19 Really British Words

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today I'm going to teach you 19 really British words so that you can sound like David Beckham the Queen Emma Watson whatever you want but before we do that I want to say a big thank you to Skillshare for sponsoring this video I'm gonna tell you more about them a little later on so if you're ready let's do this word number one oi oi it's an interjection it's more than when it's an interjection we used to get someone's attention or to show an expression of annoyance or frustration it's a multi-faceted word you can use it in lots of different ways so an example sentence hey Dave you want a cup of tea or a date you want a cup of tea so or there is trying to get his attention really really Bridget sounding word and in fact your homework today is to go and use it on someone wait wait come in okay number two could this be more British in it that's right innit I love this one I know a lot of people don't love it I think it's great now what does it mean well it means isn't it isn't it so you know we'd use it in a question tag so you put the statement and then you had a question tag at the end so for example Paris is an amazing city isn't it that's the question tag yeah Paris is an amazing city isn't it but we've changed that over time and now it's just in it in it so Paris is an amazing city in it okay now it doesn't just have to be isn't it we can use it for other things now it could be any question tag so for example you live in London in it you live in London in it now that should be you live in London don't you don't you would be the question tag but in modern grammar people don't even bother with that they just say in it okay now I would normally say that this is quite a young word but I use it and I'm I'm not that young so yeah it's up to you if you want to use it you go for it oh this is a good one kerfuffle kerfuffle say that with me kerfuffle this might be one of my favourite words of all time it's a noun it means like a commotion or a fuss usually caused by people that disagree they have a different opinion about something now it could be a kind of physical commotion like a bit of pushing or just noise debating that kind of thing so example sentence there was a kerfuffle outside the court there was a kerfuffle outside the court so if you can imagine like two sides two groups of people who have different opinions kind of shouting at each other or pushing or whatever there's a couple it's not a fight it's a kerfuffle number four gone off gone off this means expired food so for example my mum when we were kids she gave us pasta that was eight years old 8 years old it expired eight years before the date that we were eating it so we were eating it and we were like mum this past has gone off it was there was horrific anything could go off right I've milk a great example X cheese things like that this is the British word for siesta we all know the word siesta and of course we use the word siesta in Britain but we have our own word Kip it means sleep sleep it could be a noun or it could be a verb so for example I'm going to get some kit before we go out tonight I'm gonna get some kit before we go out tonight so I'm gonna have a little snooze a little siesta before we go out tonight now our favorite sport infrared is of course football and we shorten that down to footy so if you want to sound really local then you could just call it footy so here's all my sentence I play footy every week with my mates I play footy every week with my mates so football footy it's the same thing ah busker Busker a busker is a street musician okay so someone that plays music in the streets they put out a little cap or a little bucket and you give them money if you like what they're doing so a busker example sentence the best buskers in London or in Covent Garden the best buskers in London are in Covent Garden his eyes race horses for courses this is a proverb and it means kind of different people like different things so for example some people love to work by themselves some people like to in groups its horses for courses is a perfect way to say that some people like one thing and other people are like another thing and that's okay people are different Skillshare is an online learning community where millions of learners just like you come together to take the next step in their creative journey Skillshare offers thousands of inspiring prizes for creative and curious people including photography graphic design cooking you name it they've got it and I said Scotia it's the curious people just like you and that's exactly what it is it's for people the ones who continue to learn new things to expand their knowledge and to become a better person through learning I kind of see Skillshare as a Netflix for learning it's a place that you can come and learn anything that you want so the good people of co-share are offering you guys 2 3 months of premium membership absolutely free that means you can access to all their content now I think 2020 is the year for learning I mean I know I would say that I'm a teacher but I feel inspired to learn and I hope you do too on the Skillshare platform I've learnt quite a few things previously I've talked about learning how to make a grilled cheese sandwich sorry the perfect grilled cheese sandwich it was amazing I've also learnt how to chop like a chef it's tricky you have to be careful but I learnt how to do it and at the moment I'm learning how to make Asian dumplings as you can see I'm interested in in culinary skills but they do everything graphic design arts photography whatever it is that you want to do now that annual subscription works out at less than $10 per month which i think is great value but why should you sign up as an English Learner well I've got three reasons so all the content is in English so you'll be absorbing natural everyday authentic English in the classes they are topic specific so you can learn English through the things that you love so if you love photography fantastic or if you love filmmaking they have classes about that