Nintendo Compilations

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what do you know about Nintendo compilations it's what I thought and so today I just kind of want to go over some Nintendo compilations throughout the years uh and kind of looking back throughout Nintendo's entire catalog of re-releases uh they don't do an awful lot of compilations primarily if they're re-releasing games they re-release game now I think that's all a part of Nintendo's overall scheme for world domination in terms of of their games holding value like Luigi's Manion 2 HD for $60 oh yes please that's something where you look at a company like Capcom all right Resident Evil Revelations was a big 3DS game they released and that game is genuinely massive it's almost like an Xbox 360 game on the Nintendo 3DS and yet when they brought that over to the switch for like 60 bucks you got that alongside Resident Evil Revelations 2 as a part of the Resident Evil Revelations collection in comparison Nintendo puts out Luigi's Mansion 2 HD for $60 of course they definitely could have bundled in the first game and it would have made a lot of sense the first game was on 3DS as well you could have just remastered that 3DS version and bundled the two together and then you could have had like a Luigi's Mansion 3DS collection but no $60 for a game that originally retailed for $40 in 2013 now it's over a decade later and here you go the thing is Nintendo knows they can get away with releasing these games on their own instead of bundling them all together so I mean they're going to do it hey I buy that garbage you buy that garbage why wouldn't they sell that garbage so when Nintendo actually does do collections it kind of feels like it's more of like a celebratory thing most of these are kind of released out of like necessity like Pikmin 1 and two which we'll talk about that like that wouldn't have made a ton of sense for them to release both games separately uh physically that is or they do it for like an anniversary or a celebration like Super Mario 3D Allstars for Mario's 35th Anniversary or Kirby's Dream Collection for Kirby's 20th but let's just go through a bunch of them all right starting with the king of them all yep Super Mario All Stars which in of itself was re-released multiple times this game originated as like one of the greatest deals of all time and then it became one of the biggest scams of all time you know I said Nintendo likes to re-release single games well you know originally they remade all four of the Mario Platformers released on the NES Mario 1 2 3 and the Japanese Mario 2 honestly was super ahead of its time I mean like this set the standard for video game remakes and compilations moving forward and then for Mario's 25th anniversary they set the standard again uh for laziness y about Nintendo just likes to re-release single games they re-released a single game here it's just Mario All Stars again it's it's just the the original SNES game on a weed disc there's there's nothing different about it other than the the whole like Wii channel intro sequence but let's mainly talk about the original here because this right here you know it doesn't matter I I really do like the packaging and everything but when you get down to it I mean this is one of the most barebones releases Nintendo could have possibly done I've already talked about this thing numerous times on Scot stash and uh I love it as a collectible but when you get down to the meat of the package oh it's like oh man here are all the extras and it's like okay soundtrack CD and here are the tracks it's one track from 10 games and then the final 10 tracks are 1 second sound effects from the original Super Mario Brothers oh boy and then the history booklet included uh it has little moments that are like cool like oh my God original design documents for the original Super Mario Brothers that's awesome never mind let's just show you you already know I love the layout here but then you have the little trivia facts down here and they they don't amount to anything it's like the developer just saying like wow Mario looks pretty badass here doesn't he so yeah I mean like this has elements that I like like this all looks great but then this booklets over before it gets really started it would have been great if this was actually like a souped up version of Super Mario All Star I mean at the time I remember people bringing up like wouldn't have been awesome if the original Mario Platformers were redone allaha new Super Mario Brothers Wii like they look like new Super Mario Brothers uh nowadays that would have been that that would have just sucked all the life out of all of those games but at the time it would have been really cool L I still think it would be really cool I mean if you want the original versions of those games you could just download them on the Wii Virtual Console but let's mainly talk about the original release here because this is a genuine compilation and this is a re-release of the compilation turning it into even more of a compilation Super Mario All Star Plus Super Mario World so I believe there's no actual like complete inbox version of this you can't actually get like an official Super Nintendo game box but if you're going to get a version of Mario Allstar this is the version to get they incorporate Super Mario World into the game selection screen and not only that they actually updated Super Mario World in this package just very subtly they gave Luigi a more unique Sprite wow the definitive version of Mario world everybody but other than that it's still just Mario All Star just with an added game and Mario All Star is pretty damn rad though