The Oblivion Iceberg Explained

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presenting us with a beautiful open world to explore the fourth game of the elder scrolls series oblivion allows a deep dive into the story of cyrodiil a wealthy and powerful nation being the center of the empire often being regarded as the middle child oblivion was stuck between the revolutionary morrowind and the vastly popular skyrim so it can often become the game that's forgotten but when it comes to its quest and stories many agree that oblivion is unparalleled with the writers creating deep and enticing adventures these deeper stories are tied to even deeper mysteries but the elder scrolls trademark mysterious narrative holding true quests take unsuspecting twists and turns with nothing ever being what it seems even many years after its release the many pages of lore contained in books are still being examined and the world of oblivion still holds unrevealed secrets encouraging players to continue to theorise an iceberg is a popular image format that contains theories and conspiracies and its orders that the most well-known theories are gathered higher up the iceberg and the lower and deeper the points are placed on the iceberg the more mysterious the conspiracies become we explore the skyrim part of the elder scrolls iceberg in a previous video and now it's time to cover the oblivion section of the iceberg so let's mount our horse and traverse the vast and deep land that is the oblivion iceberg [Music] levitation act if we eavesdrop on some idle conversations we can hear the mentioning of the levitation act of 421 in the 422nd year of the third era the use of levitation magic was banned throughout the empire this piece of law was most likely introduced in order to explain the changes in oblivion with actions such as floating over city walls no longer being allowed in order to hide cities behind loading screens dover of the north supposes a law-friendly explanation for why levitation was banned and this was that levitation made it difficult for guards to apprehend criminal wizards the banning of levitation here could make the public feel safer but curiously the levitation act was passed before the events of morrowind but in morrowind levitation magic can be used freely could this introduce a pothole into the levitation act excuse shouldn't levitation have been illegal throughout morrowind the answer could be somewhat more complex slavery was another practice that was outlawed by the empire it was before the event of morrowind but slavery was again seen in morrowind this was allowed did the treaty of the armistice between morrowind and the empire which created a lasting peace morrowind accepted the whelming presence of imperial soldiers where in return they were allowed to continue certain customs such as slavery nasura suggested the condonings of activities could have extended to levitation as well such such was a prominent city located in the gold coast of western cyrodiil having been recorded through many maps and stories within the second era become the third era during the events of oblivion all that remained of the notable city was the ruins of a fort such it seemed that only in the space of a few years the entire city of such disappeared with only the ruins of a fort left to tell the tale if we look at fort such from above we can see a clearing surrounding the fort and it seems large enough to hold what would have been a reasonably sized city multiple scholars wrote in books that can be found in the elder scrolls online of them visiting such within the second era and one book the thief of virtue details a master theme of the thieves guild ravius tyrinus having attempted to rob the treasures from the barren igneous castle with many of these events recorded in writing such seemingly did exist but how could this city just magically disappear some earlier e3 demo videos showed maps that contained such in a way that was more likely going to be a city so potentially this was cut content with the other references having accidentally been left in but the elder scrolls online reintroduces such into the law and not just the fort such can be seen on the map in the dark brotherhood dlc so is there actually a reason in the law as to why such disappeared the most common explanation would be that such was quickly sacked or abandoned before the event of oblivion with only the remnants of the thought remaining during the time of the video game caramel goes further into this theory theorizing that such could in fact be in the hollow city a city of unknown origin that was thrust into the cold harbour by the daedric prince of life meridia many parallels can be drawn between the hollow city's architecture to that of a city that's located within the gold coast of cyrodiil a city to the south of such anvil seems to have the same red tiled roofs and architecture so perhaps the lost city could have come from the same location it also seems strange that if the city of such was destroyed why are there only remains of the fort meridia could have easily moved this city without a sport into the cold harbour the hollow city also contains four watchtowers some which could have acted like lighthouses such could have indeed stretched out to the west to the water having their watchtowers shining their lights over to hammerfall indeed in elder scrolls online the whole of the gold coast was blocked off by varen's wall in order to protect the lands from the emperor leovik if we peek through this