Skateboard Street Best Trick: FULL BROADCAST | X Games Minneapolis 2019

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homais who won gold yesterday in our street contest enthroning nyjah huston but this is an event we haven't seen since all three with chad must go on it but let's check out the highlights from yesterday Yuto went ham he showed in he knows his bulb and he took a seasoning but we might see a lot more back to backs possible well Nyjah Huston was on a quest for a fourth straight gold medal and he was denied there you see him Makita knighting the prince there if you will but Nyjah Huston he's in a zone right now he's wearing his Sunday Wimbledon whites so Huston actually was going to leave right he broke wasn't even gonna come I heard he was in the car he looked at his neck he said this is silver nobody runs over right yes drove back said I gotta try to collect gold and now he's here the late add into the contest I love it enough for Matt it's nine athletes who did you see that number of course this late decision you could tell bro we don't usually have nine in a five twenty minute jam session based on an overall impression all the skaters will be attacking that middle section we'll get to that take a sip it's a pro by the way and you might be wondering well who's in this thing do we have the heaviest of hitters yeah and we got Jamie joy too so I mean look at this burger disenzo FOID - ah Jordan Ishod Wair Chris Joslin you - origami Nyjah Huston coming back in the midnight hour to compete this thing to try and win a gold and the local boy Jerris grew up 90 minutes away let's check out this course preview courtesy of Ally [Applause] I'm Alec Medeiros I'm from Rochester Minnesota course is really sick I like it it's kind of similar to the first year they get it here it's got like similar flow it's intricate it's not just back and forth you know there's a lot of lot of different lines you can take and it flows pretty well excuse means a lot to me when I was a kid I remember first time seeing it on TV and like that was right when I started skateboarding it does a lot for the kids here you know to like inspire them and get them psyched on cool things I'm super stoked to be in my home state people 4 minutes are awesome they all get really rowdy you know it gets really loud in here it's really exciting all my family and friends are gonna be here to watch it just makes me want to do good that much better so good to see kids that was shot on an iPhone that was sick so there's a look at our course but again the skaters will be attacking that middle section what to look for first time kids it's contest' excuse me since all three notable former gold medalist Chad Muska Jamie Thomas and Craig McMorris Rick McRae is a previous gold medalist Peppa's in that may believe crackers I mean that's a big-name couple Canadians as you mentioned in the field so I'm excited for this one boys there's a huge name legend right there yeah so again in that you remember that contest right outside Staples Center I do well I do in fact remember to complete this table the stair set bro so classic so and that means something to these guys you talk to about it they all gone up watching that contest eight of the nine skaters out here have X Games medals including four gold medalist this group has a combined 81 X Games appearances at Dean Kobe at 81 points against Toronto and there's two Canadians in the field I just want to say sir I just wanted to say that it's not alike at all right now after they whoop the words 81 bring the raptors to the party here's Alec madera's kicking things off okay okay good kickflip Rooker he came like cut at the bottom of the ledge to sweet Kate flipped all the way this is about his live theater for competitive skateboarding as it gets boys in practice Alec was going gap back one I think maybe flip into the blood back to so but yeah this is a gym these guys are gonna try and get as many in as they can minutes I was just going to mention that Brandon I love the format for this best joke as many as many as many hits as possible yeah that's time so here's this absolute freedom you know still not as organized either golf a kickflip or kids with nose won't bite me I think he was going kickflip nose when I was talking to Ryan right before this event and he kind of wanted to go three foot crook on the opposite side but that ledge is a little too close so he's opted for the kick flip front nose jamie-boy move Gary Rogers earlier this week said you give up five to ten tries he'll win a contest he will well I have a contest for you Jimmy boy its best trick so it's real quick fakie works I was if he gets that US Bank Stadium stand up Jamie Floyd bet he's something special the fact that he's a part of skateboarding we we got a bacon he's pushing the envelope for real like every rail he skates is technique this technicality here's this Shawn Jordan [Music] I've got a wondering what he wants to catch after the Dahlia where he like maybe no skirt I possibly I was even saying he can't really flick those that go this start list and