SML Movie: Bowser Junior's Rat Problem [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] my four cheese cheesy cheeses smell so good rat i've ever um get out of here right now what are you doing in my house i want cheese well you can't have it it's my cheese get out of here get out of here right now call it exterminator oh man i need to find a number for the exterminator hey chef pee pee what are you doing on your phone getting rejected by girls on tinder again no i deleted tinder so how can i get rejected if i don't have an account well then what are you doing i'm trying to call an exterminator what's wrong with your eggs what you said you're calling an exterminator don't they get rid of eggs no they get rid of annoying pests like you are do you try to get rid of me i should but no there's a big fat old disgusting rat in the kitchen why would you call yourself that chef phoebe i wouldn't call myself that there's an actual rat in the kitchen trying to eat all the cheese oh there's a real rat i want to see it well let me call the exterminator first no no no no no no no should be i'll help you get rid of it i want to see a rat wait wait you will yeah i want to help you get rid of it that'd be so much fun i guess it would save money okay let's do it all right come on all right chef pee pee where's this wrap he's right there tunia stop me eating my teeth you fat rat are you hungry yeah do you like cheese yeah do you want this cheese yeah do you want this piece right there yeah all right you can have that piece right there i'm feeding it junior he's hungry well he could eat trash from out of the dumpster well i would rather you trash out of the dumpster than you're cooking wow you know what you're ugly get out of the cheese i think they have one piece or chevy trying to keep him as a pet no you can't keep that fat red as a pet well if you're allowed inside the house why isn't he well what is this world chef pb day because i'm getting real tired of it i just really want to keep him as a pet he's cute he's not cute look we have to get rid of them get rid of the cheese okay spit it back out how do we get rid of them you know i have to get rid of them like are you choking no junior i have to get rid of them like oh we're playing charades so you're a tree that fell in the forest no junior i have to get rid of him like oh you're gonna blow his mind no no look just follow me i'll show you all right junior this is how we're going to get rid of that rat [Laughter] you're going to give him what he wants no these are mouse traps do you what do they do how about you step on this one right here and find out is it gonna hurt nah okay oh show me that hurt i know and it's gonna hurt that rat all over his body i don't wanna hurt him like that well it's not your fault look look it's going to be my phone there he is junior he's going to fall for the traps oh it hurt really bad oh come come closer come closer oh my god okay i don't know where to hide you you mean cheese oh okay go in the closet oh ow everything hurts out junior nope i don't believe that at all ripley's a liar junior i can't believe what you just did well i can't believe they make duck diapers it's probably to cover his butt quack you know what you did you pushed me into the mousetraps no it was an accident oh it was on purpose where's that rat oh i put him outside wait you did you promised yeah yeah i put him outside because i didn't want you hurting him so i wanted him to go outside peacefully well good as long as he's not in the kitchen oh he's not in the kitchen he's in my room so that doesn't count all right junior that rat better be outside like you said or i'm gonna tell your daddy get you grounded wait what was that junior uh i thought i saw the boogeyman in my closet so i closed the door before i go to sleep because closet scared me no well cause they scare me too so keep the closets closed okay i will oh that was close oh man that was so close i just don't want chef for me to hurt my rat i'm gonna go play with him oh no he escaped oh man now that that rat's gone i can finally get back to making my four cheese cheez-its it looks like it needs more cheeses what was that uh uh i was just eating a plate of cheese what happened to my teas uh i ate it i was really hungry well don't eat any more of my cheese oh i'm not sorry look you have to stay in the closet chef people can't find out about you but i'm hungry well i mean you stay here and i'll bring the cheese to you blue yeah i'll bring the cheese to you uh look look every time you want some cheese just ring this bell where'd you go all right i got more cheese for my four cheese cheeses yeah that's going to be very cheesy oh you should chef pee pee is everything okay yeah everything's okay what's wrong with you wait is that right in the house no no no no no no the rat's not in the house he's outside and he um i just want to tell you what's that uh how great how great of a chef you are and that i really love your cooking wait really you don't like my cooking junior oh no i i really do what's my favorite food then uh uh your favorite food uh is uh to cook what's your favorite food to eat though uh i like when you make uh i like we make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches oh really i don't remember making peanut butter and jelly sandwich you make them all the time well actually you should start making them because they would be they'd be really good you keep keep looking at me though because you're so beautiful like wait wait you think i'm beautiful look at your mustache i mean i have been you know using moisturizer and stuff yeah but let's get right mustache how do you oh i brushed my mustache you know i had that sometimes i added strawberry