I will admit the Mario 1 and Mario the Lost Levels uh remakes in this game uh they're weird it mainly comes down to the brick breaking physics when you hit a brick it's really different in this game it's almost like it doesn't even phase Mario you just pretty much go right through it but I mean when we go to Mario 2 and Mario 3 remakes I mean they're spectacular in this game you get save files you get some cool added detail via the graphical upgrades all new music brand new compositions based on the Super Nintendo sound font it's all wonderful like Mario All Stars really did set the standard for video game remakes and compilations moving forward I mean like wow some of the greatest Platformers of all time and Mario the Lost Levels but to be fair this was really cool because this was the first time we ever got the Lost Levels outside of Japan this is like a desert island retro game for me I I mean especially the Super Mario World one one of the greatest video game compilations of all time right here and wouldn't you know Nintendo never did anything like this ever again most of Nintendo's compilations are kind of like double packs or something so like on the NES we got a lot of these like combo Game cartridges so Donkey Kong Classics I mean it just compiles Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr you of course have the iconic Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt but you also have some triple game cartridges so Mario duck hunt and world class track meat which uses the Power Pad and then this one right here which I think is probably honestly the best one you get Mario Tetris and Nintendo World Cup but these are more of like multi packs or like value packs uh rather than compilations in my eyes when I think of compilations I'm kind of thinking of something that's more of like oh let's include a bunch of older games from previous generations and Nothing fits that definition better than the Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition on the GameCube what the is that title yeah this isn't really a traditional compilation in the sense of like oh it was available on store shelves and it's like the Legend of Zelda Master collection or The Legend of Zelda HD Collection or whatever fan title you see thrown around like that where it includes oh my God all these Zelda titles remastered in HD now this says it right here this is a promotional disc uh this was included in certain GameCube bundles and I remember this kind of released out of desperation Nintendo was really trying to drive up interest in the GameCube again so they included this Zelda collector's disc which bundled together for classic Zelda titles we get Zelda 1 and Zelda 2 from the NES and ocarine of time and Major's mask so this is pretty damn cool All Things Considered I mean keep in mind this released in 2003 Majora's Mask released in the year 2000 it's crazy the concept of time is so strange because these are already considered classic games and like acarine of time is only like 5 years old at this point but it almost feels like this is considered like oh man retro Classics playable on the GameCube the version of Zelda here is actually the one included on like the Wii Virtual Console I always remember seeing that version where it would say the copyright date was like oh 1986 to 2003 because they actually went in and they readjusted some of the translations because it was notoriously a little botched in the original so you get two NES games 2 N64 games that's a pretty good deal on the GameCube especially for kind of like a little freebie disc you get ran randomly feels a little strange though because like where's the link to the past it's it's the one in the middle here and they just don't include it I assume it's because just a year prior they re-released A Link to the Past on the Game Boy Advance so like at that point the GameCube had the Game Boy Player on it so if you wanted to play A Link to the Past uh get a Game Boy Player and get the Game Boy Advance version and then you can play A Link to the Past on your GameCube that way which out this disc made it so then you could play basically the entire Zelda series up to that point on the GameCube you have the NES games and then Super Nintendo game on the Game Boy Advance N64 games and then all the Game Boy Game Boy Color Game Boy advanced games playable via the Game Boy Player hell included on this disc is a little history of Zelda video and it kind of makes it obvious like damn I can play the entire Zelda series on the GameCube I feel so powerful with the Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition what the hell is this title buddy just call it Legend of Zelda collection what why is it called this you also get like a small snippet of Wind Waker on here which is pretty damn cool I also love that this promotional disc got a players guy from Nintendo power that shows it's far more than just a promotional disc but it it it doesn't even feel like this counts as an actual release on the GameCube it feels like such a just a nothing thing but then when you actually pop it in you're like oh hot damn there's a lot to this release but for my money I'd say Kirby's Dream Collection on the Wii is the greatest Nintendo compilation so this is one of the final Nintendo published Wii releases this launched in September of 2012 just like 2 months before the Wii U released never released in Europe and a ton of effort went into this to the point where I just asked like you could have made this a pretty dope ass Wii U launch title that would have been awesome but I guess they just they they didn't want to launch the Wii U with with a compilation of old Kirby