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today we're doing an amazing digital circus build challenge but I'm secretly going to be using hacks to troll my friend using the command sl/ paste I can instantly spawn in these massive Jack pom and Cane builds little does my friend know I'm going to be filling up all these builds with a whole bunch of traps to prank him and now let's go check out my friend G and G what in the world is going on bubbles you got to help PNE she's literally drowning bubbles help me please don't worry PNE I'll get you out of there but G what are we doing today we're doing an amazing digital circus build ch movie so let's flick this lever and see what character we get sounds good let me just press it real quick and looks like we got Kane I love Kane he's super cool but wait a second what side are you going to go on the green side or the blue side well you already know I'm going to go on the green side the green side that's my side what the heck whatever g e blue is way better anyway I don't know about that bubbles but we only have 10 minutes to build this so let's get started let's go now that g can't hear me anymore it's time to cheat so let me just go in chat and type sl/ paste and oh my yeah Arcane build just spawned in it looks super good and we're so ahead of GE right now but there's no time to waste cuz we got to fill this up with traps for my first trap I'm going to be making a fake entrance and just to make sure that g Falls for it we're actually going to put it right inside of Kane's mouth right over here since this is the fake entrance I'm going to be making a lava parkour that's going to be impossible to complete so let's just cover Kane's mouth with a whole bunch of lava we'll let it flow down for a second and now we can start placing the springs that g is going to have to bounce on us as parkour Place another one right over here and we'll just make our way up toward the center there we go and we'll have it end right on this platform over here and on this platform there's going to be a trap chest that g is going to think is the prize but in reality when G goes to open up this chest it's going to spawn in a Medusa that's going to instantly turn him into stone wo she looks super terrifying let's check if this parkour Works real quick come on looks like it's working and now let's open up this chest and oh my goodness we just got killed by Medusa I can't wait to see G's reaction when he gets turn into stone make sure to stick around to see it happen and just like that our fake entrance is completed but before moving on to to building our next trap I want to go check on G to see how he's doing I secretly placed oneway glass on the other side of the competition so let me just break out a few blocks here just like this and oh my goodness we can see G building his Cane all right just a few more books and there we go my cane looks so good what do you think Mr Beetle what the heck why is G talking to a beetle he's definitely gone crazy you don't like it get out of here what the heck G's definitely gone insane but little do bubbles no I'm going to fill my entire build with a bunch of traps with this super secret treasure at the end TNT are you serious right now and we only have 8 minutes left so this is going perfect wait a second we only have 8 minutes left I got to quickly get back to my build done go go go we got to do this fast and since we already have the fake entrance up there it's time to put in the real one and where should I put it h let me ask Kane Kane where should I put the real entrance bubbles put it on my button in your button that's a perfect spot so let me just break out a few blocks like this and we'll cover it up with some ghost blocks so it's completely invisible wo that is so hidden thank you Kan for telling me to put it here but now we can go inside and start building our first first trap and from our first trap G is going to have to pick between two different levers the one on the green side of the room or the one on the blue side of the room if G decides to pull the lever on the green side it's going to spawn in a bunch of these ancient warriors that he's going to have to defeat with only this emerald sword over here let's just see how strong these Warriors are and oh my goodness they're doing so much damage to me ah I have no idea how G is going to be able to defeat them but I guess we're going to have to stick around to find out but anyways if G decides to pick the lever on the blue side it's actually going to activate this secret iron door just like this and then he'll be able to move on to the next part of the build for my next trap I'm going to be building a room where G is going to have to make another Super difficult decision G is going to have to decide if he wants to get across on the left side or on the right side on the left side over here he's going to have to swim through a whole bunch of hot lava and if he chooses the right side over here he's going to have to swim through this water and I know you might be thinking that water is obviously the right answer but in reality if G decides to swim in this water he's going to get absolutely wrecked oh my goodness it might look like regular water on the surface but it's actually some poisonous water and obviously you can't swim through the lava either so we're going to have to give g a secret way to get across for the secret way to get across I'm actually going to put a little hidden chest right here disguised as an emerald block in inside of the secret chest I'm actually going to put a little grappling hook if G's able to find this chest and get the grappling hook he can use it to easily get across to the other side let's go but just like that and our second trap is completed for the next obstacle that I'm going to build G is going to have to fight a super dangerous mob boss let me build out the room real quick and then we'll put down some iron bars to make sure that the mob doesn't escape there we go and now to help me spawn in this super insane mob boss click that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing and oh my goodness this guy looks absolutely terrifying I have no idea how G is going to be able to defeat this guy just to make this fight more fair we're going to give him a bunch of items in this chest right over here but it's going to be password protected let's just make the password 789 and we'll just fill it up with a bunch of emerald armor a shotgun and five golden apples this should definitely be enough for him to defeat this mob boss but we need to give him a way to figure out the code and I have just the perfect idea for that let's write the number seven into the wall just like this then put eight right over here and last but not least nine over on this wall leaving them out in the open is way too obvious so we're going to cover all these numbers with a whole bunch of paintings the only way that g is going to be able to find them is by breaking all these paintings there we go and looks like everything is covered up oh yeah looks like our boss fight room is completed but before moving on to building the next trap I want to go troll GE real quick and I have just the perfect idea for a troll so let me just fly up to the wall right here and break out a few blocks holy smokes we can see G building wo my cane build is looking so good I'm almost finished quick while he's not looking let's go in our inventory and grab an invisibility potion and now GE can't see us anymore now I can fly all the way up to him and he won't even notice a thing but I do want to set up a little prank for G to fall for so let me just place down an exit door with a pressure plate right over here then underneath this pressure plate we're actually going to put in some TNT fill it up real quick and now all we got to do is wait for G to fall for it nice my build is looking so good and wait a minute is that an exit door right over there guys he noticed it finally I can escape the stational circus Build Challenge let me just go up to this door right over here and wait a second it's not leading anywhere and what is that sound no way G just blew up and while he's busy respawning I'm just going to go in my inventory and grab a bazooka and then we can blow up his build quick run away run away wao that was so weird but at least I'm back in my build what the heck just happened no no no this can't be happening me my build my build oh my goodness G has no idea that it was me this is so bad and we only have 4 minutes to finish this up I got to be fast what did he say we only have 4 minutes I got to quickly get back to my build then let's go all right we got to do this quick for my next obstacle I'm going to be building the exit door from digital circus first let's make this room look like the digital circus tent there we go just like that and now we can place down the Forbidden exit door let's put down a sign on top that says Exit there we go and then we'll place down a blue door on this side the blue door is going to lead G to the next room but since he hates the color blue I know he's not going to pick it now that that's all set up we can start building the digital circus void we'll start off with some abstracted glitching blocks just like this and then we'll add this void block over it all and holy moly I feel like I'm going to be glitching out if I stand in here any longer get out get out I can't wait to see G's reaction when he walks through the exit door but just like that our digital circus tent room is completed let me move the blue door over here so it's easier for G to miss wait a second we only have 2 minutes left I got to quickly build this for my next trap G is's going to have to decide if he wants to jump down into the green slime or if he wants to jump down into the blue slime let's put the green slime on the left and the blue slime on the right and since blue is such a beautiful Majestic color it's going to be the correct answer and this nasty green is going to be the wrong one so let's go down and build a little trap first we're going to make him land safely in water so he's going to think he picked the right answer but as soon as he goes behind this door he's going to be met with a bunch of these Killer Robots and these guys do a ton of damage oh my goodness now that the Trap is set up we can jump down this blue slime safely and move on to building the last and final obstacle for the final trap G must pick if he wants the diamond treasure or the emerald treasure we'll put some signs down to lead him in the right direction obviously since green is the worst color between the two the emerald treasure is going to be the wrong answer so let's just put a trap chest at the end when G goes to open up this chest it's going to break the block right under him like this and he's going to fall down I think it'll be even funnier if he falls out a bunch of these super explosive mines let's just test if this works with the zombie and haha he exploded I can't wait to see G's reaction when he falls on these mines but now that we're done with the emerald treasure let's move on to building the diamond treasure if G decides to open up the chest on the correct Diamond side he's to find a chest f with emeralds and poisonous potatoes all of his favorite things let's fill it up all the way and just like that our cane build is completed oh wait perfect timing the timer just went off now let's go meet up with GE and check out each other's builds hey G hey bubbles now that the timer is up which build are we checking out first well since my build's obviously way better than yours we should check out mine okay G it's definitely not better than mine but I guess we could check yours out prepare to be a maze bubbles this is my awesome cane build and wo G this is actually not bad but why in the world is his suit green g uh because Kane loves the color green remember he definitely does not like green cuz it's the world's stinkiest color stinky uh don't you mean green is the most stunning astonishing amazing color in the entire world I don't even know what half of those words mean CH but how do I even get into this thing I'll give you a hint bubbles it's your favorite color my favorite color but there's just a whole bunch of green wait a second I think I see some blue right down there let me just click around and looks like I made it nice job bubbles you found it but now that you're inside the Anin you have to get past by super deadly dangerous lava parkour are you serious right now G this is the easiest parkour I've ever seen in my life uh no it's not bubbles this parkour is actually really hard see what the heck G you suck I could definitely complete this my first try all right then let's see it let me just quickly make these jumps just like this and look at that g I'm already done wait what how did he do that first try cuz I'm a level 10 parkour Pro fine I guess you are good at parkour so open up the door and get your prize let's go I could collect my prize already let me just just open up this chest and wait G there's literally nothing in here and what does that sound and why is there lava coming down ha are you serious right now G yes I'm serious right now you just fell for the fake entrance the fake entrance well then where's the real one hi in no bubbles you're just going to have to find it what the heck is it in his eyeball over here and nope nope is it in Kane's teeth right over here doesn't look like it nuh-uh G I can't find this real entrance can you please give me a hint I'll give you a hint bubbles but only under one condition and what condition is that everyone watching the video so like And subscribe right now like And subscribe quick guys I really want to find this real entrance so hit that like And subscribe button in three 2 1 thank you for subscribing Okay g they all liked and subscrib so now you have to tell me the hint wait what how did they do it so fast cuz they're super duper cool fine I mean they are really cool so I guess I'll show you the rections and I have no idea how you didn't see it cuz it's literally right inside of his elbow what in the world is lit literally out in the open how did I not find this but let me just open this door and walk right inside what the heck is this G welcome to the first room where you're going to have to choose between a blue button and a green button the blue and the green well I'm more interested in what's inside this chest so let me just grab whatever's inside looks like I got some armor and a wooden sword nice job bubbles but what button are you pressing um well since we already established that green is a stinky color I'm going to press this blue one all right so let's see and wait a second it's a slime and he's green too ew no wonder it smells in here come on come on just a few more hits and just like that I took out all the slimes G nice sh Bubbles and they even dropped these slime balls too what the heck stop throwing those at me please stop are you serious right now why are you scared of slime balls stop it e get those away from me fine bubbles I'll get those away from you if you press the green button okay okay let me just press this button and we can move to the next room good job Bubbles and now that you're in this room you're going to have to choose between the blue door and the Green Door are you serious right now G picking between blue and green again yep and are you finally going to choose the best answer once and for all I have a feeling you would make green the right answer but I got to stick with my gut G and go with blue and look at that G I was right there's a chest right over there nice so go pick it up then all right here I go and wait a second what the heck are you serious right now where those ghost blocks yep and now you have no choice but they choose the most bestest awesomest color in the entire world ah I should have just went with green in the first place all right G and looks like I made it to some weird park with a whole bunch of creepers Yep this parkour is weird all right it's literally the Ohio parkour what the Grimace is going on Ohio parkour are not I'm going to make it through it all right but let's see if you can make it to the end let's make these easy jumps at the start just like this and oh no I already fell stop I can't believe I fell there but I think I found a little shortcut for the parkour and what's that bubbles I can skip these jumps and jump right over here wait what that's cheating oh my goodness all those Ohio creepers are down there ready to blow me up I got to quickly make it through let me just jump on these ladders just like this and come on we did it oh yeah good job bubbles you didn't get blown up but now that you made it across you can make it to my super scary skeleton maze wo it looks like it's Halloween up in here but G this is not a maze it's so easy I'm already done with it wait what how in the world did he finish it that fast are you serious right now haha and now I can collect my prize and wait a second a shotgun with ammo that's not my prize yep because your prize is actually right here what the heck G I didn't even see that well let me just press this button and what the heck there's a bunch of cave spiders get them spiders get them come on I just got to use my shotgun I'm taking them out I'm taking them out and oh no I'm stuck in this web come on and I think I took them all out I'll give you that bubbles you didn't die but you still have to find a way out of here well that shouldn't be too hard let me just break out some of these blocks over here and what the heck there's literally nothing well there's definitely a way out of here bubbles you just got to think outside of the box wait a second I think I have an idea let me just break this button right over here and then we'll use it to open up this iron door over here nice shw bubbles you figured it out and now you can just keep walking across to make it to the next room oh yeah I'm the best and what the heck there's no way you just fell for that bubbles there's no way you put a trap there that's so mean but you know what since I'm 400 IQ I'm just going to jump on this bench right over here and make it over good job but you know you could have just jumped over right wait what uh I I definitely knew that I just wanted some extra style points yep yep yep let's go to the next G oh okay well you're locked in this room with over 100 buttons and only one of them is getting you out of here with 100 buttons this is going to take years to find but wait a second G why is there a red button over here it looks completely different from all the other ones isn't it so big red and shiny though you totally want to press it well now that you say that I'm having an urge to press it are you going to do it uh uh I can't take this anymore I'm just going to press it are you serious right now you just died and wait what the heck bubbles did you just poop uh I don't know what you're talking about G you're so Girls Bubbles but there's still 999 more buttons you have to press oh my goodness let me just start pressing a bunch of these buttons come on hold up wait a minute why is there a blue one right here wait a blue button oh I forgot I had to put the most stinkiest button in the entire world stinkiest button blue is literally the best color uh the best color let me see about that ew this thing totally stinks you suck G and blue is the best so I'm just going to press this button and why am I in the void there's no way you just died two times in a row bubbles and since you're having such a hard time I'll give you a hint yes please give me a hint the right button is the best color in the entire world oh my goodness G are you serious is there a green button in here somewhere let me just look around and no way there was a green button here the whole time yep there is don't you totally want to press it now well I guess I'm going to have to if I want to get my prize so let me just press this stinky green button and move on to the next level but wait G why is there so much green in this room I don't want to touch any of it cuz green is the best color ever um it's definitely not and I'm seriously not going to touch any of this green ew let me see if I can make it to the end without touching any of it come on just jump on this Cobblestone and holy moly I was really close to touching that green stop being so extra bubbles the exit's literally right over here G it's not that simple I really don't want to touch this nasty color come on let me just jump around this corner and I did it but G how am I supposed to get through the exit without touching green well I have a good idea bubbles you can just get off of this cauld and make it through oh no well if that's the only way then I guess I'll have to do it come on come on e e e e e e e e e oh my gosh you such a saucy Baka bubbles but now that you made it to the end you can choose between the blue treasure and the green treasure the blue and the green well I definitely don't want to be touching green again so I'm just going to go down the blue one all right so let's see what's inside it's probably some diamonds and wait what is happening there's no way you just fell for that bubbles what the heck G I just got eaten by a bunch of sharks yep and that only leaves you with one more option the green side E I don't want to touch screen again um well you're going to have to unless you don't want your treasure of course wait what no I want the treasure I want the treasure I'll do it I'll do it I'll do it come on let's see and it's a bunch of diamonds blue crystals and rotten flesh yummy yummy yummy wait what I didn't think you'd actually eat it m it's almost as good as the Grimace Shake I love the Grimace Shake but now that you went through my build can I please go through yours of course you can G let's go check it out let's go when can I turn around you can turn around in 3 2 1 turn around all right let me see and oh my gosh what the heck is this this is my beautiful and amazing cane build doesn't he look so cool he looks so big how in the world did you build this in 10 minutes because I'm the world's best Minecraft builder we'll see about that bubbles but how do I even get inside this thing I'll give you a hint G it's somewhere up maybe it's inside of his mouth and aaot there's a spring parkour at here looks like you found the entrance but can you make it past the parkour oh well obviously I'm a parkour Pro remember let's see let me just make this jump right here and then over there and then keep going come on come on come on and what the heck ha you just fell well I can explain this bubbles it was just the test run I'm totally going to make it this time well you better not fall again cuz you did say you're a professional and I made it let's go no way I guess second time was the charm I guess you can open up this chest and collect your prize collect my prize toless I'm just going to open up this chest real quick and wait a second what the heck is this you just got turned into stone bubbles I can't respond what the heck is this because you just got turned to stone by Medusa this is so unfair but wait a second bubbles is this a fake an yeah it is G I don't know how you fell for it oh my gosh I guess I have to find the real one now maybe it's inside of his hand and no nope or is it inside of his hat not even close I can't find this ancients anywhere can you please give me a hint nope I'm not going to tell you where it is G are you sure about that what the heck is that put that away I'll tell you where it is I'll tell you where it is let's go g I have no idea how you didn't find it it's right inside of Kane's button over here wait what a I should have known well now that you're inside are you going to pull the green lever or the blue lever let me think about this super carefully I'm going to pull the green lever let's go and wait a second what the heck are these these Warriors just spawned to destroy you g what the heck are they yapping about get out of here no way you're actually getting them all did you just run out get out of here what the heck you didn't even die y because I'm the best yes H whatever G I guess you're left to pull the blue lever whatever bubbles I guess I'll pull it and nice there we go welcome to the next obstacle are you going to swim across in the lava or swim across in the water the lava or the water well isn't this the easiest choice ever I'm going to go in the water let's go and wait a second what the you just fell from my trap haha G that's actually poisonous water oh my gosh are you serious right now wait a second this must be fake lava then right jump in and find out I'm so ready to jump in this is going to be just like a bubble bath let me make this jump right over here and let's go and wait a second you just died two times in a row wait what are you kidding me this room's literally impossible maybe there's another secret way to get across another secret way H let me look real quick are you going to find it come on just keep punching around and there we go oh there's a web hook launcher inside of here yep and you can use it to swing across all right so let me just put in this super cool mask first and then use this web hook launcher and I'm made it let's go good job G now you can open up this door and move on to the next level all right let me see what's inside and what the heck is that a mutant hoglin yep and you're going to have to fight him wait what with just my bare hands yeah obviously with what else wait what the are you serious right now I'm just messing with you g there's a bunch of gear that you can use in this chest all right so let me just open it up and oh my gosh what the g m there's literally a password yep I wasn't going to make it that easy for you I hid the password somewhere in this room and you're going to have to find it it somewhere in this room H let me see H well there are a bunch of paintings in here and wait a second is that Among Us yeah doesn't he look so sussy yeah I think that's literally a sussy impostor right over here I'm going to break it let's go and wait a second it just fell off the wall yep are you on to something G I think I am I'm going to break every single painting in this room let's go looks like you're figuring it out and wait a second the number eight that's one of the numbers in the code all right so let me break all of these paintings which reveals a seven oh so there must be one more number here then I'm going to break the rest of these paintings let's go and it shows the number nine I can't believe you actually figured that out but now you can put the code into the chest and collect your gear all right so let me just type in 7 8 n and oh my goodness we have an emerald armor a shotgun and some golden apples they're all for you wo don't it look so cool in this armor yep and you look ready for battle as well so the walls are dropping in three 2 1 fight all right bring it on mutant hoglin and what what the heck he did so much damage right over there he is super duper strong get him and wait a second I just died ha maybe I can use my shotgun against him come on get over here and wait a second did he just spawn a bunch of regular hogins what the heck and they're all after you oh no this is so bad these mobs are only in Ohio oh only in Ohio oh and it looks like you're doing a ton of damage to the hogin and I got him let's go nice job G you did it yeah I did and he even dropped this t right over here that's super duper cool but now you can open up this trap door and move on to the next level let's go and wait a second are we literally in the amazing digital circus right now G welcome to the amazing digital circus which door are you going to go in the exit door or this blue door the amazing exit door the ugly Blue Door uh well that's the easiest choice ever right I'm going to go in the exit door let's go and wait a second what in the Grim is happening to me oh no G just into the void he just died okay what the heck was that bubbles did you trap me in the void yeah I mean you did choose to go through the exit door and that's what's