Google Earth Studio - Creating Awesome GeoAnimations

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello guys welcome to another tutorial in this tutorial we are going to talk about a tool which has gained quite a lot of attention during recent times due to its amazing capabilities to create stunning 3d geoanimations by making use of google as satellite and 3d imagery now we have done a set of comprehensive tutorials covering google earth and you can check them out as well if you like now google earth and google earth studio share quite a lot of things particularly when it comes to the geospatial data such as 3d and satellite imagery however with google ad studio you get this additional component of being able to produce stunning joe animations now to access google ad studio you are required to have a google account and as of today it is still essential that you make an account for yourself with a request to access google earth studio and typically the access will be granted for you in about 24 hours time but for some cases it might take even a bit longer than that so guys without further ado let's jump in and i'll show you how you can create an animation just like what you saw a while back using google earth studio now google studio works in a google chrome browser so if you have been using some other type of a browser like firefox or microsoft edge you will need to switch to chrome to actually try out google earth studio alright guys so you can see that i have already opened up google earth studio you can access google studio simply by going to earth studio and you will end up in a screen just like what you can see over here and from here you can click on this try earth studio button and as i told you guys a few minutes back we have to verify our identity and typically if you are registering for the first time you can enter your email address and click next and after that you can enter your password and you can see that if you're registering for the first time this is the screen that you'll be getting and you have to enter your first name last name your email address your country and region and just a couple of lines explaining how you intend to use google studio basically and once you fill out this form you'll be notified via your email once permission is granted for you to access google earth studio so in my case i'm just going to close this one out and i'm going to login with the email from which i have actually registered my account and this is where you'll end up this is basically the entry page to google ad studio once you have created your account and you can get started by opening up a blank project and you can see that we have to enter a couple of things i'm going to name my project as neuschwanstein castle and you can adjust the dimensions as well and as you can see over here by default you get 1920 by 1080 that's the full hd resolution so i'm going to stick with that the frame rate i'm going to stick with 30 frames per second as well i'm going to make a change over here in the duration the default setting for duration is computed in terms of frames but i would like to change this to time code and specify my duration of the project to be about let's say 45 seconds i wouldn't make it too long because we are doing this for the purpose of this tutorial so i think 45 seconds should be should be good enough and after that i can click on start and this is basically the user interface of google ad studio now here on the top left corner you can see our typical menus the file menu the edit menu weave overlays animation and we have a help menu as well and over here you can see a search button now we can search for different locations using the search button we can simply enter the name of the location and we can zoom into that particular location and we are going to use this in a couple of minutes and over here you can see a few buttons that we can make use of when we are actually dealing with our animation we have the play button previous frame next frame and the button to jump to the start of the workspace and to the end of the workspace so we'll be making use of these buttons as well and over here in the mid region you can see basically a 3d view of the earth you can use your left mouse button to actually move this around and you can even zoom in using your scroll wheel just like how you would normally use google earth pro so for example if i want to zoom into some place in europe we can do this click on your scroll wheel and if you move the mouse up and down you can see that it tilts accordingly and in this way you can actually rotate your weave as well all right i think you're familiar with the basic navigation and right over here you can see one of the most important parts of this graphical user interface which is basically your animation editor over here on the left side you can see a couple of attributes already being added for example the camera position and the camera rotation but you can add a few more additional attributes as well simply by clicking over here for example if you would like to add this additional attribute of time of day to basically change the time of the day and we'll be making use of this one as well you can simply click on this one and you can add that into your editing workspace as well so for the time being i'm going to deselect this and right over here what you see is basically your timeline and since we set the duration of our animation to be 45 seconds you can see that over here it's 45 seconds so basically you can move into different parts of your animation in terms of its time by sliding this across this uh timeline simply like this so since my location of interest is neuschwanstein castle i'm going to go over here and search for my location first and when i type in you can see that it automatically prompts me the correct location and i'm going to go ahead and select that all right now you can see that it zoomed me into the noise reinstein castle now before i get started i would like to actually tilt my wave and you can see that the castle is right over here well the loading times might depend on the speed of your internet connection so you can see that as i scroll around takes a while to catch up insert in some cases but if you have a stable internet connection then that should not be a problem and you can see this very beautiful weave of the neuschwanstein castle just like this so in order to get started you have to first decide where you would like to place your camera now you can see that over here we are still in the camera weave but we have a couple of other waves