SCP-054 Water Nymph (SCP Animation)

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omg did you do the artwork? AMAZING!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RobotDevilMan 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

I thought he was pissing in the fountain

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/I_hate_Sharks_ 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
“Who are you talking to?” The young boy  spins around, surprised to find his father   standing behind him. The boy seems nervous and  hesitant to answer, but after being asked again,   he admits to his father that he was  talking to the lady in the fountain.   The boy’s father is confused, the lady in the  fountain? That’s right, the boy explains that   she is nice, just like mom. He thinks the  woman in the fountain may even be his mom. The father sighs. He takes the boy’s hand  and leads him back inside the house where   the father is hosting a small get together. One  of the father’s guests asks if things are okay,   and he tells her that everything is fine. He’s  just worried about his son. It has been a very   difficult year following the death of his wife. He  tells her that he’s afraid he might be developing   behavioral issues, as he watches the boy staring  out the window at the fountain in their backyard. Later that week in school, the children are  supposed to be drawing pictures of their families.   The teacher moves from child to  child, checking on their progress,   and stops at the boy. She wants to know what  he’s working on. The boy explains that it is   a drawing of him, his dad, and his mom who lives  in the fountain. The teacher doesn’t understand,   his mom lives in the fountain? “That’s right” the  boy tells her. The fountain in their backyard was   her favorite place in the whole world. His mother  had told him that it was a magical place and   was the reason they bought the house. After she  died, he heard a voice coming from the fountain.   It doesn’t sound like his mom, but he knows  it’s her. She lives in the fountain now.  The father thanks the teacher for calling  and promises that he’ll talk to his son.   He’s very sorry that the other children are  frightened by the stories about a woman in   their fountain and he’s going to make sure  this whole business comes to an end for good. That night, as he is putting the boy to bed,  he tells him that he knows he misses his mom,   but he needs to stop with all of these  claims about a woman in the fountain   and as much as he misses her and  wishes that his mother could come back,   he needs to realize that she’s gone and not  coming back. The father kisses the boy on the   forehead and tells him one more time that there  will be no more stories about the woman before   tucking him in for the night. As soon as his  father is gone though, the boy gets out of bed,   creeps to his bedroom window that looks down  on their backyard, and stares at the fountain. He watches as reflections  dance on the rippling water.   The water goes oddly still, until a hand  that appears to be made out of water seems to   emerge out of the surface of  the fountain… and waves at him. The father leaves the bathroom and glances  in to check on his son before heading back   to his bedroom. He bolts upright when it  dawns on him that his son wasn’t in bed.   He runs into the son’s room and pulls the blankets  off the bed but no one is there. He frantically   calls for his son and looks around the room, when  he sees something. He hurries to the window where   he watches as his son walks towards the fountain.  But what really has his attention is the woman,   translucent and shining under the moonlight,  beckoning for the boy to approach her. The father rushes downstairs and out  into the backyard where his son is   in an embrace with the watery woman. He  is terrified but his fatherly instincts   take over and he sprints to the fountain  and rips the boy away from the creature.   As he pulls the boy back from the  fountain, he watches as the solid,   watery figure of the woman appears to turn back  into a liquid and collapses into the fountain. The father brings the boy inside the house.  He doesn’t understand what’s going on   but the father just keeps repeating  that he’s okay, he’s safe now. The next day, the father is on  the phone with their local priest.   He knows how crazy this sounds, but the police  didn’t believe him, and he didn’t know where   else to turn. The priest tells him not to worry,  that he will be there soon to take care of it. The priest arrives at the house with  two assistants and tells the father   that it would be best if he and his son leave.   The boy is crying, pleading with them not  to hurt the nice woman in the fountain. The   father has to struggle to restrain his son, but  eventually is able to get him out of the house. Once they’re gone the priest turns to his  assistants. He takes off his shirt to reveal   a tactical vest underneath emblazoned with  the SCP logo as his assistants do the same.   “Time for containment” he says as they head  out into the backyard towards the fountain   and the anomalous creature that lives there. Hi! I’m Dr. Bob. And this is SCP-054,  also known as… the Water Nymph. SCP-054 is the designation that the SCP Foundation  has given to an anomalous entity with some very   strange properties. Made up of 9 liters of what  appears to be completely normal spring water,   SCP-054 most often appears in the form of a female  humanoid, but it is capable of a variety of forms   such as other humanoids and simple geometric  shapes. It is unknown just how it is capable   of taking and holding these shapes, or  how it moves around once it does so,   since all tests performed so far have  failed to show any thermal, electromagnetic,   biological, or other phenomenon present in  its body that could explain its abilities. Whenever SCP-054 enters a body of water,  it will become indistinguishable from the   surrounding water, and it appears that it must  fully submerge itself on occasion in order to   replenish its full volume, which is constantly  being reduced through normal evaporation.   