behind it fine so I guess I'll go in this blue door over here let me just open it up and nice nice G but now you're going to have to pick if you want to jump down the green slime or jump down the blue slime the green or the blue slime well obviously I'm going to go in the blue slime like I'm going in the green one let's go what the heck you scared me there I thought you were really going to go in the blue one well obviously not I'm going to open up this door and get my treasure let's go and wait a second what the heck is happening are these a bunch of Mecha robots what the heck yep and they're destroying you haha green was the wrong answer fine I guess I'll go down the blue slime but wait a second can't I literally just break this um that would be cheating G you have to jump through the Slime uh I don't think so bubbles I'm going to break it let's go what the heck whatever G welcome to the last and final obstacle are you going to choose the emerald treasure or the diamond treasure the emerald or the diamond wait what's with all these blue green questions nothing G just hurry up and pick this is the hardest decision of all time I'm going to go for the emerald treasure let's go nice all right so let me just open it up real quick and wait a second what the you just blew up ow ow ow I can't believe you just fell for that g the emerald treasure is obviously the wrong one does that mean I have to go through the diamond treasure yep if you want to collect your prize fine I guess I'll start walking this way and open up my treasure what's inside wao there's a bunch of emeralds and poisonous potatoes they're all for you g yummy yummy and my tummy tummy all right G now that we Chate each other's builds who do you think is better Well after going through both of our builds I think that mine is way better what the mine is way better really dude then who wins uh I guess we'll have to let the comments decide everyone comment who won this round but we still have a lot more rounds to go through before we see who wins this Build Challenge yep so why don't we hit this lever and figure out which character we're building next come on please be pomy it looks like we got Jacks Are you serious right now I guess that is still pretty good but we only have 10 minutes to build this so let's go my Jack is going to be better than yours now that g can't hear me anymore it's time to cheat so let me just go and chat type sl/ paste and oh my God our Jack build just spawned in we're so ahead of G right now but it's time to put in some traps and for my first trap I'm going to be making a fake entrance let me think where should I put it I know let's put it on the side of Jax's head right over here so let's just break out a few blocks like this then we'll place down some secret doors disguise his Emerald blocks to lure G over here but now let's go inside and start building the trap for the fake entrance I'm going to be tricking GE with the trail of emeralds that will lead him to a super deadly mob so let's just build out the room real quick and now we can start placing down a trail of emeralds all the way to the end of the room we'll put in some lasers here as well so it's not too suspicious there we go and at the very end when G goes to collect these two emeralds he's going to fall into a bunch of these ghost blocks let's just test if this works and look at that we just fall right through once G falls down here he's going to land on a bunch of cobwebs which is going to make it impossible for him to move by now G is probably already screaming his head off which is going to awaken this giant under Golem and wo he looks looks super duper powerful let's see if our trap works and we landed in the cobwebs and this Golem is destroying US ah I can't wait to see G reaction when he falls down here it's going to be hilarious but just like that our fake entrance is completed and before moving on to building the next trap I want to go check on G real quick to see how he's doing I secretly Place security cameras on the other side of the competition so let me just go in my camera Monitor and oh my gosh we can see G building all right just a few more blocks and there we go my Jack build looks so good what do you think of it Mr lettuce chicken a lettuce chicken what in the world is that you like it me too but little does bubbles know I'm going to be placing a bunch of traps in my entire build with this super secret treasure at the end oh no is that TNT and we only have 8 minutes left to build this so this is going to be perfect wait we only have 8 minutes left I got to quickly get back to my build all right since our fake entrance is already complete we got to put in the real entrance and let's make it super duper hidden let's look around and I think this spot right here is going to work perfectly so let's go ahead and replace these blocks with ghost blocks and wo you can't can't even tell that anything is there but now let's go inside and start building the first trap that g is going to have to get through and it's not going to be easy because it's going to be a pit full of deadly sharks so let's build a pit big enough so it's impossible to jump across and now we can start filling it up with water and a bunch of deadly sharks wow look at those hammerhead sharks and great white sharks G is going to be absolutely terrified just to prank him even harder let's put a fake lever right over here with a sign on top that says pull to get to other side but in reality when G pulls this lever he's going to get teleported directly into the pit of sharks ow ow ow G is going to be so mad when he falls for the prank but now that that's all set up we got to give G an actual way to get across let's put a hidden chest right over here disguise as a block of redstone in the chest he's going to find an ender pearl that he can use to teleport to the other side of the pit and just like that our shark pit obstacle is completed I'm curious if G is going to be smart enough to figure this out but now we can move on to building the next trap and in this room G is going to have to pick between two chests to open there's going to be one on the left and one on the right if G decides to open up this chest on the right it's going to spawn in this super dangerous praying mantis ah G is going to be terrified when he sees this praying mantis but if G gets it right and opens up the left chest he can get this lever and using that lever he can place it on this target block right here to open up this secret iron door let's just test if this works and let's go let's put down some ladders over here that he can climb to get to the next level for my third trap in my amazing Jax build I'm going to be making GE fight a super dangerous mob boss let's quickly build out the room and then we'll make a super secure prison so that the mob can't escape there we go and finally to help me spawn in the craziest mob boss you've ever seen in your life life click that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 oh my God look at that mutant wither skeleton let's quickly cover this up and I'm just going to go ahead and say it now I don't think G is going to be able to get past this level but just to help him out a little bit let's give him some gear to fight with we're going to be putting it all inside this password protected chest we'll make the password 1357 and let's just fill it up with a full set of emerald armor an emerald sword and five golden apples there we go and all his loot is ready the only way that g can figure out this code is by clicking one of these buttons on the wall and he'll have no idea which ones are good and which ones are bad but since blue is my favorite color and also the best color in the world we're going to make it the correct answer which leaves green and red to be the wrong ones pressing the big red button is just going to instantly pop G pressing the green button is going to teleport g into the cage with the mutant wither skeleton ah that was super duper scary it's going to be hilarious when G gets teleported into the cage with no gear at all finally if G is able to figure it out he can press this blue button and get the secret code just like that and our boss fight room is completed but before moving on into building the next trap I want to go troll GE real quick and I have just a perfect prank I secretly installed a morph mod that lets me change into anything so let me just open it up and we're going to be turning into GE no way we look exactly like him let me break out a few blocks in the wall just like this and we can see GE Building wao my Jack build is turning out so good I'm almost finished okay quick before we finish this building let's just fly up to him and troll him and wait a second what's that sound uh G oh W what the what uh I I'm the real G viz what are you doing here wait what wait no you're not the real G vids I'm the real G vids uh are you serious right now I'm the real G vids nuh that's such a lie but look at me I'm literally G vids but look at me I'm literally G vids wait a second is someone pulling my leg here well if you're the real GE vids then why don't we One V one and see who's real I'm down but I'm totally going to win because I'm the real GE remember what the heck I'm going to win cuz I'm the real G oh my gosh whatever Mr impostor but just remember we're going to use our fist only no cheating fist only okay uh well let me just grab something real quick uh wait a second what are you grabbing uh uh nothing don't worry about it let's just start the fight in three 2 1 go let's go I'm totally going to beat you and quick before he kills me let's just pull out the [Music] shotgun hey wait a second you just cheated get back here all right now that g is busy respawning we got to do this fast let's just go in my inventory and grab a bazooka and then let's blow up his build wait a second what was that sound and oh my gosh my build no no no no no get back here Mr impostor your build this is my build cuz I'm the real G uh no you're not you're literally a suy imposter get over here ah no get away from me get away from me you're too slow oh my gosh that was super duper weird someone just turned into an impostor and we only have 5 minutes left to finish this build I got to hurry up wait what we only have 5 minutes left let me just turn back to Bubbles real quick come on and let's go I got G really good with that prank but now we got to quickly build our next obstacle for this obstacle G is going to have to fly all the way to the top of this room with a jetpack and you might be thinking that's super easy and simple but not when I add a whole bunch of these super dangerous lasers so let's just start adding a bunch of these around the room and oh um I might have gone a little bit overboard with the lasers but I think it looks pretty good he's definitely going to have a hard time getting through these also just to make this even harder than it already is I'm going to place down some lava spikes at the bottom so that if he falls he's going to get burned let's quickly place down a chest and put a jetpack inside and just like that our jetpack laser room is completed wait a second we only have 2 minutes left we got to quickly finish this build for my next obstacle G is going to have to pick between two doors one's going to be safe and one's going to have a trap and just to make it look cool let's make this room look like the tent from digital circus there we go and now we can place on a blue door and a green door from what we learned earlier blue is the best color in the world so it's going to be the correct answer while green is going to be the wrong one so let's just start building a little trap on the other side of the green door we're going to make it out of emerald blocks so it looks just like a treasure room then we plac on a trap chest as the fake treasure chest when G goes to open up this chest it's going to spawn in a giant king kong that's going to destroy him holy this guy looks terrifying let's make sure he does enough damage and okay he definitely does enough damage I can't wait to see G get trolled by this fake treasure room but now that we're done building this trap we can move on to building our last and final one because it's the last and final room we're going to be building the real treasure room so let's just build an emerald slide and a diamond sign one fact that I know about GE is that he absolutely loves his emeralds which gives me the feeling that he's going to pick the emerald side so instead of his prize let's put a little trap here when G goes to collect his fake prize he's going to levitate through these ghost blocks right over here and Float right into these super sharp spikes Let's test this out so let me just open up the chest and we're floating and oh my goodness the spikes ow ow ow that was super duper scary but at least we know it works don't tell him but we're going to be giving him his favorite items in the game emeralds poisonous potatoes and green crystals let's just fill this chest up all the way and let's go just like that our digital circus Jacks build is completed and it looks like the timer is up as well so let's go meet up with G and check out each other's builds wee hey G hey bubbles now that we're done with our builds who's are we checking out first well since my build is the most awesome bestest build of all time we should totally check out mine uh G I think you're confused cuz mine is way better than yours oh really let me just peek over at your side and E that thing stinks what the heck G let's just save the best for last and check yours out right now all right bubbles prepare to be aaziz this is my awesome Jack build wo what the heck G this is actually pretty good oh wait a second G why in the world is his pocket green uh uh because ja loves the color green remember definitely not green is the worst color wait what are you serious right now what the heck that was not nice G but how in the world do I even get in your build I'll give you a hint bubbles it's your favorite block my favorite block so diamond blocks uh but there's no diamond blocks anywhere here keep looking bubbles I'm sure you'll find it let me just look a little bit closer and wait a second there's diamonds right down here let me try right clicking and looks like I'm in good job Bubbles and now that you're inside you're going to have to get past my super deadly dangerous laser obstacle course to get to your prize what the G these lasers look super painful but since I'm a pro I'm just going to Breeze through it just like this and wait a second G that was the easiest course I've ever been through wait what how did you get past it so fast because I'm a professional G all right whatever you say bubbles just open up this chest to get your prize wait I'm getting my prize already sounds good let me just open this up and wait a second what is happening what is happening ha ouch G were those spikes yep you just fell in my trap because this is the fs yeah I did realize that when there was absolutely nothing in the chest ha what the heck now I have to go find the real one I guess is it in Jax's ugly green pocket over here no nope is it in his hand right over here doesn't look like it not even close G where in the world is this real entrance I didn't know bubbles you're just going to have to find it uh G how about you give me a little hint a hint ah fine I guess I'll give you a hint but only under one condition yes and what condition is that everyone watching the video don't like And subscribe right now like And subscribe quick guys I really want to find this real entrance so hit that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing all right G they all liked and subscribed so now you to tell me where the entrance is wait what the heck how did they do it so fast cuz they're super duper cool yeah I guess they are and because of that I'm going to show you the real entrance let's go and I didn't know how you didn't find find the bubbles cuz it's literally right over here what the heck it was out in the open I should have seen it yeah but you didn't but now that we're here let's walk right on inside and wait a second G what in the world are those I put a bunch of kingers Behind These Bars and you're going to have to fight them I'm going to have to fight ker with what my bare hands yep what the heck G I'm just kidding bubbles I put a ton of items inside of this chest so just open it up oh pH I should have known you were trolling me let me just open this up and a password are you serious right now ha how am I supposed to get my stuff than G well I put two buttons inside of this room one of them might have the code and one of them might have something else special for you uh two buttons that means it's a 50/50 chance come on bubbles you got this come on left right left right left right left right uh right right I'm going right come on and wait a second G help me help there's no way you just fell for that bubbles but there's still one more button left so let's try clicking it I can't believe I'm so unlucky I picked the wrong one well let me just try pressing this one and ooh a piece of paper just fell down and it looks like it has the code on it let's go now let me just type in 5555 and nice I got a machine gun and some bullets ni shot Bubbles and now that you have all the items I'm going to drop the walls in three 2 1 fight charge wait I'm taking them out so fast G come on kers get them I got to eliminate them quick come on just one more and I got him nice job bubbles you got all the kers and now that you clear this room we can move on to the next section let's go we in this next room is going to be extremely difficult so get ready bubbles uh I'm a little bit scared but wait a second is this a parkour yep but it's not just any regular parkour there's a ton of lava spikes in the bottom wo that looks extra dangerous I better not fall then but to be completely honest with you g I'm actually a parkour professional I've been training for the past 500 years wait what the heck 500 years how is it even possible don't worry about that G it's possible for me now let me just do some calculations if I jump over there on this fence with a latitude of three and I wait what the heck's happening ha there's no way you just failed the first jump I think you're more of a parkour Noob bubbles uh uh because uh you must have made this slippery but I'm not going to waste any more time and I'm just going to Breeze through this let me just get around this ladder over here come on nice but can you make it to the end oh no I'm so close to the spikes I can feel their heat but I got this come on one more jump and I did it nice job bubbles I guess you're not that bad after all but now we can move on to the next section let's go and wait G what in the world is this well since the last stream was super duper difficult I decid to make this room easy you just got to walk through oh wait what G that's so nice of you let me just walk through wait uh g g g what's happening um why can't I walk through oh I didn't know bubbles I think you're lagging or something I mean it it does look like I'm lagging but you said it was easy why can't I get through it come on bubbles you just got to try harder come on come on what the heck G this is literally impossible I didn't know about that bubbles you just got to fix your Internet what the heck I have the fastest internet in the world so that's definitely not the issue there's got to be something else here that I'm missing and wait a second G do I see a trip wire over here uh a trip what I don't know what you're talking about I know exactly what you're doing G let me just break this trip wire and now I can walk through and wait a second there's a bunch of blazes everywhere what the heck come on bles get him oh no let me hide real quick and wait I can use the machine gun from earlier wait what the no I died come on let me just keep shooting these blazes come on the last one's over there and I got him nice job bubbles you made it through and now there's no more tricks left let's make it to the end let's go NG G what in the world is this bubbles are you going to go down the green hole the Blue Hole or the pink hole the green the blue or the pink well in this case I could care less about the colors let's just see what's at the bottom of each and wait a second it looks like at the bottom of the pink one there's some water it's definitely got to be the safe one so let me just jump down real quick and what the heck I died are you serious right now that literally look like water yep but there's still two more holes left so which one are you going down the blue or the green well I definitely don't want to go in the green one so I'm just going to jump down the blue one and wait a second why am I dying there's no way you just fell for that bubbles I put a bunch of poisonous water down there what the heck g e blue is supposed to be the right answer cuz it's the best color uh no it's not blue is the stinkiest color of all time what the I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that GE but I guess since green is the last hole I'm going to have to jump in it let's go come on and wait I'm actually safe yep cuz you chose the best color of all time never mind that G there's literally a sign right here that says press for prize are you sure you're going to press it bubbles I mean there is another button over here what the heck G can you not read it literally says press to get wrecked here and who wants to get wrecked uh probably you bubbles cuz you kept dying in all those traps what do you mean I barely even died in those traps and I'm about to get my prize by pressing this button what the heck is that zubu from digital circus get him zubu get him and how in the world did she get a bow all right zubu you're going to go down come on come on come on and what the heck it's all right bubble bu try to let me just keep punching her real quick and I got her nice job bubbles but wait a second why is there poop over here ew what the G did you poop uh no I think that was totally you oh well whoever smelt it dealt it oh my gosh that's so not fair Bubbles and you know what there's still one more button over here so let's see if you press it what the heck I don't want to get wrecked but I guess if it's the only button left I'll press it wait I just teleported to the Next Room nice job Bubbles and now you have only one more decision left are you going to choose the blue treasure or the green treasure the blue or the green well G you're literally asking me if I'm picking the beautiful color or the nasty color and I definitely want the beautiful one all right suit yourself bubbles let's see what's inside let me just open it up and I'm in the void are you serious right now that was not nice well there's still one more treasure left the green treasure ew since it's the last one I guess I'll go for it then let me open up the chest and wo a bunch of diamonds and rotten flesh but what does that sound a haha what the heck G how did I just get blown up there's no way you just fell for that bubbles and now this is your real prize ew is that dirt get that away from me I think I'm still the real winner here because I still got some rotten flesh yummy yummy yummy e why are you eating that get out of here wait G now that I've seen your build do you want to check out mine of course bubbles let's goe when can I turn around you can turn around in three 2 1 turn around all right let me turn around and oh my my gosh how in the world did you build this in 10 minutes what do you mean cuz I'm the world's best Minecraft builder yeah I don't know about that bubbles but this build is massive how in the world do I even get inside I'll give you a hint G it's your favorite color my favorite color is so green h i got to be on the lookout for this then cuz I don't see any green around here you got to look a little bit closer come on where is it oh it's on the side of his head nice let me just try clicking on it and there we go welcome to the first obstacle where you're going to have to follow this trail of emeralds if you want them all these trail of emeralds will say less I'm going to collect every single one let me just jump over this laser and nice wo you're speedr running it GE of course I'm speedr running it this course is easy peasy how in the world did you get through this laser so fast cuz I had to collect the emeralds obviously and there's still two more left so I'm going to go get them let's go and wait a second what the what ha you just fell down and got killed by the Ender Golem ah are you serious anyo bubbles does that mean I can't get the emeralds nope you can't because this is the fake entrance oh my gosh where in the world is the real one then you got to go look for it maybe it's inside of his eye and no nope or maybe it's inside of his hand and oh my gosh no no no bubbles I can't find the sance anywhere can you please give me a hint fine I'll give you a psych I'm not giving you any hints G ha wait what are you sure about that oh wao what the heck is that g put it away I'll tell you where it is let's go I made it super duper hidden right on Jackson hip over here wait what that's totally impossible to find I know I'm literally the best hider in the world but now that you're inside welcome to my shark pit room you're going to have to try and find a way to get across oh no these sharks look super scary yep and they're super duper hungry as well well there's got to be a way to get out of here and wait a second there's a lever over here that says pull to get to the other side I'm definitely going to pull it let's go and wait a second what the heck haha you just got teleported into the pit ow ow ow I can't believe you just fell for that G I would never make it that easy for you are you serious Ral bubbles this room is literally impossible come on CH don't give up that easily you just got to think outside the box you're right bubbles Never Back Down never give up maybe there's something else around this room come on I just got to keep looking and wait this redstone block looks really Saucy what if I just try right clicking on it and wo there's an ender pearl no way you actually figured it out all right so if my calculations are correct I can use my ender pearl to get to the other side let's see if you can land it all right I just got to run super careful fully MLG and I made it no way that was so sick GE but now that you made it across you can open up this door and move to the next room and wait a second what the heck is this in this room you're going to have to pick if you want to open up the left chest or the right chest the left or the right chest well H since left is left and right is right I'm going to open the right chest let's go and wait a second what the heck is this you just spawn in a pranking mantis am I getting eaten alive wait what get over here praying mantis looks like you got rid of the praying mantis but I can't believe you picked the wrong chest G well wasn't that bad after all I got another Emerald there's going to be a lot more waiting for you after these traps so just open up this chest and move on to the next room all right so let me just open up this chest and nice there's a lever inside of here yep and what are you going to do with it well hm this target block looks different from all the other blocks so I'm going to place it here let's go nice you figured it out but oh no is that a mut Wither Skeleton yep look at this two massive swords and you're going to have to fight him wait what how am I supposed to beat him well I figured you would ask that because he he is way stronger than you so I put a bunch of items in this chest right over here oh pH so let me just open it up and wait a second are you serious right now why is there a password the only way to figure out the password is by playing button roulette with these buttons over here button roulette that sounds kind of scary but oh there's a big red button over here I'm going to press it and wait a second what the why would you press the red one it's obviously going to be bad well cuz