that we can actually go with as well we have the top wave if i click on this you can see this red color triangle is basically the camera and these lines that extend you can simply think of this location as your eye and this is where your eye is actually looking at so with this current setting you can see that our eye is basically looking towards this side towards the south western direction of this 2d map so we can toggle this back to camera weave and we don't really have to rely only on one screen you can split your screen into two parts and in one part you can have the camera weave and on the other part you can have the top wave just like this and even you can adjust the size of the individual screen as well and as i'm changing my angle of view you can see on the on your left screen the direction of the camera changes as well so these two items actually work together as soon as we make a change to our weave over here on the right side you can see how those changes get applied in this top view as well all right so to get started what i'm going to do is i'm going to find a good position from which we can zoom into this castle so i'm going to go a bit further and i feel like this would be a nice frame to to zoom into the castle and it is essential that i keep my camera directed towards the castle all the time during my animation now you can do this manually as well but there's a cool function that you can use in order to make sure that your camera always stays facing the castle and that's by simply adding a camera point for example if i zoom into the castle if i right click over here and if i set a camera target over here now in the top view you can see that this target has been added at the location of the of the neuschwanstein castle so now even if i zoom out like this you can see that my camera target remains the same and i'm going to add an additional attribute that's the time of the day and you can see that as soon as i click that over here you can you have the possibility to change the time of your day and the reason why i'm using this time of day attribute is is basically because i can play around with different time periods and that'll give us this very realistic look for example if i set this date to be 1st of january of 2021 and if i hit enter and you can see that the lighting of the scene changed accordingly and if you slide this back to maybe about seven o'clock you can see that it slowly gets darker if you happen to type in maybe about four o'clock in the morning and if you just simply hit enter you can see that now it's totally dark and you can even start seeing the galaxy as well which is pretty cool isn't it and if you happen to increase this time simply by clicking over here and dragging your mouse button to the right side you can see that it appears as if the galaxy is moving but well in reality it's the earth that's moving so you can have this kind of very special effects when using google earth studio so i'm going to change the time to be about maybe seven o'clock in the morning we still have our camera target right over here with this kind of a scene maybe increase this to about 7 30 i'm not so sure whether that would be yeah i think i'll still retain this to be about seven o'clock in the morning because i would like to have that initial darkness in our scene so i'm going to select this to be my starting point now when you're done with everything you can add keyframes for each and every different attribute you can add them individually longitude latitude and altitude corresponds to these different numbers and you can specify that simply by hitting this add keyframe button and if you don't want to do those manually one by one you can simply click on this keyframe all attributes and you can see that the keyframes will be added for all these different attributes now this is our zero zero position so i'm going to move to about about 12 seconds and now i'm going to change the weave i would like to have the weave to be a bit different at 12 seconds and you can see the cool thing is that whenever i move this just because we set this camera target our camera will always be facing towards our target you can zoom this one out yeah just to see that very clearly you can see that when i pan my camera around the camera will always be facing towards the neuschwanstein castle alright so i would like to have my second scene maybe somewhere over here and once you're comfortable with the location you can simply come over here and add the corresponding keyframes as well and you can see that the keyframes get added for each different attribute and i'm going to leave this time of day attribute just like this for a second and i'm going to change the time to be about let's say about 10 o'clock in the morning and if i hit enter you can see that the corresponding keyframe gets added automatically and now if you take this back to 0 and if you click on this play button you can see how the sun keeps rising you can see over here the time changes accordingly and you can see that the camera movements that we assigned are working as well and now you can see that the direction of the camera movement is quite linear over here as soon as we added the second keyframe you can see that these two keyframes got linked and you will see that when i slide this timer from 0 to up to about 13 seconds if you pay attention to the left side of the screen you can see that the red triangle which basically represents our camera it moves along a linear path as you can see over here but you can make changes to that as well for example if i would like to make a change to that path i'll maybe bring my slider somewhere over here you can see that the camera is in the middle somewhere over here in the middle and after that i'll add a set of keyframes again for all the different attributes and now i'll move my camera just a bit and you can see that i get a button over here and if i select this button you can see that i can drag this button in order to create a bit of a curvature just like this and you also have two handles over here on the left side and the right side and you're able to make changes to the curve like this you can actually just exercise your creativity with this and let's see if i happen to make my curve to be something like this i'm not so sure how this would look but we'll have a look and now when i play while looking at the actual scene you can also observe how the camera moves along that specified path so let's see how that looks now you can see that rather than going through that linear path it's actually taking a curved path and zooming