Skyrim's Toughest Boss Battles Ranked by Difficulty | Part 3

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it is done I have ventured throughout the far reaches of the reach to the Frozen lands of Winterhold with each region I've journeyed to I've endured legendary battles and slain epic foes though my Journeys were perilous I gained more than the strength to beat my foes now I have the knowledge of these enemies to pass along to you my dear fellow Wizards now please sit back control some sweet rolls and cheese and join me for Skyrim's top 16 most powerful bosses right before we begin please comment down below which bosses you believe made the top five we will see if your divination spells are up to Snuff thank you to all who cast their votes for this ranking now without further Ado sit back and relax and let's get into it number 16 heav norak before his own death heav norak was a powerful dragon priest who built an army of enthralled followers using magic to control their minds his cruelty was well regarded and he wielded that reputation to keep his followers in line even now in death they serve him by guarding the catacombs of his tomb valum heav norak obsessively planned his resurrection he went so far as to drain his blood and put it inside three vessels kept within his tomb he planned to transfer the power within his blood back into him granting him immense magical strength however like most evil plots there is a hero and his name is valdar the crazy Nord Warrior locked himself inside valum binding him to heav norak in the hopes of preventing his Reawakening and he managed just that and his ghost still guards the tomb of heav norak keeping the dragon priest from ever returning talk about badass heav norak can be encountered during the evil in Waiting Quest and once you inside his tomb you'll encounter the ghost of Valar he will task you with finding three vessels required to face heav norak but do be careful for each vessel is guarded by traps and dangerous foes but your wizard made like work of them and with the vessels in hand it's time to face heav orak so pour out their contents sit your ass down on the throne and let valdar do his thing he norak casts powerful lightning spells and summons storm Atron ax in in addition to that he has a lightning cloak and casts ebony flesh mitigating physical damage I make sure to avoid his wall of storms which he likes to spam on the ground too but to make light work of this Lich a bow will come in handy and with a few well-placed shots he will quickly turn to Ash upon defeat don't forget to loot his mask along with his staff before we continue on with our ranking there's a good chance if you're watching this video that you relish a good boss fight and if you like like me then top-notch graphics and deep tactical gameplay Are Much appreciated too if that sounds a bit like you then raid Shadow Legends the free-to-play mobile RPG might just be worth your shot especially since raid and Monster Hunter are colliding their worlds in an amazing limited time crossover which ends on March the 5th so from now up until then you can snatch five Monster Hunter themed Legendary Champions based on iconic Monster Hunter monsters including Rathalos zogre Alat Tron fatales and ruer nante and my personal favorite has got to be Alat Tron for his purple and gold dragon scale robes who would have guessed it and you can get the Wrath loss blade Master legendary champion for free simply by logging into raid for 7 days between now and March the 5th as well as the other four Monster Hunter themed Champions via special in game events so be sure to check in game to see how you can collect them all but these five Champions are just a drop in the ocean to the other 800 plus unique Champions up for grabs and with new updates Champions and bosses being added every single month there's never Ault movement in fact the C City one of raid's biggest features to date was added in a recent update and has over 100 stages to complete and in some of those stages you've got to take on two bosses at the same time so if you're up for the challenge download raid Now by scanning the QR code on the screen or by clicking the link in the description to get some insane bonuses you'll immediately receive 500,000 silver energy and chicken just by using my link so when you get in game come find me under the Welsh wizard join my clan at twww 5 and let's slay some bosses number 15 malen varen truly a tragic tale malen varen is a dunman Mage and a former Professor from the College of Winterhold a researcher of Soul Gems and the properties of Soul magic his research particularly focused on Azura star a powerful davic artifact but little did anyone know that his research had a secret agenda for you see Malin was dying from an illness and sought immortality through seeding his soul within Aura star though the one major problem was that malin's Soul was black and Aura star could only accept white Souls frustrated but determined Malin became obsessed and Azura cursed him for his transgressions against her artifact he began seeing things shouting at his students for things they hadn't done this culminated in him killing a student and using her soul for his dark research for his actions he was fired from his position as a professor and kicked out of the college he retreated to the ruins of Ilan alta's deep with students who remained loyal to him while he was free to continue his work and sooner or later Malin was successful modifying aura's star and sealing his soul Within in