SML Movie: Flushed Away!

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all right bruh here's your dinosaur chicken nuggies dinosaur chicken nuggies yeah yeah yeah all that dude this is the perfect meal i know who doesn't want nuggies and gogis wait wait dude where's cody i don't know you think he's gonna pass up nuggy and gogie night dude who's gonna pass up nuggies and goats that must be him at the door like you have to have no tongue to one to pass a dish hello hey junior sorry i'm late oh thank god you're here cody i thought you're gonna miss nuggies and googie's night junior i would never miss naggies and gogi's night my mom just wanted to come with me why'd you bring your big fat overweight whale cow mom with you chef we didn't make enough nuggies to feed a whole village or feed a whole cruise ship yeah but my mom wanted to come with me to make sure i was actually going to a friend's house and not meeting some stranger i met on mine are you feetlover47 no hmm you look like you might like feet all right cody i'm going to come in anyway just to snoop around uh junior is it okay if my mom comes in yeah just make sure you hold her back from the food i don't want her to eat all the nuggies all right cody here's your dinosaur chicken nuggies no those look like some good chicken nuggets junior can i have a chicken nugget no you're like a shark once you taste blood you're not gonna be able to stop so once you eat a chicken nugget you're eating all our chicken nuggets no oh hey there little fella what's your name uh joshua are you feet level 47. dude how did she find out my fortnite username well oh my god cody it's him we have to leave but mom what about nuggies and goggies i don't know what kind of weird hip-hop slang that is cody but we have to leave right now dude cody your mom is so weird i know she's really weird oh man what's wrong with liking feet yeah yeah he's weird wait joseph what she left the ring dude a ring dude you should totally put it on and act like a girl oh my god that'd be so funny i'm gonna do it dude all right joseph i got the ring on my finger oh man you look like a total girl dude i'm a girl your name could be julie or something oh i like julia that's a good girl name for me oh julia tell me some girl things you do oh i like to wake up in the morning and pour me some milk for my cereal with my boobies how convenient yeah i like to paint my fingernails oh do you paint your toenails too yeah especially my toenails you gotta send me some pigs bro never mind it's not like i like feet or anything oh joseph you should come to the bathroom while i pee on my butt yeah what else would they sit on the toilet for yeah they girls pee out their butt right yeah yeah totally okay yeah come on in the bathroom oh i gotta see this all right joseph i'm about to pee out my butt like a girl do it dude i can't seem to do it i must be constipated oh man i should get a tampon to help you get it out girls have such weird problems i know they're so weird thank god we're dudes yeah hold on let me strain more what joseph what i dropped the ring down the toilet well get it out dude i'm not gonna tuck my hand in there i'm pooping there but what if his mom comes back looking for it well she must she's not gonna look for she's so fat she's probably like licking her fingers from look at those chicken nuggets and she might she might have actually thought that she ate her ring or something yeah she's not gonna want it yeah let's just flush it because that's gross yeah all right joseph since cody had to go home i guess i need this more dinosaur chicken nuggies for us dude i love dinosaur nuggies i like to eat the feet part first it tastes better to me maybe it's just me my phone's ringing hold on uh hello hey junior woman what did you do with that ring there's kind of a situation happening at my house where is it at where is it at there's no reason for you to take it off what's wrong cody uh well my mom lost her wedding ring and my dad's real mad because he thinks she took it off so she could cheat on him i know you cheating on me there's no reason for you to take it off look i pay the bills in this house i get a t whenever i walk uh i'm going to come over and look for the ring i'm not i don't i don't think the ring's here cody could i would have seen the ring if it was here well i'm still going to come over and look anyway oh okay bye oh joseph it's so bad what's wrong dude cody's coming over to look for his mom's ring but you flushed it down the toilet i know we flushed it down the toilet but we have to lie to him and say that we've never seen it no dude that's lying i need you to lie for me please joseph ah i guess i could do it for you this one time but you owe me some serious feet pics i'm talking individual toes toenail polish and all dude okay okay okay fine whatever you want i i think that's cody you guys just lie for me okay uh hello cody just stop trying we're not that flexible i tried doing it to myself too no no junior i'm out of breath i mean like a mile to come here oh hold on oh junior we got to find that ring really quick my dad says if my mom doesn't find the ring in the next 10 minutes he's going to divorce him well oh no well i already i already looked around the whole house i didn't see a ring junior it has to be here this is the only place we went today i mean i mean maybe your mom ate it no no junior she didn't eat it i'm coming inside to look for it where is it where is it what you looking for dude my mom's ring oh yeah the one drew you're flushed down the toilet it sounds like you just said i don't want feed pics really loud oh what judy did you flush my mom's ring down the toilet no no no i i flushed a a dvd copy of the movie the ring yup yup really yeah yeah i swear to not flush your mom's ring down the toilet you swear in chef pee pee's life oh yeah i swear on chef of his life finally done cleaning the kitchen oh man the stove's still on gotta turn this off jesus christ junior chef peepee just died that means you did flush their eggs okay yes i did flush your mom's ring and i shouldn't swear on people's life because then they die in explosions why would you flush my mom's ring junior okay look i put it on because i want to act like a girl and wear a ring and then i want to go use the bathroom to pee out my butt like girls do obviously and the ring fell off in the toilet and i flushed it because toilets are dirty and i didn't want to get the ring out well how are we going to get it back now look there's got to be a way to get it maybe it's like still in the toilet like didn't go