towards the neuschwanstein castle and you can change the curve maybe to be something like this as well just to avoid the obstruction so you can see that the radius is actually increasing and i would like to make yeah just to avoid the obstruction over here i would like to add another keyframe over here a set of keyframes actually and maybe i will increase the radius of the curve to be something like this all right i think you get the idea so now let's play this one and see how it looks alright so from this to the next scene i would like to zoom into the castle a bit more like this and by the time i reach this camera angle i would like to change the time to be about 12 o'clock and similarly i would like to add the other keyframes as well and you can slide this and see how that movement would look yeah i think i'm quite okay with that without making any changes to the to the curvature or maybe i can slide this one just a little bit so that we have that smooth movement so i can play this one and see how that looks or if you would like to add some some dynamic movements over here maybe i think we can still add a set of keyframes as well and we take this one as our handle and maybe we can you know you can be be creative with that so similarly we can make a change this camera angle as well i think you guys get the basic idea you can exercise your creativity in any which way that you want with the capabilities of google earth studio and now since i'm moving into the castle i would like to take my time to be at about 40 seconds over here and at 40 seconds i would like to come to this this side of the castle well you can see that we have only a bit of space over here because we are obstructed by a mountain just behind the castle so let's say that i would like to end my shot at a wave maybe something like this so after that i can add a set of keyframes simply by clicking on this keyframe all attributes if i check the camera movements you can see that the curve is actually still not not exactly linear but we don't have any any sudden movement in the camera path as well but we'll see first how this looks how the movement looks yeah it's quite plain as you can see over here and it's slowly reaching the angle that we intended to have all right so i'm going to add some some dynamic movements over here let's say a couple of a set of keyframes maybe one over here and one over here and the reason for adding these keyframes is simply so that i can get a button over here and i can add i can make some changes to the path through which the camera actually moves so i'm going to move this one back just a little bit well i might have to zoom in over here and yeah adjust this one as well you can see that we cannot go far back because we'll be obstructed by this set of mountains over here so i'm going to set the weave to be something like this and using these handles you can adjust the the smoothness of the movement now let's see how that movement happens yeah you can see that we might have to make some changes over here because the camera is a bit too far back at this particular location i think we might have to add another key another set of keyframes over here yeah adjust the angles to be something like this all right guys i'm not going to take much time to perfect this because i'm doing this tutorial to teach you guys what we can do with this google earth studio program and i think by now you guys have a pretty good idea so to conclude the scene i'm not going to do any complex dynamic movements in the camera i'll just go ahead and add a set of keyframes just like this i think that's about it for this scene and you can always select the attributes and right click and you can set this to auto is like this and i guess you can do that for the others as well and to these as well and to these three keyframes as well so that you will still retain the smoothness of the movements of these different attributes alright so just before we export this video we can go ahead and hit this hit the play button once more and now you can see over here on the left side how the camera moves through which part the camera actually moves and you can see that just because we set that camera target to be our to be the neuschwanstein castle you can see that the camera is always facing towards that camera target and it's a pretty nice scene you can see that the scenes are very realistic it's just as if we were to fly a drone around this path and take these amazing shots all right now let's go ahead and talk about the export options we can simply click on this render button in order to export this and i would like to export all of my frames so that's what's set over here and the dimension i'm going to retain the same dimensions which i set at the beginning of the project and one thing to keep in mind is that this google earth watermark it's something that you cannot get rid of because at this stage there is no licensing for this program so no matter which animation that you make you have to always make sure that you retain this watermark but google studio gives you the freedom to select where you would like to have this this watermark so in this case you can see that it's appearing at the bottom right corner of my screen but let's see if you would like to add it to top right you can see that you can place it over there but i think for my case i would like to still return it on the bottom right corner just like how it was before and we have some advanced functionalities over here i'm not going to talk about these advanced functionalities in this particular tutorial especially if you if you're planning to blend this with the capabilities of of a program like adobe premiere pro you can use this 3d tracking data so but for my case i'm not going to use any of that and i'm going to go ahead and select the destination this google earth studio fall is going to be my destination and i'll select that folder and once you're done with everything you can simply hit start in order to begin the rendering i'm going to save the changes now you can see that it's going to take a while for the rendering to happen now it's important to keep this window open throughout the entire rendering process because if you happen to open up another tab over here the rendering will actually get paused so if you want to work on something else you still have to make sure that you keep this particular window open so that the rendering will happen continuously and i'm going to let this run for about as you can see over here about 17 minutes i'll get back to you guys once the rendering is done and after that we'll