EVERYTHING vs The MOST Secured House In Minecraft!

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you guys you guys look at my awesome new house wow Gooby this uh this looks really interesting yeah I made it myself it's is really cool like doors right here you go inside and everything wait Gooby why is the wall made out of dirt uh I kind of ran out of wood so I just added some DS what the heck this looks terrible what looks good look like got this painting I got this chest right here and the beds it's so small there's only two beds yeah I'm really cramped in here I mean it it could be better but this is my first attempt of making my own little house you know what Gooby this is what I think about your house hey hey you're breaking our house yep that's what I think about it it's terrible gooy I mean it's better than my neighbor's house you see that guy's house right there wow oh my goodness your neighbor's house is huge yeah but it's all dirty and quy and green yeah that's weird why does it look like that I don't know it's probably some Queen got Li well guys we should go dingdong ditch are you sure he even has a doorbell there's a giant hole in his house yes we'll just knock on his door and then we'll run away okay I know this s a little scary Gooby it won't be scary he's just going to be like an old man or something come on let's go dingdong ditch him all right guys let's sneak up and let's not make any sound come on all right we're just going to go over here door on this house it's fine gooy he's got a doorbell I'm about to ring it run run run the trees hi behind the trees Gooby went the other way oh gosh uh you see anyone let me look I don't see anybody wait what that means that no one's home guys let's just go inside and check out his house are you sure I don't know if that's a good idea yes we rang the doorbell no one answered obviously no one home okay wao what is this place this is super creepy there's a cage wao there's a bunch of TVs here what the heck is he watching there lot cubes l liquid yeah this is a little weird I don't know why your neighbor would have this inside their house I don't know it looks creepy because I'm making potions cuz I'm evil waa wait daddy is that you oh it's me Johnny I'm your new neighbor oh my goodness uh what are those big tentacles oh they're my new latest science experiment wao come here Gooby ah dad put Gooby down he got me help put him down I will not put Gooby down because you know what I'm feeling pretty evil today and I think I want to keep Gooby no no Daddy put him down oh hey I just made a new house and everything yeah Daddy stop being an evil super villain well I run this neighborhood so you guys have to abide by my rules no yes n daddy we're good well if you guys don't it looks like I might have to come over there and destroy you oh goodness I don't want to get destroyed well you guys have a little bit bit of time before I get my potions and I make my new latest science experiment and I come over and destroy you oh God everyone get out of here we need to run go go go go go hi Daddy I will get you oh no guys this isn't good my Daddy turned into an evil super villain what are we going to do well what takes down super villains ooh ooh a giant whale that falls in the sky and hits them what Gooby no that's stupid the only thing that will take down an evil super villain is a superhero oh yes guys I think we're going to have to turn into superheroes and then we can defeat your daddy exactly o yeah I got a good idea I'm going to be Marshmallow Man Marshmallow Man yes what and just put on my marshmallow pants what the heck Gooby marshmallow pants okay I got my marshmallow pants Gooby that is not marshmallow pants that looks nothing like marshmallow I'm marshmallow man see you have marshmallows nope Gooby you're not marshmallows at all this is really embarrassing guys I really be shooting marshmallows right now it just get me so frustrated can't Sho marshy hold on come down Gooby oh uhoh oh my God Daisy where's my marshmallows who took them okay okay okay calm down I don't know where your marshmallows are we'll find your marshmallows we'll find your marshmallows calm down wow we have to be careful calm down get BMS I'm going to be so angry you guys ow oh my goodness calm down Gooby calm down okay okay we'll get you marshmallows you will yeah uh does this look like marshmallows oh there you go oh how thank thank you thank you very much I don't know what came over with me goopy you turned into a big green Hulk I did yes you look like a giant wao that's crazy wo what all these holes on the ground could be you you did this when you were the Hulk will yes scoby literally Daisy shot too I saw you almost hurt us oh I'm will sorry guys I was trying to become marshmallow man I guess I became the Hulk said oh my goodness well looks like we found Gooby superhero uh Daisy you should go next what superhero do you want to become I want to be something super pink what super pink just watch and wa Daisy what the heck you're so so small I can't even see you you're so cute it's like a little girl I am not a little girl oh my gosh oh my gosh you have lasers coming out your eyes be careful Daisy wait I can do this too wa what is that it's freeze breath he ow ow you're freezing me oops wow Daisy well that's a pretty cool superhero yeah I think I'm pretty awesome but what are you going to be I think I'm going to become Superman he's the most bestest coolest super hero in your whole superhero verse guys check it out I got a cape on and everything you look awesome like super Johnny yeah I'm super Johnny you guys want to see some of my abilities yeah what can you do guys check this out you're so fast oh yeah I'm insanely fast oh yeah and I can also fly [Music] too W you're flying super crazy fast oh yeah I'm awesome cuz I'm Superman and I also have heat vision and freeze breath just like you Daisy you just froze me yeah sorry here I'll unfreeze you ow ow there you go it's burning hey be careful with that guys this is so awesome we turned into superheroes we look so cool together yeah now just throw marshmallows at people what no Gooby you're going to be the Hulk oh yeah oops all right guys now that we're super cool superheroes we need to make a super cool base we can't be living in this little poopy base yeah I guess it's little to small for superheroes exactly and also we need to fix this flooring cuz uh you kind of ruined it Gooby oops go be you're a little too powerful yeah I guess I lost control myself when I got so angry about the marshmallows fine I can build this super quick because I am super quick oh my gosh you're like speed building yeah it's pretty awesome all right guys there we go now the floor is all fixed but the next thing we need to destroy is this poopy house sorry Gooby yeah it's got to go o I got a good way to destroy it take all this there we go destroy this all right guys what do we build now we need to think of something really awesome that's going to scare my daddy ooh ooh what if we make a giant like pizza and we just live in like the crush Gooby what Gooby that's probably the worst idea that I've ever heard in my life what why you have like pepperoni as a Windows and like Che at the bed or something no Gooby no that's not scary if anything my Daddy's going to want to come over here and eat our base yeah but then he he when he comes over and we're going to punch him no terrible okay how about we just make like a big superhero's headquarters that would be really cool exactly and then we can build separate rooms inside of it okay all right guys so I'm going to start by making the entrance also I'm taking this suit off because it's really hard to build and fly at the same time yeah me too all right there we go that looks like a good entrance okay guys are you just going to stand there or you're going to help me build oops oops I'm help helping I was just admiring your good craftsmanship oh thanks Gooby yeah I'm still learning how to make good buildings but uh I think I'm doing pretty good yeah you're doing all right okay now we're going to put some glass here ooh that's looking really good I made some good pillows nice Gooby nice just going to keep making some pillows we need to make a good look headquarters and then we could build separate bases in the headquarters that's usually how superhero bases look yeah that's your flash Batman went to like Superman's place he like wouldn't like it cuz it's for Superman said yep exactly he'll be like e this place is not Batman I need my bats yeah Gooby something like that yeah and then Superman will be like E I don't like this this bat cave it's B what are you even saying I'm pretending like I'm Superman like talking to Batman all right how about we just focus on building okay yes all right I think for the floor I'm going to use use this ooh that looks really good all right I'm going to start filling in this whole entire floor section this is going to take forever there's so many blocks to break ooh I can help you all right there we go break all these break all these you break them and I'll fill them all right sounds like a plan this base is coming out really good good job guys yeah we're kind of like the best base makers in the whole world yeah for sure wo this is looking really good guys the front's looking awesome I tried my best to make it look nice yeah you're doing a really good job Daisy good job yeah this looks really cool I'm going to add all these windows so that if somebody's like outside doing a climb they just we just see them and just go stop them wow okay all right Gooby this floor is pretty much ready to get decorated so what should we add in here ooh you know what we should add one a second floor ooh that's a good idea I think Daisy's working on that now so let's make the staircase I'm going to put it right here right here yep right here all the way up to the ceiling exactly all right watch out all right then we break that and boom second floor oh yeah this is going to be so good it's going to be awesome o we need to have a section where we put all of our superhero weapons yes um where do we put that this is looking really good you guys yeah this looking awesome got a lot of Windows for superhero base yeah but these are bulletproof windows obviously I'm going to take a look at from the front all right is it looking good wao looks so good looks like a superhero Place yeah it looks really awesome I'm really liking it guys kind of looks like a president's house I think it needs color wait color where do you want to add color anywhere it's just white all right look I'm giving it some color right now ooh that looks really good actually yep I'm giving it the texture that's missing it's like little details exactly ooh o i a really good idea what is it Gooby okay so we should make one more floor and then we should each have a floor of the place oh that's actually genius okay let's do it that is a really good idea all right I'm going to build the next staircase right here okay okay all right so who wants which floor I want uh this floor this middle floor I want the top floor okay I can have this fourth floor fourth floor what about the bottom floor no I mean the fourth floor he saying first floor sometimes it's hard to understand you because you spit a lot yes it's kind of hard to talk sometimes but I walk on it I go to my weeding class reading class yeah second Z had a we and so wait guys what if we made this top floor out of a different block does this look good ooh that pretty good that looks pretty good all right we're just going to go all the way around and do the same exact shape actually wait we'll just cut it off here there we go yeah but he's actually going to have a smaller room than everyone well that's why I didn't pick the top floor wait so what are you doing to my room nothing that makes the outside look kind of like plain as possible so that when we put all the colorful suck it'll be on the inside okay that's a good idea all right guys I think the outside of our base is pretty much completed so I'm going to start working on my floor which is going to be the middle floor do I have to have the top floor yes top floor is all yours Daisy but I don't like the color of it I this top floor if you don't like it do you want the top floor yes okay then I'll take the bottom one big mistake all right I'm already adding a bunch of my superhero suits and it's going to look so awesome all right let me find some super man wo there's so many different Superman all right I'm going to add the normal one in there and then we got a dark version this looks scary this one all right we'll add that one there then we'll add this one on the right side now we need one more all right and then we're going to add this one wao that looks so cool what the heck wow I got all the Superman shoots now all right now I need a Superman bed I don't really know how to make that but I'm going to put it over here all right this is is looking pretty awesome ooh look how cool that looks I just changed the glass to something really cool Gooby what the heck are you doing out here I'm building a super cool part of my base really Gooby you're messing up my view don't worry you can use it too all right whatever you say Okay so the colors of Superman are red and blue so I need to stick to these colors o I also need a desk ooh maybe I put my PC setup in this corner this could actually look really good how many PCs do I need three three yeah I think three is good enough now we'll get a little chair going there we go maybe some red carpet that will look really nice and for some decoration I'm going to put down some flowers okay why does this not work wait did you say flowers wait what no I meant cups I put down cups for drinking I love flowers nope they're cups so I don't know I don't know who said that o I also need to make sure my base is secured so I'm going to add some security cameras in here there we go add one there maybe another one up here and one over my bed if someone tries to attack me I'll know exactly who they are all right we'll just put that in there ooh I also need to add a kitchen how can I forget about the kitchen all