Ishod Wair his name was there that's another one of those guys this is like him free flow at his jab which bros so he kind of sits in that chamber I'm like if you give him enough tries or if you were just like you know let's skate for our will judge it he would win same with this next guy who's got a golden reel Street four medals total in real street yet to find a podium on the contest scene here at axioms push Jocelyn doing the base man over a gap that's vintage Jocelyn for real just just a gap out on something if anybody was gonna do it you know it's Chris Jocelyn and here's the thing this one stuff right because it is best trick but it's also overall impression so Jocelyn's got a trick down now speaking as far as I can fly but just take that you told Cora go make fresh off the gold metal performance here yesterday whoa I in that gold medal run Brandon Utah was really messing with that bump to flat bar that one right in the middle of the blue one so I think he's gonna stick with that strategy here was true yeah that's where he's doing that over the white compression under the white short underneath the white take Nyjah Huston oh so he did come back for a reason the pregame cap flip back lip I just put the pressure on himself yesterday he was the last guy to drop in sit behind you toe he knows so funny who it about nitrogen is I feel like a lot of people think that there's favoritism towards them the dude is incredible you all see that in the comment section the dude is love he is incredible bro like in the streets you respect them and these contests you respect them he's so he's exciting it's like that's just like LeBron planned and everybody's just like world belongs on the court you get excited I think sometimes people confuse dominance for favorites his eye test take a sip I just said bro again but yeah that's exactly that's exactly what's going on and it's not favorited you gotta be then he does a fool can flip back in practice just barely missed the will right he wasn't getting the kickflip knows what in practice he was just going knows what and that's funny you mentioned that because Nyjah wasn't flipping into full cap he was just going full cap so he the best from the rest of the field you did it to the contest I best denies all the time hey fun look at this big play everything got going on I'm saying dudes not a superhero but he's a super skateboarder alright he's not untouchable but he's amazing so it's exciting it was a tough one for Deshawn I think a lot of us expected to Shaun to maybe hit that podium given how well he's been skating yeah had a tough day yesterday literally the last second falling over that board slide yeah the last second just he said his weight kind of turned too much but that is a huge rail it's not like he's going up that one on the opposite side that was a little smaller he's literally going up a full-size head with a good landing at the end too true so a couple respect towards that Nyjah scores though look he's still flying it's not it that's not fair y'all needed to add another 30 stairs for Chris Johnson man it's essentially too small you know what we know because he could get his tacky Becky as he was now let me switch back to hell pig spit out so you see that leaderboard right now Alec holding on to that top spot that may change that's not us that's that don't say BAE it's all that's no change this hog is Pro control and it's not like slippery concrete out here you can't just slide it a rescue so you take over first place here's Nyjah second attempt he wants a chip he wants the chip he's sick of it against over don't look just joining us Nigel was going to leave Minneapolis last night he was gonna dip after Diplo and he wasn't mad he didn't leave cuz I want to keep the hips where he's in the over and he just gets in the airport and goes you know what no he had an obligation and he was like you know what I'm trying to skate and I can respect he literally he said but turn around and Nyjah Huston in first place still early we also know how Nyjah yet we see it in the traditional Street contest events how once he holds on the first place he generally doesn't let Glo does that intimidation factor he's a vice chair here's Berger whoa [Music] again this is just a gold medal event no silver don't yes so he can so I think they heard Gary Roger said nobody raps about silver nobody raps about so I don't know one song call it my silver chain like Trinidad James then come out talk about know everything yeah where is Trinidad by the way here's Jamie Floyd [Music] Jamie poised another guy he mentioned that with Chris Joslin he can get as techy as possible you know no one for a huge huge rails and stuff like that but I mean switch Craig yeah definitely JP I'm just won a one-track mind neither does Chris but Chris is you know Chris is more fun what do you want what he's flying through the air as far as Jamie's having more fun probably if he was skating that double King you know so he can do his tech stuff he'll learn a trick with that mini Tyler but that was a shot in a nutshell he didn't even know he