Skyrim: Top 5 Quests and Moments We Hate in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

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a new hand touches the beacon hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and while Skyrim may be an amazing game thrusting us into a vibrant world rich an opportunity for exploration and adventure no game is perfect and the Elder Scrolls 5 does come with its own fair share of regrettable moments and missions that at times can drive us absolutely mad so in today's video we'll be exploring a few such examples as we dive right into five quests and moments that everybody hated in the elderscrolls v skyrim starting off we have the quest a return to your roots and oh my Talos is scratching my eyes out not a preferable alternative to this mission for those of you who are unfamiliar or have never attempted this quest first of all by congratulations but a return to your roots is a side mission that the dragon board can trigger one in the submerged dwarven ruin of black reach you see when in this buried metropolis the player can stumble upon a small Dwemer building called cinder Ian's laboratory enter and you'll find an interesting scene a skeleton likely belonging to whomever sinned Darien was lies long dead on the cold stone floor seemingly killed in a foamer attack throughout the structure are an assortment of plants journals notebooks and test tubes scattered everywhere it looks like you're about to begin a fascinating new adventure but looks well they can be a little deceiving sometimes indeed this is the start of something but fascinating is a far cry from how I would describe what's about to begin in the skeletons inventory will be soon darienne's old personal notebook which he pan did decades ago before he was killed in it he explains his fascination with Nirnroot plants and his particular research around a unique subspecies that he calls crimson nerve roots which apparently possessed some special properties other than their red pigmentation and or exceeding rare The Notebook reveals that black reach is one of the very few places in the world the plant grows somewhat consistently the entire reasons in Darien was down here anyway was to gather and study the plant after closing the journal immediately the new quest are returned to your roots we'll begin and you'll have an objective to quote gather 30 Crimson urn routes across black reach and deliver them to an old associate of Centurions that he mentioned in the book now here's the thing but really it's a few things for one the quest begins totally unprompted like there's nothing in the book that suggests he wants you to carry on his research cinterion doesn't care he's dead but what's more sin Darien must have a very different idea of what constitutes a consistent amount of something than I do because across the entire black reach landmass which is huge there's only about 44 of the plant and again black reach is big and we need 30 of them now if you're really clever you might be thinking okay sure that sounds pretty monotonous but what about the clairvoyance spell Nate the one that directs us to each note while using clairvoyance the spell that highlights a path to your next objective used to work Bethesda removed its functionality in this individual quest in patch 1.9 they want you to suffer furthermore the green thumb alchemical perk which grants you to of any plant you pick up doesn't function in relation to crimson nirn roots its functionality was removed in patch 1.7 mind you these are patches we're talking about players figured out workarounds to make this quest just slightly less irritating and Bethesda went back into the game and made corrections to keep it difficult they really went out of their way with this one personally when I first began this mission ages ago back in 2011 I remember spending somewhere around 45 minutes looking before I just gave up and moved on with the game it wasn't until that I started taking Skyrim really seriously for this channel that I ever got around to organically playing through it if you do power through everything though and somehow find all 30 of the required plants you can then take them back to cinder Ian's old associate have Russ's sarathi at the sarathi farm who will stay that it's been literal years since she spoken to sin Darion possibly even decades evidently her relation to sin Darion isn't even professional he just simply stayed at her place for a little while paying rent before he went out to explore blackridge nonetheless of Russa will promised to continue his research and thank you with a way to small sum of levelled gold an intrusive introduction a frustrating objective and unsatisfying conclusion easily make a return to your roots one of the most ridiculous missions not only in Skyrim but the entire franchise it goes without saying that I think this is a stone best left unturned unless you're going for that oh so elusive platinum trophy next on our list picture this you're descending deep into a cave fighting your way through all sorts of unfriendly furry creatures you know there's a chest at the end of this cavern and you're dead set on emerging from this journey much wealthier as you are dicing your way through wolves and bears like their onions all of the sudden you notice a small message appear at