Secret Reactions in Skyrim - You Missed That

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head Center the lives of your fellow soldiers are counting on it what do you think you're doing walking around dressed like a damn Stormcloak traitor is that right here's how the legion deals with Rebel scum like you last mistake ready now everyone with me for the Sons and Daughters of Skyrim [Music] you you're responsible for the siege of solitude by sithus this undermines all our plans fool finish that mess and only then will we speak oh fine if you want to bring up little pickpockets this place is a terrible influence on a child no breaks for a good worker out here AR leaf and Son's Trading Company I'm a porter just some muscle hired to move heavy packages but we don't get any shipments in for sworen attack every Caravan so all I do is sit here and drink I've been cleaning up spills and there is I think I'm going to get another drink this is the silver blood e I'll let you figure it no not right now maybe later hey my hangover is gone [Music] I can't see the sun where did it go the tyranny of the sun is over Skyrim is ours the day is dark as night what's happening where did the sun go it's daytime why is it so dark outside the sky is all wrong what's happening by the divines what happened to the sky what foul magic could put the Sun out dragons weren't enough enough now we've lost the sun too with a sky like that something bad is coming Skyrim is ours it's our time now this is a talani tower it's my Citadel grown from the spores of the giant fungus trees found in morrowwind back in the Homeland there are other telan Wizards that have them as well of course you have everyone has heard of the master wizards of morrowwind we are one of the great houses that rule morrowwind Winter Hold that small college that is falling into the sea of ghosts you're the one that recovered the staff of Magnus impressive talvis should finish his apprenticeship in a couple of decades come see me then I think I could teach you a trick or two the ash from Red Mountain holds secrets secrets I mean to uncover I think I could teach you a trick or two I don't believe it I made that bow myself been through some messes with it let me tell you you know what I want you to keep it my great hunts are behind me but yours yet to come h no friend that I'm not but I get along with your kind well enough no I'm a redu guard my family hails from the Imperial province ah but I left home when I was just a lad been wandering ever since no I'm not looks like we've got something in common then no I'm a red guard my family hails from the Imperial Province ah but I left home when I was just a lad been wandering ever since ha neither are you eh good to see another Red Guard i' like to think we bring a little heat to this Frozen Wasteland [Music] here for work get an Axe and bring me all the wood you can chop [Music] thank you for saving me from Alva I was completely under her evil spell I'll never forgive myself for what happened to heli and my wife I I'm not one for talk try to keep to myself I just try and do my job and not think about what's happened try to find What happiness I can Skyrim was betrayed the blood of her sons spilled in Doom struggle against fate and so in death too late I learn the truth fed by War so wax the power of all doin World eater wisdom now useless by God's G in this Grim Mist together snared Stormcloak and Imperial we wander hopeless waiting for sucker do you know the way I'm weary and lost come let's go find farengar my court wizard he's been looking into a matter related to these dragons and rumors of dragons hm what project you think you could help me I really don't think so the yarl can be found in the great hall probably sitting on his yarl's throne not over here in a Wizard's Laboratory come to dragon's reach to discuss the ongoing hostilities like the rest of the great warriors hm what project you think you could help me I really don't think so where I would never ah I see you are a fellow enchanter please forgive my earlier rudeness I'm so often interrupted by visitors wandering in I can occasionally become quite Savage now what did you say you wanted ah indeed larl oh yes he must be referring to my research into the dragons yes I could use someone to fetch something for me well when I say fetch I really mean delve into a dangerous ruin in search of an ancient stone tablet that may or may not actually be there hm what project you think you could help me I really don't think so what I never even cast a ah I see you have some knowledge of the higher art please forgive my earlier rudess I'm so often interrupted by visitors wandering in I can occasionally become quite Savage now what did you say you wanted hm what project you think you could help me I really don't think so what I'm not even ah I see you have some knowledge of the alchemical art please forgive my earlier rudess I'm so often interrupted by visitors wandering in I can occasionally become quite Savage who are you to DARE set foot here ah you are Dragon B I can feel it and yet you have done little Beyond killing a few dragons you have defeated dragons yes but still you have slain a great many dragons I see and yet so you have slain aloin well done I could have slain him myself back when I walked to the Earth but I choose a different path just a stretch T but a scratch you there as an officer of the Imperial Legion I require your assistance to complete my mission the general has sent me to obtain a powerful weapon for the war effort this was the last great Bastion of the Dragon Cult and their Leader's mask was reported to be quite powerful oh well of course they disavow all knowledge spies are everywhere you there home if you're you're a true friend to Skyrim you will help me in my mission all right then running a little light in the pockets lad looking to stay alive your pockets take a chance they're a little low on and the skym Jew [Music] never done an honest day's work in your life for all that coin you're carrying heot I'm saying you've got the coin but you didn't earn the septum of it honestly I can tell can you not hear me are your ears full of [Music] hate the defi [Music] waxes go now with haste take my beacon to mount Kil fool he is perverting my light a light that could illuminate Skyrim and her people do you prefer heedlessness to my luminous Glory go take my beacon to the Mound above kill cre retire someday get myself an irland retire someday get myself a place on the mainland might pay off my bounty this time welome to the city of free man might pay off me Bounty this time or can the Raven Rock a free man I'll never do another span stinking jail rather dive and give myself up I ain't going back to prison brother dwn the ash did I tell you I got a letter from General tulus they've conscripted some more archers and we'll need sh that's not something