it was big and shiny I had to press it what the heck well out of these last two buttons which one are you going to press h well I event SP between the stinky blue button and the Beautiful big green button over here so I'm going to press the green button let's go and wait a second what the heck you just got teleported in ah gee there's no way you press the green one to it's a nasty color as well that's totally not true but does that mean I have to press the blue button yep the beautiful luscious blue button oh no I don't want to press it what the heck G but it's the last one left oh my gosh okay for grimas and wait a second second it just dropped a code yep that's the code to the chest nice so let me just type in 1357 and wo there's a bunch of emerald armor an emerald sword and a golden apple dang G you're looking super cool yep I'm so ready to fight now Wither Skeleton bring it on the cage is dropping in three 2 1 fight come on come on come on and wait a second what the heck no way you already died it's all right try to he looks like he's doing so much damage to you G I think I got to eat my golden apple real quick can you get him come on just a few more hits and I got him wo you just completely destroyed him yep and he even dropped his head right over here ew that's gross G throw that away ha but now that you defeated the mutant with the skeleton you can open up this door and move on to the next obstacle and wait a second what the heck is this welcome to my laser jetpack room you're going to have to grab the jetpack from that chest and fly it all the way up to the door your laser obstacle course and ow ow ow what the heck G how did you die from the laser already these lasers are no joke I got to be super duper careful but hold on wait a minute I'm going to open up this chest real quick and there's a jetpack let's go that jetpack looks super cool on you but can you fly it I think so let me just turn it on real quick and nice wo you're actually making it through come on I just got to be really careful you got this and wait a second it's going too fast I'm losing control what the heck ah G you were so close to getting to the exit how did you lose control I don't know bubbles but I got this come on you got it you got it and I did it oh yeah g welcome to the digital circus tent room where you're going to have to pick which exit door you're going to go through the blue one or the green one The Blue Door The Green Door that's the easiest choice in my life I'm going to go through the Green Door let's go and wait a second bubbles is this a treasure yep you made the good decision and now you can get your prize let's go this is super duper awesome and wait a second what the heck you just got crushed by King Kong get out of here ha G you just picked the wrong door that was super duper scary bubbles but wait does that mean I have to go through the blue door yep you should be happy doing that cuz it's the best color in the world uh hold on let me just smell this door real quick ew I don't want to go inside this what the heck G it literally smells amazing wo that smells so good what are you talking about oh my gosh I don't know what you're talking about but wait I have an idea uh what is your idea G I'm going to break some walls in the digital circus over here hey what are you doing and then use that to build over the door let's go what the heck G that's literally cheating but I guess I'll let you go through and now that you finally picked the right door you can choose your prize the emerald treasure or the diamond treasure the emerald or the diamond treasure I'm going to choose the diamond side sink we're going to the emerald you had me confused there for a second G cuz you always pick the emerald one yeah cuz Emerald's the best block in the world and now that I chose the right side I'm going to open up my prize let's go and wait a second why is it empty and why I levitating G where are you going ha you just got wrecked by some spikes that's so not fair bubbles do does that mean I have to actually go in the diamond side yep because it's literally the best G all right whatever you say bubbles I'm going to open up this diamond chest over here and wo there's a bunch of emeralds green crystals and poisonous potatoes yep all your favorite things let's go all right now that we went through each other's builds I think that my Jack was way better that's so capat bubbles but guys keep watching to see who wins this build challenge but we still have a lot more rounds to go through so why don't we flick this lever all right come on let's see who we get it looks like we got pom let's go pomy is the best but we only have 10 minutes to build our pomy so let's go go go go now that g can't hear him anymore it's time to cheat so let me just go and chat type sl/ draw and look at that we just got some super cool painting materials let's not waste any more time and get started on our pomy to make the perfect pomy we're going to have to start with her red and blue shoes just like this and obviously draw her some legs there we go these legs are looking pretty good to me with the drawing of the legs completed it should have turned into a build and look at that this is so cool we have pom's legs right over over there now that we got the legs it's time to draw the body we're going to have it half blue and half red just like this with the buttons and collar on top let's not forget the arms either pomy would look a little bit weird if she didn't have any arms so let's just finish this up real quick just like that we finished painting her body and I hope it looks good in the build let's check it out real quick and wait a second this looks absolutely amazing this is working out way better than I thought and now we only have the head left so let's quickly get back into the slash slash draw and start drawing the face let's draw her wide eyes with the red and blue pupils give her a mouth and a little bit of blush right under her eyes and obviously we can't forget her hair and her ginormous clown hat quickly add some finishing touches and there we go our pomy drawing is completed which also means that the build should be two wo we're so ahead of G right now but it's time to put in some traps and for my first trap I'm going to be making a fake entrance where should we put it h i know let's put it right in between pom's butttons over here so let me just break out a few blocks and replace them with doors disguises Ander blocks to lead G over here let's head inside and start building our trap for the fake entrance I'm going to to be making G cross some super dangerous Bridges so let's build the bridges out like this then underneath these Bridges we're just going to spawn in a bunch of these deadly sharks holy moly look how scary they look to make this even more difficult we're going to replace some blocks on this left bridge into ghost blocks so now when G goes to cross this bridge he's just going to fall into the pit of sharks and ah they're eating me alive ow ow ow I can't wait to see G fall for this trap but if G is able to make it across on the safe Bridge he's going to be met with something that he's going to think is his prize in reality though it's going to be a trap when he opens up the chest is going to spawn in a Charged Creeper and boom he's going to get exploded and just like that our fake entrance is completed but before moving on to building the next trap I want to go check on G to see how he's doing I secretly Place security cameras on the other side of the competition so let me just go inside my camera Monitor and holy smokes we can see G building his palom KN all right just a few more blocks and there we go my palom knee looks so good what do you think of it Sonic Sonic why is G talking to Sonic wait why are you running away get over here what the G is going crazy CRA but little does bubbles know I'm going to fill my entire pomni with a bunch of traps with this super secret treasure at the end TNT oh no and we only have 8 minutes left so this is going to be perfect wait a second we only have 8 minutes left I got to quickly go back to my build done and since we already finished the fake entrance it's time to put in the real one to make it super hidden let's put it right inside of pom's eye with some ghost blocks as the entrance this way G won't even be able to tell that anything's there but now let's go inside and start building our first official trap for my first trap I'm going to make G pick between two levers one is going to be deadly and one is going to be safe let's first build out the room and then we'll place a lever down on the right side and one on the left side if G decides to pull the lever on the left it's going to spawn in a hostile pomy that's going to take him down ow ow ow make sure to stick around to see if pomy can take GE down but if GE picks the lever on the right he's going to be able to get the code to this password protected door let's see if this works and look at that we got the paper with the code on it let's type it in real quick and now we can move on to building our next trap for the next trap G is going to have to fight a massive evil dinosaur we're going to have to make this room super tall just to be able to to spawn him in and we're also going to have to use some reinforced iron bars just so that he doesn't escape this should be safe enough now so it's time to spawn in the evil dinosaur to help me Spawn it in you have to hit that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing and oh my goodness this thing is terrifying we got to quickly cover this cage up and okay we should be safe from it now to be completely honest I have no idea how G is going to be able to defeat this thing but to make it a little bit more fair let's give him some gear to fight with to earn all his items he's going to have to find three chests hidden around the room let's put the first one right above the entrance where he's least likely to look and we'll put in a dragon scale helmet and a dragon scale chest plate the second chest is going to be even more difficult to find because it's going to be right inside of this wall behind some very large paintings this chest is going to hold the dragon scale leggings and the dragon scale boots let's cover this up and where should we put the last and final chest o I know let's disguise it as an iron bar this might look like a regular iron bar from the outside but if you right click it it's actually a secret chest and inside we'll give him a fairy sword and five golden apples just like that our evil dinosaur fight room is completed make sure to stick around to see who wins between GE and this massive dinosaur but for now let's move on to building the next trap for my next obstacle inside my pomy build I'm going to make G maneuver through some lasers and lava on a motorcycle so let's go ahead and build out the hallway first and now we can start setting up some lava and some lasers we're going to make it super hard to maneuver through just adding some more lasers and lava there we go and our laser lava course is completed let's actually try this out to see if it's hard enough let me just start driving forward slowly and oh my goodness we're already on fire and what the heck ah all right so I guess it definitely is hard enough I have a super cool idea for my next trap but before moving on to building it I want to go troll G and I have just a perfect prank so let me just fly up to this chest right over here and we could grab a pomy spawn egg and a potion of invisibility now that we have our items let's break out a few blocks in the wall just like this and oh my goodness we can see GE Building my pomy is turning out so good I'm almost finished okay quick before G finishes let's Splash this invisibility potion on ourselves and then fly straight over to him and look at that guys he has no idea I'm right behind him let's not waste any more time and let's start spawning in all of these pomes wait a second what's hitting me in oh my gosh are these a bunch of pomes they're chasing him get out of here why are you attacking me come on let's see if the pomes can get G oh no I'm only on half a heart maybe this TNT will do something what the where did he get that TNT come on maybe I can trap them and oh no I just died ha it didn't even work okay quick while G is busy respawning let's go in our inventory real quick quick and grab this bazooka and then let's blow up his build run away run away wao that was so weird I didn't know where all those pom newes came from but wait a second and what the heck happened to my build guys he noticed it there's an explosion in the middle of the ground wait what happened he has no idea that it was me this is terrible and we only have 5 minutes left to finish this this is so bad wait what we only have 5 minutes left I got to quickly get back to my build done cover this up real quick and let's go all right we got to build this fast for this trap I'm going to be making a find the button with a Twist The Twist is that every single one of these buttons is actually just going to destroy him let's just go ahead and try some of these out and it looks like it seems to all be working we're also going to be putting down a special green button and a special Blue Button since green is just such a nasty color if he presses it it's going to spawn in this poison his cave spider and G hates spiders so it's going to be hilarious to see his reaction and since blue is the best color in the world it's going to automatically teleport him to the next room for my next obstacle G is going to have to walk across a tight RPP above a bunch of spikes let's finish up the room and now we can add a whole bunch of different types of spikes put the last two over there and wo this actually looks super sick let's go ahead and make the tight rope out of these super thin iron bars it's going to be extremely difficult for G to keep his balance on these looking good just to make this even more difficult I'm going to spot in some skeletons into the walls that can knock him down with arrows there we go let's go ahead and check if they would actually knock him down and looks like they do ow the only way that g can actually make it across without getting knocked down by the skeletons is by finding this secret hidden chest right over here there's going to be a shield inside of this chest that he can use to protect himself from the arrows but just like that my spikes tight rope room is completed wait a second we only have 1 minute left we got to quickly build our last trap for the last and final obstacle G is going to have to pick if he wants the emerald treasure or the diamond treasure let's build out the hallways first and then we'll place a chest at the end of each one of them there we go and we already know that because diamonds are better than emeralds the emerald chest is going to be a trap if G decides to open up this trap chest it's going to activate this Redstone signal connected all the way to this dispenser inside of this dispenser it's going to be filled with a whole bunch of poisonous water let's make sure it works by opening up this chest and look at that the poisonous water is Flowing down ah let's hide the dispenser with some Vines like this and now we can move on to the diamond side this side being the correct side the chest is going to be filled with a bunch of emeralds poisonous potatoes and green crystals some of ge's Favorite Things fill up the chest real quick and let's go our pomy build is completed o the timer just went off as well that was super duper close but now let's go meet up with G and check out each other's builds hey G hey bubbles now that we're done with our builds which one are we checking out first I think we should check out your build psych mine is way better what the heck fine let's save the best for last then the best for last why don't we check out the best right now check out my pomy build what the heck this is actually not bad but where in the world are her legs uh uh pomni doesn't have legs remember uh she definitely does or she wouldn't be able to walk around but how in the world do I even get in this build I'll give you a hint bubbles it's your favorite color my favorite color blue but there's so much blue everywhere but my favorite color isn't dark blue it's light blue and I see some right over here nice but what happens if you walk through let me try it out and looks like I made it inside nice shot bubbles but now that you're inside you're going to have to choose between the blue roller coaster and the green roller coaster the blue mine cart or the green mine cart well since it's been established that blue is my favorite color I'm obviously going to choose the blue all right so let's see what's inside come on it's got to be something good and are you serious right now are these lava spikes ow what the heck man blue is supposed to be the right answer yeah I didn't know about that bubble blue is super stinky so you should go in the green mine cart the real stinky color is green what do you mean G I don't know what you're talking about bubbles just go in the green mine cart already I mean it is the only option left so I guess I'll do it all right so let's see what's inside come on it better be something good this time and wait a second why are there so many zombies are you serious r l g both of them suck is this the fake entrance there's no way you just fell for that bubbles this is the fake entrance what the heck well I guess I got to go find the real one then is it in pom's hat over here nope nope then it's got to be in her face right over here what the not even close G where in the world is the real entrance the real entrance hm are you sure I should tell you yeah come on just give me a hint give me a hint fine I guess I'll give you a hint but only under one condition and what condition is that everyone watching the video don't like And subscribe right now like And subscribe quick guys I really want to find this real entrance so hit that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing all right G they all liked And subscribe so tell me where it is now fine I guess I'll show you bubbles just follow me what the heck it was here the whole time yep I have no idea how you didn't find it but if you just walk right through you can make it inside wait a second G are these a bunch of lasers Yep this is my laser obstacle course and if you want to make it to the end you have to go all the way through well to be honest G these lasers don't even look like they hurt so I'm just going to walk right through and ow oh my goodness that actually hurts so bad I guess I really have to be careful yep and if you get hit by too many lasers then you're going to die oh no well I'm already low so I better get started and come on let me just make it through here and I think the right side is a dead end so I'm going to go through the left good choice bubbles but can you make it to the end I definitely can G cuz I'm a professional and shoot the spikes are actually doing a lot of damage to me you got this bubbles come on let me try making this jump over here and holy I'm at one heart G let me just maneuver this way and this is so scary wait G why is there a chest over here Hide to no bubbles you should open it up and see what's inside let me open it up and let's go a golden Apple now I'll be healthy enough to get through the rest of this obstacle let me carefully jump over this chest and we got one more jump bubbles come on I'm not a chicken I'm just going to do it let's go oo that was really scary but GE what in the world is that these are some mutant skeletons and you're going to have to fight them I'm going to have to fight them with what my bare hands yep what the heck how am I supposed to do that I'm just kidding bubbles I had five items around this room and you're going to have to find it five items around this room but I don't even see anything I guess I'll start by looking through these barrels over here come on come on and wait I just found some diamond leggings let's go but there's still four more chests left all right well let me just keep looking around and I just found another one in this corner oh yeah Diamond Helmet nice and these buttons on the wall must do something so let me just try pressing all of them and ooh I just found another chest grab that diamond chest plate and I'm looking so geared up nice job bubbles but there's still two more items left let me try to keep looking through these barrels come on there's got to be something in one of these and look at that I just found my weapon a saw sword yep I heard the skeletons hate those it looks kind of weak but I'll Trust you ge now where is this last item I've been looking everywhere and I can't find it I'm sure you'll find that bubbles you just got to think outside of the box H let me just look at the details of the room and wait a second this block looks different from all the other ones let me try stepping on it and wao what the I knew there was something suspicious about that block now I can open up this chest and grab my final piece of armor looks like you found it bubbles but now that you have all your gear the walls are going to open in 3 2 1 let's go what the these mutant skeletons are doing so much damage to me already come on let me just keep fighting him and no I died come on I just got to stay persistent and look at that bubbles that skeleton's already bleeding well that must mean he's almost defeated let me just hit him a few more times just like this come on come on and let's go I got one of them now there's only one more left and I'm feeling myself so let me just hit him like this you got this bubbles I think I'm about to win G and I did it let's go you got the skeletons and now that you defeated them you can make it on to the next section sounds good but you what in the world is this you're going to have to choose between the left water slide and the right water slide H the left water slide or the right one well the right is right so it's got to be the right one let me just grab this boat from the chest and let's see where this takes us come on we're flowing down and wait what is happening what in the world G was that a whole bunch of sharks yep and they just ate you alive are you serious Ria well I guess that leaves me with the left side then so let me just grab the boat from this chest right here and let's see where this left stream takes us come on let's see and wait I think I just made it to the next room good job bubbles man now that you made it down my water slide you can open up this chest and see what's inside ooh is it going to be my prize let me try opening it and there's a lever inside but why are there so many mobs everywhere ha get them mobs get them come on I just got to fight them off I died what the heck G where did all these mobs come from and my sword broke too so I just got to finish off these Mobs with my hands you got this bubble it's only one mob left come here skeleton don't be shooting your arrows at me anymore can you get him I think I got him G let's let's go ni JW bubbles but wait a second why is there poop here uh uh it must have been one of the mobs G it must have been one of the mobs I don't know about that bubbles I think it was you are you serious right now I don't know what you're talking about G it was definitely that skeleton because I was destroying him so hard yeah whatever you say bubbles but now that you took out all the mobs you have to find a way out of here you're right well I did get a lever earlier so it must be to open up this iron door over here let me just place it down and there we go good job bubbles but now you have to get through my ultra difficult Spring Park G I do have to let you know I'm a parkour professional so this is going to be easy peasy lemon squeezy whatever you say bubbles I made this parkour extremely difficult so there's no way you're getting past this well we'll just wait and see let me just make this first jump right over here and look at that GE I'm breezing through this like it's nothing wait what but how I told you man I'm a parkour professional and wait a second oh oh oh no ow ow ow there we go that wasn't my fault those fences were just extra slippery for some reason yeah yeah whatever you say but can you make it to the end well I definitely can let me just bounce on the spring and look at that I made it good job bubbles but now that you're at the end you have the most important question of your life are you going to choose the blue treasure or the green treasure the blue treasure or the green well let me just use my big brain 400 IQ calculating and it's telling me that the blue is the right one all right so what happens if you open it what do you mean it's obviously going to have my prize inside and what the heck I'm in the void I there's no way you just fell for that bubbles and now you only have one more option left the green treasure what the heck I hate the green treasure but I guess I'll have to take it let me just open up this chest and wait a second a bunch of diamonds rotten flesh and golden apples it wasn't so bad after all yummy yummy yummy wait why why are you actually eating it get out of here gee now that I've seen your build do you want to check out mine of course bubbles let's go wee when can I turn around you can turn around in 3 2 1 turn around all right so let me see in oh my God squash how in the world did you build this in 10 minutes because I'm just a pro Builder don't you love my absolutely amazing pomy this is amazing bubbles this might just be too amazing how in the world did he build this I told you G I just got some super high level skills I don't know about that bubbles but your build's absolutely massive how do I even get inside this thing I'll give you a hint G it's your favorite color my favorite color is so green h let me look super duper carefully and maybe I'll find some green around here and aha I just found it nice nice let me just open these up real quick and there we go welcome to the first obstacle you're going to have to pick if you want to go on the Left Bridge or the right Bridge the left or the right well H right definitely means right so I'm going to go on the Left Bridge let's go and wait a second what the haha you just fell into a pit of sharks ow ow ow I'm getting eaten alive I can't believe you just fell for that g was that a bunch of ghost blocks that's no fair bubbles yep and now your only option is the right Bridge all right I guess I have to take this super duper slow and steady please don't eat me Mr sharks ah G that was the safe fridge you had nothing to worry about but now that you made it across you could collect your prize wait I can get my prize already that was super duper easy let me just open this up and wait a second what the heck you just got blown up by a charge creeper wait what the so is this a fake entrance yep which means that you have to go find the real one oh my gosh I'm serious right now maybe it's inside of her hand and no nope or maybe it could be inside of her shoulder and oh my not even close I can't find the sance anywhere can you please give me a hint H I'm not going to give you a hint G are you sure about that bubbles I think you do want to give me a hint what in the world G please put that away ah what the heck I'll tell you where it is let's go I don't know how you couldn't find the G it's right inside of pne's eye wait what the I could have totally found this are you serious right now well you didn't and now that you made it inside are you going to pull the right lever or the left lever the left or the right lever well H I totally learned my lesson from last time since the right one was right last time I'm going to pull the left one let's go and wait a second is that a pomy ha aomy just spawned in on you get out of here I have to reach the exit door and what the there's a password H pomy get him get him maybe I can push her outside of the exit come on come on come on and I got her let's go what the heck how did you even survive that cuz I'm built different bubbles but now that I pulled the left lever I'm