SML Movie: It's Ya Boy Duggie [2024]

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booger bad booger let go of the pillow Marvin what's wrong baby booger is destroying the pillow bad booger Jeffy what's up daddy your damn din won't stop chewing on the pillow stop him bad booger bad bad bad okay we're all just yelling at him Jeffy grab him let grab booger no bite in the pillow okay just he just bit me Marvin what's gotten into booger he's been destroying everything lately I don't know he just bit me we should call a vet and see if he has mad cow disase um daddy booger is not a cow but I know Jeffrey I just want to make sure he doesn't have rabies I'm calling a vet hey there somebody call a vet on his lunch break see the chicken leg I put this chicken down an hour ago the family's still crying but I told them don't worry Mr cluckin is delicious so what do you want so vet do I call you vet I don't know can I call you unemployed bald man well listen look I have this pet dinosaur and he won't stop destroying stuff and acting crazy we don't know why he's acting like that uhuh well I'm not an expert but it seems to me like he's a dinosaur and that's just what dinosaurs do but I I want him to act like a house cat you know I want him just lay around and sleep well you know what they say you can't turn a [ __ ] into a housewife so why would you be able to turn a dinosaur into a house cat I I think that's how the saying goes look my main point is my first wife was a [ __ ] Marvin maybe booger is lonely and we should get him another dinosaur friend oh yeah two dinosaurs that seems like a good idea you know cuz the first dinosaur is destroying everything so yeah a second dinosaur should even things out this is turning into Jurassic Park well baby I don't even know where we would get another pet dinosaur from well I guess you could always get a portal gun that'll open a portal through through time and then just grab a dinosaur out of the past but I don't know where you'd get one of those so don't even ask me yeah baby I don't know what we're going to do you know actually my great-grandfather was a tinkerer he would Tinker from time to time and I think one time he tinkered up a portal gun like that I think I have it laying around the attic somewhere so can we have it I guess I can take a look for it here hold my chicken leg don't bite it it's mine all right I'm back behold the portal gun 5,000 this bad boy can open up a portal to any place in any time but it doesn't have very much juice left I think we only have one shot at this okay so what's the plan okay the plan is I'm going to open up a portal up there then we're going to take some kind of food and tie a string to it and throw it through the portal and go fishing for a dinosaur why don't we use your chicken leg a I wanted that okay hey lady woman um Rose no that's a kind of flower okay what you're going to do is tie a string to that chicken leg right now no 2 years from now go fine really you picked her to be your wife what's the rest of the plan okay so what we're going to do is whenever she gets back eventually with my chicken leg with a string on it we're going to throw it through the portal and whenever we feel a tug on the string we know a dinosaur's biting it then we just yank the dinosaur through the portal why don't we just go in the portal and grab the dinosaur ourselves are you kidding me I don't want to go back to dinosaur times it's scary what if we get stuck there there's no McDonald's or Hulu Okay your plan's good okay good where's my goddamn chicken leg it's right here okay good you hold on to that okay let's make this portal everybody stand back oh booger come back oh cool it actually worked all right throw the chicken leg in it okay give it to me give it to me okay all right now we just have to wait for something to pull on the string wa that's a big one oh man whatever dinosaur this is must love chicken whoa Marvin he's fighting me help me he's pulling really hard yeah I know the way he's pulling you'd think he was my ex-wife you know cuz she's fat and she loves food where'd he go o o o o o chicken was good he can talk huh I guess when scientists found dinosaur fossils they didn't find out if they could talk or not can you guys please give me some old chicken please well you're hungry oh I'm so hungry all I've had today is a Happy Meal a Happy Meal so they did have McDonald's back then I guess we can go to KFC or popey oh to KFC or the poop yeah but the reason we brought you here is because we have another dinosaur that we want you to hang out with oh is it my cousin Pooky cuz his ass only 5 hours I I don't know if it's a Pooky but booger get in here oh here go Pooky ass you owe me$ oh don't you run away from me Pooky you know you owe me money oh so that is Pookie yeah that Pooky right there okay well look how about we'll go get you some KFC or some Popeyes and you can eat that but we need you to hang out with booger and teach them how to act right okay I ain't no babysitter unless you going to pay me some money oh we'll pay you in chicken so okay so you teach booger how to act normal and I'm going to go get you some chicken by okay well I did everything I came here to do so I guess I'm just going to take my Tinker gun then go home all right I got you a big bucket of KFC chicken o thank you so much you so good to me what your name is white boy my name is Marvin oh Marvin the chicken man what's your name my name is your boy douge douge no your boy douge I have to say that your boy part every time yeah or else ain't going to know who you talking to all right your boy douge this is your bucket of chicken oh my chicken thank you so much you got anything to drink uh yeah let me see what I got all right the only thing we had to drink was grape Kool-Aid oh the Kool-Aid is it good yeah it's good I mean I don't know look at the ingredients and see if there's anything you don't like ribo FL BS how about I make you a glass of it all right all right here's your glass of water wait wait a minute you already ate all the chicken yeah cuz it was really good can I please get some more chicken maybe try the PO well no you're not getting any more chicken you still got to have some Kool-Aid oh that purple is Kool-Aid yeah I'm pour some in the cup all right all right now drink that oh that was so good can I have some more well you haven't finished the glass yet but I still want you to put a little bit more Kool-Aid in there oh you want more Kool-Aid yeah all right that's enough can you put a little bit more in there well I don't want to overflow it well I want you to do what Olive gone does when they put the cheese on the salad I'll tell you when to stop okay keep going keep going okay this seems like it's a lot no please keep going oh okay I I don't think I don't think we should put anymore no keep going I ain't tell you to stop yet I don't want it it's it's overflowing all right that's good okay that's good all right there you go your boy douy there's your Kool-Aid thank you so much now I'm going to get booger so or or your your cousin Pooky just don't make a mess booger stop it all right your boy douge can you please stop booger from being a bad dinosaur how's I supposed to do that I don't know he destroys stuff and I want him to stop it I mean I could try hey stop it well I've done all I can do hey Marvin you mind if I get some more purple Kool-Aid and Fried Chickens no no more Kool-Aid and fried chicken until we stop burger from being bad hey daddy cop like Call of Duty but no Jeffy no Call of Duty until you finish your chores but I don't want to do my chores go do your chores Jeffy a what's a Call of Duties it's a video game that Jeffy plays like a shooting game well can I try to play it I mean are you're a dinosaur can you even play it I mean I can try look I'm so good at the game need to focus on booger Marvin can I please have the map pack how much are the M packs $20 plus tax and fees look here's my wallet all I want you to do is grab my credit card out of it and all you can do is buy the mat packs do not buy anything else but the mat pack you hear me okay you can trust me all right booger I'm about to go shopping boy I'm about to give me some new shoes about to give me a chain about to give me a hat your boy doggy don't take his wallet stay still stay still ow he just bit me oh F I'm looking clean boy your boy doggy huh where'd you get all this stuff your wallets my wallet how much were those shoes 500 what $500 what doll what $500 how much was that chain Three Stacks Three Stacks like Oreos double stuff well I told you only to buy the map packs oh I forgot about the M packs hold on let me get those real quick no no no no you got to go well where we going no no not where we going where you're going you're going back to prehistoric times I don't want to leave leave here I get fried chicken I get Call of Duty and I get purple is Kool-Aid yeah but you're over stay you're welcome you're