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[Music] three and a half years ago I started a series called the solo life Welcome to rust today I'm going to be doing a solo run let's see where the wind takes us today today we're playing solo welcome to rust today we're playing solo [Music] the point of the solo life wasn't to highlight any particular moments but to showcase the true meaning of what solo gameplay is like in Rust win or lose it was to give insights into the tactics required to succeed and The Willpower to continue when things got rough a solo life video always has great PVP and the usual entertainment you're all used to but most of them lack a theme a story or the usual epic conclusion my other videos have that's why this series was born because to put it simply I couldn't think of anything else to call a solo run that was just surviving but for the 10th installment of the solo life I wanted that to change I wanted to give you the best solo life yet one that checks all of the boxes and I think I have achieved that foreign to rust today we're playing solo and we are attempting to record the solo life V10 it is for swipe we are playing on Blue Lagoon Main and we just had a major change to the servers from here on out to the first week of every Force wipe is going to have no Tech Tree the tech tree is going to be disabled for the first week on the main servers and on the solo duo trio excluding the Monday servers and every week following after the force wipe week is going to have taxi re-enabled so the force wipe is just gonna be basically way different essentially not being able to just grind scrap to get blueprints is going to be such a challenge in itself I figured it was a perfect way to celebrate this Milestone honestly 10 solo lifes is years of content so I wanted to try and challenge myself and do something different so yeah let's get into it [Music] yes solo no Tech Tree I really want to give this a try because last time I had no Tech Tree I had a whole ass team with me playing no Tech tree and it was definitely a lot of fun but you know with that many people in your team it's hard to say if it was just super easy so we're gonna see how tough this is gonna be as a solo I know it's gonna be pretty tough but honestly I think I might build Airfield because there isn't a whole lot of crates but there's a decent amount of military crates if I can like get those military crates like think I have a decent chance of getting a gun and getting the blueprints I need oh there's just [ __ ] everywhere [Laughter] crazy I guess I'll just like try and get a base down I really can't do anything else maybe if I build in between Airfield and outpost that could be the move Airfield is a really good Monument so like a really good Monument for me not many people run it up so I think it'll be a good spot for me okay dude like right here would be actually insane [Music] what the [ __ ] is this the new upgrade [ __ ] like so weird man that is the loudest most ear rape [ __ ] I've ever experienced okay we got a bass down it's big dude that is just weird I don't know if I like that bass is down I think I farmed the road to Outpost and see if I can recycle and try and get like you know like a weapon some cloth would be nice and not fight that okay wait it's actually like really nice thank you and recycle Stone bro we'll buy some metal fragments and we'll buy some wood get a crossbow going get a nail gun going how much ammo can I make with that bad boy we'll make like 11. okay we just Comfort heal here for a sec get full health craft everything we need to craft and then if we could just get home it'd be huge [Music] thank you I need that bow there it is all right cool I want to try and find that bear though really neat it's low grade to make some furnaces foreign one out of 30 bags I mean that's pretty much like the update didn't even happen 30 bags I mean who places 30 bags definitely gonna need to turn that down to at least 20 if not 15 like the update was oh wow no way I need to Depot that straight away I'm deploying that straight away right after I farmed this note [Music] let's get uh these these furnaces going I mean it's scuffed but it'll get the job done for now I'm just kind of doing my best to farm everything you know like I see barrels I get barrels I see trees I get trees I see nodes I get nodes now I have a jackhammer which is insane I got him oh yeah there we go slugs this is huge this is [ __ ] huge oh my God that guy is pissed okay I know this face is giving you William Vibes and I promise like I I I didn't like copy the design or anything but I understand it really does look like Belgium's base from like the four solos yeah pretty soon here I need to expand with my loots piling up I needed to expand soon for more space but before I did that I decided to head into Airfield for the first time see if there's any military crates I got one protect Rush oh see someone at the hangers wait I think he is coming this way he's climbing the tower Come to Papa come on come on come here come here [Music] dude I completely whiffed on that crossbow shot [Music] okay he was absolutely [ __ ] Juiced [Applause] [Music] oh my God yeah I am uh pretty loaded right now I gotta start expanding like genuinely after getting home from Airfield with all of that loot I finally started expanding I was really surprised so far with how quiet things were the only people I've been running into were solo just like me but because I had the crossbone nail gun Advantage I was getting full inventories of loot for free and now with my base already two stories tall with honeycomb I felt like I was dominating less than an hour into the wipe but this grace period of being ahead of the game did not last long okay looking good hey Arctic has he going to the Airfield accompanied by a guy with a snow jacket pretend like I don't see them what what that dude's just alive after that they have Revo already well guys it begins this is the start of no longer being the top dog I mean I saw them coming this way so they're gonna run out this way [Music] [Music] chill for a sec here holy I just got a [ __ ] heart attack dude that guy's got DB Revo the whole arsenal in his [ __ ] inventory right now I've come across the first couple of guns I've seen so far because there was no Tech Tree getting