CATNAP LOVES DOGDAY?! Roblox Smiling Critters Quiz

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today we're back at The Smiling Critters squiz show but this time they added all new questions from poppy playtime chapter 3 Welcome to The Smiling Critters quiz show each question will display for 30 seconds you must choose an answer before the 30 seconds are up those who guess incorrectly will be punished quit show Corporation is not responsible for any injuries that contestants may endure Once you walk in your answer there's no going back using Google is against the rules that means you snowy Fox what I was it going to use Google look SN it's catnap right this way come on silly let's do this thing question one which gritter is good at math is it dog day bobby bear hug kicking chicken or Bubba Bubba fin ooh what do you guys think which Critter is good at math I'm pretty sure I remember this from the character descriptions that they said on Twitter that mob released like a long time ago wa that was a long time ago I've never seen them at school so I don't know who's good or bad at math wait I did see a bunch of pictures of dog day at the school yeah in M Delight school I do remember seeing posters of dog day I'm pretty sure it's Bubba bubin though cuz if he has a good memory wouldn't he be good at math I think I'm going to vote Bubba Bubba fin but why would Bubba bubble fit have a good memory cuz he's an elephant SN and he always remembers oh yeah that is true Oh no I got it wrong oh yes I got it right oh no oh I got exploded check this out Sil now the score is 1 to zero I'm in the lead but not for L Tyler I'm totally going to beat you and look over here snowy it shows that the color will change based on the questions level of difficulty so we have easy questions medium hard and hacker questions let's see what difficulty level the next question's going to be it's going to be medium the next question is what Critter has a statue in the sleeping area of poppy play typ Chapter 3 is it dog day catnap bobby bear hug or hoppy Hopscotch okay guys so remember in poppy playtime chapter 3 inside the sleeping area I remember it was like a really messed up sleeping area like everything was all destroyed remember that snowy yeah and there were tons of bunk beds I feel like it's catnap because catnap puts people to sleep but I don't really remember the statue yeah I don't remember seeing a statue of catnap that'd be kind of weird there is one character I do remember seeing a statue of cuz it freaked me out it looks super creepy guys and it was red snowy can you tell me which Critter is red yes it was Bobby bear hug okay let's lock in our answer I'm pretty sure that's the right answer guys let's see I sure hope it's right let's see what it is Bobby be yeah look how creepy that statue is yeah it looks Brown now let's see what punishment we avoid Ed snowy oh my gosh we would have fallen down to spikes look at this statue guys that's creepy she doesn't even have her heart necklace on yeah Tyler that doesn't look like the loving bobby bear hug we know it looks old and abandoned I told them to fire whoever made that statue of me who would want to hug that here we go silly next question is going to be hard uh-oh catnap is rubbered to love who what does catnap love kicking chicken Bob bear hug dog day or Miss Delight I have no clue I've never heard of this before so people are shipping catnap with somebody wait guys is this from the actual game who does catnap love I guess he could love bobby bear hug because she does have the heart and who doesn't love bobby bear hug yeah guys I think it's Bobby bear hug cuz bobby bear hug is all about love maybe catnap loves Miss Delight they were the two main bad guys in chapter 3 her messed up face is from him kissing her guys ew no I'm going with bobby bear hug or does he love kicking chicken because everyone loves kicking chicken I'm voting kicking chicken soe because he's cool yeah everyone does love chicken okay guys who does catnap love dog day what we're both wrong s oh no oh no C up is eating us oh man what guys what do you think does catnap really love dog day this is the first time I'm hearing of this why did he take his legs if he loves him I guess catnap shows his love in a weird way snowy is it true what they're saying catnap you love me oh uh I don't know how that question got in there hurry up and go do the next one or I'm going to eat you okay cat up okay come on sowe hey it's going to be an easy one okay guys remember chapter 3 what did Dog Day lose was it his arms his leg legs his head or his ears I do remember getting chased by dog dayy remember that and he was walking with his arm so he didn't lose his arms he also had a really creepy face so it couldn't be his head this is an easy one guys he lost his legs yeah everyone knows that but maybe he lost his head because he lost his legs like he lost his mind by the way guys don't forget to play along and keep score with us if you beat our score at the end of this video then you are a certified smiling Critters Pro and look snowe we were right he lost his legs let's check how we're doing snowy look guys I'm in the lead 3 to2 but how are you doing are you beating our