right we're going to add the kitchen right here it's going to look really good ooh my kitchen's actually coming out amazing check this out ooh maybe I can add some blinds too this looks really good guys my base is coming out so good right now mine is too me too me tooy what do you you even adding I hear a lot of movement happening oh don't worry it's going to be a surprise okay o I'm about to add a TV this going to look so good wow that looks amazing add a radio um what else do we got o a lamp come here lamp all right guys my base is getting super close to done I want to see what you guys been working on Gooby I'm coming upstairs Gooby what the heck are you doing okay so this right here is going to look like when you look at the building the Hulk is looking at you who oh that actually kind of looked like the Hulk yep he looks super scary and like he's big and he's going to get you yep yep I see it and then I haven't finished my base part but I made a super cool world coas show that goes all the way through my base wao I want to ride it all right here I go wa this is so cool oh my goodness I'm going so fast Gooby yep you get to see everybody else's bases too wow that's actually pretty cool yep and you pretty much keep riding it forever if you want wow so you going to add a bed and stuff too yeah I just wanted to make sure my giant hulk head looks really good yeah it looks really awesome good job Gooby all right I'm going to go see what Daisy's been working on than oh Daisy wa this looks insane and in my room where are you oh you're in a separate room oh yeah you have so much space down here yeah the bottom floor is the best oh my goodness this is looking so good I have literally everything you have cake I didn't even no that was in the game I have to have Kake who is this these are just some really cool suits that I found well Daisy I think right now you might have one of the best bases I'm happy you like it yeah well since I'm done with mine I'm going to start working on some outside defenses okay I'm going to finish up and then I'll come outside all right everyone finish up and then meet me outside cuz it's about to get crazy out here okay all right just going to break this so we can make a giant lava mod so just in case my Daddy has any minions hiding up his sleeve then they're going to have to walk through Lava and it's not going to be fun for them all right just going to break all this and then we're going to go back this way oh heck yeah all right now it's time to start filling it up with the lava oh my goodness this lava looks crazy I'm about to place down a lot of lava it's going to look so good and it's going to help protect our base do you need some help yes Daisy I need a lot of help oops sorry I'm almost done with my base and I come help you all right Gooby don't worry nice Daisy this is looking looking really good what else should we add um we need to add a wall like a really secure wall so what do you want to make it out of um let's see we're just going to take these blocks like this and we're going to go up by two this going to look super awesome all right Daisy this is looking pretty good maybe we do one more with this block on top while you're doing that I think I might add some ice in the front ooh that's good so they're going to like slip into the lava right exactly that's going to be perfect there's no way that my Daddy's going to be able to get through this all right there there we go this is looking super good all right Daisy I'm going to help you now okay I'm doing two rows all right just going to break in place break in place Gooby you're almost done up there we need some help I'm almost done Gooby what are you even doing my goodness making my base super good some come like the best base ever it's going to be the best base ever you said yeah all right Gooby well we'll have to see about that cuz I think mine's pretty good yeah I guess your is okay but SM be all right Daisy this is looking pretty good but I think we need to put like some sort of bridge in the front why do we need to Bridge we're heroes we can just fly across wait I don't think Hulk could fly goby can you fly uh I can't jump I guess could jump super high all right so let's just cross this off then and then we'll just do something like this there we go ooh this is looking super protected Gooby what are you building up here building a little Escape Place Escape place I can run out of here super fast wait a minute I still have another cool idea I might make an entrance that's up here so then I can fly over and then just land right into my base ooh this is actually a good idea that's really smart we got to make sure we can use space at all times just make people safe exactly Gooby I'm adding cobwebs on the top of our wall ooh that's a good idea ooh these cobwebs are looking awesome Daisy now I'm planting trees all right I'm going to try my new entrance with my superhero suit okay here we go some flying really fast and ah oh I missed okay let me try it again come on I need to nail it yeah no guys it's really hard to be Superman yep no one said it was going to be easier yeah and boom it worked ooh even better I could put down these Cloud blocks check that out now I'm going to come in super fast and then boom right into clouds now I won't hurt my face Gooby what the heck are you doing up here I'm hearing a lot of noise wa I made a giant hul hand that's like slamming down on the roof wait let me see ooh I do see the Hulk hand wow it's like hulks living inside your base yep that's so cool it's pretty cool and you can go in there and there's even some computers in there so you can play some games wow yeah mine pretty much the best base ever made uhoh guys why did it just start nighttime oh no it's finally time for me to destroy you Daddy no I see a villain get away from us daddy don't worry I'm going to go on my super cool roller coaster so check out the situation F what are you doing this isn't good uhoh guys he's spawning a bunch of enemies out here oh no this isn't good I'll kill him guys don't worry oh yeah you like that uh-huh uh-huh take my heat eyes I'm burning them all let's go you will never defeat them yes I will Daddy I'm doing it right now that's it I got to go to my whole can secret exit oh gosh oh gosh guys I need some help out here where are you guys I'm on the roof I'm coming up yes scoby use your Hulk strength I'm the Hulk get over here this is so awesome am I doing anything ow ow ow behind us guys they're on the roof where is he where is he I punch him all the way around my daddy's so fast dadd I'm going to kill you take that Daddy take that yeah you like that no Daddy your dumb Blaze Army is terrible I'm killing them all amazing boom nice Gooby mess him up Gooby mess them up I'll freeze them and you mess them up guys I don't think my heat vision does anything wait why I don't know it's not hurting them use your freeze use your freeze okay I transform back I need a little time to cool down oh no you need to get angry again Gooby oh I'm so mad believe y it's working it'sing my best space I got you gooby oh no it's a what is that thing why is there a little kid hit me get over here Molly I'm going to come get you Daddy come back here get in my way this stle clap oh I just killed so many of them my there's so many blazes kill them kill them kill them oo what a nice base you have too bad I got TNT to blow it up your Wile B our no Daddy don't do it get away Daddy get away I'll push that take that Daddy yeah you're on fire now dad you like that Fu with that no no no break it break it break it break it ow I'm yelling at you yo me he's giv me a big thunder clap ow you're yelling at me too Gooby be careful oops sorry I'm trying to hit him daddy ow my you like that Daddy I got heat vision on you oops I'm stuck on the wall oh there's so many things yes Gooby keep going Gooby keep going he's killing all the mobs knock it off get my daddy if we get my daddy then all the mobs will stop spawning uhoh uhoh I st him back to window for no no Gooby you died so hard for me to jump over there you like that Daddy I'm just flying around you hey you guys can't you guys are both flying yep daddy we're flying you like that yeah you like that ow ddy be careful with those things uh-oh guys uh-oh there's a bunch of wites over here it's fine just go after my daddy we need to all Focus him where'd he go ooh these witches are making me so mad be alost we need help up here oh hear him where is he where is he though I'm coming for you no where's the I'm jumping so high in the sky Hey Daddy you think you're going to escape me I'm going to do a Super Slam no TNT for you today we have to break the TNT I'm breaking it ow I can't do anything daddy now you're Frozen now you're Frozen yeah you like that no I'm not I'm I'm alive you're Frozen daddy how do you feel jump super jump no no no oh no guys we need to kill him come on y evil villainess is not going to be good this day I'm inside no no he's destroying my Hulk base where is he oh my goodness I'm fine Mar no Daddy just broke my whole top of my face have fun with all these mobs yeah Daddy you're on fire too backfired no no I'm I'm doing really good right now W I'm in here now I'm punching you get him get him we got him trapped in the corner no I'm frozen where is he uh I don't know oh in the corner in the corner right here I'm puning him take that Daddy no we got him we got him kill the mobs kill the mobs let's go let's go superheroes all these wites are making me feel little weird kill him Gooby kill them use your screams uhoh I'm back at my w for no oh guys look what happened to our base it got destroyed by my daddy at weast speed the feated him though that makes me so angry okay okay that's hurting us oh my goodness Gooby calm down I'm an angry Hulk okay well there's nothing we could do about it but you know it's one thing that we could do about it what what we could blow up his base let's do it all right let me just get some flint and steel oh yeah I'm just going to place this everywhere and there's nothing he could do I'm going to go break his base do it it's all on fire now sucess let's go check it out I'm boing it I'm boing it me too me too there we go that makes me feel a lot better now guys we did it we defeated my daddy the evil super villain we're the best superheroes ever let's go I want to be the Hulk forever yeah me too I want to be Superman forever oh man no my Powers went out a little bit well if you guys enjoyed watching this awesome video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now or I'll use my eyes on you and kill you guys we've been in this boat forever we're never going to find somewhere to build daddy yes we are we're getting close to Islands I'm telling you uh you guys what Gooby uh this is shark chasing us what oh my God oh my God shark why is it red FAS get out here get out of here it's like a giant king awesome shock oh my goodness guys what the heck are we going to do we just have to keep rolling don't we have these cannons shoot the Cannons you shoot it okay good idea all right good idea ah you missed oh God I missed I missed I missed he's going to bite the boat he getting so so oh gosh oh gosh okay I'm going to try it again and ah oh God I missed again you're horrible you're horrible shooting these canons this is so hard I got it this time Daddy I got it this time no shut over his head oh no he's biting us he's biting us oh God oh God oh God we got to find some islands goopy jump out there jump out of the boat okay you got to be yeah go it's so bad God help me oh God bye Gooby gooby start swimming go go go go go no gooy let's go it worked he's still alive I see him turn around turn around but look daddy I just found these islands I want to stay here we have to save goopy have go out there and save them I'll stay here and be safe oh my gosh Gooby we're [Music] [Applause] coming Gooby come here get in the boat Gooby get in the boat get in the boat quick quick all right daddy we're almost on the islands yes I think it's too shallow for him he can't make it in here everyone get out everyone get out hey Mr shark can't eat us on an island you stupid yay that was close everyone make fun of the shark make fun of the shark Gooby say something mean yeah um you shark you're you a you're a poop say it Gooby yeah all right Daisy you say something to me now what's good Gooby Mr shark red is an ugly color yeah I agree everything red is red red sucks what where's he going bye Mr shark what a loser I scared him away yeah good job Daisy good job look guys we have an issue why uh we're kind of stuck on these islands and I have a good feeling he's going to come back with a lot of his friends no he's is not Daddy what makes you say that cuz I think that shark is actually a female she's pregnant what oh my God it's the shark princess oh no oh no that's not good wait guys didn't that shark kind of look like a zombie too yeah sharks aren't red they're supposed to be blue yeah that's weird I think that's like a mutant shark Daddy yeah I agree there's a lot of like blood and cuts and stuff on it it was really ugly it should have been dead oh God I think that shark went to go get the zombie shark arm me oh no oh no no all right guys it's fine we can just hop on our boat and then swim away right uh I don't think it'll be that easy Johnny I think the shark is going to circle this island until we actually leave so he can eat us oh no Dad don't say that hey that's that's the truth I think we need to stay here and we need to make a base daddy these islands suck well we're going to have to make them not suck there's literally sand leaves in a tree okay we can work with that ddy I don't know what you expect us to do with tree and sand oh dang it Johnny you're right what are we going to do uh guys before we left home I packed a whole bunch of stuff to bring with us wait really yeah oh my goodness yes Daisy you're a genius I always bring stuff with me let's go now we have a bunch of these resources that we could use to build up these islands and protect ourselves from the zombie sharks yeah good job JY well it looks like there's four Islands so each of us can maybe take one well