supposed to help with booger oh you need help with the booger yeah here get that booger out no no the the dinosaur Oh you mean Pooky ratchet ass Pooky get in here boy man stop being a [ __ ] I do what I can did well no no no I am calling the vat you're going back hey there you call me back ask me about the bacon why do you have bacon I just put down Porky Pig so That's all folks well listen I want this second dinosaur leave oh how about that the second dinosaur was a bad idea who could have seen that coming well listen this dinosaur is not destroying stuff he's just spending my money and mooching off me yeah it sounds like my first wife so look I want him to go so can you like grab that portal gun make a portal and we throw him back you know what we should have done is done that to begin with and have no dinosaurs because dinosaurs shouldn't be pets okay yeah you know if you make a portal I'll throw both dinosaurs in the portal and we won't have any more dinosaurs okay well lucky for you I already brought my portal gun cuz I thought this might happen all right so so make the portal everybody stand back it it's it's not working well shake it till something comes out it's not my wiener that's that's an old vet joke I'll try again nope nothing's happening I think it's out of juice well we Tinker with it make make them happen hey I'm not the tinkerer my great-grandfather was I can't just Tinker a portal gun like this okay well think of something that's a good one but no really I can't fix this what so I'm stuck with him yeah it looks like it oh where am I going to sleep no no can I take him to like the pound or like like let them loose outside no no no no no no no if anybody found out what we doing here I'm pretty sure the CIA would kill us dinosaurs are not supposed to be here and besides you can't just let them loose in the wild what if he mates with a goose or something you have like a dino Goose nobody wants that okay so I have to stick with he has to stay here yeah at least until we make another portal gun okay your boy douge you get to stay here but there's going to be some rules okay what type of rules all right well you're going to help with booger every day what no more tissue bu no boogers your stupid dumb cousin Pooky okay well I ain't doing nothing for Pooky until he gave me my $5 okay I'll get you your $ okay that's fine so so what do dinosaurs eat um people okay yeah how about you just eat chicken every day would that be good okay I love me some KFC and I love me some Kool-Aid okay so you get chicken and Kool-Aid but you'll help with booger I me Pooky every day so thank you vet thank you for trying can you just see if you can get the portal gun to work in the future I I guess I'll try well baby it looks like we have two dinosaurs at least all right Simmons I'm going to show you where we keep the bed to the bad inmates solitary confinement there's no food there's no electricity there's no hope well what do they eat if they don't have food sir they eat cockroaches and rats and whatever else they can find on the ground okay so this is our first inmate bubbles what's up beautiful back away from the bars oh you afraid to get kiss huh don't kiss him Simmons I didn't plan on it time one kiss from him and you'll fall in love Yeah Welcome to My Love chamber come on in come on Simmons let's go what wait come on kiss me kiss me oh come on all right s follow me this way oh no hurry up hurry up all right Simmons this next inmate is the worst of the worst her name is Nancy can I see what she looks like oh of course you can she's a caged animal hey Nancy get out here you old bag Nancy she's coming Nancy n Nancy don't make me come in there and pull you out you you're making me look bad Nancy you old C just just one second Simmons Nancy you're pissing me off let me come and grab you Nancy Nancy you better be dead in here cuz you didn't answer me oh my god oh no she escaped Simmons Simmons sound the alarms NY escaped we got a cold red lock down the prison go go go ah ah today is going to be a good day [Music] mhm [Music] mhm let's see what we got [Music] here she's [Music] perfect let's go get some [Music] kids [Music] now where are those kids at H maybe some musical help oh kids where are you kids I got some free candy for you kids I did it I finally escaped and on jeffy's 18th birthday now all I got to do is kidnap him and get my millions of dollars now where the hell am I oh God I'm so glad to finally be out of that prison oh oh [ __ ] it's the cops wait a minute that's not the cops maybe maybe he'll give me a ride woohoo oh [Music] yooo Yoo big boy can you give me a ride I don't think he's stopping stop a hey there baby you really shouldn't stand in the road almost hit you can you give me a ride big boy no I only take kids oh really well there's a kid I need you to help me take sorry I work alone I'll give you $50,000 huh that'll buy me a lot of candy get [Music] in chief chief chief don't worry guy I didn't forget today's your birthday Chief you remembered my birthday happy birthday guy I don't know is your birthday right yes Simmons today's my birthday at least somebody remembered well happy birthday it's too late now so what were you going to tell me guy huh I don't even remember I'm just so happy now the prisoner escaped oh yeah the prisoner escaped Chief The Prisoner Nancy escaped from solitary confinement we locked down the entire prison but she still somehow got away damn it guy how could you allow this to happen sir I don't know what happened she dug her way through con I don't know how it was like some sha Shank Redemption [ __ ] damn it God you better bring her back dead or alive or you're fired sir you can't fire me today's my birthday then I'll wait till tomorrow and then fire your ass well you can't fire me cuz I quit I'm just kidding you know I need this job Come On Son let's go find him all right Marvin is this good enough I think we need a few more balloons a few more balloons I bought all the balloons from the store I just want to make sure that jeffy's 18th birthday is special Marvin this looks amazing you did this just for jeffy's birthday you know me I love Jeffy and I want to make sure his 18th birthday is the most special birthday he's ever had that's so sweet Marvin jeffy's going to be so excited hey shf peipi can you go to the store and get 50 more balloons 50 more balloons I'll get you stupid balloons now leave me alone I just want to make sure that Jeffy gives me money I mean I want to make sure that Jeffy knows I love him Marvin you're not doing this just because jeffy's inheriting millions of dollars from his dead father are you jeffy's inheriting millions of dollars from his dead father it completely spped my mind oh really I'm being serious baby you know I love Jeffy I mean it's his 18th birthday Marvin come on just let him enjoy his special day baby it is our special day because he's turning 18 and he can move out of the house Marvin we're not kicking him out of the house on his birthday it depends on how much money he gives us Marvin oh listen let me go wake up Jeffy cuz it's his birthday and let me get his king crown king crown my snoring Russian Jeffy wake up it's your birthday really Daddy yeah Jeffy you're 18 years old yeah that too so how about you take off that bunny suit and come downstairs but what if I don't want to take off my bunny suit then leave it on you can keep it on all day really daddy you never let me leave my bunny suit on all day well it's your birthday so you can do whatever you want and look for breakfast I got you candy bars candy for breakfast daddy you're being really nice to me today well you know I love you Jeffy I wouldn't be doing it for any other reason and look since it's your birthday is there anything else you want strippers wait you want one yeah with big yummy cans well I'll call one up for your birthday party which is downstairs wow I got a birthday party do I have chocolate cake of course there's chocolate cake buddy so how about you go downstairs wait wait wait a second you're now King of the house I totally forgot you're King of the House King of the house so here is your birthday crown you can tell people what to do oh well then I banish you to the dungeon well don't banish me yet until you see how cool your birthday party is okay let's go see it come on all right I'm going to take off my bunny suit and put my birthday shoe on well don't get naked how about you just take the bunny suit off come on here it is here's jeffy's cake all right Jeffy here's your birthday party daddy look at all your bedons wait Jey where's the 50 extra balloons they were sold out I just got a cake go get more balloons go find some drive 100 miles to go get some I'll find the balloons go get some it's Jeffy J's birthday party I wanted to be special D this is the coolest birthday ever it's a birthday Fit For A King yes Jeffy and look at all your presents full of expensive items and maybe one day you'll