however it was not without great cost as the artifact was damaged now requiring a constant supply of black souls to keep it from shattering and thus keep him alive something his loyal followers are all too happy to supply Malin varen can be encountered at the end of the Black Star quest line after battling through ilinalta's Deluge you can find his corpse resting upon his throne next to him his grimoire and the now damaged Azura star upon collecting the artifact you have to make an important decision either take the artifact to Aura herself and repair it or bring it to Nar and turn the deic artifact into the black star whichever choice you make however will require you to trap your own soul to purge the star of malin's existence in order to repair it but once inside this beauty Malin will be waiting for you eager to Devour the new Soul that's entered his domain but he will quickly realize that something's up un like the coward he is will run away in his flight he will send jamora to take you out and the stats will vary depending on your level and these guys are never a walk in the park and the Stars interior offers little to no hiding spaces making stealth builds less than IDE deal for once in Skyrim that said it's impossible to fall off any Ledges so that's one less thing to worry about and don't forget to take their hearts once you've slain them as they're very rare as you'd expect from a former College Prof Professor Marin knows a thing or two about spells and Oak Flesh Stone flesh chain lightning lightning bolt and Ice Spike including some restoration spells of his go-to so any wizard planning on battling him should be sure to boost their magic resistance as there are many Mages during this boss fight but despite all the flash malan's got no substance and you can turn his jamora against him with a frenzy spell on his lifeless corpse you can find some basic apparel and an iron dagger and a destruction staff so well worth the trip no but it actually is because when you get pulled from the Star you will receive your award and FYI the Black Star is Miles better for a full explanation be sure to check out my ranking on the top 10 de artifacts number 14 Reaper little is known about this mysterious and shadowy figure the reaper is a spectral Warrior that looks like an executioner with glowing eyes and a transparent body its fazar is short to send any unprepared wizard running for the hills but we Wizards don't back down without a fight and to face the reaper and your fears you must find a set of Three Reaper gem fragments scattered in chests around the soul car and once placed at the altar within the Reaper's Lair the reaper as well as several bone men will be summoned to attack you the reaper himself uses an iron battle axe as well as a spitting attack which is peculiarly very similar to the vomit attack that The Afflicted uses so could it be that perhaps the reaper was a DC minion to perite who is bound to the ideal Masters let me know your thoughts in the comments so if you're familiar with The Afflicted be sure to avoid that spitting attack and take the bone men down first before facing the reaper but despite its creepy appearance it sure to be a quick fight and upon death three black soul gems and a deer cart may be looted from its remains further hinting at a potentially dark dric origin the following three entries are bound together in more than just difficulty and memorability but also in Brotherhood the gison brothers mikil sigdis and jurich conspired against and murdered their father goulda taking his Amulet the source of his power for themselves with this power they raided and laid waste to the nearby Villages until a powerful Arch Mage named G slew them and intuned them hoping to put their Terror to an end number 13 Michel gison the youngest of the Three Brothers ml Was Defeated and in tuned within for Gunther a Nordic ruin in helal Mar southeast of solitude when you approach mikel's tomb he will burst out of his coffin followed by for droger with apparently no weapons Mikel attacks using the Spells Frost cloak and Frostbite as well as the gold of Black Blade a leveled one-handed sword with an absorb Health enchantment when the battle begins Focus your attention on Mikel as his Stroger minions will only do minor damage from there combative healing spells like sender Aura will be effective against him as he's Undead mikal's level also scales to match your own so be prepared with health and frost resistance potions once you've slain Mikell and his dger minions be sure to loot his body for the gold of Black Blade the sealing rate that is important to his and his brother's Quest West and most importantly his powerful amulet which increases your health by a hefty 30 points afterwards put the ivory claw to use on the Southern Wall to give you access to a level chest and the wood wall for the frost breath shout number 12 jurich Gerson the oldest of the Three Brothers jerich was chased to saur by Arch Mage gamond and sealed away within in retaliation for the Havoc rre upon the ne by settlements and saol can only be accessed as part of the College of Winterhold quest line but you should already know that since you're a wizard your professor tfer will take you on a field trip where you will both become separated from the rest of your class after moving through the dungeon together you will enter a room with a large glowing orb flowing at the center this orb is the Eye of Magnus a powerful Relic important to the College of Winterhold quest line but as you approach