Slendytubbies 3 with Yammy & Gloom

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Y: Hellooo, Demon?? G: Come out demon child... ;) (Oh god no Cassie) Y, G: AHHHH! L: *laughing hysterically* L: *evil laughter* Y: I TRUSTED YOU WITH MY LIFE KASSIE. Y: And now I'm coming to take yours! *epic intro* Oh and don't forget the *woosh* (Hey, I'm doing the captions and this is my first time so I'm sorry if they're a little weird. Ok, ENJOY THE VIDEO! :D Also, THIS TOOK ME 4 DAYS TO FINISH. BE GRATEFUL. K, bye.) Hey guys so today, I'm gonna be playing some Slendy Tubbie's 3 You may remember I played Slendy Tubbies I think two? Maybe one, a long time ago by myself It was a lot of fun, but this time. I have Yammy and Kassie aka Gloom games here to play with me! And, you know not make it so scary. L: *screaming* Y: What is happening? L: I don't know! It's- *more screaming* Y: NO NO NO NO! Y: Guys I found a custard! L: You gotta collect 10. G: We need to get our tele custard I'm hungry. Y: Another one! I found another one! Y: I'm doing so good girls. L: I think we're working as a team to get the custard so that's good. L: 'Cause I don't have any G: Oh Lauren, they're running real fast. She's coming right for you L: Wait, is he? Where is he? L: AHHHH! Y: I think we have to sacrifice Lauren... L: NO! Y:'s the only way. L: NO NO NO! L: Oh, God he's coming. Y, G: *freaking out* L: Wait... L: It's a dead end! Y: Oh, this is a dead end! *wheezes* Y: *screams* Don't follow me... DON'T FOLLOW ME!! L: What do you mean?? L: *SCREAMS and tries to laugh it off -_-* *more laughing* L: Oh, God I hear him... L: Nevermi- *bloodcurdling scream and more laughing* L: NEVERMIND, NEVERMIND, NEVERMIND!!! Y: He's not happy! Y: He wants the custard! L: HALP MEH, HALP MEH. L: Ooo, I found a custard! I got it! Y: Good job! L: I'm bringing him to you. Y: No! L: Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup. Y: No! No! that's a terrible idea! Y: Find the custard Lauren. I'm trying, I'm going, I'm serious, I THINK HE'S FOLLOWING ME. Oh, god, oh I fell. L: Ow. Ow. Ow Y: I'm in this weird warehouse and I sEE THE CUSTARD, NO! L: GET IT! GET IT! Y: -I SEE THE FINAL CUSTARD!- L: *continuing with her 'Get its'* Y: I'M DEAD. I'M DEAD. Y: I LOST THE CUSTARD. Y: I found the custard, what happens? L: Yayy! :D Y: Yayyy, custard! :D L: Oh, we get a gun! (Someone take the gun from Lauren now.) Y: Oh I have a pistol! :D (Take it from her too.) L: OOO, I'm by the water! Y: So beautiful- wait there's zombies... L: Oh, God! Y: Wait... L: Yeah, it's survival. Y: This is not- Y: This is not cool. *laugh* L: I got ya- Y: I don't like this... L: I saved ya, don't worry. :) Y: Oh my goodness. L: UGHH. G: I'm coming for you guys. :'( (Gloom finally speaks!) L: There's one left in Wave 1. Y: I don't like this! I don't like this one bit! G: You guys are like on the other side of the mountain! L: I know, I'm trying to-trying to reach you! Y: WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?! Y: Why am I on my own... :'( L: Yeah, why are you- G: *interrupts* L: -so far away from us?? You're real far. Y: I'm scared and alone... :'( L: Oh, the next wave started! L: Oh! There you are! Oh look a helicopter. Y: Nice to