SML Movie: Bowser Junior's 1st Grade [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] look at my little angel he's looking like he's having a nice sleep i'm gonna be ashamed if i wake him up oh wake the hell up what's going on i didn't know if you were sleeping or not but you know i just had to wake you up for school school yeah you got school you can't sleep forever summer doesn't last forever either what i don't have school yes you do you gotta go to the first grade the first grade yeah no yeah i don't want to go first grade people are going to beat me up that's called life junior but dad i don't want to go to first grade look i'm not going through this with you just go to chef pee pee and tell him to take you to school damn it but but i thought i was done with school for the rest of my life you're so silly junior you got like 12 more years of this stupid stuff plus college because you're gonna have to take care of me when i start peeing on myself when i get older this challenge like hell yeah i know right no i don't get used to it i don't want to go to school dad oh just top of the chef pee pee make sure he gets you there you better not get in trouble i hate school chef pee pee i hate my life i hate my life i hate my life uh hey chef pee pee i don't want to interrupt your smacking yourself but you gotta take me to school why because um i don't want to take the bus because people will pick on me and i don't want to walk to school because it's too far and and you just have to take me julia what's so damn special about you that you can't ride a freaking bus or even walking to school i had to ride a bus when i was younger i even drove a bike to the college i had to walk to my job well that's because you didn't have a chef pee pee to take you like me still um oh yeah you have to make me something to eat okay after you ready i'm gonna be late and you have to make me something for breakfast come on oh oh god so what do you want for breakfast junior i can make a world-class omelette what's an omelet um it's mainly eggs and ew and dinosaurs have eggs and that's gross i don't want to eat a dinosaur that's breakfast you idiot so what do you want then junior um i want a pizza you're not eating pizza for breakfast well can i have a play-doh pizza you're not eating play-doh pizza plato is plato has chemicals you can get sick from eating play-doh that's for playing with it it says play well have you ever tried eating play-doh no because it's play-doh well then you know it won't make a dick give me that play-doh i'm gonna make me a pizza junior you're such an idiot you know what fine you have it have a blast with the play-doh eat the whole container okay chew on it i want you to make a complete smoothie but when you get sick don't mind the chef pee pee okay it's not gonna make me sick they wouldn't make it all colorful if you couldn't eat it and it smells good just take me to school i don't want to be late all right junior get out we're here well no chef pee pee i just got done finished my play-doh pizza look it has pepperoni oh it's something special huh yeah look at that look at that so yummy it's crushed you should take a bite um go ahead no it doesn't it doesn't look too good right now you know i'm not i'm i'm not in the mood for blue pizza anymore oh you changed your mind yeah you don't want blue pizza now yeah not that it's gonna poison me it's just i'm not in the mood for it anymore but you are whining all morning for play-doh pizza but now you don't want it no um well anyway i'm going to be later let me get my notebook bye chef pee pee i'm not even going to be here to pick you up you little idiot oh well it's not my fault oh i'm so scared of school i don't want to go back here oh man first grade's gonna be so hard everyone's gonna pick on me and be smarter than me okay uh junior you can do this you can do this all right let's go i'm here everybody junior sit next to me dude no no no sit next to me julia come on no sit next to me junior no no me me me me me wow i didn't know so many people wanted me to sit by them sit next to me junior you want to be cool but cody you'll never be cool just shut up come on and sit by me sit here we're here junior what the did you don't listen to him remember all the fun times we had but there's only one seat open i'll sit right there i'll be i'll be around all you guys shut up ugh okay man first grade i'm so nervous are you nervous cody a little bit my irritable bowel syndrome was going crazy last night oh what that sucks joseph are you nervous uh no no not at all dude i'm an ace this class but um dude you failed summer school how'd you make it to the first grade i know i failed but you know my mom knows that principle weak wink i mean she slept with them you know like that's how i got into clash oh okay okay oh your damn cases oh settle down guys no guys is tuesday because that's what the board says and this here is your first day of first grade all right my name is mr wilford that's mister well fred it's german that's why it's written like that all right now uh i'm gonna call roll oh yeah well damn roshi all right junior here what oh wait you didn't hear me here what what what's wrong with this guy here what i'm here right here all right speak up you're there and the kid's mobile not live here i said here oh that's you jimmy okay my name's not jimmy no where are we gonna hear you demetrious uh uh it's d money that's right right i don't have any change no no my name is demetrius but i go by d money d gizzle d spizzle d spend it all till i can't have no mo you get me no no get out of my country oh oh that's racist homie oh dear money can you be my boyfriend ah nah nah just get in line hoe i got two minutes where'd the lion start oh the capri sun go go give me a capri sun maybe that'd get you a little closer okay all right let's say y'all oh look at all those roads felipe ah i'm here senor good god what happened last country back in my day everybody was white my mommy says i'm not supposed to have sugar but i do it anyway turn up no dogging let's see uh jack-a-doo hero no all right that's it i give up i give him all you kids take out peace baby right now uh you didn't call my name no did i ask you anything oh you shouldn't be talking pigtails and women shouldn't even have rights get out peacemaker right now dang man i forgot my paper yeah always prepared cody hey hey cody um you should give me a piece of paper um no you should be