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okay class today will be super special because we are having an art competition yay this is going to be sarfi the winner will get an A+ and the losers will be my dinner uh-oh I don't think I want to be part of this competition Miss Delight scares me you guys are going down all students are expected to participate that includes you Tyler and snowy oh no we better win this thing snowy I bet I can totally beat you Tyler no way snowy I'm the better artist we'll see about that every drawing must be smiling Critters themed the competition begins now all right guys here we go round one smiling Critters speed draw hey look snowy the theme is baby ooh I'm going to draw baby catnap and I'm going to draw baby dog day it's going to be so cute okay guys so we're going to start with orange and we're going to make the BR nice and big I'm pretty sure baby dog day had a big old head like this and then dog day has yellow down here around his mouth and little whiskers that stick out on the side like that all right guys the top of kab's head kind of looks like a McDonald's logo like that hey what do you mean McDonald's logo that's not what my head looks like yes it does catap and it reminds me of french fries then he'll have big old smiling cheeks guys he's been smiling ever since he could remember now I draw his cute little body got little arms okay guys we can't forget baby dog day is going to have big old eyes like this oh look at that he's got huge eyes and I'm going to add some tears in it cuz I feel like baby dog needs to cry baby now let's draw the nose like this and for the mouth I'm going to make him sad cuz he's a sad little baby look at like that look he's about to start crying but I need to add the pupils now I feel like cuz he's a little baby is going to have giant pupils just like this oh my gosh and then let's make it smaller and then let's add little Reflections in his eyes like that and cuz he's a baby he's going to have a little tiny body just like this but guys we can't forget his Sun necklace he has to grow into it so it's going to be really big compared to his body let's see just like this I can't really remember what the sun necklace looks like so I'm just guessing I don't think that looks right but whatever it's good enough for now guys we got to win this art competition or miss the light is going to eat me all right guys let's outline the head so we'll try our best to keep the color inside and we'll go around his cheek sort of like this I really hope the catop likes this picture of him as a baby because he's kind of scary and he might get mad at me now we need to outline his ears like that okay guys this is how my dog day is looking so far I'm going to add the final part which is going to be his ears I feel like as a baby he had giant ears that he had to grow into cuz his ears are still pretty big but I feel like as a baby they were massive guys look at these ears they're huge he's like an elephant he's kind of like Bubba Bubba fin I heard that Bubba Bubba Fin's parents actually picked up dog day from the hospital because they thought it was their kid by the way guys don't forget to leave a like on this video to help us win this art contest we can't do it without your help guys so hit that like button I don't want Miss Delight to eat us so we can use all the help we could get all right guys now let's get some eyes on this thing as you know catnap has massive eyes especially when he's a baby cuz baby kitties always have really big eyes so we'll go like that and we'll do the other one right here nice and big so we'll put some shine like that and also if you make the brush a little smaller and do it down here too they look extra shiny like that now we have to get his little nose right here and he'll have a tiny little mouth guys he isn't grown into his mouth yet also we'll put a cute little tooth right here like that and guys we can't forget about the diaper because he's a little baby kitty and he could also have a little bottle of milk like that since little kitties love milk we'll put the little top thing on the bottle like that and lastly we can't forget his eyebrows up here and there's baby catnap okay guys after adding these final tears to the cry baby dog day I think it's good to go I'm going to submit it okay guys here we go let's see what the drawings look like what the is that supposed to be bobie bear hug I give that four stars where's her nose oops I must have forgotten that she's missing a nose oh my gosh guys what is this baby cat na I love the one too snowy that's going to be five stars from me a I Thanks skler a look at the tiny hoppy hop scotch that's what I really look like as a baby buddy o okay I'm going to give that three stars cuz that diaper is gross four stars cuz it's still cute oh my gosh look at the crying dog day it's so sad I'm going to do five stars cuz it's hilarious it's a crybaby dog day okay guys the winner is let's see let's see yes I won nice job Tyler and you got second place Bobby got third hey that's not what I looked like as a baby I was way