wall we're going to see two watch towers in the area that such should be located so this could be a link but now we've trapped our theory if such was in fact the hollow city that we could see in elder scrolls online then theoretically we should not see any of the watchtowers from behind bayern's wall although we could theorize these towers were from a different part of such perhaps from the fort and they were selectively not moved for us to fully understand the legitimacy of this theory let's map out a timeline of the events we say took place in such we know by the fifth century of the third era the only thing that remained of such were the ruins of fort such elder scrolls online is set in the second era in the 6th century which is when the protagonist of the elder scrolls online the vestige encounters the hollow city it was stated that the original inhabitants of the hollow city fled or died over the next few centuries after the city was moved so if the city was such it should have disappeared well before the events of elder scrolls online such can be found on multiple maps throughout elder scrolls history one of them is on the cover of the elder scrolls adventures redguard and displays a map of west tamriel with such appearing in the imperial province as part of red guard we can date this map to the 9th century of the second era perhaps we could deem this as a sloppy reference to the such fort and the rest of the city could still have in fact disappeared however remember we were talking about some of the scholars that mentioned such in their writing the thief of virtue cannot be specifically dated but some of the other ones can in the biographical book of the high king euron of skyrim it was mentioned that he spent some time in such having been born only a couple of decades between the events of elder scrolls online if the book is indeed of truthful origins then such would have had to have existed around that time it's most likely that such is still present within the elder scrolls online its mystery is just locked deep behind unopenable doors as for what city the hollow city really was a strong hypothesis is that the city is in fact the relocator city of deladil dela deal was a city filled with many scholars artisans and dancers having also been found within cyrodiil the inhabitants worshiped many different gods but primarily they worshipped meridia who they built a magnificent temple for but across the valley was another city abagalis which held a dislike of dillidil and their newly built chapel the king was driven to madness sending his entire army to dilido wanting to kill all of its citizens but when the king and the soldiers arrived the land was empty and the city of deladil was gone meridia was said to be the one who moved the hollow city so it does make sense that she would have moved dilladel curiously abagalis can be found in oblivion hidden deep underground with only the remains of a crypts left to tell the story this can loosely be placed northeast of the imperial city so could the city of dilladea be a long forgotten name for the city of such i don't think it really seems to be the case perhaps the story but what happened for such is still yet to be told secret tunnels under white gold looming over all of cyrodiil the tallest building the white gold tower acts as a home for the elder council and the elder scrolls being the imperial city palace but it's not only what we can see above the ground that makes it so impressive within the basement of this same tower a bunch of oversized items can be found including an oversized hourglass the glass of time this hourglass when activated reveals some secret tunnels known as the old way this maze of rooms and corridors leads to an elder scroll but it's not just the tunnels that seem to be holding their secrets the basement itself is intriguing along with a giant hourglass housed within the basement is a giant throne club and crystal ball now why are these objects so big and what are they really doing just stowed away in a basement now there isn't really a clear indication within the game to suggest who exactly they belong to but the varieties of faith could leave a small clue stand the steadfast the god of mercy who was a patron of the imperial legion was said to have accompanied tiber septim in his later years the septum empire founded by tiber septim spanned across tamriel with his capital being the imperial city which is the home of the white gold tower not much is known of stendar but perhaps his depiction could be larger than an average imperial having been one of the nine divines but the connections here are still quite loose elder scrolls writer michael kirkbride wrote in the imperial sentence of daedra lords that sanguine the prince of hedonism was recorded to have specifically resided in the white gold tower and his large stature would also require bigger than ordinary items but this text like quite a bit of kirkbride's work is not located in any elder scrolls games so this could be rebuked as not being canon from all these theories though we can assume these larger items were most likely made for an individual of an era long ago and when the items were no longer needed were stowed in the basement as for who the individual was that's still up for debate even the origin of the white tower is up for debate crossing back to our such theory discussion before we stated that the hollow city was most likely the city of dela deal mentioned in the unholy temple they were said to have run away due