I want the biggest one which is uh this one over here well I'm going to go with this one I guess I go this one this one's mine all right guys everyone start using these materials and make your bases super super secure okay I'm going to make the bestest most suur base ever we need to make sure to add a bunch of traps for the zombie sharks okay so the first thing I'm going to do is clear my Island I don't want any of this sand and especially no trees these trees are poop you don't like trees no I don't like trees Gooby why not trees suck I think trees are pretty cool all right well you could have my tree how about that Gooby okay thank you all right now the next thing I'm going to do is add a huge giant gate going around my whole island this is not going to be a normal gate this Gate's going to go in the water oh my goodness this is going to be actually sick no shark is going to be able to get through this all right I think that's tall enough Daddy what are you building over there building a futuristic base what yep what does that even mean Daddy well just in case the world floods because a shark has some weird powers my base is going to be a little tall okay okay that probably is a good idea I might just copy everything you're doing over there well no you can't do that or I might just live at you Daddy That'll be way easier uh no you are not farting in my base hey Daddy I never said I would fart I got a Poop dough e no get away all right this wall is coming out amazing I bet by the end of this everyone's going to want to live in my base going to be so protected that's not true um yes it is true Daisy what are you even building over here I'm making my Island bigger m M that's probably a good idea wait guys do you know if sharks could go on land I don't think so yeah I got to agree with Daisy I don't think they do but Daddy they're zombie sharks what if they have like legs and arms uh did you see legs and arms on that one yeah no you didn't it was not yeah I did Daddy had big arms and big legs those were called fins oh yeah that's probably what it was kind of looks like a mutant shck so maybe it's it could like transform into something oh gosh don't say that Gooby yeah it probably uh probably could make like a whole Army of mutant shcks oh my goodness that would be so terrifying that's why I'm making mine a swee house cuz socks can't even climb squees yeah that's true all right just going to expand my Island a little bit make it nice and big there we go this is looking super good all right guys my wall is coming out amazing and I might even add these little things too wao so just in case the shark tries to jump over it's going to get hit with these spikes oh yeah all right let's do the same thing going all the way around cannot have any sharks jumping over my wall uh-uh there we go that's looking pretty good o I just came up with a sick idea oh my goodness what if on the front of this wall I made a little window out of glass all right hear me out just going to Glass all this together and then I could build a little room down here so I could see the Sharks all right just break all this sand get rid of all this poop oo my underwater base is coming out so so good I see keep breaking all the sand why is there so much sand in the ocean well what else is supposed to be in the ocean um maybe like not sand that would be awesome oh yeah maybe some like jelly beans or like some maybe potatoes yeah that would be awesome why is the ocean not filled with that this is the dumbest conversation I've ever like been a part of in my life I mean look at all those like colorful things in the water over there it's got to be something probably jelly beans yeah dadd that actually kind of looks like jelly beans over there right no it doesn't yeah it does daddy you know what I think you guys are St to look like jelly beans hey I'm not a jelly bean I'm a person colorful well Daddy you're starting to look like a watermelon he always looks like that hey you're really round and plump you just call me plump yeah no I'm going to destroy your base hey Daddy don't you dare I'm really thinking about it right now I want you to know that my base is coming out so good right now oh my goodness mine's better Daddy I don't think yours is better boy what are you doing I'm making a sweeth house it looks like you're both over to Marty's Island well I'm just going to have blanches that go out so far so that if something bad happens I can just go over to your bases and help you uh I don't want you over here what why not I'm going to help you Mar I don't need your help hold on let me see what you're doing he he's being a bad boy tree house this is the ugliest treeh house I've ever seen in my life it looks like two turds put together what what's wrong with my tree house it's a best sweeth house ever I want far away from mine you're in my area that's looking pretty bad right now it doesn't even look like a a tree yes it does I just need to put all the leaves on it force all right all right it might look better with some leaves I mean what you guys making you got glass poops over there Daisy's Island hey you got spiky wall at Johnny's Island over there it's called defense Gooby you don't even have a base I'm working on it and when you have over there Mar you got it looks like a walker ship exactly I'm going to fly away far from you all I was then you don't even need to uh worry if my thing's near you cuz you're just going to be away you're being a smart alec right now and I don't appreciate it I don't like you guys making fun of my Islands it's going to be the best well guys what defense did you add to your Island cuz I'm adding spider webs now oh wait a minute um dadd the spider webs are not working underwater yeah that's how it works they're too uh the too fragile why what you mean why that's just what it is all right fine I'm going to have to add them on top of the water then I'm going to add big Nets okay you do that these nets are going to catch all the sharks it's going to be so awesome oh yeah this net is going to be huge all the sharks are going to go right up here to try to eat me and then they're going to die daddy is this a little too close to your base what is this it's a net for for what to catch the zombie sharks daddy obviously well I don't appreciate this I need this move 20 blocks that way no I'm good it's going to stay right there no I need this out I need this gun I'm adding another one over here daddy trust me it's going to work trust me when I tell you I don't want it I don't care what you want all right just going to place a couple more spider webs M we have to look ghetto no yeah Dad this is a team effort what do you mean team effort we're a team yeah a team of dummies hey I'm not a dummy you're right you're the queen of the dummies hey hey don't call my sister a dummy you know yeah and don't call her a queen too she's definitely not that I am too a princess well a princess is different than a queen clearly whatever you say so I am a princess oh no yes I am I think you a princess syy thanks Gooby you're welcome look I can see you guys from all the way over here on this Branch hey Gooby what you doing over there hello hello Gooby how many fingers am I holding up um fingers oh you're right I don't have any fingers so woo you're right what's my prize um the prize is that uh you get to jump in my Shark trap ooh I want to try yeah it's really fun here I go [Music] woo isn't it so much fun Gooby uh it's not really that fun I'm kind of just getting stuck in it yeah it's not that fun all right it's time to actually start working on my base now my base is actually going to be a huge tower all right so let me just do the shape of it first I need to make this tower look amazing all right there we go this looking like a pretty good shape for a giant Tower me just fill in a couple more of the sand just like this all right now let's start building this up using the iron blocks oh yeah my tower is going to be super safe if you think about it zombie sharks don't know how to fly so this is the ultimate defense against a zombie shark that's a good idea over there yeah I'm kind of a genius Gooby if you're trying to survive you should probably just live with me that's very true I guess I mean I might have to just add a giant shower to mine so that uh hey no that's my idea well I mean CU we're kind of on our team so we can just share our ideas a little bit it's actually called stealing Gooby and you don't want to do that okay I don't do it um guys how much time do you think we have until the zombie sharks are going to come and attack us uh I'd say probably another 15 minutes 15 minutes yeah all right Dad that's not that bad okay my Tower's looking pretty good right now I think this is going to be the top of it right here but then I'm going to build another floor on top of this one what is this ooh that looks pretty good all right we're going to add these all around just like this it's going to look really good wait I just found windows that look even cleaner oh my goodness all right we're going to put these all around here just like this all right now we're going to do this this for the top of my tower just to make it even more secured ooh there we go that's looking pretty good we'll even put some down here oh yeah this is spikiest island ever all right now it's time to start working on the inside of my base and I think the doorway is going to be right here so let's just get a door obviously it needs to be made out of iron because that's the most secure door in the game there we go add a buttons inside too all right what should I make the floor out of um gosh there's so many different blocks I can could choose from what about deep slate ooh this looks super good all right let's put all this with deep slate all right there we go that's looking pretty amazing now let's work on the second floor we're also going to use deep slate we just got to build it a little bit higher all right where should I put the ladder going up though um I might put it right in the middle there we go we're just going to do something like this and go all the way up to the top nice this looking really amazing now now we got a bunch of different floors so we can see the Sharks on all levels and then you can come up here and then you can kill the Sharks all right I think it's time to start working on the inside of my base obviously we're going to need a bunch of armor and a bunch of weapons to fight the Sharks let's get some armor stands and make a corner for Armor All right I think I'm just going to use these upside down staircases and then put some armor stands on top just like this ooh that looks really good all right let's see what armor we have oh my goodness there's so much different armor what is this one this looks so sick Warrior armor oh my God that might be my favorite armor in the game what else do we have ooh prismarine armor I could blend in as a shark oh my goodness tell me that doesn't look like a shark o what is this it's like a red armor this looks awesome ooh that actually might be my favorite armor I'm going to put it on oh yeah I look so cool and I have a speed buff oh my gosh that's awesome wait until my daddy sees me with all this armor on he's going to be so jealous all right let's fill up the rest of these armor stands now with all this armor we're going to put that armor uh we're going to put this armor now we'll have a bunch of choices to choose from right before we battle all right I think that's enough armor for now but what we need to do next is get some weapons I'm just going to put a bunch of item frames maybe on this wall all right let's just put a bunch of item frames there we go this is where I can keep all my craziest weap weapons so let's see what swords we have oh my goodness there's so many swords oh my gosh I need all of them especially the ones that move gives a poison effect and pops up a message in the chat message in a sword that's weird I could send a message to the Sharks all right I'm just going to get a bunch of random ones and then I'll choose later which one I want to use all right put them all in the item frames just like this all right and put a few more in here like that oh God okay why is that one so big wao oh okay this is definitely the biggest weapon in the game there's no way I think I'm going to keep this one on me just in case a shark pops up right now I can smack it with this axe hey Daddy I want to show you something where are you I'm building in my base he I'm coming down um daddy you got a leak right here yeah I got a lot of leaks well dadd I want to show you what I look like uh okay what the check it out daddy why do you look so scary because Daddy I got armor on you look really really scary and I don't like it take it off no daddy take it off right now oh my gosh fine now I can finally see your face I'm keeping the weapon in my hand Daddy I don't care what you say fine well leave me alone I'm trying to build this thing there's displays daddy look oh there you go that looks so sick that is cool all right I think I'm going to go put these in my base bye daddy bye get out of here look how high up I am I'm so high wait where are you I'm all the way up to the sky Gooby what are you doing up there I'm in a giant swee house wait Gooby can I come over and see your treehouse yes all right let's see what you got all right so you got a ladder going up here and then another ladder going up here okay yep all the way to the top all right then you got a little staircase that's it well I'm trying to make it all the way to the top but look over here you can go over here all right and you can climb up and look everywhere else look how high we are we're like a we're like a bird's Gooby who what kind of Axe do you have uh it's the coolest ax in the game and it does a lot of damage wo that looks so powerful yeah it's pretty awesome I think I want to get one of those axes too all right here you go I'll put it right here for you there you go now you got an axe ooh that looks so good thank you all right Gooby I'm going to go fly like a bird now waa good job Daisy what are you doing over here I'm trying to add defenses defenses yeah