going to pull the right one let's go and it looks like a piece of paper popped out let me just pick it up and it says 9876 oh I think that must be the password so let me just type in 9876 and we made it let's go you did it g yep but wait a second is that IM mutant dinosaur yep it's super duper powerful and you're going to have to fight it wait what the but there's only one chest over here yep and that's all you get wait what really dude I'm just kidding G other than that chest over there there's two more hidden around the room so there's three chests in total got it let me open up this chest right over here and I got this dragon scale helmet and a dragon scale chest plate wo you're already looking so cool but can you find the other two chests I'm sure I can wait a second is this another Among Us painting yep G isn't it so sussy yep maybe this one's the impostor get out of here and wait a second maybe I can punct all these paintings to get off of the wall looks like you figured it out all right so let me just punch all these paintings right over here and I found it let's go check what's inside and we got the rest of the dragon scale armor now that you completed your armor set you're going to need a weapon which is in the last chest that you didn't find yet yeah that's so cute so where in the world is this chest maybe if I just punch all around this room right over here come on come on come on and I found it let's go no way and we got a fairy sword and some golden apples that's super duper cool and seeing that you're ready for battle now the cage is going to open up in three 2 one fight come over here mutant dinosaur you're going to go down what the what are all these things on the ground he's spawning in wither skeletons too oh no are these a bunch of Ohio mobs haha you died it's okay bubbles I already got the dinosaur so now I just have to get all these skeletons come on just one more hit and I got him nice and look he even dropped this head down e that's super gross but now that you defeated the dinosaur from Ohio you can open up that door to move to the next room let's go let's see what's inside and wao is that a motorcycle yep and you're going to have to carefully maneuver it through these lasers in lava well lucky for me cuz I'm a driving Pro let me just use this motorcycle really quick come on come on come on can you do it I think I can bubbles I already see the door right over here let's go and wait a second what the no way you died now you're going to have to start from the very beginning again are you serious raino bubbles will good for me cuz this course looks easy peasy let's see if you can make it through safely This Time come on and ow I just got on fire you're literally on fire G but you did make it through let's go and hopefully I don't burn the death and it looks like you didn't welcome to the next obstacle where you're going to have to find the button find the button but there's so many yep so you better get started all right so let me just press all these buttons and really dude what the heck what the heck how'd you die already oh this room is super rigged and really dude are you serious no way you just died again come on surely this button has to do it oh my gosh does every single button in this room kill you uh that could be a possibility G all right so if this next button kills me everyone let don't like And subscribe well let's see if it does yeah well there's no way that's happening so let me just press it and what the Grimace are you kidding me ha I guess everyone has to like And subscribe now yeah yeah whatever bubbles but wait a second is that a green button right over here yep doesn't it look so pressable oh yeah yeah it definitely does I'm going to press it now and wait a second what the it just spawned in a cave spider E I hate spiders get out of here get him get him and I got him let's go I have no idea how you survived that cave spider attack but at least you know the green one is wrong fine I guess the green one is wrong but wait why is there a stinky blue button right next to it what do you mean stinky it's the best color in the world the best color in the world I don't know I don't want to press it come on G stop being a chicken and just press it no no no no no I can't do it I can't do it are you serious right now G do you want your prize or not fine I guess that is true but wait a second I have an idea uh what is that I'm going to break this button right over here and I'm also going to break the green button no no no G I know what you're going to do don't do it so if I place the green button right over here and press it let's go I made it what the heck that was cheating I call that thinking outside of the box but wa wait a second what even is this room whatever I guess I'll let you through but this room this room is a tight rope and you're going to have to walk across it without falling into the spikes a tight rope well that sounds easy peasy I'm just going to walk through and make it across let's go and what the ha you just got shot by a skeleton are you serious raino maybe this is going to be a bit harder than I thought come on let me just take it really slow and are you serious righto ow ow ow G it's not as easy as you think these skeletons on the side are just going to knock you down into the spikes well maybe I can fight the skeletons come on get over here I don't know if that's a good idea G come on surely I can hit him a few more times and oh my gosh are you kidding me not again G you've died like three times in a row you better find another way to get across maybe there's something hidden across this room come on come on come on let me just look super carefully and aha there's a chest right here yep and there's a shield right inside oh so I can use the shield against the arrows yep now you can make it across without getting knocked off all right this is definitely the way across come on come on come on and look at that they can't even hit you yep but there's still one more skeleton left maybe I can just jump across and I made it good job G I didn't think you would actually figure that out but now we can open up this door and move on to the last and final obstacle wait is this my treasure yep but you're going to have to pick if you want the diamond treasure or the emerald treasure the diamond or the emerald treasure well hm I already know what my favorite block is so I'm going to go through the emerald treasure let's go all right well let's see what's inside the chest all right so let me open it up and wait a second there's nothing in here and ow ow ow haha you just fell from my trap was that had a bunch of poisonous water wait what was that yep when you open up the chest it activated some Redstone to this dispenser I don't know we had Yap sanal over here but I guess that means I have to go in the blue treasure I mean it is your only option left so let me just open it up and oh my gosh we have a bunch of emerald poisonous potatoes and green crystals Yep they're all for you yummy yummy yummy e put those away you want some bubbles no I don't no I don't get those away from me wait what the all right G out of those two pomes mine was definitely better H I guess yours was kind of good but I'm definitely still going to win this Build Challenge I don't know about that one but let's see what character we get next come on and looks like we got kmo oh no isn't kmo the one that got abstracted what the heck G get back here we're not building the abstracted version we're building the clown oh good thing bubbles that's our relaf and we only have 10 minutes to build this so let's go I'm going to win now that g can't hear me anymore it's time to cheat so let me just go and chant type sl/ paste and oh my God our cmob build just spawn in we're so ahead of G right now but it's time to put in some traps and for my first trap I'm going to be making a fake entrance and where should I put it h h let's put it right inside of kau's eye right over here let's go ahead and make the entrance out of ghost blocks this guy say Emerald blocks Emerald blocks or G's favorite so this is definitely going to lure him into our trap but now that we have the entrance set up we can start building our actual trap let's start by building a room out just like this and I'm going to be making a super deadly laser lava course so this is going to look super cool let's go ahead and start placing down these lasers and just to show you how dangerous these lasers can be I'm going to spot in this kinger and look at that he's already dead they're extremely powerful so we might as well call them the sigma lasers let's just put down a few more of these Sigma lasers and look at that our course is already looking super cool to make this course even more difficult we're also going to add in some lava right over here now that we're done with the main part of this room we can give G his prize at the very end and I think it would be hilarious if we gave G A Grimace Shake as his prize g is going to think it's a normal Grimace Shake but when he goes to drink it he's going to start levitating into these spikes up here and he's not going to be able to do anything to stop it let's test if this works by drinking the Grimace Shake come on come on and look at that we're floating and wait the spikes that was super duper scary make sure to stick around to see G drink the Grimace Shake but now that our fake entrance is completed let's go check on G to see how he's doing I secretly placed oneway glass on the other side of the competition so let me just break out a few blocks just like this and look there we can see G building all right just a few more blocks and there we go my CFO looks so good what do you think of it Mr siren head what the why is she talking to a siren head and it's even bigger than his build wait a second why are you running away from me get over here what the heck but little does bubbles know I'm going to f my entire cough though with a bunk of trps with this super secret treasure at the end and we only have 8 minutes left to build so this is going perfect wait a second is that TNT and we only have 8 minutes left I got to get back to my build go go go and all right since we already have the fake entrance completed it's time to put in the real one and I think it would be really funny if we put it inside of cof's big old belly let's go ahead and make the entrance out of some secret doors just like this and look at that it's so hidden you can't even tell anything's there but if you walk up to it and right click the secret doors they open up just like this and conveniently now that we're inside we can start building our first official trap for this trap I'm going to be making G pick between two levers and one of them is going to spawn in a super scary mob G is going to have to decide if he wants to pull the lever on the right or the lever on the left if G pulls the lever on the left it's going to spawn in this abstracted kmo and what the heck it does so much damage ah since the lever on the left is a trap the lever on the right is going to bring him to the next room if he pulls this lever it's going to activate this secret iron door just like this and let's go or pick the lever room is completed for the second Obstacle of my cough M build G is going to have to fight a super dangerous mob let's build out a room for it first next we'll place down some of these super secure iron bars to make sure that the mob doesn't escape there we go and now to help me spawn in this super insane mob boss hit the like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing and oh my goodness look how terrifying and Powerful this guy looks there's just absolutely no way that g is going to be able to defeat him so we're just going to have to give him some gear to help him out we're going to be giving him a full set of emerald armor and an emerald sword and it's all going to be inside this password protected chest right over here let's set the password to 2 468 and let's just go ahead and put everything inside hopefully that'll be enough for G to put up a good fight but now that that's all in there we got to give g a way to figure out the password and to do that we're just going to write it in the wall right over here we got the number two just like this then the number four right next to it let's put the number six on the wall right over here also just to switch things up we're going to put the number eight on the floor right over here there we go and you might be thinking that this is super easy to figure out but we're going to be covering the numbers with a whole bunch of paintings let's cover it all up for the number eight on the floor we're going to cover it with some lime carpet just like this with all of that place down you can't even tell that there's any numbers anywhere make sure to stick around to see G Fight This absolute monster from Ohio but for now we can move on to building the next trap for this next obstacle G is going to have to pick between two roller coasters and one of them is going to be super duper deadly let's make the room for the roller coasters and there's going to be one on the right and one on the left we'll make the direction of this one go down and the direction of this one go up the roller coaster that's going down is going to be a trap and it's going to lead him to a room full of dinosaurs let's build out a Bedrock cage just like this so that GE can't escape there we go and now we can spawn in these super dangerous dinosaurs what the heck they're eating me alive ah let's go ahead and finish up this roller coaster and I can't wait to see G fall for this trap the roller coaster going upwards is going to be the safe one and lead him to the next room let's put down the railings then make the walls and yes sir our roller coaster room is completed but before moving on to building the next trap I want to go troll G real quick so let me just fly right here and grab my invisibility potion and then we'll break out a few blocks into the wall in no way we can see G building his cough wa my cough B build's turning out so good but wait a second I'm super duper hungry I can really use some poisonous potatoes right now did he just say poisonous potatoes oh my goodness guys I have the perfect prank let me just splash this invisibility potion and then go in my inventory and grab a potato cannon and some poisonous potatoes now before he finishes his build let's quickly fly over to him I can't wait to finish this build so I can eat some potatoes right now well G you don't have to wait cuz I'm right here to serve them to you wait a second what was that was that some poisonous potatoes no way guys we we literally poisoned him that was super duper yummy but wait a second where did it come from oh well I guess I'll keep building and quick before he finish this building let's just kill him with the potatoes ah no way we actually got him before he responds we'll grab this bazooka and then we'll blow up his build run away run away run away that was super weird where did all those potatoes come from and oh my gosh what just happened to my build G noticed it but he has no idea that it was me no no no this is super bad we only have 5 minutes left and I have to rebuild this entire thing wait a second did he say we have 5 minutes I got to get back to my build done cover up this wall and let's go we got to quickly build this for my next obstacle G is going to have to walk across this super thin tight RPP let's make the tight RPP out of these super thin iron bars so that it's super hard for G to keep his balance there we go to punish him for falling off we're going to fill the bottom of this tight RPP room with a whole bunch of different spikes okay and wo I would definitely not want to fall into those to make this tight RPP even more difficult we're just going to spawn in some zubal right over here zubal might seem completely Innocent but if you walk by her on the tight rope she's going to pull back her bow and knock you off ah what the heck let's spawn in one more zubble over here the only way that g can get across without getting knocked off by the Zub is by using these two dirt blocks right over here TI is just going to look like some decoration but if he actually breaks the blocks and takes them with him he can use it to cover up these Zu holes just like this with both of them covered he can safely make it across to the other side the tight RPP room looks super clean so now we can move on to building the next trap and no no we only have 2 minutes left I got to quickly build this this next room is going to be a find the button room where there's going to be a million buttons and G is going to have to find the right one other than these Stone buttons there's going to be a special red button green button and blue button because green is G's favorite color we're going to be making the green one a trap let's go ahead and set up a command block behind the green button and now when G goes to press it it's going to spawn in this mutant zombie and oh my goodness help me G's going to be terrified when he presses this button and I think just to troll him a little bit more we're going to make the red one a trap as well when he walks in and presses it it's just going to instantly pop him haha now that we have all the traps set up we can move on to the beautiful blue button oh my God it looks so precious but um anyway since blue is the best color in the world it's going to be the correct button G is not a big fan of blue but if he figes out it's the right button and presses it he's going to teleport to the last and final obstacle for the last obstacle that g is going to have to Traverse through he's going to have to pick if he wants the diamond treasure or the emerald treasure let's put a chest at the end of each hallway and let's be real guys diamond is way better than emerald so it's going to be the correct treasure which leaves the stinky Emerald to be the wrong one it's time for me to set up a trap let's replace the blocks right in front of the chest into go blocks and now when G walks up to collect his treasure he's just going to fall right through and I think it would be super funny if G fell into some mines so let's build out a little platform just like this and cover the top with super explosive mines to test if this works we're just going to use kinger again and look at that heat exploded I can't wait to see gego flying from these mines but now that the trap on the emerald side is completed we can move on to the diamond side and to reward him for making it through my cough Mall build I'm going to give him a bunch of emeralds and a bunch of poisonous potatoes His Favorite Things fill up the rest of the chest and just like that our cough Mo build is completed no way the timer just went off as well let's go meet up with G and check out each other's builds hey G uh G where are you ah what the heck I got you so good are you serious right now G it's not even Halloween but anyways now that we're done with both of our builds whose are we checking out first well since my build's obviously way better than yours we should check out mine yours is definitely not better than mine but I guess we could save the best for last well let's look at the best right now Che I out my cough mod build what the heck G this is actually pretty good good but where in the world are his legs G uh uh cough doesn't have legs remember that is not true cough mod definitely has legs I don't know about that bubbles but I had the entrance somewhere inside of this build and you're going to have to find it and I'll give you a hint it's your favorite color my favorite color well it's going to be blue and it looks like there's some dark blue over there but my favorite color is light blue so let me just look around and look at that it's right over here good job you found it so we can open up these doors right here and walk inside let's go and you what is this this is my ultra impossible parkour and you're going to have to get past it Ultra impossible parkour well I definitely don't want to fall in this lava you got this bubbles uh why in the world is that block moving uh cuz it's a part of the parkour remember that's a little bit too scary for me I'm just going to try and run across all right you got this let me just get a really far running start come on come on and no I fell there's no way you thought that actually works so now you're going to have to use this block what the heck all right I guess I have to do some really good timing and come on let's just jump right over here and what the heck ha it's okay bubbles Through Time six charm all right G watch this come on and look at that I made it good job Bubbles and now you can collect your prize I'm getting my prize already let's go and why am I in the void ah there's no way you just fell for that bubbles that was super funny are you serious right now well if that's not my prize is this the fake entrance yep and you're going to have to find the real one let's go what the heck is it a cough Mouse button right over here nope nope is it in his hat and what not even close G I can't find find this real entrance anywhere please help me out I'll give you a hint bubbles but only under one condition and what condition is that everyone watching the video to like And subscribe right now like And subscribe come on guys please I really want to know where this real entrance is so hit that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing all right G they all liked and subscribed so now you have to tell me where it is wait what the Grimace fine I guess I'll show you bubbles follow me I guess I HD this angance pretty well cuz it's right over here wait what I would have never seen that and now that I'm inside what am I supposed to do well now that you found the entrance you can actually get your treasure huh my actual treasure again well you better not be pranking me let me just open this up and wait a stone sword and what is happening right here come on digital circus get him it's literally all the characters from digital circus go down pomy and now come over here Kane I'm going to get you come on and I got him and now there's only kinger and zuo left oh no I died come on I can do this come on zubo you're going down oh my gosh how did he do that so fast what can I say I'm the best swordsman whatever you say bubbles I guess you can go to the next section let's go and uh G what in the what is that this is a mutant tray and you're going to have to fight him wait what I only have a stone sword that sounds good enough to me I'm going to drop the walls in three wa GG stop stop stop I need more items than that what the heck oh my gosh you really need more items I thought you were the best swordsman of all time oh well I am but to beat him I'm going to need more than a stone sword oh my gosh okay whatever bubbles I hit a bunch bunch of chests around this room and if you find them then I'll let you fight the Stray a bunch of chests well let me just first check these barrels real quick and what the heck there's literally nothing in any of them you're going to have to look harder than that bubbles what do you mean G I looked everywhere there's no chest at all well maybe you just have to look a bit harder what do you mean look harder G I've been looking you're going to make me mad don't get mad bubbles maybe there's something on the walls somewhere on the walls there's nothing there I'm just going to break your bill G and wait a second what what is this you just found the first chest no way let me just grab what's inside and and it's a Lapis Lazuli chest plate good job bubbles but there's still four more chests around this room so you're going to have to find them all all right well I'm sorry for getting magy I just didn't think to break these paintings let me just break this one and look at that another chest let me grab the helmet and wao he looks super cool yep and now to find the other ones I'm just going to keep breaking them and let's go a poison sword that's way better than my stone sword yep but there's still two more chests left let me just keep looking and oh yeah some nice boots and for the last chest I'm sure there's going to be some leggings inside and look at that g I'm fully suited up and ready for battle you look super dripped out right now bubbles but now I'm going to drop the walls in three 2 1 fight let's go bring it on mutant stray oh no he's doing a lot of damage but I think I can get him if I keep hitting him come on come on you got this just a few more hits and I think I'm going to get him let's go I got him nice jot bubbles I guess you really are good at fighting but now we can move on to the next section oh yeah I'm the greatest F wait what is this G is this a parkour yep and if you miss a jump these kingers are going to start attacking you what the there's a whole family of kingers down there but just like I'm a professional at sword fighting I'm a professional at parkour as well so let me just make these jumps just like this wait what no I'm the parkour Pro stop the cap G I'm literally breezing through this I don't know what you're talking about Bubbles and just to make it harder I'm going to spawn in some more kingers let's go well those kingers aren't going to matter G cuz I'm going to make it through right now come on and wait a second kingers stop get them kingers get them are you serious right now G do have to do the whole parkour over again yep oh my gosh well I better get started hurry up go go go and I'm not going to fail the jumps This Time come on and I made it good job bubbles I'm going to get rid of these kingers now bye-bye kingers but now that you made it past the parkour you're going to have to choose between the Green hole and the Blue Hole the green hole in the blue well looking down the green one I see some lava and it's a super stinky color anyway the blue side looks 50 million times better and safer I don't know what you're talking about bubbles green is like the best smelling color of all time what the green reminds me of vegetables and no one likes to eat vegetables wait what I love vegetables are you sure you don't want some lettuce bubbles ew what the heck ew ew ew get that healthy food away from me come here bubbles you're going to have to eat your greens you know what G matter of fact Give Them All to Me yep yep give them all to me oh wait what the heck why do you need them because I'm going to throw them in the lava let's go wait what no those are my vegetables and now that your vegetables are out of my sight I can safely jump down this Blue Hole let's go and wait a second why am I dying that was revenge for not eating your vegetables bubbles oh my goodness you're just like my mom and dad that was super funny what's your guys' favorite vegetables leave it in the comments below but hold up wait a minute there's still one more hole left the green hole G I really don't think it's a good idea to jump in lava are you sure it's like a hot bubble bath um I don't know what kind of bubble bath you're taking but it's definitely not that hot come on bubbles it's not that bad give it a try you know what G since I want my prize so bad I'm just going to do it come on please survive please survive and wait I lived good job bubbles you made it through and now we can move on to the next section and uh G why are there so many spikes and lasers cuz this is my laser bike Maze and if you want to get to your treasure you're going to have to get past the entire thing what the this looks really difficult well let me just get on this bike real quick and we got to be super careful not to touch any of these spikes ow ow ow you just hit one come on slow and steady wins the race can you make it to the end wait what my bike just broke well how am I supposed to get through now you got to give me another bike G well I I know if I can do that bubbles I just ran out of bikes but I'll give you the next best thing check this out oh what is that um g g g did did you make a mistake here or something nope this is the second best vehicle in the entire world the shopping cart I'm not really sure