we want everyone to be hearing oh like the Sleepy Rebel supporters in this town are going to tell anyone let's just not take the chance we can talk about this later seen the remnants of the Grove that well that was me me and my sister wouldn't even be here if it weren't for my idiot's sister I want you to talk to cby for me then I want you to bring me Frost and the lineage papers that prove the horse's worth ah let me guess he wants his horse well that's going to be a bit of a problem you see I don't really outright own Frost that is correct you see Frost belongs to the black Brier estate technically everything in the estate is owned by my mother Maven my plan was to take the horse from our lodge and deliver it to latr at the Stables obviously that didn't exactly work out as I'd planned still I don't want to cross l tell you what steal the horse and deliver it and you can have the second half of the payment well that I do just as well drawing a blade across my own neck where did this foolish requests come from huh so CBI finally got the nerve to bear his teeth eh look this sounds like a family matter and I don't want the Guild in the middle of it you do what you want just don't expect us at your back when Maven has your head on the Executioner block you watch yourself on that island those mercenaries don't take prisoners hey P yes my love what do you need need something you meet [Applause] your no help someone oh what happened did you need something Papa wow really what do you get me thanks did you really build this house all by yourself wow better give me five septums right now or I'm going to bloody your nose 10s tomorrow baby battleborn or I'm going to bloody your nose and your lips it's no fun getting pushed around all the time well I used to sneak out at night and try to tip over the big Ox in the grey M's [Music] [Music] yard can I I could help you he talked to me he trusts me you'd like to come downstairs with me is that it Giza shall we loose his bonds and put you in a Cell together you can ask him anything you like and see how he answers no no I'll I'll wait outside that would probably be [Music] best I'm not looking for a conversation leave me alone and me we have a thing going well when you put it that way I think I do know the old guy you're talking about he's holed up in the ratway Warren hardly ever leaves the place has someone bring him food and such crazy old coot from what I've heard for that to stand out down here he must really be off his nut all right then you don't impress me don't even [Music] [Music] try he's in the flagin right now get ready you're sure of course I'm sure he was asking about esber where is the one who was asking about the fugitive hiding in the ratway you're in the wrong place to be asking those kind of questions pal you'd better clear out before someone gets hurt no not yet your lack of cooperation has been noted we'll be back if we require further information you won't get a second chance the answer ain't going to be any different the next time arog El there's the someone there are you one of them please don't hurt me then it's through what they said I'm touched by the gods I've heard stories about the wonders of the Great temple in Markarth but I never dreamed that I would even get to see it I am honored to be called for this Duty please lead [Music] on I hope fot is happy in the temple we're so honored to have given her fota father fota dear did they hurt you of course not my spirit remains strong my little girl always strong do you know where you have to go I'm to go to the Temple of Markarth I I'll have to leave you and mother it's our honor to have you there this man is going to take you to Markarth are you ready of course this is it home sweet Castle I didn't want you to think I was one of those you know the women who just sit in their Castle all day I don't know coming from a place like this it's not really me I hope you can believe that I don't like the feel of this place I'll wait for you back by the entrance so any luck was Tolen right about the vampires being interested in dim Hollow [Music] Crypt good I assume you took care of that little infestation did you figure out what they were looking for in there that doesn't make much sense where is this woman who is she [Music] well I don't know what that means but we need to find out she must either have something the vampires want or be someone important to them I won't lie if this were any other situation I'd put her down just on the chance she might be a vampire but this is something different I'd say do what she wants take her home and see who else is in this Castle who is she [Music] that would fit with the rest of it I don't like it but you did right to play along we need to find out what this is all about I won't lie if this were any other situation I'd put her down just on the chance she might be a vampire but this is something different I'd say do what she wants take her home and see who else is in this Castle what brings you to ravenrock Mir it sounds familiar and yet I can't quite oh wait I recall that makes very little sense n's been dead for thousands of years you again didn't I see you in ravenrock [Music] I don't recall inviting you into my tower I do hope you make this worth my well they can't hurt Uncle rer tell them he didn't do it positions that's my brother up there ragir why did it have to be like this sorry I need to pay attention so I can remember this that's definitely going in my part of the era rag always talked about his honor seems to me Honorable Men don't get executed oh I guess it's all over I expected I don't know what I expected excuse me I'm trying to watch a traitor to the emperor lose his head we should have drawn it out some more he deserved a slower death I've been waiting for rog's execution talk to me later think I expect a traitor right up to the end I still can't believe he knew what he was doing when he opened that gate a man opens a gate and they cut his head off doesn't seem right to me you must kill me thanks you if I hadn't heard it with my own ears I wouldn't have believed it how could as have done this to us Strangely I feel only pity for her ASD and wrap my head around it [Music] h h h h if I hadn't heard it with my own ears I wouldn't have believed it thank you how Master would have done this to us Strangely I feel only pity for her
Channel: NORDMAN
Views: 111,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, TES, Elder Scrolls, TES 6, TES 5, TES V, skyrim, sktrim, secrets scyrim, Stormcloaks, Astrid, Solitude, Reaction, Riften, 10 years to realize, Tyranny of the Sun, Archmage, College of Winterhold, Froki, secret scene, dovakin, quest, Laid to Rest, Ulfric Stormcloak, SovngardeFarengar, Miraak, Secret scene, secret skyrim, secret tes
Id: jtOODpnneFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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