SML Movie: Hurricane Jeffy [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] hey um daddy can i go outside and try to eat my golf ball no jeffy it's raining outside jeffy how many times do we have to tell you do not eat golf balls or the wine they look so yummy they don't oh they look like marshmallows mario why is it raining so badly i don't know let's turn on the weather channel and see what happens [Music] breaking news okay a hurricane named hurricane sally is hitting us right now it's a category 2 storm so stay inside what's that we have word now that reporter goodman is on scene to tell us how bad it is how bad is it goodman it's bad a hurricane i don't know what hurricane was hitting mario we have to prepare we need supplies we need food water ice flashlights batteries and gas there's your gas right there mommy rosalina we don't have to prepare everything's gonna be fine it's just a little bit of rain and wind but mario it's a category two that ain't nothing um dang what's your hurricane a hurricane's a big storm that just destroys everything well i want to be a hurricane you can't be a hurricane jeffy well why does sally get to be worn sally's not a real person it's just the name of the storm jeffy well daddy when i grow up i want to be the biggest hurricane ever well you'll never be a hurricane jeffy well danny since you don't believe in me i'm going to grow up and be the biggest baddest hurricane ever and then you're going to see me on the news so he's so stupid mario i'm really worried there's nothing to worry about baby it's just a little bit of rain and wind everyone look out for hurricane jeffy i'm gonna destroy everything in my past wow [Applause] uh jeffy why are you destroying the living room and hissing like a cat cause i'm a hurricane junior you're a hurricane how'd you become one of those well i was watching tv and i saw this girl named sally and she became a hurricane and now everyone's afraid of her but she's a total two but she blows like a 10 junior and she's got a whole lot of whop what's what wind and precipitation oh she sounds so hot well if you want to meet her she's right now and shine she's outside like right now yeah i'm so nervous i'm not ready to meet her oh i need some advice from chef pee pee all right oh man that won't fit i bought the wrong size well it's not the first time i bought the wrong size for something that's not gonna fit hey chef pee pee can i ask you for some dating advice no junior not right now i'm trying to make some food just in case the power goes out stupid hurricane sally sally you know about her too yes junior everybody knows about her she's dangerous she's dangerous yes but is she bad though yeah she's bad and she's huge oh she's a big girl that's why everyone's saying she's a two no she's a category two but she's nothing to play with well what if i think i can handle her junior you can't handle her she'll blow you away oh how bad is she what juju jr hurricanes are nothing to play with they could take your car your house maybe even your life what's he look like what what jay what are you talking about i think i'm thinking with the wrong headshot could be i'm gonna go outside and see her dude don't go outside what's wrong with you uh sally um i really like you and i heard you're bad and i don't care if you're two i think you're a 10. and i think big girls need love too so i'd like to be your boyfriend sally just you give me your answer later uh chef pee pee i didn't see sally what do you mean you didn't see her she's huge hey chef if you stop talking about my girlfriend like that what yeah i know you think she's a two but she's a 10 to me and just because she's fat i love big girls i think they need love junior it's a hurricane where are you going jeffy i'm a hurricane oh my god mario mario the storm sounds like it's getting worse it's just wind and rain it's not getting worse mario what's wrong chef pee pee jeffy's destroying the entire house he is jeffy jeffy what are you doing i told you i'd be a hurricane daddy jeffy you're gonna clean up this mess right now you can't stop a hurricane daddy [Music] [Applause] what's wrong mario go ahead tell her jeffy thinks he's a hurricane he's destroying the entire house i'm sure he's not destroying the entire house mario just my kitchen yeah in the living room he's making a huge mess mario we'll clean it up later he's letting his imagination wander well he needs to stop wandering around my kitchen and making a mess [Music] oh no the power went out you know what that was so annoying i think i want to date men now oh okay look we knew this was gonna happen uh hurricanes make the power go out so look we knew this was going to happen so what's the first thing we got to do oh mario do we have to reproduce now cause she's the only girl here oh that's why i'm scared of the dark mario oh look okay we need to