Red Cabbage Salad with Cubed Crispy Ham

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cabbage salad this is got to be one of my winter salad favorites it's red cabbage cabbage is very good and healthy but specifically red cabbage and it's inexpensive it keeps in your refrigerator for a week or even two without any problems when you're ready you shred it cut it very fine or a mandolin if you have and then you make a nice warm dressing because the warm dressing will Wilt the Cabbage Panetta bacon you render it and you render it until it's nice and crisp and then you just we take it out because you know we want it in the salad I'm going to make the dressing right in here but I want the bacon to be nice and crispy so we'll add it to the salad in the last minute so this is a little bit of olive oil and rendered fat and we'll put the onion in there onion gives it that sweetness and that kind of added Dimension to the salad do this onions I'll add a little peperoncino I like it a little spicy just like that a little bit of salt for the onions not too much because the bacon was in there but salt for the Cabbage surely there you go cabbage just like that is nice and crunchy but if you like your cabbage a little wilted then you slice it like this thin put some coarse salt and let it stay in the refrigerator overnight it will soften up then you can remove the juice maybe rinse it a little bit and you have kind of a wilted cabbage salad the onion is well cut and I'll add red wine vinegar I like red wine vinegar for [Music] this okay [Music] and you let this just come to a boil it's not that you want it uh to cook the onions the onions actually I like nice and crunchy I love all forms and shapes of cabbage whether it's in its srat form uh whether it's in its salad form whether it's Salo cabbage we love it and it's a great winter vegetables but we especially at my house love the red cabbage and when in the winter time you know you don't find some great salads that you like red cabbage is a perfect salad the question is you have to slice it very thin and then dress it dress it with oil vinegar some bacon chips or whatever else you'd like but it makes a great great salad it is one of the most nutritional vegetables that you can find you it's not expensive it's available all winter and into the summer so you know when you're out shopping look for that red cabbage and enjoy it and when you make a salad you don't have to worry that it's going to wilt actually it gets better if you let it stay a little bit it absorbs the dressing and it softens up a little bit and yes um vinegar has a tendency to flare up as it's cooking away so be careful when you add it and throw in all of this delicious dressing and everything right in [Music] there let me if your bacon does not render enough uh of the fat or the dressing you can always put a little bit of olive oil right here okay let me just taste a little [Music] bit maybe just a little bit more [Music] salt so now the cabbage salad is warm which is [Music] great got [Music] and this salad will last on the table you can make it in advance it it wils a little bit more it will last for an hour or two you can keep it in the refrigerator serve it the day after it just wils a little bit more but it's always delicious so let me just scoop up everything to the last okay M that's great and then the bacon chips right on top uh I would say you know you can mix the bacon chips in there but they will get wet in a sense they'll absorb a little bit of the moisture so this way they're just perfect here we go this salad here it's a beautiful salad it's nutritional it's seasonal it's not really expensive you could use bacon you could use uh uh pruto if you have you could use if you don't want to get into the bacon you could use some turkey turkey bacon or even little pieces of chicken but what that won't do that won't render so much of the fat for the dressing you'll have to add some more olive oil to it so I think that was quick that was simple and it is it is one of the favorite salads at our house winter time everybody just loves it [Music] so okay and of course you know another little piece of bread with the salad's got to it's got to happen let me taste and you know you sometimes send me emails oh I hear you're crunching I hear you this now you will surely hear me crunching because this is that kind of a [Music] salad Tangy flavorful crunchy it has all the great elements but you know I'm going to continue to eat I have plenty for all of us so as I always say come enjoy me TOA do [Music] come usually you know people always complain oh winter time there is no vegetables there's plenty of vegetables certainly all of the root vegetables you have sweet potatoes parsnips carrots beets you have the Deep green vegetables Sao cabbage kale chory you have fennel there is you know a lot to be appreciated within the root vegetable family also the squashes the sort of laying on the earth kind of vegetable and squashes have a great Longevity if you will you know if you treat them you can keep them in the refrigerator for quite a while so there's a great diversity of vegetables in the winter time and great meals could be made with them or with breadcrumbs petta and [Music] cauliflower cabbage [Music] salad [Music] the food from this series is all about reflecting and reconnecting the recipes can be found in Lydia's latest cookbook
Channel: Lidia Bastianich
Views: 43,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lidia Bastanich, Italian food, Italian - American food, Italian-American cuisine, cooking shows, learn how to cook, delicious Italian food recipes
Id: 2jNvHvNKGVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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