scarier I'm just happy I place all right guys round two has started snowy and I are still in this thing the theme is dessert you ready for this snowy I am so ready for this we're lucky crafty Corn's out here guys remember crafty corn is the best artist and she would kick our butt at this yeah Guys Without crafty corn here we definitely have a chance why is Crafty corn absent today she's out celebrating her birthday ooh that gives me an idea for the dessert I'm going to draw craftting corn a birthday cake okay guys the crafty corn birthday cake is definitely going to be crafty corn colored which is blue and white let's draw this this is like the general shape of a cake but remember guys it has to be crafty corn themed so I have to work that into this somehow all right guys I'm going to draw a hoppy hop Squatch cupcake and it's going to be the best cupcake anyone's ever seen at least I hope first we got to start with the base of the cupcake so it's going to look like this we got to make it Jagged up here and these cupcake C always have lines in it so I'm going to make a smaller brush and put the lines in like this guys this is going to be the best cupcake ever now for hoppy head I'm going to start with a big smile like that I wonder what a hoppy cupcake would taste like would it be minty or do you think it would tastes like apples I just hope when you cut it open it's a vanilla cupcake no way Tyler it's going to be a chocolate cupcake chocolate vanilla's way better no way Tyler guys vote in the comments down below should it be a chocolate cupcake or vanilla cupcake what flavor is it when I cut you open chill catnap I'm team chocolate and I'm team vanilla for life but guys vote in the comments let's see which team wins all right so what I have going on here is it's like the top view of crafty Corn's cake I'm going to draw crafty corn in the middle here and we can't forget crafty corns flower necklace pattern along the sides of the cake it's going to be awesome guys ran out of room for the ears so I'm just going to make them bent like that oh guys this is taking kind of a long time cuz I have to draw all these different colors for crafty cord's necklace and yes okay that looks really good but guys it's going to look super super good cuz remember crafting Corn's a really good artist so she's going to notice all of the Flies if I mess anything up ooh pressure's on Tyler you're going to have to make it perfect for her we'll see about that Sil I'm going to draw crafting cord's face on the cake it's going to be so funny so I remember crafty corn always has a big old smile and then let's see oh no I hope this is going to fit I have to also add the candles sticking up they're just going to be like on the sides of the cake like this yeah this is looking good we got some perspective action going here all right guys my hobby cupcake is looking pretty good but it's definitely missing a cherry on top and then candles always have these little lines on them like this okay come on it's looking good remember guys this is speed draw so I have to do this as fast as I can I do not want miss the light to eat me that sounds horrible I can't miss any details guys got to add the candle wick on here or crafty cord's going to notice oh my gosh this is so cool I should actually order this for crafty cord's birthday guys oh no snowy you know what I just realized we didn't get crafty cord a present oh no Tyler hopefully the drawing of the cake will be enough I hope so okay guys crafty cord has a little tongue like this look we're getting Fancy with it we're getting Fancy with it it's going to be a super fancy cake guys I'm going to have to pay a lot of money to have a professional bake this cake The Crafty cn's hair is like I couldn't do the S because the cake is s so it's going to have to be blue and I don't know if this is looking good it looks like she has a bald spy I don't know about these ears I just added it's kind of looking like an elf or something most importantly it has to have Crafty Corn's unicorn horn snowy I have a feeling crafty corn is not going to like this cake no way Tyler crafty corn is super nice all right guys guys here we go let's take a look at the dessert drawings oh my gosh what is that a dog day popsicle I love it I'm going to rate that five stars me too that would be really good oh my gosh it's a hoppy hop scotch cupcake I love it guys instant five stars I want to eat all of these desserts I bet they'd be so good go good is the real hoby wait chill cat now what the is that us dead snowy one star that's disturbing that is way too scary guys I don't like this drawing who drew that who do you think Mar kind of dessert wao Tyler this is the most perfect crafty corn cake ever five stars I hope crafty corn likes it it's baked with love and the winners are let's see let's see guys oh dog day got first place wait but we're still in it snowy nice job dog day thanks guys I should get a real one of these popsicles so catnap stops trying to eat me that's it's not fair you guys don't know the first thing about art I should have won that one the dead