What if The End Times Were Stopped?

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I've always been a fan of both history and Alternate history something I'm sure isn't anything new to all you find people watching this video history is fascinating especially if you like Warhammer fantasy since it was designed by history nerds you also probably enjoy just looking at our past and Alternate history is a route for all kinds of stories if nothing else I imagine at least a couple of you have played Hearts of Iron 4 if you still play it I hope you can get over that hor addiction soon but regardless you probably like to see how things could have been different in some way I'm assuming you don't just load up a historical game as one of the Allies every single time you play the genre is great though what if x Nation didn't arise what if x event didn't happen what if we didn't have 500 videos and if the Germans won World War II it's a ground for both philosophical thought experiments and more relevant to a YouTube video about Warhammer just some nice entertainment so with all that said the end times they sucked even the most DieHard AOS fans I've talked to have no problem admitting the way gwx fantasy was an abomination of Storytelling and one big spit in the face to its fan base but what if they didn't happen What were the world of war Hammer fantasy looked like for the tldr not good regardless of if the setting remained intact the largest chaos Invasion had just occurred Millions would be dead in the events of the end times even without chaos were the stuff of nightmares so what would this world look like after it was put through the ringer I figured hey maybe it'd be a fun Vader to try and sort that out a bit see what the world of Legends would be like if it survived just a little bit longer and the forces of order were able to push back the darkness one more time but before we start I should tell you all that end times lore really puts me to sleep not because it's boring but because it's so bad I cry myself to sleep thinking about it luckily I have just the thing to make myself all the more comfortable when I do because this video was sponsored by man to sleep man to sleep makes the finest sleeping mask to ever exist I've used the weighted mask before and I got to say it's very nice recently I've been using the silk mask as well and once again it's an absolute Joy it's so smooth quite literally silky smooth and it's like I've got a pair of pillows gently resting a top my eyes but if you think they've only got two options then you're out of your mind enjoy listening to music or YouTube videos while you sleep the Manta sound mask is perfect for you then want the best overall quality the Manta Pro mask is what you need and you know what you don't even need to sleep to enjoy a manta mask because the Manta cool and steam masks are perfect to give your eyes a nice cooling off for a day at the spa if your eyes are strained or puffy from reading and crying about the end times throw one of these bad boys on and your worries are over man even makes other sleep aids like traveling pillows and earplugs does someone in your family snore when you're stuck with them on vacation if the answer is yes I feel you because that was how I ended my June thankfully mantta gives you the option to shut out that Dreadful noise and actually get a decent night's sleep and all these fantastic products can be yours at a discount using my link in the description and pin common you can get 10% off your entire order excluding bundles sleep's the best time of the day and with my link you can get a premium sleeping experience at a discount use man to sleep today and look forward to the best night's sleep you've ever had now then let's do some fake alternate history most of what I'll be using will be stuff I've come up with on my own but I'll also be using some stuff from the end hammer setting it's a fan project built around continuing Warhammer fantasy after GW ended it although I'm not sure if it's even updated anymore you can find it on 1d6 Chan if you're interested which in itself is a website I'm amazed is still around it used to be 1 D4 Chan which then died but apparently it's still around in this capacity neat I'll link it in the description the biggest thing from there I'll be borrowing or stealing depending on your point of view of me is that the scav and attack on the surface world just isn't nearly as successful in the actual end times the scaven sort of just ate half the world when everyone had their backs turned however you want to imagine them failing is up to you it's the scaven we're talking about out of every faction in any Warhammer setting they're the easiest one to just go ahead and say that a win of theirs was actually a defeat instead maybe they did far more backstabbing and none of the invasions ultimately succeeded for that reason or their war machines and War beasts faltered and they just couldn't break through as for chaos the easiest way to handle them is to give them something far closer to realistic numbers according to the wiki and yes I know using the wiki as Sin but it's the best I could find for numbers archon's horde were in the hundreds of millions compared to the tens of millions of the factions of order where exactly the norins were hiding tens of millions of people we'll never know but for the purpose of this video those people don't exist I'm not a corporate executive demanding fantasy's head on a pike so I'm not going to fabricate millions of cast Marauders out of thin air aside from that though most of the events of the end times still occur it's mostly just the final portions of it and the archion book getting Raton out of existence every other change I've either come up with or borrowed from somewhere else will come up as long as we go speaking of let's do this faction by faction it's simpler for my brain that way starting with none other than the stars of the show themselves chaos chaos is one of the factions that are barely going to be changing to be honest the dark gods are undoubtedly going to be angry at the morons who failed to take down the world yet again but I can't imagine there will be many changes to them as a faction overall nor scope will remain a frozen hell hole populated by their worshippers people will venture North to achieve demon princehood little needs to change and little would change archon would doubtlessly be dead as would a number of other characters just as a result of the fighting but that just means someone else is going to be taking their place eventually for a long time there would probably be scattered remnants of the invasion Force raiding throughout lands like the Empire nagaro and Cath but there's again little in the way of massive change another ever chosen failed to conquer the Empire business goes on as usual the biggest thing to note would probably be that chaos likely won't be making any pushes southwards for hundreds of years Millions upon millions of them died during the end times even in canon in this timeline the tribes of norska and the other miscellaneous chaos War worshippers are absolutely decimated