score right now yeah guys comment your score down below right now also if you love The Smiling Critters don't forget to leave a like on this video And subscribe if you're new to the channel next question what Critter's cutout does not have a voice in poppy playtime chapter 3 uhoh guys remember the cutout so I remember you could hit the button with the grab pack and then it would reveal each of their voices so which one did not have a voice was it crafty corn kicking chicken hoppy Hopscotch or catnap I remember crafty corn talking about colors oh yeah let's just try to think of what all the cutouts said guys I remember hoppy hop scotch wasn't she talking about jumping to the Moon she's always talking about hopping yeah I think so I thought I remember hearing kicking chicken's voice and thinking it was kind of weird but I can't remember what he said yeah he was like my name is kicken chicken he was like screaming but I do remember him also screaming at the very end but it was like a scary scream and hoppy Ops Scotch was telling us to not look at our feet I thought I remember there being a catnap cutout but did he actually say anything I don't think so I'm going to vote for the cat app cutout SE cuz I remember what the other ones actually said me too and I can't remember what catnap said okay guys let's see catnap we were right snowy yes we did it I wonder why he cut out didn't have any words Tyler we would have fallen into lava if we got that wrong maybe his cutout was him admitting he loves dog day hey knock it off guys if catap was admitting he loves dog day in his cutout that makes sense that catap would destroy it so he wouldn't hear hey I told you to quit talking about that okay cat catnap whatever you say buddy hey the next one's going to be medium the next question is what color is not on crafty cord is it hot pink lime green cyan or purple okay guys think about crafty corn Envision crafty corn in your head which color is not on her is it her necklace like rainbow yeah Tyler her necklace has a ton of colors this is going to be hard I don't think I remember seeing lime green uh hot pink I feel like that would be there cion wait is there cyan cyan is one of her made colors she's like cyan and white oh yeah you're right like toothpaste cyan and then purple wait was purple there purple could represent catnap so maybe she doesn't want purple on there guys I have no clue uh I'm just going to guess hot pink okay I'm going to guess purple I'm guessing she doesn't have purple that would be a cool detail if she didn't have purp hot pink oh she does have purple that means I'm going to get punished guys no I fell into the check it out guys she has almost every color except hot pink I don't know why but I didn't remember she had purple yeah that was kind of a hard way Tyler hopefully the next one's easier oh no it's going to be hard oh man it's a hot Cheeto hard question what does katab do when doy wants to play fetch does he sit there chase the the ball stand there or catch the ball wait when did Dog Day want to play fetch with catnap I don't remember this oh yeah I remember seeing animation on YouTube it was the unused episode of smiling Critters wait so it was official voice lines this is a real thing yeah Tyler but it was unused oh no guys okay I have no idea what does catnap do when dog day wants to play fetch I guess I'm going to think he uh chases the ball cuz that's what you're supposed to do when you play fetch I remember he didn't move so I can't remember it stands there or sits there I think he just stands there okay guys let's find out what does catnap do when dog day wants to play fetch it's an official question oh no stands there why are you just standing there wait what oh no I'm going down a slide craftting Corn's going to eat me check it out guys dog day says why are you just standing there now that I read that I think I remember that snowy it's when catnap was being super creepy yeah he was just standing there and he didn't even say anything the next question is what color does crafty corn ask for okay guys during her cardboard cutout lines does she ask for orange purple cyan or red what do you think so do you remember it looks like she says we can't be out so we ran out of some color maybe it's cyan because she's mostly cyan and white and she would be sad about that yeah cuz she'd be like drawing a picture of herself maybe right or could it be purple and that's why cat app's so angry cuz we ran out of purple and they can't draw catnap or red because of the bad color in that game I don't think it was orange you know what I think I'm voting red because if she needs more red she's going to get it by any means necessary guys I'm going to vote Sayan oh no it's red I was right oh man oh no mommy Barrack's going to eat me no check it out SE I'm pretty sure crafty corn was asking for red and she was telling us we were hiding it maybe she's going to use our blind that's so scary next question what happen to the first catnap Dream of poppy playtime chapter 3 okay guys remember when catnap put us to sleep did poppy talk to you meeting catnap the hour of Joy or the nightmare Huggy Chase ooh okay I remember all of these but I know which was first I remember