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morning everyone Hi there morning hello such a beautiful day I wonder what we have planned for today hold on we're missing a couple people where's kicken and dog day well I don't think Kick's going to be join us after you know the thing that never happened right but do day should be here by now it's not like him to be late maybe he's still sleeping well I guess it wouldn't hurt to go over and check if he's good morning everyone sorry I'm late guys stting we were just about to go looking for you okay who's ready for some of them Adventures today um me are you okay you seem off of course bright and sunny no for today we're going to I'm sorry let me sorry okay that's a red flag dony are you sick me sick don't be silly you know I can't afford to do that huh so today we're going on a hike a nice little walk through nature and fun and you're sure you're okay absolutely now come on the journey awaits I think he might be sick you [Music] think 103 fah that's a fever all right oh you poor thing how is he poor he's the only one with the house what oh no I can't be sick I was supposed to lead us on a hike it's the first thing on the schedule don't worry about the schedule we can always do it another day but she's right you know don't worry about it besides you've got the best medical assistant right here I'll get you back on your feet in a jiffy are you guys sure sure we're sure no let's get you back in good health uh guys first things first we're going to have to get you some hot food pigy go get a can of chicken noodle on it wait get what kind of I'm back that that was fast did did you even warm it up yep nice hot and delicious thanks picky I bet it tastes better than it look where is it I uh got a little hungry on the way here thanks okay then hoppy will'll go get the soup really oh oh don't worry we'll take good care of you today a thanks Bobby oh that was cute but I don't imagine him getting out of bed with that and I'll do it again BB that's that's not doing anything and [Applause] again seriously BB stop hey I made this for you maybe it will [Music] help oh crafty it's beautiful once again it's cute but it's not really helpful here ow all right hot spon coming up with what the puy we're supposed to help him feel better sorry the floor was slippery fun fun day can't you guys just do the simple thing right you know what I'll just get the soup myself maybe bring some napkins with that okay next we need to keep him warm make sure he's nice and bundled how do we do on that all tuck in KN he's not moving an [Music] inch maybe you guys overdid it a little bit well a little bit sad keep him nice and bundled yes and make sure he can breathe oh he can breathe what next the next step is to get some sleep but I don't imagine him getting that with you guys around debatable what is the matter with you guys hey come on we're all trying to help here let's not find I don't know why I was expecting Common Sense from you guys I bet I could have done this whole thing myself and everything would have been perfect oh yeah then maybe you can do everything yourself if you think you're such a smart guy I am if you just oh hey Cat up nice to see you bye well that was rude what is he doing it's a bit early for him to show up so soon [Music] oh well there we go then thanks a ton K okay goodbye then well at least he's asleep now no thanks to us for once Dante needed us to be there for him and all we did was argue at each other and bicker and frankly that's not the kind of friends he needed right now started it I don't care who started it this wasn't about who was right and wrong this was about DG day and he was sick and needed our help just like he always helped us wasn't it oh Bobby you're you're right I'm sorry I I yelled at you you were all trying to help no no it was our fault we were being a couple of dumb dumps we so um what do we do now I guess now we just let him sleep and when he wakes up he'll see The Smiling Faces of all of his [Music] clothes
Views: 6,464,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e094fLsC7kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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