a gun for myself wasn't going to be easy so winning this fight to get one researched for myself would even the playing field I think there's [ __ ] three oh [ __ ] dude if I can just get out with this Revo we're not there's no chance that they find that revolver that that revolver is definitely mine [Music] no [Music] yep I know where they live we're the other ones I I want more names I I'm only dying to this one guy oh man it's okay I get a Revo out of this it's fine like honestly the the biggest play was was killing that Revo guy on at the end picking up the revo and [ __ ] hiding it all of this dying with crossbows and [ __ ] is worth it with if that's the outcome so it's fine when things cooled down I headed back to Airfield to find My Revolver but the revo wasn't the only thing I found ooh crate here no way it's a merch drop to celebrate the 10th solo life I am pleased to bring you official solo life merch it has been a while since my last merch drop but I am back with some bangers we got the Navy tee and hoodie with easily my favorite design ever released on the front and my embroidered logo on the sleeves this is also the first time I'm releasing pants of any kind so for this drop we got joggers and a beanie so whether if you want to support me enjoy the passive skill buff while playing rust or just think this little guy looks cute this merch is dedicated to you if you're interested head to to grab one before they sell out okay okay pistol bullet perfect oh nice solar panel big this Revo is going to be game changing man I really need to find a medical syringe there's a good place for that water treatment isn't too far I could go there I'm gonna try and go there find a med syringe because finding a med syringe in Airfield is not going to be easy one thing that water treatment has an abundance of is medical crates these crates are not common in any other monuments so it was my best chance of finding a med kit or a med syringe to research and once when I had those I would be pretty set for PVP water treatment looks very grubby like this does not look like it's going to be a good time just here for like a med kit or a med syringe and then I'm out of here it's good about roaming with Revo in this area is that it's not like Airfield where there's people with rebos everywhere it's likely that water treatment doesn't have anyone with any revos holy maybe except for those guys wait what okay that's a Duo and a solo with a bow Siri is not friendly [Music] oh shot that's all I need I'm leaving good try and quickly kill this guy foreign yeah nice one [ __ ] just let me get out I think I might go to Outpost yeah yeah I'm mad baby let's go dude a garage door would be so nice right now hey Revo that was that custom I hear P2 [Music] [ __ ] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] dude there was just too many [ __ ] people oh my god with the amount of grubs that this fight it may seem hopeless but with so many bodies spread around there was a chance that something would be left behind so I kept going back [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] dude dude dude dude come on let's see if I can find the P2 where I down the naked this is where I down P2 yes yes let's go I just want to get home with the pizza to be completely honest oh yes we got a P2 home let's go I am instantly researching that [Music] over I didn't get anything out a fight except for a double barrel and ascent this was the best thing I could have gotten all right it's time to upgrade again the P2 is way better than the revolver more accuracy higher damage and more ammo capacity this would give me plenty of outplay potential until I got my hands on an SMG or SAR okay got p2s now I'm gonna run into Airfield dude holy [ __ ] [Music] I can't walk two centimeters [Music] it [ __ ] steamrolled the sun's [ __ ] missing I'll find it fell all the way down there Gorilla Glue is the one who killed me Joey Stalin so now they know I live there beta has been expanding a lot maybe I go recycle [Music] good doing good okay hopefully now that I'm P2 I can actually Farm Airfield in peace oh spoke way too soon I'm gonna just killed him he's down for sure [Music] dude I'm getting swarmed [Music] dude how many are down there bro [Music] oh God foreign [Music] I just dropped straight down into a group of six and donated a P2 I cannot believe how hard I threw that [Music] wait they're still here [Music] wait he's not dead two hits in a headshot [Music] thank you solo against a group of this size I have to use my surroundings to my advantage and this Tower was the perfect place to make a stand thank you foreign [Music] bro there's Tommy's here now [Music] thank you oh my God [Music] that was an utter waste of time I was holding down that tower for so long that Not only was the same group coming back over and over again but other groups came and went during that time as well I lost over a row of guns in the end there just wasn't ever an opportunity for me to escape before I could even get back to try and cut them off they were already gone and then I lost that kit as well to Theta I wasn't winning any of these big fights it was really weighing me down so I decided to slow down a bit and get an idea of where these groups who were challenging Airfield lived and how many members they had getting this Intel would strengthen my awareness when fighting them and know what areas to avoid or exploit around me so I got two really major enemies right now I've got theta's Group which is right here and their base is gonna be really big so that's gonna be exciting let's get that marked right in between the two zip lines okay there's an M39 oh yeah Zuri I think Zuri is definitely with slappy oh okay I need to figure out who that is that would make complete sense if they lived there I'm just on a mission man I need to figure it out yeah it's Zuri that's one of the guys that's with Slappy who's with Romanian final boss who are the guys who took my [ __ ] in the tower so this is definitely getting marked on the map my recon mission went as planned I found out where the group who killed me in the tower lived and also came acquainted with how large that his base was getting both areas were likely going to have to be avoided but then I looked through all of my footage so far to replay all of the major fights I've