Fallout 4 But Everytime I Die, I Install A New Mod...

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foreign did you know it was only until about recently that I discovered the Fallout fall modding scene and that's quite crazy but you gotta remember I spent most of my time playing these games on consoles growing up and modding wasn't exactly my thing but with over 1 billion custom downloads Fallout 4 modding has took over and it is one of the most prominent go on what the [ __ ] I've completely forgotten where I was but today's video is going to be about modding Fallout 4 every time I die but instead of picking those mods out for myself they're going to be selected by my lovely twitch chat that's right the way this is gonna work is every time I die I install a new mod that my chat recommends this can be any mod on the Nexus mod page as long as it doesn't break any of the twitch or YouTube TOS which uh we we kind of had an issue with last time but once I had secured my two mods in mind I then ran a poll to be a little bit Democratic so that people could choose which mod they wanted out of the two so yeah basically this entire clown Fiesta happened every time I died resulting in some quite funny mods being installed some of you with a Keen Eye might actually be able to point out that I've done this challenge before with Fallout 4. in fact some of you probably found this channel because of that video but I didn't like the piercing of the video looking back it was really bad idea to make it permadef which meant that every time I installed a new mod I had to restart the game from the beginning this time we won't be doing any of that we'll be continuing on one specific save I swear it's not because I'm running out of ideas or anything like that with that being said I hope you guys do enjoy the video as always make sure to subscribe because less than half of you guys actually do and quite frankly I'm sick of it [Music] ah enjoy the video what should my special be we're probably gonna go for endurance do you guys say we get rid of idiot savant and do like high intelligence this time I think we do I don't know I'm sick of idiots event uh let's do this and now name's gonna be a subliminal messaging yeah it's like eat eat anyways I was just gonna you know I just thought I'd mention like simple subliminal messaging is something you got to look out for chat because it could be anywhere like literally could be anywhere right now hello I've lost my hands love I don't know what happened but my Meander gone are you guys ready for this I'm gonna nail the timing on this I'm gonna go P2 I'm not confident I'm gonna go piss I'm not gonna come back until it's done free Mississippi [Music] okay judging by the F's in chat I'm imagining that that was not even close my bad I'm sorry it was two seconds late okay all right now we gotta design our character we're gonna play as an anime girl you guys want this there you go rival if I die I have to install a new mod thing is though you guys forget that I'm very good at this game I am an expert the likelihood of me dying at any point in this video is incredibly low I'm gonna make sure I pick good mods this time this is gonna be a very easy ride I am not going to die find out real soon that this is actually all pre-recorded and I've the video is just gonna be yeah but every time I die I install a new mod except I don't die you know what I'm gonna lay down The rules right now with no power armor no glitches no companions no Vats we're good take these guys out one by one I'll go a good shot I miss this is not me sucking this is this gun it has no range this kid has no rage I promise go see now that I've moved up I can hit him I could shoot him that over the hill hiding I could take him out all right let's see if we're gonna go for the for the vendor first they're not dead Chet they're not dead I think I'm dead he's the biggest I I think we went a bit too deep but it's fine we'll survive we always do oh okay this is it this is this is literally the type of stream that we are now you guys ready for this I picked them I picked the two mods we have mod number one on the left feral ghouls want some chocolate and then we have sad violin death sound every time I die you got I think you guys just want chocolate I think this Pole's over right it's not chocolate's not gonna be funny is it gonna be funny if I'd laugh at the chocolate thing cut back to me not laughing not saying that it wasn't gonna be funny hello are they dead what the hell ah interesting let's go you know what let's go watch someone get cheated on woohoo now everyone shows I'm gonna get an insta kill shut up you're ready for this I'm probably trying to kill these dogs on my own oh my God I have insomnia what is insom what does that even mean oh it's a legendary it's a