it was really scary I mean the hour of Joy was pretty scary but didn't we see that on a VHS tape wouldn't we meet catnap if we fell asleep from him yeah that's what I'm thinking but I also remember poppy talking to us and like showing us the factory and there was like a forest and stuff I think I'm going to go with poppy talks to you I'm going to go with nightmare Huggy because I remember it was really scary and that was one of the scariest things oh yeah yeah when he came out of the TV right but we didn't know it was a dream yet oh you're right Zoe no I'm wrong I'm going to get punished no I exploded in the lava check it out Tyler I'm beating your score oh no guys I better catch up I want to win this thing but what's your score are you beating us it wouldn't be that hard to beat you guys you're terrible at this hey at least we learned the truth about you and dog day those are only robers come on t let's check out the next question the question is what scares the living smiling Critter's toys oh yeah this is when we're like in the playground area is it yelling at them flare gun clapping loud or flashlight light what is it that scares the creepy Living toys guys I remember it had something to do with light yeah maybe it's the flashlight light but I remember there's a thing where we were like running out of ammo so I'm thinking the flare gun maybe yeah I think it was the flare gun because it was super bright then again because we have the hands on the grab pack can we clap with them it could be clapping loud that would be pretty funny but I'm going to go with flare gun yeah I don't think it's yelling at them either because we can't yell in poppy playtime in fact I don't think we've ever said anything I wonder if they're ever going to give the player voice lines player gun yes we were right Tyler awesome flare Gs are scary a SMY Critters are highly flammable you know oh hey hoppy hop scotch so are the rumors about catnap and dog day true I'm pretty sure they are but catnap doesn't like what we talk about that hey what did you get here get out of here hoppy you're not part of this next question what does pigy piggy not mention she likes to eat okay guys I think this was during the cutout lines does pigy piggy mention eating roast beef fried rabbit grilled chicken or fade unicorn only one of these she did not mention didn't she mention eating all of the other smiling Critters yeah I thought they were all references to her eating them like grilled chicken is kicking chicken blade unicorn is Crafty corn and fried rabbit is hoppy Hopscotch but who would roast beef be yeah guys there's no cow smiling Critter so I'm going to go with that one I think yeah roast beef that's my answer then again I don't remember her mentioning fried rabbit I think I'm going to vote for that one let's see I could be wrong though guys what's it going to be fried rabbit Oh no you're wrong snowy you're wrong oh my gosh the fried rabbit's going to eat me that's what's going to happen to Hoppy Hopscotch if she keeps talking about those rumors oh no I have to get out of here the next question is what has kicking chicken admittedly never done ooh what has he never done surfed a wave eaten chicken gone outside or played Roblox wait I feel like he's never eaten chicken or played Roblox yeah but it says admittedly Tyler so he has to have admitted it to us oh okay so what does he admit to never doing this must be during the cutouts in chapter 3 so I'm pretty sure he surfed a wave cuz that's in the cartoon I don't think he mentions eating chicken or playing Roblox I think he said something about going outside and he wanted us to go with him because he was scared yeah doesn't he say that he's going to go first but then something terrible happens and he starts screaming I'm going to vote for gone outside he admitted to never going outside before yeah guys I totally remember that oh we were right there's the line guys I've never gone outside before he says I'm surprised I thought he was adventurous check out the scoreboard Sil I caught up to you and now we're tied but I'm still going to beat you Tyler no way snowy I'm going to win this thing okay guys the next question is medium let's see that question which Critter does not have fingers ooh fingers okay guys you got to pay attention to their hands does kicking chicken have fingers Bubba Bubba Fint catnap or hoppy Hopscotch I know for a fact hoppy Hopscotch has fingers but I don't know about the other three I know catnap definitely has fingers snowing because he uses his claws to scratch like crazy and he wants to grab you with his hands and strangle you that's so true so now we're left with Bubba Bubba fit and kicking chicken kicking chicken has wings so I don't think that counts as fingers I'm voting kicking chicken well Bubba Bubba Fin's good at math so he wouldn't need to count on his fingers so I'm going to go Bubba Bubba cuz I'm pretty sure they just draw with hooves like crafty corn let's see what the an is oh no you were right Tyler and I was wrong uh-oh you're going to get punished snowy oh oh no the lava check it out snowy Bubba is so good at math he doesn't need to count on his fingers he can just do all the math in his head looks like