mean unless you know somebody else whose birthday is today i mean i don't no i don't know anyone that's birthdays today i mean there's gotta be someone else who has a birthday today i mean yeah as many people as there are in the world you would think at least happy birthday honey what wait what's today today today's the 21st what well it's my birthday today what what yeah yeah i worked so much i just i really celebrated i forgot it was my birthday today's your birthday yeah isn't that just the easiest [ __ ] ending we could have thought of well really so you can wish that the world was back to normal yeah let's light this candle okay happy birthday to me all right so the candle is lit uh just blow it out and make that wish him what this song what song the birthday song sing me happy birthday we don't have time for that well it's my birthday all right i haven't celebrated my birthday in 25 years you better get this singing okay fine happy birthday to you put some soul into it man come on for real okay fine happy birthday to you good happy birthday to you to you happy birthday to brooklyn guy happy birthday to that's good all right let's blow out this candle i wish everything was back to normal [Music] oh yeah there you go [Applause] well we're blind we shouldn't have looked at the solar eclipse without special glasses mario i am dying why can't i see anything again am i blind yes jeffy now you're actually blind all right everybody so it looks like everything's back to normal the moon is moving the birds are chirping looks like everything's good uh we do have a global shortage of rope in christmas lights though so uh everybody pitch in and maybe we can do something about [Music] that you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 832,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, jeffy, jeffy's, birthday, wish
Id: 5AX4FzpApc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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