SML Movie: Bowser Junior Gets a Job [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] so cody what do you want to do today i don't know junior want to watch tv sure let's watch tv do you like spiders do you like remote control cars then you need to buy this remote control spider it's only 89.99 buy it now whoa cody i want that yeah it looks awesome okay we have to buy two one for you and one for me but junior it's 89.99 we don't have that kind of money you're right we're not rich ooh i'ma ask my dad if he has money okay okay hey dad oh what do you want junior can i borrow 200 200 no does it look like i'm made of money well me and cody both want this thing that's 100 each well it sounds like you and cody need to get a job maybe slaying some leg like your dad did when he was young because i'm not giving you any cash get a job yeah get a job okay what'd he say he said that we should go get a job and make our own money but what kind of job are we gonna get that's gonna pay us that kind of money i have no idea what who's that maybe it's joseph oh it's probably joseph come on there's the door uh hello hey there you're not joseph no no i'm not and we didn't call it doctor either what are you doing here well i just came to offer you kids a job a job what kind of job well i have this really rare bird at my house but i don't have anybody to watch it so i was just wondering if you guys wanted to babysit it for me i mean i'd be willing to pay you 100 bucks each a hundred bucks each yeah we'll do it we'll definitely do it okay come on follow me okay you two i have a very simple job for you all i need you to do is babysit this endangered bird right here he's a rare rainbow dodo now all the dodos are extinct but we found one and we're looking for another one so they can mate and maybe bring the dodo back he can't fly and he's as dumb as a rock so all i need you guys to do is just watch him and don't take him out of his cage if you need to feed him which you shouldn't just feed him this bird food right here and definitely do not feed him these cocoa puffs okay chocolate is poisonous to birds and he will die i left these cocoa puffs here for you guys in case you guys get hungry i put them next to the bird food for convenience so once again feed them the bird food not the cocoa puffs well what if i want to eat the bird food you got what i said right oh yeah yeah i got it okay good now if you guys need anything just call me okay i'm only going to be gone for an hour now do not screw this up junior this is so easy all we have to do is stare at a bird for an hour and we make 100 each i know this is the easiest job ever yeah [Music] okay i'm bored let's take him out of the cage no junior he said we can't take him out of the cage why not we're inside a house the worst he's gonna do is fly around he can't fly junior but he can't fly no what kind of bird can't fly you know like penguins and ostriches and dodos that's stupid what a lame bird he might as well just be a dog and look if he can't fly then let's let him out and walk around he said not to take the bird out of the cage and we're not going to well would you want to be locked in a cage all day no but i'm not an endangered bird can i at least feed him junior he's not hungry we only have to watch him for an hour look he's starving he's begging for food he's like cody please feed me he's not begging for food junior he's just making bird noises because he's a bird okay so you like to walk up animals in cages and don't feed them wow you're a good person okay fine junior you can feed him i'm gonna go to the bathroom okay um but which bird food do i feed him the one with the bird on it the one with the bird on it okay well that has birds on it like multiple birds and that has a bird on it and and and birds are cuckoo for cocoa puffs cuckoo for cocoa puffs i've never heard a bird say that they're cuckoo for cockatril and lovebird formula so he's gotta want cocoa puffs oh okay he wants cocoa puffs okay eat your cocoa puffs birdie eat your cocoa puffs feels good to drain the main vein you feed the bird yet junior wait junior where's the cocoa puffs junior did you feed the bird cocoa puffs uh would that be a bad thing yes junior that would be very bad because the bird would die he would die yes junior chocolate is poisonous to birds oh well no i didn't feed him coco puffs oh really so i guess he just pooped in the bottom of his cage and now he's eating it well yeah because you wouldn't let me let him out of his cage so he just pooped in his cage and the roof of his cage was a box of cocoa puffs well there was a tornado while you were gone it was just throwing stuff around in the box landing right there junior you fed the bird cocoa puffs and now he's gonna die he's not gonna die cody i only gave him a little bit and if he eats a little bit that won't kill him it'll probably only kill him if he eats a whole box so he's not gonna die junior the bird fell over well maybe he's just sleeping or maybe he's dead because you fed him