prepared toad look look i was running late i just need a piece of paper recording but dude you can spare one no i don't think so oh come on what do i have to do well um cool please meet me in the bathroom after lunch um okay then okay there you go i got some people all right i want you kids to write a full page essay [Music] i pooped i pooped out kids put your pencils down i pooped i did poo i i will be right back all right all right kids i'll be right back cause i pooped you just you just chit chat and don't do any drugs while i'm gone yay guys we can talk now finally dude this teacher sucks he's like so old and crabby i know he's dumb he's ruining the class this class could be so fun if we could just play games all day yeah junior this is school you're supposed to learn stop being a dweeb cody what a dweeb yeah cody cody the tweet cody what a dweeb there's so many pretty girls in this class joseph oh i'm looking for one now i'm trying to find one to make my own ladies i see one right now that's so beautiful damn where is she i don't know what i'm looking at joseph is that a receding hairline damn she's gorgeous i have to get her attention ow what was that for what's your name emily oh that's a stupid name turn back around i like the back of your head more that's so rude well calling me rude you have a chest flatter than your back i'm in first grade but whatever just turn back around i want to see your face anymore man look at those pigtails oink oink i just want to pull them all right just like my horsey hey emily what i like your pig tails thanks now go oink oink oink you stupid pig what are you like a turtle but shut up yeah you sure have a way with the ladies junior all right class calm down i'm all cleaned up all right class while you're writing your essays i'ma draw what i had for breakfast butter and he's probably gonna make another stack this sucks dude i'm just gonna get on my phone no sure i did not have a cell phone sure i was busy doing my work no really yep sure no words out paper you're a damn liar no i'm not lying sir i promise i was doing my work that was all i did oh my gosh [Applause] my cell phone help i broke my help and i pooped oh no joseph you made the teacher break his hip no i didn't try to do anything he he was trying to sexually harass me dude no no he wasn't he was just trying to get your stupid phone no no he wasn't i'll go get the nurse you little bastard i didn't mean to an apple a day keeps the cancer away what what where's the school nurse at what it's called nurse oh i'm sorry does your tummy hurt little boy no no no our teacher fell and probably broke his hip i think i think he might die oh god damn it where is he at come on help look i'm sorry mr wilfred i just have my mom's nose on my phone what okay yeah i got i got this going nurse oh my god are you hurt help yes damn now i just came in knocked me over trying to steal my kidney oh my god old man hold on i'll call 9-1-1 no phone's in glass oh my god oh you poor thing oh my god he soiled himself all right kids all right calm down no need to get emotional i'm just gonna drag him to the nurse's station okay okay go go go all right come on what are we gonna do about a teacher i will call the principal's office not the principal i'm back hello failures oh dear god [Music] welcome back nothing welcome class welcome to the first grade oh sir you're really scary oh thanks i get that a lot but anyway your teacher broke his hip shame on him now i have to get a replacement for you uh the is the replacement teacher you no i would never teach brats your teacher is coming right now oh hello crass i am your subtitle oh and it looks like there's a lot of familiar faces which is saying a lot because i can't see oh boy my favorite teacher he's my favorite shoe he's not gonna be boring like the stupid old man jackie choo's awesome yeah oh settle down craft settle down oh thank you mr jew for coming to teach these little idiots something oh i saw ruri some of them are familiar i'll face it i know that for summer school that's good that's good nah but know that you're just a substitute and we have a permanent teacher coming soon so you're not gonna be here forever okay that's fine with me okay bye brads hello pharah two what are you doing in here you're supposed to be in college oh i'm not as smart as your papa oh you're dumb you're dumb oh you're so stupid you're 2 000 calculus problems when you get home oh and you don't deserve to wear the crown anymore you're no longer heir to jackie chu uh fortune 500. i'm sorry papa oh you're so stupid and why are you doing your assignment uh my teacher broke his hip oh you think just cause he break hip you you you can't do a simon you are better than these people i am sorry pharah i dishonor our family you are you sure did you sure did your your sister did better than you oh for that you gotta make me two ipad two ipad okay papa you dumb you dumb all right class now that you see how dumb my son is because of what happened today i'm going to let you guys go home early but before i do i'm going to teach you something one second all right i'm going to read green eggs and ham that'll never happen kiss green actually have me very bad very bad for you all right green eggs and ham by dr seuss he's not real doctor all right that sam i am that sam i am i do not like that sham i am do you like green eggs and ham no you don't you do not right green eggs and ham it's stupid book stupid you know what okay done reading for today i'm going to give you all homework bring it in tomorrow for your new teacher wait what homework on your first day yes oh god yes wait no cody homework's bad i love homework no it's bad i don't want homework on the first day of school that sucks i had plans i wanna explore yeah and i got traumatized by the death of the old man yeah that was weird he tried to take my phone yeah i mean i don't want homework all right crafts your homework is to write 1001 essay on why doctor sue no real doctor okay turn it in tomorrow for credit no i thousand page essay that's pretty good felipe isn't this crazy oh yeah it's so crazy seeing you all so much as crazy seeing cookies for breakfast no i'm gonna kill myself you're not gonna kill yourself patrick you always say you're gonna kill yourself hey shut up emily you're just mad cause mom loves you more yeah sure uh mr jackie chu what if i don't do the essay oh so you're wondering if you could just keep essay yeah let