was choppy and I think he's not even sure what he's gonna do right now yeah the shot never does that's B's is he trying to go to switch front like nollie 180 switch front crook flick out I think so that's gonna be it's gonna be oh that's a first place E to me I just still only to the way joseline get the skaters limited to just using the middle features on this course here in best tracker Utah okay okay what that's how I'm feeling so Nyjah Huston back in familiar territory sitting in first place see God bro he goes to noseblunt I'm walking out I'm putting the bike down I'm giving everybody what they want some giving you silence and I'm walking out I like the Jared Sydney dirt my ignorance will be no longer needed after he full cap slid back nose was and people hate on him I gotta interrupt you another quiz that Baba is so close to suicide huh yeah yeah you can't really yeah that's so we consider suicide that's gay boy people Ryan was the first guy on the horse here this morning Jamie forty [Music] that's hard Muraki would continue his action fro I like how he's just flowing in cold blood just so long to bring it back that's my question the contest what about stress watching these contests what we should have been having this skateboard best trick is definitely necessary as you see these guys they're using tricks that they use yesterday but I flipped out he ups and since more time it's like every trick shot had three runs yesterday he's inevitably probably gonna get I don't know ten here today 10 10 to 15 tries it just sees what you can really do right [Music] I hope one day in the near future we could do like you know throughout the entire course but sparse today this middle section they said they say there was enough variety for everybody else but the hub is gone both ways and the gap there's a Ledge in the middle so they were like you know what we could get real techy with this and it's against our price papa really well off that thing in the middle too so Nigel was going home he turned the uber around bro he big turtle he got in to oversee the uber driver got in the backseat and he drove himself back quality but no Alex still has the largest cheering section here at us big saver here's Berger Kenny get this I really want to see the sense I'll get this you see if they're playing the game beside the library for like 10 seconds I was looking like he's not hitting that wheel anymore but like you're gonna see one probably a try or two I feel like that's coming so yeah he's building oh my god he's doing the sweat like that no scar extended this would drop in so you get just grind if industrial page yeah deshaun Georgia Charlotte the same strategy just to get enough speed Wow bro either going to front crook just take another set bro no he's either going to nose grind or maybe front nose slide we both know those are very difficult under 11 minutes to skate with again if you're just joining us this is the best trick contest so you might be watching for the first time going why are all the dudes bailing can we just speak to the difficulty of the tricks that are being the hardest things in their bag of tricks right now I mean every one of these night skaters can't do just about anything on this course now the Google the toughest thing that they can think of yeah because there's only one metal in its gold essentially it's 20 minutes to do the hardest possible thing you can show 20 minutes go Nyjah he's already got one of the hardest tricks now I took currently in first place trying to add another gold medal to his X Games career in search at number 12 by the way Bob Burnquist is our all-time goal that a leader in skateboarding with 14 so here's map merger trying to land the trick Thanks right over the front of that that is so so hard somebody's got to fake something and it's got to get contagious this ends up we haven't seen anything lately so that just goes to show the like these are these are the best dudes retinas not struggling these are our tricks this is the process of skateboarding as it takes a while these are the best dues that our shape would like this isn't what we just found and we put them out here we like it we don't let these dudes represent it these are the top skateboarders in the world here's the shot a silver medal at X Games shock high just a couple of months ago trying to get gold here today everybody knows you go through trying to learn a kickflip out front I'm saying you try it damn 300 times and you can't one and you will excited with that one that's how skateboarding works that's why I say it's that's why I consider it done s word you know up said so the S word is referring to a sport button so that's why it's that's where I considered it not one because it's you know it's repetition repetition repetition and then even maybe won't even like you you skateboard won't like you it doesn't matter if you get past you stepped on a skateboard before in your life or not if you're watching this right now you can relate to the principles of learning something and we're and over and over again everybody whatever anybody