repay us like today Marin which one has the stripper in it she's on the way what that's what Jeffy wanted for his birthday party no Marvin hey Daddy since I'm 18 now can I throw this glass cup against the wall and shatter it I mean I'd rather you didn't but if that's what you want to do on your birthday party then go for it buddy but please don't H I've suddenly grown out of childish behavior wait really no you know that doesn't even make me mad because it's your birthday party so just go go crazy Jeffy there's someone at the door stripper no not yet I'm about I'm it's your friend oh my friends Jeffy your friends are here happy birthday Jeffy yeah happy birthday happy birthday dude this party is so crazy thanks guys look I'm a king oh wow that Crown is so cool you're 18 years old that means strippers yeah you can also vote now what well he can you can also buy an assault rifle gun laws are so crazy I'm going to hide when you turn 18 see that house right there yep that's where the kid lives what does he look like he's got a blue helmet and a yellow shirt that says Jeffy on it you can't miss him it's his birthday so he's probably got a party going on all right what I'll do is I'll just go up to the house and pretend I'm there for the birthday party and when I see him I'll grab him and bring him back to the van good thinkings so Jeffy what are you going to do for your 18th birthday I'm my eat cake I might stick my wiener in an amp pile the possibilities are endless I'm really digging your LGBT birthday napkins super homo yes super dude thanks for giving us a shot no problem Cody Jeffy there's someone at the door stripper maybe hello hey I'm here to see the birthday boy we didn't hire a clown well someone did who listen man I don't ask questions I just do what I'm told I'm here to eat cake make snake balloons and snort blow I mean a clown would make jeffy's birthday party really cool it sure would so come on inside planned on it Jeffy there was a special guest at the door was it the stripper no it was a clown now wait a minute I can strip too stop that we don't need that oh yes we do keep going stop that what just focus on making animal balloons oh darn I love my balloons out in my van which one of you kids wants to come out in my van with me and get the balloon o I will no I really think the birthday boy should come with me no the birthday boy needs to stay here and open gifts no I really think the birthday boy should come out to the van with me no get one of the other kids to do it listen Bub I'm taking this kid with me whether you like it or not no you're not going to talk like that I didn't even hire a clown so you need to leave just get out of here come on oh rats go on get out of here hey he Hey listen listen listen listen what I'm sorry get out of here oh damn it I got to get that kid what what happened where's Jeffy he didn't want to come to the van his dad said no what why would you tell him about the goddamn van nobody's willing Lally going to get into a van that's his free candy on it God damn it listen he's yelling at me you're yelling at me it's hurting my feelings well what are we going to do now how are we going to get Jeffy no hold on I'm thinking of something but think faster oh you know what I got it hold on I'll be back with the kid Jeffy are you ready to hit your pinata I have a pinata yeah it's waiting for you outside Jeffy oh I'm about to whack that [ __ ] a piñata that's so crazy all right kids everyone outside to hit the piñata yay all right Jeffy hit your yata and make all the candy come out shouldn't he be blindfolded no it's jeffy's 18th birthday we want to make sure he gets all the candy so hit it Jeffy stand back everyone yeah because I'm about to go ape [ __ ] on this horsey take this horsey where you go Mr lollipop get back here you crazy lollipop come here all right here's the kid this van is so crazy this lollipop hurts the what who the hell is this where's Jeffy I thought this was the kid no I said blue helmet yellow shirt Oh I thought you said blue shirt no helmet what what are you knucking FS this is the wrong kid it is yes now we got to kill him so he doesn't tell on us why would I tell on you this van is cool okay listen kid you get out of this van and you run and you don't stop running okay I love running what do we do now okay since you can't do it right I have an idea now pull the van around in front of their house all right all right kids did everyone get some can yeah all right Jeffy the next thing we're going to do is we're going to put candles on your cake and sing you happy birthday can you sing me Happy Birthday 18 times since it's my 18th birthday yeah Marvin you did say anything for jeffy's birthday uh I mean 18's a lot of times you sure you want 18 yes okay yeah yeah we'll sing it 18 times and can everyone dress up like me what why would we dress up like you Jeffy because it's my birthday and it would be fun if everyone dressed up like me all right everyone go put on a yellow shirt and a blue helmet to look like Jeffy I guess come on baby let's go dress up like Jeffy this is the coolest birthday ever everyone loves me can't believe I'm doing this I look ridiculous baby hurry up a Marvin it's just too big on me baby it looks like a dress look we have to dress up like Jeffy to make him happy on his birthday you really want that money huh baby I already told you this isn't about the money I would do this for anyone on their birthday you would do it for me on my birthday well I mean listen baby it's not about the money breaking news world-renowned painter jacqu Pierre Francois the famous painter we all presumed was dead turns out he's actually still alive he faked his death to make his paintings more valuable I have an exclusive interview with him now all right everyone I'm here with the now alive world renowned painter jacqu Pierre Francois so tell us jacqu why would you fake your own death well you see paintings are worth more when the artist is dead and I was drowning and gambling Deads so I fake my own death and now my paintings are withth millions extraordinary but how did you fake your death you jumped off the bridge and we saw the splattered remains on the canvas now that was quite simple all I had to do is push a pig off the bridge and when it splatters on the canvas the body was unrecognizable and I bought that painting for $200 million and now that you're not dead that painting's not worth [ __ ] that is as you Americans say too bad so sad I'm going to slap that stupid little pipe cleaner mustache clean off your stupid face don't hate me cuz you ain't me well what about your son he was supposed to inherit your multi-million dollar Fortune ah yes the boy listen son if you are watching this look into the camera look at your papa [ __ ] off well you heard it here first folks I'm out $200 million I will now celebrate my Millions by eating one of your American amb girls from the mcdonal king oh wow Marvin good thing it wasn't about the money otherwise you'd be really upset right now huh he's not getting any of the money I'm taking a Jeff out off thr the G away and poping on the B and you said it wasn't about the money of course it was about the money you think I would take care of it for years for free Marvin we love Jeffy I don't you might but I don't I definitely don't he's got so much hell in my life he's broke stuff I want him gone Jeffy would be really upset right now if he heard the awful things you were saying I'm very upset for the things I heard on the news I thought we were going to get money baby I thought we were going to get be paid that wasn't even your money that was jeffy's money I thought he was going to give us some I thought he was going be like hey hey Marvin sorry for screwing your life over for the last few years here here's a quick Millie get quick Milly cash you honestly think Jeffy was going to share yes I thought he gave a [ __ ] I I am so mad I'm going to go throw his cake away I'm taking that damn king crown off his head I'm only singing him happy birthday once Marvin you're going to sing Happy Birthday to him 18 times on his birthday let's go no the only 18 thing that's happening is how old he's turning cuz he's out of the house no Marvin you don't mean that we're kicking him out of the house you think I'm going to deal with him for free he's not going to live with us till he's 30 or 40 I'll kill myself listen I am going to go tell Jeffy that he is gone when he leaves his house we we can see him having birthday once but I'm taking that Crown we're gone stop right here stop right here all right what's the plan okay we're going to roll the windows down and then you're going to play some silly music so the kids think you're an ice cream truck and then when the kids come out to get their free candy you're going to grab Jeffy and I'm going to jump in the driver's seat and speed off that's a good idea I wish I would have thought about that all right roll your window down free