me tell you if you don't do an essay you're not turning you're gonna fail all fourth grade and then you're gonna have to see me in summer school again but wait but you're but you're not our teacher for the rest of the year how can you fail me i put in good work for you and say oh he gonna fail he got fair cause you top you dumb and okay i'll do this i just don't want to do i thought you're supposed to be a fun teacher all right class you know get lunch today you just go home go home yeah go home hurry all right so you're a new teacher tomorrow oh thank god this day is over with yeah i know oh it's shut right we didn't even get to learn anything today but could we shut up we don't have to learn all the time and we're only in first grade we have 11 more years to learn yeah oh god i'm gonna get emily's number before you leave uh hey hey emily what um i know this is a silly question but uh can i get your number i don't have a cell phone i'm in first grade well that's stupid i mean i have a cell phone i'm in the first grade my friend joseph he has a cell phone and he's in the first grade i think cody has a cell phone and he's in the first grade you're just behind your parents are poor no you're a disgrace to this generation well you're dumb and you're stupid and can i get your facebook information no i'm in first grade well uh can i come over to your house no stay away from me come on patrick okay baby oh she digs me she totally digs me i'm gonna tell my dad i have a girlfriend damn where is that girl with my capri sun oh d money uh i can't find nuns capricorn okay damn you messed up then you know what i have to do now what's that oh you don't slap the out of me it's okay you're here what's that supposed to do now uh school sucks chef pee pee why well your our teacher pooped his pants and broke his hip and then i had to go get the nurse and the principal came in and yelled at everybody and then jackie chu came in and gave us homework on the first day oh sounds like an average dance school yeah i just i just hope school gets better can you take me to chuck e cheese to make me feel better no i'm not taking you to chuck e cheese why well no you didn't even eat your play-doh pizza hey there's a bite taken out of it oh um i got hungry oh my stomach hurts i think i need to go to the hospital [Music] hey everyone it's logan i want to add this quick update to the end of this video to let you all know what's been going on lately with my life and with upcoming videos i want to start off by apologizing for uploading so many bowser jr videos it's just that we are having a very huge change coming to uh my videos now within like the next month the big change is i'm going to be moving out of this house that i'm in right now uh i've been in this house for the last eight to nine years and i decided that i am officially gonna move out of this house and get my own place it's either going to be a another house or an apartment i have two two choices i'm trying to go back and forth right now but all i'm saying is i i it's a big change in my life right now so it's also a really big step in life um and i decided that i want to do this decision in my life to have another place to live at i'm going to continue making youtube videos this is my job this is this is how i make a living this is i love it i love making youtube videos for all my fans that love these videos uh the reason why i've been uploading so many bowser jr videos is i i have a lot of bowser jr videos saved on my computer i film these i film a lot every week i film so many videos a week and bowser jr is just the easiest videos to edit and upload don't get upset that i've uh uploaded so many bowser jr videos because they're still funny in my opinion i just gave you this new school series i want i want to know what y'all don't think about it in the comments i think it's better than the summer school series and if this if this first episode was kind of uh it's just because the first episode is always just a little intro to like you know how the series is going to look don't get upset about all the battles junior videos we have a lot of amazing videos coming up we're still going to continue doing luigi's mansion uh we're still going to do martin luigi's two of diameters i'm just editing them they take so much time to edit and right now with the whole move out situation it's just taking a little bit longer so for all the fans that understand thank you so much if you have any video ideas post the comments below i still choose a video game winner on every video the reason why i haven't been announcing the winners is because i like to announce the winners once they all reply to me and like 90 of the people who win video games they don't they don't message me back i message you on youtube in your message your inbox or the little messages thing on youtube so uh check your messages if uh and i also reply to your comments so i i give away a video game at the end of every video and also i'm gonna start doing fan ideas again i mean i've been slacking a little bit on fan ideas but i'll be doing that again a quick summary of what the big update's about is i'm going to be moving out of this house and into my own house to do videos in so that's a big change i'll be moving out around the end of march but just getting everything prepared i'm just trying to do you know get everything ready so there's this this could be a lot of wacky videos uploaded you know there's gonna be a couple bowser jr uh you know a couple black yoshi shrek shrimpo hunter and you know i'll get out mario luigi stuart dart adventures hopefully this weekend just just be please be patient with the videos i try i try i put all my effort into every video i upload and i love that i have such dedicated fans we're almost at 300 000 subscribers it's amazing and also go like the new uh fan facebook the last facebook got suspended it was dumb so just go like the new facebook i put behind the scenes and everything on it thank you so much for being amazing fans thank you for understanding and thank you for the fans that do not complain and they like everything i upload i'm gonna leave y'all with a precious foreign
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,303,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, bowser, junior's, junior, jr's, 1st, first, grade
Id: HZEdemV0TQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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