jerck Gerson will rise from his Thro drone and attack you and tlf deer will try to lend you Aid by attacking the droger before realizing that the Eye of Magnus is making jerich invulnerable tlf deer then tasks you with keeping the undead foe busy whilst he drains the eye but this only takes a couple of seconds to transpire so it's wise to avoid combat rather than wasting your precious resources as the eye is drained of its power jerck becomes vulnerable once more however be wary as he is not defenseless jerck has one unique defense up his sleeve a rotating Shield that varies between three different elements the best strategy is to attack him with magic or enchanted weapons that correspond with his Shield's weakness because he will be immune to any attack that matches his shield so be sure to keep an eye out on the color of his Shields and attack accordingly once jck has fallen his corpse can be looted for his Shard of the amulet granting 30 points of Magicka as well as his RIT of SE ceiling in the room also is the staff of jerich Gerson and through the Western door you can find a level chest and a wood wall for the Ice Form shout number 11 sigis Gerson Last of The Three Brothers to die sigis managed to slay the arch Mage who killed his brothers after their savaging of the surrounding Villages he was in tuned within gamon's Hall named after the arch Mage who slew his brothers as you enter the room where sigdis lies Bishop to make note of the platforms and their paths because once you approach his coffin sigis will break out and immediately teleport to one of the three pedestals in the room two illusions of him will also appear on the remaining platforms so be careful not to kill his doppelgangers as sigis will simply teleport away and create new Illusions but an easy way to tell the difference between the real sigis and his Illusions is to note that the real Sig disc doesn't glow blue while his Illusions do get getting too close to sigdis will result in him trying to strike you before teleporting away and summoning new Illusions this makes it pretty difficult for melee Warriors to land a hit but range builds can quickly climb a top platforms to pick him off once you've brought down the duplicating droger we shall delute his corpse for the third and final fragment of his father's amulet granting the wearer 30 points to stamina as well as his bow the gold of black bow and his R of ceiling behind his coffin is a treasure room which contains a leveled chest a two-handed skill book as well as some potions and Soul Gems did you forget about the family reunion that's right after defeating all three brothers you'll be tasked with reforging the broken amulet which requires that you travel to reach water rock where you must face off against the spirits of the brothers for the final time but not all at the same time thankfully mikil appears first along with with an army of droger once you've defeated all of the foes before you sigdis will appear reusing his Illusions trick lastly is jerich who will teleport himself around and summon dric enemies to assist him but once you've defeated him the ghost of their father will appear blowing them away and reforging the amulet pieces into one full amulet that gives 30 in health stamina and magika be sure to loot the skeleton remains of G for some gold too and then on your way out you will find a leveled chest completing the tragic tale of the murderous Brothers number 10 alen the world eater perhaps the most famous boss on this list alen is Skyrim's primary antagonist being foretold to be the bringer of end times and Devourer of the world he's returned from his banishment through time to RQ Havoc among the world of men and Mer and he's so powerful that you have to battle him not once but twice during the events of the main quest however today we are specifically talking about the first time you face him in battle alongside your scaly Ally the mighty party snacks during the quest Aldo's being after witnessing a battle in the past upon the throat of the world you will be attacked by Aldo but unfortunately for him you just finished learning the dragon wrench out and can use it to weaken him the wer has a 50% resistance to Fire and a 20 5% weakness to frost so using Frost weapons once you've brought him down with dragon Ren is a shire way to go aloine also has a passive perk exclusive to him that renders him invulnerable unless subjected to Dragon rent so be sure to keep spamming your Mighty th on him during the fight like all dragons Aldo can use shouts to attack their foes and those fire breath frost breath unrelenting force and the dragon Storm Call Shout which is unique to him and causes fiery meteors to rain from the sky but despite being the highest level dragon in all of Skyrim Aldine will make a short speech once he's defeated then fly off like the coward he is number n azid meaning bitter destroyer in the dragon tongue azid was the first enchanter of the Nord people and likely the first to master the Elvin methods of Enchantment believed to have been born in sor around the moric era he displayed an incredible talent in Magic so good in fact that he decided to leave home to learn the Arts of enchanting from the elves but upon his return he found his home destroyed by them this led to him adopting the name as he dial and he aided eore in slaughtering the elves who destroyed his home still not satisfied however he soon pursued even more knowledge becoming a high dragon priest and receiving a powerful ebony mask his quest led him to seek