candy kids [Music] okay Jeffy we're dressed up just like you yeah even 10 oh that's sick it's like I'm grw and you guys are my minions we got to get the girl another unicorn toy you guys hear that it sounds like an ice cream truck ooh ice cream I want ice cream mother F an ice cream truck this birthday is the tips let's go guys I can't believe it a free candy van what a dream come true I hope they have Starburst oh they better have Snickers dude I want mem guys doesn't this seem a little suspicious how well it's a white van with free candy spray painted on it that's like typical kidnapper stuff Cody nobody kidnaps people anymore that's illegal yeah it's cameras everywhere dude yeah nobody was going to go to jail for kidnapping okay okay yeah I guess you guys are right this isn't sketchy at all Cody let's just go get our free candy and shut up oh here they come all the kids are coming good now you tell the kids they have to go to the back to get the candy and then you grab Jeffy and I'll speed off all right got it all right Jeffy let's hurry up and sing Happy Birthday and then you're getting the hell out of the house what Jeffy where's Jeffy where's all the kids at uh Marvin I couldn't find any more balloons at the store don't yell at me I don't care we don't need any more balloons wait seriously you wanted balloons earlier I don't care about this party I don't care about these balloons we don't need anything thank God do you know where the kids are at Chef peipi I think they're outside at the ice cream truck getting ice cream ice cream truck yeah you don't hear it we want candy yeah do you have Skittles oh do you have three musketeers yeah yeah yeah I have all the Musketeers and mouse cul so just if you want candy meet me at the back of the van okay wait wait wait guys this is getting worse how he wants us to meet him at the back of the van yeah that's where he stores all his candy you see how big this van is oh dude just shut up okay but if somebody gets kidnapped don't come crying to me about it come on candy candy candy candy who wants candy we do oh please look for the sneakers first all right let me see if I got it nope no Snickers a man what other candy what your kids want uh do you have Starburst wh what the hey hey what are you doing go wa Jeffy nope no Starburst a do you have circus peanuts let me check hurry up and grab them damn it all right they all look the same though what are you kids doing Jeffy all you kids go inside right now got [Music] me there all the candles are lit I can't believe we didn't get any ice cream or candy I don't even think they had candy Jeffy are you ready to blow out your birthday candles yeah are you guys going to sing Happy Birthday to me 18 times of course Jeffy but wait where's Marvin oh he was outside and he yelled at us to come inside and said we couldn't have any candy oh yeah he's in a bad mood Jeffy but he's been in a good mood all day I know but I think he has a headache or something are you ready to sing Happy Birthday to Jeffy yeah all right ready happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Jeffy happy birthday to you again again happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Jeffy happy birthday to you one more time from the top happy birthday all right Jeffy blow out the candles yay so Jeffy did you like your birthday today well you guys had me in the first half not going to lie but the second half blew major donkey balls what was wrong with the second half well for starters all the presents downstairs were just empty boxes wrapped with wrapping paper and daddy ran away well you know Jeffy I think your dad's going through a midlife crisis today today of all day maybe he's at the store getting you real presents since your gift bags were empty we can only hope well do you want to watch some TV Jeffy o since I'm 18 now can we watch Naughty shows I'm talking full frontal no Jeffy let's watch the news breaking news a prisoner in a Maximum Security Prison has escaped please be on the lookout for this woman picture here her name is Nancy real mommy escaped from prison uh uh Jeffy let's watch something else nudity no Jeffy mommy what if real mommy comes and tries to kidnap me we wouldn't let that happen you promise I promise okay good um Now where's Marvin I'm going to give him a call nipple time Jeffy change the channel mommy look at these rocking cans Jeffy change the channel now see B behind Jeffy stop it oh he didn't answer well he's missing a good show Jeffy I'm changing the channel okay let me see Jeffy he's right here here's mommy wait a minute what are you guys doing let me go this isn't Jeffy sure it is see the blue helmet and yellow shirt no no no this isn't Jeffy this is somebody else with a blue helmet and yellow shirt listen this is too hard can we try something easier wait wait you're jeffy's mom wait a minute you're the boo who put me in jail well no no you put yourself in jail but I had nothing to do with it okay look I don't want you I wanted Jeffy so I could take his millions of dollars that I rightly deserve well good luck getting that money because his dad's not dead he's actually alive and he's not giving Jeffy any of the money nice try you really expect me to believe that wait it's on the news you just turn it on yeah right you'll say anything to get me to let you go now I have a better idea for you I'm going to hold you hostage until Jeffy gives me that money he doesn't have the money well if he doesn't give me the money you're dead hey can I use your phone sure I got to call his family all right what's jeffy's number jeffy's number why do you need his number because I'm going to call Jeffy and you're going to tell him you're kidnapped and that you're going to die if he doesn't give me that money he's not going to believe me well we're going to try anyway oh okay his number is I'm changing the channel Jeffy no you're not I've waited 18 years to watch shows like this you're not going to take this from me you can wait a little longer wait wait wait my phone's ringing maybe it's Marvin no it's not my phone yeah it's my phone yellow you have reached the plug please shibby shibby go on talk uh Jeffy it's it's me say shiby what say shiby uh shiy wait what was that was it some kind of cod no he told me to do that before I talked just say what I told you damn it hey Jeffy it's me Marvin uh I was kidnapped sorry wrong number what who was that Jeffy it was some salesman trying to sell me a car's extended warranty but you don't have a c exactly why I hung up on him a you're so smart Jeffy I know what'd he say uh he thought it was a wrong number damn it make him believe you or I'll shoot you in the head oh call my wife call my wife okay Jeffy hold on my phone's ringing it's a block number hello talk in no funny business uh hey baby Marvin where are you why are you calling from a block number oh it's a long story so I got oh my God are you calling from a side chick's phone what side chick would I have listen baby look I'm kidnapped and they want millions of dollars so can you bring Marvin is this your sick way of trying to make money because jeffy's dad really isn't dead wait he's not but maybe no I'm not trying to make money I can't believe you abandoned Jeffy on his birthday you're a dead beat dad no I'm kidnapped I didn't I gu just come home whatever you feel like H up okay what' she say uh she thinks I'm a dead beat dad and I left Jeffy on his birthday oh God damn it that's it I'm killing him get my gun no no don't get the gun okay how about one of you call them because you guys have scary voices so who has the scarier voice she does okay mommy is my real dad really alive yes he is Jeffy well I want to meet him no I don't think you do just don't watch the news no I want to meet him cuz I bet real daddy wouldn't leave me in my own birthday party I don't know about that Jeffy wait my phone's ringing I bet it's Marvin what do you want Marvin if you ever want to see Marvin again you'll give me $5 million wait this isn't Marvin no it's not and if you ever want to see Marvin again give me $5 million what's going on okay I kidnapped Marvin and if you want to see him again you will give me $5 million but I don't have $5 million well then I guess you're not going to see Marvin again what should I I kill him now no don't do that um I'll just call you back in 5 minutes what okay wait but uh you called from a block number so I don't have your number oh yeah hold on what what is your number mine no the guy who's tied up what's his number what no I was being sarcastic yes your number well then you should have said something you should have said hey screw ball what's your phone number hey screw ball what what is your phone number 555 555 55 56 it's it's all fives with the six at the end you can't screw it up okay I'll I'll call back in 5 minutes okay Jeffy your dad's been kidnapped which one Marvin oh well good he just Jed it he left me at my own birthday party oh I'm going to