down but you flushed it all right cody here's the toilet yes that's a toilet look maybe the ring's still down there put your hand down there well i'm not putting my hand in the toilet that's what i thought that's why i flushed it junior you flushed it so it's gone forever now well maybe the ring is back here in this thing no that's not where things go when you flush them wait then what's back there it's water well there's water right there yeah but there's water in there too well where's the water come from up there well there's pipes that junior i'm not teaching you how toilets work today well why don't we just call a plumber and see if a polar can get the ring out no junior i think the ring's just gone forever i'm gonna go to walmart and try to find a replacement ring well they're not gonna have a replacement ring at walmart your mom's not that cheap all right let's call a plumber hey they call a plumber uh yes mr plumber i called well first off i'm married why are you telling me that well i don't know if you've seen those naughty videos online where like a hot girl will call a plumber and say that she wants him to unclog her pipes you know and then she tries to pay him some kind of other way oh i love those videos yeah well i i don't do that anymore i i got sued too many times like like this one time i went over a girl's house and she said she wanted me to unclog pipes and so i started taking my pants off and then she she actually meant she literally wanted me to unclog a pipe so her husband beat me up and i got in a lot of trouble oh well no no i actually need to get some out of the toilet okay great so what do you need okay so i accidentally flushed my best friend's uh mom's wedding ring down the toilet and if we don't get the ring back they're gonna get divorced they're gonna get divorced just because she lost the ring yeah i didn't know it was that easy to get divorced i want to get divorced a lot drop that wait you just dropped a ring in the toilet i did washing it wait you flushed her ring down the toilet yeah i'm gonna call my wife and tell her i flushed our ring and see if she divorces me okay hold on it's rain it's raining hello boy day the love of my life how's work going uh not not too good actually i'm doing a plumbing job and something went wrong oh no boingy you didn't pull your pants down in front of another woman again did you no no no not nothing like that but if i did would you leave me no of course not boingy no it's fine because i got something better i i so i was working on a toilet and i dropped my wedding ring in there and i accidentally flushed it so you're gonna leave me huh please boy i would never leave you all love means more to me than just a ring are you sure cause i what if i did it on purpose no boingy i wouldn't leave you okay i love you pointy i i'm rather fond of you as well what was that [Music] well that didn't work well i don't mean to rush you but i really need to get that ring back yeah i might as well get mine too all right well the cool thing about toilets is that there's a pipe in the toilet that goes from the toilet all the way down to the sewer so all we got to do is find the ring in the pipes before it gets to the sewer like we just find it in the wall and stop the ring before it reaches the sewer well how are we going to find that well it should be really easy i'm really good at this come on all right so how long ago did you flush the ring maybe about three or four minutes ago okay so it should be right around here somewhere now i'm going to tell you a little plum a secret there's pipes all up in these walls that carry water from the toilet to the sewer if you put your ear up to the wall you can even hear the water rushing through the pipes i don't hear anything yeah that's because you're not a plumber you're gonna have the plumbers here all right so what i'm listening for is like a little ringing sound that's the ring bouncing around inside the pipes so then when i hear it i can bust open the wall and pull the ring out hold on oh oh i'm hearing a ring here i mean i do have tinnitus but i think this is the ring oh yeah that's it that's it i only have seconds i gotta hurry come on come on give me the ring give me the ring come on oh there's there's no pipes in there what there's no pipes and no pipes in that role you just said you heard running water i lied i lied about the pipes i i i just you know i made that up but i mean how cool would it be if i was right you know if i just busted open the wall and ripped out the ring right that would have been cool but it didn't happen yeah but i would have been a hero right but but it didn't so uh now there's a hole in my wall yes how am i gonna explain to my dad i i don't know i'm sorry um i'm just i'm just gonna go home and i will i will send you a bill where's the ring oh what's gonna happen did you find the ring no okay hey guys oh did you get a ring from walmart i got a ring out of a gumball machine your dad's gonna know this is not the right ring yeah i know this is dumb what'd the plumber say he just busted a hole in my wall with a hammer and then left wow that was helpful yeah but he did say that all the pipes lead to the sewer so maybe the ring's in the sewer yeah i guess we're just gonna have to go dig through the sewer yeah that's a bad thing i do it all the time let's go do it all right guys who wants to go in the sewer first so many diseases in there hey guys oh no who's this it's pengy the sewer penguin what you guys doing here pengy we're looking for a ring have you seen it in the sewer maybe cut the crap pinkie have you seen it or not no i'll never do fine what do you want pinkie i know you have it hmm pinky needs his toes licked you would want that you sick freak wait why are you guys looking at me thanks joseph for getting my mom's ring back i know peggy's not easy to deal with don't worry about it dude i'll lick some toes for my bros yeah thanks well i'm going to get this ring back to my mom oh man today was a stressful day i know dude chef pee pee died oh yeah chef if he did die all right pee [Music] pee [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 14,560,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, flushed away, flushed, ring, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, friends, friend, junior, joseph, cody, cody mom, toilet, brooklyn guy, plumber, skit, entertainment, puppet, show, logan, lovell, lance, dinosaur nuggets, laugh, joke, prank, break
Id: 9aFbGuFHEs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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