Having A BIRD FAMILY in Roblox!

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hey Tyler why are we customizing an egg because today snowy we are being reborn as Birds oh my gosh we're joining the bird family yeah but first we have to start as eggs so choose the color for your egg snowy I choose green and I choose yellow but check this out guys we have textures and we have markings that we can add to the egg okay I want to have the best egg in the entire Nest so I'm going to buy VI to un lock the markings very important bird ooh me too I want to be an important bird wo look at all these cool textures we could add Stars we could add music notes we could add Hearts A I'm going to add red hearts on my egg so that they love me guys I'm going to choose this shiny texture and then let's see what we have for our markings I'm going to do these swirlies but I'm going to make a pretty small okay guys it's time for me to be bored into this birdie world yes I spawned in the nest snowy and there's another egg here with me is that you that's not me Tyler I'm in a different Nest wait you're in a different Nest where are you silly I'm going to roll over to you is that you with the swirls yeah and is that you with the heart yes this is awesome my egg is seethrough this is so cool hey it's time for me to hatch okay guys what kind of bird should I be duck duck duck duck goose I'm going to be a goose here we go guys I'm hatching I wonder what I'm going to be oh my gosh look at me I look awesome but I got to add some customization I can make my eyes blue and I'm going to make my beak orange and the rest of me yellow I could still have all these hearts on me but it looks like I have the chicken pox and I'm not a chicken so I'm going to take those off check it out snowy I'm a bird and I can grab you I'm going to pick you up in my beak look look at this egg oh my gosh I can see through the egg wo Tyler are you my mom let's get you out into the sunlight so it's easier for you to hatch you have to hatch in a nice warm environment wo we're so tiny in this big world yeah I was hoping I could fly but I can only Fly for a couple seconds maybe when I grow big and strong I'll be able to fly into the sky oh my gosh there's a giant bird right here that thing is massive Tyler I think I'm ready to hatch all right guys what kind of bird should I be I'm going to go away swne oh my gosh you're a way bigger baby than me snowy okay guys I'm going to try and make it look like the colors that I am so for eyes I'm going to have purple my beak could be black while Snow's doing that I'm just going to sit here and wait for you look at these other birds Sil I think they want to be friends with us W this guy just grew right in front of me I'm mostly going to be white but I do have some gray so I'll leave my wings gray and also my legs could be Gray oh no silly hurry it's starting to rain Okay Tyler I'm coming into this world wao you look awesome now come on let's get somewhere where we can get out of this rain Okay Tyler rain is not good for Birds guys ooh look at this house up here come on let's see what's going on in here maybe you can camp out in here hey I found a piece of chicken oh my gosh look at this huge chicken in my mouth I'm going to grow big and strong oo I want some of that chicken you're going to have to get your own chicken silly I'm eating it M that was a good chicken it was bigger than me oh no Sil don't let any of the chickens hear that I just ate one of their friends Tyler you're disgusting I'm going to eat some of this soup ooh this is a really good soup tastes just like chicken oh my gosh uh snowy what's that skeleton that's next to the soup uh I don't really know wait is that a bird skeleton hey I grabbed a bone from it come on Tyler let's see what's upstairs all all right let's go up there I can't wait to be able to fly it's going to be so much fun it look how I got some berries oh my gosh you're the best berries that I've ever had hey snowy I think it's time for me to grow into a big bird I'm going to keep my same colors but let's see what happens I'm transforming wo look at me I'm a big old goose and it says I can press Q to fly you should get on my back snowy I'm going to pick you up and put you on my back oh my gosh there's so many birds in this house oh my gosh look this one has a bunch of chicks that's so cute Tyler come on let's go let's test out your new Wings oh man but it's still dark and rainy but I'm a goose so I can do it here we go snowy it's time to fly oh my gosh this is so cool we're flying wo this is awesome where should we fly to First Well for now I'm going to stay in this cave here until it stops raining and then let's fly everywhere Okay Tyler sounds like a plan so I'm going to sit right here and we can cuddle up all nice and warm let's go to sleep Tyler and when we wake up snowy we'll be flying together all right the rain stopped now away we go check this out guys we can fly this is so fine wo it's a beautiful day outside fly all the way up in the sky Ty let's go let's go hey I still haven't made my own nest I think I'm going to make one up here o check this out guys wao I can see everything from up here okay snowy I'm going to make my stick Nest right here yo check it out look at my Nest yay whenever we get lost we can meet back at this Nest ah where are you taking me well Sly there's one thing I learned about birds and the way they make them learn how to fly is by doing this no I got ready yes this Branch saved me you're not ready to fly yet huh okay get on my back and let's keep flying let's go discover something new here we go guys let's Get Ready To Fly hey guys if you still haven't liked this video hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe if you're new to the channel hey what's that bridge over there Tyler I don't know let's go check it out guys being a bird is awesome cuz if you see anything interesting you could just fly to it so what's going on over here it doesn't really look like anything's happening on this Bridge hey there's something in the water over there you mean this thing