games it just bro that would have given you just so much random fodder to play the Wii was struggling man why were you throwing Wii owners a bone like this especially considering most of the games included on here you could already play on the Wii The Collection includes Kirby's Dreamland from the Game Boy Adventure on NES Dreamland 2 from the Game Boy Superstar and Dreamland 3 from Super Nintendo and Kirby 64 and guess what four of these games were already available on the Wii via the Wii Shop Channel and Virtual Console the Game Boy games are the only ones you couldn't officially already play and even then it's a little disappointing because a game like Dreamland 2 had some special super Game Boy support when You' plug that game in on the Super Nintendo uh you know it look a little special and uh you know no not on here it just just black and white looks kind of looks kind of lame but to be fair the versions on Dream Collection uh allow you to play with a weote on its side which you couldn't do on the Virtual Console versions of the Super Nintendo or Nintendo 64 games but even then the fact that these games were already available on the Wii as is I mean who the hell cares because this collection is far more than just oh my God the games included how much value is here no they went above and beyond with everything surrounding it which I think is important in fun little anniversary collections like this the presentation is off the hook here I mean I love the little intro video and then you have the menu systems you have this whole timeline which not only tells you the full timeline of Kirby but also world events yep Barack Obama is Canon you also get episodes from the Kirby right Back At You anime which is just like okay thank you and then you also have brand new challenges uh based on Kirby's Return to Dreamland and those are exclusive to this so you have like brand new content right there and this release does follow the tradition of Mario Allstar on the Wii by including a soundtrack CD and a little booklet talking about the history of Kirby and I got to be honest this is way better than the Mario All Star one just so much more interesting to flip through the Mario Allstar one kind of felt like it was like a school project or something where somebody just had to go through a bunch of Mario games they were like oh look at the box art of this one look at the box art of this one like no this one goes through all these different releases there's spin-offs too which is awesome I love that they even specify oh this is on Wii virtual console and then you also have like all this behind the scenes concept art storyboards just really really special stuff here this is awesome is this release the most definitive necessary collection no back in 2012 the Game Boy games were great to have here but you know what would have been incredible if they would have put Kirby Tilton tumble on here and put the motion controls on the weote that would have made this collection so damn useful I know I'm acting like this is like a measur in productivity but still like I've said as it stood you could already play all these games on Wii and hell you know I'm not going to act like at the time people already weren't hacking their Wiis and playing Game Boy games on them already but I don't think that's the best way to think because it's just like at that point oh man people are hacking the Nintendo switch and putting their own emulators on it guess we better stop re-releasing old games on this console I think that's silly so like okay yeah you could act your Wii and play The Game Boy games it doesn't really take away from the value that like yeah you couldn't officially play Game Boy games on the Wii already so yeah it's great that these were there but they they could have gone a little further they could have included a bunch of spin-offs tilt and Tumble would have been awesome to have here and I kind of feel like it would have been better if they just put this out on Wii U you know like Wii U had an abysmal start to 2013 like there was nothing to play on that thing after the launch in November of 2012 you were waiting for months for anything and even then you were getting little scraps like oh my God Lego City Undercover thank God oh my God and even then there's a high chance that like you didn't even care about that game so I can imagine in like January of 2013 when they had like nothing for that console a little Kirby collection that would have been that would have been awesome however I think this collection is incredible when it comes to just the sheer love and passion you can feel oozing from it the games are great here the additions are great the presentation is amazing I love this collection one of Nintendo's best right here on an unrelated note yeah everybody let's a little bit Super Mario 3D Allstars the long awaited followup to the original Mario All Stars released in conjunction with Mario's 35th Anniversary H now of course like I said I've already talked about this one numerous times so you know I'm not going to really like Linger on this one all too much but I do think this collection does get a lot of deserved hate at the same time I do think it is a a pretty solid collection I mean these are three of the greatest 3D Platformers of all time uh yes you can emulate Mario Galaxy and Mario Sun shining like the Dolphin emulator on PC yes Mario 64 is playable on damn near anything but at the same time hey they're available in handeld mode and also I'm tired of acting like emulation is like the easiest goddamn thing in the world yes in many cases it can be but you got to put up with a bunch of random half the time I turn