legendary holy [ __ ] everyone shush this is legendary it could drop something good I gotta kill I gotta kill okay the first legendary of the run this could change everything people don't understand when it comes to the things we do as humans there is one point in history we can look at for making such a huge change in the way that we see Finn things boys it all starts now [Music] what did I get pork let's go oh wait that's actually pretty good let's go you know I'm gonna be honest with you guys I thought it would be fun to just like you know die on purpose and I was gonna like go die to Swan like 50 times install a [ __ ] in a mud never mind this is a serious run now you guys have been starved of mods poison doesn't stack poison doesn't stack only bleed yeah let's go kill Swan what if we download a mod that makes it stack you guys would never give me that mud also how does poison not stack if you will not die yet you have stacked one poison on your character if you want to eat 10 apple seeds you may feel a bit unhealthy that is 10 apple seeds poison stacked on top of you if you die if you eat 30 apple seeds you might die alright you guys want to see a cool little trick on how to get into the library in Boston Public Library get an extra bobble head and get out without dying you talk to the intercom you tell them you're an employee and then you say one two three four five six and then oh you're the mayor of Boston yes I am and then guess what you do you don't run fall wood you're not stupid are you you look at the ground you see the Trap and instead of disarming it you jump over it nice you got the intelligence bobble head I think I [ __ ] it up by sleeping in the bed all right let's get out of here quick please die all right next mod let's go boys I've been waiting for this one so we have Fallout New Vegas kill cam cinematic kill camera mod oh we have the HD metal pipe model and sound replacer all right metal pipe wins I'm gonna do something absolutely wacky and crazy I'm gonna walk into the comic book store I shouldn't die from just Crouch walking in right if I just Crouch walking we should be fine I'm getting out of here I don't like that that was freaky oh my God I'm so sorry [Music] well that was cool and uh we already died we have two mods I'm just picking the first two that come up because I think they're great on the left we have poison stack fix oh we have Plants versus Zombie hats they're not plant that you just put a corn on the guy's head Plants vs Zombies hat here we go oh yeah I gotta deal with the drug shipment too I should only take two seconds so I don't have any cycle yeah sorry oh my God they all died dude hey chat this is why you should never do drugs drugs are for losers and winners don't take drugs otherwise you'll get malt off to the face Grand I am quite a chunky boy is there a lead pipe there I will buy and use one lead pipe all right will that make you guys happy I don't like it I really don't like it Chad it's [ __ ] loud man you guys gonna forget about this mod [Music] that's so annoying the fact that this is like a little bit funny actually irritates me I hate it I hate that it's funny I think we should go improve our weapons and probably do uh Sanctuary don't really feel like we can go help uh Nick Valentine just yet you hate me so much right now why is this loud this is a terrible idea this entire Channel run has been a terrible idea I hit it I'm getting out of here I don't want anything to do you guys and I've been oh that bastard he hit me with that hello big fella come here come on you know you want to oh I'm so dead don't post your mods until I'm dead cause I ain't dying that's right boys three deaths is where we're gonna end on three deaths I promise you you know what it's a guarantee that only I can provide I Am Not Gonna Die Another Time this entire playthrough oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my God chocolate chocolate chocolate [Music] shit's wild it's time to die [Applause] [Music] it's not chocolate it's not gonna be funny is it gonna be funny come back to me not laughing not saying that it wasn't gonna be funny oh my God this is horrible can I do can I uninstall this mod already it's really doing my head and the the chocolate mod is actually the worst send in the random heart attack mod not a thing that is not a that is not a thing you pick the boring ones what do you mean you pick the boring ones I've barely had a chance to play the game then die a few times fine I'll die fine oh look at that I died you happy now all right we have on one hand we have every enemy explodes on death 13 millimeter anti-tank pistol door knocker and Walther Camp pistol all right all right so I give you two good ideas and you all just want to pick the one that makes it harder right okay it's working okay it's