see you guys.. :'( Uh oh. L: Oh God, here they come. OH MY GOD THEY'RE EVERYWHERE. OH GOD, OH GOD- L: OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD. L: Eh. Y: This is pretty cool, this axe. Behind you! L: OH! YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO HELP ME?! Y: I AM HELPING YOU! Y: I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die real soon. Y: AHHH!! L: RUN! RUN! RUN! *laughing* L: I got this, don't worry. Y: Ok. go Lauren! Y: You're a pro! L: Don't worry! Y: I need me some health. G: I need me some custard. Y: We all need custard. Y: Can we just get on this ship and go home? G: Start a new life. L: Oh. Y, G: (idk) L: I didn't know this was here. *helicopter flies away* L: Oh, no! Y, G, L: NOOOO!! L: *laughing* L: Whyyyyy? Y: Nooooo. Y: It's home, guys! G: What happened to this guy!? L: Oh, no! Oooo, the custard machine! Y: Bye gurls. L: Where are you going? Y: I'm going home. Y: THEY'RE ALL COMING *shots are being fired* Y: NOOOO. *more shots fired* L: OH MY GO- *laughs* G: THIS ISN'T SAFE, THIS ISN'T SAFE. L: YAMMY, YOU'RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT!! Y: *struggling* L: Eh. Eh. Y: *sobbing* L: They're all following you... there's a robot! Y: WHAT IS TH- Y: *laughing* WHAT IS THAT?! L: I DON'T KNOW! G: We gotta protect Yammy, she can't- L: I know! *everyone struggling* L: OW! Y: NOOO. G: *inaudible* L: AHHHH! *laughing* Y: I'm gonna die!! :'( L: *laughing* Y: I DON'T WANNA DIEEEE :'(( L: There all just chasing us! *laughing* G: You're not gonna die! Y: *sobbing* Y: I'm gonna die, guys! L: No, no, we'll protect you, don't worry. G: NOT ON MY WATCH SWEETIE. L: I don't know if you come back if you die, either. Y: I'm hoping you do! L: Oh, no! L: Kassie, behind you! G: AHHHH!! L: Oh, no. Y: LAUREN! :'(( L: HEL- what? G: I'm out of ammo! L: Am I surroun- AHH! *laughing* Wait. You're both out of ammo? Oh, I'm out of ammo. GO, GO, GO! G: This music though. L: I know, so epic. Y: I know. L: *LE GASP* Y: WHAT THE HECK? POE!! L: OHHH... NOOO!! Y: *sobbing* G: Yammy!- Y: *still sobbing* G: -isn't that your cousin? L: *laughing* Y: IT'S MAH COUSIN POE!! :'(( L: Oh, no... Y: The plane's coming. L: Oh my god there all coming - where? Y: I think Kassie, you should go in with you're knife. Y: We're gonna sacrifice you. *laughing* L: *laughing* G: Alright, I'm going in with my knife. Y: *laughing* L: *laughing* L: Let's see how well this works. Oh, they're like following you. *Gloom's health depletes rapidly* L: Oh. *laughing hysterically* Y: *laughing* G: AHH! Y, L: *still laughing hysterically* L: That went sooo wrong!!! L: It went so bad! Y: *still laughing* L: She got so badly hurt! Y: I'M SORRY KASSIE!! I SHOULD'VE NEVER TOLD YOU TO DO THAT! L: She literally went from full health to like nothing in an instance. *laughing* Y: *still laughing in the distance* G: I HAVE 4 (health). L: Is there- Oh I one! Y:OHH. L: I got one! I got one! L: I'll just keep trying to knife 'em. Y: Attract them. L: Eh. Y: I'll go from behind. L: I'm trying! Oh, oh oh! G: GUYS, IT'S TOO DANGEROUS! L: AHHHH! *laughing* *everyone freaking out and laughing* L: Wha- I DIED! *laughing* G: NO I'M ALL ALONE! :'(( L: *still laughing* Y, L: *still laughing