on my PC and I have to deal with all this nonsense man it sucks unofficial emulation can be a headache I don't I don't want to deal with it half the time man even hooking up a Bluetooth gam pad to my PC like that can be so damn frustrating for no reason I'm like why isn't it connecting I just I just want to play my goddamn games and sometimes video game consoles are just a little easier than that I'm not going to act like oh my God I have this hard time emulating on PC no I don't most of the time but like acting like it's foolproof oh my God it's always so easy no no no no no a lot of times random nonsense happens and you just got to figure it out you got to troubleshoot so much stuff and you know what sometimes it's just easier to pop this into your Nintendo switch and just play a game instead of scouring Google for a ROM or an ISO file like I'm just like this this has its place buddy but I think a lot of the disappointment from this release comes from the fact that they didn't go further I mean like I said these are three of the greatest games of all time you kind of wish they would be treated like it in this collection and I guess they're treated as such by the fact that they don't do anything else other than just give you these three games there you go buddy they speak for themselves we don't need to throw in any extras you get three of the greatest games of all time suck it up this is all you're getting my problem is they do try to throw in extras like the soundtracks of the three games oh boy who cares man this is such a nothing extra I would have loved concept art or like whatever original trailers commercials or even just being able to like read the original manuals for the games like that would would be kind of cool instead now here are the soundtrack CDs uh all these are available on YouTube Buddy this isn't really that useful I mean like yes I know some people are definitely going to claim like what are you talking about I love using my Nintendo switch with Mario 3D Allstar popped in as an MP3 player good for you but uh I just find these to be kind of worthless extras and then that brings up the other thing of like why aren't other games included like Mario 6 4ds Mario Galaxy 2 Mario 3D Land Mario 3D World got its own separate re-release on switch so you know I understand why that's not included but the other ones are definitely a bummer though I do kind of understand you include Mario Galaxy 2 and then half of the package just Mario Galaxy you might as well call it the Mario Galaxy and Friends collection but also uh Mario Galaxy 2 did utilize the Wii remotes pointer a lot more for like legitimate gameplay uh so maybe they were just kind of running into problems with the joyon gyro and they were like let's hold off on this a bit if we're going to do Mario Galaxy 2 later on uh let's really work on it to make sure it's okay because you know hey we don't really need Galaxy 2 as much as we need Galaxy 1 here let's just do Galaxy 1 and to be honest you don't really need Mario 64 DS it would be cool if it was here but like you don't really need it and Mario 3D Land kind of feels like it would be out of place in the collection like these three feel like they belong together so I get it it would be cool if they made this more of a definitive collection but as it stands like if you're going to do three games you got to do these three games these three games feel like they belong together I think the other thing that feels kind of off about this release is just how they they did upgrade the games in many ways but like not a lot Mario Sunshine is in widescreen that's awesome and Mario Galaxy looks really nice and high resolution uh but then Mario 6 4 just isn't in widescreen it's still in 4x3 and they try to do all this stuff like they try to smooth out the text and I'm like it looks like fine I guess if like that was the original intended look of the text sure but in many cases it kind of just looks like they just smoothed it out in Photoshop Mario Galaxy forces you to use the touchcreen as the pointer in handheld mode that's fing disgusting Mario Sunshine originally had you use the analog triggers of the GameCube to control the levels of water spurting out a flood here and they had to change that up to work with the Nintendo switch Pro Controller and joycon because those don't have analog triggers uh so like in many cases like oh this is the definitive official release of Mario Sunshine but uh it's also kind of gimped in the control section at least it was at launch they did update Mario 3D Allstar to work with the GameCube controller plugged in with the GameCube controller adapter so yeah I would say this is the definitive release of Mario Sunshine uh it's really weird that they went out of their way to do that considering this was a limited time release that it felt like they didn't give a damn about after March 31st 2021 they said this is not going to be available I don't know why they did that this game would have sold regardless but I guess Nintendo wanted to see if they could instill fear in their fans to buy as many copies of this as possible and buy it immediately I mean it worked this game sold like crazy which makes its price is now stupid it's whatever I mean like this collection is Baseline good I mean if you consider all the games in the package it's amazing uh but then you kind of like look at like what they did and how much more they could have done and how much more they could have included I mean yeah you can criticize this release as much as you want at its core though it's it's fine I think they could have done more but what they did do they did kind of the basic bare minimum