definitely working wait this is like actually terrifying because I mean that was a little explosion okay oh no what have I installed this is horrible am I gonna forget about this mod as well at this point we have one of the worst mods installed in the entire playthrough and something I would come to fully regret the explosion after every kill mod is absolutely one of the worst things I decided to install and the amount of times I forgot I had this mod installed resulted in me installing you know more mods because I would die on top of this I started to realize that most people were sending in uh meme mods and one of the meme mods I'd end up downloading and playing was actually quite fun revolving around a little kids video game known as Minecraft but uh before any of that let's get back to uh blowing up enemies oh [ __ ] oh this mod is gonna be so helpful all I gotta do is like to kill clear out of Camp I just got to snipe one person the chain react uh I think we'll find out when I come across some ghouls chocolate chocolate [ __ ] me dude the radiation is gonna be the worst part of this I need I need to solve the radiation problem because that's gonna be the worst go to the comics on try to survive the chain explosion of ghouls oh this is gonna be horrible oh my God this is gonna be the worst player I've ever done I'm gonna hit the sun I already know I'm gonna hit this [Music] what the [ __ ] okay kill the next enemy with your fists only and if you survive I'll sub s okay [ __ ] explosion mod oh [ __ ] I forgot about it did I really forget about that twice all right I said we would go clear out and get Nick Valentine so we're gonna go do that what does he do come on then come on then legendary oh mother God all right you guys have two cosmetic mods this time we have red versus blue for the Minutemen and Gunners all we have a grenade launcher it spawns at level 30 you'll never get it you guys can get over it one you know what I'll install the Red vs Blue mod too poor little ashamed you got beat up by a girl all right we got him I didn't die you guys want me to kill Swan I accidentally popped the drugs way too early it's fine excuse me Swan it's not very friendly of you oh I forgot about the mod that blows them up ah you know what we're doing really good you guys are mad because I'm not dying more deaths you want to see more deaths to you huh you wanna see more deaths how about we go do here versus comic son oh gosh chocolate wait I forgot these guys explode I shouldn't have been I shouldn't be in here I shouldn't I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving I forgot I completely forgot about every single mod I have installed and I just regretted go back [ __ ] oh yeah watch this then [Applause] it's a very high chance that I've just pissed my pants that is the most cursed thing I've ever come across chocolate [Applause] stop back off oh [ __ ] I forgot I keep forgetting that they explode every time [Applause] oh I guess he has a rocket launcher forgot about that [Applause] oh God damn it I knew it was coming too oh my God Minecraft Fallout fall uh do I want to install this this seems like a horrible idea you have Minecraft oh an anti-tank rifle do you know what pick Minecraft because this is good for YouTube analytics kids love Minecraft and most of our audience is gonna be dream stands before you know it good job Chad it's never gonna 50 50. it's just being dumb for doing this right so sell from fought strong there it is it's right there oh my God Chad nowhere How could a Minecraft portal look better in Minecraft than it does in Fallout uh whatever let's go in let's see what's inside of here chat that's a door I didn't see oh my God [Laughter] hey guys what's up Steve's God Outpost Steve Steve Steve gold armor oh my God Steve Diamond Armor Steve's home oh my God I'm breaking into Steve's home [ __ ] I kinda want to kill diamond armor Steve steal his armor all right let's let's see what we can get away with okay you guys get angry Steve shut and jeans gold armor it just has like amazing protection and gives two strength damage resist 15 and one look that's not so bad actually okay what does diamond do creeper Beacon Steve Beacon zombie Beacon claws what is this creeper Beacon that's the creeper that's the creeper oh shut up that's the creeper the manga suit this is actually what the [ __ ] is he doing a thousand radiation protection okay skeleton Beacon all right go for it dude can he even hit me oh yes he can okay all right dude calm down all right do you you guys happy with this I feel like we're like really ridiculing some guy some guy probably spent hours on this and we're being mean you know what I think this is great you did a lot of work and I'm very proud of you I died to the Minecraft don't even was it a zombie I wasn't paying