so those sharks can't get me wow wait are you adding lasers yeah just in case wo I want to see the inside of your base it's not really decorated but it's pretty big all right we're going down wo this is huge yeah and so we can come down here and see if the sharks are here yet wow this is actually pretty awesome maybe my favorite base besides mine obviously wait really yeah mine's so much better though yours kind of just looks like a giant castle well yours has a leak in it you just broke the glass no I didn't whatever all right I'm going back to my base cuz I got to make it so much better good luck it's already looking way better than daisies way better than goobies andin better than my daddy's ooh what should I add up here I probably should add a quick bed cuz what if I got to sleep now I'll have a bed to sleep in and boom now I got a bed and then I'm going to add a quick little desk um which desk look good we'll add a desk right here no right here all right now I'm going to add my little gaming setup right here oh God maybe right here there we go that's looking pretty good and then I'll add my little chair and now we have a gaming setup where I could do my research on all the zombie shark all right what else do I need um ooh I probably should get some food yep I need food all right we'll make the food section over here just in case I get hungry it's basically going to be like a mini kitchen yeah all right let's get a little fridge going here we go boom fridge and now I got to place down some foods the first thing I'm going to place down is a bunch of ice creams yeah that looks so good what else can I place down ooh this cake looks so good good too ew it's pink chocolate cake there we go that's looking nice and then in the fridge I'm going to save a bunch of these golden apples that will be super useful for later just in case the Sharks try to kill me I'll just eat a golden apple and then boom I won't die all right kitchen is now completed wait what is this there's guns in the game oh my goodness all right let me just shoot this grenade launcher real quick fire in the hole Daddy what was that nothing why are you explo exping stuff I'm not exploding stuff daddy yes you are no I'm not Daddy um daddy whatever you do just don't come upstairs hey be careful with that now I want to go upstairs be careful of what hey he's shooting stuff Oops stop that you're going to break my trewe house just keep slipping though Gooby it's not slipping you're you're shooting it you better not break my tree house my bed is right there it's like fireworks though this is going to be super useful if there's a shark in the water like right here boom I just shoot it got save that for the socks ooh there's a minigun too wow oh my goodness this is actually crazy and there's a bazooka no way okay that does a lot more damage all right now I got three different guns and a bunch of ammo for them this should be good enough to fight away all the sharks but I also got these stun grenades and there's only one way to find out what they do Daddy what um I got to show show you something what do you want to show me well Daddy where are you wait what are my bubbles wait I think I see you oh God no you're really far go down the ladder what are you doing this is insane well I need different places to go just in case you know the sharks get me well Daddy I got to show you something just come here what all right Daddy I need you to turn around okay I'm turning around wait what is this just ways to go in and out so if you want to kill them all right Daddy come back in here I need you to turn around in that corner okay I'm in the corner all right Daddy I swear if you're going to smack me in the back of the head I will I will hurt you Daddy I'm not going to smack you in the back of the head hold on all right here we go daddy oh God give me up give me out give me out give me out oh God oh God everything went white you just did it to yourself wait you didn't get it Daddy no I didn't get anything run run run you missed again Daddy go in the corner I'm in the corner yes yes yes yes did I get you I can't see anything it's all white Daddy it's a flash grenade I just flashed you eyes that's what you wanted to do that's horrible that's really mean I'm going to go flash everyone else Daddy go around saying that Gooby you want to get flashed what's that mean come here all right just stay right there Gooby don't move okay oh God I got to go flash Daisy now where am I where am I you're fine it's just you know ruins all your vision and hearing for like 10 seconds oh man I fell out of my sweet house ow there you go Daisy have fun with those what did you just do to me uh I flashed you that was so painful yeah that's how I'm going to flash the sharks with those stun grenades oh yeah that probably work pretty good on them should I try regular grenades next on all of you no no no no cuz that's not good going to blow up everything they don't even do any damage all right I guess that's enough for the grenad look how high up I am over here oh my gosh you're going even higher Gooby it's the tallest sweet house ever made sharks are literally not even going to be able to get you from up here yeah I'm just going to be so safe and secures wait but Gooby you got to get a crossbow a crossbow yes or a bow so you could shoot them o yeah I should get that I'm almost done building and then I'm going to decorate everything look I even made a little bed over here I want to see the bed this is my little room over here so and then I can even look out over here and see you guys wow and you could also use it as like a diving board cuz you could just jump in the water woo it's so much fun that's pretty cool yeah your base is pretty cool it's a big sweet house ooh I have a really good idea what I could add to my base just in case the sharks make it through my walls I need a way to Escape all right this should be pretty easy I'm just going to go down here into the floor a little bit there we go all right maybe a little bit deeper and now we need to go in this direction oh God sand is so annoying oh God water is so annoying don't worry I've planned okay I planned ahead I know what I'm going to do this is going to be the most secret Escape way ever all right now we got to start doing the floor up I think we're going to make it out of iron there we go all right we're almost there we just got to go a little bit further so we make it to my daddy's house hey Daddy what what are you doing nothing why you digging over here no I'm not Daddy I'm not digging over here you clearly are daddy why are you not working on your base Daddy go away cuz I was about to do something really cool on top of my domes but now I'm looking at you cuz I'm interested to see where you're going Daddy I'm not going anywhere what are you even talking about you're digging on my property I don't think I am daddy yes you are well Daddy you're looking at my property which is making my property ugly because you're that's not how it works Johnny oh yes it is oh my God Gooby Treehouse is huge yeah look how sh up I am oh my God if only you know the Sharks might have flint and steel you know that flint and steel what does that do it uh makes fire and then your treehouse would just burn down uh that would not be good but I don't think sharks can even make fire I don't know these are zombie sharks they might breathe fire well that's okay cuz I'm going to have a quow and shoot him okay that still means nothing I'm going to have the bestest Qubo base so I can shoot so many crossbows everywhere and they're not even going to know what to do wow Gooby that sounds really awesome yeah it's going to work out pretty good I even made a little quo Nest so you can see where all the socks are coming from and I can tell you guys like hey guys watch's out the socks are coming ooh that's a good idea you could be like on the lookout what on God's green earth are you doing right now Johnny Daddy what are you even talking about I'm not even building on your side whose island is this um it's now my Island I just took it over you can't take me over DD I just did oh my god well I'm going to I'm going to put a wall up all right there we go now we're connected and I got a good Escape Route Daddy what if the sharks attack my Island where am I going to go you go in the water and you die no I'm going over to your Island and I'm surviving yeah cuz my Island's obviously better um no I didn't say that you you basically just said that it's just in case it's a backup okay some backup all right almost done placing all these all right we just got to fill all this up with sand now don't worry Daddy I'll make your Island look good again yeah cuz you're making it look like poop right now Daddy just you got to trust in me it's very hard to do that see look it looks amazing right now you'd never even know that I put a tunnel going to your base you never even know all right if it looks good then I'll leave it let's go hey Johnny look over here what look I made a secret place to go to his Bas too just in case ooh there you go Gooby that's actually really smart why is everyone up this with my base wo Monty what are you wearing what do you mean what am I wearing you got some spiky Shoulda armal or something oh yeah I like this this is my uh my underwater scuba doba armor yeah a scuba dooo exactly I like scuba dooo yeah I got a bunch of these in my base so whenever the strunks come we can put the Scooby Dooby Armory on ooh okay I might put some of that on too that' be good all right well uh you continue doing what you're doing over here Gooby just leave me alone just so you know B if if all the shcks come and attack your B base and you need to come up super high then you can come to my base really yeah you just come right on here and you just go over here and you can climb up all the way super high okay thanks Gooby you're welcome ooh JY you make a little place conect to my base yeah just so I can run over here oh that's so cool guys I think it's smart to connect all of our bases yeah so if that way if the shocks go one way or a different way then you could just go to someone else's base and fight them over there exactly right guys is everyone done building their bases I'm finished yeah I'd say so I'm good yes all right well how about we all go together to everyone's base and see what everyone built Okay who wants to start I want to go to Daisy's base hers looks uh the most interesting okay interesting what do you mean uh when I say interesting I mean ugly that's mean well it's pretty ugly no it's not and the pink does not help I hate the color P fish D no it's just a dome because I don't know it's a feeding station daddy you made a feeding station for all the sharks then come up here eat the Dome and then eat us well that's not a good idea Daisy I don't know why you would think of something like that that is not true just come downstairs yeah sharks don't eat glass no but they eat humans they'll go through the glass to get to the humans o oh no JY you better watch out for that goopy it's not going to happen ooh look at this it's a whole underwater base yeah and I have so many swords so many guns and armor this is pretty cool wow wow this is great I don't know if this is pretty secure kind of seems a little flimsy to me yeah like you got to leak right there oh God this is breaking broke the glass the floors made out of w that wasn't very nice besides the leaks I think this place could be pretty cool I think it's cool I think she copied me copi you I haven't even seen your base so you want to go see my base uh-huh uh-huh all everyone follow me let's go to my daddy's base next let's go all right daddy your base is looking pretty good oh you got a hole Daddy yeah you did that all right it doesn't look like that it doesn't look like much on the top that's so the Sharks don't they don't attack us ooh we live on the ground it kind of just looks like a life card stand oh whose base is this D I like this part you just do this this looks really good oh it's my base now what the heck wow daddy this is a good base I like this base oh look at all these weapons you added this this is not my base daddy you even built a room for me up here o chocolate cake what I didn't do this this this not oh yeah we're across we're in Johnny's base yay all right I'm back down no one cares about this is your base yeah that was a good little my base is so cool that was a good switch I just play the trick on all of you well back to my base we start off with my little headquarters ooh you have a leak you just shot my glass no I didn't you just did it again Daisy okay we see you doing it Daisy it wasn't me you pull a gun out like this you went you just did that okay now you did that one no you did that Daisy if you're going to do it you need to like hide it like oh daddy look your PC's on fire what do you mean it's on fire oh you got a leak no that was actually a leak all right everyone follow me wait daddy why do you have a guitar over here this pretty cool and a and a drum set don't touch it your bed's not bouncy everyone follow me everyone follow me I'm touching I'm touching it I swear if you touch it I'll break it upside your head oops let we go down here ooh this looks kind of cool it's all reinforced steel we have two bubbles how reinforced is it it's very reinforced all right so we got some armor here this is where we're going to go when we want to attack the Sharks wow we got some cool scoy gear and we just go out here and we go oh my God there's sharks you just shoot under water I don't want to die by going out yeah I don't think that's very safe it's very safe it's very safe well how are we going to kill him uh-oh uh-oh I can't get back in I'm slapped you have to swim Gooby swim I'm slaps swim Gooby I'm swimming I'm trying to swim go to the corners there you go all right and then if you go down again I have another bubble that's very similar okay ddy what's in this bubble this time bubble is more of like the crafting Center ooh and then you could also go underneath the water wow kill some sharks um you know the Sharks could come up this water right you know they don't breath there right how do