what world you're living in G but the shopping cart is definitely not a good vehicle what are you talking about bubbles this thing can go like 200,000 M an hour 200 g you're literally just trolling me now whatever I'm just going to use this shopping cart and get through anyway let's go come on just got to be really careful around these lasers and spikes and wo it's about a break already well G I'm not going to let a break I'm going to go 200 million mph let's go and oh yeah I made it ni sh Bubbles and now that you made it to the end you have the most important decision of your life are you going to pick the diamond treasure or the emerald treasure the diamond or the emerald well since I know you want me to pick the emerald one I'm going to go to the diamond one all right so let's see there's going to be so many diamonds in there and uh uh G where am I you just found my trap get him silverfish get him wait what in the world ah stop it stop it help b g ow ow ow ow ow are you serious right now G why did you spawn those S of fish on me cuz you chose the wrong treasure and hold up that's a matter of fact let me smell this side ew this thing totally stings what the well as a matter of fact let me smell your side that's nasty oh my gosh well you have to go on this side bubbles come on it smells like your side is street from Ohio but I guess I'll go through it for my prize maybe it is Bubbles only in Ohio oh only in Ohio oh hey you're singing is pretty good but let me just open up this chest real quick and holy moly bunch of diamonds rten flesh my favorite things yummy yummy yummy wait a second why are you actually eating it get out of here oh what the heck but bubbles since you went through my build can I please go through yours yep of course you can let's go let's goe when can I turn around you can turn around in three 2 1 turn around all right so let me see and oh my gosh how in the world did you build this in 10 minutes because I'm a building professional and look G my kfo has legs oh my gosh that's so unfair this build's literally so big are you serious right now come on G 10 minutes was plenty of time to build all of this I don't know how you could even build that fast P that's literally impossible and wait a second how do I even get inside this thing that's a good question and I'll give you a hint G it's your favorite color my favorite color so green okay hold up let me try looking H I'm not seeing any green around here just a bunch of stinky blue and wait a second I think I see some green right over here here no way you found it so let me just try walking through and nice good job G now that you're inside you're going to have to make it through my laser course your laser course uh bubbles are you sure you finished building this thing looks super easy well you know what G I don't think you're going to get past it whatever you say bubbles I'm going to go through this first try come on let me just jump over this one and then 360 all the way over to the next one and you took a little bit of damage but it looks like you're making it through yep and just to prove you wrong I'm going to walk through these lasers let's go what the G you're a skinny Legend I'm literally a sigma and wait a second it's not my prize Well of course it's to reward you for getting through the course let's go I'm going to be super duper rich now and wait a second oh is that the Grimace Shake yep the Grimace Shake is super duper tasty this is awesome I'm going to drink it now let's go I just got the Gish Shake oh that sounds to where am I going are you serious R Neo bubbles that was not the Gish shake that was like the Ohio Shake haha G the Grimace Shake made you levitate into the spikes but wait a second if there was no treasure in here then is this a fake entrance yep it is which means that you're going to have to go find the real one now oh my gosh maybe it's inside of his hand and no nope or maybe it's inside of one of his big red buns and oh my no no no I can't find the sance anywhere bubbles can you please give me a hint fine G you know what I'm not going to give you a hint wait what are you sure about that bubbles are you sure about that oh my what the he I'll tell you where it is I'll tell you where it is let's go just follow me G it's right down here in cfo's belly dude I could have totally found this but whatever I guess I'll open this up and go inside and welcome NG G are you going to pick the lever on the left or lever on the right well since the right one can't be right then I'm going to choose the left one let's go and wait a second is that abstracted CMO yep and he's about to eat you oh no I don't want to go in the void get out of here cofo get out of here cofo get him knock him off oh my gosh there's no way you just fell for that g the left one was the wrong lever fine I I guess I'll pull the right lever and we made it let's go wait a second is that a Giant Tiger yep I picked him up straight from Ohio oh my go he's super big and scary he really is just like Tiger but hold on wait a minute how do I even fight this thing what do you mean with your bare hands what yep G are you ready to fight no I don't think so I'm just kidding G I put a bunch of gear in this chest right over here oh F so let me just open it up and are you serious right now why is there a password because I wouldn't make it that easy for you you're going to have to look around the room to figure out the password look around the room well H there is some suspicious green wool over here so maybe I can just try mining it up come on come on come on I got to be careful to not hit the tiger over here and no way you're figuring it out H there's an eight over here yep Eight's going to be the last number of your password I guess that makes sense I'll have to find the first three numbers and hold up is that an Among Us imposter what the it literally is hurry get him before he vent he looks super sus get out of here I'm going to eject you and the paintings just came off of the wall maybe I can just just do that to every single painting and there we go looks like you figured out the number two all right come on let me just keep punching the paintings and now you got the number four all right so there has to be one more number left let me just punch the rest of these paintings off and look at that g you figured out the password let's go so let me just type in the code 2 4 68 and wo there's a bunch of emerald armor and an emerald sword you're looking super green right now you kind of look like a celery stick really dude what are you even talking about poisonous potatoes are so much better than celery I mean I didn't say any of that I'm just saying what you look like G oh my gosh well whatever you say bubbles just drop the walls already I will in three 2 1 fight come over here Ohio Tiger Come On Come On tiger get him get him oh no he's moving super fast I didn't know these big creatures could move like that yep he runs at 50 mph well it's still not faster than the shopping cart come on just a few more hits and no I died second time the charm G get him all right come on and let's go I got him no way you actually defeated him yep and look he dropped all this leather o that's pretty cool well now that you defeated the Ohio tiger you can move on to the next room wait a second pick a roller coaster the left one or the right one H well I learned my lesson this time bubble since you made the right one the right one last time then the left one has to be right this time come on I'll give you a little push and off you go wait a second what the heck is this why is there a bunch of dinosaurs ha you just fell from my trap G I can't believe you just picked the wrong roller coaster are serious raino bubbles that was was so unfair I mean hey G you're the one that picked it but now you only have one option left all right whatever bubbles I guess I'll go in this roller coaster come on come on come on let's see where it takes me and look at that g you made it through let's go and hold up is that zubo over there yep that is zubble and you're going to have to try Crossing this tight RPP without her knocking you off without her knocking me off well bubbles that's literally a piece of cake I bet I could do that first try uh well if you're so confident then let's see you do it all right let's go this is going to be easy peasy haha you already missed ha oh my gosh ha you just died that's so not fair bubble she was definitely like cheating or something definitely not I think you're just a noob I am not a noob bubbles but hold up this thing seems literally Impossible Is there an item in here or something yep just look around the room and you'll find something that can help you cross look around the room well hold on maybe there's something on that ground you just got shot off again these dirt blocks look kind of suspicious maybe if I just try clicking on it come on come on come on and oh I guess there was nothing there yep G there's totally nothing there I don't even like these pink flowers get out of here and look at that g there's totally nothing there either bubbles why do you sound like that you sound super sarcastic right now uh well maybe cuz you might have already found those items GE found the items well how in the world am I going to use pink flowers what the G not those items the other ones oh the dirt blocks maybe I can use this to cover up the zubal there you go that's the 400 IQ play all right so let me just put a dirt block loock right over here and then sneak across and put another one over there and now I just got to carefully make it across come on and I did it let's go you made it through yep and now I'm going to open up this door let's go and hold up why is there so much buttons in here because you made it to my find the button room you're going to have to figure out which one of these buttons is Right find out which button is right well H there's so many in here I guess I just have to start pressing all of them good luck come on almost there and ooh there's a big red button over here and I totally want to press it it does look super cool doesn't it you should press it I'm going to do it let's go and really dude are you serious REO how was that not the right answer it was so big and shiny well that's exactly why I would make it a trap but wait G isn't green your favorite color there's a green button over here there's a green button well see less I'm totally going to press it and oh my gosh why is there a immune zombie oh no get him there's no way I just baited you into pressing that button that was so unfair Bubbles and now I guess I have to just keep pressing all these buttons this is going to take forever ever you better hope that there's not another trap come on I just got to take it super slow and wait a second why is there a blue button over here uh what do you mean it's just another button another button bubbles I fell for your traps way too many times I'm going to press the blue button whatever it takes well let's see what happens come on and wo where are we right now you just made it to the last and final obstacle are you going to pick the diamond treasure or the emerald treasure the diamond or the emerald treasure well that's the most easiest choice in my life I'm going to choose the emerald treasure let's go there's no way you just fell to those ghost blocks what the heck was that bubbles did I just die yep you got exploded on some super explosive landmines that's so unfair bubbles does that mean I have to go in the blue treasure well yeah that should have been your first choice cuz diamond is so beautiful and amazing in your dreams bubbles but I guess I'll open up this treasure come on let's see what's inside and wo there's a bunch of emeralds and poisonous potatoes they're all for you yummy yummy yummy ew there's no way you're actually eating that ha so G whose cough mode do you think was better Bo after going through both of her builds obviously mine was way better what the heck mine was definitely better than yours that's so cap bubbles but I'm going to flick this liver and see what character we get next come on and who do we get we got ragi let's go I'm the best ragi builder in the world um really dude obviously I'm the best builder and we only have 10 minutes to build this so let's use the best go go go now that g can't hear me anymore it's time to cheat so let me just go and chat and type SL paste and ho moly a ratha build just spawned in we're so ahead of G right now but there's no no time to waste cuz we got to put in some traps and for my first trap I'm going to be making a fake entrance where should I put it hm wait I know let's put it right inside of ratha's mouth over here let's make the entrance ghost blocks disguises Emerald blocks since Emerald blocks are G's favorite it's definitely going to lure him inside for the fake entrance I'm going to be making G climb some super dangerous ladders let's first put down a bunch of spikes on the floor just like this and then we'll make the two different ladders that he can choose between to climb and I think it would be hilarious if we turn some ladders on the left to some ghost blocks this way when G goes to climb these ladders he's not going to be able to latch on and he's going to die to the spikes ow ow for the ladder on the right I'm going to make it lead to a separate room all the way up here in this room we're going to place down a chest right over here so that GE thinks it's going to be his prize but when he goes to open it it's going to spawn in this massive King Kong let's make sure he'll be able to kill G and oh my goodness he does so much damage that was super duper terrifying but now that this room is set up our fake entrance is completed make sure to stick around to C G's reaction when he falls for these pranks but before moving on to building the real entrance I want to go check on G to see how he's doing I secretly place a security camera on the other side of the competition so let me just go in my camera Monitor and no way we can see G building all right just a few more books and there we go my ratha looks so good what do you think of it Mr Panda what why is G talking to a panda you like it me too but little just bubbles know I'm going to fill my entire rag of though with a bunch of traps with this super secret treasure at the end and we only leave 8 minutes left to build this so this is going to be perfect TNT and wait we only have 8 minutes left I got to get back to my build go go go all right now that we have the fake entrance complete it's time to put in the real one and I think the perfect spot to hide it would be right under ri's collar over here so let's just place down some secret doors just like this and look at that you can't even tell anything's there but now let's go inside and start building our first official trap from our first trap G is going to have to fight these skeleton Soldiers with nothing but a grenade launcher these skeleton soldiers are super dangerous they shoot super duper fast and can launch over a 100 arrows in a minute the only way that g can get through this level is by grabbing this grenade launcher from this chest and then using it to absolutely obliterate them but 's aim is pretty bad so I have no idea if he's going to be able to do it but just like that and our skeleton Soldier fight room is completed I can't wait to see G try to use a grenade launcher but for now let's move on to building our next trap for my next trap G is going to have to fight a super deadly mob boss let me place out some super secure iron bars to make sure it doesn't escape there we go and now to help me spawn in the mob boss you have to hit that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing and oh my goodness it's a massive mutant zombie these guys are super powerful and can even come back to life he's definitely way stronger than G so we're going to have to give him some gear to fight with it's all going to be in this password protected chest let's just make the password 4 3 2 1 and we're just going to fill it with this pink armor and a poison sword G absolutely hates the color pink so it's going to be so funny when he has to put this on but now that all his gears inside we're going to have to give g a way to figure out the password to do that g is going to have to step on three different pressure plates and obviously because blue is the correct answer these two are going to be traps if G chooses to step on this red pressure plate it's just going to instantly pop him and then if G decides step on his favorite color he's going to be teleported into the cage with the mutant zombie ah help me ah it's going to be so funny when G Falls for this one last but not least if G steps in the correct pressure plate it's going to activate a network of redstone that's going to give him a secret code let's just test if this works and look at that we just got it oh yeah our mutant zombie fight room is completed for the third trap of my ratha build I'm going to be making G pick between two levers a green lever or a blue lever I have a pretty good feeling G is going to pick the green one so it's going to activate a trap if he pulls it it's going to break the block under him and cause him to fall one fun fact about GE is that he absolutely hates spiders so I think it would be really funny if he fell into a pit of cave spiders they're all super duper poisonous let's cover this up real quick and reset the lever and now since blue is the best color in the world when he pulls this lever it's going to activate a secret iron door that he can use to get to the next level but just like that our pick the Lev room is completed and actually before moving on to building the next trap I want to go troll G and I have just a perfect prank so let me just fly up to the wall over here and grab this Jack spawn egg and an invisibility potion from the chest now let me just break out a few blocks in the wall and look at that we can see G building my ret that's turning out so good I'm totally going to beat bubbles in this Build Challenge all right before he finishes his build let's splash us invisibility potion on ourselves and boom now we can fly straight up to him and start pranking him all right just a few more blocks and nice my ret that's turning out super good okay quick let's just spawn in a whole bunch of jaxes and wait a second what's that noise and what the heck is that is that a buug shes look at him they're getting him why are they running after me oh my gosh get away get away go Jack Go Jack get G oh my goodness and I just died ha I can't believe he just fell for that and now quick while G is busy respawning let's just go in our inventory and grab a bazooka and then blow up his build run away run away and wait a second what the heck was that noise and oh my gosh are you serious right now why is there an explosion over here oh my goodness guys he has no idea was me did you do this ja get over here je he's got insane he's shooting at the jx's oh no this is super duper bad and we only have 5 minutes left to finish this build I got to hurry up wait a second did he say 5 minutes we got to get back to my build then let me cover up this wall over here and go all right we got to build this fast for the next obstacle G is going to have to fight and defeat kinger from digital circus let's first give him a weapon to fight with in this chest right over here and all we're going to give him is this measly wooden sword and now we're going to have to figure out a way to get these kingers to spawn in H I know I'm going to start off by putting a pressure plate right over here with a sign on top that says step on to get to the next room and then underneath right here we're just just going to put a whole line of dispensers just like this set up this Redstone circuit real quick and now we can fill up these dispensers with a whole bunch of kinger Spawn eggs now let's just cover this up and test if it works and look at that there's so many kingers and holy they do so much damage what the heck that was super duper close but I'm sure G won't be able to defeat them with just this wooden sword but now that the Trap is set up the only way to move on to the next room is through the secret door right over here it's disgu has netherite block so that's super duper hard to find wait a second we only have 2 minutes left I'm got to quickly make my build for the next obstacle G's going have to get past an impossible shark parkour finish up the room and now we can start placing down the water for the Sharks to swimming and now it's time to spawn in these super deadly and super hungry great white sharks oh my God look at all these sharks ready to eat G without further Ado let's get started on these parkour jumps we'll have some regular jumps like this and then some spring jumps bouncing over here let's also add in some super difficult ladder jumps on the side of the wall let's make it even harder by making G do a head hitter right over here with a Neo jump right after for the last and final jump of the the parkour there's going to be a Twist the only way that g can make it to the last and final room is by going through this tube right over here this massive jump might seem completely impossible but if G is smart enough he can find this chest right over here it's going to be behind this painting doesn't that look so sussy and inside the chest there's going to be a portal gun that he can use with the portal gun from the chest you can just teleport right over here and move on to the last and final level but just like that our shark parkour is completed and I have no idea if G's going to be able to get past it since this is the last obstacle G is going to have to pick if he wants the diamond treasure or the emerald treasure let's build out the the room real quick and then we'll place down a chest at the end of each hallway and because blue is the best color in the entire world it's going to be the correct one which leaves this stinky Emerald side to be the wrong one let's set up a trap over here with a fake chest just like this and now when G goes to open up this chest it's just going to eat him alive oh my goodness look at that it's going to be hilarious when he falls for this trap but now that we're done with the emerald side we can fill up this diamond side with a whole bunch of his favorite things like emeralds and poisonous potatoes fill up the rest of the chest real quick and just like that our ragi build is completed oh wait looks like the timer went off as well well now let's go meet up with G and check out each other's builds hey G hey bubbles now that would don't want their builds whose are we checking out first well since my builds were elegant and delicate and amazing you should check out mine you know what G that sounds good to me we could save the best for last Save The Best For Last wait a second why don't we just check out the best right now check out my ragi the build wait a second G this is actually pretty good but why in the world is her eye green oh cuz ratha loves green the best color in the world remember that is definitely not true it's supposed to be blue but whatever G how do I even get in this build I'll give you a hint bubbles it's your favorite color my favorite color well it would be the color of her eye but you decided to make it green so where in the world is the blue on this Raga build let me just look around and wait I see some blue right over here good job bubbles he found it but now that you're inside you're going to have to choose between the left door and the right door the left and the right well the right would be the obvious answer so I'm going to go with the left now let me just walk inside and wait G it says press for prize are you going to press it obviously it's going to be some amazing d diamonds and wait a second G what's happening you just fell no Lava spikes ha are you serious r g I said press for prize not for lava spikes yeah cuz that is your prize what the heck well I want to see what the priz is in here all right so let's see come on this time I better be some diamonds and what the heck there's no way you just fell for that bubbles that was so funny no it wasn't but wait a second G if I died in both of these rooms does it mean that this is the fake entrance yep and you're going to have to find the real one oh my gosh is it in Reg this green eye over here and nope nope is it her blue dress over here doesn't look like it not even close gee where in the world is this real entrance tell me please hm I guess I'll tell you where the entrance is but only under one condition yes and what condition is that everyone watching the video so like And subscribe right now like And subscribe quick guys I really want to know where this real entrance is so hit that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing all right G now that they liked and subscribed where is the real entrance wait what how did they do it so fast cuz they're super duper amazing yeah I guess you're right Bubbles And just because of that I'm going to show you where it is yeah I didn't know how you didn't find the bubbles cuz it's literally right over here what the heck G how was I supposed to see that it's behind her hair but now let me just open up this door and go inside and what the heck is this G this is the prize room Bubbles and you can open up this chest to get your prize my prize wait G you better not be messing with me again I swear if you mess with me GE and wait a wooden sword and why am I taking damage are those two pomes get them B me get him let me just use my wooden sword come on come on I can win I can win and there we go I already took one out and there's the second one let's go you might have got those pomni bubbles but look behind you there's literally two zubal over there wait wait what in the world wait a second G they're literally fighting each other what wait super what are you doing go get them ha I think you messed your trap up now I can just take them out easily while they're fighting oh my gosh are you serious right now and oh no she's shooting at me now she's shooting at me now all right super that was your your chance and oh my goash I'm just too much of a professional whatever bubbles I guess you defeated them and now we can move on to the next section let's go hey wait a second G are those charge creepers yep and if you don't get past this parkour they're going to explode you what the heck this looks like it's a parkour street from Ohio but because I'm such a pro I'm just going to make these jumps super easily and look at that g I'm already halfway through you got this bubbles hit the gritty all right let me just gritty to this next block over here and oh no I slipped off ah ha oh my gosh G do I have to start from the beginning yep try to a't no way you just dabbed on me G but I guess I'm just going to make it through this parkour come on come on and just a few more jumps I got this are you going to make it oh no this one looks really difficult I'm going to have to bounce myself over there come on bubbles you got this get away from me charge creepers come on and I did it n Shaw Bubbles and now you can take this mine cart to go to the next section and uh G what is that there's two mutant skeletons behind this cage and you're going to have to f fight him what the heck G I only have a wooden sword it's all right bubbles you got this I'm going to drop the walls in three two wait wait wait wait G what the heck are you doing I need more items than this oh my gosh really dude brother you almost got me killed fine I guess if you want more items you can open up this chest wait I didn't even see that there let me just open it up and are you serious right now G's password protected wait but how do I even figure out the password well there are these levers over here so maybe you can try pressing them and see what happens I assume that one of these are going to be a trap so I have a 50% chance of getting it right I'm just going to press this one right over here and no no no are you serious right now get him skeletons get him what the heck G I can't believe I just got