while Kassie is crying :'(* Y: C'mon you can do it! G: *battle cry* L: OH! *laughing hysterically* Y: *laughing* L: It was a good effort. L: OOOOO! L: WOOOO!! L: I'M CREEPY... :) Y: Lauren sounds happy! L: Ohhh. L: I'm not even gonna tell you guys what I look like. G: We need guns. We need guns. Y: Do we need guns? Y: Or do we need custard? Y: PRIORITIES HERE KASSIE. L: I should stand over this custard. Y: Custard over guns. Y: Always. G: Ok so, we're supposed to find custard and run away? G: From Lauren? L: Yes. Y: Yeah.... G: Ok. Y: ...custard... L: It's kind of like, um, Friday the 13th, like somebody's the killer and you gotta, stay away from me. L: How do I find you guys? G: We're over by the Porta-Potty. L: I don't see Porta-Potties anywhere.... -_- Y: I see loads of custard, look at that. Y: Oh. L: WHAT? G: Yummy. L: My character's so slow. G: Lauren what the hell are you? A spider? L: *le gasp* You CAN see me! L: I'm like a... L: ...spider, bat, hybrid thing. COME SEE ME. Y: We just need the custard.. Y: ...that's all we want. We will leave you alone. L: I'm trying to look around for movement. Why can't I see anything? :'( L: Why can't I find anybody? :'( Y: Because you're SLOW. L: *laughing* L: NO, STOP COLLECTING CUSTARD! Y, G: (idk) L: It makes me grow weaker... Y: *giggle* L: Ooo, I found one. EHEHEHE. L: EHEHEHEHE G: But I'm scared and lonely... :'( Y: I found a custard. G: You keep finding them. Y: They do call me the custard-finder champion of 2017 (it's 2018 now so :/) L: *snickers* *le gasp* OH! L: I SEE ONE OF YOU!! Y: * freaking out* L: I SEE ONE OF YOU!!!! L: I'm- Y: *laughing and freaking out* L: I'm too slow... :'( Y: OHH MAMA! SHE'S A BIG GIRL! L: *laughing but crying inside* Y: She's bIIIGGG! L: No! Did you guys find my custard? Y: She is big!! Y: *trying to catch her breath* Y: She is big! L: YOU FOUND MY CUSTARD... :'( YOU GUYS ARE BULLIES >:( Y: SHE'S COMING! L: I'm so much slower!! Y: You just look awful, you're burning my retinas with your ugly face (not nice Yammy). L: I'm on t- oh. L: AWWW!! That was a- Y: AWWWWW! L: Wait did I kill somebody? Y: *snickers* Yeah, suuure... L: *snickers* L: No, Kassie was like, glitched out. I can't tell if I killed her. Y: (idk) L: EHHEHEHEHE Y: LEAVE ME ALONE! :'(( Y: Tell me where the custard is and I'll leave your lab. L: Can you not see me? Y: YES, I CAN! L: Oh, *laughing* Y: I'M RUNNING AWAY. L, G, Y: *laughing* L: EHEHEHEHHE L: EHEHHEHE Y: JUST TELL ME WHERE THE CUSTARD IS!! :'(( L: I can't get you! You're too fast! Y: AHHHHH!!! L: *laughing* Y: *still freaking out* Y: MY, GOD!! L: EHEHHEHEHE Y: *laughing* L: That- NO! I'm gonna get you! No! Y: Is this one of the custards you've been hiding? Cuz I took it! :D L: NO! L: No! L: What happened to Kassie did I kill her? Did I kill somebody? Y: SHE'S DEAD. L: Yes... G: No, you didn't kill me, my-my um... my PC crashed... hehe L: AW NO, ANOTHER CUSTARD NO! Y: *laughing* L: NOOO! Y: Hehe Y: You're never gonna catch me! You might as well- L: I know! I've been trying for so long! Y: Surrender your pink goodness to me. :) Y: I'VE GOT ALL OF THEM!! L: OH NO!! L: Nooo.. :'( Y: *laughing* Y: You're faster than you said you were. L: The itsy-bitsy spider... L: ...comes up the water spout.. Y, L: *laughing* G: Itsy bitsy? L: Hey! Stop making fun of me- Y: NO! YOU'RE MASSIVE! L: -cuz of my size! :'( Y: You're a fixed spider. OHHH. L: WHY CAN'T I STAB YOU!? THIS IS NOT FAIR!! Y: You shouldn't be on top of me Lauren. Y: NO! NO! NO! G: Excuse me? L: YES!!! Y: NOOO!! L: YEEEESSSS!!!! L: YEEEESSSSS!!! L: [I'm] Twerking on top of your body. Y: Tell me where the custard is Lauren. L: Wish I knew. L: Oh, I see you! Y: You don't see me. L: Heyyy!! Y: EWWWW L: *laughing* Y: YOU ARE DISGUSTANG LOOKIN'! L: *laughing* Y: You are a freak of nature. You should be killed! L: You're so jealous. Y: You should be PUT DOWN. L: It's not even funny... L: jealous you are. *laughing* Nanana L: *tune of the isty bitsy spider* Nanana! L: *laughing* Y: Can you really catch up to me? L: *still humming* L: I don't know, actually. I don't think so. Y: I can't find the other custards. I'm gonna have to die. Out in this desert wasteland. L: We could be friends. :) L: You wanna be friends with me right? Y: NO! L: Right? Y: You'll eat my body. L: No.... *laughing* Y: LAUREN!! L: I'D NEVER!! L: Aww. Y: NOOOO!!! *laughing* L: See? It won't kill you! L: I win. :D L: I'm an infected... person. So I have to infect you guys. Y: What the heck?? G: *fear* L: *le gasp* I CAN RUN SO FAST THIS TIME. Y: What? L: You guys are goin' down! L: Oh. Heyy guys! :D Heyyy!! Y: AHHH! L: *laughing* L: Aww man! G: Well, that's the end of you. L: *laughing* STOP SHOOTING ME. L: I'M DEAD. I'M COMING. Oh hey guys! :D Y: *freaking out* L: NO! NO! L: NOOOO! *everyone laughing hysterically* G: *freaking out* Y: That was close! Y: That was really close! G: We gotta get outta here, she knows where we are. Y: Where do we go? This is not good. :( L: This is a small map too, HEHEHE. Y: Can you see us? L: I can see you- your little indicators. Y: Woooow. That's... Y: ...unfair!! *le gasp* L: *laughing* she's behind us! *lots of laughing* L: I was trying to sneak up! Y, G: *still laughing* L: *also laughing* NOOO! :'( Y: Ok, this is a dead end again. L: YEESSSS!!!!! *laughing while Yammy is still slightly clueless* L: *laughing hysterically* Y: AHHHHHH!! G: WOAHHH!! L: It spawned me in the room that... L: walked in! *laughing* Y: NOOO! Y: This is NOT good! Maybe we should just, stay in this corner I don't know! Y: This is BAD! *still lots of laughing* L: I'm hiding... Y: What do you mean you're hiding? Are you in a room? L: Well, I realized running at you doesn't... L: ...seem to work, so.. *laughing* L: I'm gonna have to try a new way. G: Oh, no she's gonna sneak up on us! Y: WAIT! OH, GOSH! Y: I thought you meant she was over there. L: I see you guys... G: WHAT? Y: SHOW YOURSELF, DEMON >:( L: No. Y: SHOW YOURSELF TO... Y: ...US. L: *laughing* Y: Oh! She's- L: ZIGZAG! L: I'M ZIGGING! AWWW!!! Y: *laughing like a hyena lol* L: IT'S NOT FAIR!! >:'( Y: *still laughing* Y: Kassie's just TOO good at this! L: I know! Is she the one that keeps killing me?? Y: Yes! *laughing* G: Too much Overwatch. Y: We got a PRO player on our hands. L: I keep trying to zig and zag... L: ...and it's not... L: ...working. Y: *snickers* G: OH. Here she comes, here she comes. Let's get her, GET HER. L: NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE. I'm not here. No. L: OW! NO! *laughing* Y: *laughing* Y: Ok, I was scared of you, but now I'm not. Y, L: *laughing* Y: Hello? *silence* Y: AHHHH! L: AHHAHAHAHAHA Y: *freaking out and laughing* L: DAMN IT! *laughing* (Not a nice word Lauren.) G: (idk). Y: Helloooo? Demon? G: Come out demon child. ;) Y, G: AHHHHHH!! L: *laughing hysterically* L: *evil laughter* Y: KASSIE! L: *still laughing* Y: I TRUSTED... Y: ...YOU WITH MY LIFE KASSIE! Y: AND NOW I'M COMING TO TAKE YOURS. L: Oh, you're infected now too? Y: *creepy laughter* L: YEESSS... Y: *creepy laughter intensifies* G: WOOAAAH! Y: *laughter* G: (idk lol) L: *laughing* *lots of laughing. lol same.* L: HAHAHAHHA Y: *laughing* L: I GOT HER! :D G: I DIDN'T KNOW THERE WERE *TWO* OF YOU! *lots of laughing* Y: Yeah! L: Yes. Does that mean Y-Yammy's infected. Y: Hello.... L: Oh, this is gonna be so much creepier 'cause it's dark... :'( Y: *Yammy being super creepy. Omg xD* Y: Hey.... L: Uh, oh. Y: Heeeeey... L: *le gasp* AHHHHHHHH! *R.I.P my ears ;-;) L: * scared laughter* Y: *laughing* *everyone is taking a moment to calm down.* L: I was trying to get to Kassie... ;-; and you just came outta nowhere! G: Can you come to me, please? I'm really scared... D': L: I'm-I'm trying! Y: She's upstairs Lauren. L: I feel like you're behind me where are you? Y: *creepy giggling* L: Oh, God she- Y: *creepy laughter while Lauren is still clueless* Y: *VERY CREEPY LAUGHTER. How is Lauren so calm?* L: Wait what??? (there it is) Y: *victory laughter* L: NOOO!! *everyone laughing* Y: Oh, what a shame! L: You're so much better than... L: :'( G: Come to me! Quit letting Yammy feast on your custard. L: Kassie I'm infected now. G: AHHH! L: Kassie, it's two against one now. G: LAUREN GET OVER HERE! (little does she know) Y: Yeah, get over there Lauren. *wink wink* Y: *giggling* L: Kassie I'm here! :D G: Where? Y: *still giggling* L: HERE!! G: Oh! YOU'RE INFECTED! L: *laughing hysterically at Kassie's blondness* G: NO! Y: *still laughing* L: COME HERE... G: *the demons have been unleashed from within Kassie* Y, L: *laughing* G: THAT WAS SO SCARY! :'(( Y: We're waiting for ya. L: You guys are spread out... L: Why? *screams and laughs* G: Got 'em. L: *still laughing* G: Wait... none of us are infected right now. L: I just killed you... G: Are you ok over there? L: Wait. Wait! G: WOAH! L: WAIT, WOAH! WHO DID I JUST KILL!? Y: *shooketh* WHAT?! L: I just killed sombody! Y: *LE GASP* Y: Someone joined! L: I'm mad shook! Ok so now, there's... L: ...there's uh... TWO infected... L: ...Me and some random person. *silence* L: Oh... no, NO! L: NO, NO, NO, NO!!! HOW!!!?? Y: YEESSSS! L: How did you get me?? :'( Y: I killed you. *evil laughter* Y: We can do this. We can win! :D G: NOOOO!! L: AWWW!!! *someone still freaking out* Y: Don't leave me with.... Y: ... Diego... L: AHHHH!! *laughter* Y: *freaking out and laughing* L: Was that you? AWWW!! *Yammy is taking a moment to calm down and reflect on what just happened* G: *giggling* L: YES! L: I KILLED SOMEBODY YESSS!!! Y: NOOOOO!!! L: Yes.... G: Oh, no no no! There's another infected! L: Awwww... Oh! L: Oh! Hey!! L: Heyy gurll!! :D Y: Heyy!! :D *everyone celebrating* L: Yay