you know how do you know Daddy they're zombie sharks we don't even know they all they're fishies all right daddy whatever you say yeah but sharks die from breathing ale and since the zombie shars um they probably can breath ale yeah so you're telling me I built all this for no reason basically yep all right I'm leaving Daddy but wait we still got to look at goobie's base yeah don't worry guys guys you going to love my base all right let's go check out goobies okay guys here we go this is my super cool tree house okay wow there a climb up here and then anytime that you see one of these blue lanterns it means that there's another place to go oh okay so if you go over here oh there's a blue lantern that means you can go over here okay oh and then boom you can go right some my's base okay I like it just in case you know just in case this a little Lookout over over here check out Johnny's base or J base just make sure see if they need some help and then you go back over here and you can go over here and this a little blue Lan here let's make sure you go over here and this is another Lookout Place wow you got a lot of Lookouts yep and you can look over here and then you can go over this Bas with this little thing ooh that's pretty cool like a little Bridge Sky Bridge yep yep yep and then you got to come back to the main trunk all right back to the main trunk get some windows and you got to go up here okay we're going up even higher oh God I'm scared of heights you got to climb up super high ohoh it's a blue lantern you know what that means got to go up even more what look this see this axe right here oh yeah I gave you this I just fell through the floor this is a lookout axe so you can see over here okay okay okay then we got to go up even more and this another Lookout place over here how many Lookouts do you need you got to make sure you're looking out a lot this place is huge then you got to come in here this is my room wow this is this is a cool little room this little bed and you you can look out as well really high up here and then you got to go all the way up to the chippy Shippy shop let me guess there's going to be another big Lookout up here yep no I see it nope nope nope this is a special place what what what is this called it's called a quo Nest it's just like a pirates it's where you look out oh I knew it so it is a lookout uh yeah kind of but it's more like a it's like a closest think I can do a big can from up here yes all here we go get all wa wa that looks like so much fun I kind of want to SW that TR to it's so dangerous are you sure NY I think it looks like fun but what if you land on the bridge well then I just don't even aim for that okay go for it w nice Gooby nice Gooby yes you hit it y JY jump jump jump it's too far down come on J Do It don't be a chicken oh he do the chicken noise fine oh God you did it yay wow Gooby you know what I think your base is probably the best base here is actually so much I work so hard on it yeah it's pretty awesome oh Johnny Johnny move move there's a shark behind youting the there's a shark oh my God oh my God oh my God get on land get on land get on land come on go oh my gosh oh my gosh it's the Treehouse oh get away get away it's not doing anything come in here come in here he's going away everybody quick get armor on and get your weapons I think the shark army is on their way uh uhoh I think you're right I got to get mybow in my womb oh gosh I got to put on all my armor I got to get all my weapons out my bow and arrow I got to go upstairs and get my golden apples too oh my gosh oh my gosh all right guys are you prepared to fight I'm ready I'm ready I got good I got swords I got it all I got ows oh my gosh Daisy Daisy they're on your base they're on your base I know my turrets are taking care of them guys there's so many sharks and look this time they're green they're actual zombie sharks now these are disgusting oh your turrets are working Daisy I know this is so awesome oh my God oh my God oh my God I got to get closer Daddy on you I know on yes look they look in the traps they're getting stuck in the traps I told you they would work all right I'm going to shoot them with the minigun take that killing him I got my qub ready I'm Aquaman take that stupid zombies Die be careful out Daddy what are you doing in the water Aquaman Daddy I'm shooting you sorry I accidentally shot you watch out for the zombie Shar ow Daddy what did you just shoot me with that hurt gun he that did a lot of damage why would you do that you shot me in the mouth D you know I'll just shoot you back did you just Tred shooting me Daisy no I'm shooting the zombie sharks I don't know about that I I saw a lot of ammo coming my way oh god daddy H down of the water I told you he can bre down of the water he's coming after you kill him told you they can breathe oxygen kill it kill it why do they breathe oxygen oh my gosh this is terrifying zombies I'm coming down to help Daddy oh God I have a really good sword that I can run on water oh God ow hey your ts are hitting me Daisy sorry ow ow ow they're doing a lot of damage oh my God I'm going to my daddy's base hey get out of there I'm going to go to Johnny's base so I can take some gun from him e these things are so ugly I'm killing them e we got bigger sharks we have a lot bigger sharks where where where up here oh God guys I think these are the adult sharks look like the mommy and daddies yep daddy you're right here Daddy back up I got an idea I got to shoot my grenades at him daddy hello sharks what are you doing ow ow daddy behind me one's out of water one's out of water kill it kill it Daddy back in the water gosh they're flying out of the water trying to kill us Daddy it's not fair this is not good at all how do I get out of here Gooby where are you I'm at Johnny's base what are you doing I was going to grab a sword from over here oh my gosh there's only one way to actually Escape my base oh God oh God oh God ouch ouch I'm taking damage from the spikes ouch ouch I just took so much damage Daddy on me on me on me on me on me oh if you shoot wood with with ammo it turns it on fire Daddy I'm stuck in my own net Daddy Daddy help me Daddy I'm stuck in my own net oh no I'm going to shoot my crossbow at him guys I need help help I'm going to die now I'm coming dang it I died hey Gooby what are you doing uh I'm just shooting these guys with some arrows I'm shooting with my grenade launcher it's really awesome oh that's a good grenade launcher oh gosh there's a bunch more spawning oh my gosh guys look how many are there we need to go back down my base everyone down under water underwat Gooby come on Gooby uhoh uhoh follow me go go go go go go go go go I'm coming down with you oh my gosh look they're making it down here here come here come here I see you guys there's an open they everywhere else Gooby hurry up Gooby hurry up I'm coming I'm coming Daddy we're coming I'm hanging out my room oh another break grade oh gosh daddy shoot them I'm on fire I'm on fire a they're coming I'm going to hit them Su guys they're spawning inside they're spawning inside oh no I'm just breaking it uhoh uhoh more are coming more are coming guys we need to move we need to go back down ah ah they're coming in get out there oh Gooby sorry uh a grenade accidentally killed you oops come down here it's safe it was probably a grenade that shark threw out yeah sharks are really good shoting good see their bellies underneath here where oh my gosh D they're all above us oh we need to go over here God daddy daddy daddy one of them just broke something it's okay it's okay we need to keep moving go to Daisy go to Daisy daddy you're not using bulletproof glass daddy they're literally going right through it I didn't know that they had bullet teeth oh my gosh oh my gosh ooh there's a good little shootout hole uh-oh I'm lost I'm lost ow ow let me in no I'm going to die oh my God I'm going to die and I'm dead party uh-oh they're breaking the glass yes they're eating it they're eating it we need to move we need to move we need to get out of here which way down the water's pushing me go faster I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying the water's pushing me I'm going to drown don't come up here I found you guys yay I'm coming where are the sharks at oh God this is actually terrible daddy this base is probably the worst base here we got to go back to my house it's the only one that's the Shar can't get you yeah we should probably go to goobies go go go go that oh they everywhere else they everywhere else ah I'm too far away guys I'm baiting them I'm baiting them ouch ouch ouch oh they're eating me oh that's Su good Gooby get out of there help me oh my gosh Gooby they're all after you oh my gosh you're going to die don't worry Gooby I got you yes thank you thank you get out of there Daisy get out of there try to help ow ouch ouch blow up my grenade launcher I'm dead oh yeah I'm doing damage oh yeah you like those Stars ow you're hit me B that got to back up daddy guys yeah I need to go back to my base to get ammo o good idea I'm trying to get back to my base but it's too hard this is going to be really D go house I'm going to Gooby house too Daddy I want to go to my house all right Gooby we're in your house is he good I've never seen so many sharks in my life oh my God Gooby there's one in your there's one in your treehouse there's one in your treehouse what how did it get all the way upstairs oh they're spawning up here I killed it I killed it oh my God gooy I'm trying to I'm coming over there ow ouch OU oh my God oh my God ah I can't make it over there there's so many this is actually crazy swim ow ow ow ouch ouch ouch got to go higher I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm dead it's too hard to get over there all right well I'm on top of your base Daddy are you up here too yeah of course I'm up here look at all the sharks I want to see all the Sharkies I'm at your basey I'm shooting them ooh you have a good spot look how high I am oh yeah it's awesome wa you're super high up um guys I see the big red princess shark will will ah all the way back behind Daisy's base oh no what are we going to do guys I don't think these little baby green ones are going to stop spawning unless we kill the big one yeah I think you're right right look there's more green ones spawning oh my goodness how are we going to reach all the way over there to the big mommy shark um I think we're going to have to jump off my base what yeah we got to go on that boat we got to take the boat guys all right everyone go to Daisy's base go go go go go go go go go go go go uh how do I get you you need to jump okay here I go I'm going I'm going I'm going I can't get there too many spikes I'm dead everyone get onto the boat where are you I'm over here oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm being chased I'm being chased sorry I got to break some of your spikes over here Gooby gooby Gooby gooby right here right here get on the boat get on the boat I'm coming I'm coming behind you gooby where are you uh-oh behind you okay I'm going to jump down over there oh my goodness just jump go go go go go go go I'm in I'm in you just kicked me out oops go go go go go all all all right we did it we did it all right guys here we go we need to defeat the mommy shark hey mommy shark what are you doing ha oh direct Bullseye who just died you guys killed me no we didn't it said that I got shot by a [Laughter] cannon job yes keep hitting Hima easy three hits and he's dead let's go let's go we just killed it with the cannonballs that was actually so sick we protected our islands all right guys quick everyone we need to kill the rest of these sharks how do that shoot them shoot them shoot them all right all right there we go all those are dead hey be careful with that thing guys I think we did it I don't see any more sharks let's go yes we did it let's go we're so good guys we showed that princess shark who's boss yeah Dad you see me shoot the cannonballs in her face that was so cool you hit her in the face like three times yeah that was awesome yeah I like when everybody was able to use my Treehouse to shoot all the sucks yeah this treehouse was kind of terrible though it was the best one is literally on fire look yeah look it's spreading everywhere why you sitting it on fire hey oh no why is it why is it going on fire oh my gosh it's burning down I I'll go in there and fix it uh uhoh uhoh uhoh oh no no stop stop oh no please it's actually burning oh my goodness no I'm trying to put it out no stop it sorry Gooby oh no you guys you're boy it bo be it's not us well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye my swee house all right guys I have something really important to tell you Daddy what is it I am leaving on a business trip for a few days wait what yep I got some uh some important things to take care of yeah it's like a business trip I mean yeah you could say it's kind of a business trip yeah I'm going to make a lot of money a lot of money what's your job uh the job uh has something to do with uh gaming yeah with gaming ooh gaming I love games yeah Daddy we love gaming can we come uh no no no no no you guys have to stay here and make sure uh the house is taken care of yeah you know cuz robbers could come in robbers what do you mean robbers Daisy I'm I'm sorry that was a joke that was a joke no robbers will come in this house and steal all your video games in your room and no one's going to take uh the money that you hide in your closets wait what Daddy you can't go because what if I clogged the toilet who's going to unclog it uh Gooby gooby in charge of taking care of the house ooh I'm in charge I'm in charge you're leaving Gooby and George oh yeah yeah you're you're capable enough to take care of the house right Gooby yes I make sure it's so protected and so good and so clean he's going to burn down the whole house no he's not he's fine he's smart well Daddy how long are you going to be uh I'm only going to be like a few hours I mean a few days a few days yeah I'm going to be a few days a few days and uh yeah I'm going on a really important business trip well Daddy what