teleported in there yeah and it was super duper funny but there is one more lever here so maybe you can try pressing it well this one's got to be right so let me just pull it and wait a second something just fell down what does it say 6 7 8 9 that's got to be the code for the chest all right so let's try opening it up 6 7 8 9 and oh my goodness a full set of lapis l armor and a platinum sword look at me G I'm looking Bluer Than Ever you look super cool bubbles but now that you're all suited up I'm going to actually drop the walls in three 2 1 let's go here we go come on look at that g I'm already destroying this guy come on skeletons beat him up come on just a few more hits and look at that I already got one of them no I died ha come on it's a 1 V one situation I literally got this G you got this bubbles let me just keep hitting him with this super cool Platinum sword and boom I won wao he just exploded into pieces yeah look at all these bones everywhere but now that you killed the skeleton you can open up this code to get to the next section all right let me just put in the code 6789 and look at that we're through let's go he wait a second G what in the world is this you're going to have to choose between the Green hole the pink hole and the Blue Hole the green the pink and the blue will let me just take a little peek and see what's inside each of them and in the nasty green hole there's some lava while I'm definitely not jumping in that and in the pink one there's some water and in the blue one there's some cobwebs so which one are you jumping down well it looks like there's only two safe options the pink one and the blue one and since blue is my favorite color I'm going to jump down the blue one all right so let's see what happen what do you mean I'm just going to get caught by the cobwebs and wait a second what the heck GE how did I fall through those cobwebs uh isn't it obvious you chose the wrong hole oh my God I guess I have to go down the pink one then all right so let's see what's inside well it looks like it's water so I'm just going to land safely and oh why am I taking damage oh my gosh there's no way you just fell for that two times in a row what the heck there's no way that Green's the right one there's literally lava down here well green is the best color of all time so maybe you can make it through you know what G green is actually not the best color and the only reason why I'm going to jump down here is cuz the other ones didn't work wait what what are you talking about Green is obviously the best color of all time and watch this G I'm literally going to die when I go down wait a second I survived y cuz I put fake lava that's pretty cool g but uh what is this room I put a bunch of boots in these chests and you're going to have to choose between the left tunnel and the right tunnel the left and the right well on the right one there's a whole bunch of scary decorations so I think I'm going to go on the left one so let me just open up this chest and grab a boat wait a second G why are they all green uh cuz green is the best duh I am not going to be sitting in a green boat G give me a blue one right now all right fine bubbles I guess I'll give you a blue boat over here ha yeah uh what the heck how dare you do that g now you have to give me one for Real Fine bubbles I guess I'll give you one here you go yay and are you serious right now it's another green one ew ha you have to choose the Green Boat you get what you get and you don't throw a fit okay fine G I guess I'll use the green one now let me just place the boat down and sit in it and off we go let's go all right let me just see where this takes me come on and wait a second a bunch of sharks ow ow ow what the heck man that was super scary yeah it wasn't because you chose the wrong tunnel you're going to have to go through the super scary spooky tunnel well I see what you did your G you put all these scary decorations to make me choose the other one yeah you're right but are you going to go down here well I guess I have to cuz it's the only option left all right let's Go Bubbles you got this come on let's see where this takes me please be something safe and wait look at that I made it to the last and final room yep and this is going to be the most important decision of your life are you going to choose the diamond treasure or the emerald treasure the most important well it's also the easiest because diamonds are literally so beautiful and amazing all right whatever you say bubbles let's go inside oh yeah NG G did you bless me with a bunch of diamonds in this chest I didn't know bubbles let's just see oh my God I'm so excited come on and uh what is happening uh G where am I you're stuck inside of my trap and unless you find a way out of here you're never going to get out what in the world how am I supposed to find anything I guess I'll start by looking through these chests right over here and G there's literally nothing inside them well maybe you got to look harder bubbles what about these cabinets right over here GE I'm literally opening all of them and there's nothing come on you got to think outside of the box oh I really want my prize come on let me look around and wait a second I think I just opened the crafting table and it's a secret chest oh yeah I just got a portal gun let's go now let me just point the portal gun all the way up there and let's see if I make it look at that g I'm literally back up good job Bubbles and now that you went through the diamond treasure you're going to have to choose the emerald treasure oo that was a really difficult trap to get out of but I guess I can collect my prize now yes sir I'm not that big of a fan of emerald but let's see what's inside and wait a second a whole bunch of rotten flesh diamonds and diamond blocks yummy yummy yummy me wait a second why are you actually eating it get out of here but bubbles now that you went through my build can I please go through yours yeah of course I was just about to ask you that all right then let's go when can I turn around you can turn around in 3 2 1 turn around all right let me see and oh my goodness how in the world is it so big what do you mean this is a pretty regular build for me I don't know what you're talking about bubbles there's no way you built this in only 10 minutes GE you already know that I'm a Minecraft professional so this this was an easy task for me oh my gosh well this build is massive so how in the world do I even get inside this thing I'll give you a hint G it's your favorite color my favorite color is so green but wait a second I don't see any green around this build you just got to look a little bit closer H let's see and oh I see some green right inside of her mouth so let me just walk through and nice good job G now that you're inside you have to pick between this left ladder and this right ladder the left ladder the right ladder well hm the left is left and the right is right so I'm going to go in the right ladder let's go wo is this my treasure yep look how beautiful and green it is there might be a few stacks of emeralds waiting for you a few stacks of uh emeralds oh my gosh I need to open it up come on come on come on and wait a second oh no is that Godzilla ha Godzilla you mean King Kong it's like the same thing I don't know what you're talking about bubbles I can't believe you just fell from my trap yeah but there is one more ladder left so let me just try climbing up here and wait a second what the heck this letter literally isn't working GE you just got to grab onto it all right come on come on come on and oh my gosh there's no way you just died two times in a row wait a second if both of these ladders killed me is this the fake Anin yep that's right which means you got to go find the real one oh my God maybe it's inside of her eye and no nope or maybe it's inside of her big beautiful dress and oh my gosh not even close I can't find the anent anywhere can you please give me a hint you know what fine G it's right inside of just kidding I'm not telling you anything well are you sure about that bubbles I'll give you this whole stack of rotten flesh oh uh rotten flesh uh g f fine I'll tell you what it is I'll tell you what it is let's go but you got to give me the rotten flesh first all right fine bubbles here you go yummy yummy I don't know how you could have find it but it's right under ri's collar wait a second it's right over here how in the world am I supposed to see that well I guess you're right I'm the best hider in the world but now that you're inside you're going to have to get past this obstacle get past this obstacle but but how this is a target practice room where you're going to have to kill these skeleton soldiers before they kill you these skeleton soldiers they look super scary well the battle's about to start G so you better grab what's inside this chest all right so we got a grenade launcher and some grenades oh no I don't think I'm ready for this good luck G and you already died oh my gosh it's all right bubbl I think I got this and I just got one what the heck there's only one left can you get him and I did it there's no way you defeated all of them but I guess you can move on to the next room now all right so let me just open up these doors and wait a second is that a mutant zombie yep he's super muscular just like a sigma and you're going to have to fight him oh no how am I supposed to fade him I don't want him to Phantom tax me well I already knew that you wouldn't be strong enough so inside this chest I put a bunch of items you can use let's go so let me just open it open really dude why is there a password haha I wouldn't make it that easy for you you got to figure out the password by stepping on one of these pressure plates well there is a green pressure plate over here so I'm going to step on it let's go and wait a second why am I in the cage now oh no haha you just got teleported inside there's no way you just felt for that I obviously would have make the green one the right one that was super scary but wait there is a big red pressure plate over here I think I'm going to step on it let's go and really dude no way GE I have no idea how you just stepped on both of the traps and now the only pressure plate left is this blue one right over here do I really have to step on it bubbles yep I mean you wouldn't have a problem with that right it's the most beautiful color in the world well hm let me just smell it real quick and oh my gosh it's so stinky ah what the heck bubbles I don't want to step on it can you step on it no G it has to be you come on it's not that bad blue is the best color in the world all right fine I guess I'll step on it just kidding ha hey that's cheating and nice I just got the code 4 3 2 1 just put it in real quick and wao I have this pink armor and this poison sword yep you're looking super cool now I'm totally ready to fight that zombie mean zombie bring it on whatever you say G the walls are dropping in three 2 1 fight come on come on come on and look at that he's destroying you G I don't know about that bubbles I think I'm poisoning him and wait did you get him yeah I think I did bubbles get out of here zombie and wait a second oh no why is he getting back up ha he literally just got back up and destroyed you it's all right bubbles try to let me just keep hitting him real quick and I got him are you sure G did you really get him this time well he is getting back up but I have some grenades for earlier let me just explode him and really dude ha I think I'm going to finally get him this time just a few more hits come on come on come on and I got him wo that mutant zombie was super tough but I guess you defeated him yeah I did and he even dropped this cool Hammer oh wow that is pretty cool but now that you defeated him you can go through this trap door to the next room let's go and welcome to my lever room where you're going to have to pick if you want to pull the green lever or the blue lever the green lever the blue lever well hm this is super duper obvious I'm going to choose the green lever let's go and wait a second oh no why is there a bunch of spiders haha you just fell into my spider pit ow ow ow there's no way you just fell for that green is obviously the wrong one does that mean I have to pull the boom lever yep oh no this is super scary I don't want to press it okay I guess I'll press it let's go you finally pressed it but now you made it to my next trap look inside this chest and see what you get all right and wo I got a wooden sword yep and that's a trap G you can move on to the next room now let's go that was super duper easy and wait a second oh my gosh is that a bunch of kers yep oh my goodness there's so many of them get away from me ow ow ow they're completely destroying you g haha there's so many of them but wait a second I sto have my poison sword from earlier let me just try hitting them real quick and nice no way you're taking them out oh wa that was pretty scary but it looks like you made it through yep I'm on half a heart right now but wait they just dropped some rotten flesh oh that looks really good G you should eat it or I mean you could give it to me e I'm not going to eat it here you go you can have it yummy yummy and my tummy but wait bubbles I think I'm stuck in this room how do I get out well G you're just going to have to look very closely very closely H Maybe if I just try opening every single book come on come on come on and I did it you actually made it through but wait what is this welcome to my world's most dangerous shark parkour you're going to have to make these jumps without falling into the water and get eaten by these sharks a shark parkour that sounds super scary but lucky for me I'm a parkour Pro so I'm going to do this first try let's see if you can do it come on and no way you're breezing through it just a few ladder jumps can you make this head hitter I think so let me just make it through and nice good job G now you made it to the Neo wow bubbles this parkour is easy peasy now I'm going to make it to the end let's go and oh no you just got eaten by a shark oh my God does that mean I have to go through this all over again yep I told you you had to be super careful g whatever bubbles I got this and look at that you're already making it through come on just a few more jumps and I did it looks like you got through the easy part of the parkour but how are you going to make this next jump over here hm that is a good question but the more important thing is why is there among us on this wall you're right G that is pretty Sessy what if he's the impostor yeah he might be the impostor I got to get him out of here and wait there's a chest over here yep check what's inside and wa there's a portal gun I think I can use that to get to the other side all right let's see if you can do it g hiya come on and I did it let's go now that you made it through my Shark parkour you're on to the last and final trap are you going to pick the diamond treasure or the emerald treasure well that's super easy bubbles obviously I'm going to go in the emerald treasure let's go sounds good to me you could collect your prize now I can almost smell the World from here let me just open this up real quick and wait a second why is this chest attacking me oh no go get him get him I can't believe you just opened up a killer chest that was super scary bubbles but I guess I have to go through the diamond treasure now yep I mean it's the best in the world all right so let me just open it up real quick and wo there's a bunch of emeralds Emerald blocks and poisonous potatoes all of your favorite things for you yummy yummy yummy G what in the world are you doing bubbles you have to help me this skibby toilet is breaking inside of my house oh no don't worry G I'm going to help you out wait but how just like this but bubbles what in the ru are we doing today we're going to be doing an upgraded Titan TV man Build Challenge upgraded TV man that's so cool but wait a second what side are you going to go on the blue side or the green side uh blue or green blue or green blue or green I'm going to go on the green side the green side that's my side what in the world whatever G blue is way better anyway I don't know about that bubbles green is way better and we only have 10 minutes to build this so let's get started all right go go go now that g can't hear me anymore it's time to cheat so let me just go in chat and type sl/ paste and holy moly our upgraded Titan TV man just spawned in we're so ahead of G right now but there's no time to waste cuz we got to put in some traps and for my first trap I'm going to be making a fake entrance where should I put it hm let's put it right on the side of TV man's head over here for the entrance we're going to place down two secret doors disguises Emerald blocks it'll be the perfect disguise to lure G over here now that the entrance is completed let's go inside and start building our trap for this fake entrance I'm going to be making a fake parkour that has a deadly twist at the end first let's Place some lava down in this pit and then we'll literally place down one super easy parkour jump let's just see if this works and yep that was super duper easy the reason why I made this super duper easy it's because I want G to fall for this trap at the end of the parkour once GE opens up this trap chest it's going to break the blocks right under him and he's going to fall down at this point G would probably be screaming already but I think it would be hilarious if he fell right into another trap so let's just build a section down just like this and let's just put down two dispensers at the end over here and two pressure plates right where he's going to fall we'll quickly do a little bit of redstone work and then we'll fill up these dispensers with a whole bunch of lava buckets and finally when G lands on these pressure plates a bunch of lava is going to come out and he's going to have nowhere to run ah hot hot hot but just like that our fake entrance is completed and before moving on to building the real one I want to go check on G to see how he's doing I secretly placed oneway glass on the other side of the competition so let me just break out a few blocks just like this and look at that we can see G building his TV man all right just a few more blocks and there we go my TV man looks so good what do you think of it Mr spider pig what the why is G talking to a spider pig wait why are you running away from it get over here what the hell G's going crazy oh little do bubbles no I'm going to fill my entire TV man with a bunch of traps with this super secret treasure at the end and we only have 8 minutes left so this is going to be perfect traps and wait a second we only have 8 minutes left I got to quickly back to my build done go go go all right since we already have the fake entrance it's time to put in the real one and I have just a perfect spot for it we're going to put it right inside of TV man's core I think this is such a cool spot because this is the core that he used to destroy skibby scientist let's put down some ghost blocks here as the entrance to make sure that it's super duper hidden you can't even tell that anything's there now that the entrance is complete let's go inside and start building our first official trap for the first obstacle that g is going to have to get past I'm going to be making him play Guess the button as soon as G walks into the room he's going to see three buttons right in front of him a blue one a green one and a red one if G decides to press this red button over here it's going to to send him straight to Ohio and what the heck why is there a dinosaur in Ohio only in Ohio oh it's going to be hilarious when G fall for this trap now since green is such a nasty smelly color if G decides to press the green button it's just going to automatically destroy him green is G's favorite color so you know I had to make it into a trap and last but not least the beautiful mesmerizing amazing wonderful Blue Button who uh uh uh sorry um if G presses this button it's going to be the correct one and lead to the Next Room through the secret iron door so let's just test if this works and looks like it does for my next trap I'm going to be making G fight a speaker man and a cameraman let's first build out the room real quick and then let's build out some iron bars to make sure that the speaker man and cameraman don't escape there we go perfect and now to help me spawn in speaker man and cameraman hit that like And subscribe button in three 2 1 thank you for subscribing and oh my goodness look at that we got speaker man over here looking extra powerful and cameraman as well I have no idea how G is going to be able to defeat them cuz they're really strong I think to make this fight a little bit more fair we're going to give G some items he can use but it's all going to be held inside this password protected chest let's just set the code to 1111 and let's just fill it up with a full set of Ender dragon armor and a bone dragon sword that should definitely be enough for him to fight these guys now for the important part we got to give g a way to figure out the password and I have just the idea for that let's go ahead and break a few holes into the wall just like this and then we'll place a sign in each with the number of the password right on it last one over here to make it harder to spot we're just going to put a whole bunch of paintings to to cover it there we go just like that our speaker man and cameraman fight room is completed make sure to stick around to cge fight these guys but for now we can move on to building our third trap for the third trap of my Titan TV man build I'm going to be making the world's most dangerous dropper let's first build out a room that goes all the way down here finish up the floor and then we'll split it into four even sections there we go that looks good for the first Corner over here we're just going to put in a whole bunch of fake water this fake water is actually poisonous so if G decides to jump inside it he's going to get hurt ah then in these two corners over here we're just going to put in some real lava the reason why I'm filling up both of these Corners with lava is so that GE thinks that one of them is fake and it's safe to land in but in reality both of the lava here is super duper hot and we'll burn him ah for the last Corner over here it's going to have to be the safe one to land in so we're just going to make some bouncy bedrock and to make the bouncy Bedrock we're going to have to put a layer of slime just like this and then a layer of ghost blocks on top disguise as bedrock and just like that the Bedrock looks super unsafe to land in but if he actually jumps down he's just going to bounce like it's a bouncy castle Bo boing let's add a few spikes around the dropper to make it even more difficult than it already is and just like that the world's most dangerous dropper is completed I have a super cool idea for my next trap but before building it I want to go troll G real quick and I have just the perfect prank so let me just come into this wall over here and break out a few blocks and look at that we can see G building my TV man's turning out so good now I'm going to move to the other leg and quick guys before he's done building I'm just going to open up my morph mod that I got and I'm going to turn into a skidy toilet look at look at that I'm transforming and holy moly we look exactly like an actual skiy toilet now we can just bounce our way over to GE and prank him nice my build is turning out so good I'm almost F what the heck is that a skimy toilet Sky dub DB dub yes yes hey get away from me run Skiby run ski do do do yes yes ski do do do why am I not doing any damage oh my goash no way G is actually so scared of me right now oh no my gun's out of ammo Mr skiy can you please let me go I have like a wife and a family and like kids and stuff totally H Okay g I'll let you go under one condition and what's that you have to sing the skiy toilet song The skiy Toilet Song oh no I'm not good at singing but I guess I have to SK yes what the heck G that was so bad you're going to get blown up ah and look at that guys we even destroyed part of his build now we got to run are you serious righto Mr skiy get back over here I'm going to kill you what the heck G has a rocket launcher we got to get out of here go go go that was really close but we got away I can't believe that Sky toilet blew my build by singing was so good and we only have 5 minutes left to fix this I got to hurry up wait a second we only have 5 minutes left let me quickly cover this up and turn back into bubbles and let's get back to building okay we got to build this fast for my next obstacle I'm going to be making the world's most difficult ice bu course and since we're so high up G better not slip and fall let's make the course have some twists and turns just like this and we'll even make the second half of the course one block thin which is going to be super hard not to slip off of and just like that the base of our ice boating course is completed just to make this course harder than it already is we're just going to go around to add a bunch of Springs around it these Springs might look harmless at first glance but if G decides to run into them they're going to bounce him to his Doom ah now that we got all the Springs down we're going to add in some spikes as well right over here with all our little obstacles placed down the course looks completed all we got to do is quickly put a chest down over here and just fill it with a whole bunch of pink boats G hates the color pink so this is going to be hilarious wait a second oh no we only have 2 minutes left I got to quickly build my next trap for the next obstacle I had in mind G is going to have to successfully complete a skidy toilet quiz let me just build out the room real quick and for the first question in the build I'm going to ask who fights with a big hammer Titan speaker man or Titan cameraman if you know anything about skibby toilet Titan cameraman is the one that fights with the big hammer so for G to pick that answer he's going to have to grab this portal gun right here and right click on his choice to move on to the next question however if G decides to pick the wrong answer he's not going to be able to make it through and he's just going to fall down and to make sure he gets punished for picking the wrong answer we're just going to fill the floor with a whole bunch of lava spikes for the second question of my skibby toilet quiz I'm going to ask which toilet is stronger option number one Gman toilet or option number two the spider toilet since the Gman toilet is way stronger than the spider toilet it's going to be the right answer so to move on to the last question in the quiz G is going to have to pick Gman toilet right over here and now for the last question of the quiz who can use teleportation option number one speaker woman or option number two TV woman we can see in multiple skiy toilet episodes that tvom is the one in fact with the teleportation and tvom is my favorite character from the series as well so I obviously knew that since speaker woman is G's favorite I have a feeling he's going to pick her and end up in the spikes ow ow ow but without further Ado now that we're done with our skiy toilet quiz we can move on to building our last and final obstacle and since it's the last and final obstacle G is going to have to pick if he wants the emerald treasure or the diamond treasure let's place down some chests at the end of each hallway just like this and because we already know that blue is so amazing the diamond side's going to be the correct one which leaves the stinky Emerald side to be the wrong one so if J dares to open up the chest on this Emerald side it's going to spawn in a charge creeper that's going to blow him up a it's going to be so funny when G Falls for that trap if G however picks the beautiful blue side he's going to be rewarded with a whole bunch of emeralds and poisonous potatoes his favorite things so let's just