look for flashlights does anybody know where a flashlight is oh i have a flashlight on my phone okay grab that see oh god woman i'm blind yeah point that way yeah okay we need to go find jeffy first so i mean it shouldn't be hard to find he's going around saying let's go look for him uh rosalina can you shine your flashlight down the stairs so i can see sure mario thank you but what if he's upstairs oh i didn't think about that sorry mario are you you good mario oh i think i broke my back mario do you see jeffy anywhere he's throwing chairs in the dining room jeffy stop doing that we have to come on uh jeffy where are you oh chef pee pee why are the lights off because of sally junior she turn the lights off yes probably because you guys keep calling her fat so she feels ugly she turns the lights off so we can't see her what junior no you haven't confused sally is not a person it's a hurricane yeah you guys keep saying she's nasty and stuff or maybe her neck game's like a giraffe you know big girl's hungry julian julia if you want to see sally i will show you sally come here right now i'm really nervous should i see it right now yes i will show you sally come here see junior that's sally she's dangerous wait why are the street lights on hello wait who are you oh my name's sally i got lost and it's raining can i come inside oh [ __ ] baby she's not fat this isn't sally i was talking about junior i'm sorry sally everyone's been calling you a two it's category two it's a real storm look i don't have time to deal with this i don't think you're a two i've been thinking you're a ten this whole time and i didn't even see you and you don't have to turn the lights off i don't think you're ugly so you can come to my room okay turn the lights back on all right so this is my bed see i got thomas sheets maybe i can call my friends over later and we can run a thomas on you oh i like trains you're so pretty i don't know why everyone says so much bad stuff about you they do yeah you're all over the news i am yeah they keep saying you're a two and that you're fat and dangerous and apparently you play the trombone because your mouth getting crazy you blow really good oh that's not nice yeah so i don't know i don't care what they say all i care about is that you're with me now and i'm always gonna treat you great um do you have a phone so i can call my parents you want me to meet your parents yeah i'll get my phone okay hello mom dad i was at the park and it started raining and i found a house and they let me in and some kid told me the news is saying i'm fat in the number two oh you're gonna come get me okay see you soon oh what'd they say about me oh man i don't wanna embarrass you you think do you think your parents gonna like me i should i need to impress them i need to brush my teeth i put on deodorant oh i'm so nervous why are you so nervous i've never met a hurricane's parents are they mean are they nice oh no i don't know jeffy where are you at oh he's in the pantry mario the street light's on but the spring lights are on yes that'll make it why don't we have power i don't know let me go check the second breaker jeffy stop it jerry stop it you are not a hurricane what mario maybe if you tell him he is a hurricane he'll stop that doesn't make any sense it's not gonna work daddy i'm hungry for destruction actually you know what you are a hurricane you're the biggest strongest meanest most dangerous hurricane of them all i want you to keep doing it because that makes me proud well now i don't want to do it anymore that's lame it actually worked somebody messed with it mario we have power the power's back on how did that happen jeffy must have turned him off when he thought he was a hurricane oh you know before your parents pick us up i was thinking maybe we should porky pig um i'm jewish i don't eat pork well i'm a whole lot of turtle what's wrong oh you look better with the lights off i thought you were fat what yeah i don't want someone who's pretty i'm a chubby chaser i thought there was cushion for the [ __ ] what did i do you're a turtle too with the lights on with the lights off your tent get out of my house all right we survived the jeffy hurricane and you're a lucky daddy because he's always going to keep going but now we have to survive the real hurricane that's happening outside at least we still have power mario that's what you sound like oh sit down all right so now let's just sit here and we have power we have food everything's back to normal hey daddy you know how i wanted to be a hurricane well i don't want to be a hurricane anymore i want to be an earthquake [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 325,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, hurricane, jeffy
Id: zxYdwxj7gQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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