so the next major incursion is going to take some time to brew the same goes for the beastmen there is no change that can ever be given to them short of ultimate Victory either they're squatting in the forest being bitter about civilization or there is no civilization and they're overrunning scattered tribes of people for all time at best they'd be similar to the chaos War bands that would likely infest the Empire causing more trouble than before but ultimately still unable to take the larger cities that remain maybe they'd be ballsy enough to attack places like null all right but aside from that business as usual speaking of though the Empire this is where things start to get interesting the empire in spite of surviving to fight another day just went through the single largest chaos invasion in history on top of that the undead Rosen Numbers Never Before seen as a result of Nash the northern and western most provinces of the Empire are almost certainly just straight up gone in all but name places like aark and avland are nothing but ruin their peoples and cities either sacrificed to the dark gods or devoured whole by Legions of the Dead even provinces that I imagined would remain such as reing and Wast land would be devastated by both the conflict itself and the severe drain on Manpower and resources outlying towns and hamlets would be forced to contend with the increased presence of chaotic Raiders being regularly wiped off the map by these sorts of groups riots over resource shortages would likely be straining things even further with refugees in cities like aldorf and null further bringing things to a boiling point in fact a failed end times might be what brings about the general spread of modern government like democracy and republics and the Empire of man in a world where the Empire can't keep its people fed and happy even if the end of the world was prevented people might Revolt into man change failing something as dramatic as that in our world the Black Death was one of the major causes of the rise of the middle class when half the peasantry is dead the remaining ones have more room to demand better treatment plus you need to come up with new ways to do things after half the people tending the fields died of the plague while in this instance the disease and death comes from rampaging chaos Warriors the end result might be much the same the Empire does have some extent of a middle class as evidenced by Felix Jer but this could be what makes it really take off of course that doesn't mean the influence of the electors or the emperor would disappear overnight truth be told I don't think there would be a magical switch to being a democracy in the Empire the seeds might be planted but the effects would take time a far more pressing issue was filling the gaps left by the dead electors plenty of them would have absolutely died during the conflict and someone has to fill those spots in the worst case scenario entire ruling Bloodlines in Legions might be eliminated and until the regions can be complained there may not be an elector count of regions like nordland or aand and this is the say nothing of the Electoral question that looms above even that of filling in the missing spots Vlad Von carstein during the crisis Vlad was elevated to the position of the elector count of Sylvania after the region was brought back as an official province into the Empire to say this is going to cause all sorts of problems amongst the electors as an understatement depending on the exact state of the Empire he may have his status revoked and an immediate war with the undead will break out but if the Empire is too badly off for even the staes of witch hunter to launch a crusade or if calmer heads Carl frons are able to Reign everyone in then an uneasy peace May settle over the lands of men but in that regard the position of the emperor itself might be in question even though the region survives there's no telling if Carl France would in end Hammer Carl France died as a result of housing the essence of a god even without that he was fighting in the thickest of battles such as the siege of aldorf there's every chance he gets taken out much as it pains me to say it if he survives and it's likely the Empire will immediately begin recovering he's the best Statesman in the old world and the best emperor in Warhammer he can handle things if he dies though who succeeds him is it his son Carl was the best Emperor since Sigmar only surpassed by arguably Magnus the pious his son would be a natural fit for the position alternatively if Boris todbringer doesn't bull rush his way to death via beastman he'd be a good candidate too he was initially favored to win over Carl this might be mid inland's time in the spotlight imagine the worst case scenario though all of the influential electors dead perhaps even all of them if things were Grim enough the Empire is in a situation where the only elector remaining with the Charisma and power to hold the throne is Vlad Von carstein a vampire this would immediately throw the empire into a civil war possibly leading to something like the age of three Emperors if not outright ending it there would absolutely be those who back Vlad too either as a way of Simply saving their own skin or to potentially become immortal vampires themselves on the other hand the undead are hated almost as much as chaos and in some provinces like arberland and sterland more so there's not a chance in hell everyone would just submit to vlad's rulership as an aside good luck to gelt man Manfred might not have manfried him in this timeline but after his necromancy was discovered he's not going to be a very popular figure depending on the situation he might side with an aspiring elector who's willing to support him in exchange for his Arcane might or he could go his own way in this new world whatever's left of the colleges of magic would execute him on the spot if he showed back up but maybe he can go down to the Border princes and form his own little Magical Kingdom he can make good on his promise during his quest battle and line it with statues of people that died fighting for him overall the Empire would be ravaged beyond belief entire provinces will be reduced to little more than Ash with those that remain choked with refugees chaos Raiders Undead and a pervasive lack of supplies the specifics of who lives and what's left determine whether or not the Empire will survive as it has for thousands of years give way to a new form of government or even break all together but if nothing else the people of the nation of men at the heart of the world survive to live another day I imagine that religious fervor would grip the Empire stronger than ever before no matter what especially if Sigmar inhabits Fran's body like he did in Canon people would see signs that their God is very real that he has the power to beat back the darkness no matter what in true Warhammer fashion I'm sure plenty of flagellants would roam the streets crying how Sigmar saved us all and he must be repaid with blood and death but aside from those Grim people Sigmar and ol might give the people hope that