if robbers come what do we do should we kill them no don't kill the robbers okay if anyone comes into the house all you got to do is give them what they want just be really really nice and give them all your video games and your money I'm not giving anyone my PC I just hit unreal in fortnite well D that's not going to happen they're going to have to fight us for their PCS okay John don't be so aggressive about ble just give them what they want and then you just call the Poo you call 911 all right daddy whatever you say okay so you kids be good I'm going to be leaving with this very expensive hat and I'll see you guys soon I mean I'll see you guys in a few days yeah few days bye daddy bye Marty well guys now we're all home alone and we have no adults around so what are we supposed to do ooh let's make a pizza that's a good idea let's throw a pizza party I love pizza everyone follow me guys check it out look at all these pizzas in here wo o delicious oh yeah yeah there's so many pizzas and guess what my daddy can't tell us when we can stop eating so we can eat pizzas for the rest of our lives let's go I'm going to eat some right now no it's my pizza get out of my way this is so yummy yeah Pizza is my favorite food but guys Marty did say something about robbers so what if I do get robbed yeah Daisy you're right I'm really scared oh no I feel scared too cuz that robers I don't want a robber taking our games away me either what can we do about it I have a perfect idea guys what if we put up a bunch of security so if any robbers try to mess with us and mess with our games they're going to be stopped that's a great idea oh yeah that sounds like a good ideas yeah I'm the best at coming up with awesome ideas I just got a big brain with a lot of ideas in it uhhuh well since I'm in charge I say that we should make some security stuff cuz uh of wers I just said that well I'm a so I need to make sure that I say it all right Gooby it doesn't really matter who says it I just care about that if we actually do it right yes yeah well guys what are we waiting for all right everyone follow me I have a perfect idea so if you guys were a robber where would be the first place you try to enter our house the front door the ceiling Gooby no Daisy had it right it's the front door the robbers could easily just open these doors and bang they're inside our house especially because we don't lock them so we need to make this part of the house super super secure so what could we do set it on fire no maybe like a trap door so they go down and like oh no that that's kind of a good idea let's see what traps we have all right Gooby I really do like your idea so let's make it come to life we're just going to do something like this put a bunch of spikes on the floor all right Gooby watch out Gooby look I'm putting down fake flooring I can't see what did you put in there Gooby do not step on this floor I just want to see what's in there what is that Gooby no uhoh Gooby come up Gooby uh I'm trapped it's fake flooring so basically if you step on this flooring it crumbles underneath you and then you D in the spikes ooh that sounds really good and safe so if you want to get into our house you need to fly over for now all right okay okay and also the other thing I want to do is add some security cameras ooh that way we can see everything wao guys I'm literally in the security camera Gooby say hi to your security camera hello oops hey you broke it Gooby uh oopsies oh my goodness all right I'm putting it higher so you can't touch it I was just trying to say hello hello all right there we go don't touch it Gooby you're banned from touching it I'm not going to touch it all right what other security can we put in this front um we could put nails down wait what so if they walk over here they step on nails ooh Daisy you're actually kind of a genius okay what about these do these look good I think so oh my goodness these are crazy Gooby you look a little ouchy ouch ouch ouch goopy you're walking on them thank goodness you have shoes on they're a little pointy yeah they do a lot of damage all right I'm also going to add another security camera out here so I could see outside maybe I'll add it like right here we should have a ton of them oh yeah this looks awesome any robbers that are going to try to sneak up into our house I'll be be able to see them now nice hello hello hello all right guys everyone come inside Gooby make sure you don't touch the spikes I'm trying I'm going to try oops I touch a touch one guys I have the perfect idea we should go upstairs and try to add some security to our gaming rooms ooh that's perfect so they won't be able to get there exactly there's really nothing down here that a robber would want except for our PCS in our room so let's go everyone follow me check out my room doesn't it look super awesome looks awesome in here yeah so yellow and nice and it's got lots of computers yep I got computers Nintendo switches even this little fish tank with no fishes in them cuz I ate them you ate them why you ate your little pet fishes well I got hungry all right you should just eat the pizza yeah I should just ate the pizza but what can I add up here let's see well you may might have a security camera right there so you can see if anyone goes in there ooh that's a good idea yeah ooh wait maybe I should be holding this sword too wa that's a big sword yeah so if a robber comes in I could just spank him with the sword in his face you're going to spank the robber well with the sword obviously all right I'm going to put a security camera right here I think there's a good spot for one yeah if anybody comes up the stairs you can just see them exactly say hey there's somebody on the stairs what's up ooh guys check this out all right I'm just going to stick it right here and boom uh that's fire in the house yeah but we're using it as defenses isn't that really cool I think that's okay uh since I'm in charge I say it's okay all right Gooby said it's okay so we're going to use the fire but maybe we want put it like on the floor right here so that if they walk in it gets twigger and put some fire on them yeah that's a good idea but what if we put them on the staircases o yeah look I'm going to do ones right here and then I'm going to do them right up here I think these are good spots for them yeah but how do they turn on well we got to figure that out guys check this out Gooby try to walk up the staircase okay I'm just walking up oh now you're on fire look what happens that's a good swap see the stone pressure plate triggers that but you know what I have even a better idea I'm going to make all this a gray block so it Blends in with the pressure plate they won't be able to see it oh yeah that's a good idea then me just walk over oh fire ah fire everywhere that's a good trap so now if the robbers try to come through the front door they're going to go on fire yep yep yep maybe you put some some more right here if they try walk back the other way then they get fir too I mean that's a good idea too we could do that I feel like we need an alarm system wait an alarm system yeah so we can know if they're making it up the stairs okay how do we do that string string yeah all right well I got the alarm right here what am I doing it just place it on the wall ooh this looks really good all right boom Oh god it works it's really loud oh God alarm alarm alarm that's perfect okay that's actually really smart wait maybe there's a way to hide this though go over it let me make sure it still works no go one more time there we go now I hid the alarms on the side so they don't see them instantly uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh that's a really good trap that's probably my favorite trap so far that looks really good it's make sure any of those wles we going to make some St exactly all right let's see is there another trap we can add up here H oh Gooby check it out I need you to test this out step on it looks like a regular old child just step on it Gooby nothing bad's going to happen oh God goofy goofy oh God it's got laun and ceiling oh it's called a springtrap o I like that yeah they're really really good we should use that for a swap I kind of have a genius idea all right check this out so what if we put spring traps on the floor and then on the ceiling we put spider web so they get stuck in the ceiling oh that's perfect they won't be able to get down all right where's a good spot to add a springtrap maybe on the top of the staircas is yeah that way if can they come in they get stuck all right let me see how high I go oh yeah I go really high can you hit the ceiling yep I hit the ceiling with my head all right Gooby try it oh I'm stuck oh oh God Gooby I'm stuck in here I think we need to make it one more taller yeah I think you're right right and we should add them here too all right I'm going to start doing the same thing to the other side this is a good swap I'm still stucking you all right now time to add the spring pads over here as well oh we should uhoh scy we should raise up the security camera so we can see who's in the webs ooh that's actually good wait let me see if I can see you through the security camera oh Gooby I can see you hey Gooby I'm stuck I'm stuck all right I'm going to add another security camera on this side yeah that's a good traps let me see if this one works uhoh yep that one works too what if they try to climb up the wall right here wait which wall this one but the robbers are probably stupid they're going to have no clue how to climb up a wall do you think so all right fine if you want to do that then we could just put a ring of spider webs going all the way across ooh then we will to get through yeah that's good that's good all right guys come down here I have the next trap idea it's not really much of a trap but if the robbers are outside they're going to be able to look through our windows so we need to border them off they could be watching us right now exactly Daisy they are no they're not watching us right now Gooby but everyone go to the windows and put down a bunch of these signs oh so that's all covered up exactly we need to cover all these windows up we're not allowing the robbers to look through they're not allow are you doing good Gooby I think so don't mess it up I'm putting lots of signs everywhere all right I'm going to go over to the other side and start helping Daisy out all right just going to place a bunch more down over here on this window oh yeah this looking really good wait a minute guys there's rubbers outside they're in our bushes wa what Stewie are you sure this is the place yeah this the place boss I heard they have lots of good gaming stuff here yeah you think we can sell and make a lot of money oh yeah these things are worth a lot of money these days especially if they have a bunch of games too well do you remember last time when we went in that barn and you said there was games and it was just horses and poop yeah but this is nothing like that Boss look how fancy this place is well it better not be Stewie how about this let's go knock at the door let's see if anyone's here guys guys we have an issue the robbers are coming up to the doors right now we have to hide uh well I put a bunch of signs this is not going to help us Gooby what the heck are you doing wait why are you breaking them why are you placing 100 signs okay it doesn't matter we have robbers at the door Gooby what we do what we do uh wait maybe we hide and then we just see if they go into the traps remember we put traps up there oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right everyone run run run oh God oh God oh God I'm stuck in our own traps uhoh I'm stuck in the Trap uhoh all right guys I think we're in this safe spot let me check the security cameras and see if they're at the door oh my God I see them they're walking up right now man Stewie you really chose a good looking house yeah P I always pick the best ones ow oh what is this oh it looks like they put down a couple little traps here it look like a bunch of nails this is so stupid who puts Nails by the front door yeah that's nothing ah Ste what happened bsh what happened oh my goodness they just fell into the traps guys they're working I'm coming still why would you jump in there why would you jump in there I'm trying to save you boy what am I hey oh I'm already gone I'm already up here again dang it stee this place got a bunch of traps we weren't prepared for this I sure boss I I guess I need to do more research next time you do you Dingus you definitely do now we got to go back and get tools and we'll come back later all right I guess so all right follow me we need to get out of here before someone sees what guys the robbers are running away the traps work they worked let's go yay bye you stupid robbers see you later you're never getting my PC that's why they put me in charge I really did a good job huh well Gooby we're not done yet because the robbers said they're coming back with tools so they could bust down our door and get through all of our traps uhoh so we still are not done we need to make this house even more secure what do we add um uh I don't know we got to start thinking guys we need a brainstorm I know we add more signs sign sign here or maybe a sign here I mean signs I guess are good but we need even better traps uh maybe we put like a monster somewhere else a Monster yeah like if they come in they fall and then into a pit with some monster in there I mean that's actually not a bad idea that could be really good all right well check this out I have a fan all right let me just get this lever place this fan down right here and boom what's that do it's a fan oh God jump W that's so powerful yeah the fan actually works it's like if you are going to jump then you get fans exactly so I have an idea what if I put a bunch of fans right here and then I can just turn them on when the robbers try to come inside my house oh yeah I can't even get in there yeah try get in here now you stupid robbers I close the door it's literally impossible but then how are you going to get in there I can just shut him off like that oh true well guys I was