been in and start developing a list of names now this may sound like a waste of time but I find it advantageous to know who I'm going up against first and foremost feta I only had two names feta himself and shiny but they were definitely at least a trio Slappy's group on the other hand was larger there was Romanian final boss Harold Slappy Zuri and lmg Lan there could be more or there could be less either way I was outnumbered so right when I thought I had all of my enemies for the wife accounted for Bates decided that this list wasn't long enough just yet dude it was going so well in the beginning that's how it always goes with every solo run like I can get ahead but I can't stay ahead for long [Music] uh [Music] wow what a shot I literally saw that fly from downtown [Music] foreign [Music] no dude I was not expecting him to be there sin Sonny I mean I full killed three I gotta go back holy [ __ ] did he leave all this behind [Music] oh my God I am just so beyond Juiced thank you oh dude it feels so good to get back to base with something finally okay we gotta go back we gotta go back there's so much loot there still [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God it is crawling right now with [ __ ] people there's like three Arctic Cassies running around this is one of them Gorilla Glue is one of them as well Joey Stalin [Music] foreign the action eventually cleared up and I was the one who came out on top finally winning a fight like this was exactly what I needed morale was back up and not 10 minutes later while I was farming trees outside I heard some people in Airfield again shooting stars so I headed over to investigate nail gun going crazy [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll come back for the rest but this is like too good a loot to like keep fighting I need this sore and a deeper the star come back with P2 I can I can fight that last guy with B2 and he's probably gonna be a [ __ ] and stay there let's go we got a star yes okay go back quickly [Music] let's go oh my god oh garage door [Music] no way oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God [Music] let me get home just let me get home with this oh please oh my God it's just it's just perfect not only did I get three stars from this fight to roam with and research but I got a garage door as well since techstery was disabled this is the most sought after building blueprints in the game which is why I was freaking out about that the most getting two major items in one fight felt amazing so it was safe to say that I was on a roll now no Tech Tree wipe and I'm doing better than like Tech Tree wipes this is really good man [Music] wait what is that over there that looks like the easiest deepable base I've ever seen honestly I'm gonna go try it I'm gonna go see what I can do over there oh yeah he's coming over and I'll let you give up if you subscribe to the star body SAR body he has an LR ID I don't know who that is [Music] holy these guys hate me the guy who I just told SLR from had a name I didn't recognize but I wanted to go back again to make sure that he wasn't in a team that I already knew about thank you [Music] who is that guy Madera okay I really think something's going on here like I gotta get this straight I gotta figure out who's with who that's sin clan in airfield's gotta be a different group because there's just simply way too many names for this to be all the same team there's just simply too many names this is a mission to go as deep as I can to get as many names as I can thank you [Music] grid Ayo William Bobby Boucher oh [ __ ] they're coming back oh [ __ ] I didn't think about how they can just [ __ ] close [Music] what [Music] there's a fourth why is there so many why the [ __ ] are there so many of them okay so these guys are clearly not sin team because there's too many names for it to be sin team so I've got to go through footage again and figure out who's who in the end I may have lost a sar here but I did get an LR this ended up not being a good trade though because when I went back to fight them again I died with it but profiting here wasn't the goal it was to get names which I succeeded at I now had two more teams to add to my enemy list number one sin I've been fighting Gorilla Glue and Joey Stalin as a Duo before but now since sunny and sin weewoo joined The Fray making them a four man number two Madera as if my area wasn't already contested enough I just found out another five-man group built decently close to my base Madera goodrid big thraba Bobby voucher and AO William I still had to find out where sin lived but now that I at least knew about Madera that direction was going to have to be avoided as well Group by group I'm having less and less breathing room as a solo the way I saw it most if not all of My Success has revolved around Airfield it had the cover and outplay potential I needed to succeed so I was just going to have to be patient and wait for the action to come to me let these groups fight amongst each other and when the time was right that's when I'd make my play thank you oh wow dude it's about to go down it is actually about to go down I'm seeing five hazmats run in right now [Music] out of ammo Tommy I'm better than you oh Satchel charge okay just respawned on that sure no way he left the Tommy [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God I got a Tommy it's big Airfield is going absolutely [ __ ] crazy it's actually insane okay we go back hey just book killed the full kit I guess I'm just leaving with this [Music] that was the last time I left that fight with loot I went back a few more times with lower Tier gear but ended up dying had I stuck around at certain times it's possible that I could have gotten more but it's important to know that when you're solo you're not going to be the hero in every fight you need to know when to engage and when to disengage and in the end my plan worked I controlled the sidelines and exits and got out with a decent hall because of it including a Thompson okay we got Tommy big I really need like a coffee pen helmet after once again leveling up my gear it didn't take long to put it to use that is like literally right outside [Music] is everyone dead dude I literally think that everyone just died holy [ __ ] [Music] okay [Music] oh my God [Music] oh my God there's