Tyler soe would taste so good okay guys let's see what the next topic is gender swap wait so that means we have to draw some smiling Critters but the opposite gender okay this is going to be awesome okay guys what I'm going to do for this one is going to be a girl dog day let's see how this goes I'm going to draw a girl catnap and it's going to be the prettiest catnap to ever happen happen so it's basically going to be dog day but with makeup and eyelashes and long hair and a bow and all that cute stuff to make her pretty so we need to have the shape nice and big for the big old smile but I need to leave room for the hair and also the giant ears so let me just add the giant ears first we'll have a big one on the left like that and a big one on the right like this there we go okay the ears are done now we got to add the big smile like this yes it's looking good that's the thing about the smiling Critters guys is they should always have a big old smile if they don't have a smile on their face then something is seriously wrong all right guys I'm going to draw high heels on catnap since that's the kind of shoe that she would wear ooh she's wearing high heels is she going out to dinner maybe on a date with someone who could it be snowy she's not going to tell Tyler okay guys let's add some lipstick on this girl dog day I don't know about this lipstick it kind of looks like she just ate a big old pink cupcake so the eyes could be sort of shaped like this yeah okay that's looking good guys The Smiling critters have eyes that are shaped more like this instead of round they were only round when dog day was a little cry baby all right guys this is going to be catnaps dress it's so cute it'll have polka dots catnaps looking pretty good okay guys we're going to add the big eyelashes on here just like that yes this looks like it could be dog day's sister honestly yeah we're basically just drawing their sisters so let's add a bow in the hair like this oh my gosh this is so funny I love it we'll draw a nice big smile because like Tyler said smiling Critters are always smiling okay guys how should I get the hair in here uh maybe it could be like like there's a little bit of blond hair like some bangs like this and then it's coming down from the back behind her like like this okay yeah this is looking good guys and remember if you still haven't hit the like button hit it now so we can win this thing I do not want to get eaten by m Delight yeah guys that would be really scary all right I'm drawing some lipstick on catnaps and she's trying to look her best for her day I don't know Tyler catap I think looks better as a guy I'm thinking dog day might look better as a girl snowy you'll see what I mean once you see my drawing yeah you'll see what I mean too too all right let's get some blonde bangs going for catnap kind of like this and then we'll have like a nice ponytail going I don't know guys I don't think this is my best work also we have to get some jewelry on so I'm going to make a pearl necklace like this look guys she's all accessorizing and guys let's put some earrings on like that and like that she's beautiful isn't she okay guys here we go it's time time to vote for the drawings let's see what we got here oh my gosh that's awesome I give that four stars me too that's hilarious good job hoppy it's a buff hoppy hop scotch what oh my gosh what is this catnap I'm going to have to give that four stars what's with those limps what you don't think that's the Prest catnap you've ever seen hey uh does anyone have her phone number catnb I don't know about that one snowy oh my gosh look it's a kick and chicken surfer girl oh five stars because that surfing looks like fun I feel like that's kick and chicken's dream girl it's a surfer babe kick and chicken guys oh my gosh look at this girl dog Daye I love the lipstick five stars thanks snowy it's totally dog day's sister and the winners are let's see who won who won oh hoppy won that's right guys I'm f D guys Hoppy's been hitting the weights yeah guys check out my sweet biceps and how about this awesome Surfer babe chicken I must meet her I must have her we would surf every single day well guys we're going to keep doing this art contest but if you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a like And subscribe if you haven't already bye hey you should click on one of those videos that's on your screen right now see you
Channel: Tyler & Snowi
Views: 642,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, speed draw, roblox speed draw, smiling critters, roblox smiling critters, smiling critters roblox, catnap, dogday, catnap poppy playtime, smiling critters cartoon, Poppy Playtime Chapter 3, roblox catnap, speed draw funny moments, roblox funny moments, funny moments roblox, Tyler and Snowi, Tyler and Snowi Catnap, Tyler, Snowi, speed draw roblox, catnap animation, poppy playtime catnap, poppy playtime ch3, catnap poppy playtime chapter 3, poppy, playtime, Poppy Playtime, fox
Id: 9ptdHba0xXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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