to the fury of abagalus who like dela deal has decided to build a great chapel of their own which through their envy of de la dill turned out to be a much larger structure built as a temple for the one they worship molag bao now avagalas is located on the shores of lake romer which is just north east of the imperial city this leads to another theory on the iceberg that the white gold tower is actually more like bao's temple this would indeed match the description of a larger magnificent structure but is there anything more than we can see to connect these two the leader of abagalus was archmage king and numeral and in elder scrolls online josaja mentions that the staff of towers a highly powerful magical artifact was created by a numeral before being separated into eight pieces the eighth piece was made in the image of the white gold tower and that was the only fragment that a numeral kept could this fragment represent the tower that a himself created [Music] perhaps but i'm not entirely convinced the city of abigalis did indeed create the white gold tower the withering of deladil states that the shrine made by molag bao was made by rude soldiers and although the tower was large it was misshapen this isn't really how i would describe the white gold tower [Music] now let's prepare our frost bolts as we explore the surface layer of the iceberg elysius burial place many areas ago the humans of cyrodiil were free from slavery forming the first empire and they were led by the empress and freedom fighter alesia she strikes quite a similar resemblance to the real world figure joan of arc with both of them being recognized as a saint after their deaths history suggests that joan of arc herself was burnt at the stake with her body being cremated twice more before ashes were thrown into the river sin but elysia was said to have been buried with the legendary city of sankrator stating that elysia was buried in the catacombs beneath sankator and since the riemann dynasty it became tradition that emperors would be buried in the city dell's under passengers but if we explore the sankhitor tombs we can only see the tombs of those from the raymond dynasty with no evidence that this was in fact at least his resting place the legendary city of sankar actually has a footnote where it states that the actual burial place of elysia is unknown with this it also proposes a conflicting theory that saint alesia is actually buried in the imperial city at the temple of the one the imperial city was the capital of the first empire and the temple of the one was dedicated to akatosh the deity of the elysian order so this suggests from the text could be the most likely explanation for where alicia was buried plink 333 suggested the saint couture burial place theory is actually just propaganda pushed by the riemann emperors in order to portray themselves as a deity of sorts sankator was definitely an important place to the riemann but perhaps it was not because alicia was buried there they could have fabricated this burial in order to make their own places of importance become ingrained into popular culture through strengthening their ties with previous empires ce next counts this though and emphasizes that sankator could indeed be a place of utmost importance shankar tour through the book rimanata is said to mean golden hill hills convey a sense of importance throughout elder scrolls the arcturian heresy states the tiber septim obtained the mighty title of talos at the battle of old heralden pro is derived from arol which is a dragon word for hill we can even see loose connections in skyrim with the last dragonborn legend beginning in whiterun whiterun's name and dragon is a royal sedova meaning hill of dragon it seems all legends emerge from a hill that these all states the beginnings of legends not necessarily their endings if we explore anvil a prophet can be seen evangelizing to the people of the city come he said o riemann born from the earth that is al-ash al-esh is the title given to alicia by her followers so essentially this is saying that riemann was born from the earth that was alicia so could the riemann have been born in sankator beginning on the golden hill having come from the burial place of elysia it's definitely a possibility but we also need to keep in mind the wording of this prophet he references this quote in a third person and this follows with and yet we would scorn this country now repent i say repent this could actually be the prophet ridiculing the statement with the rimanata stating that i am serious [ __ ] is stated by the babe riemann on his throne so could this have yet been more propaganda they're trying to pass as truth so both of these burial places could still definitely be a possibility now let's talk about a very niche theory on this iceberg to do with alicia and that is alessia created dragons this theory seems to have lost clarity between the time the iceberg was created and when i started working on this video as there doesn't seem to be much evidence or voices for that matter to support this theory the trials of saint lucia states that the dragon god of time akatosh made a covenant with alicia as long as elysia's generation were true to the dragonblood akatosh would keep the gates of oblivion sealed denying the armies of the daedra the rimanata details how alicia as a spirit declared i am the healer of all men and the mother of dragons now alicia being known as the mother of dragons could be taken literally which could be where the theory of