attention we have immersive squeaky doors all we have orbital strike Cannon you're going with doors around about day two I started to realize that if I didn't start controlling how many mods would be downloaded they would become a bit of a [ __ ] show down to the fact that my chat was trying to recommend me either mods that made the game harder or mods that just made playing the game a bit of a pain in the ass I think we're done with Minecraft I think Minecraft can go right oh yeah I did say I would check what was in this cave didn't I we're in the mining Zone it's gonna go very oh my God oh my God then just don't stop coming Jesus Christ this is a trap oh that's the way down this is like my house it literally is it's like the my house wed there's something here there's like an underlying story maybe maybe we're missing something so we got more beacons some shotguns Minecraft gold room key stim packs I mean I'm allowed all this stuff right this is x01 armor gold what's solid this is easy it locks really strong oh you gotta be [ __ ] me what kind of troll is that you're [ __ ] me is it not a key to get out of here like why is this dog gonna lock but not that one does this count as a death no I refuse or this does not count as a death I think Jetpack right yeah but I don't have a I don't really have any way of building it yeah what I'm gonna do is this you guys aren't gonna get the satisfaction I'm gonna accidentally click the mods Page by accident and then go back to pick uh load that's not a death that's not a death that's not a death that counts as a Dev all right fine that was a death I died I got stuck in the cave we have tougher legendary enemies versus squeaky super mutants you guys really want the squeaky Supermans fine by me I mean uh it's weird that's totally fine by me oh yeah I'm wearing the Minecraft Steve outfit we did get the Minecraft Steve outfit hello it's me I'd like to craft an animal Shield a player Shield wastelander's energy Shield what's this do I can make the grenade launcher oh my God I can make it oh my God we're doing that we're doing that we're doing that oh my God stop talking me Darcy I really do not care energy Shield it activated look at my resistance in Pip-Boy what the [ __ ] that's op you guys gave me it I'm not gonna take it away you guys are making this game so easy for me I've never really had good aim chat I wanna I wanna see what the shield does oh The Shield regenerates wait I don't I have like a second health bar it broke was that what does it mean when it broke no they got it oh we finally got it I'm gonna 100 kill myself with that no I'm pretty sure it works on the same system you know like Modern Warfare 2 Noob tubes workout well like they don't blow up after like until like they're like 10 meters away from you or whatever it is proof that this thing works like a normal grenade launcher and doesn't blow up right at my feet okay I I knew I died but I wanted to see if the energy shields uh they're very op NPC level scaling oh M60 light machine gun I think this is fine yeah we're just gonna install the NPC tougher mod this this Shield is saving my life this Shield is keeping me alive hello hello I know you're out here buddy hmm it this has to be the enemy rebounds mod that I have installed why are the enemies so hard to kill now dude this has to be a joke These Guys these guys are way too strong man dude I can't use this mod they're too hard look at this they're just gonna kill me you've made this way too hard Jabo crying stream guys I swear you made it too hard those would have been normal like usually you get like one super vicious dog amongst like six of them that was all of them was super vicious oh go get him fella yeah gone he's gonna do it gone [Music] holy [ __ ] he's actually doing it he protects the attack but most importantly he got no butt crack holy [ __ ] he hurts all right oh we got lightsabers all right let me install it real quick oh my God are these actually patrollers are you kidding me let's see if guys have done this is 2 2 these are patrollers they're gonna like one shot me we never saw the pipe yes you have you saw the pipe Oh Come come on man oh my God the radiation man okay the plus side to this having high level enemies is I get um Mark speed which is actually kind of useful you're pissed off again oh my God how am I gonna kill Kellogg I don't really think about that I could pick up the fat man only cows use the fat man fine no fat men what the [ __ ] do you guys hear that all right all right all right we did it boys Kellogg is no more he's dead we did it intrusive thoughts taking over I never I'm the only human on the planet to never get intrusive thoughts ever all my thoughts are positive grenade yourself right now no because I don't have intrusive thoughts question can you have intrusive