likes do you know you have to and that's the best competitive skateboarder in the world right there I can relate to denies his kit right now to be honest all-white center court is Wimbledon you know all eyes out of his show Gary I got to ask you this we talk about repetition all that kind of stuff seven or under eight minutes would you switch would you switch a trick maybe just get and that's what we talked about being relentless that was what is six tribe I wouldn't I wouldn't switch it because it's not a run or a line rate it's your best trick that you want to get you try it over and over because what you get it people are like wow that took him on then you get its crowd hype it's obviously difficult it can help you so that's just like give it up I'm same way yo show everybody how are you Kim it up the skateboard he was focused on submission over and over again it got him into third place here's Jamie boy trying to see if maybe he or the rest of the field can catch that disenzo vibe here with under seven minutes to skate with well speaking of switching to Sean short and switch it up there but you know so funny and I feel like we shouldn't even have the one two three it should just be the name well yeah that's a little misleading because as we said there is no silver bronze in this event Roger Houston currently is that gold medal spot Jocelyn's going yard here we see Chris JA Flynn somewhere to watch him fail that tree as far as I was talking about people that are you know like it takes a lot of truck Chris Joslyn is one of those where it's a little frequent enough yeah I think also fellows like we sometimes fall victim to see video parts you know there's so many kids that watch it go this guy's you don't realize how long it took them to get that one trick for the clip hours and hours and hours days we're in the middle of a 20-minute jam right now and we're expecting video parts yeah you think that kickflip back nose won't put some ahead of you Tom Gary Alex just cuz you Jo's trick was insane and then Ryan just did a kickflip front nose one yeah it might put Ryan out of there because that's a little more difficult than that but then again third place today don't matter no matter you got to go better you got to do the trick better than so if he does like he flew back knows we're pigs but now I think that'll be water but he makes it look good so I just want to see him do it yeah cuz how exotic good kick like those work closing in on the five minute mark here in the skateboard fest trip but as big smells like teen spirit looking so whoa y'all gotta remember he all looking at Jamie for so if he's fail he's doing something very difficult jamie is automatic and all those other tricks what does this shot doing it okay that lazy like so that's where it's just like you know something's going on in this pot because the shot doesn't fail the lazy maybe it's the fact he's coming across he's hitting the bank a little funny [Music] there's Chris chocolate trying to get as much speed as possible we were saying that that's the madness slightly unforgiving it's not gonna give it to you now that trick to me never seen it I think I'm watching eyes you do cool Kip full cat flip a clip a lot that trick should take it or less against that seems to be the one trick in your mind listen it's gonna be some time those words yeah that's hard so back to the top of the order Alec Medeiros the Minnesota boy I really enjoy how there's no best in skateboarding right there's literally just good day a bad day that's it well case in point I think everybody expected Nyjah Huston to claim another gold medal yesterday yeah then he skated well but it wasn't as good as you took there's no best like blue kids we like who's the best oh here is no best in skateboarding I saw hers on yeah who's ever is having that day yes that's what makes it so exciting I mean nice she's been having a lot of good who was the star it was just the star system on SpongeBob when he had who had all the stars in class yeah then if Patrick came through he got one so draaga autumn stars yeah I gotta grow up too old for this it's all good shout out spongebob bro door closing two-minute warning you can see the pace pick it up a little bit amongst the skaters trying to get as many attempts and as they can before the jam ends can anyone catch Nyjah this trick might be able to do it the tooth the Cuban warning maybe he pulled around out of all reason don't yell at the boy why least you hit it yeah that's like steps in the backswing man so everyone should get one more attempt here under two minutes to skate without Majoris you know what that usually gets into that trick at least gets into it more so there's something really going on like maybe it's like we were saying with the submit you can't it's angle it's got me to angle him in the center using it for that side and there's source Coast yeah they're not able to scoop [Music] again I just cannot stress enough how nearly impossible each of these tricks these guys attempting are out here today like I say it go outside try these you got try it on your