Water that has evaporated off of the anomaly  has also been collected by the Foundation,   and it too is indiscernible from regular  water and exhibits no special properties. After its discovery, SCP-054 was moved to  Site-08 for containment where additional   research and study of the creature could  take place. Its special containment cell   was made watertight, and equipped with  a specialized climate control system,   as well as an ornate fountain  filled with fresh spring water. Surprisingly, the entity  seemed to enjoy its new home,   and appeared happy to interact  with Foundation researchers,   guards, and maintenance staff, frequently  mimicking their forms often in a playful manner. While at first, 054 would retreat back to its  fountain when it wasn’t interacting with staff,   as time went on, it seemed to  grow more and more comfortable,   and eventually came to spend almost  all of its time outside of the water,   though it would still always return back  to the safety of the fountain and disappear   into the water when attempts were made to  extract samples directly from its body. Though it avoided having its water drawn,  it was through a variety of different tests   by SCP researcher Dr. Seskel that much of the  Foundation’s knowledge of SCP-054 was gained,   though whether the methods researchers used  to acquire this information were appropriate   is up to you to decide. In a test dubbed the “Water Loss Experiment”,  SCP-054 was denied access to water. As a result,   its shape changed, with 054 becoming more compact,  most likely in order to reduce its surface area   as much as possible and reduce the rate of  evaporation that occurred. For the first few   days after access to water was removed, It would  happily greet anyone who entered its containment   cell, which may indicate that it was attempting to  charm staff into providing water. When after a few   days its water supply was still not turned  on, it stopped acting especially cheery,   perhaps realizing that its happy disposition  was doing nothing to advance its cause. In an Extreme Temperature Test, researchers were  authorized to experiment with subjecting SCP-054   to temperatures below zero degrees celsius. The  entity became more and more lethargic as the   temperature in the testing area was lowered,  and it eventually froze completely. Ice chips   were collected for study, but analysis revealed no  abnormalities or differences from standard water. The opposite test was also performed, and the  temperature was raised to 95 degrees celsius,   just shy of the 100 degree boiling point  of water. 054 became very aggressive as the   temperature approached the upper threshold  at which water can remain a liquid,   and it attempted to escape the testing enclosure.  Researchers noticed that following this test,   the entity became increasingly resistant  to being moved from its containment cell   to the testing area, likely fearing that  the researchers intended to do it harm. SCP-054’s memory was tested as well, and it  proved very skilled at solving puzzles and   navigating mazes. Researchers initially had  an issue with motivating 054 to participate,   but Dr. Seskel discovered that the anomaly was  quite responsive to the use of electrical shocks.   The researchers would often push 054 too hard  in these tests though, and soon found that   they would need to give it a 48 hour rest  period between any strenuous experiments. The final test performed was meant to gain some  insight into how SCP-054 maintains its form,   by seeing how it reacted to  a Hydrochloric acid solution.   It unsurprisingly resisted this test,  and the temperature in the testing area   was lowered to just above freezing in  order to try and control its behavior. This did not prove to be enough though. SCP-054  fought back against Dr. Seskel and his research   assistant, seriously injuring both of them and  necessitating a halt to the test. In fact all   testing on SCP-054 was stopped following this  incident, as it appeared to develop an extreme   mistrust of males, who made up the majority of  the staff who had been performing the tests. Following this attack on the Foundation staff,  SCP-054 was classified as Euclid. However once   the tests ceased and 054 no longer had to come  in contact with the research staff who were in   charge of the experiments, there was a span of  over five years without any further incidents.   Following this period, SCP-054’s  rating was downgraded to Safe,   and now seems willing to begin participating in  experiments once again, though now all tests fall   under the purview of Biology Unit E7 and the  use of only female personnel is recommended. Though classified as Safe, caution must still be  maintained when working with SCP-054. Maintenance   personnel are required to wear Chemical Suits  when working inside the containment area,   and must spend ten minutes in a special drying  room once they exit to ensure that 054 has   not somehow managed to cling to any part of  them. In the event of a containment breach,   the entire enclosure is to be flushed  with liquid nitrogen to freeze the entity. Is the Water Nymph an example of  the SCP Foundation going too far?   Containing a harmless anomaly who appears  happy and benign until harm is done to it?   Or is this simply the price we must pay in  order to further our knowledge of anomalies, and   potentially stop a dangerous threat to humanity.  The answer to that question… is up to you. To further your own knowledge of  anomalies that the SCP Foundation   has in containment and potentially  find the answer to that question,   I recommend you watch the files for SCP-007,  Abdominal Planet, and SCP-163, an Old Castaway.   And as always, make sure you subscribe and turn on  notifications, so you don’t miss a single anomaly,   as we delve further and further into the  SCP Foundation’s classified archives.
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 1,373,220
Rating: 4.9119048 out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp explained, scp-054, scp 054, scp054, scp water nymph, water nymph, nymph, scp water, scp ice, scp water creature, scp water monster, water creature, water monster, water woman
Id: ruowfU3rYWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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