but these games are all so good that like I can't hate on this release that much let's shift our Direction a bit to puzzle games because uh this is honestly one of the most lucrative genres Nintendo does compilations for probably because you know hey they're just puzzle games it's not like you can just re-release Dr Mario by itself just basic ass Dr Mario and have it do well outside of like you know a downloadable form which is what most of the Dr Mario games Nintendo released after this compil were really it was like we wear DSi wear all that oh we have one right here it's Tetris and Dr Mario on the Super Nintendo this is a fine version I mean it's just kind of a Super Nintendo version of the NES releases of Tetris and Dr Mario and uh yeah I mean like this is this is great I will say this release almost makes it uh a little forgettable that Tetris and Dr Mario uh you know the games separately did release on Super Nintendo uh mainly because they're bundled in with each other the this game doesn't even feel like a Super Nintendo release it feels like a Costco value pack but hey it's Tetris and Dr Mario a damn good deal on the Super Nintendo then you also have Dr Mario and puzzle League uh puzzle League being panel de Pon or Tetris attack from the Super Nintendo and this Series has just constantly had different names you know we have Pano the pon Tetris attack puzzle League Pokemon Puzzle league and this Game Boy advanced version is the most basic ass vanilla version of that game there is no character here whatsoever same goes for Dr Mario on this cartridge this cartridge is literally just like hey do you want to play Dr Mario do you want to play puzzle League here you go there's not much to that one in contrast here's Nintendo puzzle collection on the GameCube only released in Japan this was originally meant to release in North America I remember looking through a Nintendo brochure and seeing an English logo for this and that was pretty crazy I don't know why they wouldn't release this uh this seems like a pretty Surefire bet for North America I mean it it's a Nintendo puzzle collection what about this wouldn't appeal to us Ohioans but it's interesting because we have Dr Mario 64 on here and then the version of panel day Pon here was actually meant for the Nintendo 64 and was cancelled but it finally released here on the GameCube that is incredible that is like the coolest damn thing about some Collections and re-release is just seeing cancel games get resurrected it's awesome and then Yoshi's cookie it's it's Yoshi's fing cookie man this version Yoshi's cookie is completely unique to uh the GameCube release here so uh you get a brand new version of Yoshi's cookie good for you congratulations uh this release is also interesting because this bundle here comes with a GameCube to Game Boy Advance Link cable and you can actually download versions of these games for your Game Boy Advance which is pretty sweet and finally we have here Puzzle and Dragons Z Plus Puzzle and Dragons Super Mario Brothers Edition for the 3DS n i mean technically speaking this is a compilation because both of these games released as separate releases in Japan uh they didn't over here this is the only way we got them in North America so hey pretty sweet deal but still it it's Puzzle and Dragons uh Puzzle and Dragon Z who cares I don't think I've heard a single soul talk about this one in this package it's all about the Mario Edition I think it's really interesting because they use like all these old assets from previous Mario releases like they use assets from like new Super Mario Brothers 2 and all these different renders and all this stuff and it's all like this weird like cell shaded outline design the top screen is like POV you're Mario and then you run up to these enemies and there's like so much to this game but it's so done on a budget it's so bizarre and overall it's Puzzle and Dragons if you don't know Puzzle and Dragons uh back when this game released in like 2015 this was like one of the biggest mobile games especially specifically in Japan and it's basically just kind of like a matching puzzle game uh but it does have like RPG elements like you match the orbs to defeat the enemies that's pretty much all it is uh and the Mario version is a Mario version of it but a game like that is a compilation but it doesn't really feel like it uh much like these other dual packs Nintendo released uh Pikmin one and two is interesting because these games both released separately on the Nintendo ehhop and then Nintendo released this physical game card which includes both uh but there is no like menu system Nintendo updated the switch at one point or another to allow game cards to include multiple games that will appear on the main menu so a lot of these compilation games on Nintendo switch end up being this you plug it in and Pikmin one and Pikmin 2 both appear separately on your switch menu and and and you can just select either or if the game card is plugged in definitely probably makes it a hell of a lot easier for development of these kind of collections uh but it does kind of take away uh some of the joy I guess like I could also talk about NS remix pack on Wii U uh but there isn't much to say it's literally just NES Remix One and Two from the Wii U shop bundled together on a disc but it is kind of fun because you get a unique menu at the start um it's it's not that interesting it's literally just a menu where you select one or two but still I kind of like that it's like Wii Sports Plus wi Sports Resort on the Wii there's a bit of an obscure release on the Wii that includes both games it was included in some Wii bundles and like