favorite ledge at your favorite Park but think you're used to wanting it get it so here's Chris Joslin sitting in fit but we're only giving away one metal and it's gold one thing to note them didn't go over the hubba right like the other ones trash is good that was good for the crowd but as far as Chris is so good yeah you should have went over the hub I feel like I would've gave it more of a bump but I was still done and it's a very difficult trip oh yeah you told drop it just Tarlov oh come on so the clock is but I believe each of the skaters will get one more attempt after this so fast I seen a skateboard will get bonus skateboarding everyone wins Nyjah Huston our current leader [Applause] it's just we gotta get off him can we start we should start nice bashing now it's not supposed to like whoever is really good just stop stop now not just you were in first place bro bread go don't don't have his head up Brenda don't do it we'll just act like he didn't pull cat-back knows what well just just not can he put his name above his name is that possible yes it is possible but he's at one so he's good twelve hours ago magic Houston was at the Minneapolis Airport but that trick is scandalous Biggs me back down without actually I might I might give you first these book this get Wow look at that it can't lead a spit out can I tell you my favorite thing about that the district contrast toes stay on now there's a winner but everybody just gets so emotionally behind somebody that's trying something and trying something you don't give up true true true and birds your jumps up into third so night is still leading the way this is disenzo last chance I've never basement back till two or four and those ones so I don't I know both of those are not fair it would be fair for you to comment on is what definitely the arcane is jamie-boy everybody at US Bank Stadium wants him to Landis that was as close as he's been oh no the laser he was absolutely flying Gary as the same as I say he didn't get that that's why he too got lemon the Shawn went quick the shot went quick all right so it's our final three skaters Jocelyn's landed two tricks already this is his last chance so there's one guy that can beat Nyjah just like yesterday he was able to do it can he do it here today in best trick in win his second gold medal here at X Games Minneapolis 2019 [Music] now some thoughts how so and coming back to be a late addition in this contest proved to be the right decision for Nyjah Huston this is a victory attempt already the win and Nyjah Huston is insured his 12th career X Games gold Wow all he has to do is give that overdrive his car back he dropped the driver off and I tried to tell you and he did his silent too so let's look at some highlights we begin with got returned place Matt Berger gotta bring that back way and then you talk all day who let this thing early but it was the king of the streets Nyjah Huston getting gold [Music] after a silver medal yesterday they put it on him he was like what's this familiar terra-tory familiar metal and looks like the bed he Cuba's who's performing later tonight putting that thing around it what'd you say to came to the streets naked I smack what are you talking about now you got it every year when he drops apart that now you get it for sure [Music] Nigel there's rumors you're on your way to the airport moments ago made it to the airport actually yesterday were you checked in no no I I just took the same mover back and had a little moment of realization I needed this gold and it looks good on you sixteen years since the last time we ran this street this best trick of it how do you like it I like it I like it I mean I feel like I feel like uh Street skaters always deserved another event out here some pumps awesome thanks for the time Nyjah congratulations back to you guys we weren't lying Nyjah Huston was in the uber to the airport after the silver battle up front and just had a change of heart and said I gotta get back and he did and we were all better for it because he was a part of some world-class skateboarding out here today Gary final thoughts bring back best trip well we did congratulations to all of our competitors and Nyjah Huston claiming his 12th X Games Greg McMorris and Gary Rogers I'm Brandon Graham say it thank you so much for watching the big skateboard best trick leotard you [Music] you
Channel: X Games
Views: 1,151,880
Rating: 4.7037668 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, Skateboard Best Trick, best trick contest, X Games Minneapolis, X Games Minneapolis 2019, XG MN, skate contest, full broadcast, skateboard contest, skateboarding, x games skateboarding, replay live event, Matt Berger, Ryan Decenzo, Jamie Foy, Yuto Horigome, Dashawn Jordan, Chris Joslin, Alec Majerus, Ishod Wair, skateboard best trick, x games best trick, x games minneapolis best trick, Nyjah Huston, Skateboard Street Best Trick
Id: tv420RAqeKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 24sec (2064 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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