so many [ __ ] stuff [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I can just get out with this should be big I have a oh wait I do have a full road sign I have hoodie pants uh I have helmet Kilt and chest plate now [ __ ] man that is really good profit that's like really good that may be my biggest come up of the wipe so far I third partied that fights to Perfection I let madera's entire group fight amongst another two teams and swooped in to kill the survivors getting me all of the guns I needed to fall back on I was now at a point gear wise that I could open a shop to sell some extra items I had so I spent some time setting that up I was one of the first shops on the map on foreswipe so I figured I could make some easy scrap by selling some early game weapons I also tossed up a sar listing for an electric furnace with that done the next thing that happened was very unexpected [Music] there's a mini landing on Airfield I mean I assume they're doing puzzle if I just Crouch up to the tower I'm probably gonna be able to see whoever they left on the roof this is weird as [ __ ] [Music] are they just keeping it on Airfield for safe [ __ ] keeping like what is this [Music] [Music] okay I'm just gonna chill here for a sec because I don't want them to know that I you know own the mini right up that base I want them to think that I just like yoinked it and took it to Outpost I have no idea what that was it was really weird but hey I'll take a free mini any day after that strange mini copter acquisition I decided to expand my roof slightly to incorporate a garage for it I didn't have much use for it yet but with Bandit Camp being so far away and minis costing so much scrap this was an asset I wasn't going to let get stolen from me PVP wise things were quieting down a bit so I used that down time to research a full roadside gear set some electrical items and the Satchel charge I found by now a decent amount of time passed and not a single one of my items sold in my shop except for the SAR for the electrical furnace so I lowered my prices by a lot hoping that this would get some buyers with all of that productive stuff out of the way I then ran into some old friends dude what oh where the [ __ ] is that guy what [Music] okay and these guys are just [ __ ] crazy I guess [Music] what is that zory like holy [ __ ] man two bullets and a headshot and I'm dead so annoying foreign [Music] was this guy picking his nose or some [ __ ] [Music] okay that feels good to get home with their own M39 custom Hollow that is huge [Music] wait Eric what is that from [Music] I'm pretty sure that Eric is that Eric there like who just came out of that base I want to kill him just to find out foreign [Music] so a lot just happened but let me quickly break it down the pause in PvP was put to an end when Slappy's group returned to the area they've clearly been busy themselves running around with suppressed M39 and SARS I lost three kits to them just now but the M39 custom and especially the holocytes made up for that win or loss this group was still on my nerves but then there's Eric and Camille I remember these names from somewhere and upon looking back I realized where I saw them last not only were they in that fight that I cleaned up but they also door camped me a little afterwards I wasn't mad about any of that since I've only been winning against them so I wasn't looking for any Revenge per se but I still mark them on the map because so far from all of the enemies I've had Eric and Camille lived the closest and had the smallest base raiding was a distant goal but I did have actual researched so I was keeping my eye out for bean can grenade to be able to craft those that would have to be a task for day two however because it was getting late but before hopping off I decided to go for a roam with my best gear set to see what I could make happen foreign my neighbor what is that are they all there oh man this is why I can't roam [Music] where does sin live like are they way over there somewhere they've got no they can't be they have to be close like this has to be their base hi there [Music] I don't think this is them yeah this is definitely not them these guys are still on nail gun I didn't get 50 meters from my base before getting absolutely shut down by sin the one enemy on my list that I still couldn't find this left a sour taste in my mouth but I wasn't really motivated to continue pvping to make up for it instead I did a little bit of farming to make sure my base was up kept and then I hopped off for the night tomorrow was a new day foreign [Music] it's looking like to me that we're okay which is actually a bit of a surprise seeing as I have pissed off multiple groups my base survived the night and my first order of business was checking on my shop changing the prices worked I almost sold everything and ended up with 600 scrap I then headed to Outpost to recycle and check on other people's shops through drone trading the main reason I went was to buy a glass window I saw for some Stone but someone made a massive mistake and accidentally put up a large furnace and explosive for one sulfur each obviously I jointed before they noticed and got those pretty much for free oh he's so [ __ ] up oh no he [ __ ] up bad dude he [ __ ] up bad after this I decided to do some farming in my area but the Pickens were slim my guess as to why were all of these new large bases in my area what is that it's like their main base now I don't even know what that is what is that there's another one oh my God who are those people they live there after farming what was left behind a fight broke out right next to my base [Music] one full bed right outside and that's full son of a [ __ ] probably has teammates that guy is a beamer holy [ __ ] sorry They're All Dead [Music] [Music] got a star see that just scares that guy off because I really don't want him to push oh extended mag extra Tommy extra SAR we got an extended mag that guy's a star and he also has aim it doubled holy [Music] [Music] five dead doing a wide ass flame that was a good fight to warm up for the day I was excited for more but first I had to expand my base it was long overdue for some upgrades so I got to it [Music] [Music] noise that's going to be really good to finally have that going [Music] [Music] okay [Music] Ace is coming