yeah it's pointless but I do like the fact that it comes with a unique menu that's fun but then we have stuff like Advanced Wars 1 plus 2 reboot Camp which I mean is kind it's a compilation yes but I don't know man I find this more to be just like a flat out like a it's an advanced Wars remake and it has one and two included I don't think compilation when I see this even though it is it collects one and two and they don't like combine the two into one full game I mean you select Advanced Wars 1 or Advanced Wars 2 on the menu but at the same time from what I remember I think you have to beat Advanced Wars 1 to play Advanced Wars 2 in this game yeah Nintendo's done a couple of these dual releases including mother OnePlus 2 in Japan uh including uh Earthbound beginnings and EarthBound mother one and two as the name suggests only released in Japan but with Mother 3 releasing in Japan on the Game Boy Advance uh made it's then you could experience the entire mother Trilogy on the GBA which is pretty sweet you also have stuff like another code recollection which uh again you know it's kind of like an Advan worse situation yeah it's a compilation but like those games are so damn remade they're basically completely different from the original releases so it's like sure that's a compil 2 let's talk about stuff that is definitively a compilation oh boy this is one of the big ones from Nintendo Metroid Prime Trilogy now over in Japan these games were all released separately Metroid Prime 1 and two were released as a part of new play control you know that whole line Nintendo did where they re-released GameCube games with we remote functionality sometimes it definitely improved the games other times it felt like one of the most unnecessary things of all time but thankfully Metroid Prime 1 and 2 were not unnecessary on Wii these are the definitive versions of those games until Nintendo switch when like Metroid Prime remastered released I mean Metroid Prime's controls on the GameCube weren't bad but they definitely feel like a little outdated by today's standards of course the entire game is designed around this outdated control scheme so it it doesn't feel like you're really fighting with the controls but the fact is like you can't aim and move at the same time in Metroid Prime Trilogy now you can it feels just like Metroid Prime 3 corruption on the Wii where you pretty much have complete and utter control of where you're pointing it's so damn freeing it feels so amazing and I'm not even the biggest fan of firstperson shooter controls on the Wii I think they can be really good but a lot of the times I feel like it almost gives you too much control or it just kind of feels a little too I don't know unwieldy especially with the Wii zapper but I'd say Metroid Prime Trilogy is is one of the best deals Nintendo ever offered uh primarily because like at this time this was in 2009 uh Metroid Prime 3 was only 2 years old at this point Metroid Prime 1 and two weren't even a decade old you're combining all these games for like 50 bucks on the Wii that that was a steal Especially since one and two were sold separately in Japan so like no we're including everything on one weed disc amazing speaking of amazing uh these aren't but they're they're cute The Game and Watch Gallery Series I love the fact that Nintendo kept their Game and Watch line alive with these uh small little collections on the Game Boy I mean it felt like the most natural thing in the world to be like hey the Game Boy succeeded the gameing watch uh well let's let's release a bunch of gaming watch games on the game boy because gameing watch games you know I'm not going to act like they're these incredible things but you can definitely see just how tightly and welld designed they are for LC CD calculator screens fing Nintendo went out of their way to create fun high score based experiences with the limitations the gameing watches had it didn't feel like they tried to go too ambitious and create things that were just uncomfortable to play via these incredibly limited devices in comparison you look at something like a Tiger Electronics handheld and like yeah those things stink like they were going like yeah let's makeing Metal Gear Solid for aing calculator so yeah I find gaming watch games to be genuinely fun cute little games uh I'm not playing them for more than like 3 minutes if if you give me one but yeah I think they're really cute and The Game and Watch Gallery Series kind of modernizes them and collects a handful of them in one little package they offer the original Graphics which are nothing special but then they also offer these modernized versions with Mario characters and maybe some new mechanics here and there and it's really cool I think these are wonderful little handheld games and it's really cool to see them recontextualize uh with different characters but they also put these out on the dees gameing watch collection and gameing watch collection 2 uh these are not the same thing as Game and Watch Gallery The Game and Watch Gallery Series genuinely took these Game and Watch games and gave you like five of them and modernized them too plus there was all these little extras and stuff like it was a genuine package you didn't really feel ripped off a Game and Watch collection was a damn ripoff these were Club Nintendo rewards I saved up all my points and I was like oh my God there is an exclusive DS game I can only get on Club Nintendo I got to get this and then it came in the mail and it was it's three gameing watch games oh my God they're not even modernized it's like what am I doing here to be fair these days I think this is kind of cute and cool