call the cops what' they say they're going to call me back but if they don't call me back in 5 minutes I'm killing you oh they're going to call back hey there somebody called the cops and I brought backup cuz in case you haven't heard there's a goon on the loose and she's a real rasal that goon so have you seen any goons what about you kid you look like you've seen a goon or two that goon kidnapped my husband it's the woman that escaped from prison that was on the news I'm sorry what the woman on the news that escaped from prison see I just distinctly didn't hear you say happy birthday to the birthday boy oh is it your birthday today nobody loves me I'm so sorry it's just it's my son's birthday today so no yeah God I hate people who have the same birthday as me I wish they'd all die can we focus here please this woman kidnapped my husband she's asking for $5 million or she's going to kill him wait you were contacted by the woman who escaped from prison you hear that Simmons we have a lead we have a lead we have a lead so where is she I don't know she called from a blocked phone number a blocked phone number we lost the lead we lost the lead we lost the lead but she did give me her phone number she gave you a phone number she gave you her phone number she gave you her phone number okay great so we can just call her so we can just call her so we sim Simmons stop stop singing it's starting to piss me off okay so we can just call her and hear her demands yes but I already told you her man she wants $5 million or she's going to kill Marvin Hey listen you've never met a negotiator like me I can get that price way down you should have seen me get my Hyundai Sonata I got them to take five grand off the sticker oh man it was great hey you you want to ride in my Hyundai Sonata no please can we just focus and come on you got to take a ride myata come on there she is that's my baby it's very nice now can we it is very nice I insist you take a ride in her no that's not necessary can we please go call it's very necessary when you feel the seats you're going to be in heaven I'll take your word for it please let's you don't have to take my word for it come on let's take a ride oh man I love being in this car it's way more comfy than the cop car which I have to go get in soon yes this car is very impressive now can we please go this car has so many features like check this out you're going to love this you know what that is that's a blind spot camera so if some little brat tries running up on me while I'm turning I can see him it's very convenient can we go back inside I got all of these features for a steal at the Hyundai Sunday Sales Event I'm so happy for you can we please go call Jeff take a quick little ride around the neighborhood no come on come on you love it oh man how lucky are you you got to ride my Sonata not a lot of people get to do that not even my daughter you know cuz she eats crackers and the crumbs get between the seats oh big mess can we please huge mess can we please and then you got to get in there with a vacuum and that takes forever and it's l can we and then you got to pay the vacuum with qus and that just sucks can we please call the woman now oh yeah we can call it just hold on it's ringing hello hey there ma'am I just wanted to let you know that this is the police and you're going to jail [ __ ] say hi Simmons hi Simmons No Simmons you're supposed to just call her a [ __ ] [ __ ] you hear that that's my buddy Simmons and he's going to kick your ass I sure am yeah he'll hit a woman he doesn't care I don't care he doesn't care Oh no you're not cuz I got a hostage oh man I hate when they have hostages what do you want I want $5 million you're going to meet me in the field you know the one oh yeah of course I know the field it's the field it's the one field you're going to meet me in the field in an hour with $5 million and Jeffy cuz I want to say hi to him okay okay but but hear me out how about $3 million no it's $5 million or I kill this guy right now oh damn you're not playing so I don't get the Hyundai Sunday Sales Event price no okay Simmons when we get there we're going to shoot her in the face and no weapons oh come on that's not fair so do we have a deal okay stupid I didn't get anything out of that phone call I'm sorry mate what did she say she wants us to meet her in the field in an hour with $5 million and Jeffy but we don't have $5 million yeah I know so when she gets there you and I are just going to tackle her I mean it's two against one and she's had no weapon so I think we can take her yeah come on Jeffy let's go see her so what's happening we're going to meet the cops and Jeffy in an hour to trade you for the money yes screw ball why would we meet with the cops wouldn't they just shoot us no because I told them no weapons oh that's smart but guess who's going to bring their gun who me well that's not fair should you tell them so it's fair no I don't care if it's fair come on we're going [Music] okay okay Simmons I'm assuming they're in the van that says free candy on it oh mate you think we can get some free candy I don't think they have any free candy Simmons well why would they put it on the van if it's not true I'm going to take a wild gas and say it so they can kidnap people but that's illegal I no and that's why we're going to arrest him so what we're going to do is we're going to get out of the van and we're going to play good cop we're going to be like hey we got your money and then bam we whoop our ass and then we save Marvin we get the key to the city and the chief is going to give us promotions sounds good mate all right Jeffy you stay here all right [ __ ] where he ow God damn it no Simmons I'm not all right I close the door in my hand you need to go to the hospital no we're doing this hold on okay look we brought your money and we didn't bring any weapons well I did bring a weapon so show me the money I'm going to blow his head off that's not fair that's not fair that's not fair we said No weapons we were going to beat your ass huh you really thought I was stupid enough not to bring a gun Now show me the money or I'm going to shoot him and all of use well you see it's actually kind of a funny story cuz we didn't bring the money cuz me and Simmons thought we could beat you up all right that's it I'm killing him oh no no no no no no wait wait wait don't don't shoot him we have Jeffy in the back of the car you wanted him right okay hand over Jeffy uh Jeffy could you come out of the car hey Mommy Jeffy run hey Jeffy mommy missed you now come to Mommy go hey at least we saved Marvin right go on Jeffy a well you're not going to let her take Jeffy are you we don't have any weapons bro I don't know what you want us to do hey Jeffy happy birthday okay since you didn't bring my money I'm taking Jeffy with me and whenever you want to stop playing games maybe we can make another deal come on Oh Daddy help me she took him she really just took him I mean hey at least you don't have to deal with him anymore well I know but like I don't want anything bad to happen to him why what do you care you always complaining about him anyway well I know I just I still care about him yeah I mean look on the bright side at least it's a nice day for it you know it's not too hot not too cold you know if my kid were to get kidnapped I'd want it to be in weather like this true well you guys got to do something come out chase the B we can't do anything man we don't have any weap and she has a handgun she could shoot all of us wait mate don't we have a sniper rifle in the trunk of the car oh yeah we do have a sniper rifle in the trunk of the car okay Simmons I want you to camp out somewhere get up in one of these trees and shoot out her tires on it okay Marvin me and you are going to chase that van down come on let's go someone's going to die today all right Marvin you're about to see how I drove on my dri test when I was 16 poorly there she is there she is catch up with her I'm trying [Music] man T hurry up he's gaining on us jimy why are you trying to hurt momy I hate you you oh man she is driving like crazy I guess I can add reckless driving to the list of charges you know I can make morning cop puns because we're in a police chain we're just focus on the road okay Jeffy I'm sick of you I never loved you you were an accident after I get my money I'm going to kill you and bury you in the deepest hole I can find and then I'm going to kill your other family Daddy help me rammer you should rammer okay I'm going to do a pit maneuver yeah go wait wait wait what's going on what's going on what's going on oh [ __ ] what I ran out of gas ran out of gas we she getting awake can we get more gas H I don't see any gas stations in this [ __ ] field do you well no but she's getting away it's up to Simmons now Simmons I need you to shoot those tires out right now I'm on it mate hold still you bastard uh Simmons you are only supposed to shoot the tires