thoughts if you don't think I don't think so I'm doing such great job overcoming the adversities of my lovely chat grenade myself grenade myself grenade myself grenade myself I just have this feeling that I should do something like crazy something that's not gonna help this channel run but I can't pinpoint what it is I don't know what it is it's just something inside my head just wants me to am I losing my mind oh my God I'm dead please ah [ __ ] happens whatever oh my God are you guys ready for this so we have on the left the mk18 cqbr oh we have m's Abominations which is a mod that changes and merges creatures together like we have a super mutant hound and a super mutant atrophy and am I alertens and a cosmo squid okay honestly I think the less we know about that mod the better not gonna lie okay you guys clearly want the new weapons I mean new enemies oh wait oh my god do you guys see him he is wearing the Power Armor that we need onazama I missed oh he's killing me he's dead where's the armor why can't I pick up this armor I want the armor no I want the armor no you can't cheat me like that that's not fair that's not you can't just do that that's so unfair God damn it man Jabo is just bornless Juve I hate it here I actually physically hate it in this chat how did you think this was going to end Kellogg how did you think this was going to end memory oh my God the song I need to play something to like get rid of the dmca ah where is he there we go I can't get the MCA audio jungle audio jungle [Applause] [Music] audio jungle oh my God Jabo do you like ever shut the [ __ ] up dude oh my god do you ever shut up [Music] oh my god I've got such a bad aim oh my God I can hear them [Applause] foreign what is real who are the people telling us what to do and why are they in charge what is happening should we dismantle the government should we actually cause chaos and Anarchy the world has done nothing but lie to me and bring me down I think it's about time that I got something back from the world obey obey obey hold it I am from The Institute it's me Minecraft Steve yeah I'm like about to die I really need to get out of here like now I'm playing it's so dangerous yeah I'm out of the I'm out of the glowing sea I don't need health okay we're doing a one-hit run anyways we actually dive Reds it's very hard to die Reds in this game but you can yes jab a look at your HP how am I not dead I I honestly this is like amazing I'm alive how am I alive I am indestructible Chad I am a man of the future that's why I'm here what did I die to I don't know we have more spawns oh a 2d platformer ah more spawns are you guys serious realizing you save one Health I do I can I can fix this I can fix this I don't have any red aways but I can fix this simply all I have to do is run back oh Supercar tent is that like one of those Abominations it's a monkey it's a monkey it's a monkey friend [ __ ] run quick and we have returned home we did it boys we have returned home with all the information what did you what did we even go to the glowing C4 I can't even remember what the [ __ ] is that the [ __ ] is that Neo Humanity oh my God this is an alien [Applause] are legendary's dead what hello what are those what am I gonna attack from now if you're using the silence pistol oh sounds weapon he is wrecked absolutely wrecked this this one I actually don't know which one is gonna win this one we have a hit marker sound effect oh we have happy B Raiders which replaces Raiders with this guy I'm downloading the happy B Raider mod oh look the gun is Master Chief no why some of the squeaky doors oh there's gonna be such a pain in the ass bro can you guys stop spawning why is there so many of them yeah the more spawn mod is actually working they're everywhere you can't seriously expect me to go through this oh my God it's a shame I'm really [ __ ] good at this game because I'm never gonna die oh look at all the enemies he has to deal with oh it's so funny I have no right aways I have none not a single right away yes there's a very big fight coming up I know I'm not very all right you did it boys wait what the [ __ ] uh I don't know about this one Chief these guys are gonna one tap me was like a herd you just heard of animals yeah that's right don't come back go I I deserve that can I get like a can I get like a help can you guys help me out from the oh here we go this is for two game fans because we've had the lickers from Resident Evil all the Borderlands guns which adds guns from the Borderlands franchise installing the level scaling mod because not only does it make the enemies harder and much more difficult to kill but it also increases the amount of them that spawn which in turn made me die more and had to be more careful but now with the Borderlands guns installed we had a bit more