tomorrow is going to be better than what came before moving on to the next human Nation kli to be blunt kli is almost completely gone regardless of me reducing the strength of the chaos Invasion Kea was still at the Forefront of the largest one ever those who live closest to the chaos G waste in Norco would likely be entirely wiped out and even the great cities that had survived countless prior invasions like Prague would likely be entirely destroyed this time as much as I like keyli and I do truly mean that I think most of it is getting wiped off the map but that being said the people in it and some places within the lands likely aren't completely gone plenty of keite refugees and soldiers fled to the Empire to continue the fight the last few gacha and Felix books showed that even with their homeled gone some kites refuse to do anything but go down swinging in this scenario they don't need to go down swinging additionally I imagine at least some of the bigger cities would survive specifically I would bet that arrod has a decent chance of making it through the storm the norkin don't really need it as a port to sail down from they have the rest of norska to raid the Empire from as its main trading Port however a Resurgence of KV as a nation would almost certainly revolve around it supplies and goods from whatever is left of the empire in marienburg could come in through there and recolonization could begin in Earnest of course this is still a ravaged War torn land that's hostile life even ignoring the chaos corruption the region known as troll country is now just keev and the chaos warb bands remaining here would make the ones in the Empire look like children but keer people are strong they've endured the apocalypse before and they'll endure this one if need be ur's Roar might not just Herald the end of winter but this time Harald the fact that the world itself survived the end times moving on bretonia and you know I will try here I will try to give them some amount of credit and genuine thought because despite hating them more than anyone else I apparently don't hate them as much as the collective writers of GW put together bronia out of all the major human nations would come away from things the best chaos didn't really invade them at least to nearly the same extent as the Empire and keev they did have a bit of a vampire problem but that's more easily dealt with and that sort of thing was in the other Realms at the very least they didn't do something like what the empire did and named Manfred a Grail Knight but what is going to cause them some issues as their religion it was revealed to them during the end times that their religion was just straight up a lie not a lie the sense of the Lady of the Lake was just using them for their own benefit although that was true the Lady of the Lake doesn't exist she's just lilth the Elven goddess of magic and dreams to top it off lilth was reduced to having a mortal body during the end times so she's probably not going to be granting anyone Grail Knighthood anymore I'm sure they'll find some way to create new Grail Knights but lilth isn't going to be the one doing it so the Lady of the Lake might be mysteriously absent going forward unlike the Empire who's probably going to have at least some extent of religious unity the mother of all religious unrest is about to begin in brettonia all those remaining Grail Knights and paladins are going to have to contend with the fact that everything they believed in was a ploy by an elephant goddess faith in the lady is going to be shattered for many of them because even ignoring lilia's reduction to mortality as far as they're concerned there is and never was a Lady of the Lake bonian hate their peasants because haha Grim dark make everything evil and Bland like 40K some of the Grail Knights might have a radical change of heart regarding that if their religion is a lie how much of their culture is they already based their whole love of cavalry off of the elves finding out their goddess was one of them might be a step too far some foms might become much like the Empire or outright join it abandoning bretonian ways for scientific progress and things like not using peasants like toilet paper because poor people bad certainly not all of them would the flip side of this is that plenty of them would see the benefits lilth granted them as very real proof of her power and guidance if nothing else and would stick to the old ways even harder than ever before in these new post-end times days Braton is going to have to figure out what the hell it even is anymore War would undoubtedly erupt between these two groups and everything in between these two extremes that pops up as unlike in the Empire they're not just arguing over new forms of governance or who should lead but the very religion and soul of the nation itself of course I still sincerely hope the horse molesters all die to a man during this and the land is subsumed in the Empire to help its recovery but I can only hope for so much Jes lebreton returned during the end times and he might become the only chance of holding brettonia together as its returned god king if he can somehow make everyone who found out about the lady keep it AET secret as he did in end Hammer then things are likely to return to somewhat normal in bratonia if he doesn't or can't however then things will likely preceed as I described them it would just be a case of some places being less filled with unrest and Chaos lower sea chaos that is because the dude who founded the nation itself is back now him or his court to sending new people to the rank of Knighthood would be a decent way to stabilize the nation although it does set a precedent for the lower cast of patonia gaining power and social Mobility that might lead to instability further down the line it is however something that's likely going to have to happen regardless of the reason for doing it the end times would have significantly reduced the nightly populace of the realm so someone's going to have to fill those slots I'm willing to bet on two major outcomes for Bonia patonia will either not be able to pull itself through this turmoil and fragment into countless smaller States and Thief Dums with different ideologies or it'll pull itself through following one ideology and would have to suffer its presence that much longer in the second case it might become a leader amongst the peoples of men as it being the most stable remaining major Nation bolsters its reputation and status that sentence makes me want to vomit profusely so in case you think I've gone soft on them let me just reiterate my earlier sentiment I cannot put into words enough how I hope the former scenario happens I hope this entire land fractures and they all kill each other and the vampire problem they have manages to subsume them all into a nation of the dead or the Empire absorbs these smaller States so it can become the true nation of men I hope Giles lebreton either bends the knee to the superior gods of Sigmar and R or is crucified during the end times so we can't keep the realm together May the land never know the rulership it once