out the dric princes causing him to swirl into madness and become exiled from his order he soon became a follower of mirac and after mirra's fall he was sealed within cjor Barrow with his many powerful relics and today you can encounter Aid at the end of the quest Unearthed where you have to cough up a warping 11,000 septims in order to excavate the barrel yep that dunar ralice will milk you dry but fear not because during the quest you can attain the boots of water walking the Ring of necromancy the gauntlets of warding and the Ring of Arcana which are sure to make up for it you will have to visit the tomb four times and upon the fourth visit you will finally battle Aid Dal as well as collect his armor of Retribution and Helm of vision so be sure to bring lots of fire resistant potions as AAL loves to bring the heat he's even got an exclusive fire spell called fire stream which deals 100 points of Health damage and that's not all you should worry about as he's also immune to paralysis and can resist poison up to 100 points once You' slain the dragon priest you sure to take his mask which grants a 50% resistance to fire as well as a 25% increase in fire damage number eight the forge Master Guardian to the ethereum forge the forge Master is a powerful Dwarven Centurion that is considerably larger than most centurions can be encountered during the quest lost to the ages after disabling the boiling hot Jets of steam Dwarven spiders and spheres will jump out from the many tubes to attack you and halfway through the fight the steam will turn back on drastically limiting the space in which you can fight so your priority should really be to go and shut off the steam again or face third degree burns once you've defeated the remaining enemies a loud Rumble can be heard as the forge Master surfaces from the lava it it will immediately spray lava at you similarly to a dragon's fire and charge towards you so beware of lingering fire on the ground as getting caught in it can mean a quick death for an unprepared wizard a well-prepared wizard should stock up on fire resistance and health potions and it's probably wise to bring a follower along to divert the forge Master's attention while fighting it but don't tell them that however be careful with who you choose as a meley follower May rush into the lava to get to the the forge Master before it fully emerges killing them nearly instantly once you've defeated the forge Master you are now free to craft one of three relics from the ethereum forge and whichever you choose it sure to be a worthy reward for such an epic battle number seven Lord harken once a tyrant in the lands of Skyrim harken turned to the dric prince Molag Bal to escape death sacrificing a thousand innocence in tribute to the Lord of domination harken was granted immortality in the form of becoming a pure blooded vampire but despite his Newfound powers and immortality he still felt held back he discovered a prophecy called the tyranny of the sun which he soon became obsessed with his obsession led to his wife and daughter fleeing from him in order to prevent the prophecy from coming to pass Lord harken can be encountered during the Dawn Guard Quest he's the primary antagonist and regardless of whether you side with the Dawn Guard or the vampires it all culminates in you facing off against this master vampire alongside his daughter Sara when battle begins harken will assume his vampire lord form and immediately summons skeletons and gargoyles while his summoned minions attack you he will use his vampiric drain spell boosted by his ring to absorb your health Magicka and stamina for five points per second but occasionally he'll stop levitating to use his claws but not for long he also has the ability to turn into his Mist form when his health is low as well as turn invisible for a short time to catch a breather and when Harkin's Health low is to a point he will transform into a swarm of bats teleporting over to the blood altar in the room healing himself significantly as he drains the power of the alar as he does harken will create an impregnable shield with blood until his health reaches full but to prevent this from happening you can pierce the barrier with an arrow from orel's bow forcing him back into the battle in addition to his batshit crazy healing he can also resist both poison and disease up to 100 points and since he's Undead he benefits from a 50% resistance to frost however he is 50% weaker to fire because of it so be sure to bring the heat his necklace provides a 177% resistance to Magic which is is complemented by his armor granting him a 125% boost to his magika regeneration rate and being Undead You' think some Undead tuning spells would do the trick but he's far too strong for that and is also immune to paralysis and fear effects from the likes of the Ethereal shield and the wab Jack despite this a great way to cheese this encounter is to obtain a scroll of Firestorm and use it on him before he can initiate a conversation with you before you do this though you should make sure to unlock the intense Flames perk equip azid dal's mask and drink a filter of Destruction before the fight in doing this you should be powerful enough to defeat him before he has a chance to heal himself and once he is defeated he will explode into a cloud of bats and rematerialize by the blood altar giving a cry of anger at his daughter before crumbling to dust from there you can loot his ashes for your hard-earned loot number six crois like many of the Dragon Priests of times