whoops jeffy's dead uh uh uh dispatch we we we need we need an ambulance and a fire trucks just just just all of it get out here now Marvin oh my God Marvin thank God you're okay and no one was hurt o uh Simmons I think we should probably leave why this is about to be really sad Marvin where's Jeffy uh he's uh he's not coming back baby what do you mean he isn't coming back where is he his uh his his mom took him no she didn't Marvin we have to go back there we have to go get him get the cops no he's dead baby he's dead what are you talking about Marvin listen the mom took him in the van and the van exploded and and Jeffy died in the explosion exploded no no Marvin Jeffy can't be gone no he just can't he can't go go get Jeffy he's dead baby he's dead but he's not coming he's not coming back morvin no it can't be real this is this isn't happening it's his birthday today morvin no I know I know he died baby I know I should have been nicer to him I just can't believe this is happening I know I know that's our baby boy I know we should have I should have been nicer to him I shouldn't have I shouldn't have been mean to him on his birthday I'm sorry if I had a chance I'd say sorry I wish he was here right now no Jeffy oh man Simmons I feel bad but you must feel way worse cuz you [ __ ] socket shooting this was entirely your fault it was a moving Target mate gas cap Tire big difference Simmons but they're both round okay Simmons let's just go I just wish Jeffy was back I know baby I miss Jeffy too I wish I could just hear him do that annoying sound One More Time Marvin that was a really good impression what that wasn't me I thought it was you what don't be sad Daddy it's not like you had to walk 50 m in the dark getting eaten by mosquitoes on your birthday what Jeffy you're alive oh my God yeah I jumped down the back of the van before it exploded what yeah this is what happened uh hey we're almost out of gas then find the gas station Jeffy Jeffy no Jeffy JY die [ __ ] so that's what happened they got your home Jeffy yeah we love you so much Jeffy well it's not like every day you kill your mom on your birthday well Jeffy listen I know you're 18 but you don't have to move out of the house you can stay here as long as you want because I can't imagine life without you because I've gotten so used to you I know I know I was mad at you today on your birthday but that was just because I thought we were getting money but I don't care about the money I I just want you Jeffy I love you so much a love you too Mommy and Daddy but I didn't plan on going anywhere who's at the door hold on hello hey what are you doing here I just wanted to say I'm sorry I thought you died you were driving the van no I heard a gunshot and I got scared and jumped out hey we're almost out of gas then find the gas station Jeffy Jeffy no Jeffy Jeffy gunshots I'm out here so do you accept my apology get out of here I don't want to see you ever again I'll call the cops right now who was at the door Marvin it was one of the kidnappers what I already called the cops hey there you call me oh hey you're not dead dddd daddy what it's important I need to borrow your car keys and 50 bucks no Jeffy you're not going to use my car and why do you need 50 bucks daddy check it I found his girl online and she said she would eat a hot fud sunde off my junk for 25 bucks behind Walgreens for bucks then why you need 5050 cuz I wanted to do it twice that's a lot of ice cream Jeffy yeah hopefully she's not lactose and toddler an lactose and tolerant uh I only have $100 well then four times it is she's going to do it no times Jeffy well then you want me to ask for change but no no Jeffy listen she's not going to do it at all cuz I don't want you eating ice cream in my car well here's the thing Daddy I'm not eating ice cream she is I'm just the bul what no Jeffy I don't want any ice cream activities happening in my car just just go get a job or something what do you want to do what she does for a living no Jeffy just go to your room and play please all right Daddy I guess I'll ask her if she can get me a discount no discount just no you're not going to do it Marvin maybe we should get Jeffy a car well why would we get Jeffy a car so we can go to Walgreens to do ice cream stuff no but he could get a job and drive himself to and from work I guess you're right if we do get him a car he can go to get a job and he's 18 now so he can start being an adult but we only have $100 maybe I can go see if we can get like a cheap used car yeah okay Marvin all right baby I just got Jeffy a very used car is it nice it's it's a car uh-oh you hesitated no baby it's good enough for Jeffy to go find a job drive to work and go do his ice cream festivities okay all right daddy check it I got her down to 20 bucks so if we take that 100 over there you go two times I'll go three times no Jeffy all right fine I'll let you go first no Jeffy me and your mom got you a very late 18th birthday gift did you get her to come here I got to go clean my room oh no no no Jeffy it's in the driveway daddy you don't have to call her an IT her pronoun are he she him hers it said it on their profile Jeffy though listen it's not whatever you're talking to come outside all right Jeffy surprise you guys got me a car yeah Jeffy you're 18 years old now so you might want to get out of the house get a job make your own money Marvin can I pick up fat hoes Jeffy why they got to be fat more cushion for the pushing daddy Jeffy you can pick up whoever you want in that car cuz it's your car and you can do whatever you want with it Daddy can I Pimp My Ride and spray paint my car yellow no Jeffy you cannot spray paint it yellow but you said I can do whatever I want to my car you did say that Marvin but spray paint's going to look so ugly and it looks so nice right now but Daddy I want to Pimp My Ride you know what Jeffy do whatever you want just just go look for a job please that's all I needed to hear Daddy oh he's Marvin he's going to ruin the car it's time to Jeffy this hoe and done The Jeffy mobile is complete hey Jeffy what are you doing I just got done spray paint my car Junior wa you got a new car it's so sick it says your name on the hood yeah I call it the ho puller cuz it pulls hoes check out where they sit Junior ho sit here that's so awesome yeah and check out the trunk it says shiy oh can we go for a ride sure Junior let's go to McDonald's and get some Happy Meals hes love hippy meals they will suck your Kremlin oh let's go let's go all right all right Junior you ready to get your Mickey D yeah Mickey D nuts let some tunes all right wooo I invited my Spiderman like I'm just like Pedro Parker and Spider-Man 2 when he was delivering pizzas on his bicycle that movie had Dr Octopus in it it was so crazy Jeffy is trying to pull ho to pull ho two pull hoose Jeffy is trying to pull hoose in this car is going to help me do it w what Jeffy what was that noise I don't know Junior just keep singing Jeffy is trying to think you H something no I didn't Junior just keep singing [Music] je Jesus Christ what do we got Simmons looks like a hit and run mate ah he didn't quit it just like he used to do in college so how's the victim he was airlifted to the ICU he's in a coma so we're not going to be getting any answers out of him anytime soon any evidence Left Behind uh not that I see wait what's this look Simmons yellow paint Oh I thought that was mustard I thought he was eating a hot dog while he was riding his bike no I'm pretty sure this is just yellow paint well why would he eat a hot dog with yellow paint on it that' make him sick no no s Simmons like it was it was a yellow car and it left its paint behind when it hit the bike well what if the car was covered in mustard okay Simmons you know I really appreciate how you think outside the box sometimes but this is not one of those times we need to find a yellow car well it could be the osam Mayo enam mobile okay you you look for that I'm going to go find a yellow car all right hey Dy me and Junior just went and got Happy Meals peep the Box happy as [ __ ] Jeffy language you didn't go to Walgreens did you Jeffy oh man D completely forgot about Walgreens I'm going to need that 100 bucks no Jeffy that's why we got you that car so you can get your own job and make your own money oh maybe I can get a job at Walgreens then on my lunch break I can go in the back and have an ice cream party every day would be Sunday no Jeffy how about you get a job at McDonald's but he she him hers day them isn't at McDonald's daddy the news breaking news there was a hidden run involving a child on a bicycle and police need your help to find out who did it Mr Goodman is on scene Now with an eyewitness who saw the whole thing Goodman I'm here at the scene of the crime where a yellow car has struck a child on a bicycle and left the scene I'm here with the only reported witness Cody nutkin now tell me Cody give me every detail of what happened don't