cocoa puffs he's not dead cody he's just sleeping he's really tired junior let's just get him out of the cage so we can check on it well we can't take him out of the cage cody it's against the rule remember we can't take him out of the cage well now we have to because it's an emergency oh okay so when you want to take him out of the cage it's fine but when i want to take him out of the cage it's a problem jimmy just shut up and get him out of the cage ugh he looks fine to me cody junior he's not moving well you said he can't fly so what's he supposed to do he's at least supposed to move a little bit but junior i don't hear a heartbeat well you sure birds even have hearts yes of course they have hearts junior well he has wings that don't work so maybe he has a heart that doesn't work i need you to take this seriously okay then do cpr or something okay give him not the mouth junior it's not working i think he's dead you just killed an endangered bird me you know you're the one who told me to feed them cocoa puffs no i didn't yeah you did you told me to feed them the one with the bird on it well yeah the bird food yeah that's what i fed the one with the bird on let me show you see cody look i gave him the one with the bird on it that's a bird oh come on junior i meant the bird food with the bird on it okay that's not a bird that's two birds you should have to give them the one with the birds on it not the one with the bird on it junior you're an idiot you've really killed an endangered species over a grammatical era it's your fault you should have given the one with the birds not the one with the bird it's your fault well i'm sorry junior i expected you to know the difference between a breakfast cereal and birdseed well then why do they say birds say they're cuckoo for cocoa puffs they don't say that junior that bird says he's cuckoo for cocoa puffs well that's cause he's a cartoon bird and then how does he not die if chocolate kills birds then how is he not dead because it's a cartoon and he's not real well then maybe they should put on the box not meant for actual birds junior where's the bird wasn't he right there well he's not there now what are my phones ringing uh hello hey there uh there's something i forgot to tell you about the bird so sometimes he likes to play dead so that you take him out of the cage but then whenever you turn your back he gets up and runs off so i just wanted to let you guys know that but don't worry you guys are too smart to fall for that all right i'll see you guys later all right bye what is it junior okay sometimes the bird likes to play dead and then when we take him out of the cage he gets up and runs away what don't you think that's something he should have told us yeah he said he just remembered so anyway we have to find him he'd be somewhere in the house yeah birdie birdie where are you oh what's in here birdie oh cody he has a pool yeah that's cool junior but he's not gonna be outside he'll be in the house somewhere but i didn't know he had a pool he's never invited us over and now he never will oh birdie birdie i found a dog cody we're looking for a bird junior oh well i don't know he had a dog birdie junior you left the back door open yeah it was kind of hot in here junior now he could be outside he's not outside cody it's only been open for like 30 seconds well now we have to go look we're gonna close the door he's not outside junior there's a trail of cocoa puffs leading outside okay well ants could have brought those there ants yeah i'm sure it was ants junior he's outside okay well look he has a fenced-in backyard so he couldn't have gone far let's look outside okay uh cody look junior the bird drowned in the pool well this would have happened if he could fly it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't left the back door open it wouldn't happen if you would have told me to feed him cocoa puffs i didn't tell you to feed him cocoa puffs yes you did the bird birds remember junior i don't care the bird's dead now what are we gonna do okay we have to try to find a way to replace him look we have to go find a replacement he's dead so we have to replace him i can't believe the bird drowned cody i can't believe we let him out of his cage it was a simple job all we had to do was stare at him what are my phone drinking uh hello hey there me again there's another thing i forgot to tell you about the bird so sometimes he likes to lay face down in the pool and pretend he drowned and then whenever you turn your back he gets up and runs off but i don't even know why i'm telling you this because he really shouldn't be outside his cage and definitely not outside the house but uh don't worry about that oh yeah there's one more thing i forgot to tell you i also have a dog named bird killer i i named him after his favorite thing to do so you know just keep him away from the bird but he he shouldn't be a problem all right bye okay bye uh cody let's go outside now yeah cody he's gone oh great junior now he ran off oh