did and may the name brettonia burn with the last Grail Knight moving on to the rest of the human Realms cath is in a very unfortunate position in order for this to be an end times video and not storm of chaos events of the end times still need to largely unfold as they did up till a point and while I did say I'd Nerf chaos for the sake of the scenario that doesn't really include the chaos dwarfs and certainly it doesn't include the green skins cath was double teamed by both grimgor's horde and the chaos Dwarfs I'm pretty sure the scaven were there as well making things generally worse for everyone involved while newer lore and the dragon family existing means that it probably won't be as bad some of them are absolutely dead and the nation is still in tatters for the sake of giving you something interesting to think on let's say that either the Dragon Emperor or Moon Empress is dead certainly some of the siblings are dead the standouts to me being Meo ying and Xiao Ming Xiao Ming because magic being as wild as it was during the end times means his warpstone experiments are going to kill him assuming the scaven don't do it and Meo Ying because she's taking the brunt of the chaos dwarfs chaos itself and the green skins I would imagine the nation would stay standing though and perhaps if Yuan B survives it can recover in time unlike the Empire or patonia I don't think this is how we get the fantasy Communist Revolution in cath or any major societal reforms like that I can't imagine the entire Dragon family would be wiped out and as long as at least one of them survives then surely the country would persevere as it exists now maybe The Monkey King would be allowed some position of power either as a reward for him helping fight chaos or out of desperation to round out not Asia nipon is still obliterated by rats and Orcs And I still can't be bothered to come up with anything for indan Kesh maybe in the post-end times world one of those thousand living gods of in will discover some screen time for the last human Nations I'm going to bundle together tlea estalia araby and the Border princes Chaos's Focus was almost entirely on the Northern old world Cath and nagaro it was the scaven who overran these nations and in this timeline they aren't nearly as successful if memory recalls the writers did at least give araby a bit of pity and say they were successful enough at fending off the scaven to delay their attack on the Empire so maybe they could be a rallying point for these nations to hold back the Vermin tide I imagine that the extent depends on the exact country but these places would likely experience something of a growth period Believe It or Not KV is basically gone the Empire is in shambles and has to figure out if a vampire Emperor is a good idea and bronia for all I said it probably would be better off than the Empire still isn't going to be doing well depending on how badly each of these countries does the they'll all have their own Exodus of people fleeing them with the only major threat they had to face being driven off these miscellaneous human Nations could become new major players on the world stage TAA and estalia would probably be the least well off because they're right next to scaven blight but at the end of the day scaven corruption is a lot better than chaos corruption as much as it's a pain in the ass and Total War for the most part it's just them wrecking whatever place they occupy clean up the debris and you're good to go warp Stone's a bit trickier but you can always sell it if you don't mind loosening your moral code just a little bit the board of princes in particular I imagine would experience the most growth and some larger Empires might pop out of the thousands of petty Thief Dums that inhabit the region that region from a meta perspective is pretty much just an excuse to create your own Homebrew Army of humans so maybe in this timeline your special dudes could become the next burgeoning Empire of man for a quick stop at another faction that'll take about 3 seconds to explain the green Skins are green skins what possible change in their culture and habits could you want me to come up with the fighting would probably make bigger Orcs that would go bother the other factions and pounds it out a whole lot of them would be dead maybe in the best case scenario for them they might pursue chaos up north having been promised the fabled Ragnar orc and never got in it I'm not making that up by the way Ragnar work is what they call the end times so stupid but so fun for characters here's a fun game for you to play take whichever green skin special character you like grimore skarsnik wag because there's only so many different ways I can say maybe they're fighting over here now pick whether or not you decide each of them is alive or dead if they're dead then they're dead if they're alive five imagine whatever faction they're fighting against being that much worse to live in during the post end times world just lower the quality of life there by an additional 10% for that matter much the same for the ogres ogres are pretty simple and unlike a lot of the other races they didn't even change that much into age of Sigmar they want to eat and they'll fight for whoever pays them the most there will however be noticeably more ogres in the lands of other nations going forward the volcano of the fire bellies worship began erupting during the end times and the ogre homelands came down with a catastrophic case of the condition known as being covered in lava given that minor health hazard there's probably going to be more and more ogre warband selling their services across the world since I forgot about them during the chaos segment the chaos dwarfs will be the first dwarfs to talk about they get obliterated grimgor didn't have any Mercy towards his former overlords in the end times proper and he won't have any here for the sake of Mercy I guess I'll say that he didn't completely wipe them off the map but the forgers of zarag grund aren't going to be supplying any ambitious chaos Warlords with hell cannons anytime soon sorry for any fans of the faction but grimore walked his way threw them without any difficulty when he had more chaos Warriors to fight his way through it's not going to be any prettier when you reduce how many allies the CHS have for the dwarfs proper they're in a horrid State thorgrim Grudge Bearer declared the age of Reckoning would come and they would retake all their lost holds then Carrick eight8 Peaks was nuked kazak kak taken by scaven and goblins and thorgrim turned off his brain for a bit and get stabbed in the back by snitch for it most of the Forward Thinking dwarves met a brutal end during the fighting or at least the ones who didn't just want to sit in their mounted hle holds all day long waiting did just like bagar who at his end by queak ironically enough some of the major dwarf characters to survive are probably going to be the Slayers huge Goin Felix spoiler coming up so genuinely if you haven't read the final novel skip ahead 20 seconds or so to be safe after this sentence I'm spoiling it you have been warned now that anyone