together actually okay [Music] all I had was metal window bars so they'll have to do the job dude I have a belgium-like tower going on here man I built the most epic hidden snow Tower in the snow populated snowy Airfield Monument Mountain the most epic snow Tower next to Airfield wait a minute that one actually kind of goes hard with the base pretty much finished it was back to the Grind I decided to spend some time farming barrels and brown crates to hopefully find a beam can grenade but while I was doing that something caught my eye I could really use a bean can grenade I can actually like Satchel raid mostly looking for battery root combiner [ __ ] two guys in Airfield it's like I have a [ __ ] rocket launcher I think he does [Music] oh my God [Music] oh my God no way [Music] they have embrasure even they have everything in the game oh dude [Music] what the [ __ ] were these kids doing two rocket launchers I can't believe I down that second guy even I didn't think I downed him bro [Music] team 10 I was looking for I literally just got so much [ __ ] I gotta go back there's more there's so much more that is like the luckiest Airfield red card room I've ever seen and they just got rolled by a solo so much Farm [Music] wow I just got absolutely beamed well they're definitely back [Music] [Applause] foreign I thought I killed that guy oh my God and he doubles me that's them [Music] the shop gear set came in clutch man thank you [Music] no no it's Camille dude you never leave your [ __ ] base dude I'm just making everyone hate my guts remember what my box looked like at the end of day one well this is what it looks like now I couldn't believe I got the thing I needed the most a bean can and things kept getting better while roaming around my area I decided to check on madeira's base with the new larger bases that popped up overnight it was surprising to me that madeira's stayed relatively the same but upon a closer look I found out why oh is this rated this is rated they got [ __ ] boomed no way okay well that's one enemy off the list like Madera I don't think they exist anymore I'm actually really excited I can raid now madera's group was officially gone I felt much more free in my territory the amount of scrap I have is insane I think I might as well just make a tier three at this rate tier three boom [Music] [Applause] nice all right don't need the furnaces there anymore [Music] [Music] wait there's a door open still and that guy's basted he did he just disconnect is he just done this is uh looking nice [Music] that actually does work good to know if you stick a supply signal to a garage door and then open it it'll just [ __ ] disappear but you'll still get a airdrop while my airdrop comes in I'm just gonna go check my neighbor's base they do have garage doors so that is going to be an issue I got electric furnaces in there struggling to stay on remember the space it started as a two by one I'm pretty sure that leaves that leads straight into core I think oh you know what no it's either honeycomb or an airlock and then that's core oh you know what I think it is an airlock because that's the core and I know that the door is on this side so that leads straight to the airlock for sure the open door in Eric and Camille's base made it seem like they took a break or were done for the white if this was the case it's possible that more doors were left open this gave me even more incentive to raid them now that I had a bean cat grenade I could make satchel charges but I wanted to see if I could get some extra explosives to put towards the raid effort with no luck from the airdrop and an endless supply of key cards I decided to use my mini copter to do oil rig but I'm Gonna Save you guys the suspense there was no Victory to be had here within minutes I was swarmed by grubs and a mini copter with two AK guys on it it sucked losing the mini but other than oil rig I had no other plans for it so it was worth a try when I respawned back at base I grabbed a bunch of components and crafted a road sign Kilt to take to Outpost why well I wanted to recycle and I also saw a shop listing for a large battery if I gave them Kilts this was the only decent deal on the map for a large battery which I desperately needed to set up electric furnaces so I made the trade recycled everything I had and headed straight back home okay and now we have a root combiner that's all we need baby we've got it all [Music] oh God man and it's sin [Music] [Music] and they get the battery on top of it dude where do they live that is so annoying I was thinking about researching it I put it in the [ __ ] research table okay I [ __ ] hate these guys of course seconds from being safe in my base I get jumped by sin in a [ __ ] car not only did I lose all of those resources from recycling but losing the large battery was what really ticked me off it was all I needed to set up electricity but sin found it and made sure to gloat about it as well this was my final straw I was done getting pushed around by sin without knowing where they lived so I began a proper search this has got to be them here this has got to be them it's 100 them actually like there's no chance it's not like I want to say this is them but I don't I don't see their car and they have no way of getting the car in the base wait this is yeah they do live here this is their garage this is definitely where they put their car like I that has to be them like it's guaranteed they have a car garage they live in the direction that makes sense and I knew it had to be close to Outpost they have the base that fits the description dude like it's got to be them without even needing to confirm with a name I found a base that had to be since it fits the description perfectly it was active it had a car garage and it was in the direction that they've been going to and from all white but before I took a closer look something good came out of talking in the in-game chat another player on the server saw that I needed a large battery and offered one up for 180 scrap which I accepted and this time I made sure to research it before leaving Outpost now that I had everything I needed I set up some solar panels to power some electric furnaces so I could get an auto smelting system set up with that finally done I headed back to sins compound marked it on the map and