see what we get as the final product so i'll see you guys once the rendering is done all right guys it seems like we are done with the rendering process and now if you go ahead and open up the fold to which you exported the footage and this is how it would look you can see that we have one fold by the name of our project test and inside that we have another folder called footage and if i open that up you can see that well if you if you expected to see just one single video file that's not how this gets exported instead this gets exported as a collection of different still images you can see that in total there are 1351 items so what you see as the first image over here is our starting scene and if you would like to create a dynamic animation using all of these figures you need to find a way to merge all of these still images together so that it'll look like a smooth video now if you're using sophisticated video editing softwares like adobe premiere pro there are easy ways to do this because you can see that all the images are sequentially numbered starting from the very first scene all the way up to the to the ending scene so we don't have any issue with that but for this tutorial i'm assuming that you guys don't have those uh advanced video editing software like adobe premiere pro or final cut instead what i'm going to make use of is a simple video editor which is which is pre-installed in windows 10 of course you don't have to use the same video editor you can use any video editor of your preference but for this case i'm just going to use that video editor which comes with the windows 10 as you can see over here if i go to my start menu and search for video editor you can see that we have an application like this well this is a very simple video to compare to those complex software like adobe premiere pro so i'm going to create a new video project and i'm going to name this one as schwanstein castle click ok and after that i'm going to add all of those images into my working space so we can click on this add button and i'm going to edit from this pc after that we can navigate to the corresponding folder which is this footage folder and i'm going to select all the for all the images and after that click open and as you can see it might take a while because we are adding i think over 1 300 images as i can recall all right once all the images have loaded into a working space you can see you can click on this place in the storyboard and all of these images will move into this storyboard right over here again yeah it might take a while and one of the most important things that you have to adjust over here is the duration allocated for each image you can see by default it's three seconds before you do that you have to select all the images of the storyboard so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select the first image like this and i'm going to scroll right towards the end and i'm going to hold down my shift button and i'm going to select the final image and when i do that you can see that all the images along the way gets selected and from here you can adjust the duration that you are allocating for each image now you can recall that our initial project was only 45 seconds and if i check back the total number of images that we have over here it's 1 351 items so if i just quickly open up my calculator if i divide 45 by 1351 you can see that one still image roughly should get about 0.03 seconds so you can come over here to the duration and maybe even we can set this to be 0.002 or even 0.01 as well i think that should be all right and it might take a while for the changes to take place and now if you play your video you can see that it still retains that smoothness because one frame is basically getting only about 0.01 seconds and of course you can see that right now there's a bit of stuttering that's because we haven't properly rendered the entire entire video and before you export this if you would like to add something like a background music track you can do that as well in my case as you guys saw at the beginning of this video i have i added one music track and you can click on this custom audio button and add the audio file as well so i'm going to add my audio file each one of the audio files which i downloaded from the from the youtube audio library so from here you can adjust where exactly you would like to get that audio file played so i would like to have that audio file playing for the entire throughout the entire animation so i would like to so i'll just drag this over here and make sure that my audio file covers the entire stretch of the time [Music] and after that you can finish the video simply by clicking on this button and i'm going to select the highest resolution and we can simply go ahead and export so i'm going to save this into this folder and now you can see that the file type is just going to be a video file so it's not going to be a collection of still images anymore so after that i can simply hit export and it it might take a couple of seconds or even couple of minutes depending on the performance of your computer's hardware all right guys once your exporting is done you can see the video file over here and that's basically the video that you saw at the beginning of this tutorial so i'm going to conclude the tutorial and i really hope that you guys learned something new and you can take what you learned today and use it to exercise your own creativity using these amazing capabilities of google earth studio so this tutorial was just a little bit different from the typical tutorials that you would see normally on this channel but i hope that it was still relevant as this platform is built on top of google earth pro which we also discussed a couple of weeks back quite in depth so thanks a lot for watching guys if you do like the tutorial show your support by hitting that like button and do leave a comment if you would like to get something clarified and until i see you guys with the next tutorial take care and stay safe
Channel: GeoDelta Labs
Views: 15,886
Rating: 4.9474835 out of 5
Keywords: google earth studio, google earth studio after effects, google earth studio cinematic, google earth studio tutorial, google earth studio 3d model, google earth, earth studio, geoanimations, google earth studio download, google earth studio route animation, google earth studio premier pro, google earth studio camera target, google earth studio and blender, neuschwanstein castle
Id: 4w89zvjglZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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