thinking what if we put ice on the stairs what that's so smart make it all slippy so just slip off of it all right Daisy let's do that next hey well come on all right you start placing oh Daisy ow I for God you got traps oh my goodness oops all right everyone start replacing the staircase we know for sure that the robbers are trying to get through the front door so we need to make sure this staircase has a lot of security on it all right there we go now we have ice everywhere I'm even going to replace these blocks with some ice ooh maybe we should put some fans at the top of the sails so they try to jump over they get fanned they get fanned yeah and they fall back down the stairs and they slip all right should I add them like right here yeah yeah yeah yeah then if they try to go HOH Oh no I got to get out of here uhoh this actually really smart and then they try to jump and they get fans again all right I'll do the same thing over here well guys we're kind of only putting our defenses in one spot yeah I think Daisy is right we need to have more defense in other areas of the house or we can block this area off with an electric fence what electric fence oh yeah so now they have to go up the stairs oh my goodness that's actually so genius what's the electric fence do um don't touch it whatever you do Gooby don't touch it don't touch it well why why I not touch it because it's electric it's electric yes don't touch it it's electric and it'll electrocute you it looks kind of like a normal fence right now ooh guys I have a really good idea all right see this door right here see how it's like really poopy yeah it kind of looks like Gooby poop yes it does poop all right we're going to break this door and replace it with some keypad doors all right let me just put in the code and put in this code all right guys try to get in uh uhoh she needs a code try to guess what the code is uh um I did it you got it it was 1 two three I'm super smart all right I'm going to put them back one more there we go now these look good that's a code that robbers will never guess right I don't think so all right there we go one 2 3 and boom now the doors open and then it shuts that's super secure yeah I'm I'm a freaking genius what about what if they go to the other side of the house well Gooby the only other way they can get in our house is by like breaking a window or these doors back here uh-oh we got to make sure these are look nice and safe oh my goodness guys how can we forget about these doors we never used them well they might use them so we need to do the same thing that we did to the other one I'm going to get the keypad put my new code in and the same thing on this one H what's some other defenses we could place down should make a monster pit okay we're not making a monster pit it' be so good though I don't know how we're supposed to do that we don't even know any monsters ooh I have an idea guys all right check this out I'm going to put sand on the floor okay what's that you it's quick sand uhoh oh God oh God I'm slipping yep you're slipping I'm going to do the same thing over here wait this stops now they won't be able to get in because there's quicksand everywhere that's a good idea and then I think I'm going to line this with a bunch of these net and if you go in the Nets they slow you down like this oh my gosh I'm so slow she walk so slow maybe you should change the password on this so it's not the same as the first one wait really yeah like maybe like make it like a 456 all right that's a good idea 456 that's actually really smart then if they figure out one they can't figure out them all four five six saving it okay this looking pretty SEC yeah this looking really good ooh maybe we could add something on these staircases though let's see what we have well guys we put I stairs on the inside so what if we put magma stairs outside oh my goodness that's actually so smart ooh that looks really spicy yeah that's going to do a lot of damage to these robbers and then we'll do this on the side so they can't cheat oh oh it's hot it's hot oh and then he falls in all right let's do the same thing on this side there we go this looking really good yeah they never going to get through that all right I'm going to make sure to put some security cameras all out here as well I can only plac down two more security cameras oop I can still see through these windows I'm going to put some signs on them all right good idea good idea I think we need to have a monster trap guys we're not adding a monster trap no that's going to make it really good hey who's in charge here me I'm in charge nope nope your daddy put me in charge no he was just lying he just want to make you feel better about yourself I say we still need a monster trap all right fine you guys want to add a monster trap so bad you guys could do it then maybe I will where would you like to add the monster trap I'm going to put it outside in front of the staircase oh my goodness that's so stupid they're never going to fall for a monster trap why not these robbers aren't that dumb okay we don't know how dumb they are well while you're adding a monster trap I'm going to work on something actually useful like what um let's see oh like this Gooby check this out I got a bunch of matches on me matches yeah you like that what does that do Mi the spots yeah yeah and I can light people on fire with it how was that a slap Gooby forget the matches check this out step on that waa W yep you just got caged that's a great trap why didn't we use this before because I'm a genius and everyone should be following what I'm doing oh yeah that's a good idea you should do that all right break this we got to place them in better areas oh hey Daisy what are you doing how's the monster trap coming along it's really good all right where is it outside by the stairs all right let me just put in the passcode let's see what you did I don't even see the monster trap where is it exactly just walk up the stairs wao oh my goodness the spiders in here okay that's actually kind of smart I thought spiders were scary they're kind of stuck on the ceiling though all right Gooby come back up they're going to attack the robbers not us they're good spiders all right let's add some of these cage traps inside all right let me just put in the passcode there we go everyone in so if they make it through this section what if we just put a bunch of cage traps down here oh they get stuck what you do do not go past those cuz they're going to make it into a cage trap Gooby oops uh you mean those Gooby I literally said not to do that what did you do uh I'm sorry I Tred not to but uh oh my goodness you need to listen use your ears I'm listening oops oops I'm trying I'm just trying to get out oh my goodness Gooby you're banned from walking to this part of the house all right okay I don't walk over there never nope never walk over there ooh guys check this out look what I just found it's called a net launcher a net launcher wa yeah I could just slow you down if I throw it at you net yeah I think I'm going to have one of these you guys want one too yes there you go take that yes no stop it Gooby stop throwing it at me I like shooting out Nets Gooby stop stop stop you're throwing too many out one more Gooby okay that's it that's it Daisy can you help me out and tell Gooby to stop I don't know it's kind of funny it's not funny what if I do it to you hey exactly hey hey don't that to my sister hey Gooby knock it off Gooby knock it off Gooby go knock it off stop knock it off you started this war you started this war Gooby no you started this your face okay okay okay okay stop stop stop time out okay we have Rob to worry back in it time's up no more time out okay truce it's a truce all right it's a truce it's a truce too many Nets more for I have so much string now here you want some swings no I don't want strings I have a lot of string on me thank you very much boobby what are you doing I just put some swing in here so like now you got to break all the string now you got to break it all you like the swing it's a string is not a good defense at all okay let's see what we could actually add next like an actual good defense I have a great idea what is it Daisy so I have this chest but it's not a real chest oh my gosh it's a monster oh my gosh kill it kill it kill it we could set this up with the little sign that says all of our gaming stuff is in there ooh you're actually kind of smart that's a good idea Daisy all right Daisy where should we put them by the front door maybe yeah let's do that and then maybe this monster chest will just chase them out of our house exactly all right let me just get a sign and now I'll just put the signs right here what should I put on the sign free gaming stuff free gaming stuffs no if it's free then you're not going to want to steal it don't steal I'm just going to put don't steal on it and then they will obviously steal it cuz they're robbers and we better put some stuff in these chest so that they can find it a little bit wait it's a bake chest I forgot Gooby you're actually so stupid it's not even funny I shoot a net at it electrocute them electrocute them electrocute them perfect wow good job all right guys our house is pretty secure right now what else can we even add a wet floor sign a wet floor sign really Daisy just so they know it's slippery so we can't get sued okay that's only going to help them out well then they won't come up here all right I guess that's a good idea ow H what else can I add in my room to protect my pieces let's see guys what should we add next I think we need to make a safe room wait a safe room but my room's safe look I'm inside super safe in here I think this is too close to the ground we need to go upstairs so we can have a really secure room ooh that's actually kind of a good idea Gooby what do you want to do you want to make a safe room yes we should take all of our stuff and put it in the safe room instead of our regular rooms yeah they don't even know where it is well how do we go to the top of this house follow me I know the perfect room all right I'm following you Daisy wo there's a secret staircase in here see it's already safe ooh this is pretty cool not that room too small this one it's perfect yes this is really good and look it already has three beds for all of us yeah but I need to make mine pink yeah I need to make mine yellow o I need to make mine uh a different color you mean blue cuz your favorite color is blue yes all right there we go now mine looks really good all right guys it's time to make this room super secure so the first thing we're going to do is add really secure doors all right place these down and the code is going to be 000000 four zeros they're never going to be able to guess that what else do we put in here um let's see we can put all of our string in here no we're not putting all our string in here no Gooby no why have so much string I need to put it somewhere else get rid of the string Gooby get rid of the string delete it out of your inventory okay yes I put all the string out we don't need any string instead maybe we could put a bunch of our Nerf guns and then we could shoot them with these Nerf guns oh that's perfect wow that sounds really realistic no it's just a Nerf gun all right check this out I'm going to put them all in this wall there we go and now get a couple of these bad boys and then also I'm going to get some shields for us uh oops maybe put my hammer of H dogs okay what are you doing Gooby look if you want to put that there you need a new item frame look right there on the bottom there it is all right that's looking really really good guys we should add our computers up here next but where are we going to put them um we can put down some desks wait we need to put these signs on the doors I mean the windows make sure nobody sees it oh yeah check out my gaming PC it's looking really cool nice now it's protected all right guys my PC Corner is pretty much completed ooh Daisy I really like yours thanks it's off Rainbow pink yeah that's pretty cool um Gooby what are you doing uh mine's still downstairs Gooby look I'll just clear this thing out and then we can place him over here is that sound good oh okay yeah here I'll just make you a new setup right now let me just get a desk um what color desk do you want o make it blue please all right you're going to get that color okay and then we're going to get you a nice chair and piece o do they have a blue chair yes they have a blue chair blue chair blue chair all right hold on let me just find the PCS all right going to place down that and then that wow it looks so blue yeah it looks really blue and awesome I'm going to put a sign here it says goobies oh my goodness what are you doing PC we know it's your PC Gooby you don't need to do that do not steal all right Gooby it's they're going to not care about that sign if they come up here see now I can't even steal it they're not even going to be able to get in here this is our safe room yeah it's our safe room Gooby yeah well just in case it comes there's a sign so it says no stealing all right guys I think our security room is pretty much done I really like it I did too yeah it looks super secure all right guys let me check the camera monitors and make sure the robbers aren't at the front doors oh God guys they're back and look they have a bunch of weapons with them no no no no no they're coming through the front door right now ow oh look what we got here Stewie they put the traps back down those lousy no good kids all we got to do is destroy these do you have a pickaxe yeah boss I got it right here there we go mine that stuff guys they're destroying our traps how our traps are so good watch yourself Stewie don't worry I'm being really careful I'm walking oh my goodness they're making through they're making it through the front door oh my gosh oh my gosh looks like they got a nice secure door here you know what happens to secure doors look get the Cutters yeah let's cut these Doors Down wait they're cutting the doors how are they cutting doors this isn't fair they got in they got in we did it oh no hey look boss there's some chests here