slapped some bags down in the area right as I finish that up I heard explosions towards Airfield where's that raid oh Slappy he's getting raided I knew it was going to be Slappy's base [Music] right as I located one of my old enemies another was wiped from the server right in front of my eyes I didn't even attempt to count it because I wanted these guys to win sloppy's group has been a thorn in my side since day one so to at least have a front row seats to their base getting pounded was enough for me watching this raid unfold however reminded me that I need to do one of my own from all of my farm runs I've been doing throughout the wipe and my smelter's going to work I had the sulfur ready to go but just because madera's group and now Slappy's group were wiped from the server sin and Theta were still around I wasn't going to do this raid without some assurances so I set up a small turrets raid base facing Camille's front door to cover me as I blew in I then crafted the satchels with everything I had I was able to make 23 of them that may sound like a lot but Camille's base had garage doors which are nine satchels each if my theory of the base's layout was incorrect and I ran into more doors than expected this could easily go sideways so I was just going to have to trust my guts this was going to be my biggest move of the wife so far but I was ready before I attempt that raid I know I made a raid base for it and everything so I'm definitely going to read that base I just want to see how expensive sin's base is just out of [ __ ] curiosity you know like it doesn't hurt anybody to check I just want to check [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I discovered everything I could about sin's base without explosives but it seemed like they weren't home or AFK so I covered my tracks as best as I could and waited if they returned home and didn't see any ladders there was no way that they could predict I was up here so for exactly 8 minutes and 30 seconds I stood completely still under this staircase until I decided that I didn't cover my tracks enough so I went to the roof and started shooting out that ladder that I climbed over the walls with and right at that exact second of course of course right as I start shooting it I've been waiting here for like eight minutes and the one second I decided to start shooting this guy [ __ ] pulls up that is literally my look [Music] I'm done dude I'm just gonna I'm just gonna raid I'm done well at least I knew for sure now that sin did live in this base but I was done playing games it was time to raid okay this is it this is everything on the line [Music] well that's kind of a concerning noise [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God my turret just saved my life [Music] oh my God there's people everywhere [Music] longest satchels ever dude oh man I'm really hoping this is the last door to TC [Music] garage door oh my God it's not locked let's go [Music] oh my [ __ ] god it's loaded [Music] let's go Rockets no way [Music] oh my God oh it's over it is so worth already oh my god dude they didn't lock the TC that is a fumble oh my God that is a fumble just as I thought Eric and Camille's base layouts was exactly what I predicted in 18 satchels I was at their core if that garage door was actually locked like it should have been I wouldn't have had enough it was beyond lucky but what surprised me the most was Finding four rockets and a C4 these are very rare explosives for a base in the location it was in he had to have looted it all from airdrops or stole them from a heli crash whatever the case that alone made this raid worth it since I already had explosive rocket launchers and a tier 3 workbench I could literally rock it right now but before I could even think about transferring I made sure to lock it down and then head outside to investigate the fight I started from those Satchel blasts okay going out there I don't know why that guy's still in the zipline [Music] foreign that kid I don't give a [ __ ] I think this guy's [ __ ] deaf thank you [Music] [Music] okay foreign well stealing some [ __ ] from feta always feels nice after getting a lot more guns from the counters outside I returned my focus to the raid I brought over some jackhammers to soft side up but I didn't find anything other than a bunch of empty electric furnaces but I still picked them up to sell alongside some other guns from that raid in my shop with the area cooling down I organized everything into a couple of boxes I was very pleased with the profits I then transferred most of the loots to my main base leaving only a couple of gear sets in the raid just in case I wanted to flank with them with the abundance of resources gained from the raid the only use I had for them since my base was complete was external TCS so I went ahead and made two of them which would double as a gate once when I got a compound down I was going to make my compound out of wooden High walls so I bought and researched a chainsaw for that but before I got to farming I still had six satchels which wasn't going to be very useful since I was going to upgrade to Rocket rating so I decided to craft two more to quickly raid a 2x2 next to Outpost and see what I could get foreign [Music] [Music] tier 2 workbench this could be juicy man [Music] [Applause] holy I whiffed so bad okay what am I doing why am I throwing like this [Music] foreign [Music] there it is it's just like every single time there's just someone shooting me in the back whoa hello AKs are here thank you [ __ ] why is there so many people no way that guy should be dead okay that's one A kid had one okay Dad why is there so many nakeds oh my God that is so annoying that someone looted that AK dude give me a break oh my God oh my God a [ __ ] AK please let me get inside my first AKA wipe oh my God oh my God I asked for a [ __ ] break and I finally get it dude the most stressful fight ever despite the cluster of chaos that small eight Satchel raid became I somehow ended up with an AK and you may have noticed the bodies I looted it from was Madera and his group I genuinely don't know if he was part of the original AK guys or where they rebuilt but it didn't really matter because I didn't even notice until now that was officially the last time I saw Madera so I'm glad he showed his face again if it meant