elysia creating dragons originated from but i think that being the mother of dragons is more likely to be the origin of the dragonborn as opposed to dragons as a whole if we are to believe the text of the rimanata it suggests that the riemann is indeed a descendant of alicia with alicia riemann and talos all wearing the amulet of kings and lighting the dragonfires so they could most likely all be the same type of dragonborn all mentions of the term dragon seemingly stems from elysia or does it in skyrim marak originally a dragon priest came into possession of the black book and became the proclaimed first dragonborn and merak himself was around during the dragon war having refused to fight with the dragon alduin so maraca is definitely older than alicia the book of the dragonborn hinted the obscurity of the dragonborn history saying that it is both and neither a divine mystery michael kirkbride one of the main writers of the elder scrolls tried to clarify the confusion around the first dragonborn by saying that alicia didn't have the power to absorb dragon souls she had a much more nuanced power to dream of liberty and to give it a name and on her deathbed she made a covenant with akatosh but this only seems to cloud our vision as it presents the idea that there are different types of dragonborn the inducer suggests a simpler solution the merak of nordic origin was the first known dragon born in tamrielic history while alicia was the first dragon born in cyrodiilic history and while it seems as of right now that morocco was the first dragonborn that doesn't necessarily need to be the case in the future as for who created the dragons perhaps the nordic history could help us there shalador's insight is a book that could be found in skyrim but it's written with extremely messy handwriting many users at the unofficial elder scrolls pages and the imperial library have amazingly deciphered this script with the fourth paragraph stating that dragons had existed since the beginning of time but were wild and uncivilized with alduin being the creator of the dragon civilization and the firstborn now this pretty much concludes that alicia could not have created the dragons without only being born sometime in the first era [Music] finally it's time for us to open the oblivion gates and explore the oblivion plane of the iceberg deep ones located deep in the great forest is the isolated settlement of huck dirt [Music] the inhabitants of this mining town are quite dismissive and even quite hostile to outsiders including the player not in front of the stranger why are they so closed off often talking in riddles and meeting in places failed in mystery the chapel of brethren is their place of meeting every night where they recite the bible of the deep ones the deep ones are a race that are located deep underground and can be faintly heard in the cabins beneath hector where their residents descend to at night for gatherings this story is actually a reference to a hp lovecraft story shadow over innsmouth where robert olmstead discovers the ruined town of innsmouth and realizes that his inhabitants are also worshipping the deep ones in shadow over innsmouth the deep ones are described as having grayish green skin fish-like heads and unblinking eyes but in oblivion we never actually get to see who the deep ones are so are the deep ones merely just an easter egg or could there be a deeper resemblance of them in the game maybe there are some more clues within the bible of the deep ones the text here is yet again coded and when decoded it's practically identical to the book augusta kevata kovacus this is written by angasta who is a powerful slow necromancer this is the crux for the theory the slows are actually the deep ones out of all the races throughout tamriel the sloads seem to be the ones that are the most fish-like which due to hp lovecraft's work is what we would assume the deep ones to look like a possible problem for the sloads being the deep ones that they require water to be able to move due to their extreme weight and hack dirt has a considerable lack of water but there is a well located in hector which does indicate that there is water underneath the town perhaps this water is deep underground a place where these deep ones would reside the white gore has actually written a narrative of how and gaster himself spawned the mysticism of the deep one having originally been granted the town by the governor richton with augusta then experimenting upon its people this could be possible as in red guard and garcia did have the whole island of strossumkai under a spell so why not a whole town while angasa does die before the events of oblivion it's not beyond reason that he had other slopes perhaps necromancers in place to continue the illusion but no elder scrolls mystery just has one solution some such as mr vivek believe the deep ones are just being controlled by the antagonists of the oblivion the maroon stagon going back to lovecraft's shadow over innsmouth the cult within the town were worshipping a deep one known as father dagon see the similarities in the name the bible of the deep ones before translation is also in daedric runes so this could be another subtle connection but this is really as far as this theory goes and if this was actually the case i would have expected them to play a more integral role in oblivion perhaps being called to arms like the order of the mythic dawn to help dagon in the oblivion crisis camel works uncontent with these theories proposed another