the next one's going to be medium wait snowy why is catnap missing his torso what's going God that's super weird which Critter wears a star necklace is it dog dead catnap hoppy Hopscotch or kicking chicken okay guys remember their necklaces wait does catnap wear a star necklace snowy is that why his torso's gone yeah maybe it would have revealed the answer if his torso was there but then again I do remember a star shape on dog day wait wasn't that a sun shape and a sun is technically a star I thought happy Hopscotch had something yellow so I'm going to go with kick and chicken I think kick and chicken wears the star I do remember hoppy Hopscotch had something yellow and she mentions hopping to the moon and then she lands on a star right so I'm going to go with Hoppy Hopscotch cuz I do remember yellow but it could be catnap because of nighttime oh I don't know guys which is it let's see the answer kicken chicken oh no that is a star I'm going to get punish snowy no into the spikes oh a man look Zoe kicking chicken has an orange star I never would have got that I'm lucky I guess not Lloyd I need to pay better attention to all the pictures of them that's in the lobby the next question is who hides under a blanket in the smiling Critter's cartoon oh yeah in the animation remember so they're scared was it dog day bobby bear hug picky piggy or crafty corn that hides under a blanket I have no clue I'm leaning towards dog day but I don't know what that's based off of well I do remember it showed dog day on the couch and didn't he have a blanket Zoe cuz they were having a sleepover yeah but didn't they all have blankets because of that I don't know S I don't remember picky piggy wait wouldn't they just have sleeping bags instead of blankets dog day was on the couch so he wouldn't have a sleeping bag I think I'm going to vote for dog day me too guys I'm pretty sure it's dog day I don't remember pigy piggy saying anything I do remember Bobby saying the wind is scary but what did crafty corn do to be honest I I thought it was kicking chicken oh no it's crafty corn crafty corn had a blanket oh man we both got it wrong wo we're going down a huge slide into bobby bear hugs mouth a man I don't know why but I completely forgot that's what crafty corn did look Tyler we're still tied you're right snowy okay the next one that only one of us gets right is going to be the tiebreaker to end the game guys I need a focus so that I could beat Tyler but before we see who wins leave a like on the video if you haven't already and subscribe if you're new to the channel you don't want to miss the crazy videos we have coming come on Taylor let's go see what that tiebreaker question is what is hoppy hops scotch's scent is it pine tree vanilla peppermint or fried chicken I forgot that they all had different scents remember that snowy that's part of the smiling Critter's toys so true well happy hop scotch is green so I'm going to say it's either pine tree or peppermint yeah I think if smelled like fried chicken she wouldn't be friends with kicking chicken for long that's true I'm pretty sure it's peppermint Tyler I'm going to go with peppermint ooh but what if it's pine tree I don't know guys which one watch it be vanilla snowy uh do you guys remember this one what are their scents honestly I forgot about most of them I'm just going to go with peppermint too soe I'm locking it in let's see what the answer is it's peppermint oh it's peppermint yes we both got it right and look snowy we would have gone down a huge slide check it out snowy we're still tied this next question is going to be the ultimate tiebreaker whoever gets this question right is definitely a smiling Critter's Pro okay guys let's see what the difficulty of the final question wa oh my gosh snowy it's a hacker question the whole place is all hacked out look at catnap for 10,000 points what 10,000 this is going to be an insane tiebreaker I love how catnap and hugie are dressed as hackers okay let's see what the hacker question is does catnap love dog day what vote in the comments oh guys what do you think does catnap actually love dog day look at that picture snowy is that catnap with Dog Day in a heart picture frame yeah catnap is the one holding it guys let us know in the comments down below if you think catnap really loves dog day catnap do day sitting in a tree j i s s i n stop it stop making fun of me hey you should click on one of those videos that's on your screen right now and subscribe if you haven't already bye and don't forget to like the video see you
Channel: Tyler & Snowi
Views: 988,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, catnap, poppy playtime, smiling critters, poppy playtime chapter 3, poppy playtime ch3, poppy, playtime, smiling, critters, catnap poppy playtime, catnap poppy playtime chapter 3, catnap animation, smiling critters cartoon, smiling critters reaction, smiling critters poppy playtime, smiling critters roblox, roblox smiling critters, roblox catnap, roblox poppy playtime, smiling critters names, poppy playtime roblox, dogday, catnap x dogday, dogday x catnap, roblox dogday, dog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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