Firepower available which meant that I could start doing things like progressing the main storyline and even venturing out to get myself a few more legendary kills T hit c h if I said THC that definitely is a Borderlands weapon right there a light machine gun it takes rifle ammo I don't I don't know what the [ __ ] rifle ammo is rifle round should we should we check it out what's the point having all these mods if we don't check things out huh oh this is like a full remake like full full oh my God what is chance to apply bonus explosive damage oh yeah I need to go to the railroad to get this transcribed we're killing the railroad don't care holy [ __ ] there's so many of what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] can't genuinely there's not I don't think there's supposed to be this many of them dude I'm not gonna I'm not gonna kill these these are like the hottest dogs in the game they're gonna One-Shot me if they hit me I can't kill them oh my God look at them this is so [ __ ] unfair this is I don't know what to do there's too many of them I hate this animal spawn weapon amalgamation mod I hate it it makes this entire thing a pain in the ass we have bullet time oh crits outside of Vats thank you Chad oh my God chocolate oh they dropped the gun oh wait they dropped weapons with every kill drops a weapon let's go just like bodlands okay what do we get scattergun shotgun oh let's use that over the um I feel like people want me to use the the the modded weapons model right you guys would rather I use this oh this is so cool how have they made this so cool did we kill swan in this playthrough we did right oh he's still alive and this this can't stand we can't stand for this sorry little swan oh my God is health [Music] [Music] what is that on the left super boss Swan versus Halo Armory for the synth just do the Halo one and save myself if this entire challenge was meant to be an easy playthrough I would have I would have switched over and finished it by now well jab will be able to kill swan without dying all right you guys want to do this bring out your dead zpr 30C Greedious plague what's the worst that could happen right I'm just gonna die let's not pretend I'm gonna survive this you will taste my Vengeance be gone demon [Music] [ __ ] it's over boys he just froze those he just froze nukes today is a sad day at Chad Halo Hood oh common well Storm Troopers that's that's how I feel about Hood mods I just I don't like them I kind of don't like Hood mods I I'm not a fan they're gonna have bad M good I feel like we do a lot of damage with this one what's up please these dogs are everywhere they're pissing me off I'm sick of them enemy weapon randomizer and Mr X I knew you guys are gonna pick the enemy weapon randomizer look how much damage I do to these guys do you not see I'm dying of radiation poisoning are they stopped nope they're still coming foreign what am I supposed oh legendary nice oh oh I don't know what the [ __ ] this is no please not the Raider dude I swear this one just has the worst aim ever cross that hard hope they die spread pattern is an upright you guys have Capital Wasteland robots or Todd Howard Moon all right looks like Todd Howard moon has won I've decided we need to continue the main story so I'm gonna run and do some missions this whole messing around and trying to kill off enemies and all that stuff it's not really working out I think we should just move on and is he watching me he's watching me is he fight him I'm not gonna fight him oh dude I'm just running past them I don't care the dog's doing my head and I can't play I can't play this game [Applause] I'm just running I don't I don't know what's happening anymore I have to run Jesus Christ man it's like playing Doom the monsters are in fighting now nothing good there was so many of them too what a massacre look at this oh my God you can tell this is modern to [ __ ] it's like weapons oh we got a battle wait what was it battle rifle oh my God that might be a chat is this fully automatic free round [ __ ] burst hello chocolate chocolate [Music] [ __ ] me I love it when that happens chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate no way chocolate just had oh my God they hurt not bad I don't think the weapon randomizing mod is actually working so I might need to I might need to actually reload in a second hello killing Tinker Tom is just there's no feeling that can come close to where you going I can't run after you I can't bro I can't run after you chat we finally made some progress progress what would you guys rather have a job that pays 50 000 salary or 20 grand a year you don't have to work but you're not allowed to have a job if it's a job that actually is fulfilling I think they're both interesting mods so this one's gonna be close over the top