worried is gone Malachi makyen never died in the end times he rebuilt the spirit of gromy and renamed it the Unstoppable if memory serves correctly it might be something a bit different but still along those lines because Malachi m is insane and doesn't see any problems with tempting fate like that if he was on the Titanic he would have hit the iceberg on purpose another potential Survivor his own Grim Iron Fist he made it till the end of the end times and it's rather narratively fitting that the Slayer king of car kadrin is forced to postpone his duty to die in favor of his duty to rule another day his son gim is probably dead though I don't got much to say on that he was probably just going to end up the next Slayer King like his dad so it wasn't like he had a happy life ahead of him anyways that being said unram did die in the end when his rage caused the lore of fire to consume him after he became its incarnate so it's iffy on whether or not he'll be around and perhaps most importantly gotri is pal Felix But there again skip ahead a couple seconds with the end times not being the end times there's decent odds grimnir might have not had godrick become a successor if that happens then maybe the duo would still be wandering about making the world a slightly better place hell maybe godric's place wouldn't be holding off demons in the realm of chaos but holding back their followers in the mortal world finally achieving the Doom he seeks against the mighty EST Warriors of chaos Felix can go live his life after that assuming his wife and kid are still alive and aldorf wasn't peruk or he's going to wallow an alcohol and misery or he's going to take his own death oath because everyone he knows and loves is super dead for the dwarfs as a whole though things aren't great so many holds are dead or most of the people from them are dead that dwarf civilization is going to be going through a Dark Age The Grey Mountain dwarfs next to reand would potentially be fine but the rest of them are going to be completely devastated the most devastated thing though Beyond any loss of resources artifacts however would probably be the Damage Done to the morale as a race thoram revitalized the dwarfs into so many different things he convinced them to do more than wait in their holds and weather a storm they couldn't hope to outlast he got some of them to consider using weapons that had only been developed a mere 300 years prior he got the dwarfs to some extent to do away with the sheer stubbornness and refusal to adapt their race is known for then he died millions of dwarfs went with him and the ever Peak fell they aren't going to want to be doing anything short of maybe Trading with whatever's left of the empire for centuries at best reclaiming kazak kak is going to be top priority for whoever's left and after that they're almost certainly get to return to sitting in their Mountain holds ignoring the world around them any of those who are still radical minded for the dwarfs which in this case means they aren't more or less massively depressed are likely to migrate to the Empire or other human Realms regardless of what actually happens to the Realms of men the skills of the dwarfs and rebuilding their shattered cities would be welcome by all aside from them perhaps Slayers would be the only dwarfs ever seen by Outsiders for hundreds of years as the rest of them Retreat inward the mightiest of Dooms might have passed them by but there will still be plenty of opportunities left in the world the dwarfs and short are in for the longest period of rebuilding possible marred with bitterness over what they've lost on a scale unlike ever before feeling betrayed by the ideals thorgrim pushed or at least seeing what he wanted is no longer possible they're done as players on the world stage for quite some time better off than their chaotic cousins but still removed from the playing field even if they're doing it to themselves on purpose I feel it's also worth saying if you think I'm coming across as unreasonably hard on them perhaps due to my inclination towards elves I promise you I'm not trying to be I'm trying to think of what the dwarfs would reasonably do given their attitudes and worldviews I imagine for many of them it won't matter that the end was prevented they'll look around and see the greatest leaders and even their Long Live Generations dead they'll see the ever peak in the hands of rats and Orcs they'll see their populations decimated and countless Treasures lost it won't matter to them they ultimately held off something far worse they went through too much for their minds to take not in the sense of too much to take because they're weak and they're all going to go insane or anything but too much to take for how they view the world if it helps amongst those who are left there will probably be a pretty sharp rise and Slayer Oaths being taken while the proper armies of the dwarfs won't be Marching for some time except to retake lost mountains the Slayers might be out in numbers never before seen reading the world of any lingering corruption acts first all that said I think that given enough time and assuming they aren't overrun with lingering hordes of rats and Orcs dwarf Society will recover Which is far more than I can say for the next next faction the elves Elven Society could generously be described as having gone completely tits up during the end times all the elves societies really the High Elves easily have at the worst because ulwan is gone the combined efforts and fighting of the dark and High Elves dragged it to the Bottom of the Sea and plenty of their influential leaders went with it there will probably be scattered remnants of it left floating about held up by lingering magic but otherwise the homeland of the assur is gone forever that's not to say that the dark elves are in a much better position because in malak's bid to take ulwan he completely emptied naroth every capable health and all the worthwhile supplies they could hold were brought with them for the final Invasion the land itself still exists but any of the infrastructure burned when cornate forces plowed through it regardless of my disdain for the bastards I have to admit they're almost unrivaled in the amount of property damage they can cause and of course the wood Els have to contend with the fact that while the oak of Ages may not be rotting from the inside out anymore their God Queen Ariel is forever gone and jammed in the body of aariel all of these factions would be jammed into AOL Lauren coming to terms with the fact that most of their gods are dead the remaining ones are the [ __ ] and of course the slight issue of them all still hating each other's guts is still very prevalent the Widow are the simplest faction to explain where they'll be at because they'd be much the same as they always have been and indeed similar to the position of the dwarfs they want everyone else to go away now they don't care about any of this Phoenix King nonsense or finding a new home they still have theirs and they would prefer if all the other elves pissed off their four Spirit allies are likely to hold much the