though the deep ones are actually daedra not in the surface of maroon's dagon but molag bal the brethren of hector the people who are closer to the deep ones transitioning to become deep ones themselves are supposed to be like vampires hiding in caverns and avoiding the sunlight according to the vampires of vardenfell book two molag bal is the father of the vampires so this transition would make sense jive one of the members of the town says at the deep ones they helped us made us rich but there was a terrible price blood and worse if they were vampires and the price of blood could be taken literally etira muslin managed to translate the runes of the bible of the deep ones and recite passages from it to her fellow cult members her likeness of you is rumored to be at her greatest when you're a vampire which would be great evidence but i couldn't confirm this myself definitely check out camel works video on the deep ones if you want to delve into his theory further but zechariah mundus is not totally convinced by this theory as the brethren while trying to avoid sunlight also have their vocabulary limited and have warped features such as larger eyes them changing into a vampire doesn't really explain this our fish still seems more likely perhaps we are still missing some science within the elder scrolls universe hack dirt isn't actually the only place where references to lovecraft can be seen apocrypha hermes moore's plane of oblivion looks very similar to hp loves crafts universe in the book the call of cthulhu elias elias uses to propose that perhaps the deep ones actually originate from this realm the realm of h.p lovecraft the creatures most likely responsible for this other lurkers who are the species of danger amphibious humanoids who would most definitely match a physical representation of the deep ones this like the previous two theories would satisfy the bible of the deep one surface layer text if we are not to believe that a translation was actually intended otherwise i'm still liking the slodes being the cause of hackside's undoing but it's quite likely that the mysteries of hackdirt are still yet to be uncovered with a much deeper darker world waiting to be exposed as the eldest royal universe unravels hiro kivach is perennial white straight the hero of kvach is the player you control throughout the events of oblivion as we've investigated in our previous skyrim iceberg it's likely that at the end of oblivion the hero kavatch becomes shiagora through the process of mantling which involves the adoption of a role so much so that it often consumes them reshaping them into how the role was perceived to be but was shia gaurav the only character that the hero of kivach emulated many believe the pelinal white strike and the hero kovach had too much in common to be separate entities the pelana white streak who was often regarded as the divine crusader was a legendary warrior conquering kingdoms and became elysius champion in the night of the nine the hirokovach meets pele on a white strike through a vision who helps the former on their quest to defeat uma or the unfeathered throughout these quests the hero cavac assembles the armor of pelano and at its conclusion also gains the title of the divine crusader and people like wuftipuft suppose that the hero literally becomes the incarnation of pelham or white strike through this process mantling the main reasoning for this is that the heroic vouch follows the same path of pelinol fighting his nemesis umaril using pelinal's items but the narrative of pelano is not as simple as it seems written over eight volumes of the song of pelano a disjointed and mysterious tale can be told in the third volume of this song pelin will slay as a sorcerer kings of the eliots and screams praise a riemann a name that no one knew yet now raymond cyridil is the first emperor of the second era which is a long time after these events have taken place so how could pelinol be predicting the event that happened errors into the future [Music] this is the foundation of the theory that pelinal is a time travelling cyborg with even kirk bride stating that pelinal is a robot in an ask me anything threat but while this is confirmed by an x-rater of the game it doesn't necessarily mean that it will become true in the game itself so what can we see within the elder scrolls universe that could prove this volume 1 of the song of palum states that he was known as pelon or the white strike because his left hand was made of killing light this killing light was interpreted to be some sort of cyborg technology weaponry with riemann allegedly starting the first space program of tamriel which is why pelinol shouted raymond but many refute this theory with some like king stuart lewis stating that the killing light in pelinol's arm could also be sorcery such as the aedric spear and elder scrolls online sher gorath's beard also suggests that riemann might not actually be the reference to the raymond empire of the future raymond translates to light of man if palindur was crying out the light of man he could have been declaring victory with some poetic flair the light of man could be meaning the start of the age of man with the aliens succumbing to their ultimate downfall if we cast our mind back earlier in this video to elysia's burial place we touched on the idea that the riemanns could be artificially recreating history in order for the empire to be looked on in favor by many of the current civilization this could have potentially also happened