juice you know it makes it grow out strong what oh yeah well i really love that and i really think that and uh and i just want you to know that i care about you so much chef pee pee no you do and you should go to my closet no no no no not you oh man i love hugging you chef what are you doing get off me junior get out for me oh okay okay i'm done hugging you bye what you're so weird what what with all of my cheese but junior oh man that was way too close we almost got caught loyal did you have enough cheese no julia hey chef what's up somebody ate all of my cheese oh that was me i was really hungry i'm sorry i don't believe it was you i believe that rat is still in the house well i believe you don't know what you're talking about you know what i'm going to catch that rat and i'm going to catch them with this cheese stick well well wow oh that was my stomach no it wasn't i think that rat is in your closet the rat is not in my closet how about you open up the closet junior well i bet you five dollars there's no rat in that closet okay then open up the closet you really want five dollars that bad open up the closet junior world war one see i know it junior please don't make me get rid of my love here oh i'm getting rid of him i'm calling the executioner now oh my god he's gonna try to kill you uh hello hey uh did you uh call the executioner yes do you kill rats oh yeah we kill rats snitches narcs anything that can tell you wait no no i just need a rat killed you know like a rat the animal oh oh okay okay so a rat the animal oh oh no we don't kill rats you don't kill a ride nah see i'm a hit man i only go after the ones that owe people money so do you want to put a hit on the wreck yeah yeah i could put a hit on the rack look he's upstairs he's a bit rat i just need you to take him out please okay all right just show them to me all right the rat is in this room in the closet so take him out he's so annoying all right i can do that oh can i make a mess well sure do whatever you need just take them out already oh all right say less oh mr rat mr rat where are you oh no that's the executioner hi wait did you just come out the closet uh i mean does it look like it i mean cody wants me to but i don't swing that way no did you just come out that closet oh yeah i did so you're the red what no i'm a turtle nah nah see i know you're the wreck and i was hired to get rid of you you're hard to get rid of me oh yeah peppa by who oh buy a chef should be hired to get rid of me yeah he hired me to get rid of you so uh what's your last words i can't believe chef peepee would actually hire to get rid of that i thought he loved me i thought he cared about me [Applause] oh my god that's the biggest ride i've ever seen oh chevy behind that guy to get rid of me and you scared him off you saved my life i wish everybody cared about me but let's get you out of here they're trying to get both of us i guess we have to go live on the street since nobody cares about us well yeah now junior come back in the house chef pee pee leave us alone we're gonna go live on the street since nobody loves us you're not going to live on the street you're going to come back in the house right now no i'm going to live on the streets the streets are the only thing that wants me i belong to the streets now no you don't get in the house now julia you hired a hitman to get rid of me no i didn't i hired the hitman to get rid of the rats and you told him i was the rat no look you're annoying like the rat but look i hired the hitman for the rest it's just a misunderstanding junior well you know what i'm just going to go ahead and leave since you don't in the house i'm going to do you a favor and leave on my own junior you're going to make me mad get in the house right now you make me mad by not care about me and treat me bad all the time i don't treat you bad you treat me back in the house chef pee pee i'm gonna go live on the streets okay you better not live on the street get in the house now junior wait you don't want me to live on the street no because i'm in could you care about me what what i wouldn't say all that so okay well i'm not coming inside until you tell me you care about me what julia get inside please say you love me no way i'm not gonna say that say i'm gorgeous say it junior you're gorgeous okay okay i'm getting a little bit closer do you care about me i wouldn't say all that junior say you care about me i care about you junior okay now say you love me i just say i love you oh and now say you'll play toys with me every don't want to play toys say it i'll play toys every day and fortnight i guess fortnight and i want you to rub my back at night i don't know why i would even do that junior but you'll do all that stuff for me yes come inside that's what she said all right so i'm gonna say bye to my rat okay yeah you better say bye to him look i guess it says goodbye okay yeah so you can have this block of cheese all right chef pee pee i'll come inside finally junior you're so annoying huh you said it i can't believe you begged me to come back inside the house like a little girl but i didn't beg you junior yeah you were like oh junior please come inside the house i'm nothing without you shut up you're such a simple no you're a self try to rub my back i'm not rubbing your back junior oh then i guess i'm gonna live outside then oh get back here oh god i rub your back yeah rub it mm-hmm a little lower shut up a little lower into the front [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 144,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, bowser, junior, junior's, jr's, jr, rat, problem
Id: G9knJPozB1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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