Ragdoll or pew pew lasers we always have the pew pew laser mod every time we do this but will it change today you guys are sick of the lasers are you serious I [ __ ] built this community on lasers I gotta stop trying to kill these guys it just never ends up going well for me what the dog doing yeah there's so many of them and they're so dangerous I feel like if you have a phobia of dogs you can watch this video I gotta run the death of the dog spawns dog spawns they're the worst ballistic weave or Roblox death sound oh come on please listen chat what what are you gonna what are you gonna let win me being stuck outside of the the gates of uh Diamond City I keep forgetting its name oh the Roblox nerds surely they're not gonna win we're gonna get ourselves into Diamond City we're gonna get ballistic weave we're gonna pop off that is my promise oh my God is this gonna 50 50. oh let's go we still have the best community on Twitch all right so we have our normal combat Rifle we have our really RP shotgun we have this thing which is our really good rifle and we can go just like that we can kill it we can go we haven't seen the stormtrooper mod yet because all we've done is encountered dogs ever since if I insta die leaving here oh my God we're good I didn't just insta die I'm alive have I saved after all this crafting no I should probably save because I'm doing um blowing C now oh chat yeah the botland guns actually work pretty well I'm I'm surprised they fit in quite well uh they don't feel like out of place or anything like that today we will go out into the world destroy any creature that I come across eradicate every single piece of resistance every infection every disease anything that plagues this land will be removed and I will stand atop it because we are gonna make our way all the way to the glowing sea and back without even as much as a scratch you guys oh no he's lying he couldn't do that oh yeah where are you come on out yeah they stole my kill why are they super unhounds wait let me go investigate them yeah were they like weird moving forward we would not let these things get in our way nothing could stop me what the [ __ ] is that foreign come on that's what I [ __ ] forward what is this why is what the [ __ ] is that excuse me what is that eating that oh [ __ ] me dude this is horrible I completely forgot about that what is happening I don't know what's going on I really want to see but like it's scary over there it's falling it's falling it's falling I don't I don't know why that was so overdramatic that was like ridiculously Over the Top This is a challenge run at this point I'm just trying to survive man oh [ __ ] the happy B mascot costume I'm not wearing that wear it I'm not wearing it I refuse can I at least have not the Hat on so it could be an anime nah it kind of doesn't work does it yeah look at me oh [ __ ] what oh [ __ ] my arch nemesis I swear to God the sides on this thing is just busted I need a biometric scanner so bad I guess we're running to Good Neighbor [Applause] praise be praise be what a champ huh the thing is have you seen the image for this I've seen his face so much to me now wait where's the full image of this it looks it looks Photoshopped it doesn't look real but doesn't this look like fake it kind of just doesn't look real it looks like someone's photoshopped him uh what ending are we doing I'm gonna go for institute ending I think yeah oh uh yeah we better hurry all right we're off to the Institute [Music] so we finally joined the Institute and we finally started to get to the ending of the game but that will all be in the second part of this video which will be coming out in two weeks time it's a bit an orthodox for me to do this with this video but the amount of content that's in this challenge is quite ridiculous so making it into possibly a two-hour video just didn't seem like a good idea and I'm on holiday as well in two weeks so having this split into two is quite useful for me so I can just upload the second part then that being said the second part hasn't even been filmed yet so if you want to partake and join in make sure to go over to my twitch where I will be doing all of the second half of this challenge run including the DLCs in the next couple of days as always thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time goodbye man every death
Channel: ItsJabo
Views: 1,027,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout 4 mods, Fallout 4, itsjabo, Fallout itsjabo, Fallout 4 modded, Best Fallout 4 mods, Fallout 4 builds, fallout 4 challenge run, Twitch, Fallout 4 survival mode, Fallout 4 survival, Can you beat
Id: MwHanMUxwl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 39sec (2919 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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