I mean you get dual screen gaming watch games I mean you look at the original gaming watch for Donkey Kong and like you just see the DS it looks exactly like the DS so how fitting is it that they release the dual screen gameing watch games uh on the DS in their entirety like yeah it's cool but in comparison to The Game and Watch Gallery Series this pales in comparison just based on the fact that all this is is the original Game and Watch games they're not modernized they don't have any extras it's just it's just the gameing watch games gameing watch collection 2 though has an interesting feature this only includes two games but then you have a third which actually spices things up so uh these two games parachute and octopus are both separate games they didn't actually use the dual screen unlike the games included in gaming watch collection 1 but then you have a third game which is both of them at the same time that uses the dual screen so that's actually an interesting little twist that actually makes this a very unique release because I mean yeah these are both old games but this is a different way to play them that you know that that's neat but I got to be honest as a kid I was always a little mythed at gaming watch collection I thought it was a cool collectible I thought it was like a damn I got my very own exclusive DS game for being such a big old Nintendo fan but at the same time I played it for like 5 minutes when I got it in in like 2011 when I was like 14 and I went oh these are just Game and Watch games okay so I never picked up gaming watch collection 2 as a kid hell this version is still sealed I picked this up on eBay a little bit ago and to an extent this one's a little Lamer considering it has like less original gameing watch games and uh they're not even the dual screen ones but uh hey at the same time you get more of an original game and experience with parachute X octopus here so that's neat but those for the most part are kind of most of the general Nintendo compilations that definitely wasn't like everything ever released but for the most part those are the Heavy Hitters if you want to make some leaps I guess you have the NES classic edition and the Super Nintendo classic edition which is definitely a collection of a few dozen uh NES and NES games and as a collection of those games like those are incredible I do generally find these mini consoles to be like kind of just Novelties so you know criticizing their game collections I just find a little pointless you know when the PlayStation classic released and everybody was like that game collection stinks the Super Nintendo classic that's where it's at uh I will ask you how often do you actually play your Super Nintendo classic I have not plugged mine in in years it kind of comes down to just being like a cute little novelty the fact that like oh my God God all the best games are included on here hooray it's just going to sit on my shelf or you're just going to hack it and add your own games anyway so like who cares however yes the game lineup on those two are incredible like so like yeah technically those are the best Nintendo compilations but Nintendo actually did some cool things on the 3DS near the end of that handheld's life we got games like War Weare gold and Rhythm Heaven Mega mix which weren't compilations of games but rather mini games from throughout both of those series to kind of create like a brand new game but not a new game at the same time they're in this weird little corner uh war war gold is one of the best warrior war games in my opinion I'd say it's my favorite of all time uh but at the same time uh it's a lot of old content but it's also not a lot of old content because that old content is recontextualized in brand new ways so you kind of have to ask is a game like let's say Mario Party Superstars like is that a new game and is that a compilation I mean it's compiling nothing but old stuff but at the same time a game like warw gold does have new content in it like uh new micro games and new modes brand new cutcenes much like Rhythm Heaven megax so at the end of day like what are these not compilations that's for sure unlike this see that that's a plus it's multiple games in one Nintendo's giving us a deal which is exactly what Nintendo compilations are Nintendo giving us a deal I never said a good deal yeah so I always look forward to whenever Nintendo actually decides to do collections or compilations uh because yeah I mean like that's pretty much most of the major ones so yeah they don't really do them that often but when they do it kind of feels like an event for the most part they kind of do them for anniversaries or when they just really want to blow you out of the water with something like Metroid Prime Trilogy I understand why they don't do them I mean like if you could sell Luigi's Mansion 2 HD for $60 you would don't even act like you wouldn't I'm not saying I like the fact that they're selling stuff like that for full price but like they're going to do it so like you can either buy it or not it's your choice Nintendo is not in the business to give us deals but a lot of the time when they do want to give us Deals they really give us deals some of these collections are the greatest collections of all time some and I myself can't wait to see what Nintendo's next compilation happens to be my money's on donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze and uh Donkey Kong Country tropical Freeze
Channel: Scott's Stash
Views: 150,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: upebSFTVqxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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