the top right hand of your screen you have contracted Rock joint it reads then another after the bite of a sabre cat clamps down on you you have contracted wit bane all of the sudden you notice you're becoming considerably less effective in combat and check your active magical effects menu to learn that you are now doing 25% less melee damage and regenerating Magica only half is fast so now while you will emerge from this dungeon a bit richer you'll also be much weaker and a lot more annoyed as these effects will linger until you find the right potion or a gracious vigilant of stunned are indeed diseases in Skyrim represent one of the most Annoying mechanics in the title thrusting random and often quite significant D buffs upon the dovakin that can only be rectified after a trip to the right healer temple or consuming the proper foods all together including sanguine vampires and lycanthropy nine diseases are present in the vanilla game and the Dragonborn DLC introduced one more troops which reduces melee damage and can be contracted via ash hoppers bringing the total number of diseases up to ten the concept of bringing viruses plagues just diseases in general into the world of the Elder Scrolls 5 and our gameplay in Skyrim seems pretty good on paper but the implementation is just quite enraging at the end of the day it's a tremendously under complex system if that makes any sense whether or not you contract one of these diseases is left totally up to RNG if the wrong enemy spawns in with the wrong trait that allows them to infect you with something you're done sure there are certain races you can pick in certain perks you can acquire that will reduce the number of infected enemies that spawn in the game but beyond that there's little you can do and it also seems as though were the only people in the world capable of being set by these plays so the advice I'm gonna leave you with here is just make sure you carry some potions and Hawk feathers and your inventories all the time unfortunately you'll never know when they're needed coming in at number 3 allow me to paint yet another picture for you you've just slain dozens of bandits in any given encampment and are now looting the various chests and barrels across the area you've got a pretty good carry weight so you're just taking everything from every container when out of nowhere you hear those words those bloody work touches have you not hear me are your ears a new hand touches the beacon followed by a monologue that's way louder and longer than it has any right to be by the Daedric God meridia why are your ears suddenly being assaulted by this Lord who's decided randomly yelling at people as an acceptable means of introducing oneself well this occurs whenever you picked up a unique quest item called meridians beacon the thing about this object is that it will just randomly spawn in in any given container after you've reached level 12 and once you've picked it up intentional or not meridia will begin shouting into your ears about some necromancer who's been off desecrating her temple that she needs a champion to kill or something beginning the quest the break of dawn this quest itself is actually pretty average at worst I mean it's pretty much a normal dungeon run through a temple and there's some interesting lore behind the evil mage veridia once slain so it's fine but rudely being solicited by a god when you're just about enjoying your day gathering gear from chests is definitely not for fourth spot up I suspect this one is going to strike a nerve with most our fourth spot is the absurd quest Paarthurnax given to us by the blades at the conclusion of Skyrim's main quest line so following your victory overall the win and savior of man and elven kinda like most of the characters who joined you throughout this epic journey will express gratitude in your actions announce noble ambitions and offer valuable insight Paarthurnax the dragon commends your efforts and declares his intention to lead what's left of dov'è kind to a brighter more peaceful and humane future the Greybeards also congratulate you on your success the warmth at Alduin may not be gone for good various urals and other minor characters bombard the Dragonborn with thanks but then then there's the bleh the blades a until now dead faction of elite warriors that you are literally responsible for resurrecting who ultimately did practically nothing to defeat the world leader seriously despite their prominence in the main questline Delphine and Eze burns actions really just serve as an over glorified history lesson for context while the Greybeards Paarthurnax and oda ving really did all of the heavy lifting but i digress the blades do briefly say good job thanks for killing Alduin and everything but then go on to say that no no you're still not done yet sure you stopped or delayed the prophecy rebuilt their organization from the ground up and did it mostly without their help but after all that the blades will then demand that you kill a Paarthurnax you know the dude who's actually been helping you all this time their argument is that dragons are naturally evil or something and that until they've been driven to extinction they'll pose a threat to the world oh yeah and here's the kicker until you do kill Paarthurnax they won't even let you back into their headquarters