long past little is known about crosis like his fellow priests he secured lichdom but not perhaps through traditional means as no droger servants worship Him nevertheless he still wears a unique dragon priest mask that grants Him special abilities and enhancements it's unknown what his role was in the dragon war however he eventually became inomed at sheer point a mountain peak in the pale meaning sorrow in the language of the DOA this dragon priest is a formidable Foe and is also guarded by a dragon so it's best to defeat the winged Beast first before approaching the word wall otherwise you'll have two to contend with but it's worth noting that if you visit Shia point before completing the quest dragon Rising the dragon will not be present just leaving you to face Cruis but do make sure you're of a decent level as Cruis is level 50 and wields Powerful ice magic which he complements with his staff of fireballs his mask also fortifies lockpicking archery and Alchemy but that won't help this Mage in a fight against your wizard number five the frost troll of hrothgar trolls are known for their powerful physical attacks and their rapid and to the wandering wizard annoying regenerative Health abilities one such troll can be encountered on the 7,000 steps to H rothgar during the main quest line as you journey to meet the grave beards and it is no joke especially if you're new to Skyrim as you're likely unprepared and undergeared for this fight making it extremely challenging early on the first time I saw the troll on the way to see the gray beards it was standing in the middle of the road and my dumbass thought he was a Gray beard since it was all gray and Shaggy who came to greet me let's just say the troll ate well that day an easy mistake there from Charles I think trolls regener gener ative ability can be hindered by using fire-based attacks or by using longlasting potions this effect doesn't last long however so you'll need to strike quickly and it's also wise to avoid hit and run tactics as it gives the troll time to regenerate thus negating your previous damage but a sound strategy in addition to lighting them up is to make use of paralysis effects as it prevents them from attacking you with their powerful swings and it takes a long time for them to stand back up but regrettably the troll drops no noteworthy loot only leaving troll fat and something else if you're lucky so beware fellow Wizards for the 7,000 steps are not as easy as they seem number four mirac known as the first dragon born mirac was a dragon priest during the moraic era he ruled over s's time and was the leader of the Dragon Cult seeking power mirak made a deal with hus MOA becoming the prince's Champion but but his actions led to him betraying and killing many dragons as well as leaving the Nords to fight their own battle during the dragon war a duel with valoc the Jailer led to mirra's temple being destroyed a mirak fleeing to Apocrypha where he stayed until the events of the Dragon Born expansion mirak can be encountered during the main events of your adventures on solstein and you battle him in Apocrypha at the end of the quest at the summit of Apocrypha mirac specializes primarily in destruction magic and uses several devastating spells and as the first dragon born mirac also has access to many shouts so make sure to have your wits about you you may start the battle with mirak in one of two ways either on foot or upon the back of the mighty sorota be careful however as mir's minion dragons will also try to attack you as his health is diminished mirak will absorb The Souls of his dragons one by one first cruik then ronik lastly he will sacrifice serota as well killing your dragon Ally once all three dragons have died you are free to finally defeat Mirra but once he's been beaten down to low Health he will attempt to escape but as he does so amas MOA will appear claiming that Mirra can hide nothing from him in his realm amus MOA will then impale Mirra on a tentacle claiming he has found a new Dragon Ball to serve him for basting Mirra you'll receive at least six dragon souls including the ones that Mirra stole from you and on his corpse you'll find his powerful Enchanted gear and weapons you can also loot the nearby dragons who fell during the battle for some leveled loot too and finally reading the black book on the pedestal will give you the ability to reset any of your skill trees and return the perk points you invested in them back to you truly a memorable battle for the first and last dragon born number three vosam and nasam found in the Forgotten Veil as part of the dong God expansion the Twin Dragons vosam and nasum meaning claw water twin and tooth waterer twin can be found swimming under the frozen lake near the portal of resolution when approached they will burst through the ice and attack you while they are level scale dragons they both use the drain Vitality shout which can be lethal when facing two dragons at once so be sure to bring lots of potions and maybe some friends to help even the odds but what's worse is that they will occasionally dive underwater and resurface creating large gaps in the lake and if you're playing on survival mode falling into that frigid water is a sure way to Soven guard they guard the wood wall for drain Vitality and once the twins have been defeated you may absorb their souls and loot their bodies as well as the chest beside the wood wall and don't forget about the three chests submerged under the lake which Vol Sang's mask will prove useful unless