same view so the other two elf groups are on a time limit before the trees start speaking alarin with malicious intent in terms of actual stuff the wood elves would also probably keep going on as they did live in aluren keep others out violently Purge basemen whenever they show up simple stuff they're probably going to be pretty badly off for a while due to the death of coronos and Orion and Ariel getting shored into aariel but nature is resilient they'll find a way to adapt the High Elves and dark elves though oh dear lord finding a home isn't even necessarily the first hurdle they're going to have to get over but we'll talk about that one first nagaro isn't a horrible idea at least as far as just living somewhere goes not the nicest place in the world but maybe if enough High Elves go with they can use some life magic to actually grow food but there's plenty of former Elven colonies around the world to consider sure those are located in places like brettonia estalia tayia places currently occupied but malakith isn't exactly a nice person if anything the fact there's already plenty of humans in those locations means they don't need to worry about slaves when they get there so in the immediate future the new Homeland of the elves might be permanently borrowed from mankind speaking of Malik not being a nice person though the Elven Civil War finishing up nicely paves the war for the Elven Civil War Round Two the differing factions of elves stuck together in the end times because this was it there's no time to settle their problems in a better way because the world is falling apart now that the situation has been stabilized there's going to be so many different people shouting for different things there might not even be just high and dark elves anymore there will be those loyal to malakith seeing him as the right rightful New Phoenix King on the other hand Tyrion is probably not going to be happy with this and I imagine quite a few others might go with him now you might say oh but that's just the high and dark elves again but we have to look at the end times for why that isn't the case regardless of the fact malakith being the only true Phoenix King was retcon in AOS and for the better might I add he was a Syrian Avatar during the end times he held the position and the Elven King of the Gods threw his power behind him which is a sort of thing that gives a ruler a lot of legitimacy Tyrion meanwhile became the Avatar of Cain he was a noble hero beforehand and became the embodiment of the head of the dark elf Pantheon which is naturally going to trct a lot of people from both sides towards him and for the laundry list of reasons they hate each other they're not going to be getting along after everything is settled and of course this is to say nothing of the elves who want to return to the old days of High Elves versus Dark Elves but can't under any of the old leaders because Tyrion and malakith both have mixed courts now Breakaway factions of these groups might spring up either forming together with anyone like-minded or based on Old loyalties such as where they came from ulwan all of these groups are going to share that vested interest in finding new places to live and depending on their mindsets and where they choose they may either live peacefully with others shack up with humans or go on Wars against the occupants of wherever they end up even against elves that were once in the same side as them they might fight over resources in limited territory ulwan and nagaro regardless of if they're settled will likely be frequently raided by all these different groups olwan would have countless artifacts that sank with it and nagaro will probably have some stuff left that the droi couldn't take with them new leaders might arise during this time out of any spoils or Promises of a Homeland that they can follow through on the ultimate winner of this God knows how many ways second El Civil War might in the end be whoever alliel decides to stick with aside from being the ever Queen she's more or less Isa now in fact in terms of power and who she is she's pretty much age of sigar allariel just still in fantasy because of that she might also have a decent chunk of wood elf supporters behind her as well on top of everyone else with all she has going for her whoever she supports would have a clear Advantage assuming she doesn't go off on her own she might go with Tyrion out of love for him and a disdain for having to share rulership with maloth that being said in order to provide some measure of stability for her people she might continue being the ever Queen to his Phoenix King that would be the most Loveless sexist marriage between two people who absolutely hate each other but for the sake of the elves she might do it and if she does che to go off on her own she'd be one more faction to add to the pile of them going at each other at the end of the day the elves are becoming sort of an inverse of the dwarfs they're likely not going to be as psychologically ruined but in terms of material losses that are arguably worse off the dwarfs can always retake the ever Peak or build a new capital you can't unsn ulwan or unfuse Isa allariel and Ariel perhaps this isn't the most detailed of summaries as to what they'd likely be up to but the elves as a whole would likely be trying to sort the [ __ ] out for some time probably the only one both not involved in all this crap and Alive would be techless the poor dude would probably just be trying to apologize to Tyrion for getting his daughter killed and attempting to stabilize the world in general after chaos wrecked shop speaking of someone's going to have to come up with a replacement Vortex fast it wasn't just a pretty light show it kept magic drained from the world so demons couldn't manifest out of nothing either there's going to be a whole lot of new way stones that drain magic without the vortex's help or there's going to need to be a second one Tas is the best guy for the job on that one so he can have fun with that poor tlas even when your plan to save the world succeeds you just can't get a win maybe he'd go find gotri and Felix and whatever they're doing and just become a permanent member of the group he does know them they adventured together who's to say he can't do it on a permanent basis next up are the alternate lizard men the great plan didn't fail but it certainly has some hiccups chiefly among them the fact that much like ulwan lustria is gone the land mass technically still exists but unlike the smaller human kingdoms this instance of scaven corruption is going to be a lot harder to deal with you know because they crashed the godamn moon into it whatever the rest of the world actually physically looks like at this point in time lustria looks like the Covenant paid it a visit countless plaques and ancient relics of the old ones are gone and if there's more than half a spawning pools left in the entire continent I would be amazed there's even fewer remaining slan left now most of them from the weaker generations and mazdamundi is dead much like Carter that fat bastard sure had the mass for that matter Goro and Akai