hey look the backyard is still fenced in so we can just look around the backyard come on uh cody the back gate's open well great now he could be anywhere in the world well actually he can't be in the air cause he can't fly junior we don't have time for this okay look he could be anywhere in the world right now so we have to replace it because we're never going to find him so we should try to find a bird and put him in the cage and see if he notices he's an endangered bird junior we're not just going to replace him well we can try come on all right cody how do we replace this bird we're not going to replace the bear junior it was a one-of-a-kind endangered bird we'll never find another like it we need a miracle god help us hey god thank god you're here yep thank me well god what are you doing here well i heard you needed a miracle so here i am oh god we need your help look we were supposed to be watching this bird and then we lost it so we need to bring it back hmm sure i could bring you your bird back or i could give you a dragon a dragon yep a dragon cootie god you give us a dragon no junior we need the bird cody when god offers you a dragon you don't turn down a dragon no junior we have to get the bird now cody says we need to get the bird all right i guess i'll give you the bird or i could give you a literal freaking fire-breathing dragon cody it's a little fire-breathing dragon it doesn't matter what happens when he comes home and he finds out we lost his bird he's not gonna notice the birds missing when he sees a literal freaking fire-breathing dragon in the cage jimmy just shut up and get the bird all right god cody says we have to get the dragon no no all right done whoa isn't that sick huh isn't that sick yes it's very sick but we needed a bird oh well i just wanted to make a dragon today anyway i'm off to vegas i have a lot of work to do since they call it sin city and you get it all right i'll be at the craps table thanks god junior we had one favorite from god and you wasted it on a dragon but the dragon's so cool though it doesn't matter junior we didn't need a dragon we needed a bird well maybe we can train the dragon to be a bird how are we gonna do that junior well i bought this tutorial how to train your dragon so all you do is watch that and it will teach us how to train the dragon okay i'll pop it in i guess all right let's go watch it all right cody let's watch this tutorial hopefully it's step by step oh hey bird killer junior i don't think this movie's about training dragon yeah no i i think it's just a movie yeah and i think it's the third one like maybe if we'd seen the first two we would learn something yeah i'm not learning anything ah i can't even put the dragon out of the cage well of course it did junior you took the top off of the cage to feed the bird coco pops oh well yeah i also think the dragon ate bird killer because this is bandana wait so then the dragon's name should be dog killer all right cody how do we get the dragon back inside the cage i don't know junior we need something that it'll eat well it already ate the dog so we need another animal hold on my phone's ringing uh hello hey there i'm on my way home but uh before i get there could you do me a favor and feed my cat for me you have a cat yeah his name is dragon food i named him after the thing i think he'd be good for uh okay yeah okay thank you i'll be there in a minute bye all right junior now we've killed all this man's pets first his bird then his dog now his cat well his cat's name was dragon food i mean come on well fair enough at least we had the dragon back in the cage wow i can't believe i found another one just walking around in my front yard yeah now i can get him to mate oh this is awesome uh cody abnormal you guys would not believe what i just found wandering around in my front yard it's another rainbow dodo now i can get this one to mate with that one is that a dragon yeah that's a dragon but but what happened to my rainbow dodo oh it turns out that your rainbow dodo was actually a dragon disguising to be a rainbow dodo whoa really i never would have guessed that's crazy well it's a good thing i found this rainbow dodo outside so at least i have one yeah you could get your rainbow dodo to mate with this dragon and then you have a dragon dough that'd be so dope okay they're both in the cage so now they can stop mating oh look at that they're already going at it all right now where's my cat and my dog can you pay us real quick me and cody got to go home oh yeah sure here you go all right okay let's grab them on let's go all right uh bird killer dragon food where are you yeah cody now we both have a hundred dollars yeah but we had to kill three animals to get it but now we can buy the new toy [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 198,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, bowser, junior, gets, job
Id: my9OACTuMQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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