sky Haven temple and give you membership into the faction they basically force an ultimatum upon the player they ban you from joining the club you started unless you kill an ally who's been nothing but loyal to the dovakin of course killing Paarthurnax will also result in the Greybeards banning you from hike Hrothgar as Paarthurnax was their de facto leader and they don't appreciate having him murdered to death membership in the blades isn't something to write home about either all it mainly does is offer a player home and recurring radiant quest to hunt dragons some of whom presumably like Paarthurnax may not even be evil anymore additionally this argument that all dragons are evil neglects to realize that Tiber Septim one of the blades is principal idols had a dragon of his own too so for most players myself included I think the ultimatum given by Delphine and the blades just comes across as insulting dumb and irritating some of you may remember a while back that I posted a poll using YouTube's community tab on this very question whether you guys prefer to side with the blades or Paarthurnax and the numbers were just overwhelmingly in favor of the dragon I think it was something like ninety percent wanted to save him so the community consensus seems pretty clear on this one it's just too bad there isn't a third choice where we could wipe the blades out and then jump on board with whatever it is party snacks is planning to do and finally last on our list are the twenty pages of Saint Chibs Opus that we have to find so similar temerity is beacon the context and story behind what's going on here is in fact just fine really it's one of my favorites in the game but my Talos is the actual task itself not one of the most monotonous so during the events of the dawn guard DLC will have to travel to a plane of oblivion known as the soul Charon a terrifying realm where souls of those who have been soul trapped or condemned to spend all of eternity while we're here we'll cross paths with a variety of spirits and among them will be that of a dark elf named jib one approached JIP will explain that back in life he was a hero to the people of morrowind having driven a pesky winged creature known as cliff racers to the brink of extinction and battled against a number of powerful foes to protect the realm he claims that he's regarded as a saint by most of his fellow dunmer sadly some time ago deer in the Oblivion crisis around two centuries prior to the events of Skyrim while living in Serie Dell working on his autobiography Jim was soul trapped by a Daedra and now here he is after explaining all of this to the player Jim will then ask for a favor you see as he was soul trapped and just thrust down into this world a bunch of pages from that memoir he was working on were scattered across the region he needs your help in finding them this begins the side quest the impatience of a saint sends us across the soul Charon to locate the ten missing pages of jibs opus once we've collected them we can bring them back to him in exchange for his thanks and a new locket to complete the quest the difficulty here of course is that the ten pages are scattered all across the Charon and much like black reach the soul Charon is big like really really big so finding all of these pages is going to prove a tremendous hassle without the assistance of well the internet seriously completing this a quest without referring to outside guides really is an accomplishment I mean you've got pages scattered underneath random tables some pages inside of random buildings others on the roofs of structures it is utterly ridiculous and if you do somehow complete all of this all you get in exchange is a pat on the back and a locket come on now of course the narrative behind the story as I've already alluded to is pretty cool and makes it relatively forgivable Jeb in fact was a character we can meet in the elder scrolls three more wind believe it or not he was actually the first character we ever met a fellow prisoner on one of our ships on its way to Vardhan fell currently being regarded as a heroic saint now though it seems like he turned that life of crime around for the better so good on him for that but bad on him for making us scrounge about this horrifying realm in the search of his litter that gets a big thumbs down and with that we are going to wrap up my top five Annoying quests and moments in the elderscrolls v skyrim thanks for stopping by everybody which of these resonated with you the most and what frustrating moments in the game would you like to share leave a comment down below or join the conversation over on discord as always like ratings are very much appreciated again thanks for popping in and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone [Music]
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,411,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 5, Skyrim Special Edition, TES 5, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Quests, Skyrim Side Quests, Skyrim Funny, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim Tiny Details, Skyrim Easter Eggs, Elder Scrolls Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Mods, Skyrim Mod, TheEpicNate315
Id: cbZGoVwk4Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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