oh free gaming stuff oh why don't we take some of this oh no oh the chests are eating them there's an angry chest here oh boy okay he just shot him with a gun this one says don't steal do we steal it uh-oh boss it might be a trap oh gone oh no get him Stewie what are you doing H ha the chests are eating them guys this is actually not working they just killed both chests that's all right boss I brought a snack just in case can I get a snack on you snack yeah you want some of that there for the snacks I didn't need snacks yeah boss and hey look here look at this I got a lollipop ooh maybe I could use this for the kids yeah if they show their face they're going to get a taste of Pop bada big bada boom all right let's go see what this is about Stewie okay guys they're about to go up the staircase this looks kind of weird oh Stewie oh oh they're they got fire traps he's on fire keep it moving Ste you got to run it hurts you got to run up the stairs oh no they're going up the stairs a bsh Stewie died Stewie I'm slipping I got moed guys one of the robbers it's actually working now let's go okay I'm going back on the cameras watch out for the stairs oh they're a little slippery Bush good thing they put these caution signs here all right all we got to do is go up nice and easy oh I slipped down I slipped down the stairs oh boy you do not get up here okay I'm back boss oh just it's too slippery boss you just got to run really fast wait Gooby I need you to go down there and turn on all the fans the fans aren't on so go down there and hit all the switches but you want me go down there just get some robers down there but they're about to go to the fan so come on go down there and put on all the switches go go go go go oh okay I'm being I'm going to be careful Gooby you're going the wrong way Gooby you're going the wrong way where where do I go this way down there I'll be watching on security cameras I'll make sure you're safe all right okay make sure I'm safe okay all right turn on all the fans go go go I'm scared Wes uh don't don't be over here please okay wobbles uh don't don't do anything to me please Gooby you're going to go on our own trap what the heck was that I'm turning on I'm turning on the fans all right Gooby go to the other one go to the other side I'm trying I'm trying oh God Gooby they're stuck in the traps oh oh I'm you're stuck in the tra what the heck are you doing uh uhoh I'm trying get back up here Gooby run I see them I see them uh stey I see a kid uhoh I'm going one you come here kid Gooby run run run get out of there get out tell me where your video games are uh I need help I need some help in here oh no I'm in another trap I'm going to wiing the spell oh no Gooby what are you doing Daisy we got to go down there and help Gooby he's he's stuck I need help you me to go down there with the robbers yes we need to help him come on oh no Gooby I need help Gooby we're coming this way hey boss what it looks like there's a bunch of traps around here oh you're telling me Stewie I've been up in this stop went for like 10 minutes sty sty got help me Gooby look what you did now we're trapped in not our security room right next to the robbers this is all your fault it looks like our traps is doing a good job though you had one job to turn on fans and then run back and then you got stuck on our own draft really it's hard it's very very scary have people here all right guys well we need to be quiet so the robbers don't hear us let me check the monitors again check it out boss I broke these traps right here good job Stewie I turned these fans off too so now we can go look for some gaming cont yeah let's go find the gaming room and steal all this stuff oh Stewie I found it no guys they're going into our rooms and they're going to take all of our games oh no close that door up there take this oh and Nintendo switch don't mind if I do guys we got to go in with the net launchers we got to stop these robbers okay I got my hammer of King Bob's dog all right Perfect come on all right guys sneak really quietly they're in there right now and they're stealing all of our games we to stop them hey robbers what are you doing take that take that what are you do you like that oh no you I got lollipops robers I got lollipops behind you go behind you my hammmer to kill me why would you do this you stupid kids yeah we got one we got one get rid of the next one guys shoot him shoot him what he's es keeping through the window don't worry Bush I'm get get out of here hey come back here go away jump down I'm coming Bush here I am ah oh I didn't realize we were dealing with all these kids yeah but look what I got I got the goods nice we got the Nintendo switches I like it now we can sell it that's going to be worth a lot of monies well now that I'm thinking about it Stewie we didn't get any money oh no well okay guess what boss I saw that there's a back entrance to this place too oh Stewie you're a genius let's go let's go to the back they probably hide all the valuable stuff back there I bet you're right Stewie guys I can't believe those robbers just came into my room and stole a bunch of my video games they took basically everything good thing we still have our secure room upstairs yeah that is true but I don't think these robbers are done they're going to go through the back entrance next oh no everyone to our secure room follow me let's go I'll take your pps5 oh thanks Gooby take all the pps5 all right guys quick everyone through through the door let me just put the password in and boom everyone through oh no guys it's fine we should be securing here I'm just going to look at the camera monitors and hopefully they get trapped in the cage and then we'll go downstairs all right okay but I'm not leaving this room unless they're caught okay Daisy they're going to get caught trust me guys I'm looking on the monitors but I don't see anyone yet maybe they left oh I see them they're sneaking around Stewie are you sure this is the back door oh yeah boss they're going to have lots of good stuff stuff over here all right I see a staircase let's go up the staircase oh they're about to go up the staircase ah it's hot it's hot oh oh my God they fell into the monster hole B let's go we're stuck in a hole now what is this I got some ladders easily escapable beautiful steid these kids fools if they thought that's going to stop us hey check it out boss these fools think they can stop us I'm going to use their own trap against them uhoh W Ste your Genius come up here on the roof we're going to break in through the ceiling guys they're on the roof right now those fools on the roof of our house they're stuck in quicksand never mind they're stupid some Quicks Sandy why do you not see the quicksand now I fell in the quicksand I didn't know you baba boom you just called me a baba boom on the job yeah you want to get fired I'll call you something worse too unless we can get out of this quick Sandy just jump Stewie stop being a dummy okay fine here let me go I'm trying to break it but uh it's not breaking it's sand I think we're stuck Stewie there's got to be a way out of here you have those ladders let me see what I got I got some ladders here here boss come over here come to the ladder doy you're still stuck it's not working boss I think we're stuck here forever we got to break some stuff here I broke that over there oh nice doy hey wait hold on Boss look over here no you're genius they're getting out of the quick sand this isn't good you could always count on me boss all right we're just going to do a quick building we got to get over there don't you worry I'm getting over there I'm going to show these kids what we really these robbers are super smart looks like a secure door nothing a little wire cutter can't fix nah I'm going to use my ass what wire cutters guys they're getting through the doors how is this even possible yeah nice do your doors really work this time oh my gosh guys I see them they made it to the dining room all right okay boss here we are do we we got to look around for some goodies uh wait a minute boss I think they got a camera over here a camera guys they know we're looking at them well St it you know what we do the cameras right what do we do boss tell them we shoot them hey guys they just broke the cameras no no more camera for that guy now that camera don't work no guys I lost the camera they literally shot a gun at it they have weapons well look at the next one yeah you're right Daisy let me check the next camera oh gosh I see them I think they're going to come through over the traps okay boss where do you think all their money is huh I think it's on the room over here to the right let's go okay yeah let go try it out over here no Stewie they're trapped they're trapped I'm trapped too oh oh this is not looking good for Stewie uhoh uh Hey how do we get out of here it's made of steel quickly guys everyone we need to go conf front them everyone follow me they're stuck in the traps these traps are made of steel boss I can't break them who put steel traps in their house oh robbers what's up losers a this is embarrassing you guys stuck in our swaps yeah you guys are stuck in our traps you're dumb hey uh KY you want some candy I got candy if you let me out oh I love candy can I have some of that Gooby stop Gooby stop you're not letting them out Gooby oh but I want some candy from now I me I give want the lollipop he got lollipop Gooby they tried stealing all of our PCS okay we're not letting them out okay fine instead we're going to see who's behind the masks I'm not I'm not telling you I'm not telling you kid you won't know my face well you guys have no choice take your mask off right now yeah my friend Daisy here has a gun don't shoot don't shoot my beautiful face all right here we go she's not afraid to use it all right well I'll take my mask off and three two one wait what Daddy what what the heck Daddy what the heck what are you doing underneath there I wanted to get your toys no way this was my daddy this whole time Mom you stealing all my stuff okay you guys CAU me I uh I lied about the business trip oh my goodness daddy how can you lie to us and steal all of our games I stole all your games because you guys didn't want to play fortnite with me well DD it's cuz you're trash at the game n you guys lied saying your your party was full but we all know four people could play a squad well I can't help it if you are worse at fortnite than me I only play like once yeah Daddy you're worse than Gooby that's bad well you know what I Almost Got Away With It too if it wasn't for you you meddling kids wait so if you're that robber then who's that yeah who's this robber over here all right fine you got me I'll show you who I really am what oh my God it's me it's me you are robbing us guys it's just a mask there's got to be someone else underneath that right which one's real I'm the real Johnny see and uh the the fake ones out there no guys he's lying he's he's a robber okay obviously he's going to lie what do we do come on let me out of here I know that's a mask who are you actually take that mask off all right fine you want to know who I really am yes take it off what oh my gosh it's Gooby yeah that's right it's me Gooby Gooby is that really you come on guys it's not the wheel Gooby it's me I'm wheel Gooby that looks more like earning than it looks like Gooby yeah looks like my cousin Ernie a little bit no I'm not Ernie I'm Gooby no The Voice is not right that's not I love chairs come on I haven't even liked CHS in like a week all right enough with these games we need to know who you actually are take that mask off of Gooby all right fine this is who I am what the heck oh my God it's dais that's not me I promise who put my sister in the cage you actually have a gun and everything I don't have a gun all right Stewie you just got you just got to tell them who you really are just show just show them yeah enough of these games all right fine you want to know who I really am yes and here wait what Skye yeah yeah it's me wait what but you didn't even sound like Sky how did you even sound like Sky obviously I have a voice changer oh oh my goodness daddy why are you and Sky trying to rob us well you see she really doesn't like you guys that much so when I pitched the idea of stealing your consoles and ruining your day she really wanted to join oh my goodness I can't believe this was sky this entire time yep and she had to open her mouth you'll never get away with this cuz I'm in charge rby I put you in charge yeah you put me in charge cuz I'm the bestest person for the job well now I'm back in charge nope you're in you're in a prison no I want to be in charge Daddy yeah you're a robber you're going to prison daddy I'm going to get out of here you're a loser I should have been in charge well I made him in charge cuz he's he's a dumbest one out of three of you yep the only man for the job well now what are you going to do with us well I think I got a good idea everyone follow me upstairs where you going we'll be right back daddy don't leave us we're going to go play some fortnite no you dare I'm want to play daddy we're going to play some trios wait no we can play fours we can play as a squad nope we never play with you you're too bad bad yeah Daddy we're going to our super secret gaming room that you don't even know about no well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye woo
Channel: Here's Johnny
Views: 493,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, family friendly, cash, no cursing, no cussing, no bad words, nico, cash and nico, minecraft mod, kid friendly, cash minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, maizen, aphmau, skit, cash vs nico, Minecraft, jj and mikey, minecraft scary seeds, scary minecraft, here's johnny, heres johnny, johnny, minecraft johnny, johnny minecraft, johnny and marty, minecraft challenge, fnaf, catnap, smiling critters, catnap minecraft, EVERYTHING vs The MOST Secured House In Minecraft!
Id: Gj7r7AcY_Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 38sec (6758 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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