are also dead because if memory serves their death in the end times came about by way of the Moon crashing on top of them the Southlands were also pretty badly damaged by the warpstone meteor impact so they're probably also out in terms of living in the lizard men do have some things up their sleeves though Lord croak fully returned having decided death simply no longer an option it wasn't much of a handicap to begin with for him but now it's even less of one certain other characters like crgar and oxato also likely survived crotar to my knowledge was never actually killed in the end times and likely made it to their spaceships and oxotel was already Lizardman calor Drago if he can survive in the realm of chaos for thousands of years he can survive the failed end of the world wherever the remains of the Lizardman end up they'll likely terraform it to resemble old lustria depending on circumstances such as resistance they face and the type of any artifacts or slon remaining much of them may end up recolonizing luster on the Southlands The warpstone Bling the region is going to make that very difficult but the alternatives are using their vastly reduced forces to fight others for territory Lord croak would easily be able to clear it up I imagine though he's Lord croak I don't have to explain how or why he could do it Lord frog is Simply Built different and the slon did use magical Shields bolstered by their Temple ships to keep everyone safe in this timeline perhaps those cities do still rise but instead of [ __ ] off into outer space they stay on the planet to repopulate beyond that the lizan might become closer to their age of Sigmar Incarnation than as they were in fantasy probably not with the lightning blood and obviously there's still going to be giant angry assz te lizards riding dinosaurs you can't improve upon perfection in that regard but they might become more willing to work with the other forces of order after all sticking to the great plan and total isolation resulted in their Homeland being moonfall and almost all of the remaining leaders being killed them turning into age of Sigmar lism and seems like a natural progression some of them in AOS even still believe the great plan factored in the end times so it's not like like we have to abandon that here either the issue is of course getting to that point the Liz and age of Sigmar reached the point where they could create their own spawning pools only after countless years of floating through space meditating between the worlds they don't have that time here what they do have is a whole lot of problems that unlike in the age of sigar timeline are actively beating down their door any aspiring chaos Warriors looking to ascend in archon's Wake would surely be granted demon Hood if they finished off the old one servants and lustria now being 50% warpstone by surface area is going to attract the entire goddamned undermire to whatever is left of it much like the elves they need to find a new home and then after that they need to immediately get on figuring out how to create new spawning pools if they can solve these issues then the lizardmen will be well on their way to not just recovery but potentially being even stronger than they were before and more willing to work with worm Bloods if they can't solve them in time then they'll slowly but surely be driven into Extinction the last remaining Lizardman might be Lord croak refusing to truly die with the rest of his kin well into the future of the world almost done now and our second to last group is one that also isn't changing very much the scaven much like I said with the Orcs I cannot think of any conceivable way the scaven are changing in a significant manner when they win they win and keep being the worst if they lose they take it as a sign that that particular leader was just incompetent kill him and then immediately resume doing the same [ __ ] the worst case scenario is that they'll be vastly diminished and go through a period of recuperating much like the dwarfs only far quicker most likely scenario all the leaders that are still alive are going to immediately start jockeying for positions of power and another scaven Civil War was going to break out all the while thanil pulls off some absolutely phenomenal levels of [ __ ] to remain in power because the Great Horn rat not only favors him but finds him funny you're not getting rid of him for real though in the age of Sigmar timeline they dug so deep they crashed the realm of chaos they were granted infinity and then they ran out of space it's how they teleport all the scaven Clans from fantasy are the same in age of Sigmar they're just types of Clans now the only thing that'll really change is the name of the guy sending hordes Clan rats to their Doom speaking of the biggest change is probably going to be who's on the Council of 13 the great horned rat sort of ate the entire previous one during the end times and then said thanwell was in charge with the world still going I'm sure the Council of 13 will become a Showcase of all the remaining scav and legendary Lords from Total War as well as some new folk que got choked out by thoram but Snick sh niket are probably going to be on it and than will still here I've tried to be good with every faction and not just plot armor the characters I like through the thing but no not than well I'm pulling uh this is my video I can do what I want stunt here best rat survives to lead the scave into countless casualties another day things stay the same though the biggest change they have isn't even going to be in scaven society good luck to the Empire of man hiding the existence of rat men after millions of them come pouring out of the ground and finally we come to the undead there's a reason I saved this one for last it's because I spent the entirety of writing this video trying to come up with a way that involves nagash existing on the Warhammer world as he was in the end times without just killing everyone because nagash you see is sort of powerful in fact I would wager that he's the single strongest being alive in the mortal world yes including Lord croak and allariel the only possible way I can see the world continuing onwards without him just eating it after chaos is dealt with is if he's once again mortally wounded as he has been before or maybe k at claw just nukes him again if it ain't broke don't fix it after all and it clearly ain't broke because it worked again in age of Sigmar problem is though that in this post end times world he basically serves the same role he does in age of Sigmar he consumed more he's now the god of the Dead proper when you die it's into his clutch as you go he became death magic incarnate and also ate vayia just for good measure he also asserted his will over pretty much every non-tom King Undead with magic and did it to the tomb Kings with the more traditional method of threatening to destroy them if they didn't comply this could be another way he's somewhat indisposed of in the Mortal World perhaps him being the god of the dead now means he has more responsibilities or at the very least he has to watch over the afterlife