as well so you can find the topic that you love and then learn english which i think is a great motivator and finally you're learning English through doing you're not just sitting there passively looking at a grammar book no you're actually doing you're creating things and these are all real-world skills so you're not just learning for the sake of learning you're actually learning for a purpose - to better yourself in another way not just in your English so this sounds like something that you're interested in click the link in the description below and get your 2 months free premium membership and explore your creativity ah now we're getting super British builders tea this is strong tea ok so not a lot of milk we're talking about English breakfast tea right so you got your black tea with milk and sugar usually it depends but builders he is strong English teas so example sentence I'd love a cup of builders right now I'd love a cup of builders right now I'd love a cup of builders tea I'd love a cup of strong tea now in America they have something called Main Street and that is the principal streets in a town or in a city with all the main shops now in Britain we call that the high streets high streets so you have a high street in every town and city in Britain now an example sentence you'll find a Primark on every High Street in the UK you'll find a Primark on every high street in the UK well more or less ah this isn't good fly-tipping for my tipping this is the axe it's an illegal act of leaving rubbish in public so let's say you have an old mattress you just leave it in the streets that's fly tipping you're not allowed to do it here in Britain so and it's always sentence the police are really clamping down on frightening the police are really clamping down on frightening that means they're trying to stop it they try to restrict fly-tipping a person that does fright tipping is called a fly tip ugh a fry tipper so yeah this is not something that we like in Britain a hat I love this Porky's Porky's now this is a bit of cockney rhyming slang so we have to look at the full phrase so a pork pie what word rhymes with pie well thigh-high but also lie lie so a pork pie is a lie in copyright slang so if you are telling porkies then you're telling a lie or you are telling lies so example sentence I know when you're telling me pork because you got read and you start to laugh nervously so I know when you're telling me Porky's because you got read and you start laughing and nervously now I'm curious to know what do you do when you tell Porky's did you go a bit red do you start laughing do you kind of look or quickly tell me what you do in the comments below there number 13 Jim jams Jim jams means pajamas it's a kind of playful slightly childlike way to say pajamas I like it so I might say to my niece and nephew I guys it's time to get into Jim jams and go to bed so it's time to get into your pajamas yo Jim Jam number 14 busy drink fizzy drink in American English that would be a soda isola so we're talking about carbonated drink like a Coca Cola Pepsi Fanta etc etc so I'm trying to cut down on fizzy drinks I'm trying to cut down on fizzy drinks because they're bad for my teeth number 15 off your charlie what does this mean well if you're off your trolley you're crazy it's another way to say that someone is crazy you are off your trolley if you think I'm gonna do your homework for you so you are crazy if you think that this one is brilliant I don't think I've ever taught this word before now it's a very northern English word we don't really use it in the South of England but the north they would say note when they mean nothing okay so if they say for example I've had now to eat today I've had nowt to eat today that means I've had nothing to eat today so now is a really yeah really common word in Yorkshire particularly in Yorkshire and that region the north of England notes number 17 our lights are like now this is a more formal way of saying get off now I hear it most commonly on transport so if you're on a train you might hear the public announcement saying please alight here for Baker streets please are like here for Baker Street so please get off here for Baker Street so a like there's a kind of more formal way of saying that number 18 love or love as it's pronounced in the north of England now one that I had a lot when I lived in Leeds in Yorkshire I would go to a bakery and there was some lovely old ladies that used to work there and they'd say all right love all right love whenever you walk in it's it's a term of endearment I kind of bit like darling or whatever so yeah I really like this phrase it makes you feel welcome in the place that you're in so they say to me like all right love what can I get you today you know I go for bread please lemons nice way to welcome you in London we would also use it all right love all right love slightly different pronunciation and last but not least to do a runner to do a runner this means to leave a restaurant without paying this is very naughty I've never done it I've never done a runner but I know some people that have all right so I've never done a runner but I know some people that have so I have never left a restaurant without paying but I know one or two people that have I hope you haven't of course of course you know all right those are 19 really British words there are so many more I can't wait to teach them to you guys now I want you to use these words in example sentence in the comments below okay remember to check out Skillshare alright the link is in the description below and go get your 2 3 months of premium membership alright guys thank you so much this is Tom the chief dreamer saying goodbye
Channel: Eat Sleep Dream English
Views: 114,322
Rating: 4.9618759 out of 5
Keywords: british english, british slang, british words, british vocabulary, 19 really british words, things british people say, learn english, english, english lesson, eat sleep dream english, skillshare
Id: w_ULyB3kSU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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