go ahead and fill up the chest real quick and just like that our upgraded Titan and TV man build is completed wait it looks like the timer is up as well so let's go meet up with GE and check out each other's builds hey G hey bubbles now that we're done with our bills who are we checking out first I don't know bubbles are we going to go in the stinky blue side or the beautiful green side uh G I think you got the reverse green is the stinky side yeah I don't know about that bubbles green is the best color but you should go over on my side because you know my Bel is way better than yours what the that's not even true but I guess we could save the best for last and go on your side first prepare to be am maaz bubbles this is my upgraded TV man build what the heck this is actually pretty good G but why is he so short uh because TV man's short like you remember hey I'm not short G what the heck but anyways G how do I even get in this build I'll give you a hint bubbles it's your favorite color my favorite color blue uh where is the blue on this build let me just look around and wait it's right in TV man's armpit that's so weird bubbles but are you going to go on the green parkour or the blue parkour the blue or the green well we already established that green is a super stinky color so I'm going to go in the blue and I see that there's some spikes down there so I'm going to have to be really careful on these jumps come on come on and I made it ni shw Bubbles and now that you made it to the end you can collect your prize collect my prize already well let me just open up this chest and wait why am I in the void what the heck G why did that teleport me to the void because Blue's the smelliest color of all time and now that you went through the blue parkour you have to go through the green parkour ew I don't want to go through the green but I guess I'll have to if I want the prize let me make these jumps over here and I made it again nice job Bubbles and now that you made a three you can actually get your prize and wait this must be the real prize cuz there's a bunch of green crystals and rotten flesh let's go and wait wait a second hot hot hot hot hot hot hot there's no way you just fell for that bubbles are you serious right now where those ghost blocks yep because you just went in the fake entrance oh my gosh I should have known this was the fake entrance yeah but you didn't and if you want to get your treasure you have to find the real one I guess I'll go find it is it in TV man's arm over here no nope is is it in his core over here not here either gee I can't find this entrance anywhere can you please give me a hint h fine I guess I'll give you a hint but only under one condition okay and what condition is that everyone watching the video don't like And subscribe right now like And subscribe quick guys I really want to find this real entrance so hit that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing all right G they all liked and subscribed tell me where it is now wait what how' they do it so fast cuz they're super duper cool I guess they are super cool so here follow me I'll show you where it is and I don't know how you missed it bubbles cuz it's literally in this TV right over here what the heck how was I supposed to find that wait a second CH what is this I put 20 different levers in this room and if you want to make it out you're going to have to find the right one find the right lever but there's literally so many well I guess I better hurry up and start pulling all of them and wait a second G there's one on a red block right over here are you going to press it I mean it's really standing out to me so I'm just going to pull it and are you serious right now what in the world G it's okay bubbles not 19 more to go oh my I'm just going to keep pulling them and hold up I think there's one on a Blue Block right over here and it looks way better than the red one so this one's got to be right yeah it says click here for prize are you going to press it well I think that's pretty self-explanatory let me just pull it real quick and what what the heck what is happening get them skeletons get them what the heck G why that spawn in wither skeletons and there's still one more left wait wait wait a second why can't I hit him and he's throwing out dirt what what in the world is going on I got you so good bubbles wait are you serious that was you the whole time yep and you totally fell for it you should have saw the look in your face what the heck G that's not cool it was super funny but you still have to find the right lever in this room so get to looking well now that I'm thinking about it the red lever was wrong and the blue lever was wrong so I think you would make the green one right are you going to press it let me go ahead and pull this one real quick and look at that I made it to the next room let's go g what what is this I'm really afraid of heights this is my laser dropper and you're going to have to go through the these lasers they choose between the lava and the water oh no those lasers look super dangerous but if you want me to choose between the lava or water obviously the water would be safe so let me just jump down here like this and wait wait a second I'm taking damage are you serious right now was that poisonous water yep and you went down the wrong way what the heck G well if that's poisonous water then this has to be fake lava so let me just jump down real quick like this and wait a second I missed it there's no way you just missed that jump bubbles are you serious right now G I told you I was afraid of heights and I was trying to dodge those lasers too it's all right bubbles Ste time x charm you got this okay let me just get a running start back here and come on let's go I made it and look at that I'm not burning either good job bubbles you figured it out but now we can press this button to go to the next room let's go let's go and uh g g What What In the word is that this is a mutant drowned and you're going to have to fight him oh but he literally looks like a sigma from Ohio how do I beat him don't worry bubbles I hit a bunch of chest around this room and if you find every single one of them you'll be ready to fight the ground and you might even find the Grimace Shake in there what the I didn't really care about the items but a Grimace Shake I better get looking and let me look inside this chest and wo it's not the Grimace Shake but it's a minigun let's go and I'll look inside this chest over here and okay that's super cool I just got some dragon scale leggings and boots you look so cool but can you find the rest of the chest let me just keep looking through these chests come on and oh yeah I just found the rest of my armor good job bubbles but there's still two more chests you have to get H well I already looked through all the chests so it must be this weapon in the item frame and look at that g I'm so powerful you look super duper cool but you still need the Grimace Shake yeah that's what I've been trying to find this entire time but I can't find it you got this bubbles you just have to look really carefully look really carefully um what the heck G there's literally nothing around this room let me just start clicking randomly on every single block and wait a second I just found the Grimace Shake let's go are you going to try it obviously I heard it's super duper nutritious and uh wait g g i can't I I can't move uh uh uh what is this Grimace Shake doing to me right now I think this is the side effect of the Grim Shake wao I can't see anything clearly anymore no gee that was super scary I'm never going to drink a Grimace Shake ever again good job bubbles but now that you have every item I'm going to drop the walls in three 2 1 let's go come on let me just hit him with my minig gunun let's go and now I can use my axe but he's doing so much damage to me it's l bubbles never back down never give up a I already died once but this time I'm going to get him and look at that G I already won good job Bubbles and now that you got the drown we can open up these doors and go to the next section o and wait a second G is this a parkour this is my lava Spike parkour and if you want to make it all the way to the end you're going to have to go through it these lava spikes look extra deadly I better be super careful but good thing I'm a parkour professional and well uh g g uh you you didn't see that okay oh my gosh bubbles you're more like a parkour Noob how did he feel the jump hey I told you to pretend not to see that but I'm going to prove to you that I'm not a noob by making this jump now nice and I'm just going to Breeze through the rest of this like easy peasy lemon squeezy let's go nice but can you make it to the end uh let me do this head hitter real quick and the last jump come on and I did it ni shot bubbles now you can open up this door and get to the next section oh yeah let me just open it up and wait wait a second G I can open it oh are you sure you might just have to try it harder come on come on and gee this is literally an iron door oh yeah I forgot about that I hit a button somewhere in this room and you're going to have to find it a button well let me just look around and there's literally nothing here but there is this Among Us painting it's super sussy yeah he might be the impostor what are you going to do about it well if he's the impostor I'm going to get rid of him and wait wait a second there's a chest let me open it up to see what's inside and it looks like there's a button good job Bubbles and now that you have the button we can move on to the next room let's goe I could tell that the last obstacle was a parkour but G what is this this is my boat Maze and you're going to have to get to the end a boat maze well let me just go in this chest and grab a boat and I'm obviously going to grab a blue one and not a green one really dude green is the best color of all time no it's not blue is Captain bubble's ready for voyage let's go but now that you're in the boat which side are you going to go on well it looks like there's a turn right over here so it must be this way let me just keep sailing and uh what do this drop oh there's lava what the heck G I guess that wasn't the right turn yeah it wasn't but there's still two more turns left so which one are you going through well I think I see a close one right over here so I'm going to go through it come on let me just go inside and wait wait wait no no no stop these are creepers these are creepers oh no they got rid of your boo guess that means you have to use the green one now ha what the heck G I don't want to use the green boat but I guess the creepers didn't kill me so I got to be grateful for that nice shot Bubbles and there's still one more tunnel left well let me just back out of this creeper one come on before any more creepers spawn and let's head toward this final turn and wait G it looks like it's the prize good job bubbles are you going to open it up yeah of course I will I went through so much G I went through a hard parkour I got blown up by creepers and now I can finally get my prize let's go and are you serious right now G it wasn't going to be that easy bubbles you still have the shoes between the diamond treasure and the emerald treasure the diamond or the emerald well don't we all know GE I love diamonds all right so let's see what's inside and it looks like it's the prize uh uh what the heck what the heck man were those ghost blocks yep cuz you just went the Fe treasure personally I think that the diamonds should have been the real one I don't know about that bubbles let me just smell the side real quick and E that totally shouldn't have been the right one what the heck okay well let me smell your side then ew that's even worse oh my gosh bubble stop being a baby and just go through the emerald treasure already you know what I'll do it but I'm going to plug my nose first all right G I'm walking through I'm coming through G let me in let me in oh my gosh there's no way you're actually plugging up your nose but now that you made it inside you can collect your treasure Okay g I'm almost out of breath come on I'm got to open up this chest and wait a second a bunch of blue crystals and rotten flesh yummy yummy yummy wait a second why are you actually eating it get out of here but bubbles now that you went through my build can I please go through yours yeah of course let's go when can I turn around you can turn around in 3 2 1 turn around oh my gosh how in the world is this build so big because I'm a Minecraft professional don't you just love my upgraded Titan TV man your build is super awesome but wait a second how did he build this in only 10 minutes what do you mean only 10 minutes it's plenty of time for me to build something like this and I even went easy on you g uh are you sure about that bubbles this build is literally huge what can I say I just have some super fast building skills whatever you say bubbles but wait a second how do I even get inside this thing I'll give you a hint G it's your favorite color wait my favorite color than green but wait a second I don't see any green on this build you're just going to have to look a little bit closer come on there's got to be some greener on this build and wait a second I think I see some right over here no way you found it all right so let me just try clicking on these and let's go good job G you made it inside now you're going to have to complete this super difficult lava parkour if you want your prize this super difficult lava parkour this is the easiest parkour I've seen in my life because you know I am a parkour Pro what do you mean G look how many jumps there are watch this bubbles I'm going to complete this parkour first try let me just make this jump right here and now I'm going to 360 all the way to the other side let's go what the that was pretty stylish G but now you can open up your chest and collect your prize I guess I have double Riz bubbles but now that I made it to the end I'm going to collect my prize let's go and wait a second what the what oh why is there lava here ha you're about to get burned get away from me lava get away ha stop Rising me oh my gosh what in the Ohio was that bubbles you just fell from my trap cuz this is the fake entrance the fake entrance are you serious right now yep so now you better go find the real one oh my gosh maybe it's inside of his TV and no nope or is it inside of his arm and oh my gosh no no no I can't find the S anywhere bubbles can you please give me a hint I'll give you a hint G but under one condition all right but what's that no condition cuz I'm not giving a h oh my gosh are you sure about that bubbles G please put that away put that away put I'll I'll tell you I'll tell you let's go I have no idea why you didn't check her G but it's right inside of his core oh my goodness I could have totally found that but wait a second now that we're inside there's a red button a green button and a blue button oh no yep and only one of them's going to be safe so which one are you pressing G well since Green's the best color of all time I'm going to press the green button let's go and wait a second really dude ha I knew you would pick the green one G so I made sure to make it a trap oh my gosh really bubbles Green's the best color of all time how can you do that because in reality green is not the best color but out of these last two buttons remaining which one are you going to press well this red button super duper big I totally have to press it come on let's go and wait a second what the heck is this what is happening you just got teleported to Ohio no no no get out of here wait a second did I just kill him am I stuck in Ohio yep you just got rid of your only way out G oh no only in Ohio oh only in Ohio oh I didn't think you would be able to get out of Ohio but I guess you did yeah that was a total nightmare but wait a second only the blue button left does that mean I have to press it yep it's your only option hey guess press the blue button and let's go we made it and wait a second is that speaker man and cameraman Yep they're super powerful and you're going to have to fight them G wait a second I'm going to have to fight them but they're my favorite skid characters that's what makes this level extra hard oh no that sounds super scary so I guess I'll open up the shest to get started and wait a second really dude why is there a password cuz I wouldn't let you get your items that easy G you're going to have to look around the room for Clues to figure out the password look around this room but it's just a bunch of paintings and wait a second why is there another among us over here that is pretty sussy what if he's the impostor yeah he might be get over here Mr impostor and wait a second there's a sign over here no way you figured it out the number on the sign is one of the numbers in the password H so if I break the rest of these paintings maybe I can open up this chest and wait another one yep but can you figure out the last two numbers H well maybe there's someone this wall come on come on come on and another one so now you got three ones in a row wait a second bubbles I think I figured this out the code has to be one 111 you actually got it let's go and now I have some ender dragon armor and this dragon bone sword wo G you look super cool and you can fly too wo this is awesome speaker man and cameraman bring it on the cage is going to open up in three 2 1 fight get over here holy moly it looks like they're doing so much damage to you g yeah but I'm flying up super duper high can you get them come on and oh my gosh ha it's all right bubbles try to let's see if you can win looks like you got him let's go that was a super hardfought fight G now you can open up this door and move on to the next level all right and wait a second what the heck is this welcome to the world's deadliest dropper you're going to have to pick one of these Corners to jump in and hope it's safe H well this is the easiest choice of all time I'm going to go in the water side let's go and wait a second why am I taking damage oh no are you serious anyo bubbles was that poisonous water yep it's the same one that they used to make the Grimace shake that explains a lot but wait a second there's only lava and Bedrock over here yeah so what are you going to do g h well since this right lava has to be right I'm going to go in the right lava let's go and oh no why am I burning no way well since the right lava wasn't the right one I'm going to go in the left one it has to be fake let's go let's see if you make it and oh my goodness why did I just burn again no a you just died three times in a row H well I guess it has to be this Bedrock one so I'm going to jump on these spikes until I get all the way to the bottom jeez just jump to the Bedrock trust me jump to the Bedrock hm I guess I will come on and wait a second why am I bouncing cuz I made some bouncy Bedrock for you I didn't even know there was a thing that's so cool but wait a second what the heck is this bubbles this is the next obstacle that you're going to have to cross to get your prize my amazing ice boating course your amazing ice booting course well luckily I'm an ice buting Pro so let me open up this chest real quick and really dude why is there a bunch of pink boats cuz I remember you said you love the color pink uh no I don't I hate the color pink get out of here uh G if I were you I would not throw those out cuz you're going to need those to get across to the other side oh my gosh why does it have to be a pink boat can I please get a green boat no pink is all you get oh my gosh whatever I guess I'll get inside of this stinky pink boat yep and you better not get hit by these Springs all right come on can I make it to the end looks like you dodged the spikes oh no you just got bounced off it's all right bubbles tried to let's see if you can make it past this spot it looks like you did it they don't call me a pro for no reason and Bubbles I just have to make this last turn and I made it let's go no way you did it now you can open up this door and move on to your next obstacle and wait a second why is there a portal gun over here because this is a skibbidy toilet quiz room and you're going to have to answer these questions successfully to make it to the end who fights with the big hammer speaker man or cameraman uh bubbles this is the most obvious question of all time obviously cameraman has a hammer well let's see if you're right by using the portal gun on this answer all right let me just use it real quick and let's go it was the right answer nice job G but can you get the second question right which toilet is stronger Gman or spider toilet well the spider toilet is pretty scary so I'm going to go on the spider toilet side and wait a second what the heck why am I burning haha it was wrong G I can't believe you would pick the spider toilet g man's obviously the stronger one yeah I guess Gman is pretty scary so I'm going to go on the Gman side now that you made it through can you answer the last and final question who can use teleportation TV woman or speaker woman H well I don't really know this one but speaker woman is literally my girlfriend I'm going to go in the speaker woman's side let's go and oh my goodness ow ow ow I knew you would pick speaker woman to eat cuz you have a crush on her uhuh no I don't bubbles what are you talking about it's okay G we all know already but yeah the correct answer to this question was TV woman let's go I'm going to make it through now now welcome to your last and final obstacle G are you going to pick the emerald treasure or the diamond treasure the emerald or the diamond treasure well that's the most obvious choice of all time I'm going to go in the emerald treasure let's go and wait a second why is there a creeper Kaboom that was super duper scary does that mean I have to go in the diamond treasure yep I can't believe you fell for that g Diamond was obviously the right one oh my gosh whatever bubbles I guess I'll open up the diamond treasure now in 3 2 1 let's go wo there's a bunch of poisonous potatoes and a bunch of emeralds Yep they're all for you I'm feeling richer than ever G what in the world are you doing bubbles you got to help me my fish is literally droning oh no wait a second fish can drone but bubbles what in the world are we doing today we're going to be doing a weird trick dad build challenge weird trick dad oh no is that the guy with the scary face yep but he's going to scare you if your build's bad oh no I'm going to have to make the best build then but wait a second what side are you going to go on the green side or the blue side I love green so I'm going to pick the green side the green side that's side what the okay fine I was just kidding anyway blue is way better but we only have 10 minutes to make this build so you're better get started go go go let's go now that g can't hear me anymore I can type in the command and oh my God our weird strict dad respond in we're so ahead of G right now but we got no time to waste cuz we got to put in some traps and for my first trap I'm going to put in a fake entrance where should I put it hm wait I know let's put it right inside of weird stri dad's nose over here we're going to put some secret doors disguises Emerald blocks to lure G over here and I know this is going to work because emeralds are G's favorite for the fake entrance of my build I'm going to make G fall into a pit of super dangerous mobs let's go ahead and build out the room first and then we can place on a whole a bunch of emeralds in the back that g can mine using this pickaxe right over here let's make sure to put down an emerald ore right over here because if GE goes to mine it he's just going to fall all the way down this is going to be the perfect setup for my trap instead of making him fall to his Doom though I'm going to make him fall into a pit of mobs just like I was talking about earlier and let's go ahead and make this pit out of some Bedrock so he has no way to escape let's also make sure that he falls in some cobweb so that he literally can't move and now we can spawn in all of these deadly giant beetles wao these guys look absolutely terrifying but just like that my fake entrance is completed make sure you stick around to see G get absolutely wrecked by those beetles before moving on to building the real entrance I want to go check on G to see how he's doing before the competition I secretly place a shrinking device right over here and if I use it just like this we can become super duper tiny now we can break a little hole into the wall and spy on G and look at that he's building his weird trick dad all right just a few more blocks and there we go my weird trick dad looks so good what do you think of it Freddy Fazbear what the why is J talking to Freddy Fazbear has he gone crazy wait a second why are you running away from it get over here what the heck oh little do bubbles sow I'm going to place a ton of secret Trapster on my entire build with this super secret treasure at the end and we only have 8 minutes left so this is going perfect wait a second we only have 8 minutes left I got to get back to my build let me cover this up turn back into regular size go go go all right since we already have the fake entrance completed let's put in the real one and I know exactly where I want to put it let's just break out these two blocks in the o just like this and then replace it with some ghost blocks as the weigh in look at that it's so hidden you can't even tell anything's there for the first official trap in my build I'm going to be making another pit full of mobs but this time there's going to be a safe way to get through it let's go ahead and B out the pit and now to help me spawn in the mobs you have to hit that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing and holy moly we just spawned in some giant poisonous lizards now that that's done with we got to give g a way to get across G is going to have to pick one of these three Springs to bounce across with and only one of them is going to be right and I have a feeling he's going to pick the blue and green one first because it's our favorite colors but too bad for him both of these are actually going to be wrong the corre correct answer is going to be this red Spring right over here the Green Spring is going to bounce him far but not quite far enough and then the blue one's only going to bounce him halfway I can't wait to see G you pick those and fall into the pit but if he picks the correct red one he can bounce to the other side super easily let's go our mod pit spring room is completed for the next room in my build I'm going to be making a shark Obby or shark parkour let's make this room super duper huge and then we'll fill up the entire floor with a whole bunch of water and now we can spawn in our great white sharks just look at how Fierce they look they look like they're going to attack whoever what never for the parkour we're just going to start off with the easy jump just like this let's make this a spring jump all the way up here and then this is the part where it gets Crazy by putting down these blocks just like this we can actually make this entire thing spin now when G is all the way up here he's going to have to try and make it down without falling into the water and then we'll make him do some ladder parkour on the side of the wall just like this and make it to this little platform over here on this platform G is going to have to make it across to the end before these fences push them off we'll put some spikes at the end to make it even harder let's test out this jump to see how it works and wait a second this fence is already pushing me off what the heck help ow okay this parkour is super duper difficult make sure to stick around to see if GE can get past it but now that our shuck parkour is completed we can move on to building our next trap for the next obstacle G is going to have to do a boss fight against a super dangerous mob let's hope that he's been practicing his PVP skills cuz he's going to need it let's