I'm not infected!! :D *laughing* G: Get your shottie out baby, let's go. L: *bloodcurdling scream* *laughter* *lots of laughter and fear* L: THAT SCARED ME SO BAD!! :'(( G: THAT WAS NOT FUNNY! L: AUGHHH! Y: Lauren, get your big gun out. L: Wait. G: AHH! L: Ahh! AHHHHHHH! L: I didn't know we had a big gun! Woah, I fell out... of the world... Y: *laughing* L: I'm just floating in space. *everyone laughing* Y: What?? L: What do I do? *laughing* *everyone is still laughing* L: I'll restart it...;-; Y: Oh wait, you died! L: You guys- you guys got him at least, yayyy... :'( Y: Yayyy! G: Down in there is dangerous. L: *uneasy* *le gasp* AHHHH!! *lots of screaming* Y: *hyperventilating* G: *laughter* *lots of hyperventilating* Y: It's all good.... it's all good... G: *still don't know what Kassie's doing* G: *coughing* L: *laughing* G: I'M COUGHING UP BLOOD! (Wut? •–•) L: *so much screaming ;~;) L: AHHH!! WHAT!!?? G: Ooo, this is a nice map. L: Why am I infected again?? Y: This is not good, there's SO many different- L: EHEHEHHEHE *Yammy is still clueless ;~;* *screaming and Lauren is still giggling creepily* L: AWWWW!! G: SHOOT HER, SHOOT HER, SHOOT HER, SHOOT HER, SHOOT HER! Y: She's dead. *silence expect for the sound of Yammy in fear* Y: *screaming* L: *laughing mercilessly* L: Awww... G: Oh, boy... L: Hmmm... Y: Oh my goodness... this is just... Y: ...terrifying, I hate this. *silence* L: *battle cry* *laughter* G: No! G: OHHH.... *Lauren is still laughing* Y: No! No, Kassie! NOOO! L: Oh, I killed her? YEESSS. G: I-I was running so I couldn't whip out my gun in time... L: *still giggling quietly* Y: *screaming* L: *laughing* Y: *screaming and freaking out* L: I GOT HER! YEEES. Y: *laughing and STILL freaking out* NOOO! L: YEEES. G: I had to make a sacrifice. L: I know, I know... L: Yammy?... Y: *laughing* L: Oh, I see- L: I see a shadow! Y: *laughing* *lots of screaming* G: GET HER! GET HER LAUREN! L: NO! NO, NO NOOO!! *screaming and laughing* Y: *laughter* L: Oh... no.. ;~; Y: Hey. L: *pow* Y: WHOAAAAA Y: (idk) L: *laughing then screaming* *everyone laughing* G: See ya later! Y: *still laughing* That was a good distraction! *light giggles* L: How dare you.... G: Good job! Y: Good job... Y: ...zombie friend. Alright guys, that's gonna be it for SlendyTubbies 3. If you haven't checked out Yammy or Kassie's channel, make sure to check them out in my description below. And I'm sure they'll pop up on the screen somewhere. Also, make sure to leave a like before you go! Subscribe if you're new to the channel. I put out new videos every single day. And as always, I will "Z" you guys soon.
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 4,199,032
Rating: 4.9204469 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, slendytubbies 3, slendytubbies, slendytubbies scream, slendytubbies 3 gameplay, slendytubbies 3 reaction, slendytubbies 3 game, slendytubbies 3 ending, multiplayer horror, scary game, slendytubbies 3 multiplayer survival, yammy, yammy xox, gloom, gloomgames, teletubbies creepypasta, creepypasta, funny multiplayer, multiplayer survival
Id: 5-oUHAfcIBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2017
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