with the song of pelinol volumes 1 to 6 of the song of pelinal are explicitly stated to be taken from the so-called riemann manuscript located in the imperial library so it seems plausible that yet again the remnants inserted their empire into yet another history book portraying that even the greats pelina white strike would fight for the roman empire this clouding of history could also be used when discussing the origin of pelano even though pelano was said to have died after his fight with umaril having been cut into eight pieces and carried away years later it said that in the eighth volume that palin was at elysia's deathbed but how could he do that after he had died this is perhaps the gemstone for the theory that pelinal is somehow using time travel one of the most common theories and less far-fetched than space colonization states that the hero kavouch travels back in time to consume the role of the divine crusader taking the name of the pelana white strike pelano wire strike was known to be insane having streaks of madness where he would kill without purpose note that near the end of the hero kavatch adventure they presumably become the shia gorath being the prince of madness this theory states that akatosh is the one that sends the player back in time with the pelano stating that they share their madness with akatosh when the hirokovach first meets ureal septum he foreshadows his destiny the dawn of akatosh's bright glory may banish the coming darkness with such hope and with the promise of your aid my heart must be satisfied the dawn of akatosh's bright glory implies that the hero kavatch is in fact akatosh's companion could this be the same companion that we see in the song of pelinol but most of this evidence discussing pelano is based upon the scriptures being truly accurate which is questionable to say the least books in elder scrolls are not necessarily true so perhaps like bull of stars suggests helena white strike could simply have been a need who escaped slavery and was granted the relics of crusader the tale of his legacy could have been largely exaggerated and mythologized over time with aspects such as the divine crusader being romanticized over time while potholes such as the sightings after death also beginning to form now let's explore a theory that does not appear on the elder scrolls iceberg but i think it's too interesting for us to leave behind this theory has to do with the dark brotherhood the dark brotherhood is a band of assassins that have existed across many eras gripping a strong level of influence throughout tamriel and this still remains the case at the time of oblivion the hero cavac can choose to join the dark brotherhood and upon doing so receives contracts that require the death of certain targets throughout tamriel often many of these contracts remain clouded as to who actually wants these targets dead and a great example of this is the death of titus mead ii in skyrim one such contract like this in oblivion is the next of kin this contract does not just require the elimination of one target but five an elderly mother and her four adult children the mother perennial draconis is a humble farmer matthias makes a living as the guard at an umbecano manor caglia is the captain of the leon guard andreas runs the drunken dragon in and sebilla becomes isolated from society moving to a cave and spending time with her animals and she is the only one who is hostile to you although some have gone astray this is genuinely a well-respected family so who would want the entire family dead one common reason for killing of a whole family could be due to inheritance and wanting to dispose of all the other heirs tegan party suggested this inheritance could in fact be the dranconian mad stone the draconian man stone is an ancient artifact that is said to give the user complete immunity to poison and is found near the city of bruma which is also close to the draconis family home but the more obvious connection between these two are the names strangely having a striking resemblance to each other so if the draconian made stone is in fact rightfully the draconis families who would want this manstone all to themselves dagon party supposes that in fact the countess of broomer narena covane ordered the assassination of the draconis this is because it is her that wants the draconian marestone possessing this piece would make her relic collection complete and narena herself has admitted that the relic has eluded me for many years when you collect the draconian marestone she rewards you with another artifact from her collection the ring of the viper eye this does seem strange though as she said she wanted to complete her collection yet when you enable her to do so she starts giving her collection away as prizes maybe the draconian mad stone is more important to her than it seems and if so would she be willing to murder a single family for a prize it definitely seems like there could be a motive here but she's not the only person who could have ordered the assassinations bosuma suggests that the draconis contract is the betrayal of the dark brotherhood coming to fruition later in the dark brotherhood quests it's revealed that one of the leaders of the dark brotherhood matthew belmont has a personal vendetta against the spiritual leaders of the dark brotherhood the night mother and the dark brotherhood itself due to his own mother being assassinated by the guild that he leads in fact the hero kovach had their contract swapped out so that they