put down some super secure iron bars to make sure that the mob boss doesn't escape and it's time to spawn in our mutant wither skeleton oh my God there's no way G is going to be able to defeat him but let's give him a Fighting Chance by giving him some gear in this chest right over here the twist is it's going to be password protected let's just set the password to 777 and we're going to be giving him a full set of silver armor a silver sword and some golden apples hopefully this is good enough for him to put up a good fight the only way that g can figure out the password is by finding three hidden chests with the numbers inside and for the first chest let's just put it in this corner right over here we'll drop a piece of paper with the number seven on it and to make it even more hidden we're going to add a little slab on top the second chest is going to be super duper hard to find because it's going to be under this secret trapo this might just look like any ordinary block but if you right click it it's actually going to open up and under it there's going to be the second chest with another number seven inside the third and final chest is going to be the hardest to find because it's going to be disguised as an iron bar once again it doesn't look like anything special but if G right clicks it he can find the last number to the code and there we go guys our boss fight room is completed and now before moving on to building the next trap I want to go troll GE real quick so let me just fly up to this chest right over here and we're going to grab this zombie TNT and this invisibility potion now we can break out a few blocks into the wall and look at that we can see G building my r dad is coming along super good I'm almost finished wait he's almost finished let me quickly Splash his invisibility potion on myself and then fly straight over to him to prank him to set up this little prank we're going to put this zombie TNT right over here with a sign on top that says light to get free emeralds and now all we got to do is wait to see if he notices wao this building's super exhausting I really need a break and wait a second what in the world is that TNT looks like he found it what is he going to do it says light to get free emeralds oh my God I'm totally going to light it let's go and wait a second second where's the emeralds come on and what the what is this no way all those zombies just came out of the TNT why is there a bunch of babies attacking me ow get away from me it's really a zombie apocalypse out here get him come on zombies I'm out to se you on fire let's go oh no G is actually beating them and wait he just died ha all right quick while G is busy respawning we're just going to grab this bazooka and then we're going to blow up and build run away run away wait a second what was that sound I think he noticed it what the heck what the heck happened to my build he has no idea that it was us this is super bad and we only have 5 minutes left to finish this build so we got to hurry up what in the world did he just say 5 minutes we're going to quickly get back to our build go go go I had no idea we only had a few minutes left so we got to build this quick for this obstacle G is going to have to pick between two different roller coasters the one on the left or the one on the right I have a feeling that g is going to think that the right one is right so we're going to make this one the wrong one let's make the roller coaster go upwards just like this instead of leading him somewhere more safe it's actually going to drop him into a room of mobs let's build out a Bedrock cage just like this then we can go ahead and spawn in these evil wolves they look super scary and Powerful they're going to take GE out in no time let's add in some finishing touches to this side and for this roller coaster over here because it's going to be the correct answer it's just going to lead directly to the next room we'll make it come this way just like this and voila our roller coaster room is completed the idea I have for my next obstacle is going to be the world's most dangerous ice building course let's make this room super duper huge there we go and now we can start building out the ice we'll make a curve over here just like this and then have a whole bunch more twist and turns to the end looking good and I even added some dead ends over here on the turns just to make this harder we're going to go ahead and add some Springs to the course just like that if G hits them with his boat he's just going to get bounced right off the course wait a second I almost forgot to punish G for falling off the course I'm just going to spawn in a whole bunch of these desert zombies that should be enough and oh my goodness I definitely would not want to be falling down here let me fill up a chest over here with a whole bunch of boats and just like that the world's most dangerous ice boating course is completed if G is able to somehow survive this then he can move on to my last and final obstacle because this is the last obstacle all he has to do is pick if he wants the emerald treasure or the diamond treasure let me place down a chest on both sides and come on guys let's be real diamonds are way better than emeralds so the diamond side is going to be the correct one which means we're going to have to set up a little trap on this Emerald side let me hide a command block under the chest real quick and now when G opens up this chest it's just going to make him levitate all the way to the top but what should we put up here h o I think it would be arious if we put some super hot lava let me get some signs down just like this and just cover the entire roof with this lava let's make sure that our trap is working and oh my goodness we're levitating and wait I'm in the lava that was really spooky I can't wait to see G fall for it but now that the emerald side is completed we can give him his actual prize on The Diamond side so let's just fill this chest up with a whole bunch of emeralds and lettuce G loves vegetables so I think he's going to appreciate his prize and boom chicka poow my weird strict dad build is completed and look at that the timer just went off as well let's go meet up with g and check out each other's builds hey G hey bubbles now that we're both done with our builds who are we going to check out first well since your build's definitely the best I think we should check out yours wait really you think my build's the best I'm just kidding bubble since my build's obviously way better than yours we should check out mine bro what the heck whatever G let's save the best for last done I don't know what you're talking about bubbles but if you go on the side over here check it out what do you think what the G this is actually not bad but why in the world is his face like that uh well his face is supposed to look super creepy right yeah it is but that doesn't look creepy that looks kind of goofy a he is not goofy a he's literally Elis from Ohio but I had a secret treasure inside of my build and if you go through all my traps you get to keep it a secret treasure well then how do I get in your build I'll give you a hint bubbles it's your favorite color my favorite color well that's going to be easy peasy to find come on let me just scan this entire build for some blue and look at that I just found it good job bubbles you figured it out so now if we open up these doors we can go right inside and what wao is this a whole bunch of lasers Yep this is my impossible laser coron good look getting through bubbles cuz you know you're literally a noob I'm a Noob I'm literally the best and I'll show you right now look at that just maneuvering through your lasers like it's nothing wait what how are you already at the end because I'm the greatest parkour Master to exist and look at that G I can already collect my prize I'll give you that bubbles I guess you are pretty good at parkour and since you made it to the end you can open up this chest and get your prize sounds good it's going to be so many diamonds and uh wait a second why am I in a whole bunch of spikes haha ow ow ow ow ow what the heck G those spikes were literally pokem my butt cheeks and there was absolutely nothing in that chest does this mean it's the fake entrance yep and you're going to have to find the real one oh my gosh is it inside of his goofy ey face nope is it in his big red shirt over here and nope nuh uhuh where in the world is this entrance G I can't find it anywhere H I guess I'll give you a hint bubbles but only under one condition and what condition is that everyone watching the video don't like And subscribe right now like And subscribe quick guys I really want to figure out where this real entrance is so hit that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing all right G they all liked and subscribed so now you have to tell me where it is fine I guess I'll show you bubbles follow me let's go and I have no idea how you didn't find it cuz it's literally in his arm right over here what the I never thought to check the back and uh wait a second what in the world is this now that you're inside of my build you're going to have to choose between the lava tunnel and the water tunnel um are you serious right now G the water or lava isn't that like the easiest question of all uh maybe what are you talking about bubbles I mean it doesn't really take a dummy to figure out that lava burns you and water keeps you alive wait a second bubbles you're a genius and now that you figured it out you can go down the water tunnel oh yeah I'm super duper smart super duper smart wait a second why am I taking damage um so I guess my calculations might have been wrong G the water actually killed me yep cuz you just fell in the fake water okay but where do I even go now I'm not going to jump in this lava wait what why not it's literally so hot and steamy and totally won't kill you or something like that g you must be tickling my toes right now or something cuz it is definitely not safe to be down there fine I guess it isn't that safe but there is a bunch of rotten flesh down here wait a second rotten flesh I didn't have dinner yet so I'm super hungry okay I'm just going to jump down I'm just going to jump and wait a second I survived yo cuz you just fell in the fake lava I should have known you would have put fake lava here GE yeah but you didn't and now that you made it AC cross you have to answer this super difficult question let me just read it real quick who is super smelly GE or bubbles what G just come over here for a second uh okay e g what the heck ises that smell really dude let me just smell you real quick e you literally stink bro you smell like you haven't showered in like 5 Years brother you're definitely the more stinky one oh my gash that's such cap but I guess you can press the button all right let me just press it and what the heck you know what G I bet I actually did die from that button I just died because of how you smell really dude you're like the smelliest person of all time and your breath literally smells like rotten flashh yeah obviously which is absolutely amazing oh my gosh well since you literally won't press this button I'm going to press it for you let's go and what the heck what in the diggly dog dog is that g this is a mutant blaze and you're going to have to fight it uh there's no way I have to fight that thing g e get me out of here no way bubbles you're going to have to fight that Blazer you're going to get Gul eaten alive eaten alive but wait a second G I literally have nothing how am I supposed to beat them don't worry bubbles they completely thought of that so I put a chest over here with all the items inside wait what G that's so nice of you I can't believe you would actually do uh what in the world G it's password protected I had the password somewhere inside of this room and you're going to have to find it somewhere inside this room well it's definitely not suspicious that there's Among Us painting right over here hold up it literally says sus bubbles I think you should eject him yeah you're right let me just get him out of here and wait a second what if I just break every single painting on the wall come on come on I think it's revealing something and it looks like it's number nine yep you found the first number and I think the second number is right over here and I can't reach those paintings all the way up there but I assume this is going to be a three what do you mean you can't reach that bubbles you're literally so short I'm the short one well G why don't you try to reach it then uh okay let me just jump like this come on come on come on and I got it bro literally all the viewers in I just saw that you flew I didn't know what you're talking about bubbles I'm just built different but there's still one more number left well yeah I'm going to find it right now and come on it looks like it's the number one good job bubbles but does the passcode actually work let me type in 931 and oh my God I just got some ender dragon armor and a dragon bone sword wao you look super cool but now that you're all geared up I'm going to drop the walls in three 2 one fight M and blazes bring it on and wao this armor can make me fly too this is so cool and wait a second there's a bunch of explosions what is going on they're shooting so much balls at you what the get these balls away from me that's too sus and wait a second I think I killed one of the blazes and come on just one more left I got to get this guy you got this bubbles come on I can barely even see anything cuz he's throwing me around but come on just a few more hits and I think I got him let's go holy moly that fight was super chaotic but thank God I made it out alive yeah and we better get out of here cuz this room's literally on fire go go go all right and UD what is this this is my laser boat Maze and if you want to make it to the end you're going to have to get across without dying well that sounds like a piece of cake and uh G why are there only green boats over here can you give me a blue one yeah my bad bubbles let me just give you a blue boat right over here let's go and what the heck G are you color blind this is literally green again I don't know what you're talking about bubbles it's literally green I I mean blue what the heck whatever G I get it you don't want to give me a blue boat I'm still going to make it through your course regardless we'll see about that bubbles they made it super difficult uh well if it's super difficult why am I getting through it so easily right now G uh wait what I might have not planned this good enough and look at that I can see the exit right over there let's go ow wait I literally just almost died but I made it through anyway fine bubbles I guess you made it through but you're definitely not making it past this next trap and what's it going to be this is my lava parkour and you're going to have to get past all these super difficult jumps to get to the end uh I think you might want to look up difficult in a dictionary again because this is super duper easy GE really dude chill with the eago Bro there's no way you make it to the end without dying at least once well to be honest G I don't think I'm going to die at all let me just jump over here and what the heck ha I literally didn't even miss that jump how did I fall there well maybe because you're a noob what the heck I'm literally not a noob I'm going to show you by making it through this and what the heck why am I falling through these blocks g n there's definitely something super fishy here I'm making those jumps but then falling right through you might want to get your eyes shcked bubbles cuz you literally Miss every single jump and I literally just saw you go through those blocks there's something wrong with those uh go wait what I don't know what you're talking about uh uh you didn't see anything wait a second I know those were literally ghost blocks I should have known you would put those traps G oh my gosh fine I guess you figured it out let's go but now you have to make the most important choice of your life are you going to choose the green treasure or the blue treasure uh I don't think this is the most important decision of my life because it's easily going to be the blue side good choice bubble so open up the chest and let's see what you get I'm about to get some diamonds some what the heck why am I in that void what the heck G why did I just fall into the void cuz you just picked the wrong treasure what the heck does that mean I have to pick this green nasty one yep and this time you have to open it up you know what G I will and you better have put some super cool prizes and wo are those a bunch of diamonds shaped in letter B for bubbles that is super cool yep I made it just for you but now you went through my build can I please go through yours yeah of course let's go when can I turn around you can turn around in 3 2 1 turn around all right so let me seeing Oh my God oh my God for real cuz my build is absolutely amazing this is super huge how in the world did you build this in 10 minutes what do you mean 10 minutes is more than enough time to build all of this yeah I guess 10 minutes is a lot of time but this thing's literally massive how in the ru do I even get inside this thing I'll give you henchy it's your favorite block my favorite block then emeralds but H I don't see any emeralds around this build uh are you sure about that GE look a little bit closer look a little bit closer bubbles you're literally so weird I don't want to look at his pants what the G that's really sus I never said that I literally just said to look for your favorite block look for my favorite block and oh it's right up there the whole time yeah I have no idea why you wanted to look at his pants G but let's ignore that fact well bubbles it was literally green I don't know what you're talking about I don't know let's just open up these doors and go right inside and wo are these a bunch of emeralds yep and there's no trap involved cuz I'm super duper nice yeah I guess you are pretty nice so let me just take this pickaxe real quick and let me start mining let's go wo you're getting so many emeralds G I'm feeling richer than ever wait what the heck you're not supposed to break those what are you doing what are you doing really dude fine I guess we'll just mine the last Emerald right here so let me just mine this real quick and wait a second why m a cob weon Oh no you're getting attacked by a whole bunch of beetles get away from me beetles get away get him get him get them oh my gosh and uh wait a second why did you just leave some poop here G wait what the what are you talking about all right G I did not know that the Beetles were going to scare you that much that is super nasty uh no it's not what it looks like you know fine since as we went the fake entrance I'm going to find the real entrance now let's see if you can find it maybe it's inside of his Roblox he'll go over here and no nope maybe it's in his arm over here and no not even close or maybe it's inside of his beautiful green pants not the pants again I can't find this entrance anywhere can you please give me a hint you know what g e since I'm so nice I'm not going to give you a hint really d dude are you sure about that bubbles hey hey hey hey hey what are you doing what are you doing stop stop stop okay okay G I'll tell you where it is I'll tell you where it is let's go and I have no idea how you missed it G it's right inside of the Roblox o wait what the I could have totally found that well you didn't and now that you made it inside can you make it past my poisonous lizard pit well of course I can these lizards look super friendly but there is a Green Spring a Blue Spring and a red spring yep so which one are you going to pick to figure out how friendly they are well since the lizards are green and I'm green obviously I'm going to choose the green spring let's go and wait a second oh no haha you just fall into the pit it looks like you just figured out how really friendly they are yeah I guess they aren't that friendly after all but there is a Blue Spring and a red spring left and I have a feeling you'd make the Blue Spring the right one so let me just try it real quick and really dude why did your spring just break what the it was supposed to knock you in the pit again oh my gosh whatever well it wasn't the right one anyway yeah cuz Blue's literally the worst color of all time that is the biggest cap you ever told I just knew you would pick it yeah yeah whatever you Say Bo let me just go on this red spring real quick and I made it nice job G now that you made it through we can open up this door and move on to my parkour and wao are these a bunch of sharks yep one wrong move and you're going to get eaten alive eaten alive cool that sounds super scary but lucky for me cuz I'm a parkour Pro well let's see if you can make it through let me just jump on this moving platform nice there's no way you just made that let's go this parkour is easy peasy and wait a second what the haha you just got pushed off by the fence ow owow ow you got to be careful for with those jumps g e that fence might push you off again yeah that was super scary but good for me cuz second time zarm let's go and wo that was actually super close but you made it but I'm super curious can you make it past my next obstacle wait a second is that a mutant wither skeleton yep and look at his two massive swords you're going to have to fight him that sounds super scary but lucky for me cuz there's a chest over here so let me just open it up real quick and oh no why is there a password because I wouldn't make it that easy for you g to figure out the password you're going to have to find find it around the room find it around the room that sounds super difficult but wait a second I already see a chest over here so let me just open it up real quick and look at that you found the first number of the password yeah and it says seven but there's got to be some other numbers in here so let me just keep looking real quick let's see if you can find it and hold up this stone brick looks super sussy uh what do you mean G there's nothing sus about it I don't know what you're talking about bubbles it looks super Saucy so let me just try hitting it and wo it just opened up a trapo yep and now you could collect the second number of the password and it's also another seven yep and there's only one more number left can you find it well duh of course I can bubbles I just got to look super carefully maybe there's another hidden Block in this wall come on come on come on and I found it what the how in the world did you find it and really dude it's another seven I could have guessed that well you didn't and now you can put in the password and collect all your items and wao there's a bunch of silver armor the silver sword and these golden apples yes sersi wow G you're actually looking super super cool and ready for battle Yeah I'm so ready this skeleton's going to get blicked up okay I'm going to drop the walls in 3 2 1 fight get over here Wither Skeleton ha and oh no I already died what the G there's no way you already died to it are you serious right now he's super strong is he going to get you again and he just got you again really dude it's all right G third time the charm let's see if you can finally get him oh no I have to eat one of these golden apples real quick come on get him get him just a few more hits and I got him wow he just blew up into a million pieces I told you I was going to get him but now let me just open up this door and wait a second what is this welcome to my roller coaster room are you going to pick the roller coaster on the left or the roller coaster on the right the left or the right well H since right is right I'm going to go on the right roller coaster let's go all right let me give you a push and see where you go and wait a second what the heck ha you just got eaten by the evil wolves I can't believe you just fell for that G I obviously would not make the right one right are you serious Ral bubbles that's so unfair yep and now you're going to have to go on this left one fine let me just go in this mine C real quick and I'm just going to say this now G you're not going to have a fun time ah why did you push me so hard what I literally gave you a little tap that suck cap but wait a second what is this well G welcome to the world's most dangerous ice boating course you're going to have to use a boat to get to the other side and if you fall you're going to get destroyed by these zombies the most dangerous ice course G that sounds super scary so let me just open up this chest real quick and really dude why is there a bunch of blue boats what do you mean cuz blue is the best color in the world it matches the ice can I please have a green boat bubbles they literally gave you a blue boat earlier you know what G since you asked so nicely I'm going to do the same for you wait really yep here's a green boat right here let's go thank you bubbles so let me just place this down real quick and really dude this is not green haha well I said I would do the same to you but hurry up G make it to the other side before the zombies eat you no no I just got bounced by those Springs ah what the you literally got flung around and now these zombies are chasing you down wait a second I have a 900 IQ Play Let me just place these cactuses like this come on and I made it what in the world I shouldn't have put those cactuses down I'll give it to you g you escaped the zombies but can you make it past the ice booing course I totally can bubbles just watch and wait you're actually almost there and I made it all right G that was actually some smooth sailing so let's open up this door and move on to the last and final obstacle and wao is this my treasure yep and you can either choose between the beautiful diamond treasure or the smelly Emerald treasure the smelly Emerald treasure let me just smell it real quick oh it definitely does smell it smells delicious I mean to each their own I guess you could collect your Emerald prize then yeah yeah I'm not listening to all that so let me just open up this CH still quick and wait a second why is there nothing in there and why am I floating ha you just got levitated straight into some super hot lava are you serious r that was super unfair I think it was actually pretty fair cuz you're the one that chose this side but now that that you figur out that the emerald side is a trap you can open up the chest on this diamond side whatever let me just collect this Emerald before I go now I'm going to have to go in the super smelly blue side I don't think you're going to think it's smelly after you open up this chest all right so let me just open it up and wo there's a bunch of emeralds and a bunch of lettuce yep your favorite let's go and now that we've checked out each other's builds whose do you think is better well looking carefully at both of our builds I think that mine is better stop the cap G mine is way better really dude then who wins huh I guess we'll have to let the comments decide everyone comment me no everyone comment Bubbles and if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that like And subscribe button and if you want to see another one of our adventures then click the video on screen go click it click it click it bye bye are you now
Channel: Bubbles
Views: 3,248,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft noob vs pro, noob vs pro, ge and bubbles, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, jamesy, maizen, jj and mikey, minecraft troll, minecraft prank, minecraft mod, minecraft build challenge, minecraft noob vs hacker, block buddies, omz, jeffy minecraft, the amazing digital circus, digital circus, pomni, jax, caine, ragatha, kaufmo, pomni x jax, amazing digital circus build challenge, digital circus minecraft, pomni minecraft, ayodentv, jax minecraft, caine minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 42sec (11022 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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