leave out any details well I was just sitting here eating my free medium french fries I get from McDonald's every week and all of a sudden I heard a bam so I guess that's what that was truly remarkable and very graphic detail now police are on the scene now so if you have any information as to a yellow car missing paint don't hesitate to call 911 immediately oh no I hope that poor kid is okay good thing we don't know anyone that owns a yellow car damn it they forgot my toy wait a minute Jeffy you spray painted your car right I sure did daddy and that hole look clean I'm talking yellow like a banana oh wait that's where I can work Daddy I can start my own pain Bon shop I could call it jeffy's Blow and go or Jeffy spraying pay I spray it you pay it wait so Jeffy did you hit anything while you were driving today daddy the only thing I hit was the gas pedal to get where I was going I'm talking but like you didn't hit like anything like like a kid on a bike no but they did add a weird speed bump in the neighborhood today what H if you were a yellow car Simmons where would you you park it is that a trick question no cuz you drive on a Parkway but you park on a driveway wait Simmons look over there well well well Simmons if I had a dog his name would be Bingo what does this car have to do with your dog no Simmons I'm saying that we found the car we were looking for what type of dog you going to get mate I'm not getting a dog Simmons I'm saying that we found the car I like Cockapoos okay great but I'm saying we found the car because it's a yellow car that has scratches on it oh so no mustard no no no mustard now let's go knock on the door and serve up a hot plate of Justice good cuz I'm hungry who's at the door uh uh hello hey there uh what do you fine officers want fine officers buy me dinner first handsome I hook up with his mom oh God you had to mention that today oh do you guys have a warrant okay that was the most guilty thing you could have said what do do you have one because I don't know what you could be doing here okay look I don't know if you heard but there was a hit and run today involving a yellow car and we found a yellow car parked in your driveway oh that's my son's car oh can we have a word with your son uh yeah yeah sure come in who was at the door Marvin it's the cops good because I would like to file a report against McDonald's for forgetting my Happy Meal toy oh I hate when they do that especially when it's like a limited edition toy and I really hate when they give you the toy you already got last time it's like you should know that I already have this toy it's stupid why are the cops here oh well there was a hit and run involving a yellow car and your son happens to have a yellow car how do you know it it's my car well cuz there are scratches on your car and there's yellow paint on the bike you hit well how do you know it's not mustard on your bike it it's not mustard did you taste it I I did not hold on I'll go taste it Jeffy if you did it you should go admit to it right now they'll give you less time if you admit to it I plead the fth oh God no that that is paint that is not mustard you definitely hit that bike well what if the kid on the bike hit my parked car damn I hadn't thought of that he's got us stay Simmons hold I'm getting a call hello what the kid woke up from his coma that's great well you heard me the kid woke up from his coma com so I'm going to go ask him what happened oh Jeffy you're going to go to jail I didn't even do anything Hey kid how you feeling where am I why is my body hurt oh well you got hit by a car and you just woke up from a coma that's so crazy yeah listen we need you to tell us if you remember getting hit by a car oh yeah I was delivering pizzas like a Spider-Man 2 and then all of a sudden his car came and I tried to jump over with my spider powers but I didn't wait so you were actually trying to jump over the car yeah but my web couldn't attach to anything so I got hit oh you're the real Spider-Man yeah oh my God Simmons we have to protect this kid's identity at all costs if he presses charges everyone's going to find out his real name we can't have that don't worry kid your secret's safe with us hey there what the kids say well I can't divulge that information because of the hippo act but I may or may not have met Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man does whatever a spider can him I met him or maybe I didn't did you me him or not I don't know maybe maybe I met him maybe the kid was him maybe he was the kid I don't know maybe maybe he's Spider-Man maybe he's not who knows the kid Spider-Man who told you that cuz I didn't tell you that he's not he's not Spider-Man unless he is Spider-Man I I don't know I didn't say that Spider-Man's real yes he's real and I met him maybe well okay so what's going on is the kid pressing charges or not no Spider-Man is not pressing charges so the kid is Spider-Man no no I didn't I didn't say that you you said the kid is spider- you said the Spider-Man's not pressing charges SPID Spider-Man is his lawyer look stop asking me questions okay I need to go get an autograph all right Jeffy do you learn a lesson from today daddy she agreed to me here wait who the ice cream so guys what do you want to do today actually guys and girl I invited Penelope hi guys what are you doing here poupe so much estrogen in the room we don't want you here Cody I told you I shouldn't have come yeah I don't know what I expected Junior I thought you liked her of course I like Penelope she's the love of my life but I can't be nice to her in front of the boys I got to be mean ew cooties cooties you're disgusting get out of here with your orange hair Junior you have orange hair she's right dude well we don't like long orange hair so leave yeah Junior shut up okay fine guys what are we all going to do well why don't we ask Penelope what she wants to do o I'm we don't want to do makeup we don't want to do our nails we don't want to play Barbies I was going to say that we should watch my favorite show love Beach we don't want to watch a chick show but there's the sexiest lifeguard ever on that show ooh sexy lifeguard I think we should watch it well how about you and penel be watch it and me and Joseph will find something else to do there's hot girls on there too hot girls okay we'll watch it turn it on Channel 7even you're watching Love Beach help me help me I'm drowning oh my God that woman's drowning don't worry ma'am me and my gorgeous looks will save you oh my God he's so sexy oh don't worry I know I am oh my God you are so hot you're not too bad yourself my name's Brad with a big D oh my name's Brandy with double D's hey can I can I get your Snapchat of course I know you're hot but I still need help yeah yeah that's my snap just hit me up and maybe we can hook up sometime yeah for sure for sure damn she was fine wait what was I doing oh yeah ma'am I'm coming to save you oh I think she's dead but I'm still hot I'm going to go hit up that girl he's so sexy yeah he is not as sexy as Steve Harvey what are you talking about the blonde girl is super hot nuh-uh Junior Brad is the hottest character on that show how because he has the perfect teeth yeah his teeth are perfect who cares about teeth the blonde girl has cans a smile is the most important part about a guy Junior well I can smile o bro don't hurt yourself I don't know Junior I think you need teeth to have the perfect smile but I don't have teeth I know that's why you'll never be hot yeah Junior why do you think I brush these puppies once a week what once a week mhm um maybe a little less yellow so if I had teeth I would be I would be hot um yeah so guys I'm not hot well you're hot to me but it's not your face I'm looking at Joseph are teeth important yeah dude oh I can't wait to get my braces off then I'll have a smile like Steve Harvey I want to smile like Steve Harvey Cody why don't I have teeth I don't know Junior some people are just born without teeth you know like turtles I'm not a turtle anymore I'm a human so how do I get teeth I don't know just maybe call a dentist a dentist that's going to be expensive let me go ask my dad if he can call me a dentist dad dad dad not right now Junior I'm watching Zoe 101 do you have teeth what what kind of stupid question is that of course I have teeth look at my pearly whites why do you have teeth I don't have teeth wait you don't oh you're a toothless freak everybody surround the toothless freak over here only 25 cents to see him dad why don't I have teeth I don't know maybe your mom drunk while she was pregnant with you or something she did I don't know that lady was crazy she couldn't give up the party life now I'm stuck with you Dad can I call the dentist and ask to get teeth put in my mouth yeah you can do whatever you want doesn't mean I'm going to pay for it you're not going to pay for it no I'm not going to pay for it I'm not rich I'm broke look look you can pay for it