were killing all the members with their black hand with lucy and le chance stating the contracts were swapped after that you eliminated the draconis family as ordered then betrayal it seems that after the draconis family the members of the black hand were being killed but what if this is actually not the start of belmont's influence bellamot is infatuated with family being angry with the mother of the dark brotherhood concealing himself as part of the black hand family and driven with purpose to appease his dead mother could killing a whole family be a form of personal revenge where bellamon was still forming his plan being his first victims there could have been a more emotional killing and left the messier trace and then later instead of hiring the contracts himself he swapped them out interestingly the night mother's truth stated the spiritual leader of the dark brotherhood has five children and one night she murdered her children this five could also be represented by the five individuals within the draconis contract however it would make more sense if there were five children rather than four i do think the belmont is most likely the individual behind draconis contract deepening the dark brotherhood questline story but there's one more theory that niantic data presents about the contract writer with a much more sinister outlook they hypothesized that the mother of the children perennial draconis ordered the assassinations of her children and then herself this more closely emulates the night mother so it could satisfy the dark brotherhood connections that we do see at the surface perennia is such a loving mother who wants to send her children gifts who accidentally mistakes the assassin of the dark brotherhood as they give by and curious service she gives the hero kavatch a gift list describing each child in order to ascertain which gift they should receive but while describing her children perennia seems to be quite cynical systematically fracturing the character of each of her children she describes matthias as a man who had fallen in with some pretty tough characters and wants to give him a weapon saying i'll always be here to protect you now this statement doesn't seem to be that awful but the damning evidence is if we visit matthias tombstone which reads here lies matthias draconis his mother always told him he'd end up dead if he didn't clean up his life for kalia perennia states that she let herself go asking to get us some pretty girl stuff to make her less boyish what's also interesting here is where perennius has biomethala my father is the daedric prince of murder lies and deception this does seem like a strange daedric prince to be swearing to but let's visit this again later pironia describes sebilla as a savage living with the animals abandoning the empire but she is quite cordial about her other son andreas but one constant does remain all of her children are estranged to an extent now living with little contact with their mother could perennia be a bitter mother wanting her children dead as revenge of their desertion of her i don't think this is that likely there isn't really any reason as to why peroneal would want to assassinate herself if we revisit the draconis tombstones after they have died perennia comes back to haunt you i don't really see why she would come back to haunt the individual who enacted her plan but by going through this theory we've determined that perennial is still not in fact the nicest of ladies having sworn to mephala the brother of darkness states that the dark brotherhood was split from the morag tong who were worshipers of mephala they believed that mephala grew stronger with every murder that was committed in a name with certain murders being better than others the idea that there have been many night mothers is also presented in the brothers of darkness so perhaps like tech 3 suggests perennia actually wants to become the night mother like the night mother was described in the night mother's truth perennial wants to murder her children and then kill herself perhaps with this being a highly valued murder maybe perroni's obsession of the night mother was the reason her children left in the first place and as for a ghost attacking you this is just another betrayal that hopefully leads to a murder that pleases mephila yet again that concludes our expedition of the oblivion iceberg i hope these mysteries enthralled you as much as they did for me if you want to consume even more oblivion lore i suggest watching youtubers such as camel works and fudge muppet who have many theoretical discussions around all of the elder scroll games and thank you very much for making it all the way through this video let me know your thoughts in the comments and feel free to suggest what videos i should do next i hope to see you all again in future videos thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: natiscool
Views: 296,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oblivion, Skyrim, Theories, Iceberg, Elder Scrolls, Investigating, Dragon Born, Hero of Kvatch, cyrodiil, tamriel, white, gold, tower, pelinal whitestrake, levitation, levitating, reman, alessia, burial, deep ones, Bible, oblivion plane, hollow city, sutch, redguard, morrowind, elder scrolls 6, molag bal, conspiracy, draconis, dark brotherhood, night mother, akatosh, miraak, abagarlas, tiber septim, michael kirkbride
Id: heqytEpNEcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 45sec (2445 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.