over here yeah what is that oh no Sil it's another dead bird skeleton oh no it looks like birds have died here I don't like this I don't like this it's a dangerous place let's get you to a safe place so you can grow into an adult bird that would be amazing ooh look at this town over here it looks like they have a barn okay I'm going to land over here and yes okay soe it's time for you to grow up here we go or Here We Grow yes Tyler I'm a fulls siiz swne oh my gosh that's awesome but what's that on your beak it's you what the you can pick me up wait see if you can fly like this is it too heavy let's try it yes this is awesome this is so funny come I oh oh oh i r to the building you're crashing you're crashing I'm getting off since we're here at this Barn I think I want to turn into a chicken and see what happens hello are there any chickens here I don't see any chickens but I do see a chicken coop okay guys I'm going to become a chicken first I have to start as a little baby chicken I have to get my colors going though with the orange beak and the yellow feathers check it out guys I'm a little baby chick I'm so cute me too Tyler I love baby chick it's the best okay what actions do we have it looks like I can eat but there's nothing good to eat on the ground in here hey Tyler if there's any Predators we can play dead we can even close our eyes it looks so convincing come on silly let's explore the barn and see what we can find oh my gosh there's a rat right there there's a rat oh I caught it that's so funny I wish I could fly but as a chick I can only flap My Wings Around what should we do with this rat maybe we should go to the adult birds and offer it to them silly it's an offering good thinking Tyler then want to be our friends guys look how tiny I am compared to these other birds I'm so tiny hey Tyler my new rat got away a man I guess he was too heavy for us huh let's go hunt for more Tyler oh snowy I'm growing wao look at me I'm a big yellow rooster I'm going too Tyler I'm turning into a head oh no you know what I just realized snowy roosters can't fly I'm too fat it doesn't let me fly for more than a few few seconds can you fly uh I can fly over a little bit but I get tired fast oh no maybe we should become some cooler birds all right let's see what we got ooh I know I'm going to be a duck I'm going to be a robin but I'm going to go straight to being an adult duck these colors already look really cool so I'm going to spawn as is what the is that you snowy yeah it's me hey now that I'm a duck watch this I could go quack that is the cutest thing I've ever seen get on my back and let's go find some water I can also chirp as this bird chirp chirp chirp chirp all right Su our goal right now should be to find some water cuz as a duck I like to go swimming me too Tyler look there's a big old Lake wo that's cool but I want to find a beach I want to go swimming in the ocean maybe we can catch some fish yeah Tyler let's go fishing okay do you see the ocean around here anywhere I might not be going the right way what oh I'm going under and woo it's so fun flying I feel so free as a bird hey look I think we found the beach yes let's go swimming I'm going to jump off yeah and I'm coming in for a landing oh that was awesome hey Tyler we can swim underwater as Birds wao this is so cool look Tyler there's bananas over there hey and here's a crab I got the crab yes guys we're going to eat good tonight okay I'm we not going to eat this crab cuz he's a little too cute to be eaten so I'm going to drop him there you go Mr Crab hey crab are you hungry eat this banana just eat it wao I want a banana tylie is not eating the banana I think he's in a shocked Silence from me carrying him snow he did not like it well here I'll grab his friend and put it next to him and then he won't feel so alone while you're doing that I'm going to eat this banana yum that was good all right here is your friend now you can feel better there you you go I don't know so they still look like they're kind of shocked I think we should give them some space Okay Tyler let me eat this banana first see you guys that's how you eat a banana and now let's fly come on silly Follow the Leader Okay Tyler let's go okay guys I'm going to go as high as I can and then act like I'm falling to scare snowy so she's going to think we're going to hit the ground but then I'll immediately start flying again right when we're super close to the ground wo we're so high up right now I can barely even see the ground oh my gosh what's going on why are you falling Tyler Tyler oh my gosh we almost fell on the ground did I get you snowy that was hilarious you did my little bird heart is racing so much wao look at this place look at the volcanoes and the lava oh my gosh it's so fun to fly around through here guys it looks like the volcano must have erupted yeah this whole area of the forest has been destroyed hey look what's in there it looks like there's something cool in here looks like some sort of lava egg what the heck whose egg is this it says it's too heavy this must be someone's egg snowy Tyler it's such a big egg I think it's a dinosaur egg oh my gosh you think so I know so Tyler well guys we're going to keep exploring as our new bird cells if you enjoyed the video don't forget to leave a like And subscribe if you haven't already bye you should click on one of those videos that's on your screen right now see you
Channel: Tyler & Snowi
Views: 1,981,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox funny moments, funny moments, funny, moments, roblox funny videos, roblox funny stories, roblox story funny, roblox story, roblox funny games, roblox funny story, feather family, roblox feather family, feather family roblox, feather, family, tyler and snowi, superdog tyler, snowi fox, Roblox funny moments, Roblox funny videos, Roblox funny games, roblox escape evil, roblox escape, roblox simulator games, new roblox games, funny roblox games, Roblox story funny
Id: u2rUS9uohjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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