you're a lizard boy of course or a lizard girl number two cak hailing from the land of solim off the coast of Skyrim and Varden fell CAG was a frost giant that resided in the castle bearing his same name but back in the third era he was slain by the Narin during the events of the Blood Moon Prophecy however his ghost can be summoned and slain by a wizard granting you the ability to summon him to your Aid three times and CAG is an incredible difficult foe he summons three ice wraiths as a means of distraction so that he can use his mighty Club to bludgeon your health away quickly in addition to that a blizzard surrounds him causing you and your allies to potentially ragd doll thankfully the blizzard dissipates after a short time though however he's then left with a permanent Frost cloak which damages any who get within melee range of him and if you're playing in survival mode the frost cloak will damage you significantly more due to the cold effect so hot food and resist Frost effects are a must in addition to these combat boosts CAG is completely immune to disease poison and frost he's also immune to being Ragdoll with the exception of werewolves or were bears and cannot be paralyzed maroon Razer Mor's grasp will wind cloak and the rabber Jack are all useless against him as well and his one weakness is a 25% weakness to fire so if you do find a way to damage him you must be quick as he regenerates about 12 Health points per second making him a truly devastating beast but fear not my dear Wizards because being a ghost means that CAG is vulnerable to restoration spells which harm the undead so stend aora is a great choice but the best way to take on cack is from a safe distance with fire-based attacks and it's possible to move up a stack of ice near the far end of the throne room where you can pepper him with arrows and slay him without being in the line of his dangerous Club attacks once you slain this terrible Foe and have gained the ability to summon his Spirit by your side you may also loot his remains where you'll find 10 ectoplasms some soul gems as well as absolute bragging rights and finally at number one we have the ebony warrior a mysterious figure the ebony warrior is a knight clad in ebony armor little is known of him only that he seeks you out for a challenge claiming he's done at all and only you can grant him a release to Sovereign guard as no one else can best him in combat to start the encounter you'll first have to earn the ebony Warriors respect which requires you to reach level 80 and when he finally approaches you he'll bid you to come to his last vigil a camp found on the slopes of the veloy mountains once you find him he does nothing until you provoke him thankfully and once you do the battle will be a difficult one sporting a full set of Enchanted eony armor as well as spells and shouts the ebony warrior has the odds stacked in his favor for the unprepared wizard so be wary of your Legendary Weapons flying from your hands one must also be careful when trying to use abilities against the eony warrior as he is immune to all forms of paralysis vampire Lords are out of luck as well as he swags off the vampiric grip perk like it's nothing however a werewolf power attack or a shield bash will stagger him the ice form and Bend Will shouts will have no effect on him either as he is far too formidable for such shouts I am the ebony warrior and while the Cyclone Shout will not throw him he will still take damage as for DC artifacts the Weber Jack will have no effect however maroon razor effect does indeed work but attacking him headon would be unwise as his reflect blows per can result in the damage being reflected back killing you instantly a wiser Choice instead would be to use a powerful bow which doesn't trigger this pick mixing it with a strong fortify artery potion and you're hitting the mark But do take care while firing your shots as the ebony warrior is one of the tallest NPCs in the game scaled up by 1.25 times and thus has a faster Walk and Run speed additionally shots aimed at his head will pass right through due to his hit box ending at his shoulders what about magic you ask well most Wizards are out of luck I'm afraid for mixed with his armor enchantments his Elemental resistance perks make him essentially immune to spell damage so it's best to save your magiker for healing spells as you'll certainly need them despite his many resistances though he is not immune to poison damage only 50% resistant so if you happen to be proficient in pickpocketing planting some poisonous potions on him can be deadly upon defeating this most legendary foe you can loot his powerful Enchanted gear including some rare Treasures rounding out this tremendous ranking and finally drawing it to a close thank you all for your contributions and your continued support throughout this series this is definitely the hardest ranking I've done to date but just seeing your appreciation in the comments gave me the motivation I needed so cheers to you Wizards and finally don't forget to use my RAID Shadow Legends Link in the description or scan my QR code for those insane bonuses thanks for watching Wizards for this has been the wels wizard I shall see you all in the next one
Channel: theWelshWizard
Views: 96,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theWelshWizard, the Welsh Wizard
Id: dfKUE31peg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 24sec (2124 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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