if only so he can gain power from it but but either way dude's properly jacked now quite frankly the undead are the new powerhouses in this world even if nagash is essentially confined to the Underworld for all but a few moments at a time as I'm making him his rulership over the undead is near absolute he can enforce his will upon pretty much all of them and they'll do his bidding no matter what and for everyone else in terms of pure power him throwing a hissy fit annihilated an entire Army of beastmen nurgle demons and scaven during the final battle he also choked out a blood thirster because it made the mistake of being Within Arms Reach and I'm almost positive it was kabanda incidentally if it was sucket sanguinius one of the only exceptions to this I can think of and someone who might become a savior of the living funnily enough because of it is cetra nagash and cetra fought after nagash ascended to godhood and in spite of that and their combat of Wills they were equal it took nagash swarming him with Spirits until cetra couldn't move so he could grab them and even then cetra just delivered the most badass line ever and kept resisting given he returned after the fact cetra might rally whatever tomb King descent he can find and bring them to his cause even if they say no he's depriving the gash of forces either way because anyone who says no is getting turned into catapult ammo for the tomb Kings that'll unfortunately be the extent of their role for some time a war of the Dead for control of neeka until nagash either wins or can be dealt with in one way or another I also regret to inform you that the vampire Coast is basically gone their unfortunate appearance in the end times was most prominently them all getting wiped out say it together with me now everyone Manfred Von carstein is the absolute worst speaking of though the undead such as vampires will also likely take on a similar role to that they have in age of Sigmar when the gash is the head of all of them and most people below him serving even if they try and break free of his chains perhaps another standout would be Vlad he's an elector now after all in fact that might be a great way to keep the peace between him and the Empire's humans with him serving as someone who both has knowledge on Nash as well as someone who's more than happy to fight him bringing back Isabella was the only reason he stuck with the gash during the end times as long as he did in this time line he either used the Von carstein ring to free her of nurglite possession or she's dead and Nash has no hold on him anymore Manford also might do what he did prior to his vampire war and roam the world looking for Magical artifacts but Nash would probably be keeping a close eye on him he'd watch all the vampires but it never hurts to be extra cautious with this [ __ ] ultimately though and while you may think it's dismissive of both the undead as a whole and everyone else I genuinely think that in a world where the end times didn't succeed nagash's Reign Over the undead would be near absolute the plots of every Necromancer vampire and tomb king would be forced to either serve nagash or subvert him because just ignoring him is like ignoring a train when you're stuck on the track with chaos dealt with the world will have to contend with the fact that nagash has returned stronger than ever before the other Divine or close enough powers that remain such as aariel and croak will likely be more than anything preoccupied with ensuring the gash doesn't once again try to subsume all life in the world into his rule with the world as ravaged as it is with countless bodies still littering Battlefield after Battlefield the great Necromancer will be ascendant he might not have succeeded at becoming chaos this time but he's if nothing else patient in fact I need you to understand that while the undead section may be relatively short given that all that I'm lumping together in it this is because Nash's rule is almost uncontested more than any other faction or character it is him and his forces that will be on the mind of every single being in this setting going forward while in Canon he's admittedly losing more often than he's winning that's because the stakes of what he does in the narrative is All or Nothing it's either he loses or everyone else loses Nash coming back and staying in Warhammer fantasy after the end times is completely rewriting the rules of the setting when he was dead characters in The know of him lived in fear of anything even remotely associated with him another minor gotri and Felix spoiler but this is within the first 20 pages of the book it's in or so so not too much of a deal when one of his artifacts shows up in one of their books the character Max has a panic attack before almost immediately fainting when he realizes what he's holding he scares the chaos Gods because he has the potential to not just fight them but unmake them entirely in age of Sigmar he alone is enough to create an entire Grand Alliance who's capable of fighting the forces of order destruction and Chaos on relatively equal footing and in this alternate Warhammer timeline we have an aash approaching what he is in age of Sigmar without any true equivalents to stand up to them if there's any peace between the factions either because of or in spite of the reasons I mentioned for each of them earlier it's partially because everyone is hesitant to start any more massive conflicts because every death they cause is another soul given to Nash such is the power of the great Necromancer and that's a very brief alternate history for the end times of Warhammer fantasy brief for each faction at least this was a long one this was a lot of fun to write and make you know I got to try and think of my own stuff for once which is always fun if you like this do let me know if you want to see more of this kind of stuff I've already got some ideas for looking at indidual factions in this timeline more in depth since this is such a broad video I feel like more topics going to be made about it without feeling like I'm milking the idea to death thank you to my wonderful channel members you were the the natural light to my writing process keep me going while I'm at it this isn't another sponsor I'm just drinking a natural light while I'm recording this it isn't terribly good I prefer Miller or vodka Fireball and Coke is also a banger if you haven't tried it it's like Dr Pepper that gets you smashed if you'd like to support the channel feel free to subscribe or become a member either way thank you for watching and take care out there I can't believe I forgotten the most important faction the halflings 50/50 on if they're completely change because no one would bother to attack them or Vlad has turned the region into a Capri Sun Factory
Channel: PancreasNoWork
Views: 133,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer Fantasy Battles, WF, WFB, PancreasNoWork, End Times, The End Times
Id: VysF6YcT2VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 32sec (2732 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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