I could finally research AK which I did when the gunfire over there finally came to an end I headed back with the C4 to finish the raid the loots wasn't anything special and it definitely wasn't worth it but I did get an extra tier 2 workbench to sell in my shop this raid and the fighting afterwards was my way of closing out day two with a bang but before hopping off I researched explosive in Rockets farmed a bunch of wood and built my compound day two was way more productive than day one I really built up my Arsenal finished my base got a tier 3 down with everything I needed researched and I even did a couple of raids for a solo on a no-tech tree wipe that wasn't bad at all I wasn't expecting much for day 3 other than a final rocket raid but somehow my third day on this server was going to be the best of them all [Music] thank you all right it looks like we're okay wait that bases the king over there I see the tier two they didn't last too long ooh my shop did really good as well overnight no one's buying the diesel which is so interesting to me the first thing I did after finding out I wasn't offline was check on my shop I made more sales overnight for some extra sulfur and scrap afterwards I headed over to sin's base to see how it was looking now and to my surprise it looked the exact same as it did yesterday this was a good thing for me because if the inside wasn't upgraded either I could easily do something with the Rockets I had at my disposal now as for my other enemy Theta their base wasn't getting any smaller this was definitely out of my budget I was strictly going off with a small amount of sulfur I had in my area and Shop sales even if I had the rockets for it a base of this size is too much for a solo to handle anyways especially if it was an online raid I still needed an explosive bullet for raiding so I headed to Outpost to buy one and I also traded a garage door and roadside chest plate for about 2 000 more sulfur this may seem a bit stingy but I wanted to maximize the amount of rockets I could craft with my electric furnace setup that sulfur smelted quickly and in no time I crafted enough explosives for 14 more Rockets with this I could YOLO raid sin and call it but it was kind of early in the day and I wanted to give them at least a chance to get online after all online raids are way more fun than offline rates so I took a break for a few hours but when I got back on I was greeted with quite a surprise I just logged back on and I'm already hearing AK shots and Tommy shots right outside the [ __ ] is happening what in the actual flying flexical is that are you kidding me right now dude there's a whole new base just right outside of my base [Music] I've got to try something there man somehow in the two or three hour break I took a brand new sizable base popped up right outside of mine not just this but the owners of the base were active and shooting AKs from their roof when someone moves into your own turf this quickly it's worth a look so I put on some grub gear and headed over with a DB and custom to get a better understanding of who these guys were and what they were capable of who is this guy how did he move in like so suddenly it's pretty quiet in there sounds like they went AFK it's a common occurrence for rust players to go AFK during night cycles and I just happen to crouch up right as they did this or so I thought the real test to see if they did was if they'd react to this sound like I was in the clear just like my theory with sin if they didn't see the ladders first they would have no idea I was up here so now it was a game of patience yeah I think they're AFK I don't think they have any idea I really hope they didn't just log off because they closed a bunch of doors they definitely have garage doors in there it says something to keep note of it's a bad thing because I don't know how long it's going to be until they're back but it's a good thing because that means they didn't hear my ladders oh I hear every single door opening and unclosing oh my God he's actually gonna do it [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God [Music] oh my God there is no way I was full deep in this space but I wasn't in the clear just yet I broke three bags but I killed two players the third was outside farming trees I wasn't sure why at first but I quickly figured it out there's actually no [ __ ] way that that just happened oh [ __ ] wait I know exactly what this guy's doing outside he's gonna make it easy he's gonna make it easy I'm [ __ ] yep I'm [ __ ] no way he made a TC bro I'm actually [ __ ] that is so unfortunate there was no wood in here at all the third teammate wasn't AFK like the other two and was able to farm enough wood to place a new tool cupboard somewhere in the base at this point I was completely exposed that shotgun trap was theirs now I couldn't Place anything else to block the door and at any moment they could push me at first I thought about jackhammering out but this would take too much time and if they really wanted to since they had building access they could just add more walls from the outside I thought it was over but then I had time to think dude there it is just so ridiculously loaded I can raid my way out I can raid my way out I can raid my way out I can actually raid my way out they have a tier three and everything [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] oh oh oh [ __ ] all right [Music] [Music] okay that's how the x1ml I want to use and I can't make any more because they don't have any metal I can't make a TC so I'm just gonna use some wood to smelt metal [Music] what's what I got going for me right now is that garage door takes a long time to open like if they want to Peak me if they want to Peak me it's going to take a while for the door to open thank you [Music] that does a lot of damage holy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] no more furnaces oh my God it's still not enough where did they place the TC I wonder I was able to somehow raid through two more doors and a wall to give myself more space it was going to be much harder for them to do anything now and by the looks of it they were out of gear my task now was to find the tool cupboard just by the direction the sound of its placement came from I knew it had to be towards their front door somewhere so I chose