you're a grown man right handle business okay Dad now back to my Zoe what's wrong buddy what' your dad say he said he won't pay for me to get new teeth well I don't really blame them Junior teeth are expensive you know veneers cost over $1,000 per tooth and there are 32 teeth in the human mouth so that's over $30,000 and the average income in Florida where we live is 27,000 so that would take you over a year just to get enough money to get new teeth and this video is only supposed to be 10 minutes so we got to get this [ __ ] moving dog yeah yeah teeth are pretty expensive I think we should find cheaper options you said it' be $30,000 for me to get new teeth yeah well well why don't we just ask our good old buddy Chef peee for the money you mean our good old very broke buddy Chef peee he's not that broke look I promise you he'll give me the money for the teeth let me go ask him hey chefi sh the car are cooking can I borrow $30,000 for new teeth damn $30,000 why do you even need new teeth just be like Chef peipi I don't have teeth I'm perfectly fine you don't have teeth nope and I'm perfectly fine this girl said I would be hot if I had teeth look women lie all the time Junior FIRST she's going to want you to get new teeth then she's going to want you to get a six-pack abs then she's going to want you to be 6 feet tall look just focus on yourself King live your life live your beautiful life so you're not going to give me the money I don't have the money right now bro dang okay what's wrong now B [Laughter] what'd he say junior shfp say he doesn't have $330,000 to give me here we go I don't know why you thought he had that much money Junior's just a chef and chefs in the United States only make about $50,000 a year and Chef PE probably makes less than that cuz he's really just a slave for your dad so he probably only makes pennies a day and even if he did make that much I don't know why he'd give you his entire yearly salary just for you to get teeth when he doesn't have teeth himself cuz really we're all just puppets being controlled by humans floating on a piece of rock in space and one of a trillion galaxies and never expanding Universe that'll one day collapse and die in a heat death so we could all just enjoy all the time we have on Earth while we can't [ __ ] you should really just call a dentist okay how about I call a dentist and just see how much it is I just I really wanted to have the $30,000 waiting for him but I'll just call dentist and see if there's cheaper options hey there somebody call an at home dentist God I wish these existed yeah we have a teeth problem what is it this kid's teeth because damn those are gross your teeth look like pieces of corn well no it's me see I don't have teeth what are you using this kid's brushing habits okay I don't need to hear this so I won't well no it's just I don't have teeth and I was wondering like you know if I could get fake teth well a full set of veneers is going to cost you about $30,000 I don't have $30,000 okay then duel me blue eyes white dragon wow wow that's what a blue ice white dragon sounds like beat that but I don't have Yu-Gi-Oh cards you lose no free teeth for you looks like you just suck at Yu-Gi-Oh but I don't have Yu-Gi-Oh cards yeah you suck I win like I always do because nobody ever has Yu-Gi-Oh cards okay so what is the cheapest option for teeth the cheapest option was to duel me but you already lost that oh okay what are the cheapest option above that well I guess the cheaper option would be I could go to a cemetery dig up a body pull its teeth out and then put them in your mouth okay how much would that cost well look man you just give me a shovel and I'll get to town okay I I've always wanted to be a grave robber well there's a shovel downstairs just go grab it okay awesome hold still and done oh my god oh no what have I done how's it look Joseph H what's wrong dude it looks so terrifying it's ter terrifying yeah I mean you look like you have a dead person's teeth in your mouth so I'm not hot no you look like a nightmare look can someone please just call Penelope so she can tell me if it looks good wait my daughter Penelope yeah she's the only reason I'm doing this okay yeah I'll call her so she never talks to boys ever again Penelope what do you want Dad this thing wants to talk to you hey Penelope do you like my smile hey I think she's into you you little lady killer you cuz you do look like you kill ladies and eat them and wear their face on your face is it that bad oh yeah I don't know how we thought this was a good idea well it was just the cheapest option I just want pretty teeth okay look I can understand that you want to have good teeth and as a dentist I respect that so I went to Party City and I got you a whole bunch of silly teeth you can try wa really yeah let me go get them all right try those bad boys out how do I look you look like your name is Rufus Joseph are they good uh it looks like you sleep with your sister dude well I mean Penelope does have orange hair so he could be brother and sister no no no no no I got my Weena snipped when I was born so I can't have any more kids oh wait no that was a circumcision not a vasectomy oh God I might have so many kids out there somewhere oh I'm so stupid do you think penel would like these teeth no I think we should try something else okay I mean you're the dentist let's try something else hold still and Bam check these out these are badass you look like a great white shark how do I look Joseph dude you look so sick I feel like I just want to bite everything like I want to bite everything God oh no my arm oh Jesus help me oh God it hurts it hurts so bad I really like these shark teeth I feel like I bite everything h no no I don't like these teeth but I like them no especially if you're going to be talking to my daughter I I think you need different teeth okay and done Rob the jewelry store and tella make me a grill ding ding ding ding ding ding you remember that song from like 2005 most of you weren't born yet but that's what you kids would call a banger uh Joseph how's it look dude it look so sick you could actually be a rapper or something oh okay then I want to keep these no now see those are going to cost you about $150,000 $150,000 why would you put them in my mouth then I just wanted to sing the song let me get those out for you champ we'll try something more affordable all right how about these I gave you two Little Fangs dude you look like a vampire he sucking my blood I really like these Joseph no no I I don't like those you you look dumb wait why well you just you just do them I just want to keep back up you little blood sucker let me get those out what uh-huh yep these are the teeth how do they look well they're not real veneers I just took some foam and then used a pencil to draw lines on them so they look like teeth but you look great Joseph are they good you look like Steve Harvey I do yep you got that million dooll smile you can host all the game shows hell be a judge if you want apparently you can do anything with teeth like that so women are going to think I'm hot totally dude thanks dentist you're welcome boy wait Who you calling boy huh him him him him Penelope can you get in here I want you to see my smile Junior if you have those scary teeth and I'm going to throw this Apple at you what scary teeth oh my God Junior your teeth they're gorgeous yeah I look like a car salesman I'd buy a ton share from you bro thanks Joseph you went from a 4 to a 10 in just a few minutes what are you talking about Peli I've always had this beautiful smile I just never noticed your perfect teeth before so would you date me now of course Junior all the girls are going to be so jealous that I'm dating someone with a hot smile so you want to go on a date with me tonight yeah Junior but do you want to bite him my Apple of course with these Perfect Teeth I can bite into anything oh my God your teeth are fake get away from me free we're open oh oh my teeth really broken yes dude do not look like Steve hary what's wrong buddy no no Cody you got to do it in a higher pitch like this buddy buddy buddy buddy guys can you please stop what's wrong buddy I had a perfect SM and that I broke my teeth when I bit into an apple well maybe you should have bit into something sof
Channel: بيري علي - abeer berry
Views: 24,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, jefys, supermariologan, smljeffy, jeffymemes, jeffysml, smlmerch, jeffthekiller, jeffreestarcosmetics, jeffreestar, teamloaded, jeff, jeffreystar, lancethirtyacre, juniorphenom, scooter, ttgibson, makeup, basketball, superbowserlogan, jeffyislife, jeffyjeffy, jeffyjeffybadboy, sml movie cody, sml movie jeffy, best sml movie 2023, sml movie 2023, SML Movie: It's Ya Boy Duggie [2024]
Id: HJlhH6sNqQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 29sec (4109 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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