a wall that led that direction and started jackhammering oh [Music] [Music] oh my God it's unlocked oh my God oh my God there is absolutely no way I did it baby I [ __ ] did it I can't believe that somehow some way I took over this base starting with just a low Tier gear set and using only what was inside everything left over was nothing but profit and there was a lot of it so I fully secured broke my way out and transferred it all to my main base the sulfur gained from this would easily ensure I could fully raid sin's base online or not with what I just did I didn't care that was one of the craziest things I've done in this game and to do it completely solo I got the rush I was looking for so I crafted the last of the boom I could and got ready to Pace in the visits I'm just gonna go over there with grub gear [Music] where should I go so this is clearly some weird [ __ ] they got going on here I think going through like the roof is like almost the same as going through doors like what is that base they're definitely going to try and counter me okay I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna go through a roof I think it's the safe bet [Music] we made it in all right we're gonna hit right there okay it's a bunker and I'm dead okay that is really bad [Music] foreign [Music] [ __ ] monkers dude [Music] thank God those counter Raiders were in here before me okay let's uh let's try that again shall we [Music] [Music] that thing's got to be low yeah 37. [Music] all right there's the bunker as long as for the Trap bags [Music] who's that guy sleeping right there who is that [ __ ] [Music] Gorilla Glue suck my balls Gorilla Glue [Music] okay okay a bunch of random [ __ ] later Joey more ladders great tons of comps pretty decent amount in there and we got it [Music] dude there's there's death outside as I fully secure to the base I figured that was it if I could teleport to where I am now when I hated sin the most this would feel amazing but now that I'm here all of this time later seeing their helpless naked sleeping bodies on top of a nearly empty gun box it was hard to feel Victorious despite what I said about already feeling fulfilled with my play from earlier I still wish there had been some sort of fight for this loot [Music] thank you okay 300 scrap bunch of wood not bad foreign there just ain't no way [Music] okay I'm dead [Music] thank you what like what [Music] so dumb I should have easily killed that guy [Music] foreign [Music] that kills me bro [Music] dude how do I leave that open [Music] no they're starting to explorate [Music] thank you [Music] oh this is so bad so I got the action I was looking for but this wasn't exactly going my way I had at least three or four fully geared players countering my RAID and I've already let them go deep on two doors they were only three rockets away from my tool cover and I had almost no gear left to defend with this is when I enter my Turbo solo Defender mode I was going to do everything in my power to win this thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yeah keep upgrading [ __ ] I like that I love how you say pussy's plural as if there's more than one person in here and that you're not getting [ __ ] by a solo dude dude turn off the voice changer turn off the voice changer blueprint is that used oh my God how does he know wait I have an idea I have an idea [Music] I think I just killed one oh that was just nothing but props right there you just [ __ ] on him man you didn't need to do me that dirty [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] dude I I am like Simply the Best how many times did I kill you here one two three four five bro I'm just really high and I just wanted to get some rating and how were you reacting when I was placing the [ __ ] Twigs so you wouldn't see me push up I was actually ingenious I have to give you that well I'm glad you're trying out your own [ __ ] uh blueprint thing yeah I wanted a test yeah I really like that for four swipe I'm not gonna lie yeah it's cool it's cool I like it I I'm leaving what you're leaving [Music] blah blah after a clutch hard-fought defense and exchanging a few words with the counter Raiders we both finally went our separate ways if it weren't for them I'd have been logging off for the night's unsatisfied I had to owe it to these guys for practically defending in sin's place it was the ending to the wipe that did Justice to everything that led up to it this wipe was an absolute roller coaster a humble starts turned into a series of struggles roadblocks that I and every solo at that has to overcome in order to keep pushing on to that game-changing play solo rust is one of the most challenging game styles out there but also one of the most rewarding that's the golden realization that keeps me playing all of these years later I hope that you've learned a thing or two from my solo life to help you in your own and for those of you who want to be adventuring in style don't forget to take a look at my solo life merch for early supporters I'm doing an auto applied 10 off discounts for the first few orders that go through keep in mind this drop will end in two weeks so if you are interested make sure to head to whether you're grabbing something or not the fact that I can upload these ridiculously long videos and still keep your attention till the end means a lot to me in itself we're almost at 2 million subscribers which is out of this world so thank you all so much for everything anyways I know this video is getting a little long so I'll let you guys go until next time peace out [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Blooprint
Views: 1,881,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, blooprint rust, blooprint, rust pvp, rust base, rust survival, rust montage, rust raid, rust 2023, rust gameplay 2023, rust solo, blooprint solo, the solo life, blooprint solo life, rust solo life, v10, solo wipe, rust how to solo, solo tutorial, rust solo base, rust solo raid, rust online raid, rust solo raiding, rust solo tips, solo, blooprint movie, blooprint story, rust movie, rust solo vs clan, rust merch, blooprint merch, solo life merch
Id: 20YVwbmUdzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 16sec (6076 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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